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Facets (Series) - Deb
Facts of Life - Katherine AU (Highlander)
THE FAIR (Series) - Angie ATF
Faith of the Heart - KT AU
False Accusations - Phyllis Loafman ATF
A Familiar Face - MMW
Family - Sue M and Phyllis AU
Family Secrets - Tonya AU
Family Secrets, Family Ties - KT LB
Family Ties - Jenn AU
A Family Way - Ruth Eves and Celestine Irons
Fantasia - VampyrAlex ATF ADULT
A Far Better Thing - Helen Adams
Father's Day - Jody Revenson ATF
Father's Day - Sue M LB ATF Poem
Father's Day Sinners - KT ATF
A Father's Hope - Winnie AU
Favors - Charlotte Hill (sensitive reader warning)
February the 13th - LaraMee ATF
Feelin' No Pain - BMP LB ATF
Fellowship - May Robinson ATF
Field Trip - Angie LB ATF
Fighting Midnight - Firefox ATF ADULT
Figuring It Out - Joanne ADULT
Finding Trust - Monica M AU
Fire Drill - MMW LB ATF
The First Dance - LaraMee
First Day Encounters - KT AU
First Love - KT AU
The First Time - Sammy Girl ATF ADULT
The First Time Ever I Lay With You - Joanne ADULT
The First Time I Saw You - Joanne ADULT
A Fishing Trip - LT AU
The Flight of the Pula - KT AU (RNLI)
Floating - Emerald ADULT
A Fool and his Boots - NotTasha
For Auld Lang Syne - Charlotte Hill ATF ADULT
For the Best - Cobalt ADULT
For the Right Price - Deirdre ATF
The Foreplay Series - TexasAries ATF ADULT
Form And Function - KT AU
Found Treasures - Phyllis LB AU
For The Love Of... - Sue M AU
Forging the Bond - Sue M AU
48 Hours - Mitzi
A Fraternal Visit - KlingonCat AU (Two Blood)
Free Weekend - Kili Bloom LB ATF
Friend - ssinco
A Friend in Me - Winnie ATF
A Friend Indeed? - Beth Green
A Friend Indeed - Dreda
Friends, Past And Present - Rhiannon
The Friendship Collection: Stay - MMW
From A to B - KT LB ATF
Full Buck Moon- Beth Green ATF
Full Circle - Jeanne LB ATF
Full Circle - KT ATF
A Full Pack - Anneack AU
Fumblethumbs - Hombre ATF
Fun at the Fair - KT AU
The Gelert Christmas - KT AU
Getting it Straight - Sammy Girl ATF ADULT (Sequel to "Hidden Beauty")
Getting Out of Boston - Sue M AU
Getting to Know You - Beth Green
Ghosts of the Confederacy - Beth Green ATF
A Gift From an Old Friend - Cassie ATF
The Gift - May Robinson VS
Go With Me - Sue M LB ATF
Going Home - Nightowl AU (Civil War)
Good - Sally M
Good Nayeber - KT ATF
Graduation Day - MMW ATF
Gray - NotTasha
Greater Love - KT
Green Beer - Diamondback ADULT
Growin' Old by Ruby
Guilt - Linda
Guilt - Nee VS
Guilt Trip - KT
H1N1 Misery - KT AU RNLI
Hair Apparent - Tidia ATF
A Hand of Friendship - KT ATF
The Hands of Glenneaval - Sue M AU
The Handwriting on the Wall - Ruby ATF
Happy Trails - Sabro ADULT
Hasty Actions and Words - Wgang16 ATF
HAVEN: Interlude - Brate AU
Having Your Cake - Helen Adams ATF
He Ain't Heavy - May Robinson ATF
He Knows - Sammy Girl ATF ADULT
He Looks Just Like You - Phyllis LB ATF
Healing With A Gift - Katy AU
Hear Me - K Hanna Korossy
Heart and Soul - Ankh ADULT
The Heart Lives On - S. Larabee Tanner
Heaven and Hell - MrsDvlDg
Heaven Knows, Mr. Willmington - Nancy W LB ATF
Hell in a Hand Basket - Sue M ATF
Hell or High Water - VampyrAlex ATF ADULT
Helper 2.2 - Megan AU
A Helpful Shove - Marie
He's My Son - JK ATF
Hey Pard - Yolande
Hidden Beauty - Sammy Girl ATF ADULT
Higher Ground - K Hanna Korossy
The Highest Bid - Rhiannon ATF
His Hero - Lady Standish AU/ATF
His Own Man - Sue M ATF
Hogmanay - Kathy M. AU
Hold On Mr. Larabee - Jackie
Holding On to You - Tonny
Holiday Disaster - LT ATF
Home - GSister
Home Sweet Home - Angie LB ATF
Homecoming - Kathy B (young Buck)
The Homecoming - Sue M AU
Honorable Intentions - Luna Dey
A Hopeful Future - Anneack LB AU
The Hound of the Standishs - Sammy Girl AU ADULT
