Magnificent Seven Alternate Universeblankspace
Wolf Pups Tails bar

by Pat Merritt

Main Character(s): Buck, Ezra, Nettie Wells, OFC, OMC

Ezra P. Standish, gentleman adventurer, conman, gambler, peacekeeper and extremely tasteful connoisseur of fine wines and food, was far from home. No one looking at him would believe or even understand that the red coated man with the dazzling gold tooth and ingratiating smile considered himself part of a pack or that he had six very diverse pack brothers he loved deeply

His pack, the Four Corners Pack, now had an alpha female, one Miz. Nettie Wells, who personally frightened him even more than the alpha male, Chris Larabee.

Chris could only shoot him. Nettie however, might be disappointed in him - something that the here-to-fore self-sufficient conman feared.

How he missed her and the others. Here he was in a much more sophisticated and worldly-wise town than his beloved Four Corners, doing an investigation into a land deal that seemed to feature forgery and murder. His god-given talents had been of immeasurable value to Judge Travis. He had even been complimented by a banker for being so knowledgeable about the criminal mind.

The judge had given him a smirk when he heard that little comment and then grinned at him wolfishly. Judge Travis didn't tell the others that his expert was an ex-conman of dubious reputation, but explained to the board investigating the possible fraud that Ezra was his expert on both forgery and swindles. Ezra had been treated quite well.

But it didn't matter. He missed the hell out of his pack. He missed Buck driving him mad with his antics and enthusiasm. He missed J.D.'s youthful innocence and true bravery. He missed Josiah's gentle regard of him, Chris' amused tolerance and true respect. He missed Vin Tanner and his wry western humor, laced with the heart of a poet. And he missed Nathan Jackson, ex slave and healer, whom this group of rich men would disdain as an ignorant poor creature unworthy of their interest. Nathan was worth the whole lot, except for the judge, who also revered their local healer.

And Miz Nettie, what a strange cohesion she had brought to their little band of warriors. She could make Chris Larabee back down and Ezra didn't think anyone could do that. He would have bet against the idea and lost heavily.

No - even though he was in a very civilized little community, with many of the luxuries he hoped to see one day in Four Corners, the town was boring to him. He had already fulfilled the Judge's expectations, brought the miscreants to justice, exposed all evil-doing, and done a lot of shopping, which he shipped back to Four Corners. He wanted to introduce Vin Tanner to chocolate pie, amuse J.D. with books of a greater literary value than those damn dime novels, gift Miz Nettie with little luxuries for the heart of an older woman who had worked hard to scratch a living from the land.

He wanted to spoil his pack leader with Havana cigars, bless Josiah with 12 year old scotch and a book on comparative religions

And he especially was excited at some medical textbooks and a medical bag for Nathan. He procured samples of new medicines, and herbs that didn't grow in their locality, herbs that Nathan had mentioned wanting wistfully.

He'd found a pair of exquisitely tooled but very practical boots with a matching belt that he felt Buck could use, since his own boots were getting worn.

The fact that the belt buckle was encrusted with turquoise and silver in the image of a wolf was merely because he'd seen Buck admiring a lesser specimen in Miz Potter's window

Since he had purchased all the little things that gave him joy and his tasks were done, he decided to celebrate by visiting the little circus establishment that was entertaining the local denizens. It was a small circus, but Ezra hadn't visited many such institutions as a child, and he wanted to see the side show.

So he walked into the tent, free in heart, looking at the animals and displays as something to tell Vin Tanner and J.D. about later

There was a lama from South America, who appeared to be pursing its lips thoughtfully. A glorious tiger growled menacingly at the crowd, and Ezra wished the boys could see it, and at the same time, wished the poor beast free of its incarceration.

A tattooed man appeared bored with his lot, as she showed off his body-art. Ezra turned from the man and saw a cage labeled garishly, "Wolf children," and his heart stopped

'Now, Ezra, you know that 2-bloods are a closely held secret, only hinted at in legends. This is probably some poor handicapped child or someone in a costume.'

The smell was one reminiscent of a sick room, pain, fear and filth. He pulled out his scented handkerchief and peered within the dark edifice.

A boy, hunched was chained by a dog collar in the corner of the cage. He looked human enough and more mistreated than anything, but the child lifted his head and stared at Ezra. Then Ezra's heart sank - those eyes glowed in the low light just like Buck's. The straw moved and a large pup got up, shook itself and then sat on the boy's lap.

