I resisted liking The Sons of Anarchy. I really did. But, bad bikers are just too much fun. Bad bikers and cowboys are a slasher's delight. Thanks to Marnie for the awesome beta and Nancy for the awesome pages.
Eddie Barrett's knees were shaking. He was a small time pimp with two whores under his control. Vin Tanner was 23 and had come to work for Eddie when Eddie had gotten him out of a jam in Texas six months ago. Vin was still wanted in Texas and Eddie used the warrant hanging over his head to keep him in line. If Vin tried to leave, Eddie would call the police and point them in his direction. The other, had fallen into his lap, like a gift from God. Katie Williams had stepped off a bus right into his hands. She was 16 and she wanted to be an actress. Eddie had promised to make her a star. He'd fed her a line of bullshit about needing to experience the streets in order to hone her craft and the dumb bitch had believed him.
Then, he'd gotten the bright idea to make her dreams come true by putting her in the movies. She'd been ecstatic when he told her she was gonna be a star, until he told her the movie was a porno. But, he'd told her that all the big stars had started in pornos that the studios hushed up. He still couldn't believe that she'd been dumb enough to believe that. She'd agreed to make the movie. Of course, he'd had to smack her a couple times to get her to agree to it, but hell, everyone knew you had to smack whores around sometimes.
The only problem with getting the movie made was the money. He needed $30,000. SAMCRO had financed the movie. Eddie had been sure it was the beginning of a beautiful partnership. Katie was gorgeous and fresh faced and she was a complete unknown to the porn world. Eddie had been envisioning escorting her to adult video award shows when she won the Best New Starlet award.
Eddie had been confident he'd be able to get a distribution deal, as soon as the movie was shot. He'd promised to pay the money back with interest or turn the movie and his stable of two whores over to SAMCRO. And, then Vin Tanner, the stupidest fucking whore on the planet had put her on a bus back to her hometown.
Now, SAMCRO was here to collect their money, or the movie and his whores; money he didn't have, a movie he didn't have, and one whore he didn't have. Clay Morrow, the president of the club was sitting behind Eddie's own desk, in the run down motel room, that Eddie lived in and used as an office. Eddie was standing in front of the desk, like this was Clay's office. Bobby Munson, SAMCRO's treasurer handed Clay a ledger, which Clay flipped through. Bobby went to the bed and sat down on Vin's left side. Alex 'Tig' Trager was sitting on Vin's other side. He was the one Eddie was most afraid of. Tig was the sergeant-at-arms and the most likely one to shoot him. A man Eddie only knew as Juice was leaning against the wall behind Clay.
"What happened?" Clay asked softly.
"He happened!" Eddie Barrett twisted and pointed to Vin.
"It was your own fucking fault!" Vin retorted.
"Shut up," Tig said and slapped him.
"She was 16 years-old!" Vin protested.
Clay shook his head. His face took on an exasperated expression and he motioned to Tig.
"I said, shut the fuck up!" Tig said and punched him twice in the stomach.
"What happened?" Clay repeated the question.
"That stupid whore put her on a bus," Eddie told Clay. "She said she'd make the movie and then she got cold feet and he fucked us all over and put her on a bus."
"You beat the crap out of her!" Vin yelled.
Clay sighed. "Get him out of here," he told Tig. "Go with him," he said to Bobby.
"C'mon," Tig said and pulled Vin up. "Jesus, I hate stupid whores." He pulled Vin out of the room.
"Now, where were we?" Clay asked Eddie.
"It's not my fault," Eddie said. "That stupid whore-"
Clay cut him off. "He didn't borrow the money. You told Tig your star was 18," he said. "You almost got SAMCRO mixed up in that shit."
"Everybody in the business does it," Eddie said, his voice rising in pitch. "Half the whores in movies ain't 18."
"You promised the money, plus interest, or the movie and your whores," Clay reminded him. "It looks like you don't have anything but one whore that SAMCRO doesn't have any use for."
"It's not my fault!" Eddie pleaded.
Clay sighed. He got up and headed for the door. "Sit on him," he told Juice.
"Get in there," Tig said and opened the door to Vin's room. "Hang out here," he told Bobby. "Keep an eye out. I'll watch him."
