Warnings: This short fic includes sexual situations.
Rating: NC-17 (probably or a very hard R)
Pairing: ATF Josiah/OFC
Feedback: Feedback is welcome and greatly appreciated, but no flames please.
Authors Note: This is a revision of my first attempt at an adult fic, so hopefully it is an improvement over the original. It is a short PWP fic, or it could turn into a scene taken from a bigger story, if I can get my muse to cooperate so I can get the larger one done.
Disclaimer: I do not own them. They are the property of MGM, Mirisch, and Trilogy Entertainment; however, if they ever come up for sale, I will be in the front row at the auction.
Josiah sighed heavily as he sat staring at the TV. His mind didnt even register what was on the flickering screen, because he was occupied with thoughts of Danielle and the plans they had had for tonight, plans that had been canceled at the last minute. He sighed again as he thought with longing of the soft touch of her lips on his and feel of her body pressed to his when they kissed.
Josiah pulled himself forcefully away from that line of thought. It would serve only to make him even more frustrated than he already was. He tried to get interested in the movie on TV, but it was an old romance, which made his thoughts stray again to Danielle. He groaned and looked at his watch. It was nearly twelve.
Danielle had said she would be lucky to finish the reports she had to do by midnight. They had to be faxed in tonight so they would be at their destination, waiting to be picked up, first thing in the morning.
It seemed their jobs would constantly be bringing them together, but forever be keeping them apart. Her position as head of the homicide division of the local PD demanded as much time and flexibility as his with the ATF did. How many times in the six months they had been seeing each other had their plans for an intimate evening together been ruined? They had come close a couple of weeks ago, but just when things had really started to look promising she had been called out on a double murder. Since then, she had been pushing herself to work harder on this case than any he had seen her handle so far. One of the victims had been a young child, and the sight of that tiny victim haunted her. She had driven her team and herself mercilessly since that night she had been called away from his arms. Now the investigation was over and finally she could relax.
Sanchez looked at the clock again, quarter past twelve. His body moved without his conscious thought. He rose from his seat and began to gather several items into a small bag; then he left his apartment.
Half an hour later he pulled up in front of Danielles small suburban home. The light was still on in her bedroom, which doubled as her at home office. With a determination born of love, desire, and physical need, he picked up the bag and headed toward the house, hoping that she was finished with her work, and that she wouldn't be upset that he had decided to come over anyway.
Inside, Danielle had been working for several hours on the reports she had to get sent out to the prosecutor's office. They had to be in tomorrow, so she had to fax them tonight. She was struggling to stay awake to finish, and she had no more than clicked the send button when she lost the battle and dozed off leaning on her keyboard.
She had fallen so soundly asleep that she didn't even heard her door open as Josiah let himself in. She had given him a key a couple months ago so he wouldnt have to wait outside if she was running late. He walked quietly to where Danielle sat, with her head resting on the keyboard. He had to smile at the thought of the imprints she must be getting on her cheek. He left her alone while he went into the bathroom, closed the door to keep the sound from disturbing her, and started the water running in the large Jacuzzi tub. He busied himself setting out and lighting candles all around the room and lighting some lilac scented incense tapers, one of her favorite scents. After adding some foaming bath oil to the hot water, he stood back to survey the effect. It wasn't bad, but it was better when he turned out the overhead light. The room was bathed in the soft, shifting glow of candlelight, creating just the romantic atmosphere he had hoped it would.
Josiah hesitated a moment to reconsider what he was doing. But, the memory of that night two weeks ago erased his doubts, and he was sure she wanted him as much as he wanted her. He slipped out of his clothes and folded them before laying them over the back of the chair by her dressing table. He got into the linen cabinet and found one of those large wrap-around towels and wrapped himself in it, before he let himself back into the bedroom. Once there, he retrieved the small bag he had set inside the door. His movements were silent as he moved to the bedside table and set out a variety of items, including a bottle of vanilla scented massage oil. Several other items were left in the bag to remain secret until they were needed.
When everything was ready to his satisfaction, he walked over to where Danielle slept at the computer. He leaned over her and very gently kissed her on the cheek. One large hand slid her hair back allowing him to kiss and lightly suckle her earlobe. His warm, moist lips slowly worked their way down her neck, and she sighed softly in her sleep. Josiah's hands moved slowly over her back and slid their way around her ribs to cup her breasts, while his lips continued to caress her neck. Danielle shifted slightly and sighed more deeply as she slowly drifted up from sleep. He used one thumb to slowly circle her nipple, through the fabric of her thin shirt, and he smiled when he realized she wasn't wearing a bra. The nub hardened under his touch. Her soft moan urged him on, but their awkward position kept him doing much more.
