Visions of Sugarplums

by Oracle

ATF Universe
(ATF Fic List Seven Days of X-mas Challenge)

Disclaimer: They're not mine *sigh*. They belong to all those sharp as a tater tot execs who don't know what a good thing they got. Not making anything off 'em, and iffen ya try to sue me... I'll sic two Christmas tree un-decorating expert cats on ya... and they'll eat ya out of house and home <G>

Warning: Syrup again, folks, though not quite as much as last time <G>. Sorry, the Holidays always do this to me * sigh *...

This contains an original female character from a story that is in progress. If I can ever get the thing finished it will be posted. RL is such a pain sometimes. For those of you who might be interested, this is the Christmas before the one in my other fic In the Spirit and was vaguely made reference to in that story.

Josiah let himself in the door, sighing heavily. He shrugged out of his coat and hung it up. Most of this day, Christmas Eve, he'd spent volunteering at the Teen Center in Purgatorio. Tomorrow, he'd agreed to help out at the Homeless Shelter. It had been a play to subdue the painful loneliness. There would be the time tomorrow with the other members of Team Seven, of course. That would ease his heart some.

"Mrowrrrr," came from near his feet. He looked down. Two blue eyes gazed up at him.

"Anastasia," he said, bending over to pick up the blue and cream point Himalayan kitten. She snuggled into his chest.

"Mrrrmmph," she commented.

"Yeah, I know," said Josiah, blowing softly across her long silky fur and scratching behind her ears. "I miss her too. I know in my head that the protective custody is for her own good, that it's necessary." He sighed. "But you poor humans...our hearts don't listen to our heads. And even though I like having you for a house guest, little one, I feel very sure we'd both be a lot happier if Angel were here."

"I missed you too, Josiah," said a soft, musical voice.

"Angel," gasped the big man. A slender form stepped out of the deep shadows of the corner. Josiah dropped Anastasia on the couch as he crossed the room in two long strides. He scooped up the vibrant redhead in his arms, burying his face in her hair. The agent inhaled deeply.

"You're real!" he rumbled. Angel laughed.

"Of course I am," she said. Josiah pulled back.

"What are you doing here? This is too dangerous! You shouldn't have..." Long, graceful fingers were laid over his lips.

"Shhhh," she said. "Let's not question our Christmas miracle..."

"No, never..." said Josiah, shaking his head as he devoured her with his eyes. He stroked his hand across her cheek, brushing back a strand of hair that had strayed. The anthropologist feasted his eyes on the rich, green velvet gown she wore, exactly matching the glowing color of her eyes. Her fiery red hair hung loose, curling around her face and foaming down her back in a wild riot of ringlets. As he looked his fill, she smiled up at him, stroking his cheek with one hand.

"You're even more beautiful than I remember," he said. Her eyes twinkled.

"Why do I get the feeling that you're biased?" she teased. He chuckled. "Aren't you going to kiss me, Josiah?" she asked. Her eyes turned smoky green as they fastened on his lips. "Oh, please, kiss me, Josiah..." she breathed. With a deep groan, he lowered his head and captured her enticing mouth. It was a match to dry tinder. They nipped, nibbled and suckled, tongues dancing in passion long denied. When breath had totally deserted them they drew back, gasping for air.

"Mmmmm," Josiah moaned, "honeysuckle. You still taste like honeysuckle." He shook his head. "I can't believe that you're here... or understand how this can be."

"Because I wished for it... dreamed about it....for us....more than anything. Because I needed it so much..."

"I've needed you too, Sweetling," said Josiah. "Needed to hear your voice...look into your eyes again... feel my arms around you. I've missed you so badly it's been like a knife in my heart." The redhead laid a tender hand over that heart.

"I hope I can ease that pain for a while."

"You already have," said Josiah, gathering her close again, breathing in the scent of her hair and skin, the sweet smell he always associated with his Angel... roses and a warm stirring aroma that was hers alone. Running large, firm hands down her back and sides, he grasped her derriere, pulling slender hips against an already alert manhood. "But I think you've inspired another one," commented Josiah, grinning down at her.

"I know I can ease that," said Angel in a husky voice as she rubbed her stomach against the growing bulge in Josiah's pants. His breath caught in his chest.

