This follows Time To Move On in the M7-SoA crossover A/U. Thanks again to Nancy and Marnie.
Charming, California
Four Corners, California
Day One:
The Four Corners clubhouse had been a two-story family home, once. The downstairs consisted of a great room, a kitchen, a small room that served as Chris's office and a tiny bathroom. In the great room, a bar ran along three-quarters of one wall. A large refrigerated cooler was mounted on the wall next to the end of the bar beside the kitchen door. The club rules and photos were mounted on the wall between the cooler and Chris's office. Opposite of the bar was a pool table, a dart board, and a large screen television. Three long sofas boxed the television in. A computer area had been carved out of one corner of the room. Small tables and chairs filled the remaining space. The upstairs consisted of three bedrooms and a single bathroom.
Vin looked around. "Nice place," he said.
"We like it," Chris said. "Come into my office," he said to Vin.
Chris locked the door behind them. "You want a drink?" he asked.
"I'll take a beer," Vin said. Chris got two bottles out of the refrigerator and handed him one. Vin twisted the top off, took a drink and then looked around for a trashcan. A large desk faced the door. A comfortable swivel chair was behind the desk. An arm chair was in front of the desk angled so that the occupant could see the door and the person behind the desk. Off to the right of the desk were a bar, a microwave oven, a coffee station, a small sink, and a tiny refrigerator. An exterior door was to the left of the desk. A sofa bed and a corner table overflowing with magazines and newspapers were crowded into the remaining corner of the room. There was a small trash can next to the desk and Vin flipped the cap into it.
"Ezra will show you where to sleep," Chris said. He took a drink of his beer. "Tell you how it works for everybody but me." He sat down in the chair behind the desk and put his feet up on the desk with his ankles crossed.
"You got your own rules?" Vin asked.
"Everybody's gotta follow certain rules, including me," Chris answered. "But, I get the first taste of everything that comes in here, however I want it." He looked Vin up and down. "Whenever I want it," he said, looking right at Vin.
Vin put the beer down on the bar. "How about now?" he asked and walked over to Chris. "You want more of the same or do you want to try out the rest of the merchandise?" he asked. He rubbed his ass with one hand and Chris's crotch with the other.
"Oh, I'm definitely going to try that out," Chris said and sat up, dropping his feet to the floor. He grabbed both of Vin's ass cheeks and kneaded them through the denim of Vin's jeans. "Later," he said. "When I've got the time to do it right. For now, I'll just take another blow job. Too bad, I don't have time for a really good one. Don't bother with any of the extras, just suck me off," he said, and unbuckled his belt.
"Whatever you say," Vin said and dropped to his knees. He unzipped Chris's pants, found his cock, and pulled it out. He took as much in as he could and started working it with his tongue while Chris fucked his mouth. Chris's hands were rubbing over the back of his head, but not pushing him down this time. Vin sucked and licked until Chris groaned long and loudly and he felt the first spurt of Chris's cum hit his tongue. He concentrated on swallowing and not choking, until Chris's orgasm was over. He kept on sucking, working the softening cock, until Chris tugged on his hair.
"Thanks," Chris said while he was tucking himself away and zipping his pants. "I always think better after I come. Go find Ezra. I have business to take care of." He picked up the phone. "You can take the beer with you," he said and started punching in the phone number.
"I've devised a system," Ezra said. He showed Vin a magnetic image of a traffic signal on the side of the cooler. Three magnetic circles, one red, one yellow and one green, simulated lights. Ezra lifted the red one and put it in the center of the signal. "Red means you're not working. Green means you are working and will accommodate the requests of the members."
"Accommodate the requests," Vin mimicked. "That mean I bend over or get on my knees?"
Ezra made a face and rolled his eyes. "Crudely put," he said disdainfully. "But yes, that's what it means.
Vin nodded. "What's yellow mean?" he asked.
"I haven't decided," Ezra said. "But, I'm sure some situation will arise that requires it."
"Probably," Vin said.
"This way," Ezra said and led him up the stairs. Two doors were on either side of the hall at the top of the stairs. "There's the bathroom," Ezra said. "Cleanliness is a requirement."
"I ain't a kid," Vin said. "You ain't gotta tell me to take a damn bath!"
"I apologize," Ezra said softly. "I have in fact had to tell some of the young ladies who have occupied these rooms to bathe. I meant no insult."
"Whatever," Vin said.
"Yes, well." Ezra opened the door to the smallest of the three bedrooms. "Your rent is $100 a night. That includes food, clothing as needed, liquor, and medical attention should it become necessary. The rent is due every day, whether you use the room or not," Ezra told Vin.
You work out of this room six days each week, Tuesday through Friday, 4 p.m. until the clubhouse closes. Weekends, 12 p.m. until closing. There is no overtime. It's up to you if you want to work Mondays. There are no holidays or vacations until the debt is paid.
"What time's closing?" Vin asked. He opened a door and found a small closet.
"It varies. Most of our members have ordinary jobs. They stop in for a drink or to socialize after work, but they tend to leave early during the week. Friday and Saturday nights are busier."
"I'm the socializin' part?" Vin asked.
"Not entirely," Ezra answered. As I was saying, every night the green light is on, you will be credited $200 for the night. $100 will cover your rent; the other $100 will go toward your debt."
"What happens if the green light's on and no one wants accommodated?" Vin asked.
"You get the credit if you're available," Ezra answered. "If one member or ten takes advantage of what you have to offer, it's the same credit. If no one takes advantage, you get the credit."