Ezra made a fist and realized his hands were shaking.

His first instinct was to open the cage and free them. But that would result in incarceration and possible injury to the children.

His second instinct was to find the owner of the circus and beat him to a pulp and then shoot him. He immediately calmed himself enough to plot. He mustn't let emotion keep him from helping them. The boy had a look that spoke of misuse and brutality; he didn't expect kindness.

A plate with raw beef on it sat in one corner and he wondered if that were all the poor boy was given to eat. The meat was a bit green on the edge and Ezra doubted that a real wolf would be amused much by this particular tidbit, unless it was starving.

The child might be starving, from the look of his lean flanks and skinny arms, but wasn't looking at the meat.

Instead he stared at Ezra like any wild animal caught against its will might stare at a human captor.

There was no hope in that glance, just misery and dejection.

Ezra bit his lip and dug his fingers into the palm of his hand, unknowingly drawing blood.

Now, if he brought the children to the Judge's notice, he might be able to help them get away from the circus, but it would be difficult. And a normal one blood family might feel that the child was too brutalized to be anything but an idiot and consign the child to some dismal poor house.

And Ezra didn't know if the judge would trust this boy to him or why the others would immediately be in favor of his action.

He stared at the pup, wondering if it was another 2-blood or merely in the cage for show. It was such a large pup, it was possible. Two blood pups were larger than wolf pups. The pup whimpered and hid its head against the boy's side.

Ezra turned away and walked to the hawker working the front of the tent.

"Who owns that miserable little wolf boy? He asked and was undone by the cold fury he heard in his own voice.

The hawker jumped a little and asked, "Did he bite ya? There's a sign on the cage as says he bites."

Ezra scowled and wished he had a horsewhip handy, but Chaucer would never stand for him to have such things about. Right now it would be emotionally satisfying to give this man the beating of his life but it would also be unwise.

"I want the owner, please. Can you direct me or not?" The hawker looked at him one more time, as though sizing him up for a con, and said, "Third wagon at the end of the row."

Ezra turned and strode to the wagon in question, where he knocked furiously.

The greasy specimen of humanity who answered the door was dressed as a ringmaster. Ezra could see this man's main motivation in life easily.

"How much for the wolf boy?" he asked

The man stared at him appraisingly, taking in every vestige of the line of his coat, the cut of his hair, his manicured hands.

Ezra smiled at him and the man's eyes lit up at the sight of the gold tooth.

"One Thousand dollars," he said

Ezra stared at the man. "You've made that much money from him?" he asked it scornfully.

"Not yet, but I expect to," was the greed based reply.

"When he grows up, he won't be as big a draw," observed Ezra, hoping to god the poor boy had a chance to actually grow up.

The man rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "You got a point, there. Still, you'll want the pup, too, he won't behave without the pup. So the both of them for a thousand."

Ezra normally would have dickered, but he was terrified he'd shoot the bastard and be hung before he could extricate the child and the pup from this nightmare. He pretended to think, turning away, and brushing his hand on his jacket. What was that moistness - ah blood. How he wished it belonged to the circus owner.

Now he looked up coldly at the man and nodded. "Very well, you drive a hard bargain."

The man's hands rubbed together.

"I expect you to provide a bill of sale," Ezra said in a soft menacing voice.

"Of course, Sir. I'll even throw in a leash for the boy so he doesn't bolt."

Ezra curled his lip at the man, hoping the Cretan would take it as a smile.

"Come," said Ezra, rejoicing in the stern upbringing he had for showing no emotions. "We shall go to the local bank and make our transaction there."

This got him a suspicious glare.

"Now, sir, you know that large transactions of this sort should be witnessed, for your own protection." Inwardly he decided that this man would be more hesitant about demanding his pathetic exhibits back.

"Besides, I can have the honor of sharing a whiskey with you to seal our bargain," he continued smoothly, and was rewarded by another greedy smile.

The banker seemed unimpressed with the circus owner, but solemnly witnessed the bill of sale fairly respectfully, and Ezra realized his reputation had been established by the Judge's kindness.

Then he took the man to the finest saloon in town. Never had Ezra been so anxious to leave a lovely saloon, although he didn't let the scoundrel before him know it.

After a short eternity, they returned to the miserable circus and Ezra found himself once again in front of the cage of horrors. The two occupants were asleep. The boy was holding the pup in his arms protectively, and Ezra had to fight the instinct to shoot the bloody bastard son of perdition who would do this to a child, any child.

