Alternate Universe "Escorts"
Beta-ed by some excellent people - Dail, Kim, and WolfandBoarfics - and co-conceived by Charlotte C. Hill.
Notes: There are several different versions of the Escorts AU; this story is set in the version conceived by Charlotte and Stan Lee, where Chris and Buck are together. This story is set soon after Vin, the fifth member of the house, moves in (Raven wrote the stories where JD, number 7, was brought in, and they are housed on DnF). In this version, the house is a converted brownstone apartment building.
The first time they'd had sex had been warm and sweet; Chris liked all of them to know each other, and while he'd never require them to fuck around, never force anyone to do anything they didn't want to, it did make it easier if they were all familiar, at least in the most general physical sense.Fucking Vin was no hardship; he was as easy with his body as Buck, sensual and responsive and willing to do a lot. The thing that surprised him wasn't that he wanted to that first time, but that even before it got to that, he was already thinking about doing it again.
The first time was about a month after Vin had joined them, a warm early-spring day. Josiah had been outside working on his rock garden, a project that was more for his own peace of mind than anything else. He still wasn't living full-time here at the house, but Chris was encouraging it, trying to convince him to give up the teaching, even if it was part-time now. To that end, Chris had given him cart blanche to do whatever he wanted in the large back yard that came with the huge building they occupied.
Nathan, damn him, had just grinned his extra-bright smile and shaken his head, asking if Josiah was going to need help hauling all those rocks.
Vin, though, had been the one in the drive when Josiah had returned from the nursery with the bags of loose rock and the paving stones and the large, smooth border stones. He'd just come back from a run, already sweaty and shiny, his long hair pulled back but still tangled; he lifted the heavy bags with a little effort, but not enough to strain. He was, Josiah noted not for the first time, in good shape but not overly-burdened with his commitment to the gym. All male, but not too much so.
They had worked through the morning, and he'd been happy to have the help. Vin was intuitive, figuring out what Josiah was going for without having to be told, but he did stop from time to time to make sure. Canny, and not too egotistical.
It was an appealing combination in a man as young as he looked, as young as he physically was.
But Josiah had already figured out that his helper was far older in experience than showed in his appearance.
They worked steadily for several hours, the day growing hotter, the two of them sweating more as the sun beat down, and eventually, Vin swiped the sweat from his forehead. "Want some water? I'm going to head in for a minute, cool off."
Josiah wiped at his own face, looking up into the bright sky. "Think you're right, time for a break." He took up the tools, two rakes and a shovel, and carried them to the small storage shed in the corner of the lot, then went inside to find Vin propped against the counter, his eyes closed as he chugged down water.
He had a long throat, one of his best features, and his adams apple bobbed rhythmically as he swallowed. Every now and then, he'd slow the flow of water by sticking the tip of his tongue into the mouth of the clear bottle, just a little triangle of pink, curled slightly on the sides.
Josiah wasn't aware he was staring until the movement stopped and he realized Vin was looking at him, slowly lowering the almost empty water bottle.
"You okay?" the younger man said, and the sound of his voice, low and throaty, and raspy, went straight to Josiah's groin.
It was odd, in its way; for the most part, Josiah had always been attracted to women. He could fuck a man, sometimes, in his particular line of work, he did. But usually, the thing that got him going was feminine - the swell of a breast, curve of a hip, smell of a soft musk.
Right now, his damp shirt sticking to his chest, one flat, brown nipple showing through a large rip in the worn fabric, and smelling like he needed a long shower, Vin was unquestionably male.
"Josiah?" he asked, his eyebrows arching into his broad forehead.
It was the concern that got his attention, or, rather, focused it away from his dick. "Yeah," he answered, taking a deep breath. "Sorry, I just . . ."
Vin tilted his head just a little, and then his supple lips quirked at the corners. "Didn't think I was your type."
Josiah blinked, considering the words; last week, he and Vin had been in the common room, both just back from dates and on their way to bed. Josiah's date had left him with an obvious need of his own, and when Vin had volunteered to take care of the problem for him, Josiah had worried about Vin' motivations. Vin was trying just a little too hard to fit in, and he didn't want the offer to stem from the wrong reasons. At that time, he'd given his standard answer that while he appreciated the offer, his type ran more toward the opposite gender.
He'd forgotten until later that the week Vin had moved in, he'd been witness to a similar moment, only Buck had been there, and Buck had never taken Josiah's 'not my type' answer. His hand had been in Josiah's pants so fast that Josiah hadn't been aware Vin had walked into the room until he was cleaning his own come off of himself, and Buck was offering to let Vin lick it off his fingers - and Vin was staring at Josiah's groin with a sort of shock.
