Magnificent Seven fiction
written by fans in which Ezra Standish is either the main character, or has
an important part in the story.
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Archived Stories by Title
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ATF - stories set in a present-day alternate universe where the Seven are agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
LB stories are an alternate universe where Vin and JD are orphaned children in Chris & Buck's care There are several alternate universes within the Little Britches AU, including Old West, ATF and Star Trek.
VS - "Virtual Season" episodes
AU - Alternate Universes other than ATF or Little Britches
ADULT titles are not direct links, and you will be given directions for providing an age statement.
A Haunting We Will Go - Freespirit ATF
Abandoned - Jean
The Abduction - IndigoCat AU
Absence Of Shadows - Tidia ATF
Above it All - NotTasha
Acceptance - Jo Ann
Acceptance (Series) - Silver ATF ADULT
Acceptance - Luna Dey
Accessory After the Fact - Marns AKA Bumpkin
Accidents Happen - Angie ATF
Ace of Hearts - Cecelia ATF
Aces High - Joan Curtin (The Legends Born Series)
Ace High - Helen Adams
Ace in the Hole - Strangevisitor7 ATF-xover "Highlander"
ACES IMMORTAL (Series): Hell Hath No Fury - Strangevisitor7 AU
Acronymity - Judy L
Across the Andes - - NotTasha
Across the Divide: The Wait - Sue Bartholomew
Act of Redemption - KellyA
The Accused - KellyA
Addicted - Vin Tanner's Girl ATF
Addictions - Enid
The Adventures of a Midlife Crisis in the Midwest - Jean and Christy
Adverse Possession - Tipper
The Affair - Angie (Sensitive Reader Warning)
Afoot - Wyvern
After - Tonny
After Clouds, Sun - Linda ATF
After Hours - Twyla Jane ATF
After the Peace - Jaye B. AU
Aftermath - The Immortal ATF
Afternoon Playtime - Kris ADULT
Against the Current - Lisa AU
The Agony of Defeat - Helen Adams
Aim High - MAC AU ("Little Ezra")
An Alien Investigation - Bernadette AU (Paranormal Investigations)
All I Want - Jade
All I Want - Ladysmiths ADULT
All the Kings Men - MAC AU (Little Ezra)
All or Nothing - Kay Brown
All Tied Up - Ladysmiths ADULT
Alias - KellyA
Alligator Alley - aesc ATF
Ally Cat - BM ATF
Almost Doesn't Count - winks7985 ATF
Alone - Celeste ATF
Alpha Males - Tipper (Crossover with The A Team)
Alterations - JayeB AU (Little Ezra)
Altitude - Tess ATF
Always the Lady - ReaperWriter
AMAZON (Series) - NotTasha
Ambassadors - Heather F. AU (Star Trek)
Ambiguous Disclosure - Kris ADULT
Ambush - KellyA
Amy - LaraMee ATF
An Innocent Man - JudyL
And Again - Caitriona
And The Rain Came Down - MAC AU ("Little Ezra")
And Then There Were Six - Suzy ATF
And There Came A Cry For Help - Kristen
And Still to Love (Series) - Ange ADULT
ANGEL (Collection) - Texas Aries Crossover "Touched by an Angel")
Angel Gets His Wings - Amelia
Angel Material - BlueKat AU
Angels in the Desert - Robyn
THE ANGELINA CHRONICALS (Collection) - Angelina
Angels in Waiting - Lisa ATF
Angie - Derry ATF
The Angry Spirit's Yell - Julia Verinder
Angry Words - Wyvern
Animal Magic - The Cat's Whiskers ATF AU
ANNIE GREER (Series) - by NotTasha ATF (Little Ezra)
Anniversaries - Cat Standish ATF VS
Another Brick - Heather F. ATF
Another Day, Another Dollar - Sue M ATF
Another Day, Another Mishap - Brate ATF
Another Fine Mess - Elspethdixon
Another Lifetime - Merl
Another Time and Place - Jaye B. AU (Young Western AU)
Another Year Older - MAC AU (Little Ezra)
Answers - Heather
Any Other Day - sablecain ATF
Apologies - Jean
Appearances Are Everything? - Tex Zavaleta ATF
Apollyon - Heather F ATF
Are We There Yet? - Nancy W. LB ATF
The Art of Rhetoric - Helen Adams
As I Promised - Rose Taylor (ADULT version)
As the Days Go By - Luna Dey and Lisa S.