How Not to Get to a Vacation - MeganAU
Hunter's Moon - Joe Lawson AU ADULT ("Two Blood")
Hurricane - LT ATF
Hurting the Ones We Love - keeum
I Breathe In - Phyllis Loafman ATF
I Hope You Dance - Wendy Myers ATF
I Just Thought - Ruby LB ATF
I Knew You was Gonna Be Okay - KT AU
I Need You - Sue M
I Will Not Take These Things - Limlaith ATF
Ideas - Tiffiny ATF ADULT
The Idiot's Guide to Petty Theft - BMP ATF
If It Looks Like I Don't Care - C.V. Puerro (Missing Scene: Safecracker)
If Only - Phyllis LB ATF
If Only - Kathy M.AU
If Wishes Were Horses - Barbretta Hayden & Pat LB ATF
I'll Try - LaraMee ATF
I've Got Your Back - Kathy Teresa ATF
In Action - Stan Lee ATF
In the Eye of the Beholder - Leigh Richards & Peta Collins (Crossover Star Gate SG1)
In the Hands of Evil - Penny M and Shellie W
In the Year - Series AU
In Your Father's Name - Carol Pahl ATF
Inch Worm - Angela B. (Alternate Universe)
Independence - KT LB ATF
Inevitable - Charlotte Hill ATF ADULT
Inner Strength - Sue M ATF
Innocence - Joanne ADULT
Insanity on the List - Angel ADULT
Intimate Interview with Buck Wilmington - Rebecca
It's a Long Way Home - Linda
It's All in the Angles - Angie
It's All in the Spelling - SoDak7
It's Gone - Amelia ATF
It's In His Kiss - mcat ADULT
It's Not As Bad As It Looks - Phyllis Loafman ATF
It's Not Just a Job, it's an Adventure - Tiffiny ATF ADULT
JD's Missed Adventure - Phyllis Loafman LB ATF
JOURNEY TO AVALON (Series) - Angela B AU
A Journey's End - Cass Smith
Judging a Book by Its Cover - Phyllis LB ATF
Just Another Day - Karlee Keene
Just Another Day - Purple Lacey AU
Just Drunk Enough - Laurel
Just in Time - Just Kris (crossover Kung Fu - TLC)
Just One Punch - Derry ATF
Just To Be Me - KT AU
JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT... (Collection) - Luna Dey, et. al. (Multi-Universe)
Keeping A Promise - Sue M ATF
Keeping Score - Twyla Jane ATF
Keepsakes and Memories - Sue M ATF
Kill JD - Sarah ATF
Kiss of Gratitude - Jenn
Kung Fu Fighting - Lisa S AU
Lady Killers: Missing Scene - Susie Burton
Last Call - EnglishSpirit ATF Sensitive Reader Warning
Last Chance - Fastdancr
Last Of A Dying Breed - Aldaj [deathfic]
Last Patrol - Joe Lawson [deathfic]
Late Night Conversation - Mods
Lazing on a Sunny Afternoon - Charlotte Hill ATF ADULT
Learning to Listen - KT
Left Behind - Carol Pahl ATF
Legacy: The Return - Sue M
The Leopard and His Spots - by NotTasha
The Lesser of Two - Joanne ADULT
Lessons - Grey
Let it Snow - LaraMee LB ATF
Lethal Love - LT
Letting In the Jungle - Lethe AU ADULT
Lex Talionis - Artisan447 ATF
Lies in the Darkness - KT ATF
Lies, Lines and Fishing One Day Out West - Kathleen
A Life in the Balance - Sue M ATF
Life Worth Living - LT
A Light to Guide You Home - Phyllis Loafman
Like Cats and Dogs - Mitzi
Like A Lady - Nomooretears ATF
Like Old Times - Charlotte Hill ADULT
Lines of Drift - Joan Curtin ATF
The Little Gentleman - Susan Macdonald
Little Girl Lost - EssieJane2
A Little Too Late - Sue M
Live and Let Diet - Helen Adams ATF
Living Dangerously - Beth Green ATF
Lonely - Maggie
A Long, Lonely Road - Sue M ATF
The Long Night - Carla
A Long Night - Sue M ATF
The Long Way Home - Yolande (The Lone Wolf Series)
Looking Back - Shaina
LOST BOYS VII: A Spring to Remember - Angie AU
Lost, Stolen and Redeemed - SoDak7
Lot of Leaving Left To Do - Ruby ATF
Lots of Thankfuls - Carole LB ATF
Love Aloft - JK LB ATF
Love, Honor and Immortality - Strangevisitor7 Xover Highlander
Love Lessons - Sabro ADULT
Love on the Run - Tes ADULT
Love Shack - Saaa and the Immortal
Love Stands Through War - S. Larabee Tanner
Loved Like That - Vin Tanner's Girl ATF
Lucius Larabee - Laura H AU
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