He had thought then that Vin might have gotten the wrong impression, thinking that those sorts of encounters were expected for them all. Now, the same concerns gave him pause, but he answered, honestly, "Didn't think you were either. But some things aren't meant to be for the mind to consider."
The quirk blossomed into a grin, white teeth flashing quickly. He set the water bottle on the counter top with one hand while the other reached unerringly for Josiah's crotch.
He wasn't completely hard yet, it took a little longer these days, but what was there was enough for those pretty blue eyes to go a little wider. On any other whore, Josiah would have thought it to be a practiced response, a little touch of flattery. But Vin wasn't given to artifice, in any sense of the word. He could play the game, and he could lie when he had to, but it wasn't natural to him the way it was to most of them.
His fingers were strong and skilled, drawing Josiah quickly to fullness, but as Vin flexed, ready to drop to his knees, Joisah caught him with a hand around each bicep. "You want this, Vin?" he asked, searching the other man's face.
Vin blinked. "Thought I made that clear last week."
Josiah shook his head. "You don't have to do this, there's no expectation of you in this regard. You only sleep with one of us because you want to, not because you think you have to or that you should."
Vin smiled then, relaxing. "I'm pretty much clear on the first rule of the house. And I can be stubborn in my own right. I ain't gonna do something I don't want to." He shifted his weight so that his lips brushed over Josiah's. "I want to do you. Been wanting to, ever since I saw you, how - well, how big you are."
The idea was flattering, more so because he knew that Vin's attraction had nothing to do with Josiah's professional role. Vin was in no way drawn to the darker side of the business, and as with many people, he'd been wary of Josiah at first.
"Why?" Josiah asked, loosening his hold to let his hands slowly caress Vin's arms. "I can't imagine what I could offer that you don't get with Buck and Chris."
Vin grinned at that, his eyes lighting a little, and Josiah felt an uncommon twinge of jealousy.
"Get something different from all my friends," Vin answered. "Might sound kinda odd, but I find peace with you, Josiah, and calm, I guess. Something about talking to you makes me think about things different and I like that. Like that you don't talk to me like I'm stupid just 'cause I don't have the same learning you and a lot of others got."
The idea was not one he had considered in great depth, that Vin would enjoy their talks as much as he did. "You're far from stupid," Josiah murmured. "And I'm glad you like talking to me. I like talking to you, too."
Vin kissed him again, then whispered playfully, "Think we can fuck now?"
It was crude, and intentionally so, making Josiah laugh.
"My room," he answered, grinning as he looked into playful and lustful eyes.
Vin hesitated then, straightening his back and his mood changed. "I'll suck you, Josiah, give you one of the best blows you ever had. I'll let you fuck me too, maybe even beg you if what I been feeling 'tween your legs is real. But I don't go in for being tied up or hit or nothing like that."
The assumption, so instant and commonplace, annoyed Josiah. But then, Vin was new to this aspect of the lifestyle, and Josiah had gathered already that somewhere in his past, he'd been on the wrong side of someone's hand and, like so many of the uneducated in this matter, he assumed that all pain was as he had suffered already.
"I wasn't offering that," he said quietly, releasing his hold. "I was merely suggesting a softer surface and perhaps the opportunity for you to enjoy it as well."
He tried to step away, but Vin's fingers still held his dick, and instead of letting go at his words, they tightened.
"I'm sorry," Vin said quickly. "I didn't mean nothing. I just . . ." He swallowed then, and Josiah sighed.
"I'd never hurt you, Vin. Not everything I do is about that. You don't always have sex by letting others fuck you, do you?"
Vin blinked, his eyes clearing. "Reckon it'd be pretty boring, huh."
Josiah smiled, shifting a little as demand from his groin grew a bit more. "Something like that."
"Could go back to my room," Vin murmured. "Take a shower."
Josiah took a deep breath, letting the slow stroking of those fingers distract him for a few seconds. "Could," he agreed. "But I'd be just as happy laying you back in some pillows and -"
"Fucking me?" Vin asked with a slight chuckle. He gripped a little harder and despite himself, Josiah moaned. "Well, guess it's good for you that my last date was with a lady who weren't interested in nothing but my dick."
"Wouldn't want to make it boring for you," Josiah grinned. He stepped in closer then, his arms slowly going around the other man.
Vin wasn't small, but he wasn't large either, especially compared to Josiah himself. It was hardly a stretch for him to enfold the other man, pulling his hard body in close so that he could nuzzle against the long neck he had been staring at earlier.
