"Oooh, very nice!" exclaimed the very gay owner of the "Tight Fit" store in Denver's main shopping district. He clapped his heavily ringed hands together at the sight.
Some of the other shoppers had an eyeful as well when they heard the commotion.
"I'm not at all sure about this," said Ezra Standish, turning in a half circle in front of the metal stud framed mirror.
"Gosh, why ever not, hun?" the man shrieked. "You look like every man's favorite biker babe! Simply delectable!" For emphasis - and to Ezra's added embarrassment - he smacked his lips and then whistled.
Ezra grit his teeth, ignored the lecherous look, and stared doubtfully into the mirror, pinching at the black leather rather dangerously stretching across his hips. "This is tight enough to cause injury. Perhaps a size larger would be more prudent?"
"Hey..." The shop owner ambled towards his customer. "Whoever he is, you're going to drive him crazy like that. Oh yeah, baby!"
Ezra frowned. "You think?"
"I know." Winking, the sleezy little man added. "Look around the store."
"Oh hell!" the Southerner exclaimed.
It looked as if everyone in the store was ogling Ezra. And it wasn't his delightful chestnut hair or emerald green eyes that caught everone's attention for a change, either. It was his butt, legs, chest, arms and... other things, hugged by leather so tight it was about ready to bust.
"Alright. I'll take it." Wondering where he was going to tuck his wallet in this outfit, Ezra sauntered back to the changing room to peel himself out of the pants and matching jacket. "Just hope I'm not going to regret this..." he murmured.
+ + + + + + +
"Oh Lord almighty!" Buck Wilmington slammed back against the wall facing the elevator from which Ezra exited. Buck clutched his chest dramatically and twisted his face as if suffering a heart attack.
Ezra chuckled. "No comment, please, Mr Wilmington."
Buck straightened himself up again, smiling broadly. His eyes were glued to Ezra's midsection. "Ya know, Ezra, if you ain't lookin' for comments, that is not the outfit to be wearin'."
"Strictly business, Mr Wilmington, I assure you." And Ezra made his way to the main office with some concern.
Buck stayed behind, admiring the rear view for a bit. "Yeah, but what kinda business?"
"Wow, Ezra!" JD cried out, barely avoiding dropping his full coffee mug as he exited the office kitchen. His dark eyes were as wide as saucers.
Ezra blushed at all this attention. "Good afternoon, JD."
JD opened his mouth to respond, but found he had to swallow a few times before he could even try. "Um... real nice outfit, that... afternoon, Ezra."
Ezra sauntered past him with a smile, fully aware that JD would be giving his backside a once over too. The entire day, it had felt as if everyone on the way from his car to the elevator had. He was slowly getting used to it. Kind of liked it even.
An appreciative whistle sounded from the far corner of the office, and Ezra realized that Josiah was laying back in his chair, admiring his progress across the floor.
"Good afternoon, Mr Sanchez."
"It certainly is, Ezra!" Josiah clicked his tongue, taking absolutely no pains to hide his admiration. "Say, Ezra..." He grinned broadly. "If you need an escort back to your car later on... a bodyguard kind of thing... let me know, won't you?"
Ezra snorted. "I'll keep that in mind, Mr Sanchez. Much obliged."
Nathan grumbled something into his donut and then slammed the half-eaten thing down on the waxed paper it had been wrapped in. He shook his head in disapproval.
Everyone ignored him.
The boss was harder to ignore. When Chris exited his office, everyone looked in his direction, awaiting his reaction to Ezra's getup. Except Ezra, who avoided the cool blue eyes.
Chris wasn't one to talk his mouth off at the best of times, but it was generally due to his complete lack of desire to do so. However, when he saw Ezra in leather from head to toe, the smooth black only set off by a few metal studs on the sleeves, collar and cuffs, he couldn't have said a word if his life had depended on it.
"Hey Chris, Ezra is somethin', huh?" JD declared with a broad smile, just before Buck punched him warningly in his side. "Ow!"
