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Ma Cullen - Sue M
Mad Dog - Joe Lawson AU ADULT ("Two Blood")
Mad Ladies Men and Undercover Agents... - Hombre ATF
Making Time for the Little Things - Sue M AU
A Man Someday - LaraMee LB ATF
Mark My Words - Beth Green LB ATF
Making Plans and Assumptions - May Robinson ATF
Matchmaker - Sabro ADULT
A Matter of Honor - SueM AU
A Matter of Trust - SoDak7
Matters of the Heart - Cassie Smith
Matters of the Heart - Ankh ADULT
A Matter of Privacy - KT AU
MCAT: 3. Decisions - texastannerlady & Tonny AU
The McDonald's Incident by Ruby ATF
'Memb'ring - Angie AU
Memories - Jenn AU
Memories of Eden - Susan Zell
Mending Fences: Epilogue to Manhunt - Holly
Meow - Jade ATF ADULT
Merry Christmas, and Chicken Pox to You - LaraMee LB ATF
A Midnight Clear - Nancy W LB AU
Mind Jack - Neon Gang ATF
Mine are the Worse for Wear - Tiffiny ATF ADULT
Miracles Do Happen - Sue M AU
The Misery of the Human Condition - Beth Green ATF
Misgivings, Misapprehensions, and Missing Persons - Beth Green ATF (xover Without A Trace)
Miss You Most - BM ATF
Mistletoe - Helen Adams
Mistletoe Challenge - Cobalt ADULT
Mistletoe Wars - Lisa S AU
Mistletoe Wars Part Deux - Sue M. and Lisa S. AU
Mistletoe of the West - Kitka
Misunderstanding - Robijean
Misunderstandings - Wendymypooh AU
Mixed Signals - KT
A Moment of Reflection Lost - foggynite
Moments - Charlotte Hill ATF ADULT
Moon and Rain - Sammy Girl AU
Month To Month - Madraf
A Moonlit Interlude - Lynn
More than Gold - NotTasha
More Than One Kind of Hero - KT ATF
Morning Breaks - Amelia (Poem)
A Mother's Worst Fear - Monica M. & Debra M. AU
Mudslide - Sue M
My Best Friend's Wedding - Zentry ATF
My Brother's Keeper - Sue M ATF
My Fair Ladies' Man - Beth Green ATF
My Job is Done II - Linda
Necessary Apologies - Wgang
Never Alone - Sammy Girl AU (Hunter's Moon)
Never Alone - Sammy Girl AU ADULT ("Two Blood")
The New Guy - GSister ATF
The New Law - NotTasha
A New Monarch of the Glen - KT
A New Year - Sue M
Night Caller - Laramee ATF
Nightmares Made Flesh - Tiffiny
Ninety-Six Hours of Darkness - Angie ATF
No Good Deed - Helen Adams
No Good Going Back - KT LB ATF
No Greater Gift - Yolande
No Love for Solitude - Charlotte Hill ADULT
No Matter What - Kayim AU (M7 Rocks)
No Rush - Sue M AU
No Sacrifice Too Great - Angie LB
No Thinkin' Thing - Luna Dey ATF
No Rhyme or Reason - AngelaB AU (Journey To Avalon)
No Way! - Mary Ann ATF
Nobody Loses All the Time - J Brooks
Nortado - Estee LB ATF
North Pass Ranch: Running Blind - Joy K LB AU
Not a Game Anymore - Valentine ADULT (Sequel to "Too Quiet")
Not Kidding Around - Beth Green ATF
Nothing More Than Men - MMW
Number 37 - Heather F. ATF
OCTOBER 31st (Collection) - LaraMee
Octogenerians Do It With a Bag! - Sue M AU (Las Vegas)
Odd Occurrences - Angie ATF
Of Sparrows and Hawks - Joe Lawson
Offering Comfort - Katherine ATF ADULT