Vin's hair was lank, most of it still caught in the tie he had used to pull it back, but strands of it clung to the sticky skin of his neck and shoulders. It tickled at Josiah's nose and smelled faintly of coconut and sunshine and Vin himself. He tasted salty and musky and earthy, and his skin was smooth.
Josiah's hands had their own plan, traveling over the sleek planes of Vin's back and down to the gentle swell of his ass. All the while, one of Vin's hands stroked and fondled him, familiarizing itself with the size and weight, while the other hand rose to catch at Josiah's shoulder, drawing him closer.
Josiah's fingers curved over the hard muscles under the soft cotton of the sweatpants Vin was wearing. Vin had one of the most perfect asses Josiah had ever seen, second only to Chris Larabee's in terms of size and curve and firmness. Touching it, squeezing it, was a sensual delight in itself, and the tiny little doubts he was having receded as Vin pushed against his hands.
"God," Vin moaned, grinding his hips. "You say something 'bout a bed?"
Josiah pulled back just enough to meet his eyes, surprised to find the blue almost completely replaced by the full dilation of his pupils. He grinned, delighted with the speed of youth. "Love to get you on one," he answered, ducking in to touch his lips to Vin's.
He'd already surmised that Vin had an oral fixation; there was almost always something in his mouth, gum, or hard candy or even, as had been the case this morning, grass or something that he could roll around between his teeth and lips.
But what he had expected to be a quick, almost chaste touch of mouths became an erotic dance that almost had him coming in his pants, something he hadn't done in years. Vin tongue was deadly, getting into his mouth and halfway down his throat with ease and skill, but what was even more seductive was the way it drew back afterward, leading Josiah into Vin's mouth. There, Josiah's tongue was given attention that mirrored what was going on with his dick, strong suction that bordered on being too much, just like the grip on his shaft. He was vaguely aware of sound, vaguely aware of the vibrations as he and Vin both moaned and groaned in appreciation. Any concerns he might have entertained about this were long gone.
"You boys are going to scare the hired help," a voice said from close by.
Vin jerked in the circle of Josiah's arms, but Josiah held him still, even as he drew back to look past him. Buck leaned in the kitchen doorway, his arms crossed over his chest, grinning.
"Mighty nice watching you two," he said, his voice throaty. "Mind if I come along?"
Vin's tension had eased a little when he recognized Buck's voice, but his hands fell away from Josiah and he made a little push, trying to get free.
Josiah released him immediately, stepping back and glancing at him; Vin was flushed and panting slightly, his eyes still dilated but wide with a sort of confusion and perhaps embarrassment.
Without a thought, Josiah lifted his hand to Vin's shoulder, reassuringly. "Maybe next time, Buck. Right now, I'd like to get to know Vin on my own, if that's all right with him."
Several emotions darted over Vin's face, but the one that Josiah most easily recognized was relief. It was gone quickly, but it had been there, and Josiah realized that for all his experience and easy-going ways, Vin was still a little shy about all this. Or maybe a little overwhelmed.
He caught Buck's gaze over Vin's shoulder, saw the curiosity on the other man's face, but no irritation at the rejection.
"That all right with you, Buck?" Vin asked, his eyes on Josiah.
Buck moved off the door frame, stepping into the room, and Vin turned around to face him. Josiah let his hand slide away, noticing the stiffness in his posture. Still new enough to be a little uncertain, Josiah thought, unsure of the politics of living here.
Josiah wondered how Buck would play it, but he needn't have worried. Of the lot of them, Buck was the most intuitive to the feelings of others, even more so than Josiah himself. Buck walked right up to Vin, his hands falling to the shorter man's shoulders as he leaned in and kissed Vin quickly on the lips. "You can say no, Vin, that's one of the first rules of the business and of this house - and they are two different things. You don't want a client, you say 'no', no explanation required, no offense taken. Same thing in here. No offense taken." He grinned. "You two run along and get to know each other better. Maybe I'll catch the next show."
Vin's posture relaxed and Josiah imagined the smile on his face. "Most likely," Vin agreed, and he rolled up onto his toes, kissing Buck.
This one was more than a quick kiss on the lips, Buck's eyes closing in appreciation as Vin's mouth opened for him as easily as it had for Josiah. Truly, an oral fixation, the thought of which had Josiah's erection back at full want. Especially when Vin started sucking on Buck's tongue, his cheeks hollowed out, his jaw moving slow and deliberate.
Without a thought, he caught Vin's waist, pulling himself snug up against his back, Josiah's cock twitching as it fit into the cleft of Vin's ass.
Vin moaned at the contact, and then Buck did, and Josiah found himself laughing at the thought of the porn in this.
At the sound, Buck pulled back, albeit with reluctance. His eyes were heavy, his lips swollen, and damned but if he didn't look a little dazed. "Damn, Vin," he panted.