"Shh..." Buck hissed, grinning and nodding his head towards Chris who stood like a statue a few feet away from Ezra.
The only parts of Chris to be moving - so far as anyone could tell - were his eyes all the way up Ezra's legs over his torso, shoulders and finally, resting on the somewhat feverish looking green eyes. Finally, he said something, sounding almost his usual cool self. "I see you followed my instructions to the letter."
Ezra nodded wordlessly.
"Wow! Your instructions?" Buck called out, his grin nearly splitting his face. "Why, Chris, you old dog..."
Chris glared at him, not looking at all amused. "Ezra has an undercover assignment."
Buck's grin only widened further. "Really? We got a few... covers at home, don't we, JD? If you ain't too busy later on, Ezra..."
JD blushed and giggled.
Ezra nearly lost his composure, but he managed a semblance of self-control. What he didn't manage was a response.
Josiah however did. "That body-guarding offer still stands, Ezra. Looks like you're gonna need it."
Chris made a funny sound which wasn't unlike a growl. "My office, Ezra. Now."
"Certainly, Mr Larabee." Ezra was halfway glad to be getting away from the rest of the guys, even if being alone with Chris was never something to settle his nerves.
Slamming the door shut behind them, Chris walked behind his desk. "Sit down."
Ezra did so gingerly. It was the only way he could sit down in those pants.
"You alright?" Chris asked unexpectedly.
Ezra frowned. "Certainly, Mr Larabee. I suppose I will get used to feeling like the rabbit in a Greyhound race."
Chris almost grinned. "Well, at least it's working."
"Yes, I suspect it is." Ezra shifted a little, the leather making a sound that to Chris sounded a lot like sizzling. "What are my instructions from here on it, Mr Larabee?"
Chris got a grip and retrieved a few photos from his filing tray. He pushed them across the desk towards Ezra. "This is Keppheimer - the guy's into everything illegal invented by man - machine guns to the general public, drugs, prostitution, you name it."
Ezra grew rather uncomfortable. "And on which of those do I come in, Mr Larabee?" Considering Chris' instructions from the previous day to 'climb into the hottest piece of leather he could find in Denver', Ezra could make a fair guess. Unfortunately, he was right.
Ezra gulped.
Chris hurriedly assured him, "You'll have full backup. We're keeping you wired and under surveillance the whole time right up until Keppheimer... until he..."
Ezra had been glancing at Keppheimer's file across the desk, the bad feeling in his gut only growing worse. "Until he attempts to try me out?"
Chris lowered his eyes. "Yeah." He inhaled sharply. "He likes to scout the downtown area for new... talent. Apparently, he's particularly fond of..."
"Leather," Ezra completed the sentence.
Chris nodded. It was damn hard to keep to business when it came to Ezra's safety - or that of any of his team. "I won't lie to you, Ezra. We have to get this guy and soon - he's a menace to every young gay man in this city. He's got money and looks and he takes them in easy."
Ezra checked over the photo again. "I see. Well then..." He got into business-mode. "How do we ensure that Keppheimer finds me?"
Chris got up and went to get the wires from the cabinet behind his desk. "You just stick to his hunting ground. No need to worry about him... noticing you." He glanced back, and turned his head away again quickly.
Despite the circumstances, Ezra couldn't help feeling a little flutter. He smiled.
"There's one thing we have to be very clear about," Chris said sternly, approaching Ezra with the wires. "Get up, please."
Ezra did as he was told. "What would that be, Mr Larabee?"
"Could you... take the jacket off?"
"With difficulty," Ezra joked, beginning to peel it off. He revealed a simple white singlet underneath.
Chris ignored the rise of his... temperature. There was work to be done. He watched Ezra sliding the jacket off his shoulders and dropping it on the chair behind him. Then he cleared his throat and stepped right up close to Ezra, affixing a strip of tape to the end of one of the wires.
