Ezra swung open the doors of the saloon, which
by this time, contained only his friends as they sat and discussed the
events of the day. He knew that what had happened had to be all over
town by now. He had learned through hard experience that gossip traveled
almost as fast as a bullet and could be almost as deadly. As if choreographed
especially for that moment in time, six heads turned at the motion of his
entrance and six pair of questioning eyes met his troubled green ones.
Man, sometimes it really doesn’t pay to have friends, Ezra groaned, I liked
it better when I was just by
myself and nobody gave a damn about what
I did. Ezra grabbed a chair and joined the men at the table,
grabbing the bottle of whiskey and downing a shot immediately. Damn,
that stuff was awful.
He really would have to start bringing his
own liquor to these little soirees or his liver would be gone before the
year was out.
The six other men were all dying to hear Ezra’s
version of the story. Rumors had spread like wildfire around
town about his relationship with the Devereaux girl and her family.
The most
interesting aspect concerned his daughter.
JD looked as through he was about ready to jump out of his seat with curiosity.
Ezra had to laugh to himself about the way his friends tried to hide their
interest in his private life. Buck
finally spoke up, "Did you get to talk with your lady friend this morning,
Ezra? I passed her in the hallway and invited her to breakfast, but
she turned me down.
Now why would that be?"
"My private life is none of your business,
Mr. Wilmington," Ezra growled back, never taking his eyes off his glass.
"I think what Buck is trying to get at," Josiah
explained, "is that rumors are circulating all over town about you and
Miss Devereaux. What exactly happened, Ezra?"
"If you want to know if the rumors about Miss
Devereaux and I entering the matrimonial state are true, then yes, I am
getting married. And Mr. Larabee, I did ask her. I wasn’t forced
to propose, just for the record."
"I didn’t say anything," Chris retorted.
"Just anticipating. And about the rumor
that I have a daughter with Miss Devereaux’s cousin? Yes, that is
also true. And that’s all I’m willing to say about that."
JD had to ask, "How come you never said anything
about having a child?"
Ezra glared up at him with unmasked hostility,
but relented when he saw the boy perceptively back away from the table.
"Mr. Dunne, the reason I never said anything about having a child is that
I was
not aware of her existence until today. I
met her mother when I was just a little younger than you are now and it
was during the War, along with many other extenuating circumstances I rather
not go into, I was not able to ask for her hand."
"Ezra, do you really want to get married to
this girl?" queried Josiah. He was concerned for the young man,
whom Josiah had seen make monumental progress towards being a decent person.
he would hate for the two young people to
enter into something that would make them unhappy for the rest of their
"I think it’s a moot point now, Mr. Sanchez,"
replied Ezra dryly. "But if y’all are concerned for Miss Devereaux’s
sake, don’t be. I will take good care of her - she’s a good person
and deserves the
best I have to offer."
"You better believe that," muttered Nathan,
who had really taken a liking to the young lady’s wit and charm.
"By the way, Nathan," Nathan was startled
by Ezra’s use of his first name. "I would like to ask you a favor.
Angelina’s father was a doctor, and she trained at his feet, so to speak.
She really wants to
research infectious agents, so as to improve
battlefield surgical care. I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind working
with her on her project. I want to afford Angelina her dream and
you are the
best person for the job."
"You got it, Ezra. I’d be pleased to
work with her," agreed Nathan whole-heartedly. The gentlemen prepared
to leave for the evening, all except Ezra, who was determined to finish
off the bottle in front of him. Ezra stared blankly in front of him
as the rest of the men turned to leave. Josiah made a move to go,
but then decided against his current course of action. He returned
to the table and sat down next to Ezra. "You’re not planning to finish
that, are you?"
"Why not?" Ezra groused back. "Why
do you care anyway? My whole life, such as it was, has been turned
upside-down, but no, God forbid, should I be upset about that."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"Is it as a preacher or just a concerned friend
through which you base your inquiry?"
"In either capacity, whichever you are more
comfortable with."
"I never thought I’d agree with Chris Larabee
on anything, but I concur with his idea of that his private life is not
up for discussion. I would certainly be relying on your discretion
whatever I might reveal to you."
"What happened?"
Ezra didn’t know where to begin. He
knew Josiah had some prior knowledge about Ezra’s childhood, because the
older man had met his mother, Maude. Josiah had showed some genuine
interest in his mother, which at the time Ezra had scorned, but now, he
felt that the older man might actually be good for Maude. Ezra stared
at his glass and began, "I met Clara Maret when I was about eighteen.
I had just joined up with the 15 Alabama Cavalry and was about to be sent
to Virginia. I had gone to New Orleans to say goodbye to my mother,
and I met Clara at a ball. She had to be the most beautiful woman
I had ever met. She had this cornsilk hair and the most gorgeous
blue eyes. At the time, her family was one of the most influential
in New Orleans and she was pretty much up to the highest bidder.