Danielle gasped when she finally came awake and realized the sensations she was experiencing were real and not part of an incredibly realistic erotic dream. She opened her eyes to see Josiah leaning around her and looking intently at her through passion filled eyes. She smiled and tipped her face up toward him to meet his lips as they pressed hungrily to hers. She managed to turn in her chair without ever breaking the kiss so she could slide her arms up around his neck. Slim fingers laced into his hair as she pulled him closer, urging him to take the kiss deeper.
A moan escaped from deep in his throat as Josiah accepted the invitation when she parted her lips to allow him access. His tongue teased at her lower lip before slipping inside to do a slow dance with hers, neither trying to dominate the other, but sharing equally in the passion they were building.
That deep kiss ended to be followed with a series of lighter ones, neither of them wanting them to end. Finally, she sighed and leaned into his embrace. "Nice wake up call." Smooth warm skin was all she felt when she slipped her arms around him, and for the first time she noticed that he was wearing only a towel. A knowing smile curled her lips as she asked, "Are you making a new fashion statement, or do you have something in mind?"
Josiah took her hand and tugged her gently from her seat and grinned at the sight of the imprints on the one cheek. His strong arms pulled her closer as he trailed kisses over her face, ears, and neck. Huskily, he murmured against her throat, "I definitely have something in mind." His hands slid over her body in slow sensuous circles, coming to rest at the small of her back, as he pressed another kiss to her lips.
One hand slipped to the front of her blouse and began to work at the buttons. As soon as it was open he slid his hand inside to caress her breast, massaging it gently, while the other hand firmly gripped her bottom. Each soft moan she made fueled his own growing need. He allowed his kisses to trail downward, stopping at the hollow of her throat to flick at that sensitive area with the tip of his tongue, before continuing downward until his lips found the round bud of her nipple.
Danielle gasped at the depth of the sensations that shot through her body as his tongue flicked across that taut nub of flesh. She arched her back to press herself more firmly against his questing mouth, and was rewarded when Josiah paid homage to the mound of flesh, teasing and suckling the rigid nipple. Her breath came in shallow gasps, her head lolled back, and her lips parted slightly as she allowed her passions to sweep over her to arouse a deep need within her.
The groan came from deep in his throat as Josiah forced himself to release her nipple. His own need was becoming very evident when he pulled her back into his arms, and his arousal pressed against her stomach. He wanted her now, but no matter how strong his need became he wanted this night to go slowly. They had been denied this night for too long, and now that it was finally here, he wanted it to be special for both of them.
Josiah gently caressed her with his hands as he eased her out of her clothes, while he trailed kisses over her body as each part became exposed to him, until she stood naked in his arms. He saw a mischievous smile curl her mouth as she gently tugged at his towel and allowed it to fall onto the floor with her own clothing. Effortlessly, he lifted her into his arms and carried her off toward the waiting Jacuzzi. Josiah eased them both into the warm fragrant water and settled her in front of him so she could lean back against his chest.
Danielle leaned back and enjoyed the feel of his solid chest against her back, and the feel of his rigid manhood as it pressed into her back. She couldnt resist pressing back against him just enough to elicit a sharp gasp from the big man, and she turned her head so she could look back over her shoulder at him. "I hope you have plans for that later too." Her voice had taken on a low sultry tone.
"You would be surprised at the plans I have for later," he whispered as he rubbed his hands over her breasts, pausing to tease at her taut nipples. They continued on down over her belly, his fingers tracing lazy circles on their way down her belly. He allowed one hand to travel on further to cup the soft mound of flesh between her legs as he let one finger move into the warm fold to gently rub the soft nub causing her to gasp and then moan in sheer pleasure. Each movement she made as her body responded to his touch, and each sound of her growing arousal surged through him, increasing his own need for release.
Time seemed to stand still as the two lost themselves in the pleasure of being together. Danielle gave herself over to the fire that was beginning to consume her as her need grew with each stroke of Josiahs finger as it gently worked its magic. She managed to turn herself far enough in his arms, without causing him to lose contact with that sensitive nub of flesh, so that she could touch him in return. He groaned from the intense desire her fingers closing around his engorged shaft caused to spread throughout his body. The soft flickering glow of the candles, the scent of lilacs, and the soft sounds of their pleasure and rippling water filled the room as the couple explored each other for the first time.
