This follows It'll All Work Out in the M7-SoA crossover A/U. Thanks again to Nancy and Marnie.
Charming, California
"I've got a little problem," Clay told Chris, as he refilled Chris's glass with Jack Daniels. Clay set the bottle onto the table and slid into the chair opposite of Chris. The Four Corners chapter of the Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club was in Charming for two reasons. First, Josiah Sanchez, the Four Corners chapter's sergeant-at-arms wanted to visit his cousin, Clay. The other reason, Chris wasn't certain of yet. Josiah had told him that Clay had requested Josiah bring the officers of the Four Corners chapter with him when he visited. Chris figured he was about to find out the second reason Four Corners was in Charming.
"Get lost," Clay told the brunette who was sitting on Chris's lap, kissing his neck and caressing his dick through his pants.
"This better be some problem," Chris said watching the brunette drape herself over Ezra, before turning back to Clay, smiling good-naturedly.
"Only if I want to keep my nuts," Clay told him and took a drink.
Chris laughed. "How'd you piss Gemma off now?" he asked, drinking his own whiskey.
"I haven't," Clay said. "Yet. See that," he asked pointing to Tig and a long-haired man talking in a corner.
"What about it?" Chris asked.
"The club invested in a movie. Tig's dumb idea," Clay said.
"Porno?" Chris asked.
"Is there any other kind?" Clay responded. "The guy making the movie was a pimp out in San Jose. He had this perfect little piece of ass to star in it. Brand new to movies. Woulda made a fortune. But, he didn't have the cash to film it. So, he borrowed it from SAMCRO. Put up his stable as collateral."
"What's that got to do with him?" Chris asked, nodding toward the corner.
"He was the stable." Clay said.
"A guy whore?" Chris asked looking at the corner again. "You gotta be kidding me."
"Wish I was," Clay grimaced and took a drink. "I had to take him, because he was the collateral. And, it was his fault the movie didn't get made."
"Him?" Chris asked, looking again. "How'd he fuck up the movie?"
"The startlet got cold feet before the movie was shot and that dumb shit," Clay waved his glass toward the corner, "put her on a bus back to Bumfuck, Iowa. The club's out thirty grand. Tig wanted to put a bullet in him for fucking up the movie deal."
"For thirty grand, I'm surprised you didn't," Chris said.
"We found a different solution," Clay said. "More creative. The club owns his contract."
"What about the pimp?" Chris asked.
"We didn't have any use for him, so we found a more permanent solution," Clay said coldly and took a drink. He turned toward the corner."Now him," Clay said, "we've found a use for."
"You've got yourself a fuck toy," Chris laughed.
Clay laughed with him. "Yep," he said. "He gives great head," Clay's eyes closed and he stretched the word great out for emphasis.
"Thirty grand worth of great head?" Chris laughed.
"$100 a night credited to the debt, room and board," Clay answered. "He's working it off."
"And, he's alright with that?" Chris asked.
"It was his idea."Clay said.
"Why don't you put him on the street? That'll pay it off a lot quicker," Chris suggested.
"Not in Charming," Clay said flatly. "We don't shit where we live. Nobody wants the hassle of renting him out someplace else. But, nobody's willing to just let thirty grand go, either. So, he works the clubhouse. Any night he's here, he gets $100 credited to his debt."
"He gives it up for $100 a night? Ain't that a little cheap?" Chris asked.
Clay's eyes narrowed. "Reduced rate for stupidity. The dumb shit is lucky he's breathing to work it off at all."
Chris nodded his approval and took a drink of his whiskey. There was always a price to be paid for stupidity and idealism. It seemed as though Clay's problem might be suffering from both afflictions.
"I gotta say," Clay said, in an appreciative voice, "the blowjobs are fucking fantastic." He rubbed his crotch. "The only problem is, if Gemma finds out, she'll cut my nuts off and stuff them in a jar."
Chris laughed again. "I can see how that would be a problem for you."
Clay grimaced. "I was hoping you'd take him off my hands. Let him work it off in Four Corners. Can't let it go, ain't good for business. But, I don't need the hassle."
Chris watched Tig and the long-haired man go into the back room.
"Your boys gonna be OK with you shipping great head to Four Corners?" he asked.
"They all hit it, just to get their taste," Clay said. "He stays busy, but Tig's the only one going back, regular. He won't bitch, as long as the debt's being worked off somewhere."