There had been an arrangement between her family and the Bowles of Lafayette
that one day, Clara would marry their second son, Stanton. While
I was in New Orleans, I was invited several times to visit her family home
on the outskirts of the city. Josiah, I know that the guys don’t
think much of me, in light of past incidences, but I was not trying to
connive Clara in any way. I really did love her. After
we became, um, intimate that first time, she decided that she would still
rather marry for money. I took off and never looked back. The
War separated me from that part of the country for a few years and then
I met up with my mother soon after it’s conclusion."
"Do you still love Clara? Is that why
you’re so insistent on marrying her cousin, possibly out of spite?"
Ezra grimaced as he tossed back another shot.
Damn, he was going to have one hellacious hangover by tomorrow, but he
could still see straight and think fairly clearly so he kept going.
"No, I might do
some devious things from time to time but
I wouldn’t sink so low as to coerce a very sweet young lady to marry me
to spite someone else."
"Sorry. What about Miss Devereaux?
Her name’s Angelina, right. Nathan says she’s a real gem, good with
people and very bright. What are your intentions toward her?"
"I made the mistake of trying to help her
and ended up getting caught in a very compromising position. She
just wanted to get out of her arranged marriage. She doesn’t want to marry
me, but
she doesn’t understand the way people, including
Mrs. Travis, will treat her if she continues to go around with a reputation."
"Are you attracted to her?"
"My God, what man wouldn’t be? She’s
beautiful, accomplished, and kind. But if you’re asking do I love
her, I doubt it. I just don’t think I can go through that again.
But I think she would make a
good mother for my daughter."
"Your daughter already has a mother, Ezra."
"Yeah, and that family treats her like she’s
trash, especially now that the secret’s out. I won’t have my daughter
go through life the same way I was raised. You ought to see her,
Mr. Sanchez. Victoria, that’s her name - she’s the most exquisite
thing I’ve ever laid eyes on. I still can’t believe I could have
had a hand in making something so perfect. And she’s smart, as well.
She gets along
well with Angelina so I don’t foresee a problem
there. When Victoria left dinner tonight, I don’t think I’ve ever
been so worried about anything in my entire life. We talked and she
fell asleep next to me. That feeling, I don’t know how to describe
it, but I wouldn’t trade anything for it. I’m just afraid that I’ll
inevitably let both of them down."
Josiah thought, You really can love someone
then, if you’re capable of seeing beyond yourself. Now you have to
admit it to yourself. Ezra looked at Josiah for a minute and sighed,
" I’ve seen so much
depravity and cruelty in my life, been a
part to some of it and being the receiver of the other. I just don’t think
I’m worthy of both of them, but I can’t imagine being without them.
Do you think that’s
selfish, Josiah?"
"No, Ezra, it’s not selfish to want some good
out of life."
"I have to ask you a favor, although maybe
you can extend it to the rest of the guys. I want you all to make
sure Angelina and Victoria are well-taken care of, if anything should ever
happen to me. I
would feel better if I knew that they would
be protected."
"Why all of the concern now, Ezra?"
"Josiah, even if I don’t get killed on the
job, I’m sick. I don’t know how long I’ll be around to watch over
Ezra appeared haunted, his soft green eyes
troubled as he weighed what he had to say to Josiah. "This better
not get back to the others, and especially to Angelina or Victoria.
They have enough to
worry about, as it is. I have consumption.
I came out here because it was rumored that the air is better for you.
I contracted it during the War and I’ve been pretty sick a couple of times.
I have
good days and bad days, but I refuse to sit
around and wait to die."
Josiah was non-plussed. What kind of
advice could he give the young man that wouldn’t sound preachy or trite?
"Ezra, don’t worry about your fair ladies, as you Southern gentlemen like
to refer to them. I think I speak for all of us when I promise you
that we will protect them to the best of our abilities." He watched
silently as an invisible weight seemed to lift from Ezra’s shoulders.
Josiah was certain that Ezra was so determined to live up to the reputation
he had built for himself, that the young man actually thought he was worthless.
"Don’t worry. You’re going to make a fine husband and a wonderful father.
You talk about gifts, like with that girl Olivia, remember? Well,
your gift is a knack with children. Personally, I’ve never seen anything
like it. You take time out for them and you treat them as equals.
I’m sure that you will have a wonderful relationship with your daughter,
if you give yourself a chance."
"You really think so?"
"Yeah, I do. So lucky man, when’s the
wedding? Or were you planning to elope so you don’t have to deal
with us and her family?"
"Mr. Sanchez, you’re a preacher. You’re
not suppose to condone that type of behavior," Ezra argued sarcastically.
"I’m also practical and I’ve seen enough weddings
in my time to know that most of it is a big hassle to please the families,
not the couples."
"In a couple of weeks, I think. I want
you to help preside over the service. I know that you can’t perform
it, but I’d like you to be up there, if it’s not an inconvenience."
"No, Ezra, I wouldn’t miss it. Are you
going to invite the rest of the guys or is this something I’m going to
have to keep secret as well?" Josiah joked.