OLD WEST CHRISTMAS (Collection) - Wendymypooh
One Day, One Night, One Life - KT ATF
The One that Got Away - Helen Adams
Old Foes - KT AU
On a Bicycle Built for Buck - Kathy B ATF
On My Knees - JIN ATF
Once More - C.V. Puerro ATF ADULT
One Little Word - KT LB
One Man's Hero - Sammy Girl AU (Two Blood)
One Night After Too Much Beer - Loke ATF ADULT
One Night in Vegas - KT ATF AU
One Soul (Series) - Mary Ann AU
The Gift
One Stone - KT ATF
One Sunday Morning - Sue Kelley ADULT
One Thing Left to Say - Joanne Collins ADULT
Only When it Rains - Saga ATF
Operation Cat - KT LB ATF
Operation School - Angela B AU
The Other Cheek - MMW
Other Hearts - Green Woman ATF ADULT
Ours To Defend - Sue M. AU
Out of the Past - by Jesfraelo
Over Hill and Plain - C.V. Puerro ATF ADULT
Parallels: A "Lady Killers" Epilogue - May Robinson
Partners - Q'Mar ATF
The Party - LaraMee Deux
Pass The Buck - Mods ATF
Passing Fancy - Charlotte Hill ATF (mild slash content)
Past Connections - KT
Patience Rewarded - Hombre
Pawns and Sacrifices - KellyA
Pearl - Timberwolf ADULT
Peeping Everyone - MMW
Perchance to Dream: Buck - Tiffiny ATF
The Perfect Day - Turtle ADULT
The Pefect Shot - BMP
The Perfect One - Lisa ATF
Persona Non Grata - Lara Bee ATF ADULT
Perspective - Mitzi
Picture Perfect - Carole LB ATF
Playing Hooky - KT LB ATF
Playing Around with Numb3rs - Beth Green ATF
Poison - Heather F.
Pollywogs - Jeanne LB ATF
Ponderings - MMW LB OW/AU
Pop Tarts - Sue M AU
The Power of Love - Phyllis Loafman LB ATF
Practical Joke - Tonny ATF
Pressure - Tapestri AU
A Pretty Mess - Katherine ATF ADULT
The Price of Fame - SueM AU
Price of Revenge - Penny M
Priceless - Charlotte Hill ADULT AU
The Prodigal - The Scribe
Proof of Ownership - TexasAries ATF ADULT
Proving Ground - Niteowl
Pulling Punches - KT
Pun Stories (Collection) - Beth Green
The Punching Bag - Sylvia ATF
Quatre-Mains - sevenall
Quiet - NotTasha
Race - Katie
Raisin Hell - Beth Green LB ATF
The Rancher's Wife - LT
Razor's Edge - Charlotte Hill ADULT
Reality Check - The Cohorts AU/ATF
Reality Crosscheck - The Cohorts AU/ATF
Reassurances and Revelations - Sammy Girl ATF ADULT
Rebuilding Paradise - Lokemele ADULT
Rebuilding the Past - Yolande ATF
Red Tape and Bows - Angela B. AU
Redemption - May Robinson
Reflections Of - Tiffiny ADULT
Reindeer Games - Kathy B. ATF
Repercussions - Sue M AU
Replaced - Heather F. ATF
Requiem - Katie
Rescue Me - Jenn ATF
Resolutions - Stormm ATF
Rest and Relaxation - Sue M AU
Return Journey - WendyW LB
Reunion - KT ATF/AU
Revelations (Series) - anonymous a.k.a. nobody ADULT
Revenge - Judy S. and Bishonen Chan ATF ADULT
Revenge And Childish Things - KT AU
Revenge is Sweet - Hombre
The Ride - Angela B
Riding Double - Joanne Collins ADULT
A Rite of Passage - Sue M
A Right Pair - KT ATF
Road to Hell - Sue M AU
The Road toYuma - Susan Zell
Rock, Paper, Scissors - Hombre ATF
Rockin' - Phyllis Loafman LB ATF
