I Believe in You - Linda (JD, Chris, Ezra)
I Breathe In - Phyllis Loafman (JD, Casey,
Buck) |
I Didn't Do It - Rikke (JD) |
I Hope You Dance - Wendy Myers (Chris, Buck)
I Need a Silent Night - Amelia (Vin, Chris) |
I'll Be Home for Christmas - Amelia (Vin) |
I'll Do Anything - CS Shew (Vin, Ezra) |
I'll Try - LaraMee (Chris, Buck) |
I'm Game - Amelia (Seven) |
I'm Tired - Heidi (Vin) |
I Pray - LT (Josiah) |
I Will Not Take These Things - Limlaith (Chris,
Buck) |
I've Got Your Back - Kathy Teresa (Vin, Chris,
Buck) |
I Wished I'd Stayed at the Office - Judith Freudenthal
(Vin, JD) |
The Idiot's Guide to Petty Theft - BMP (JD,
Chris, Buck) |
If the Fates Allow - Cindy Shannon (JD) |
If You Can't Beat 'em - Winter (Seven) |
If You're Gone - ReaperWriter (Ezra,
OFC) |
Illuminating the Darkness - KT (Seven) |
Impeccable Timing - Helen Adams (Ezra,
Nathan) |
The Impossible - Ruby (JD, Chris) |
In Action -
Stan Lee (Chris, Buck, Vin) |
In the Arms of a Friend - The Neon Gang (Vin, Chris) |
In the Company of Angels - Carol Pahl (JD)
In the Depths of My Despair - The Neon Gang
(Chris, Vin) |
In Dreams - Kim Maddox (Chris, Adam) |
In the Firelight - GSister (Seven) |
In From the Cold - Winter (Vin) |
In My Element - Tidia (Ezra) |
In Too Deep - The Neon Gang (Chris, Vin,
Ezra) |
In Your Father's Name - Carol Pahl (JD, Vin,
Buck, Orin Travis) |
Incarceration - Sue M (Chris, JD) |
Inconsequential Details - Sue M (Chris, JD, Orrin Travis) |
Inhibitions - Greta C. (OFC, Vin) |
Inner Strength - Sue M (JD, Buck, Chris) |
Innocence - Sami-j (Vin, Chris) |
Innocence Lost - KellyA (Ezra, Buck) |
Innocent Blood - Derry (Ezra, OFC) |
An Innocent Man - Angie (Chris) |
Inside Traitor - Phyllis Loafman (JD, Vin)
Insults and Injuries - Beth Green (Seven)
Insurance Man - Willow (Seven, OMC) |
Interesting Relations - Ace (Ezra, Maude,
OFC) |
Into the Fold - Becky E. (JD) |
Into the Void - Ladysmiths (Ezra) |
Into the West - Ness Ayton (Vin, Chris)
Into the Woods - skaia7 (Vin, OFC) |
Intoxicated - Raquel (Chris) |
Invasion - Sue M (Chris, JD) |
Is It Worth the Price - Amelia (Vin) |
It Came Upon a Midnight Clear - Amelia (Seven) |
"It'll Be Fun" - Jeanne (Chris, Vin) |
It's a Dunnederful Life - Linda (JD) |
It's All In the Cards - Freespirit
(Chris) |
It's Gone - Amelia (Buck) |
It's Not Just Us - Tidia (JD) |
It's What We Do - Sue M (JD) |
It's a Wonderful (ATF) Life - Angie
(Chris) |
It's a Wonderful Life - Winnie (Chris, Hilda) |
It's All Your Fault - Nadine (Ezra, Vin) |
It's the Thought That Counts - Kemmae
(Vin) |
It's Not As Bad As It Looks - Phyllis Loafman
(Buck, Vin, JD) |
It's Not as Bad as It Looks - II - Phyllis
Loafman (Vin, JD, Ezra) |
Its Raining Men - Alleluia - Squeakypeep
(OFCs, Seven) |
It Sure is a Wonderful Life - Sue M (JD, Vin) |