"I’ll get around to it in the morning.
I want you to get the guys to come to dinner at the hotel tomorrow around
noon, okay? I was going to introduce Angelina and Victoria to everyone.
I still
can’t believe it. I’m getting married….,"
Ezra trailed off as the shock of reality hit him like a bucket of cold
water. He looked at Josiah, who had to almost laugh at the man who
was always under
control, who had mastered the poker face.
Ezra looked absolutely panicked. Josiah helped the inebriated young
man out of his chair and up to his room. He was going to have to
make sure that
Ezra wasn’t going to be too hung over to
present his bride-to-be to his closest friends.
The next few weeks went off relatively smoothly,
in Ezra’s opinion. Angelina was cooperating, although she was acting
a little strangely. Ezra hadn’t had a lot of time to muse over his
mood, because of all of the other errands
he was having to try and accomplish before the wedding. He had rented
a small house in town for the time being, and he was trying to spend as
much time with his daughter as he could before she would be returning home.
He had come to an agreement with Clara that Victoria would come and live
with him for a while next spring after he and Angelina had
established themselves. Then Ezra talked
it over with Victoria, who at least seemed to be receptive to the idea.
Victoria was almost as accomplished as he was at masking his emotions,
so sometimes it
was difficult for Ezra to discern what she
was thinking. He had taken Victoria with him to the nearest town
with a jewelry store so that they could pick out Angelina’s engagement
ring, as well as their gold wedding bands. The engagement ring cost
most of what he had saved up, but Victoria assured him that Angelina would
love it. It had a simple solitaire set in the center with an emerald
on each side. His daughter had pointed out that the green stones
matched the color of Ezra’s eyes, and would therefore, be very romantic
and forever be a reminder to Angelina who had given her the ring.
She might not want to remember who her husband is, he thought to himself.
Angelina, however, was very put out with her
intended. He had not even kissed her once except for taking her hand
in public. She hated this chivalrous act of his. She’d rather
have him as the man who
strained to maintain control when he held
her in his arms. He had presented the engagement ring to her one
night at dinner in front of all his friends and her family. She had
gazed into his beautiful eyes
as he knelt down on one knee in front of
her and formally proposed, but she couldn’t read anything there.
He wouldn’t open up to her, which was very frustrating. Angelina
had to give him credit
though; Ezra was trying very hard to make
everything work out perfectly for the wedding. She had no idea that
he was going to be as proficient as he was at charming favors out of people.
The baker
was making one of the most elaborate cakes
ever seen in this part of the territory, and the seamstresses had been
working all hours trying to get her dress ready in time. But the
elegant trimmings meant nothing to her. She rather have him holding
her close and actually feel something for her, than all of the pretense
he was creating.
Two days for the wedding, Ezra and Angelina
returned from a picnic on the outskirts of town. The day had been
wonderful, the weather sublime in its moderate temperature arriving with
the falling of the leaves. Ezra had read to her out of Byron’s
poetry, his soft sensual drawl caressing her very soul. She had stretched
out on the blanket in the warm, sun-kissed grass, her head resting on her
hands as she stared up at the sky.
Suddenly, she sat up on her knees, facing him. Ezra glanced up laconically
from where he had been reading, just in time for her to press her lips
to his. Her
momentum forced him backwards onto his back,
while she held his face in her hands and was kissing him passionately.
He groaned softly and slid his hands up to frame her face. He thrust
his tongue
seductively into her mouth, as she gasped
with the sudden invasiveness. He quickly rolled her over onto her
back and continued his gentle assault on her mouth. He could taste
her honey sweetness, smell her essence, a mixture of sunshine, lavender,
and her own womanly scent. Ezra’s hands roamed of their own volition
down her ribs and back up to cup her breasts.
Angelina’s mind was overwhelmed with the heady
sensations that coursed through her. Her breasts strained tautly
against the material of her dress. Ezra began to unbutton the bodice,
placing feathery kisses from her collarbone to the tops of the silky mounds.
Her skin cried out in desperation for more of his touch and she gripped
his shoulders with her nails. He finally got the dress open and shoved
it off her delicate shoulders. Her chemise was still in his way,
but he began suckling her erect nipples through the thin linen. Angelina
arched her back as the warmth from his ministrations pooled in her nether
Ezra unconsciously acknowledged the presence
of his growing erection, but he chose to ignore it for now. He didn’t
want to stop what he was doing, even though he knew he shouldn’t be taking
advantage of her like this. She trailed
her fingers down the well-defined pectoral and abdominal muscles of his
torso, seeking out his flat nipples. She tried to unfasten his white
linen shirt with
fumbling fingers, but he was able to do it
faster and tossed the shirt off into the grass. He had to feel those
wonderful fingers touching, caressing him, to feel her skin in contact
with his. She grated her
manicured fingernails across his smooth skin,
eliciting a groan of pleasure.