"Mmmm," rumbled Josiah as he bent down to capture her mouth again, but halted a hair's breadth away, breathing hot on her open lips. "No," he said, pulling away, "we're going to do this right." Angel groaned. "It's Christmas Eve... we're together... I want to make this a time to remember."

"To hold us through all the time to come... 'til this whole horrible mess is done and over with... to remember over all the long months ahead?" asked Angel, looking up into his brilliant blue eyes. He nodded.

"I'll be right back," he said. Josiah turned towards the kitchen. He returned only a moment later with a bottle and two wineglasses.

"How about some music?" Angel asked from in front of the stereo. "I feel like a slow dance."

"A very slow dance," responded the big man, huskily. He had a fire laid and started in the fireplace by the time she had chosen several CD's and put them in the carousel. Pouring them each a glass of wine he watched the redhead. Angel paused to scratch Anastasia between the eyes as she lay draped over the back of the couch. A rumbling purr echoed from the drowsing kitten.

"I miss you too, Puffball," she said, using her affectionate nickname for the kitten. Angel took the glass Josiah offered and lifted it to salute his. "To our very own Christmas miracle..."

"Warm memories..."

"And a very slow dance..." They clinked the glasses and sipped their wine. Josiah took her glass, smiling as he remembered another time and the same motion. Drawing her into his arms he laid his cheek against her temple and began to sway to the music. They moved slowly around the room, feeling their bodies slip back into tune, enjoying the enticing feel of arms around one another, bodies pressed together.

"If I'd known you were going to be here for Christmas," breathed Josiah into her ear, "I would have hung some Mistletoe."

"Do you really need that excuse?" asked Angel, eyes glittering in the firelight.

"No," admitted Josiah, grinning greedily at her, "but it's more romantic that way...more fun too." The ATF agent bent to claim another kiss. He brushed his lips lightly across hers, drawing out the pleasure. Angel licked slowly across his lower lip, then nuzzled at the corner. Their tongues darted out to twine and stroke. Josiah delved into her sweet mouth, finding all the silky heat he remembered. She moaned deep in her throat, clutching at him as her body began to tremble in anticipation. He held her tightly against him with one large warm hand while the other stroked up her side to caress her breast through the velvet. Rubbing his thumb back and forth over the crest, his heart began to do antics in his chest as he listened to the cries of joy his touch wrung from her.

"Aaaaah, Josiah," she sighed, arching her back to press more deeply into his hand. She suckled on his tongue and slid one arm inside his suit jacket to stroke up his back, enjoying the feel of taut muscles beneath her hand.

"Oh gods, sweet Angel," he groaned, "so sweet... you feel so good... so right. I've missed you so...wanted you so..."

He left a gentle trail of kisses across her cheek, nibbled at her ear then worked his way down her slender throat, tasting the salty flavor of her skin and wanting more. Stroking the pulse point at the hollow of her neck, his body throbbed in time to the heartbeat he felt on the tip of his tongue. Angel threw her head back, her breathing becoming quick and irregular. She pressed the length of her body against his, enjoying the feel of his arousal, of what touching her did to him. Her hands stroked down his back, caressing and kneading the firmness. She filled her eager hands with his tight ass, squeezing and pulling his hips closer.

Josiah growled, stroking her body, drawing them ever closer to the edge of ecstasy. Angel began to whimper, her hips thrusting, wanting to feel all of him closer. As his knowing hands led onward, the redhead lost control and a rising keen rose from her lips. Toppling over the precipice, her body pulsed with the sweetness of release. The big agent supported her, as legs gave way and she collapsed, sobbing with joy into his arms. He gathered her up, red-gold head falling against a welcoming shoulder and carried her to the rug before the crackling fire. Settling them both on the floor near the warmth, Josiah cradled her in his arms, pressing gentle kisses all over her face. Angel wrapped her arms around his neck, sliding fingers through soft waves, reveling in the warm sensations curling through her.

"Ah, Josiah," she murmured, opening brilliant green eyes to look up into deep blue ones. "Dear heart, I've dreamed of you every night. Dreamed of you holding me...making love to me."

"Do you suppose we were having the very same dreams then?" asked Josiah, looking deep into her loving gaze. "Because I dreamed of you, too."