"You have to be sure you're getting into Keppheimer's car. Do not let yourself be picked up by anyone else. They'll try, no doubt..." He tried hard not to notice the sexy fragrance of the brandnew leather mingled with Ezra's own scent. "But for your safety, make damn sure it's Keppheimer you're going with. He drives a black limousine - chauffeured."
Ezra nodded. "I saw the photo in the files just now." He was sure Chris' eyes had never looked darker. "I'll recognize him."
Ezra felt Chris' hand tremble as he reached inside his singlet. He held his breath to keep from groaning when the slim fingers touched the sensitive skin of his stomach and attached the wire. He did okay, he thought.
"Turn around," Chris said, sounding a little hoarse.
Ezra turned, steeling himself in anticipation of the inevitable. And then, Chris' hand was inside his shirt again, this time sliding down his back and sticking the tape to his smooth skin.
"Okay." Chris licked his lips before Ezra turned back to face him. "We're done here. Go take Josiah up on that offer and get him to drive you downtown. He's got the list of streets you need to cover."
Ezra nodded, getting his jacket back on with great difficulty. It was damn near impossible to do that without turning towards Chris sideways or straightening up completely. "Right. I'll be seeing you later, Mr Larabee."
"Yeah." Chris moved back behind his desk hurriedly. "Take care. But don't worry, okay? I... we won't let you down."
"I know." Ezra smiled back at him and left the office.
Chris sank back in his chair with a sigh. This wasn't gonna work.
+ + + + + + +
"Right about here should do it," Josiah said, pulling up in front of a fast food joint. The bright blue neon sign of the place was flashing tiredly, throwing irregular blue sparks over Ezra's shiny outfit.
"It certainly looks like the right part of town," Ezra said cynically, assessing the local street life in the side mirror - a couple of skateboard kids trading punches, a low-rent hooker wobbling by on stiletto heels, and a drunk, trying to get her to accept a bottle of booze in lieu of payment.
"It's time, Ezra - the guys should be in position by now. At any time, at least two of us will be close enough to keep you in sight." Josiah smiled reassuringly.
"Glad to hear it, Mr Sanchez." Ezra returned the smile. "Well then... I shall climb into the trap and hope that the mouse has not yet dined."
Josiah nodded and watched Ezra exit the car. He waited a moment, and then he slowly started cruising along Fox Street so he wouldn't lose sight of him.
+ + + + + + +
Meanwhile, Buck and JD were driving by Civic Center Park. "I love that outfit Ezra is wearin'," JD mused.
Buck grinned. "Yup. Gives me all sorts of ideas."
"Oh yeah?" JD asked with a mock stern look.
"For one thing..." Buck started, turning into Cherokee Street. "How great you'd look in that."
JD grinned. Then he noticed they'd changed direction. "Hey, why are we going off Colfax?"
"We're too early. Just takin' a little detour via the back way."
"Oh, okay." JD spotted something. "Hey, pull over, Buck!"
"What??" Buck turned the wheel and slammed on the brakes. "What did you see?"
"It's that shop where Ezra bought the clothes. He told me the name. I wanna have a look in the window."
Buck snorted. "They're shut, darlin'."
"I know. Just wanna look." He paused, giving Buck a teasing smile. "For now."
Buck grinned. "Okay, but hurry. We don't have that much time."
JD jumped out and strolled to the shop window.
Buck was chuckling, scrambling through the glove box for some of those peppermints JD always bought. He almost missed the slow sweep of a set of headlights over their car. When he looked up, his heart damn near stopped.
A black limo pulled over just ahead, the lights dimming immediately. The back window was lowered smoothly and a hand bearing an obscenely large diamond ring reached out, beckoning JD, who had turned to see who had stopped.
"Shit!" Buck reached for his gun. He ducked his head a bit and called Chris via the walkie-talkie.
+ + + + + + +
Once he'd been told about the situation, Chris ordered, "Don't interfere, Buck!"