Roommates - sablecain AU (Federal Air Marshalls)
Roughhousing - C.V. Puerro ATF ADULT
Rumplestiltskin - Lady Q AU ADULT
Running on Empty - Joy K, Winter, Nancy W AU
's Halloween Treat - Jean W. ATF ADULT
A Sad Demise - Sharmini ATF
The Samaritan's Curse - the KT AU
San Francisco Way - Charlotte Hill
Santa Claus is Comin' to Town - Carole LB-ATF
Satisfaction - Sweetcheeks ADULT
Say What? - JudyL ATF
Scars - KT ATF
School Supplies - Jeanne LB
Second Childhood - Jean Williams
Second Glance - Purple Lacey ATF
Secret Admirer - Jenn ATF
Seeing the Elephant - J. Brooks
Seven Is a Perfect Number - SBerry
The Seven's Sentinel - Judy Seils ATF (xover The Sentinel)
A Shining Place Called Hope - Deirdre
Shiver Me Timbers - Lisa S AU
Shot at Again, Mr. Larabee? - Hombre
Silence - LT and Niteowl LB ATF
Silence is Golden - Mary Ann
The Silent Father - MMW ATF
Silver and Shadows - Joe Lawson AU ADULT ("Two Blood")
Simple Truths ... Honest Lies - Cobalt ADULT
Simply Magnificent chapter 7 - Fiercy AU ADULT (Escorts")
Sins of the Father - Scribe
Sizzle - Charlotte Hill ATF ADULT
SK Stalker - Megan AU
Skallen, One by Shellie
Skallen, Two by Shellie and Mary
Snow Shaker - KT ATF
Snowball - Angela B AU (Journey to Avalon)
Snowbound - Gold Dust Woman ATF ADULT
So Close - Sue M ATF
So Long As You Both Shall Live - Firefox ADULT
SOLITUDES Series: Forgotten - Hercat ATF
Sombra de Ti - Emerald ADULT
Some Dream - Ace
Someone to Ride the River With - MMW
Someone to Watch Over Me - Firefox ATF
Something Old - Thalia AU (Street Gang)
Something to be Thankful For - Cass Smith (A Thanksgiving Tale)
Somewhere Along the Road - Estee LB ATF
Sound the Bugle - GSister ATF
Southern Exposure - Steelknight ATF ADULT
The Spirit of a Hero - Mitzi
Spring Cleaning - Joe Lawson ADULT
Spring Waters - Tipper
Stakeout and Take-Out - Sue M ATF
Stalker - Jeanne ATF
Stampede - Ice Queen ATF
Start of a Beautiful Friendship - Tarlan
Starting Over - Becky E ATF
Starting Over - Angie LB
Still - Sue Kelley
The Stockings . . . or How Buck Starts a Catfight - senorabutterfly
Storm Set - ~Lumina ADULT
Strange Encounters - Twyla Jane ATF
Strange Folk - KT AU
Strangers in a Strange Town - SasseyJ
Strength in Numbers - Helen Adams
Stress Relieving - Freespirit ATF
Stronger Than You Think - Jeanne AU (Two Blood)
Strum und Drang - Beth Green ATF
Stuck on You - Judy S. and Bishonen Chan ATF ADULT
Stud Poker - Timberwolf ADULT
The Stuff of Dreams - K Hanna Korossy
A Stumble in the Dark - Luna Dey ATF
Subterfuge - Carole LB ATF
Sugar and Spice - LT ATF
Sugar Rush - Carole LB ATF
Summer Heat - the KT (Alternate Universe "Runaways")
Sunset - Charlotte Hill ATF ADULT
Sure Thing or Not - Amelia ATF (Poem)
Surprise - Charlotte Hill ATF ADULT
Surprise! - Gold Dust Woman ADULT
Sweet Secret - KT AU
Sweets in Every Fold - Farad
Synchronicity - Charlotte Hill ADULT AU
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