Reed '02: "First time," any au, any pairing, write about a first time...

  • The Dance
  • Universe: ATF
  • Pairing: E/V/C
  • Rating: R

Birch '03: Make a mess with another person or persons, gold star if you can make chocolate part of the mess, or the reason for it.

  • Elemental
  • Universe: Immortal 7
  • Pairing: E/V (mention)
  • Rating: R

Rowan '03: One of the Seven or more must accidentally, even accidentally on purpose, hurt another of the Seven or more, and while waiting for medical attention to arrive, they must tend to the hurt person(s). This can be any au, can be funny or serious, long and drawn out or short and sweet, but must be chock full of H/C.

  • Exigency
  • Universe: ATF
  • Pairing: E/V
  • Rating: Hard NC-17

Rowan '07: Only 100 challenge. Drabble, any universe, include or be inspired by: seasonal changes.

  • INK
  • Universe: ATF
  • Pairing: E/V
  • Rating: R

Alder '05: "All in a day's work" is how I think of this one. There is plenty enough drama in the daily ups and downs of 'normal' life. life isn't a soap opera; there's enough that's dramatic in the day-in, day-out struggle that more than suffices. Write about everyday drama - in any variety. As a clarification this doesn't at all mean the "mundane" is drudgery, boring, tedious, etc. If you want them grocery shopping then tallying the monthly budget that would work, but a manhunt in the old west with lots of action and travel can fit as well -- it's more in the treatment than the subject. That casual, daily life feel of 'eh, it's what we do, what we are' mentality.

  • Mornings
  • Universe: Immortal 7
  • Pairing: E/V (mention)
  • Rating: R

Alder '06: Change can be good, change can be bad, it can be neither - not good, not bad, just not the same. Small things can bring big changes. Big things can result in only a small change. Things outside our control, sometimes hundreds of miles or a lifetime away, can bring changes. Change is inevitable. A story about change.

Willow '06: File-Open-Select challenge. Sift through your files and pick a story that's never been finished. Share your favorite paragraph(s). Consider it a tantalizing glimpse in the form of a ficlet.

Oak '06: 15 minute challenge. Set the timer for fifteen minutes. Write until it dings. Post what you churn out in that time. Done. If you need a more specific prompt, consider: memory.