"This is JD, Chris. I ain't letting him take JD. He's not wired. We'll never find him!" Buck was as close to panicked as Chris had ever heard him.
"I know that, Buck!" Chris said firmly, slamming his hand into the dashboard of his Coupe. Then he grabbed onto the steering wheel tightly again and turned the car with screeching tires. "Just don't do anything 'til he tries to get JD into the car, that's all I ask."
"You got a nerve!" Buck clicked off and threw his walkie-talkie down on the passenger seat. Then he soundlessly opened the door, slowly, keeping a very close eye on JD.
+ + + + + + +
Chris swore under his breath all the way to Cherokee Street. He ran a couple of red lights on his way, hoping the whole thing wouldn't blow up in their faces.
Meanwhile, Keppheimer had managed to draw JD's attention. He grinned broadly when the young man strolled towards his car.
"Evenin'," JD said, putting on his sexiest smile. He stopped a safe distance from the limo, shifting his weight on one leg and pushing his hips forward teasingly.
"Well hello there." Keppheimer shifted a little. "Just when I thought this was going to be one hell of a dull evening..." He licked his lips, looking JD up and down.
"Doesn't have to be," JD said meaningfully, winking.
Keppheimer barked out a short laugh. "No, you're right about that. Hey, come a little closer, babe."
JD took another step, making sure he swayed his hips a little.
Buck's finger tightened around the trigger of the gun he was aiming at the rear window of the limo.
"How about I take you for a little ride?" Keppheimer offered. "I have a place not far from here - it's full of exquisite collectibles. You'll fit right in..."
Buck didn't know what was going on. All he knew was that in another moment, that diamond-laden hand would be on JD. Enough already! He quietly got out of the car, ducking low enough to not be seen above the roof of the car. "Get away from him, JD..." he hissed under his breath, slowly making his way along the row of parked cars.
JD grinned. "Great idea, but..."
"Hey, whatever you want, babe." Keppheimer chuckled. "Just name it, I'll buy it for you."
JD shrugged. "I don't want anything. Except... I'd like to know who I'm going off with, if ya know what I mean."
"You wanna look at the package?" Keppheimer said with a grin.
"That about sums it up." JD took a step back when the car door opened and a guy of about 6' climbed out, a long blue cashmere coat flapping around slender legs in black leather. When JD looked up, it was straight into a pair of deep blue eyes which looked even bluer on account of the shock of pale blond hair pointing up in spikes from an evenly tanned face.
"Wow!" JD said. "Not bad."
Keppheimer laughed. "I don't usually get complaints."
"Bet not." JD smiled blindingly. "There's just one more thing..."
"You're trying my patience, babe. But I never could resist big brown eyes." Keppheimer reached for JD and his ringed hand cupped the young agent's chin.
Buck was fuming and ready to shoot that hand off when JD's grin widened. "Just have to make sure you got all I need in a man, Mister." And with that, he reached between Keppheimer's legs, squeezed, then let go, kneeing him right there just as he landed a right hook on Keppheimer's jaw that had the man seeing stars all the way down the side of his car. When he got to the pavement, he slumped into a heap with a groan and passed out.
"No stamina, just as I thought," JD said, pulling his gun and pointing it through the half-lowered passenger window. "Hey, driver. Get out, now!"
A rather shaken, gaunt looking man got out, making his way to JD's side.
"Shit, JD!" Buck came running, grinning broadly. "You saved that guy's life. Me, I was just gonna blow his head off. Both of 'em, actually."
JD chuckled. "Hey, there's the cavalry!" He nodded in the direction of Chris' car as it sped down the road towards them.
+ + + + + + +
Ezra was beginning to wonder if there was any kind of record for keeping pawing hands off oneself. If so, he had to be due for an entry into the Guiness Book of Records.
He wished he could communicate with the team, but his wiring was all one way. Well, as the evening progressed, Keppheimer was only more likely to show.