"Perhaps," she said. "Those dreams... they've kept me sane these last months...kept me going from day to day. When it became so hard just to get up every morning I would remember."

"Oh, Angel," moaned Josiah. "I've worried so about you... I've wanted to be there... be the one to protect you. But I knew I couldn't... that you would be better off... safer with those who knew what to do. If there were any way... I would have come with you." He sighed deeply. "I knew it would be easier for them to hide just one. I couldn't do anything that might reduce your chances to come through this without any more harm to you... without any more pain or danger."

"I'm so glad you've told me Josiah," she said. "I wondered... I hoped you wouldn't forget me. It seems like it's been forever."

"Forget you?" exclaimed Josiah. "Never!" He smiled down at her. Pulling from his pocket, where he had slipped it earlier, a small, elegantly wrapped box, he held it out to her. "Does this look like I had forgotten you? I had no way to get it to you, but it made me feel closer to you to wrap it and have it ready for when I saw you again."

Angel took the gift reverently in her hands, holding it as though it were the most precious thing in the universe.

"Josiah," she breathed. And then she was in his arms holding him tightly, her face pressed to his neck as sobs shook her.

"Ssshhh," he said, soothing her with his hands and lips. "It's all right now. You're here... with me. It's all going to be all right." She drew back.

"I'm sorry," she apologized. "I didn't mean to fall apart like that. It's just that I wasn't sure if I would ever see you again...or if you would want to... would want to see me."

"Always, Angel," he said softly, looking into her eyes, assuring her with his own of utmost sincerity. "How could I not want to be with the other half of my soul? I'm lost without you. I feel only half alive. These months have been nothing but pain... waiting for you to be free and return so I could live again." Angel took his face in both her hands and drew him down for a tender kiss. With her lips she told him how she had missed him, how she felt the same and longed to be with him always. Josiah moaned into her mouth. Their lips parted reluctantly as they both drug in air.

"Your present," gasped Josiah, trying to reel in the escalating passion between them. He wanted to draw it out... make it last as long as possible. "You haven't opened it yet."

"Mmmm," said Angel, her eyes passion glazed. She pushed at his suit jacket, trying to get it off his broad shoulders. Josiah chuckled.

"This one," he said, closing his hand over hers that still held the gold-wrapped box.

"I'd much rather open this one," said Angel, eyeing the buttons on his shirt.

"Angel," he chided.

"Spoil sport," she pouted. Unable to resist her pouting mouth, Josiah captured it in a short, searing kiss. "Unnnhh," she groaned. "If that was supposed to make me behave, I don't think it worked."

"The sooner you open that one," rumbled Josiah, sternly, "the sooner..." Angel pulled off the green foil bow and slit open the tape with a fingernail. A green velvet box fell out. "Matched your dress without even trying," he said with amusement. She laughed.

"We seem to do a lot of 'without trying'." She popped open the hinged box. "Oh, my," she gasped. "It's so beautiful."

"When I saw it," he said, "I knew it was perfect for you." Angel lifted the necklace from its velvet nest. From a sparkling, delicate gold rope chain dangled a charm; a tiny gold angel in flowing robes and hair. Her eyes flashed green, set with minute emeralds.

"Josiah." She looked up into his eyes, her own awash with tears. "Will you..." Holding it out to him, she turned around, lifting her hair out of the way. The big man fastened the chain around her slender neck and planted a kiss on the back of her neck.

"Will you think of me when you look at it?" he asked gently. Angel turned around, smiling up at him.

"I hardly need that excuse," she said. "I think of you all the time anyway, but every time I touch it, I'll feel closer to you."

"Then it will do exactly what I wanted it to," he said. "It looks lovely on you."

"Yes," she said, looking down, "like it belongs there." The angel lay on her ivory skin, glowing in the flickering firelight. Angel reached into the pocket of her dress, removing a small package.

"I have something for you, too," she said, her eyes twinkling like those of her charm. She pressed a blue wrapped box into his waiting hand. Josiah's eyes lit up, and his breath seemed to catch in his throat.

"Thank you," he said, leaning forward to press a kiss on her forehead.

"But you don't even know what it is," she chided.

"It doesn't matter," he replied. "it's from you and it means you've been thinking of me. That's all I need to know."