A handler drug the other end of the boy's chains all the way to the wall, waking the child rudely.

The pup jumped up and barked angrily at them while the boy snarled in a feral fashion.

Ezra's heart sank; perhaps the poor child's wits were gone. How he wished he had Buck here to give him advice. But he didn't have the benefits of the pack today. He squared his shoulders. He wasn't going to let these innocents down.

The ringmaster grabbed the furious pup and plopped her in Ezra's arms.

"He won't try to run from you as long as you keep a firm grip on the little bitch," he said easily, patting the pocket that held a bank receipt for one thousand dollars in gold.

Ezra looked down at the dirty pup in his arms and instinctively cooed to her, as he would a distraught horse. With a firm grip on the wiggling creature, he reached into a pocket and pulled out a cookie (which he had secured as a treat for Chaucer later).

The pup seemed to grow calm, and sniffed tentatively at his little culinary offering.

Finally, tentatively, she inhaled it and her limp tail began to wag joyously.

The boy, held in place by his chained collar seemed to calm too, seeing as he wasn't hurting the pup. Ezra shuddered to think what disciplinary actions had visited on the small body in his arms.

Now the ringmaster and his crony affixed a new-chained leash to the collar roughly. Ezra was handed a chain.

"Watchem now, he bites," said the lacky and Ezra nodded. Now he knelt in front of the boy and held out the second sugar cookie.

The boy sniffed the air and looked at Ezra suspiciously. Ezra held the cookie in biting distance now and the boy sniffed again. He sniffed the cookie and to Ezra's amazement, sniffed his hand and arm with renewed interest.

Perhaps he smells Buck, he thought, hopefully.

The boy tentatively took the cookie in his mouth and Ezra was certain he saw the flash of intelligence in those dark eyes.

"Come along," he said, briskly, but made sure his hands were gentle on the leash. He wanted badly to vomit, at both the smell of the odious cage and the thought of taking this child into custody on a leash. The lackey quickly put a leash around the girl pup's neck and put the end of the leash in Ezra's hand.

"You'll need it if she bolts," said the ringmaster wisely.

"Pleasure doing business with you, my good man," said Ezra as pleasantly as possible. He stood and tugged tentatively on the end of the leash. The boy stood and walked next to him.

Ezra frowned. The boy was dirty, unkempt and worst of all, naked. "May ah purchase some sort of garments for mah new property?" he drawled, trying to put all effort into this simple con, so he wouldn't throw up or break someone's nose. He had children to protect and couldn't give into the simple joys of justified mayhem.

A miserable pair of overhauls was presented and Ezra paid 2 bits for them. Then he handed them to the boy rather gently. He smiled at him. "Can you put them on, young man?" he asked.

The boy held them, and to the astonishment of his former owners, slipped them on.

"That was excellent, young man. Ah am most pleased," said Ezra approvingly. He nodded at the two transfixed carnies and drew the boy along with him. The boy had evidently hidden all signs of intelligence from his captors. This was a new factor that might make them reconsider their transaction.

His back itched as he turned from the men and he knew instinctively they were more than reconsidering. However, they wouldn't risk a gun shot so close to town. The whole situation had changed. If the boy held intelligence, he could be trained, no doubt brutally, and could become a main attraction. He was worth more than a thousand to them now. His deepest fear in this matter would be realized.

The boy walked next to him, watching his face and the little pup in his arms. Ezra was tempted to let him hold the girl pup, but decided it would be better to wait till they were better acquainted.

"Come, dear boy," he said in a low voice, "we must get to relative safety away from those foul men."

The boy's expression changed a little and he looked puzzled. Ezra smiled at him, without showing any teeth.

The boy's eyes lightened just a bit and he followed along contentedly.

Ezra returned to his hotel and took a back stairway to his room, hoping to keep the child away from prying eyes. His room was still locked and empty. Ezra opened the lock, with a fierce grip on the leashes. The thought of these two running loose in the hotel was not to be borne. They would be traumatized and perhaps hurt as well as thrown out of the hotel. And Ezra had plans for the hotel facilities tonight.

He opened the door and smiled. A portable bath had been filled to his specification with hot water, bubbles and a plethora of clean towels. While he had looked forward to making his ablutions in private, now the bath would be wildly useful for these two neglected waifs.

He carefully locked the door behind him and spread a large towel on the bed. Then he lay the pup on it with yet another cookie, which was inhaled immediately.