He passed one of Fox Street's nightclubs - trance music was being pumped out into the street everytime the broad doors opened. It was deafening, and Ezra decided to cross to the other side of the street. Better way to get visible, too.
That was when he spotted the limousine. Yes, that was the one. He recognized the plates from one of the photos.
Not wanting to seem overzealous, he continued across the street, taking great pains to sway his hips seductively.
Just as he made it to the other side, a hand came out of the back window, waving him closer.
Ezra raised his eyebrows and raised a hand to his chest as if to say, 'Me?'
The hand waved more frantically and he sauntered on over. Just as he was about to lean down in preparation of the expected chat-up line, an oddly familiar voice hissed at him from inside the darkness of the car. "Get in!"
'Well,' Ezra thought. 'Not one for preliminaries, clearly.' Praying that someone was still keeping an eye on him, he watched the door being pushed open and entered into the belly of the black beast, sure that with the dark interior and his own outfit, he'd never be found in there again unless someone knew where to look.
Apparently, someone did.
"Chris!?" Ezra gasped. "I mean, Mr Larabee. What in heaven's name are you doing in this..." He assessed the huge 'room' with facing rows of seats and a minibar. "... contraption?"
"Can't a man have some dark secrets?" Chris grinned crazily.
Ezra snorted. "Apparently, we have entered an alternative universe."
Chris chuckled. "We picked him up, Ezra." When he got a disbelieving look, he added, "Luck would have it that he went and tried to make a pass at JD."
Ezra laughed out loud. "What a very unfortunate man! I trust JD did not do any permanent damage?"
"Too early to tell, really." Chris grinned. "Keppheimer sure didn't look well."
"My heart bleeds for him." Ezra smirked. "So... that should conclude the assignment..."
Chris grew serious. His eyes met Ezra's. "Yeah, it should."
Ezra suddenly felt much too warm in all that leather. "Does it?"
Chris, facing Ezra, was laying back in the broad seat, despite his casual jeans and shirt looking like he owned the car. When his earlier grin returned, that impression grew stronger still. "D'you want it to?"
Ezra felt his temperature rise another few notches. "It seems a shame..." he started a little hoarsely. "To waste all this painstaking setup."
"And the limo," Chris added.
Ezra smiled. "Not to mention the time invested."
Chris looked him up and down, slowly... "Especially the disguise."
Ezra wet his lips which suddenly felt like parchment paper. "Who's driving?"
Chris grinned. "I was plannin' on doin' that, but I'll let you have a turn?"
Barking out a nervous laugh, Ezra raised his hand and pointed behind himself towards the front of the car.
Chris picked up his walkie-talkie from the seat and spoke to the driver. "Take the long way. In fact, make it an extended tour of the City at night."
"Sure thing, Chris," came Josiah's reply, followed by a chuckle.
Chris didn't set down the walkie-talkie. With his eyes firmly connected to Ezra's, he touched the small aerial to Ezra's chin and then moved it lower, trailing it down his neck and the bobbing Adam's apple before moving it towards the top of the leather jacket's closure.
Ezra didn't dare move when he watched Chris hook that aerial to the top of his zip and slowly slide it down, undoing his jacket and revealing his smooth chest and the singlet barely covering it. He didn't move either when the point of the aerial came in contact with his heated skin, nor when it kept pushing the zip down until it would go no further.
Chris leaned forward a little and put the tip to the waistband of Ezra's pants. Then, he let it glide downwards, tracing the bulge in the tight, hot leather.
Ezra groaned, his eyes closing involuntarily.
Then the aerial was between his legs, and with a gentle sideways movement, Chris made him part them, finding no resistance whatsoever. He grinned. "Take that jacket off."
Ezra obeyed.
The moment his arms were most awkwardly entangled in it, Chris was suddenly kneeling on the floor between his thighs, taking advantage of the situation by capturing Ezra's mouth in a heated kiss.