"Yeah," Vin agreed, but he relaxed back against Josiah, pushing particularly hard against his groin.
"If we don't move right now," Josiah murmured against the side of Vin's head as he ground against the other man, "I am going to fuck you on the counter and Buck can watch and join in."
Vin chuckled, but he let his hands cover Josiah's where they still rested at his waist, then pushed them a little lower to cover his hipbones. Vin was slender enough that the tips of Josiah's fingers brushed against the younger man's erection, a nice sensation.
One that Vin didn't seem to mind either, not if the way he wiggled against Josiah was any indication.
Buck laughed. "Don't mind the show, but either do it or get out of here. Don't know that I can stand much more of this in-between."
Josiah agreed, but he wanted to let Vin make this decision. With no hesitation, Vin pushed himself forward, his hands still holding on to Josiah's.
"Have fun!" Buck called after them, laughing.
He expected them to head to Vin's room, but as they cleared the top of the stairs, Vin paused and looked back. With Josiah on the stop below him, they were almost eye level.
"Reckon it's 'bout the same difference from here to either of our rooms." His voice was neutral, but Josiah heard the question in it.
In the course of getting this far, he had released Vin's hands, choosing to touch what he could as they moved. Now, he lifted one hand to cup Vin's jaw. "It's your choice, Vin. Always will be."
Vin was watching him, his eyes deep and searching and they eventually found what they were looking for. With a nod and that quirk of his lips, he said, "My room ain't fit for company at the moment. Your bed all neat and tidy?"
"Why don't we go look and you can decide then?"
Vin led, but as they drew close, he drew Josiah forward. Polite, and conscious of personal space, privacy. It was a quality Josiah liked in most people and one that he didn't find nearly as often as he'd have expected. Vin stopped completely when they arrived at the door, waiting.
Josiah reached for the knob, turning it and opening the door, then looked at the other man. "After you."
Vin nodded, stepping through the door, and Josiah followed.
Over the years, he had learned that people who knew him in this world, his alternate life as a sex therapist, were always surprised to find that this life wasn't one he lived every day. He'd learned to watch them when he allowed them to enter his world, mostly for the amusement of their reactions. Vin was no different.
The apartment, like most of the ones here, was relatively small, a bedroom, bath, and a large room with a corner kitchenette area. Josiah had chosen it because it was at one corner of the building, giving him a few more windows in both the bedroom and the big room. Right now, they were all open, the sun streaming in almost blindingly.
The décor was spare but comfortable, a large couch and matching chair, a large-screen television, a reading lamp, a coffee table, and a side table. All of the walls held bookcases, most laden with books, some not full as he wasn't living here exclusively.
The color was mostly cream, the walls and the furniture in varying shades of it, the hardwood floor covered with throw rugs, the accents in wood and brown tones. Very neutral, very sedate.
Not one implement of pain or bondage in evidence, because this was, after all, his home. The bedroom was even more boring.
Vin looked around, his eyes widening. "You read all these books?" he asked, his tone awed. He moved to the nearest bookcase, looking at the titles, touching them lightly.
Reverently, almost.
Josiah smiled. "Most of them. I spend a lot of time reading, for my profession."
Vin turned to look at him, but before he could ask, Josiah continued, "This isn't what I do, Vin, or rather, it's not all that I do. I've been studying human psychology since I was in college, probably earlier than that. Sexuality is a large component of that, and one of the most under-studied. We have too many cultural taboos to approach it with the respect and time it deserves, given how much it dominates our lives."
Vin swallowed, looking back at the books. "This ain't all psychology stuff, though." He pointed to the nearest case. "That all looks like books on religion."
Josiah shrugged. "Most of the books in here are. That's also a large component of the human psyche and of sexuality. In many ways, we're as compelled sexually by religion as we are constrained by it."
Vin snorted, shaking his head. "Sex is sex, don't need all this deep thinking, not for me anyway."
But he reached out once more and touched one of the books, Campbell's The Power of Myth.
Josiah moved in close, but slowly, giving Vin time to stop him if he wanted. "You're welcome to borrow that, if you want. It's an excellent choice."
Vin jerked back as if he'd been burned, turning his back on the bookcase. "Ain't here to talk," he said, and even though he smiled that seductive little smile he had, Josiah saw the edge of anxiety behind it.
"No," he agreed, reaching out to curve his palm along the strong line of Vin's jaw. "Not right now, anyway."
They were kissing again, the intensity almost instant, grinding against each other, then Josiah's hands were sliding up under Vin's shirt, touching warm, bare skin. Vin returned the favor, the roughness of his callused fingertips almost tickling. It didn't take much to get both of them back to the point of panting and wanting more, especially with Vin's mouth working on its own.