He realized they'd been underfed. Now he turned to the boy and squatted down in front of him.

He again held out his hand to the child and let him sniff it.

"Ah know I'm only a one blood, but I'm part of a two blood pack, my dear young friend. Do you understand?"

The boy stared at him, and those dark eyes filled with tears.

"Pack?" he questioned in a sad unused travesty of a child's voice.

"Yes, my dear young friend. I'm part of the Four Corners Pack. Ah don't know where your pack is, but Ah will protect you from those men."

The boy changed, and the air filled with the same familiar electric tinge he associated with Buck. A small wolf struggled in the overhauls and crawled into his arms and whined hysterically.

The pup on the bed sat up at attention.

A soft shattered howl rent the air, and Ezra's eyes filled with unaccustomed tears.

"Hush, my dear friend, hush, we must be cautious,"

The wolf in his arms was thin and filthy, but the dirt on his usually immaculate clothes meant nothing to the gambler. He held the wolf child in his arms and petted and cooed and whispered words of love and consolation.

"I know you've been hurt bad, little one, but you've been brave as well. No matter what, I'm taking care you. If Ah can't find your pack, then you can become part of my pack, and if they can't keep us, then we'll form our own small pack. But Ah shall never let that foul man touch you again, not over my own dead body."

The sad little tail wagged and he was snuggled so fiercely he found himself on his back with a wolf child licking his face raw, and Ezra's tears disappeared, licked up like an ancient libation to the gods.

Then a tiny voice said, "Papa?" to his left and Ezra and the wolf child sprang straight into the air. There, sitting on the towel, was a little girl of about two years old. She had black hair, black eyes, was covered with filth and was utterly beautiful. She held her doll-like arms up to Ezra and asked again, "Papa?"

Ezra picked her up and kissed her gently. The wolf child at his side turned back to a boy again and threw his arms around Ezra's waist and just held on. The girl chuckled at him and kissed back loudly.

"Good Lawd," he whispered, "You poor babies."

This rewarded him with a tug to his side, "I'm Bransen. I'm a big boy." said the child anxiously.

"You most certainly are, young man." Said Ezra, and found tears stinging his eyes again, "Not only are you a big boy, but you have protected this little one. How on earth did you convince her to stay in pup shape all this time?"

The boy looked up at him longingly, "I made it a game, but the first time they hurt me, she understood. She never will show her wolf to strangers she doesn't trust."

Ezra's heart warmed. Apparently they both recognized him as pack. He was moved.

"Well, I'm honored at her trust." He finally stuttered this out and realized he was the verge of weeping outright. He had seen so much cruelty in his life, and it always destroyed him. Just the thoughts that he had been eating and drinking with the Judge in relative peace while these little ones suffered made him want to scream and weep and break things.

"Well, Bransen, I think the first order of business will to make sure you are cleaned. What is the name of this delightful cherub?"

Bransen frowned a minute and then realized the question. "Blossom."

"Ah," said Ezra in appreciation, "And an exquisite blossom she is too."

The baby gurgled at him and crowed in delight.

Getting them both bathed took some time and gentleness. The boy was a little skittish of the bubbles until he sat in the water and started to relax in the warmth. Ezra found himself wincing at every old scar and bruise on that too thin body. The boy started to enjoy the attention and Ezra felt if the child had been in his wolf form that tail would be wagging with delight.

Blossom thought that bathing was a new and delightful game. She threw bubbles in the air wantonly, wiggled and laughed. She blew bubbles on both Ezra and Bransen with glee. She had apparently already assigned paternity to Ezra, because she firmly called him Papa even when he explained his name was Ezra. Bransen was called Bwandon and he watched over the little blossom of the west with extreme solicitude.

Soon both his new charges were sparkling clean. The next stage of being dried was less fun than the bath, but the hair brushing portion of the afternoon's entertainment was too akin to wolfish groom practices to not be a total success. Both children acted almost hypnotized by the soothing action of brush and comb. Soon Blossom decided it was Ezra's turn and began to comb his hair as well. Ezra submitted to her ministrations and found Bransen softly patting his back consolingly. He ruffled the boy's hair and smiled at him. The child was probably only 6 or 7 years old, but he was cute as a button and reminded him of a combination of both Buck and J.D. He protected his pack mate just as fiercely as Buck did JD, but he had J.D.'s eyes and curiosity. And the quick wisdom he had shown in not revealing his intelligence was wondrous.

Now Blossom needed decent attire. So for that matter did Bransen. Ezra considered his options.