Ashes of the Mind - the Smarm Sluts
An Aspirin a Day Keeps the Doctor Away - Hombre ATF
The Assassin - KellyA ATF
At the Hand of Antiquity - Leigh Richards
At Night - Freyan ATF
ATF-Team Retreat - Heather ATF
ATF: TFD - Pictures on the Wall - Birgit Kohls ATF
Atlanta to Denver - mog ATF
ATLANTAN LEGACY (Collection) - Squeakypeep ATF
Autumn Leaves - Helen A. AU
Avenging Angel - Leslie
Aw Hell - Twyla Jane
Aware of You - Tiffiny ADULT
Awful Day - Zentry ATF
Back From Baja - Twyla Jane ATF
Back on the Road Again - Hombre ATF
Back To Normal - skaia7
Bad Dreams - Angie ATF
Bad Influence - Magnolia Belle
Bad Luck - Becky Hromiko
Bad Luck - Heather F.
Bad Weather - NotTasha
Bad Karma - Hombre AU
Bad Turn of Events - Hombre
A Bad Way to Start the Day - Wyvern
Bail Out - KellyA
Balance - Cobalt ADULT
The Balance - seagray
Bank Robbery - SasseyJ
The Banshee - The Neon Gang ATF
The Bar-Keep's Simple Request - Kris Mashburn
Bathtime Fun - Pat
Be There - NotTasha AU (Project Quantum Leap Universe)
Bear Trap - KellyA
Bearin' The Load by Kristen
Bearin' The Load II by Kristen
Bearing the Pain - Angela B AU Crossover Big Valley
Beat the Drum Slowly - Susan Foster
A Beautiful Mess - JIN ATF
A Beautiful Mess - AJB ATF
Before I Go - Tiffiny
Being a Star Isn't Easy - Tammy AU
Belle of the Mississippi - Josey Huneke ADULT
The Beloved Mrs. Potter - Angela B.
Below Par - Yolande
Beneath the Surface -Yolande AU (Blood Brothers series)
The Best Birthday Gift - MMW AU
The Best Intentions - Carrie Byrd
The Best of Intentions - Heather M. ATF
The Best Medicine - Cecilia Standish ATF ADULT
Best of Times, Worst of Times: Ezra - Sevenstars
Bestowing Love - Kris ATF ADULT
A Bet, Lies and Other Altercations - Jennifer Prior
The Bet - Luna Dey
The Bet II - Luna Dey
The Bet III - Luna Dey
The Bet IV - Luna Dey
The Bet VII - Luna Dey
The Betrayal - Bernadette ATF
Betrayal - Leslie
Better Off Together - Brate AU (Crossover "Supernatural")
Better The Devil... - Wyvern
Better Man - Jade
The Better Man - Tiffiny
A Better Plan - Frey
Better than Treasure - JudyL
Between the Lines - Ankh ADULT
Beware of the Love - Tarlan ADULT
Big Rocks Keep Falling on My Head - Hombre
The Biggest Gamble - Tevan ADULT
The Biggest Gamble Part 2 - Tevan ADULT
The Biggest Gamble Part 3 - Tevan ADULT
The Biggest Gamble (part 4) - Tevan ADULT
The Biggest Gamble (part 5) - Tevan ADULT
The Biggest Gamble, (part 6) - Draig ADULT
A Bird's Eye View - Freespirit ATF
Birthday - Cecelia ATF
Birthday Blues - Yolande
The Birthday Cake - Sue M AU
A Birthday Gift - Loui
Bitter - Allaire Mikháil ADULT
Bitter Silence - JJJunky
Bittersweet - Janice
Black and White - Violette ATF
Black Jack - Sally Craggs
Black Monday - Team 7 ATF
Black Water - JIN