"Anything else I need to know?" Vin asked.
"Condoms are mandatory for anal sex. No condoms for oral sex. There are no red lights for club officers or VIPs. Participation in parties is mandatory," Ezra answered.
"You have a lot of parties?" Vin asked.
"Two or three a month," Ezra answered. "Any more questions?"
Vin hesitated, and then asked, "What happens if somebody gets rough? I ain't gonna be beat on," he said. "Somebody tries, I'll fight back."
"Think long and hard," Ezra said softy, "before you raise a hand to one of the Sons. Right or wrong, The Sons of Anarchy will side with their brothers against outsiders. Make no mistake, you are an outsider. If you get into a fight with a member, it can only be bad for you," he warned.
"I'm just supposed t' take it if somebody wants to beat the shit out of me?" Vin asked.
Ezra sighed. "No," he said quietly. "You aren't expected to put up with that. Just be very certain that there is no other choice. If someone gets out of hand and you have a choice, tell Buck or Josiah afterward. They'll deal with it."
"I got it," Vin said. "As long as they ain't beatin' me up too bad, take it."
"Buck and Josiah frown on," Ezra hesitated, searching for the right word. "Overzealousness," he finally settled on, "among the members. Ultimately, the choice will be yours, but Josiah or Buck will take action if you have a legitimate complaint. My advice to you is to take advantage of their protective natures."
Vin nodded. "OK, 'less I think someone's gonna hurt me bad, I'll let Josiah or Buck handle it after." He raised his chin defiantly. "The first time," he added.
"Fair enough," Ezra said. "One more thing, I would advise you to show some enthusiasm for your vocation. If the members aren't satisfied with your performance, we will make other arrangements. I suspect you won't find those arrangements to your liking."
"These arrangements ain't to my liking," Vin said. "They just beat the shit out of the alternative."
"I imagine they do," Ezra said softly. "Never the less," he said in a brusquer tone, "we both have a job to do. My job is to make sure that your debt is paid in full. I'm very good at my job."
"I'm good at mine, too," Vin said. "Nobody's gonna have any complaints."
"Good," Ezra said. "Now, shall we see about getting you something decent to wear?"
"Yeah," Vin said. "There a Wal-Mart around here?" he asked.
"Wal-Mart!" Ezra exclaimed. "Oh good lord, another heathen!"
Day three morning:
"Red light's still on," Chris told Buck. "Too tired to hit it last night. Nobody's fucking him until I do."
"OK, I'll find something else for him to do," Buck said. "He can stock the bar, sweep up, stuff like that. I'll see if he knows anything about wood. He can work at the shop part time."
"Good idea," Chris said. "He can make some spending money."
Day three evening:
"I hear we got a new piece of ass," Eli Joe said. "Give me two." He threw two cards from his hand down on the table. "Where is it?" he asked.
"Over there," Buck said and waved a hand toward the bar. "One," he said and discarded one card.
"Dealer takes three," Ezra said and dealt the cards.
Eli Joe looked where Buck had pointed. Lydia was talking to a long-haired man wearing jeans and a flannel shirt. "Where?" he demanded. He picked up his cards, looked at them, and threw all five of his cards down in disgust.
"Him," Buck said. "He's the piece of ass. Five dollars," he said and threw a five into the pot.
"No shit!" Eli Joe said and looked over again. "Can I hit it?" he asked.
"Not yet," Buck said. "Chris is keeping the red light on for now. Wants his taste first. Call," he said to Ezra's re-raise. He threw five more dollars into the pot. He groaned when Ezra laid down the winning hand.
Day four morning:
"You think you'd like to try some wood-working on the side? Buck asked, after showing Vin around the shop he and Chris owned together.
Vin shrugged. "I ain't too good with measurin' shit," he said. "Looked like a lot of measurin'."
"There is," Buck agreed. "You could try sanding," he suggested. "No measuring at all in sanding."
Vin shrugged again. "How's it pay?" he asked.
"Minimum wage to start, more if you don't fuck anything up, more than that if you're good at it," Buck said. "You can work a couple of hours a day to start."
"Speakin' of working," Vin said. "When am I gonna start?" he asked.
"Chris isn't ready to turn you over to the club," Buck said. "He wants to get his piece first. You that anxious to get started?" he asked.
Vin shook his head. "Tired of having shit hanging over my head," he said. "The sooner it's paid off, the better."
"I can't fault your reasoning," Buck said. "But, Chris is the only one who can take the red light off."
Day four evening:
"Chris wants you," Buck told Vin.
"OK," Vin said and threw down the rag he'd been using to wipe off the bar.
Eli Joe watched him go into Chris's office. "Hey, Buck," he called. "You think Chris'll turn the green light on tonight?" he asked.
"Why don't you go ask him?" Buck suggested. "He probably won't mind you interrupting whatever he's got going on in there."
The other members laughed. "Go ask him," Nathan said. "Just wait until I leave. I'm sick of patching you guys up when you get stupid."
"Fuck that," Eli Joe said. "Last time someone interrupted Chris when he was getting laid was when that old lady tried to save his soul. Remember that?"
"Yeah," Buck laughed. "Chris shook his dick at her."
"That old lady sure could cuss," Raphael said and they all laughed.
"Shit," Eli Joe said, "he might not be able to tell the difference between my ass and the sweet butt's."
"Sure he will, Eli," Buck said. "Yours smells worse." Everyone laughed.
NEXT: Curiosity Killed the Cat