Hawthorn '03: Ok here is the challenge that I call the "Satin, Silk and Leather challenge". If you could use all three materials and/or the song "Black Velvet" in your story extra bonus points. With the song, you can have it in the background while they dance, or one of the guys singing to another ... whatever your heart desires.
Author: cobalt
Pairing: E/V
Rating: R
Universe: OW
Acquired Tastes
Author: cobalt
Pairing: B/C
Rating: R
Universe: ATF
Where The Lilac Grows
Author: Mac Cready
Pairing: E/V
Rating: R
Universe: OW
Author: Kitipurr
Pairing: E/V
Rating: PG-13
Universe: ATF
Silk, Satin, Leather
And Texas

Author: sammy Girl
Pairing: E/B
Rating: NC-17
Universe: ATf

Hawthorn '04: A crossover fic. It could be one of the guys with a new guy, or it could be someone from another fandom that crossover's with the M7 guys in any universe.
Insights And Answers
Author: Katherine
Pairing: E/V, B/JD
Rating: NC-17
Universe: Seven For Hire
(xover with Silverado)

Author: cobalt
Pairing: E/V - OCs
Rating: R
Universe: OW
A Knight Out
Author: Mac Cready
Pairing: E/C, E/OC
Rating: R
Universe: OW
The Evidence Before You
(xover with CSI)

Author: Sammy Girl
Pairing: E/B
Rating: R
Universe: OW-AU
Settling The Dust (part 9)
Author: Athea
Pairing: J/E, OCs
Rating: R
Universe: OW
Settling The Dust (part 10)
Author: Athea
Pairing: J/E, OCs
Rating: R
Universe: OW

Hawthorn '05: Small rituals that govern one's day. Secret vices that rule one's night. Pick either or both.
Counting Down
Author: Sammy Girl
Pairing: C/B
Rating: PG
Universe: ATF