Black Widow - Deirdre ATF
Blackmail - Bernadette
Blame - Violette ATF
Blazing Their Own Trail - Freespirit ATF
Blind - KellyA
Blind - Setcheti ATF
Blizzard - KellyA
Blood - Cecelia ATF
Blood and Guts - Roger (deathfic warning)
Blood and Water - Tipper
Blood, Sweat and Tears - Hombre ATF
BLOOD BROTHERS: Beneath The Surface - Yolande AU
BLOOD BROTHERS: Color Me Black - Yolande AU
BLOOD BROTHERS: Extort Thy Childhood - Yolande AU
BLOOD BROTHERS: Young Warriors - Yolande AU
Blood's Not Always Thicker - Freespirit
Blue Horse - Frey AU (Little Ezra)
BLUE RIBBON (SERIES): Sins of the Pastry - C.V. Puerro AU
Blurry - Twyla Jane AU (Little Ezra)
Boarding that Damn Train - Lokemele ADULT
Bodyguards - Tipper
Bold as Love - Ruby H
Bolt out of the Blue - NotTasha AU/OW/ATF
Boots - Twyla Jane AU ("Little Ezra")
The Bounty - Bernadette
Bounty Hunters - Heather F.
'Bout All a Man Can Ask For - SBerry
Bot Interrupted - Lissa Grinstead ATF
The Box - KellyA
Boxing Day - NotTasha
A Boy Needs - MAC AU ("Little Ezra")
Boys Will Be Boys - Debra M.
Brand New Day - Helen Adams ATF
Breaking Habits - Ladysmiths ADULT
A Bridge to be Built - Secheti
The Brief But Heroic Saga of Ezra and Elijah Standish - The Cohorts
Bright Part of the Sky - NotTasha AU (Project Quantum Leap Universe)
Broken (Series) - Sarah ATF
Broken - Hombre ATF
Broken Spirit - jibber59 ATF
Broken Wires - Twig
Brothers - Heather F. AU
Brothers and Lessons - Angela Boling ATF
Brothers in Name Only - KellyA
Brother's Keeper - Nadine
Brown - Linda
Brown Eyes - LaraMee
Bucephalus - Tiffiny
Buena Vista - NotTasha
Building On Hope - Angela B AU ("Journey to Avalon")
Bullets – Multiple Authors ATF
Burnout - Bernadette ATF
Burnout - Hombre ATF
By Any Other Name - Lissa Grinstead
By a Thread - Kim Maddox ATF
Call of the Wild - Annie ATF
Camino del Diablo - Diamondback ADULT AU
Camp Night - Sivan Shemesh LB ATF
Candle of Reflection - Yolande
Can't Go Back - Ruby
Captives - Sue B
The Car - Nadine ATF (xover 007)
Cardsharp - Dreda
Care Bears - Helen Adams ATF
The Carnival - Heather F. ATF
Carte Blanche - Ranger
The Case of the Golden Blooms - KT AU
The Casey Chronicles - Almost - JoMarie
CASTAWAYS (Series) - Yolande AU
Catastropy - Selene ATF
Cats and Dogs - BML AU
Causes and Their Effects: Missing Scene and Epilogue for Serpents - Derry
Cave-In - Bernadette
Cave In - KellyA
Cave In - Niteowl AU
Champions - Jo Ann
Chances Not Taken, Choices Not Made - Claire ATF
Chance Met - Helen Adams Crossover Bonanza
Chances Taken - Jo Ann
The Change - Suzi AU (The Young Riders/Mag 7 Crossover, FBI A/U)
Changes - Angela B AU
Change in Plans - Winter ATF
Changes in Attitude - Heather F. ATF
The Changes that Come Lokemele ATF ADULT
The Changlings - Angie AU