"Bedroom?" he managed to say when Vin paused for breath.
"What the hell," the other man agreed, grinning.
Fortunately it was a short walk, about ten steps, and he was rubbing against Vin's ass the whole way.
Vin paused in the doorway, Josiah against him, his hands up under Vin's shirt to play with his nipples. He stopped though, still, as he waited for Vin to take stock of the bedroom.
"Ain't what I expected," he said after a few seconds. "You sure you're into that kinky stuff? Wouldn't know it from this place."
It took a little effort, but he drew his hands off the other man and stepped back, his head clearing just a little with the distance. He waited until Vin looked back at him, waited until Vin actually turned to face him, then said quietly, "I don't spend all of my time here, not yet. But it is still somewhere that I live, a refuge, a place to be comfortable and secure. The people I bring into my home are not my clients, they are my friends."
Vin tilted his head to one side, thinking. "You saying you don't ever do that other stuff for fun?"
'That other stuff'. Vin did have a few issues with pain, Josiah realized. But that was a thought for later. "If my partner, my friend, has an interest in it, then yes, I would. But most of my friends don't, not at the start, anyway." He pointed past Vin toward one of the wardrobe cabinets in the far corner. "I have some of my 'other stuff', as you say, here, of course, in there. But I don't have chains hanging from the ceiling or whips decorating the walls or any of that sort of thing. I might work in a dungeon, but I don't want to live in one."
He moved past Vin, walking to the wide open window and looking out. The day had gotten even more beautiful, a breeze picking up that blew at the sheer panels he used as curtains, wafting them slightly. He looked over one shoulder at Vin and lifted a hand, requesting his presence.
Vin walked the short way over, joining Josiah at the window. In the light his eyes seemed to sparkle. "We all have enough darkness inside us," Josiah said quietly staring out into the day. "My goal when I work is to get into that darkness in people and help them understand it, so that it doesn't control them. But I prefer to live in the light, Vin."
Vin grinned crookedly, but he took a deep breath, closing his eyes. The air smelled of spring, wildflowers and grass and the faint edge of a northern cold front. Moving only his arms, Vin caught the ends of his shirt and drew it off over his head. As he dropped it to the floor, he opened his eyes slowly, stretched in the heat, then looked over at Josiah. "I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings again," he said quietly, and sincerely.
Josiah grinned at him, reaching out to catch the hair tie and pulling it off to drop onto the shirt. He moved in close, his fingers tangling in the long strands as he caught Vin's head and drew him in for another kiss. "You didn't hurt my feelings. And I won't hurt any part of you unless you want me to."
"Ain't likely to happen," Vin said as he toed off his shoes, then efficiently caught the waistband of his sweats, drawing it past the width of his hips.
Standing naked in the sun, hair hanging long and tangled past his shoulders, erection damp and shiny, he was as beautiful as any woman Josiah had ever bedded.
He wasn't aware that he was staring until Vin shifted a little, tilting his head. "Maybe I should be asking you if you're sure about this," he said, smiling, but there was an edge in his voice.
Josiah swallowed, pulling off his own shirt and tossing it aside. "Getting more sure by the second," he said, finding it almost impossible to look away.
It was curious, he thought distractedly; he'd seen Vin in various states of undress before, most often when he was going at it with Buck and Chris either in the common room or sometimes even in one of their rooms. There was very little shyness here, and they all abided by the premise that if a door was open, walk right in.
But seeing him now was mesmerizing, so much so that he wasn't able to even get his shoes off. He lifted one foot, jerking at the tie and cursing, almost losing his balance, until Vin laughed. He looked back at the other man in time to see Vin going to his knees before him.
Getting the shoes off took no time at all, not that Josiah was any help. The sight of Vin on his knees, looking up at him as he set the last one aside, took up every thought he had.
It left him no ability to formulate words as Vin tugged open the button on his jeans, then the zipper, barely able to keep from coming as those sure fingers touched his cock, drawing it from the folds of cloth.
"Don't -" he managed to hiss out, but it was too late; Vin's lips were already sliding over the purple head, the tip of his tongue, the little pink triangle that had started this whole mess, teasing at the slit.
He thought of ice and snow and Hannah and sumo wrestlers - any and every thing that would stop his body's untimely climax. 'Control,' he heard in his father's voice, 'control your mind and your body will follow.'
He often wondered if it was the words or his father's voice in his head that always made that thought the successful one. Whatever the case, he managed to forestall the inevitable, long enough to open his eyes and look down.