He looked the boy in the eye with all the tenderness he could show and asked, "Can you watch Blossom?"

The boy nodded.

"You must not open the door to anyone," Ezra said, stroking the child. "You must hide if anyone tries to enter besides me. And I shall lock the door behind me."

The boy looked at him with wise young eyes.

Ezra kissed the top of his head.

"I shall return, Bransen."

It was now late evening. He practically ran to the local clothiers and purchased items for both a small girl and larger boy, with an irritating haste. The owner stared at him until he said, "I am about to travel back west and completely forgot a dear nephew and niece. My sister will never let me live it down." This went over well.

Then he felt a twinge, and found himself running with his packages back to the hotel.

He opened the door to the room and found the room empty.

"Bransen!" he hissed and saw a little tail begin to wag from beneath the bed.

"Good Lawd," he uttered and then locked the door behind him. Two little wolves came crawling out to greet him. The larger turned into a near hysterical boy who shuddered.

Ezra picked him up and sat him on his lap and hugged him.

"Did someone try to get into the room?" he asked

Finally, stuttering the boy said, "Ringmaster. I smelled him."

Ezra had thought since he made the Banker witness his purchase of the wolf boy he would be protected in town, but now he realized that the circus owner's greed outstripped his limited intelligence.

Without the usual joy of new clothing, he dressed both children. Then he locked them into the room and raced to the night desk. To his relief, someone was on duty.

"Ahm afraid I am leaving your delightful establishment early," he said, "I seem to have someone trying to follow my movements. Since I am doing work for the judge, I feel it best to leave immediately."

The night clerk, a dour youth with pimples, looked suitably impressed.

"Ah am asking for your help in a delicate matter," he said confidentially to the youth, "Ah will pay for the room two days in advance under strict instruction that you keep it locked and tell people Ahm still staying here. It is with the best of intentions," he added when the boy looked doubtful.

The boy nodded, a little wide-eyed, and Ezra paid him, giving the youth a tip as well.

He fortunately had his saddlebags and carpetbag packed since he expected to leave quickly, and had missed his pack. Now he went back to the room, and took both children in their human forms down the backstairs. More nervous than Mother would have approved, he let the children go just outside the livery, and had them hide behind bales.

"Branson, if you smell the man, then I want you to call for me." He warned the child, anxious at his pale demeanor. Branson nodded to him and then both children hide obediently.

He went inside and made the same deal with the livery man as he had with the hotel. Since this was a busy place of business, he was certain no one would be certain of what horse he was using. He thanked the livery owner, and then went finally to the telegraph office, where his luck in finding people awake ran out. He knocked on the door angrily and roused a grumpy agent who changed his tune when Ezra gave him a large tip.

"Ah beg your forgiveness for this unmannerly assault on your repose, Sir, but I have urgent business." He rapidly sent a telegram to Buck Wilmington.

"Buck met 2 blood relatives. Meet me at Bitter Creek."

He then mounted up on Chaucer next to the children's hiding place. They jumped into his arms. He sat them in front of him and popped Blossom inside his great overcoat, buttoning it so only her little dark eyes glittered out. He left town in one direction, then doubled back, using all the tracking wisdom Vin had taught him.

Chaucer, with his usual impeccable instinct, knew something was up and went into "getting out of town" mode. Ezra noticed a certain greater gentleness to the horse's gait then was usual. Then he realized that Chaucer was taking extra care with his two smaller burdens. If they got home, he resolved extra special treats and spoiling for his dear horse.

Even though it was completely dark, he walked Chaucer until the wise horse stopped. Then Ezra dismounted, with Bransen sitting alone on the saddle. Ezra led the horse gingerly. He was certain that the Ringmaster was either following or had sent henchmen to return his two charges. While this sort of situation was usually thrilling and a challenge to his native wit, today he found himself terrified at his deepest core. Not for himself oh no, he was petrified at what that loathsome beast would do to these two innocents.

Finally, he found a place that was off the trail under a willow tree, which obligingly wept all the way to the ground.

He undid the buttons on the overcoat and found that Blossom had fallen asleep. She opened her eyes and held up her lips for a kiss. In spite of all his anxiety, he smiled at her and kissed his dainty princess. Then he pulled Bransen down from Chaucer and kissed the boy's forehead gently and held him for a bit. Chaucer gave the slightest of grunts and Ezra smiled. He silently removed the saddle and tended to the horse.