"Ain't gonna be no cash coming back to SAMCRO," Chris warned.
Clay shook his head. "Not a problem. As long as no one gets the idea that they can borrow money from the Sons and not pay it back, it doesn't really matter which chapter is collecting on the debt."
"What makes you think my boys will want more than a taste?" Chris asked.
"Your boys don't want it, peddle it on the streets, go into the porno business, sell him at a loss," Clay suggested. "But, please, do me a favor and get him out of Charming."
"I'll think about it," Chris said.
"Why don't you think about it after you hit it?" Clay suggested.
"Great head?" Chris asked looking to the door at the top of the stairs.
"Great!" Clay declared and poured them both another drink.
Vin came out of the room a few minutes later, Tig still zipping up, right behind him. Clay motioned them over. Tig grabbed an empty glass off the bar and pulled a chair up. He poured himself a drink out of the half-empty bottle of Jack.
"Sit down" Clay told Vin, snagging a chair from another table and pulling it over for Vin.
"This is Chris Larabee, president of the Four Corners chapter," Clay said. "Vin Tanner," he introduced them. Chris held his hand out. Vin looked startled, and then shook it.
"Pleased to meet you," Vin said.
"You, too," Chris answered. "You want a drink?"
"No, thanks," Vin said quietly.
"How'd you like to take a road trip?" Clay asked Vin. "Work off the debt in Four Corners?"
"I haven't said yes yet," Chris protested.
"Aw, Clay, Tig protested."Me and Vin are getting' along real fine, right Vin?"
"Real fine," Vin said dryly. "His dick and my mouth are best friends."
The other three laughed out loud and Vin joined them.
"Try it out," Clay told Chris. "Vin, why don't you take Chris in the back and show him why the club is letting you work off your debt."
"Let's go," Vin said and stood up.
Chris hesitated. The brunette who'd been playing with his dick was looking straight at him and squeezing her tits, while she ground her ass against Ezra's dick. He could fuck her . . . But hell Clay had promised that Vin gave great head. He'd never had a man suck his dick before. Curiosity won out. "Lead the way," he told Vin.
"Aw, hell," Tig moaned. "There goes my dick's best friend." Clay laughed and poured him another drink.
Chris was becoming more curious by the minute. Vin was funny and good-looking and he didn't seem as stupid as Chris had assumed him to be when Clay was telling the story. Why was someone like him turning tricks? "How come you dont find another line of work?" he asked.
"You here to play social worker or get your dick sucked?" Vin asked in an annoyed voice.
Chris leered and rubbed the bulge at the front of his jeans. "To get my dick sucked, definitely. I hear you're damned good at it."
"You hear right," Vin said and moved to stand in front of Chris. He unbuckled Chris's belt and slid it out of the belt loops. He slid his hand under Chris's hand and caressed the hardening bulge. "Take them boots and pants off and I'll give you the best damned blow job you ever had in your life," he promised and gave Chris's dick a friendly squeeze.
"I've had some damned good blow jobs," Chris said and put his hands on Vin's shoulders for support as he toed his boots off. He unzipped and slid his pants and boxers down and stepped out of them. "Have at it," he said and dropped into the easy chair. He leaned back in the chair and spread his legs wide, exposing his balls and his asshole. "Show me what you can do."
Vin dropped to his knees between Chris's legs. "If I show you everything I can do now, you ain't got nothin' to look forward to," he said and bent his head to lick across the head of Chris's cock. He pressed the tip of his tongue into the slit and then closed his mouth around the head. He sucked hard and swirled his tongue over every inch of the head for a minute, then pulled off. "Like it so far?" he challenged.
"Fuck, yeah!" Chris said his voice slightly breathless. "But, I've had better."
"That was just a taste," Vin said and cupped Chris's balls. He caressed them gently. Then he released the heavy balls, slid his hands over Chris's thighs, and pushed his legs further apart. "Hold onto your balls," he warned Chris, "or they might explode."
Chris laughed. "Suck my dick," he said.
"I could do that," Vin said. "But, I figure there's other things you might like first." He caressed the inside of Chris's thighs, slid his hands across Chris's balls and over his dick, and then back over his thighs.
"Like what?" Chris's breathing was getting harder and louder.
"Like this," Vin said and licked Chris's balls. He washed them with his tongue and then sucked each one gently.