His erection was disappearing slowly into Vin's mouth, his cheeks hollowed out as they had been in the kitchen, his eyes closed in concentration. It was a sight Josiah froze in his head, wanting to revisit it often.
But if he didn't stop it now, this was going to be over long before he had the image of his cock disappearing anywhere else in Vin's body to add to it.
He curled one hand under Vin's jaw, reluctantly pulling him back and away. Vin's eyes opened, and he frowned, but he did as he was told, licking his lips as soon as his mouth was empty.
"If you want me to fuck you, get on the bed now," Josiah said, the words rumbling in his chest. "I can't hold on much longer."
Vin grinned, but didn't argue, rising gracefully to his feet. He stopped though, his hands sliding into Josiah's jeans to tug them down, and Josiah took the opportunity to touch Vin's cock. Like Vin, it was long and slender, the head fitting snugly in his palm.
Vin's breath caught and he pushed into the contact. The motion gave more force to Vin's hands so that Josiah's jeans pushed farther down, past his hips but catching on his thighs.
"Oh god," Vin moaned, and Josiah stroked him harder, fascinated by the sudden power he had over the other man. The younger man.
Vin grabbed at his shoulders, clinging to him, and they were kissing again. The taste of himself in Vin's mouth was almost as erotic as the sight of it had actually been, and it was hard to draw himself away.
Vin was the one this time, his hands clutching at Josiah's shoulders. "You got any - "
"Drawer by the bed," Josiah answered, his voice rough, and he hoped he was right; it had been a long while since he had moved the table in here, and he'd never had need of those things here, in this room. He'd never had anyone in this bed.
That thought, that Vin would be the first here, was a little disconcerting.
"Gotta let me go," Vin moaned even as his pushed himself into Josiah's hand. "Or I'm gonna be the one ending this."
Josiah released him reluctantly, then found himself licking his fingers, liking the taste of them. Liking the way Vin was watching him, his eyes flaring with desire. Musky and earthy, sweat and sex and man, and Josiah wanted nothing more than to possess him.
"How you want me?" Vin asked, his voice as deep and rough as Josiah's had been. He was moving toward the bed, fumbling for the drawer on the bedside table, but his gaze kept coming back to Josiah.
"How ever you want," Josiah answered, pushing at his pants to get them off. But that was wrong, he thought, stepping out of the pool of denim. He paused, watching, as Vin pulled the box of condoms from the drawer, then dug until he found the tube of lube. He wanted Vin on his back, wanted to stare into those wide eyes as he as took him, wanted to kiss him as he came. As they came.
It was odd and in its ways discomforting. Not just that he wanted this with another male, but that he wanted it at all. It wasn't the sex, or, rather, just the sex, it was the closeness. It had been a long time since he had felt the need for it, the want of it.
" 'Siah?" The sound was a whisper, and he found Vin watching him, the younger man's face lined in a frown. Concern, curiosity, and a little anxiety wove through the expression, and Josiah shook himself. This was hardly the time for those sorts of thoughts, not with that wickedly seductive body standing at his bed, one knee already on it, ass curving in invitation.
"On your back," he said, his erection slapping against his belly as he moved forward.
Vin's eyes moved down his body, and his nostrils flared as his attention caught a Josiah's crotch. One of his hands tugged unconsciously at his own erection as he stared, and Josiah grinned.
"Don't know if I can take it all," Vin said, more to himself than to Josiah. His hand was reaching for it as Josiah came closer; he caught Vin's wrist, guiding the hand up so the he could kiss the rough knuckles before saying, "You don't have to. We can do something else if you want."
Vin was still staring, until Josiah actually caught his chin and drew his attention up. He blinked, then grinned. "Said I want you to fuck me, and I ain't changing my mind. Just warning you that you might have to take it slow. Been a while since I had something that big inside me that was attached to somebody."
The image was sudden and striking, Vin laid out on his back, legs spread wide, fucking himself with a dildo. The idea of it spread a new level of heat through him, one that must have shown because Vin chuckled. "Let you watch next time, if you want," Vin said, his voice a rasp. "Right now, though -"
Josiah caught him in a kiss, shutting him up and pulling him down to the bed at the same time.
It was all hurry then, with him barely taking the time to appreciate the beauty of Vin resting in the pillows, one leg bent at the knee, his hair spread darkly over the pale bedclothes, his hand still playing with himself as he panted, impatient. Josiah was too busy trying to get the condom on without coming, his cock almost painful in its need.
The tube of lubricant was almost empty and he worried that there wouldn't be enough; he'd have to get a new one before next time - next time? Was he thinking about doing this again already, when he hadn't even done it a first time?