He trailed one hand down to her narrow waist
and slid his arm behind her, pulling her flush against him. She could
feel the heat from his swelling shaft through her skirts. Angelina
gasped at the
strength he exuded. She wanted this
to go on forever, unmindful of the position they were in or that they could
be discovered at any moment. His hands, so skillful with a deck of
cards, were equally
masterful in their ability to wrench every
possible sensation from her excited body. One well-muscled leg inserted
itself between her legs, rucking her skirt up around her thighs.
Ezra’s hand
roamed to the underside of her knee, then
slowly worked its way up her satiny skin until it reached her thigh.
She trembled from passion as well as a little uncertainty.
As he slid his hand up the softness of her
inner thigh, she moaned and writhed with delight. Ezra caressed the
deep folds of her womanhood, causing her to inhale sharply. It was
a little embarrassing for Angelina to permit him access so intimate, a
place no man had touched her before, but the sensations coursing through
her veins overwhelmed her shyness. She dug her fingernails lightly
into the strong, corded muscle of his shoulders. He placed fleeting
kisses, small nibbles, down the graceful column of her neck, while his
thumb rubbed tiny circles around her pleasure center. He
worked in concentric circles, massaging farther
out like small ripples on an otherwise placid lake.
Waves of warmth rocked through her, Angelina
cried out in ecstasy. Her cries he smothered as his mouth slanted
across hers. He knew as long as he lived he would never grow tired
of loving her and that far-reaching sense of permanence frightened him.
Ezra knew he was safe as long as he truly did not care for anyone but he
also knew the wonderful things he was missing.
Angelina reveled in the feelings that came
from his attentions. She tried to pull him closer, but almost knocked
him off balance in the process. He looked slightly perturbed as she
laughed when he fell
forward onto her. He kissed her roughly,
silencing her giggles, but grinding himself even closer to her womanhood.
He slid one dexterous fingers into her moist heat. God, she was already
wet, generated out of her desire for him. She withdrew suddenly at
the odd sensation. Ezra flinched, unaware of what he did wrong.
"Angel, what’s the matter?"
"Why …Why did you do that?"
"It’s meant to give you pleasure. Many
women enjoy being, um…, stimulated like that before the …uh…final deed.
In your case, it was intended for you to become accustomed to me.
I won’t do
anything you’re not comfortable with, sweetheart,"
he murmured. This is why I don’t get involved with young women or
virgins. Here he had both. That’s good thinking, Standish.
Scare the poor girl off before you get married to her. "Angelina,
do you want to go any farther? I’m not going to make love out here
in the open. I still do have some modesty left. But if you
want to stop now, I’ll
She gazed up into his intense green eyes,
which had darkened considerably as he became more aroused. She marveled
at his composure at a time like this. She wondered what would
it take to
crack that iron control he maintained so
well. She stifled a giggle as a rogue thought passed fleetingly through
her mind - It wasn’t the only thing like iron about him. His aroused
manhood strained against the fine fabric of his trousers and pressed insistently
on her upper leg. "No, not really. It felt kinda…sorta, well,
I don’t know how to describe it. When your hand was touching, well
you know,
I’ve never felt like that before. When
I closed my eyes, I could see brilliant light shot through with colors
- it’s probably the closest to heaven I’ve ever seen. But you’re
telling me there’s more?"
"Honey, there’s a whole lot more than what
we’ve done right here, and we have the rest of our lives to explore all
of them."
"How far can we go until the wedding?" she
asked shyly.
"As far as you like. But I’m not going
to finish it here. I want you in a comfortable bed with mounds of
pillows, the soft light reflecting of your beautiful face. I want
to know every part of you and I want
to take my time getting there, without any
interruptions. But what I want most of all is to see and feel your
reaction when I slide so far into you, that we are no longer two separate
people, but one perfect
creation." Angelina’s stomach did flip-flops
as she shivered from the blatant sexual impact of his words. She
boldly slid her hands down his body until she came upon his most insistent
arousal. She
grazed her hand over the steely hardness
in an exploratory manner.
Ezra thought he was going to die from the
pleasure she was eliciting from him. Just at the point when he knew
he was going to break
his word to her and take her hard and fast
right there under the blue sky, literally in front of God and everybody,
he pulled her hands off of him rather abruptly and rolled over onto his
back, grumbling at
himself as he went.
Angelina looked a little confused about his
hasty retreat. "What is it, Ezra?" thinking she had done something
Ezra sighed and closed his eyes against the
bright sun. "It’s about time we got back to Four Corners.
There’s still a lot to be done before Saturday." He couldn’t bring
himself to tell her that he
had just about lost the one thing he still
couldn’t bring himself to share - his heart. He didn’t know how he
was going to keep from falling head over heels for her after Saturday,
but he prayed that his
scheming mind could come up with something
fast. Angelina fastened up her dress quietly and helped Ezra gather
up the picnic items. They packed them up into the rented buggy and
back to town. After he saw her off
at the hotel, he sought out his friends to spend one last night of carousing
before he entered into the matrimonial state.