Later, when the water began to cool, Josiah eased himself out of the tub and helped Danielle out. He took a soft towel and slowly rubbed her dry and then he dried himself, before he pulled her into his arms and looked deeply into her eyes. "Are you too sleepy to find out what else I had planned?" he asked, as he nuzzled her ear.
She leaned into him and wrapped her arms around his waist to pull him closer. "I could never be too sleepy for more." She slid her hands up his back and ran her fingers into his damp hair to pull him down for a fiery kiss. Danielle let one hand trail down Josiahs back, massaging its way to his firm backside, before it slipped around front to softly trail her fingers along his partially aroused manhood. It took very little effort before it was obvious that HE was definitely ready for more.
Josiah scooped her up into his arms and carried her off to her bed where he quickly covered her body with his own. His mouth left trails of flame in its wake as he worked his way down her body, trailing kisses and teasing flicks of his tongue over her breasts, before it continued on downward to that one place where she so desperately needed him. Her breath came is short gasps, and he aroused her to new heights as he toyed with that oversensitive bundle of nerves.
Just as she thought she would swoon from the pleasure he created with his lips and tongue, he stopped. Danielle groaned and reached for him to try to pull him back when she felt him pull away. "Please, dont stop," she pleaded.
Josiah eased himself back up over her and kissed her deeply. He pulled back slightly from this kiss and whispered breathlessly, "Trust me?" It was said as both a question and a statement; his eyes searched hers as he waited for her response.
"I will always trust you," was her response.
"Close your eyes." At her look of uncertainty, he smiled. "I would never hurt you."
Danielle relaxed and nodded. "I know."
"Now keep them closed," he said softly, and then once again began to rain soft kisses over her body. She felt him shift as he reached for something. "Guess what I have and you win a prize," he teased.
Danielle felt something soft and smooth slide across her ribs, and she recognized the feel of it. "Ummmmm .. silk," she answered.
"You win," he chuckled and gave her a deep, passion filled kiss. "Now, tell me what this is."
She felt something so light against her breast that she wasnt even sure she had really felt anything at all. "Your breath?" she asked.
She felt it again and giggled. "A feather?"
"You win again," and he treated her to another prize. This time his lips fastened to one breast as he suckled and teased at the nipple with quick flicks of his tongue, sending currents of electricity coursing all through her body.
The game continued with each item getting harder to identify, and each reward became more and more intensely intimate, until she was treated to a very sensuous massage with warm oils. Everything combined served to bring her to a point of near desperation, as he continued to tease and arouse her. At last she felt something soft and silky, but warm and fleshy. Josiah hovered over her and rubbed the silky head of his manhood over the skin of her lower abdomen, sliding it lightly over the faint traces of oil left from her massage. Her breath came in short gasps as she suddenly realized what she was feeling. "Oh . Thats you!!" she said breathlessly.
"Me? Whatever do you mean?" he teased, as he continued to rub against her. The feeling it created in the sensitive tip of his swollen manhood was incredible, but at the same time it was pure torture.
Danielles answer took the form of warm slim fingers feeling their way to his turgid flesh, and wrapping themselves firmly around the hard shaft. "This," she said as she slowly worked her fingers up and down the its length.
Josiah moaned deeply, as he moved to give her her reward. Slowly, he parted her legs and eased himself inside her, marveling at how perfectly the fit together. They both sighed deeply at the sheer pleasure of finally joining in the flesh, as her arms wound around his back to clutch at his shoulders and her legs wrapped snuggly around his hips. Together they moved, slowly at first as they found their own perfect rhythm. Their pace quickened as their sense of urgency grew until at last everything beyond the two of them ceased to exist as they both found their release. At that moment, Josiah pressed his mouth to hers to breathe in her cry of ecstasy and to make her a part of his own soul.
He collapsed across her, and he lay there trembling and panting for breath, his body momentarily weak from the intensity of their lovemaking. They lay together in a tangle of arms and legs, as slowly their breathing returned to normal. Josiah knew how heavy he must have been lying with his full weight on her. When he found the strength to move, he rolled them over, pulling her on top of him. With one hand he reached out at caught the edge of the comforter and pulled it up over them. She lay on his chest and rested her head against his shoulder while her body finally stopped trembling.
"Josiah," she said softly.
"Hummmm ..?" he responded, too sated to speak.
"You can come and wake me up anytime," she said sleepily.
He kissed her lightly and murmured something she didnt quite catch, but she was too relaxed and sleepy to bother to ask him to repeat it. The last thing she remembered before sleep claimed her, was feeling his arms slide around her to hold her and an overwhelming sense of absolute peace and joy.
Comments to: Luna6438@aol.com