He turned to look down at Vin, found him watching, his eyes heavy-lidded and seductive. "You're getting close to makin' me beg," he said, his accent thick and sexy. He opened his legs and canted his hips upward, the invitation as blatant as anything Josiah had ever seen.
Josiah reached between them, slipping one finger into the deep cleft behind Vin's balls and tracing back until he found the small entrance.
His finger eased in with little resistance, Vin wanting this. A second finger joined the first, and Vin squirmed a little but mostly to get a better angle. He was hot and tight and more than willing, his hips curving up as his hands pulled at Josiah's shoulders.
"Ain't a virgin," he breathed, pushing against Josiah's hand. "Don't need all this - "
"Hush, boy," Josiah interrupted, leaning in for a kiss, but Vin stopped him then, his body going still.
When Josiah met his eyes, he said, "Ain't no boy, Josiah. I reckon a lot of your clients might be, or might want to be, but I ain't got no issues like that, least none that I want to work out in bed or with you."
He hadn't thought at all when the word came out of his mouth, but he needed to. He didn't want to be Vin's daddy any more than he wanted Vin to be a boy in his bed.
"Hush up, then," he said but he smiled, stretching forward to kiss Vin.
"Fuck me," Vin said against his lips, "Or lay down and let me fuck myself on you."
That thought was tempting, but he wanted to keep the control. He added a third finger, watched Vin thrill with the stretch. It'd been a long time since he'd been with a man who heated up this fast, with a woman either. He'd seen Buck heat this fast, but only for Chris. It was a thought he didn't want to consider at the moment.
"Now, dammit," Vin whimpered, his hands pulling at Josiah. "Gonna hurt something if you don't put it in me."
Damned pushy bottom, he thought, but again caught himself; he couldn't think that way, either. Instead, he flexed his fingers, widening them as much as he could in the confines of Vin's body, and the other man moaned, long and low.
"Fill me up," Vin begged now, "come on, put it in."
Hard to resist the look on his face or the sound of his voice, and Josiah surrendered. Shifting, he positioned himself, pausing as the tip of his cock nudged against the entrance. "You let me know if I hurt you," he ordered, tempering the tone of command in it more than he usually would.
"It won't," Vin urged, his body trembling with the effort of not moving. As Josiah hesitated, he swore, "Dammit, all right, I will, but you're hurting me now - "
Josiah pushed, just a little, and Vin's complaint turned into a soft cry of want.
He was tight. Josiah was used to that, almost everyone he penetrated was tight for him. Over the years, he had learned to be patient, to allow his partners time to adjust to his girth, and he planned the same with Vin.
But Vin was, indeed, demanding from the bottom, curling his legs around Josiah's back and pulling his pelvis up, so that Josiah was in deeper than he expected faster, and oh so lost in the feel of it.
After that, it was sensation and instinct. At some point, Vin's body did resist them, needing a slower pace that Vin himself seemed to resent. He did acquiesce though, his hands moving over Josiah's back and ass, kneading and pulling, and his mouth - his mouth was everywhere, licking and sucking and biting and doing things that made it hard to keep his control.
Vin's erection burned hot between them, sticky and poking into Josiah's belly, but until he was fully seated, and certain that Vin could do this without pain, Josiah refused to move his hands from their point of leverage on the bed.
It was a struggle though, as Vin was like a wild thing, pulling and pushing and desperate for more; it was intimidating in a way, but Josiah was accustomed to enforcing his will, and patience was the biggest part.
It took several long, slow thrusts to get there, Vin's body willing but unable to accommodate as willingly as his mind wanted. Josiah watched him intently, seeing the signs of strain in the way Vin's body moved under his, the crinkling at the corners of his eyes and lips when the pain started to outweigh the pleasure. He stopped, waited a second, then drew back enough to ease the hurt before pushing forward.
When he was as deep as he could go, his balls brushing the cool, smooth skin of Vin's ass, he allowed himself to appreciate it. Vin was wrapped around him, arms and legs holding tight. Not that it was necessary; Josiah had no intention of pulling out now, not until this was done.
Hot and tight around him, almost too much of both, and he had to move. He drew back, sinking back in, and Vin squirmed under him. He tried to catch the other man's eyes, but Vin was moving again, his lips on one of Josiah's nipples.
Vin wasn't hurting, Josiah decided, even though his ability to reason was fast leaving him. He thrust again, going just the slightest bit deeper, and Vin whimpered, but his teeth were scraping over Josiah's chest, not biting but gnawing a little, his fixation as active as his cock.
Which was rubbing against Josiah's belly, wanting its own attention.