The day of the wedding was finally here, and
Ezra was a nervous wreck. Never in his life could he remember being
this unsettled about anything. He had tried to tie his ascot four
times already and still couldn’t get it right. There was a knock
on his door and Chris walked into the room. Ezra was very surprised
at the amount of support that Chris had given him over the last couple
of weeks. Maybe Chris figured that with Ezra getting married, that
there would be no way for him to cut and run again.
Ezra was surprised to see the rugged gunslinger
dressed in something other than his characteristic all-black ensemble.
Ezra hadn’t asked any of them to stand up
with him during the service, not feeling like he could impose such a favor.
"So how’s the lucky groom doin’?" Chris asked
jovially, until he saw the panicked look on Ezra’s face.
"Mr. Larabee, is there something I can do
for you on the occasion of my wedding?" Ezra inquired still staring at
his reflection in the mirror.
"Yeah, who’s your best man?"
"I have decided to forgo that tradition, seeing
as how I don’t have a personal friend in this town with whom I could oblige
"I came to offer my services, if you want."
Ezra was speechless. Chris Larabee had
never been very enthusiastic about Ezra’s presence within the seven, and
had only allowed him to stay around to work off the pardon that Judge Travis
had bestowed upon Ezra. Discretion being the better part of valor,
and all, the young gambler stumbled, "I would be very appreciative of your
presence at the altar, Mr. Larabee."
"I’ll take that as a yes," restated Chris
sarcastically. "Now you need to finish getting ready.
You don’t want to leave that lovely bride of yours standing alone in the
church in front of all those people."
Ezra finally completed his toilet and walked
to the door, with Chris following right behind. Ezra turned and quietly
spoke, "Chris, what was it like to be married? I mean, you’re probably
the most
devoted husband I’ve ever heard of."
"I considered myself at the time to be one
of the luckiest men in the world. I still do. Sarah was the
best thing that ever happened to me. I was plenty nervous at first,
always afraid of doing something
that would make her turn away from me.
But women, the wonderful thing about them is that they’re resilient.
They listen and they understand. There have only three times in my
life I’ve ever been scared out of my wits. When I asked Sarah to
marry me and actually admitted to myself that I loved her, when my son
Adam was born, and when I lost the two most precious people I have ever
cared about and I had to think about living a life without them.
But marriage, Ezra, you have to remind yourself in the rough times about
all the perfect times between you and Angelina, and I promise you, you
will have them. The only suggestion I can give you is don’t take
for granted those who count the most in your life. If they mean a
lot to you now, magnify those feelings by ten and maybe you can grasp what
it’s like to lose them. Now enough of this. You have a wedding
to get to."
Ezra stood at the front of the church, that
Josiah had worked so diligently on to get it ready for the first wedding
ever to be held within its walls. He had on a dark gray jacket, soft
white linen shirt,
matching gray ascot with diamond stick pin,
and dark pinstriped trousers. He had given the rings to Mary Travis’
son, Billy, right before the service and was fervently praying that the
little boy had not misplaced them. The pianist struck up a beautiful
melody as the doors of the church opened and his daughter proceeded down
the aisle.
Victoria had her flaxen hair curled in ringlets
which framed her porcelain face. Her green eyes shone with pride
as she walked slowly toward the front of the church in her new pale green
"grown-up" dress. Boy, would she have a story for Minnie when she
got back home. Minnie had only been a flower girl, but Angelina had
asked Victoria to be her maid of honor. She took her place opposite
of her father and Chris Larabee. Ezra smiled at his beautiful little
The wedding march started and Angelina appeared
in the doorway, along with Nathan who had agreed to give her away.
Alexander had wanted nothing to do with the wedding so Angelina had
gone to Nathan with her request. Ezra’s
heart stopped and his breath caught in his throat. She was exquisite,
no, breathtaking. There were no words to describe the vision who
appeared before him and was going to grace his presence for the rest of
his life. He understood Chris’s words on fear now.
Angelina was dress in an elegant ecru satin
and lace dress. Her hair had been curled with tongs and piled in
a loose knot on top of her head. Small tendrils escaped and framed
her high cheekbones and
graceful neck, and the lacy veil fastened
around her hair with silk rose accents. The off-white color
of the dress complemented the dusky tone to her skin. Her luminous
brown eyes gazed up at the
man who would soon be her husband.
He was so handsome, but he had so many endearing qualities. Angelina
wished with all her heart that she would find some way to show Ezra his
some day. She and Nathan made
their way slowly to the altar and the preacher opened his bible to begin.
"Who here gives this woman away in order for
her to enter into the holy bonds of matrimony?" intoned the minister. Josiah
stood behind him, nodding in approval.
"The town of Four Corners and I do, sir."