"Will do," Bobby said. He snagged the one chair out of Vin's room, before Tig shut the door.
"You dumb shit," Tig said and smacked the back of Vin's head. "What the fuck were you thinking? Now, I'm probably gonna have to shoot you."
"She was just a dumb kid, who didn't have any idea of what that asshole had planned," Vin answered. Arguing with Tig was definitely not the smartest idea, but his chances of living through the night weren't looking very good anyway. He might as well get his side of the story out."She didn't want to make no porno," he told Tig.
"SAMCRO paid for that movie," Tig told him and smacked him again. "You shoulda minded your own damn business. Clay gives the word, I'm gonna splatter your brains all over the sidewalk," he warned. "How long you been whoring?"
Vin managed to hide his surprise at the question. "Long enough," he answered carefully. The next few minutes might just play out to his benefit.
"Long enough to get good at it?" Tig asked.
Vin's heart leapt. Was this an opening? "Get a lot of repeat business," he told the biker. "Maybe we can work something out," he said.
"You got $30,000 hiding in your ass?" Tig asked.
"Not in cash," Vin said. "But, it's made a lot of money over the years."
"Unless you're shitting gold, SAMCRO's not interested in your ass," Tig said.
Vin hesitated. If he played this wrong, Tig was likely to get pissed and shoot him without waiting for Clay's approval. What the fuck? he thought. Either way he was dead. You didn't fuck up a $30,000 deal with SAMCRO and keep breathing. But, maybe, just maybe -
"I could work for SAMCRO," Vin said, "selling it. My ass is a gold mine. You'll get your money back, then some."
"We don't allow hookers in Charming," Tig said.
"What about SAMCRO?" Vin asked. "You guys like getting your dicks sucked don't you?"
"We're not faggots," Tig said.
"You ain't gotta be to like getting your dick sucked," Vin said. "Dicks don't know whose mouth they're fucking."
"We got girls for that," Tig told him.
"Yeah, but girls get squeamish about some things," Vin said. "I don't get squeamish about anything."
"Like what?" Tig asked his voice a little huskier.
Vin risked a glance down. There was a definite bulge at the front of Tig's pants. "Like you coming in my mouth," he said and rubbed down the bulge. Tig didn't move. Vin dropped to his knees. "Like me swallowing your cum," he said and squeezed the bulge. "Like me sucking your balls," he said and slowly unzipped Tig's pants. To his great relief, Tig didn't make a move for the gun Vin knew he was carrying. "Like me rimming your ass," Vin said, "with my tongue. Maybe going up inside you." Tig groaned out loud and Vin reached into Tig's pants and pulled his cock out. "Me doing it for all of you," he said. "Anytime you want." He took Tig's cock in his mouth and started bobbing up and down on it, sucking at the same time. Tig leaned heavily against the door, one hand on Vin's head. Tig's dick thrust in and out of Vin's mouth. Vin cupped Tig's balls, squeezing and rubbing gently. He felt the throbbing of Tig's dick under his tongue.
"That's - good," Tig breathed out, rubbing Vin's head. "Oh - yeah," he panted. "Suck me." He grabbed Vin's hair with both hands and held his head still so he could thrust faster. Finally, he shoved in as far as he could and shot his cum into Vin's mouth. He collapsed against the door gasping for air. Vin followed Tig's dick, keeping it in his mouth, sucking and swallowing until Tig put a hand on his forehead and pushed him away.
Vin got off the floor and sat on the edge of the bed. Maybe, just maybe, he'd bought himself some time. Maybe he wouldn't die in this rat hole, after all.
"That was good," Tig said.
"It gets better," Vin promised. "Lots better. That was just a taste," he said.
Tig smiled. "I'm probably still gonna shoot you," he warned. "But, I'll tell Clay about the offer." He opened the door. "Bobby," he called. "Watch him." He whispered into Bobby's ear.
"No shit?" Bobby asked and looked at Vin.
"No shit!" Tig said and clapped Bobby on the shoulder. "I'm gonna go talk to Clay," he said.
Bobby smiled at Vin. "So, you want to work for SAMCRO," he said and shut the door.
NEXT: Time To Move On