Josiah tried to reach between them, but the weight of the two of them didn't balance on one arm. The attempt did shift the angle of penetration, and apparently in a good way; Vin was suddenly jerking against him, pulling himself up and down on Josiah's erection, saying something but Josiah couldn't make out the words.
He didn't need them, though, when he felt the ripples over his cock; Vin was coming and he hadn't even had the chance to touch him.
Wetness splattered his belly and chest, spurts that tickled as they drifted lazily along his flesh, but he was only vaguely aware of them. His focus was entirely on the almost painful contractions that were drawing him deeper and deeper, pulling at his own release until he couldn't stop it.
When his consciousness slowly crept back, his first awareness was that his arms had moved. His weight was completely on Vin, his hands gripping hard to the firm muscles of Vin's ass, trapped between the mattress and the other man. Vin's legs were still around his waist but loose now, his body relaxed in the aftermath of climax. Josiah took a deep breath, trying to summon the will to move, but it was an effort; his hands seemed stuck to the flesh they held.
Vin made a noise, then pushed weakly at Josiah's shoulder. "Need to move," he thought Vin said, but he wasn't sure. Not that it mattered.
He pulled one hand free, using it to prop himself up, then rolled slightly.
It was then, as his weight shifted and he thought to pull free, that he heard the first sign of displeasure from Vin. It was a sharp inhalation that drew his attention to Vin's face, which was drawn tight with pain. The hand that had pushed him was now gripping his upper arm, trying to hold him still.
"Wait," Vin gasped out. "Not yet!"
Josiah was still erect, the blood not yet flowing back into his body, and what had been good going in was not as good coming back out, with Vin no longer high on his own sexual needs.
"Sorry," Josiah said, but he was unsure of exactly what to do.
Vin grimaced, but the lines in his face smoothed a little and he lifted his legs higher, canting his pelvis more. "Ain't never understood why it's so easy going in but not coming out," he grumbled, making Josiah smile and lessening some of his concern.
"You have this problem a lot?" he asked, leaning in to kiss the side of Vin's temple.
Vin closed his eyes, relaxing a little bit more and answering, "Sometimes. Ain't never had no one big as you before."
Josiah actually chuckled at that. "Thought you said we weren't working here. You don't have to lie to me - "
"Not a lie," Vin opened his eyes. "Never had anyone that deep into me, 'Siah. Felt damned good. Hell, I came just from having you in me, don't that tell you something?"
"Tells me you've got a sensitive prostate," he answered, but he left the topic.
Vin rolled his head a little, then lifted enough for their lips to touch. "Thanks," he said. "Know you don't tend toward this sort of thing."
"My pleasure," he answered, feeling a little awkward now, in the aftermath.
Vin grinned, then carefully shifted his body. Josiah saw the tensing, tried to move with Vin, but it was over before he could do anything, Vin sliding off of him.
He rolled to one side to give Vin room, pulling off the condom and tying it off before dropping it onto the floor. Vin moved as soon as he could, making for the side of the bed. He was pushing himself into a sitting position when Josiah caught his hand. "You in a rush now?"
Vin looked back over his shoulder, but he turned his hand to twine his fingers with Josiah's. "Figured you might not want me to take up all your time."
Josiah pulled slightly, giving Vin the option to stay as he was if he wanted. "You're not taking up my time, Vin. We may fuck for a living, but when we're doing it for fun, there's not a time limit on it. I like talking to you - did before today, will afterwards. You don't have to rush out, unless you have somewhere else you want to be. Do you?"
Vin smiled, the expression a little shy. "No. Just figured a smart man like you had other things he needed to be thinking 'bout."
"Well, you may be right at that," Josiah said, rolling onto his back, and pulling Vin along with the movement. As Vin turned, Josiah caught him around the waist and tugged, drawing the smaller body back toward him. "Was thinking about a nap. How about you think on that, too?"
Vin allowed himself to be positioned, fitting himself against Josiah's side, his head on Josiah's shoulder. Josiah's fingers wound into the tangled hair, but he didn't pull, letting it drift over his skin instead.
"Could come to tend to doing this," he said quietly, closing his eyes.
Vin moved a little, one hand stroking over Josiah's chest as he settled in. "Yeah?"
Josiah smiled.
He was drowsing when Vin asked softly, "Were you serious earlier? 'Bout the book?"
It took him a second to recall, but when he did, he looked over into Vin's eyes. "You're welcome to borrow any book I have, Vin. The only requirement I have is that you let me know what you think of them."
"You mean, talk to you about them?" There was a sort of wonder in his voice and the shyness was back in his eyes.
Josiah smiled, letting his hand caress Vin's back. "That's exactly what I mean."
Vin looked for a few seconds like he would ask why, but instead, he smiled and closed his eyes.