La Corrido del Coyote - G.M. Atwater (Seven)
Lady Bounty Hunter - Robyn (Vin) |
Lara - Jenn (Seven, OFC) |
Larabee's Prayer - Marian (Chris) |
The Last - Englishspirit (Chris, Ezra) |
Last Chance - Fastdancr (Buck, Ezra,
OFC) |
The Last Christmas, The First Christmas -
Stefanie (JD) |
Last of a Dying Breed - Aldag (Chris, Buck) [deathfic] |
Last Man Standing - Linda B (Vin, Ezra, OC) |
Last Patrol - Joe Lawson (Buck, Chris)
Deathfic |
The Last Story - Alias (Vin, OC) |
The Last Three Bullets - Kim (Chris,
Vin) |
Late Night Conversations - Mods (Chris, Buck) |
The Last Word - Linda B (Vin) |
Law and Order - KellyA (Ezra) |
Lawman's Intuition - J.L. Stone
(Ezra, Chris) |
Laying Blame - Susan K (Chris, Vin, Mary) |
Lean On Me - Dawnsunrise (Vin) |
The Learned Heart - jann (Vin, Ezra) |
Learning to Listen - KT (Chris,
Buck) |
Legacy - Sue M (JD, OMC) |
Legacy: The Return - Sue M (JD, Buck,
OMC) |
Legacies - Sarah B. (JD, OMC)
[deathfic] |
Legend - Ice Hunter (Chris) |
Legend - Winter (Vin, Ezra) |
Legends - Linda B (Vin, OC) |
Legends - Zentry (Seven) |
The Lesson Within - Jo Ann (Ezra, Vin,
JD) |
Lesson - Linda B (Vin) |
Lessons - Grey (JD, Buck) |
Lessons in Life - Kit (JD) |
Lessons in Sharing - Patricia Semler (Ezra) |
Lessons Unlearned - Tarlan (Nathan) |
Lethal Love - LT (Buck) |
The Letter -
E. Broen (Ezra, Chris) |
The Letter Home - JK (Ezra) |
Letter to Santa - Vin Tanner (Vin) |
Liabilities - K Hanna Korossy (Ezra) |
Lies, Lines and Fishing One Day Out West -
Kathleen (Buck, Chris) |
The Life of the Party - Linda B (Vin, Chris) |
Life, Ten Years Later - Tammy (Seven) |
The Life and Times of Johnny Larabee -
Rowdy Tanner (Vin, Chris, OCs) |
Life's Endeavor - Maggie Smith (Chris,
Josiah) |
Life's Gambles - Tonny (Chris,
Vin, Ezra, OCs) |
Life's Little Stories - Luci Williams (Ezra, OFC) |
Life's Tokens - Twyla Jane (Ezra) |
A Lifetime Appointment - K Hanna Korossy
(Chris) |
Life Worth Living - LT (Buck) |
A Light in the Darkness - Chris Noto
(Chris) |
Light of Day - Dorkjunkie and Sassysouix (Ezra, OFC) |
A Light to Guide You Home - Phyllis
Loafman (JD, Buck, Ezra) |
The Lights of Town - Clair Beaubien (Vin, Chris) |
Like Cats and Dogs - Mitzi (Buck,
Chris) |
Like Dominoes Falling - Roo (Chris,
Vin) |
Like a Tanner - Ronnie (Vin, JD,
Buck) |
Listen - LaraMee (Vin, Nettie, OMCs) |
Little Buck - Angie (Seven, OCs) |
A Little Different - Tipper (Ezra, Maude) |
Little Girl Lost -
EssieJane2 (JD, Buck, Casey, OC) |
The Little Gentleman - Susan Macdonald
(Buck, OC) |
A Little Too Late - Sue M (JD, Buck,
Chris) |
Living Life Without Colour in Purgatory -
Roo (Chris, OFC) |
Locomotive Larceny - Hombre (Vin,
Ezra) |
The Long Night - Carla (Chris,
Buck) |
Long Pain and Sorrow - Xiola (Nathan,
Vin) |
A Long Remembered Winter - Sue Bartholomew (Seven, OCs) |
The Longest Trail - LaraMee (Chris) |
Look in the Mirror - Heather F.
(Ezra) |
A Look into the Past - Jj Bunny (Vin) |
Looking Back - Shaina (Chris, Sarah,
Adam, Buck) |
Loss - SoDak7 (Vin, Chris) |
Loss of One - Melissa R (Chris, Vin) |
Lost - jann (Vin, Nettie) |
Lost - ssinco (Chris, Ezra, Vin, JD) |
The Lost - LaraMee (Chris, Vin) |
Lost Boys - JIN (Chris, Vin, Nathan) |
Lost Love - Rhiannon (Charlotte, Vin)
Lost Loves of the Heart - Amelia (Vin,
Josiah) |
Lost, Stolen and Redeemed - SoDak7
(JD, Buck) |
Lost Trail - Ronnie (Vin) |
Love and Infatuation - Jenn (Vin,
OFC) |
Love Remembers - Marian (Chris, Mary) |
Love Ruins Everything - Morgan (Chris,
Mary) |
Love Shows No Bounds - JjBunny (Vin)
Love Stands Through War - S. Larabee
Tanner (Buck, OFC) |
Lowilla - Toni L. Bourlon (Vin, OFC) |
Loyalties - Katrina Sanders (Ezra, Vin) |