"Fuck!" Chris gasped out and caressed the top of Vin's head.
Vin let the balls fall out of his mouth. "And this," he said and spread Chris's ass cheeks open with his hands. He lathed across Chris's hole with his tongue. He pushed the tip of his tongue inside Chris's ass. He swirled it around inside for a few seconds, then slid it out and sucked the now pulsing ring.
"Fuck that's good!" Chris panted. "More!" he demanded.
"Next time," Vin promised and tongued his way back to Chris's balls. He sucked the balls again and then traced up the length of Chris's cock with the flat of his tongue. He paused to suck at the sweet spot under the head and Chris pushed up toward his mouth.
"Suck me, now!" Chris panted out.
Vin laughed. "Best you ever had?" he asked.
"Fuck you, suck my dick!" Chris's voice held a note of breathless irritation.
"Best you ever had?" Vin asked again and licked his lips. He squeezed Chris's balls gently.
Chris's eyes narrowed until lust and admiration for Vin's balls won out over any annoyance and he laughed. "Fuck yes, it's the best I ever had. Now, suck me off."
"All I wanted to know," Vin said. He gave Chris a cocky grin, then engulfed Chris's dick. He closed his mouth tightly around the shaft and slid up and down. Chris's hips started thrusting almost immediately and Vin took as much as he could. He squeezed Chris's balls carefully.
Chris felt his orgasm building. He started to warn Vin, but changed his mind. He wanted to see just how good Vin really was. He gasped loudly as it broke over him in waves. Chris wrapped his hands in Vin's hair and used his hold to push Vin's head down on his dick. He thrust as fast as he could and as far down Vin's throat as he could get his dick.
Fuck! Vin thought when Chris pushed his head down. Seconds later, the first spurt of Chris's cum hit his throat and he was swallowing as fast as he could to keep from choking. He tried to pull back but Chris held him fast. Fuck! He was gonna choke to death on Chris's dick. He tried to pull back again and Chris's hold on his hair tightened and more of Chris's dick forced its way down his throat. He couldn't breathe! He bit down on Chris's dick.
Pain lanced through Chris's dick and broke through the post orgasmic haze. What the fuck? he thought and then realized that he was holding Vin's face against his crotch and that Vin was struggling. Shit! He released his hold and Vin pulled away from him gasping loudly for air.
"Sorry," he said as he rubbed over his wounded dick. He held a hand out to help Vin up.
"Asshole," Vin said and slapped his hand away. He scrambled to his feet. "You gonna take Clay up on his offer?" he asked.
"Do you want me to?" Chris asked, picking his pants and underwear up and stepping into them.
Vin shrugged. "Might be time to move on," he said. "I heard some talk, seems like I might be better off far away from Clay's old lady."
Chris laughed. "Only if you value your nuts," he said.
"SAMCRO wants us to collect their debt." Ezra summed up Clay's request. "Because Clay is afraid of his wife."
The other officers of the Four Corners chapter of the Sons of Anarchy laughed. "I'm afraid of his wife," Chris said to more laughter. "It's a win-win. It's not costing us a damned thing; Clay keeps his balls and SAMCRO owes us a favor."
"We still have to pick up his expenses," Ezra reminded them.
"Have you looked at the guy, Ezra?" Buck asked. "How much could he eat?"
"Appearances can be deceiving," Ezra answered.
"You could always pimp him out," Buck suggested. "I can see you in a lime green suit with a purple tie."
"Your clothes would never fit me," Ezra said dryly. The entire table, including Buck laughed.
"Maybe you two can make a movie," Buck suggested. "Biker boys in love."
Chris cut off Ezra's reply. "Can we get back to business?" he asked.
"I vote yes," Josiah said and raised his right hand. "Clay's family," he added.
Chris's right hand went up. "Yes."
"Yes," Buck said and raised his hand.
"I'd hate to be the one who had to patch Clay up after that," Nathan said and they all laughed. "Yes," he said and raised his hand.
The other four looked expectantly at Ezra.
"Oh, alright, yes," he said and flopped his hand half-heartedly next to his head. "But, I will be monitoring the debt scrupulously. If it's not paid down in a timely manner, I will make other arrangements," he said.
"That's why we keep you around," Chris said and gaveled the meeting to a close.
NEXT: Accommodations