The preacher blinked twice at the young black man who was giving away a
wealthy white woman. But he didn’t falter. Nathan joined the
rest of the men
sitting on the front pew. Ezra extended
his arm and Angelina gingerly rested her hand on it, feeling his warmth
through the material. He lifted her veil away from her face and took
in her breathtaking countenance.
The minister asked the congregation of friends
and family, "If there is any among us that do not believe that these two
should enter the state of holy matrimony, please speak now or forever hold
your piece." The heavy stares of Chris
and Josiah at the altar, as well as the men seated on the first row eliminated
even the strongest negative opinions. The minister continued, "Do
you, Angelina
Kathleen Devereaux, take this man to be your
lawfully wedded husband, to love, honor and obey through all your days,
through sickness and health, richer or poorer, unto death’s parting?
Angelina gazed at Ezra’s striking eyes and
knew - This is it. This is the one I want. "I do," she murmured
softly. Ezra sighed almost perceptibly, in relief. Chris stifled
a chuckle as he empathized
with his friend’s turmoil.
"Do you, Ezra Xavier Standish, take this woman
to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love, honor and cherish through all
your days, through sickness and health, richer or poorer, until death’s
The guys all looked at each other and mouthed
"I do," he drawled. Angelina’s insides
went limp at the barely masked seductive quality to his voice.
"Angelina, take the ring and place it on his
finger and repeat after me. With this ring I thee wed."
"Ezra, with this ring I thee wed."
"Ezra, take the ring and place it on her finger
and repeat after me. With this ring I thee wed."
"Angelina," he whispered, "I want you to know
I will always take care of you. I’m blessed to have you and Victoria
in my life and I will try my best to make you happy. So, with this
ring I thee wed."
Angelina’s eyes began brimming with tears,
concerning Ezra. He had never intended to make her cry, he wanted
her to feel exactly the opposite.
"You may now kiss your lovely bride, Mr. Standish."
Ezra dipped his head for what he had intended to be a brief and proper
kiss, but as his lips touched hers, he pulled her close and kissed her
hard on
the mouth. Her gloved hands cupped
his face and she kissed him back with equal ardor. Finally, breathless,
Ezra broke off the kiss. The minister presented them to the
congregation as Mr. and
Mrs. Ezra Standish. Loud whoops followed
that reverberated off the walls, as Buck and JD hooted loudly. Ezra
just had to get through tonight.
Angelina walked into the bedroom of their
new house, exhausted from the day’s events. Everyone from town had
turned out and had come to congratulate the couple at the reception.
Then Angelina
had to dance with all of her husbands friends.
They had been so kind and good, helping out with anything and everything.
Ezra had watched as his new wife tirelessly charmed her way into the good
graces of the town. He almost wished
he had met her earlier in his career. She was really talented at
gaining people’s confidence.
She laid her pelisse and Ezra’s jacket on
the chair next to the wardrobe. He had stayed outside for a moment
to speak with Chris. When Angelina danced with Chris earlier in the
evening, she thanked him for extending his friendship to Ezra. Chris
had blushed slightly, but graciously accepted her gratitude.
She sighed softly, not knowing what she should
do next. So she began to unfasten the beautiful confection of lace
and satin that comprised her wedding dress. Suddenly two strong hands
nudged hers aside and deftly unbuttoned the
numerous buttons running down her back. She gasped, startled by his
presence because she had not heard him come in. One of his hands
snaked down and gripped her waist, holding her in place until he was finished
and the dress slid from her shoulders. He pushed it down to her waist,
then letting it pool at her feet. His breath dusted her back, sending
shivers up her spine. He quickly unlaced her corset, and somewhere
in the recesses of Angelina’s mind, she knew that by the expert way he
did this, Ezra had first-hand knowledge of lady’s
undergarments. After he was finished,
she stood there in front of him in just her chemise. That knowledge
caused her to blush bright red.
Ezra pulled her back against his strong chest
and wrapped his arms around her. He pressed a kiss to the top of
her hair and just reveled in the knowledge that she was his to possess.
He turned her to
face him and he gazed down into her warm
chocolate eyes. How he wanted to make this night special for her.
He felt like he had ten years ago with Clara, that same callow nervousness,
about where to proceed from here. Angelina
placed her hands on both sides of his face and stood on tiptoes to kiss
him, licking his lips with the tip of her tongue. He gripped her
waist and pulled her
flush up against him, as he ravaged her mouth.
He felt his manhood tighten in response to her nearness.
As she kissed him, Angelina worked on the
buttons of the soft linen shirt he wore, which he shrugged off his shoulders
and onto the floor, to join her wedding dress. He wanted to taste
her full breasts, to lave the dark nipples into puckered attention.
He ripped her chemise open and cupped her rounded globes in both hands,
fondling them generated a deep-seated heat in her core and arousing him
to almost painful proportions. Angelina moaned in response,
relishing the sensations his mouth delineated on her satiny skin.
He picked her up and carried her over to the bed, then joined her there.