Flailing his arms helplessly, Ezra was frantic to get rid of the jacket, but by the time he did, Chris' mouth was gone again. He whimpered at the loss.
But Chris didn't leave him for long. His slender fingers moved to one of the shoulder straps of Ezra's singlet and slowly pulled it down, his mouth immediately on that pale, smooth shoulder.
Ezra sighed. He was about to reach for Chris when he felt a hand moving up the outside of his upper thigh and to his waist where it began to undo the button, and then the zip, sliding it down quickly and effortlessly.
An instant later, Chris' hand was inside, freeing Ezra's cock from its exceedingly uncomfortable prison.
"Oh god! Thank you!"
Chris smirked up into Ezra's face. "Want me to help you with that some more?"
Ezra panted. "Would you? Please?"
And Chris' hands were on Ezra's hips while his mouth moved closer... closer... and finally, closed around the bulbous tip of Ezra's erection, giving no relief whatsoever inside his hot mouth.
Ezra didn't care. He slumped lower in the seat, spreading his legs further and enjoying the view of Chris on his knees, gazing up at him while he took him deeper and deeper into his mouth. When Chris swallowed, his lips having moved as far up as the base, Ezra groaned.
Feeling Ezra shudder, Chris grabbed his hips tighter, his own hands so clammy, they nearly slipped off the leather.
Ezra whimpered, the mind-numbing pleasure too much to endure for much longer. Chris' tongue was swirling around him, a flame within a fire, and everytime Chris released him a little, sliding excruciatingly slowly down Ezra's length, the difference in temperature on his heated flesh caused him to shiver.
"If you don't make me come soon..." Ezra groaned. "I'm going to quit."
Chris' eyes twinkled with humor, but he didn't risk testing that threat. After concentrating on the very tip of Ezra's cock, licking and suckling it until it was so sensitive it hurt, he began sliding his mouth up and down rapidly, his lips closed tight around Ezra.
And then he tasted him, first only a few drops, then a warm jet shooting against the back of his throat.
Ezra cried out as if in pain.
Chris swallowed rapidly, until there was nothing left for him. Then he raised his head and sat back on his haunches, licking his lips. "Damn, but you're a sight to see like that!" His voice was deep and rumbly.
Ezra's eyes fluttered as he tried to get back to reality. He hadn't been noticing the movement of the car, the multi-colored glow from the neon lights going by outside the tinted windows or the strong scent of sex mingled with leather filling the limousine. Now he noticed it all.
He smiled at his boss, who was slowly climbing back up to sit back opposite him. "I'll have you know, Chris, that I don't normally engage in this kind of kinky tryst."
Chris snorted. "You keep wearing that outfit and you might have to make it a habit."
Ezra blushed, aware that his heartbeat was still irregularly fast. Then he figured it out - he was on the verge of getting hard again. It had to be the sight of Chris' erection straining against the front of his jeans, waiting for some attention. "Would you be needing some help yourself?" he teased.
Chris grinned, his hands moving to his lap. He started sliding down the zipper, causing Ezra to gasp, more in excitement than surprise.
"You're not wearing... anything."
"That a problem?" It was Chris' turn to do the teasing.
Ezra snorted. "Quite the contrary. It should facilitate matters to our mutual advantage."
Chris beckoned Ezra to join him on his side. "You know you turn me on just by talking, don't you?"
Ezra chuckled, settling down beside Chris. He hadn't bothered zipping up again - truth be told, it wouldn't be possible anyway. Deciding that talking wasn't all he was going to do, he reached around Chris' neck and drew his face closer, parting his own lips.
Chris kissed him. His tongue met Ezra's halfway and they fought for domination, until they both submitted and the movement changed to a slow sliding back and forth.
When Ezra's hand reached around Chris' cock, a low groan filled the dark interior of the car. Then another when the smooth fingers began to teasingly slide up and down, forming a tight ring around the silky steel.