Charades - sablecain
Charades - - NotTasha
Charades - Tipper
Charades - Twyla Jane
Charitable Impulses - ithildyn AU Crossover Highlander and Ironman
The Charmed Seven - Lu AU
The Chase - Desperado's Daughter Cheating Death - Alex K. (death of OC)
Cheating Hearts - Kelly A
Chicago - Armaita ATF Crossover: THE BEAST
Child of My Heart - Strangevisitor7 (Xover "Highlander")
Child's Play - Wyvern AU ("Little Ezra")
Childish Things - Twyla Jane AU ("Moose Jaw")
Chinatown Revisited - Angie ATF
Chivalry's End - Luna Dey
Chocolate - Nadine ATF
Choices - Heather F. ATF
The Christmas Carol Story - Amelia ATF
Christmas Miracle - LaraMee Deux
A Christmas Redeemed - Desperado's Daughter
Christmas Together - Jan ATF
Christmas Trappings - Angela B AU (Seven Brothers)
Christmas Wish: Ezra - senorabutterfly
The Chronicle: Hazardous Assignment Squad - Setcheti AU (AU with ATF references)
The Chronical: Back to Reality - Setcheti AU (AU with ATF references)
The Chronicles of Thunder and Consolation - Twyla Jane AU (Little Ezra)
Cigarette and Ash - Mel ATF
Circadian - Ranger
Cin-City - NotTasha
Cinderezra - Angie
Cities of Gold - Cathy
City of Sin - Violette ATF
CL-CROSS: Fugitives - Sevenstars AU
CL-CROSS: Postscript: The First Week - Sevenstars AU
Clear as a Bell - NotTasha
Clearer Vision - Dawnsunrise
Clockwork - NotTasha
The Clod and the Pebble - Tipper (Follows Cornerstone)
Clothes Make the Man - Xiola
Cody - LaraMee
Coercion - Hombre ATF
Cold - DeathSprite (unspecified universe)
Cold Hard Cash - J. Brooks
Collecting on a Bounty - KellyA
Color Me Black - Yolande AU (Blood Brothers series)
COLORS (Collection) - Linda B
Come Inside - Bernadette ATF
Comfort and Joy - Violette ATF
A Comfortable Place - sablecain AU (Federal Air Marshalls)
Coming Home Again - MAC AU ("Little Ezra")
Coming out of the Closet - Cecilia Standish ADULT
Coming Out of the Darkness - Purple Lacey ATF
Coming to Terms - LaraMee
Common Ground - KellyA
Complications - Hombre AU
The Con - Lissa Grinstead
Conference - Josey Huneke ATF ADULT
Confessions - Jo Ann
Confessions of a Con Man - Jacqui B
The Conflict - Lilly
Conflicting Details - Kris ATF VS
Connections and Favors - Black Rook ATF
Consider The Possibilities - NotTasha
Constant Changes - Katherine AU (Immortal Seven)
Context - JudyL
Contrast/Comparison - Karen Shannon
Convergence - Lumina ADULT
Cookie Crumbs - Joy K LB-ATF
Cornerstone - Tipper
Cornwall to London - KT AU
The Cost of Revenge - Bernadette
Could Be Luckier - Kris ATF VS
Could I Have This Kiss Forever? - Silver ATF ADULT
Countdown - sablecain ATF
Counting to Three - Carole ATF
The Country of the Heart - Charlotte Hill AU ADULT
Courage - Hombre ATF
A Curious Thing - Kathy M
The Cowboy in Me - Heather F.