"Well," she said laughing, "I do wish you'd open it too." Josiah smiled and pulled off the gold bow and wrapping paper. He opened the small black box to find an intriguing item nestled inside. Touching it with a gentle finger, he traced the shape.

"It's beautiful," he said, looking at her with a question in his eyes, sensing a deeper reason behind this gift.

"It was my father's," she said, laying her hand on his. "Passed down in his family. He always carried it attached to the inside of his billfold. Said it gave him good fortune." Josiah lifted out the silver heart shaped concha.

"I've never seen one like this," he said. "There must not be another like it. It looks very old. Are you sure..."

"Yes," she said firmly. "It's right for you to have it. It will hold my hopes and prayers for your safety."

"And that added to your father's families' good fortune is a very welcome gift."

"I slipped something else inside, too," she said. Josiah turned it over and noticed that it was lashed to a piece of tan suede with thin leather lacings, but one small section was left open. Angel slipped a slender finger into the opening and fished out a small red-gold coil of braid.

"Your hair!" said Josiah. "It will most definitely hold your good wishes... and be twice as precious to me." He gathered her close to him, holding her to his heart. "I know just where I'll put it, too. I'm going to attach it to my badge holder, so it will always be with me. It will be like you're watching over me every time I go out. My own guardian angel."

"My heart will always be with you," she said, lifting her head from his chest where she could hear the steadily increasing beat of his heart. Josiah bent down and brought their lips together. He swirled his tongue into her mouth stroking the roof and sides, then curling to lave her tongue, to tease it out to play. Angel groaned and darted hers out to nuzzle his upper lip. Heads tilted to give greater access to each other's mouth as tongues danced and lips suckled.

The redhead slid her hands up the broad chest to smooth his jacket off his shoulders and down. She began to work her way down the shirt buttons as Josiah kneaded her shoulders. Sliding questing fingers inside the edges of the velvet, he pushed it off her smooth silky shoulders. He nipped and nibbled his way down her neck, nestling in the hollow at the base once again. Laving the sensitive spot over and over with his tongue, his breath caught in his throat as the throbbing of the pulse there vibrated against his flesh.

Angel worked her way down to his waist and gripping his shirt pulled it free, sliding her hands inside with a small cry of pleasure. She ran her hands through the soft curls and found the nubbins that were his nipples. As she rubbed the heels of her palms over them, they hardened and Josiah groaned, his breath rumbling against her throat.

"Need to touch you," he gasped out, "to feel... all... of you."

"Yeeesss," she sobbed and bent her head to run her tongue over the peaked nipple her palms had aroused. As her hand replaced her mouth again she moved up to trace and nibble the line of his collarbone, knowing how that always aroused him. A deep soul wrenching moan came from Josiah's lips and his body began to tremble. Struggling to keep some awareness of what he wanted to do to her body, the big man clutched at her shoulders as her lips and hands swiftly brought him to fever pitch.

He slid the zipper down on her gown and pushed it to her waist, exposing her lacy bra. She rose to her knees and hooking her fingers inside his shirt pushed it back to join his jacket on the floor. He made quick work of removing the frothy bit of lingerie and pulled her close by wrapping his arms around her. Angel moaned as her sensitive breasts made contact with the bare skin of his chest. She rubbed up and down, little cries escaping her as jolts of pleasure shot through her whole body and pooled low in her belly.

Josiah stroked firm hands up and down her back and sides then lower to push her gown off her body and fill his hands with the soft globes of her ass. She arched against him, pressing herself into the thrusting haven of his hips and his bulging erection. Angel opened his pants and slid her hands inside the fabric. She pushed his pants down further to free his erection. Josiah's breathing grew harsh as her hand stroked and fondled his balls. A slender finger slipped behind the sac to press the pleasure spot there and the big man gave a hoarse incoherent cry as his hips snapped forward involuntarily.

"Angel! Oh God, Angel," he gasped. Lifting her against his body, he slid eager lips down to the peak of one nipple. He drew it into his mouth and she cried out.

"Joosiiiiah," she sobbed. "Oh, yesss... pleassse... I want you... want you to take me... now... want to feel you inside me... forever...." Her small hand closed around his engorged shaft, her thumb caressed the swollen head, spreading the moisture there to increase the pleasure as she stroked. He moaned, his head thrown back, an expression of ecstasy on his face as waves of heat pounded through his body.