"God, I wanna fuck you!" Chris exclaimed, writhing under Ezra's touch. "When I saw you before... in the office... I got so hard it hurt."
Ezra was breathing heavily, his tongue trailing up the side of Chris' neck while he moved one leg to slide between Chris' thighs, drawing them apart with the movement. "Then fuck me!" he hissed into Chris' ear.
Faster than it would seem humanly possible, Ezra found himself turned to face the rear window, kneeling on the seat. From the frantic movement behind him, he gathered that Chris was scrambling for something in his pocket. Then he felt his pants being pushed harshly down over his hips.
"Lean forward!" Chris told him, his voice having lost all detachment and cool, but none of its commanding quality.
Ezra crossed his arms on the top of the back seat and rested his chin on them, obligingly pushing back his butt.
Chris chortled. "You should see yourself like that... you'd love it."
Ezra laughed out loud, despite his ever increasing arousal which was now pushing up against the seat. "I doubt it would have the same effect on myself."
"Never know 'til you try." Chris caused Ezra to laugh even harder, but then the laughter changed to a deep groan when his fingers parted the smooth cheeks in front of him and a single finger first traced the outline of the small, inviting opening and then slipped inside. The motion was smooth, eased by a layer of some kind of cream.
Ezra pushed back harder, impaling himself. "Alright, I'm ready!" he assured Chris determinedly.
"Get in there, Mr Larabee! Now!" And he wriggled his butt a little, causing a bemused chuckle.
Then that finger was gone, but before Ezra could mourn its loss, he felt a greater pressure at his opening. He relaxed into the intrusion, helping to ease it in.
"You've done this before..." Chris stated.
"As have you."
Chris grinned. "Yes." He pushed deeper, feeling Ezra's shudder around himself. "Just as well, too. I don't think I could take it slowly now."
"Then don't." And Ezra braced himself, his hands clutching the top of the seat and his butt pushed back against Chris, nestling in his lap.
And Chris pushed, his hands on Ezra's hips to counter his own movements. He slipped back out a little, and then entered Ezra to the hilt, his own groan drowning out Ezra's.
They stopped for a moment, catching their breaths. Then Chris started moving in earnest... his lips were against Ezra's nape, breathing hotly on the sweaty, sensitive skin... his hands shifting once they'd established a rhythm until one was on Ezra's belly, the other on his cock, stroking and pumping.
Ezra arched his back, his head briefly lay back against Chris' shoulder, then tilted forward, his chestnut locks - now damp above his forehead - pressed to the top edge of the seat. He was whimpering, pushing back as hard as he could, clenching around Chris to draw him closer... faster... because he was going to come again, harder than the first time. He felt himself leaking through Chris' fingers. He didn't care, except for the effect it had - smooth, slippery pleasure consuming them both. And then he gasped, feeling Chris' seed shoot deep into him like liquid fire.
Chris bit down hard on Ezra's nape to keep from screaming. And the pain was what sent Ezra over the precipice once more. The cream flowing through Chris' fingers caused them to slip, but Chris held on, squeezing every last drop out of that beautiful cock in his hand.
Then, he slumped against Ezra, wrapping his arms around him and holding him until they were both calmer again.
+ + + + + + +
"I'm going to miss fucking in a limousine," Chris murmured, his arm around Ezra's shoulder.
They were lying back against the seat, waiting for Josiah to follow his new instructions and take them home.
"I'm going to miss being fucked in one," Ezra countered. "Especially since I didn't get to have my turn."
Chris grinned, holding Ezra's head against his neck. "I've been thinkin'... we made a hell of a mess in this. We're gonna have to get the seat cleaned before we can turn the car over as evidence. Care to make the trip with me?"
Ezra raised his face, smiling. "This is when I get my turn in the... ahem... driver's seat, right?"
Chris nodded. "Before the cleaning."
Chuckling, Ezra agreed, "Definitely before. Meanwhile..."
"Care to make a mess of my waterbed, Mr Larabee?"