She reached up into his thick chestnut hair and pulled him back down to
her breasts. Angelina ran her hands over his strong shoulders and
back, felt the muscles as they flexed in order to create the pleasure that
spiraled through her.
He slid his hand up her thigh and stoked her
dark curls located the apex. He was doing the same thing that he
had being doing to her the other day, which she had been awash in the ecstasy
meted out by his fingertips. He dipped one dexterous finger into
her moist heat. Defensively, she tried to close her legs but one
of his knees rested in between. He massaged her in a gentle rhythm,
until his
finger brushed the membrane that marked her
an innocent. She panted as his fingers worked their magic within
her body. Suddenly, she was overtaken by a vortex of ecstasy
as she arched up
against his hand.
Ezra stopped gradually and looked up at her.
"Angel, do you understand what’s going to happen now?"
Angelina stared at him, not quite lucid yet
from her swift orgasm.
"I thought it was all over. You mean
there’s more to this???" She looked shocked. Ezra looked astonished
that she didn’t know more about the union between men and women.
She was after all a
grown woman and she had told him she understood
what was entailed in the act of love-making.
"Honey, we haven’t gotten to the best part.
You are still a virgin. We can turn back if you want."
"Well, not since I’ve been with you now."
"Let me tell you, sweetheart, you still are.
There’s some technical things I think I ought to explain to you before
we continue. Then you can decide on whether or not you want this."
Ezra was quiet for
a moment, gathering his scattered thoughts
and trying desperately to come up with a way to explain the act of love
without scaring the poor girl. "Angelina, men and women were made
to fit like a lock
and key. When I was caressing you,
it’s intended to prepare you to receive me. When the final act comes
about, instead of my finger, which was only to get you accustomed to the
feel, I will slide my
shaft inside you. The fit will be a
little tight at first, but there’s a rhythm you’ll pick up in no time.
Then sensations ten times greater than what you felt with my touch will
sweep through you. I know I
wasn’t very good at explaining this but do
you have any questions?"
Angelina was blushing profusely at his rather
tactful, but straight forward explanation. His broad shoulders, the
washboard abdominals, tapered hips, and that most intimate part of him
- what he said would be entering her if she agreed to this. She felt
a little embarrassed when she realized that he still had his trousers on,
while she was stark naked. Angelina hesitantly inquired, "Ezra, wouldn’t
it be easier for you to remove your pants in order to do this?"
"Do you really want to make love with me?
Right now we’re almost at the point of no return. If you tell me
to stop, I will. I don’t want to force you into anything."
"I knew when I married you that this was part
of the deal."
"Forget the damn deal. I don’t want
you doing anything you’re not comfortable with."
Angelina’s chocolate eyes connected with his
emerald ones. She smiled and teased, "Did anybody ever tell you that
you talk too much." She threw her arms around his neck and kissed
him full-force on the lips. He lost his balance and tumbled over
on top her. His weight felt deliciously close and she stroked the
ridges of muscle that ran the length of his back and ribcage. Ezra
sighed softly in her ear as those wonderful fingers worked their magic
on his bodily. He trailed kisses down her neck, across her collarbone,
and began to gently suck on her breasts while running his hands up and
down her ribs and across her stomach. The heavenly scent that was
uniquely hers filled his nostrils and drove him wild. He resumed
his exploration of her womanly secrets, a feather-light touch there and
well-placed brush of his talented fingers here. Meanwhile, he was
becoming so hard that it was all he could do to keep from unbuttoning his
trousers and taking her right then and there. His blissful reverie
was broken by an angelic voice speaking his name. "Ezra??" Angelina whispered.
"What is it, Angel?"
"Can I touch you, too? I mean, you won’t
think less of me because I want to feel you, all of you."
"Of course you can," he reassured her.
"You don’t have to but I would love it if you want to."
"What do I do?"
"Let me get out of these." Ezra stood
up and fumbled with the buttons that ran down the placket of his pants.
Just that slight pressure against his swollen groin almost made him spill
his seed then and there. He shucked them off as well as his underwear.
When he turned around, he laughed out loud. His little adventuress
had her eyes squeezed tight shut, and the rosy glow of her blush graced
her high cheekbones. He crawled into bed next to her and pulled the
covers over his naked body. "Not backing out on me, are you?"
he asked jokingly. "Honey, I’m under the covers. You can open your
eyes now."
Her eyelashes fluttered open and she lay stock-still
for a moment. At first, Ezra thought she was having second thoughts
but then she reached out and trailed her hand down his strong chest.
have to tell me what to do," she stammered.
He took her small hand in his large one and dragged it down the side of
his body until she reached his bare hip. The skin was soft, yet slightly
rough from
the hair on his legs. She was amazed
at all the differences she found between her body and his, but at the same
time, she realized what a wonderful complement they were to each other,
like they had
been destined to fit together. After
a few moments of tracing swirls on his thigh, he, keeping her hand in his,
migrated to his rigid member. At first she wanted to draw her hand
back, but curiosity
overwhelmed her. The skin was smooth
and baby-soft, but he was hard as steel. The blood of his engorged
shaft pulsed through her hand, and she traced the bulbous tip with the
edge of her
manicured fingernails. A loud groan
passed his lips and he impulsively gripped her hips and pulled her flush
against him, trapping her hand between them.