Josiah laid her gently on the rug, sliding her dress the rest of the way off her body, following it with the scrap of silk that encircled her hips. He stripped out of the rest of his clothing and laid his body atop hers, pressing his throbbing length against every inch of her. Her head rolled from side to side as she wrapped her thighs around his hips, issuing her invitation to join their hearts as well as their bodies.

The big man stroked every part of her, pressing his shaft against her entrance only to draw back a breath as he rained sweet kisses over her face and hair. She let out a keening wail and began to buck against him uncontrollably, seeking to pull him into her aching center. Angel reached between them to close her hand about him once again. She stroked her thumb over and around the sensitive head squeezing tightly with her fingers, until Josiah was tossing his head and growling, his hips beginning to thrust into her enclosing hand in spite of his attempt to maintain control.

The older man could withstand the urges swelling within him no more and slowly pushed in, embedding just the swollen head of his organ in the hot, wet tunnel. He rocked against her, bringing them together in agonizing slow motion, drawing gasping moans and wild incoherent sounds from her lips.

"Aaahhh...unnnnhh," she gasped. "Soooo hot... more....more..." she shrieked, tossing her head, clawing her hands down his back to grasp his hips and try to pull him all the way home. He resisted her with his greater strength, though his breath came in painful, heaving gasps from fighting his instincts to ram himself all the way into her depths in one incredible sweet lunge. At last, seated in her to the hilt, his balls pressing tight against her ass, they both moaned deeply as he held there. Forcing back the overwhelming urge to move they savoured the throbbing passion and rising joy that ripped through them at being whole again... bodies joined as hearts pounded out one beat... breath rasped in and out together in unison.

When Josiah could bear it no more, he began to move in her. She rocked hips in perfect rhythm to his thrusts as they moved to the beat of their very slow dance. He withdrew.

"Oh gods, Josiah," she cried, "fill me..." He thrust in. "Yeeesss," she keened, "so full... sooo goood."

"Aahhh, Sweetling," he growled. "Hot...tight... you drive me so wild..." His thrusts began to increase in speed as he lost control. Shortly, he pounded into her even as she rose to meet him, drawing him deeper with each lunge. He could feel his scrotum tightening and the gathering throb at the base of his spine that heralded his orgasm. Josiah fought to hold it off, to stretch out the incredible pleasure of losing himself in his Angel's body again.

The redhead latched on to the base of his neck where it met his shoulder, devouring the hot flesh with lips, tongue and teeth. As she worked her way across his other collarbone, Angel could feel the response in his body. His breathing became more ragged and his cock swelled in length and breadth within her. She shrieked as passion spiraled out of control, thrashing beneath the heavy limbs that surrounded her, drove her on to greater heights. Her body screamed for release, for the wild spasms of passions released, at the same time she tried to hold on to the consuming waves of emotions and joyous throbbing her body wallowed in... not wanting an end to the glory.

Josiah knew he could stave off his climax no longer and wrapping his arms about the delicate body beneath him, reached out with his heart and soul for the completion he'd found with this stunning creature each time they joined. And her heart was there, waiting for him, stretched out to touch his. They met, entwined, blended, till there was no end, no beginning, the edges blurred till neither could have said where one ended and the other began.



Two voices screamed out as one, as bodies clutched in rippling waves of ecstasy, plunged in throbbing explosion... pulsed into receptive heat, arched to draw deeper. Their bodies slowed the rhythm, still moving in perfect harmony, but now seeking to draw every last drop of sweetness, of sensation from the joining. Low moans and whimpers came from throats as rippling waves washed over them, each surge gentler than the last yet still full of joy and completion. As they stilled at last, Angel sighed.

"Josiah," she breathed, "Josiah," she whispered his name again, as if trying to reassure herself it was truly his arms that held her. "Dearest love..." Her satiated body relaxed, slipping into oblivion.

Josiah's heart swelled with such strong emotions that his eyes filled. His mind swam with words, expressions of all that his heart had experienced.

"Ahhhh, Angel," he whispered. "Ma Belle...Preciosa....Mi Corazon....I L...." The warm, deep darkness of exhaustion claimed him.