Crossing Paths - Jareth Reznor (ATF Crossover The Pretender)
Crossroads - Allaire Mikháil ATF ADULT
Crush - Gina
Cry Wolf - Hombre
The Cub and the Kit - Debra Noellert AU (Crossover: The Sentinel)
THE CUR: Ginger - Tiffiny
A Curious Game - NotTasha
Curiosity Nearly Killed the Cat - Hombre ATF
Custos Venatio - JudyL ATF (Xover, The Sentinel, SG-1)
The Cutting Demon - Mog ATF
Dangerous Mistake - Hombre ATF
Dark Discovery - Nadine ATF {xover The Sentinel)
Dark Division - Nadine ATF (Crossover The Sentinal, Stargate SG-1)
Dark Night of the Soul - Summer Solstice
The Darkest Betrayal - Derry ATF
Darkest Hours - Estevana Rey
Darkness, Light - Amy ATF
A Dark Past - Bernadette
The Dark Road Home - Tricia Wilkinson
Darlin' Baby Girl - Ruby ATF
The Day Away - NotTasha
Dawn Of A New Day - Maggie Smith
A Day Like Any Other - Twyla Jane AU ("Little Ezra")
Day of the Hunters - Yolande ATF
A DAY IN THE LIFE: Retribution - Teri
Day of Miracles - Carla
A Day to Remember - Sivan Shemesh AU
Daybreak - TrekkieB VS
Days Like That - Helen Adams ATF
Days Like This - Brate ATF
A Day's Messages - Gina ATF
Dead Man's Wake... - Yolande
Deadly Agent - Cheryl Siflette
Deadline - Michelle and Amanda
Deadwood - CherylW
Dealer's Choice - Sue Bartholomew
Dear Mother - Cat Standish VS
The Death of Old Jo - Beth
A Death Too Soon - Lady Standish [Deathfic]
Debriefing - Pat ATF
The Deceiver - NotTasha
December - Sophia
Deciphering - NotTasha
Decisions - Ladysmiths ATF
A Deck of Cards and a Derringer - Sally Craggs
The Deed at Hand - JudyL
A Defiant Little Texan - Freespirit ATF
Déjà vu - Maria Villa ATF
Delany - Heather
Delayed Reactions - Bernadette
A Delicate Situation - ChristyKC
Delicate Touch - Sally M
Delinquent (Series) ATF AU - Ami-chan
Deliverance - Estee ATF Xover The Sentinel
Deluge - Heather F
Demons - Shawna
Demons and Lovers - Tipper
Departure - Helen Adams
Departure - Englishspirit
Departures - Brandgwen
Departures: Nathan's Apology - Sue Bartholomew
Description of a Gambler - L.C. Martin
Desert Odyssey - KT (xover High Chaparral)
Desert Run - Monica M AU
Desert Training - KT ATF
Deserter - Ace
A Desk of Fiddles - by NotTasha
Desperate Measures - Michele
Destinations - Trekkieb
Deuces Wild - Laura H. ADULT
The Devil's Den - Beth aka Midge AU
The Devil's Hand - NotTasha
Devil on Horseback - Brate OW-xover "Supernatural"
Devil's Mouth - Beth
The Devil's Night - Mog
Diablo - Heather F ATF
Diamond in the Rough - Aimless
Diana - LT ATF
The Diary - Freespirit
Die Hand Die Verletz - Kristen
Die Hard the Hunter - Heather Hillsden
A Different Sort of Christmas Carol - Beth Green ATF
Differential Diagnosis - Hombre ATF
Digging Out Trust and Friendship - KT
Dinner - Zentry
Dirty Laundry - Susan Macdonald
Discoveries - Jo Ann
A Dish Served by The Neon Gang ATF
Distant Horizon - mmrrph
Distraction Elimination - Indra Leigh ATF
Divergence - Yolande VS
A Doctor in the Making - KellyA
The Dog Days of Summer - MAC AU ("Little Ezra")
The Dog House - Turtle ATF
A Dog's Tale - Bernadette ATF
Don't Know From Adam - Jordan McKenzie
Don't Lose Hope - Zentry ATF
Don't Wait Too Long - Yolande ATF
Doomed - Chaz
DOUBLE BOND: Series - Purple Lacey AU (Kidfic)
Double Take - Candice
Double Trouble - Ranger
Double, Double Pants and Trouble - Ithildin
Down the Amazon - Not Tasha
Down the Rabbit Hole - Twyla Jane
Downfall - Trekkieb ATF
The Dream - Jordy ADULT
A Dream Come True - Luna Dey
A Dream Destroyed - Jean
Drifters - Twig
Drips - Heather F.
Drought - KellyA
Dry Gulch - MMW
Dust Bunnies and Other Ferocious Creatures - Twyla Jane ATF
Dust on Their Souls - Peta Collins and Leigh Richards
Dust Storm - Leslie
Duty v. Loyalty - Sue M ATF
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