She reflexively gripped the turgid shaft and
almost squeezed too hard. Ezra yelped. Angelina let go of him
like she had been bitten. "I’m so sorry. I told you I didn’t
know what to do," she wailed.
He soothed her and took her hand in his.
"It’s okay, I promise. You just can’t squeeze quite that tightly.
Here." He demonstrated, guiding her hand around his erection and
showing her how to softly
slide her hand up and down the base.
He soon released her hand and rolled his head back in pleasure. He
wasn’t too sure of how much farther his iron control would stretch before
it finally gave
way. The rhythm she set was so erotic
that he had to quickly grip her hand and still it before he spilled himself.
Before Angelina could say anything, Ezra kissed
her reassuringly on her startled mouth and explained in a husky version
of his trademark drawl, "Angel, sweetheart, you are too good at that,
you’re going to have to stop or I won’t be in any condition to finish this."
He began to slide one finger back inside her
dewy sheath and
massage her little button of pleasure with
his thumb. She unconsciously arched her back, attempting to become
as close as she physically could. The whispery sounds coming from
her excited him even more, if that was possible. He felt like a callow
young man, JD came to mind, not really sure
what he should do next. Ezra slid another finger in,stretching her
even more but also coming in contact with the membrane not yet broken.
"Angel, you
have to tell me - do you want to go through
with this?"
She stared up into his intensely green eyes,
the pupils dilated with passion, and panted, "Yes, Ezra, more than anything
I’ve ever wanted before. I want to feel you inside me. Take
me, make me
Ezra moved on top of her, forcing her legs
farther apart and opening her up to his hands and lower body. "Shh,
sweetheart, this might hurt a little bit. I’m going to try to break
your maidenhead with
my fingers so when I enter you, it won’t
pain you quite as badly." He placed his thumb and forefinger inside
her damp passage and pinched the membrane, feeling it give way as she flinched
pain. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," she breathed through her teeth, "I
didn’t know this was part of the deal. I though this was supposed
to be an earth-shattering experience, one that all famous writers wrote
about." Where was
the excitement, the ecstasy she had felt
in his arms just moments before?
"When I take you, I promise it won’t hurt.
I would never hurt you intentionally. Just relax and give into
the sensations," he murmured as he positioned himself over top of her and
rested most of his
weight on his arms, settling his lower body
flush with her nether regions. Angelina felt his tumescent manhood
rest heatedly against the top of her inner thigh. He brushed the
exposed flesh of her mons in the process of guiding his engorged penis
to the entrance of her vagina. The rosy tip teased her flesh, causing
her heart to beat rapidly and her blood race at a fever pitch.
Achingly slow, Ezra eased his way in, stretching
and filling her, then just as slowly he retreated almost all the way out
again. She wrapped her leg higher around his waist and he was able
to penetrate her even more deeply. She moaned in pleasure as he slowly
began thrusting in and out, then gaining momentum. God, she was so
tight, he thought, as he gripped her hips and demonstrated the rhythm to
which she caught on very rapidly. Then it was all over for her.
A climax she could have never imagined coursed through her, bright shards
of light and the most exciting, tingling sensations took over. Ezra
felt her orgasmic
contractions as they gently caressed his
penis and he began thrusting faster until waves of ecstasy washed over
his entire body. Angelina felt his final thrust as he spilled his
warm seed inside her.
She relished the warm, heavy feel of him as
he lay upon her, spent. After what seemed to be an eternity, he reluctantly
pulled out of her and rolled to the side bringing her into his arms.
He just laid there, eyes closed, simply enjoying the silence broken by
the entangled sounds of their heartbeats. Angelina snuggled closer
to him, wrapping one leg around his thigh and resting her head and arm
his sweat-beaded chest.
"Hmmm…," he responded sleepily.
"Is it always like that?"
He had to chuckle. Sometime she was
so childlike and then other times, well, he was very much aware of her
womanly qualities. "Making love can be a wonderful experience if
two people really
care for each other."
"So you care for me?"
He thought a moment. "I care for you
very much, probably more than you’ll ever know." Angelina was silent for
a moment. She knew he was afraid of being married, that he wasn’t
good enough, and even of the feelings he had for her. She would just
have to work on him a little more. "Ezra?"
"What is it?"
"When can we do this again?" she asked shyly.
A slow smile crept over Ezra’s face as he relished the thought of making
love to his wife all over again.
"You’re insatiable, Mrs. Standish," he replied
as his hands began wreaking havoc all over her body once again.
"Mmmm….I like the sound of that, Mr. Standish,"
as she prepared to receive him. One day..... she promised herself,
he will tell me he loves me.
The End