~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~

Angel sat up abruptly, looking around her frantically in the dim room. Recognizing her surroundings, she curled into a ball, wrapping arms around her legs and laying her forehead on drawn up knees. Tears welled in her eyes as sobs rose in her throat. It was a dream, only a dream, brought on by the aching loneliness and frustration at not being able to be with Josiah at Christmas. Add to that her fears that once this was finally resolved and she found herself free to return to Denver, the man would have forgotten all about her and it had been a sure recipe for a passionate dream. It had been so real, so detailed that her body still registered the effects of their lovemaking.

Something tapped against her legs above the knees in tempo with her heaving chest. Angel uncurled a bit and looked down. A small flash of gold caught her eye. Fumbling in her haste, she almost knocked the lamp over trying to turn it on. As the room lit, she could hardly believe the evidence of her eyes. Reaching down with a tentative finger, as if she were afraid it would disappear, Angel touched the gold angel with emerald eyes that hung on a delicate gold chain about her neck. When it remained she gathered it up in her hand, looking at it more closely as her eyes filled again. Closing long fingers around the tiny charm, she let the warmth from it heat her lonely heart and soul.

"Merry Christmas, Josiah," she whispered. "I won't forget..."

~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~

His eyes opened to the dark room. Tentatively, he reached out to run his hand over the cold, empty half of the bed. Josiah rolled over onto his back, a lump forming in his throat. It had been so sweet, and Lord help him, so passionate and hot. But it had been a dream. A dream born of his intense desire to see Angel on Christmas. To hold her again and tell her things his heart whispered to him in the long lonely nights.

A flicker from the foot of the bed caught the corner of his eye. He raised his head to see Anastasia sitting at the end of the bed, watching him, tail atwitch, compassion in her bright blue eyes. The big agent sat up and rearranged the pillows. Sleep was no longer an option. As he leaned back against the mounded pillows, something dug into his hand. Looking down, he realized he had something clasped in his fist. His heart jumped in his chest. Slowly, he opened his fingers. When a silver heart shaped concha appeared in his palm, he gasped and a low moan broke from him.

"Angel..." he said on a low note. "How...." He shook his head. "No... I won't question our Christmas miracle." Josiah reached down and stroked the silver with a light finger, almost as if it were Angel's body he touched. "Be well, safe. Come back to me. I need you... there are so many things I haven't told you yet." He slipped a finger inside the suede to stroke the coil of hair. "Merry Christmas, sweet Angel. My heart will be close to you... always."

Anastasia curled up on the foot of the bed, gracefully crossing her front paws, blue eyes wide as a deep purr vibrated her chest. Her brilliant eyes blinked, flashing green in the moonlight for a moment, then closing. All was well.

The phone jangling broke Josiah from his reverie. Sighing, he picked it up, not really wanting to abandon the memories of his dream.

"Sanchez," he said.

"Jeff?" Josiah yawned, looking at the window where dawn was beginning to lighten the sky. "How's things going for the dinner today? Need me to pick up anything on my way to the Shelter?"

"GEESE?? No, I didn't order any geese! Six of them?"

"It must have been some anonymous donor, I guess."

"Well, cook them!"

"You're the cook, not me! I don't know what the hell else to do... I guess just like a turkey."

"Card? It said what? Who?"

"Merry Christmas From the Princess Bride...."

"The Princess Bride... six geese..." Josiah's eyes lit up and he began to laugh. "Princess Bride... True love... six geese... Oh my God!"

"Yeah, I know who it was... never mind... just cook them... however the hell you want to."

"Ok. I'll be there in a couple of hours then." Josiah hung up the phone. He sat up in bed. Anastasia opened one eye a slit.

"Well, Anastasia, Merry Christmas," said Josiah, scratching behind her ear.

"Mmmrrrrooowww," said the kitten, stretching and leaning into the obliging fingers.

"So, Miss Tubby," teased Josiah, "how about a can of tuna... seeing as it's Christmas Day and all..." Both Anastasia's eyes opened.

"Rrrruuuurrrrr," she said.

"Ok," said Josiah, "come on. If I don't get breakfast in bed, then neither do you!" The big agent started down the hall.

"Princess Bride...True Love...Six Geese...Twelve Days of Christmas..." He chuckled. "Oh, Angel, you always know how to lift my heart!"

While visions of sugarplums danced in their heads...


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