Then, using every bit of the art he had learned from Vin Tanner and Buck Wilmington, he made a smokeless small fire. It was careful work, and the children watched him with big interested eyes.

The leaves of the tree above would disperse what little smoke remained. He pulled his mess kit from the saddlebags and began to prepare a portable soup in a pan, which he heated at his little fire.

While he could barely stand the thought of food, these two little one's needed something in their tummies so they could sleep.

He could see little noses twitching inquisitively. Finally, the soup was hot enough to eat without burning little tongues. He put out the fire with the same care he had taken in making it.

He wondered how to share the meal between the two children as he only had one spoon. Then he looked up and saw two little wolves in clothing wiggling at him and especially at the soup.

He put the pan down in front of them and they lapped it up cheek to cheek, intently.

Then they looked up and two little children sat before him, smiling and licking their lips.

While a bit appalled at this total lack of table manners, Ezra couldn't help but smile back. It was most efficient.

Then Bransen said, "Oh no, we ate it all. Now you don't have anything to eat."

Blossom's face fell and her lower lip began to tremble.

Hoping to forestall disaster, Ezra popped several apples out and showed them to the children, "Not at all, dear children, we have apples."

Chaucer made a noise, deep in his throat.

Ezra put his finger to his lips, "The apples are usually for Chaucer, but tonight I think he'll condescend to share."

With that he bit into one so the children would be reassured that he didn't got hungry, then he handed two to the children who received them with awe, and one he cut up and took to Chaucer, who was ready to pout.

"Now there, you know I never forget my friends," he whispered to the horse consolingly, "but these two little ones need good food and care. We must provide for them."

Then he smiled and found a familiar paper bag in a deep pocket, one that he purchased on a regular basis from Mrs. Potter's store. He gave a peppermint to Chaucer, who snorted in pleasure.

Then he sat down next to the children. The apples, which had been pretty big apples, were completely gone. He hadn't even finished his. Lord, they were starving.

He handed each child a peppermint and said, "Lick it."

The children held the treats for a moment.

"I've seen children eat these before," said Bransen, "When they watched me in the cage." There was a wistful bravery in his tone.

Ezra's heart was tore. He had only wanted to treat the boy, not remind him of that horror.

"Their parents would give them to them," the boy looked at him and gave him a wan smile. Ezra pulled the boy into his arms and whispered to him, "Well, I give them to you now, Bransen. I'm so sorry they hurt you."

The boy snuggled against him and finally leaned against him trustingly. He held the peppermint in his hand and then gave it a lick. Ezra heard a tiny chuckle.

"Tastes good." The boy said, "Blossom, try it."

The little girl did and her eyes lit and a huge smile came over her face.

Ezra showed them how to suck peppermints into the cheek and other useful ceremonial uses of the peppermint and they finished this dessert happily, but silently. Blossom came over and sat in his lap in an entirely proprietary fashion. This moved Ezra. He loved children. He supposed that when they met Buck, this affection would naturally transfer, but his esteem for them would not.

As with this new sense of affection was one of responsibility. They were still in danger from those horrible men. He looked down at the dark haired angel in his lap.

"Blossom, my love, can you change to wolf for me?"

Blossom looked up at him and there was a wolf pup in his arms, looking up at him with amber eyes.

"Wonderful," he cooed to her appreciatively. "Can you change back?" Again, a little girl sat there, smiling in pleasure at him. This was something the ringmaster would no doubt pay money to control, but right now this was a matter of their survival.

"Bransen," he said, "Can you change on command?"

The boy looked at him for a moment and then nodded and changed.

"Excellent, my dear boy, excellent," said Ezra, "Now change back."

Now the little boy grinned at him. Ezra noted that if they didn't move when changing, that the clothing was less of a hindrance when they changed back.

He kissed and hugged the both of them. "Now," he said, confidentially, "I must make this camp look less like a camp. The men chasing us don't have your decidedly superior noses, so they will rely on their eyes to find us."

He drug brush to the camp after putting out his small smokeless fire. He surrounded the area where they and Chaucer would seep with tumbleweed and brush. He worked quickly in the dark, and did his best to brush all resulting footprints away. Their hiding place must be camouflaged properly against their pursuers.

Then, he made up their beds. The children watched him quietly. "I want you both to snuggle close to me," he said. "If you smell or hear them, wake me up."

+ + + + + + +

He woke at first dawn. Blossom was sitting next to him and holding his nose shut with chubby fingers. While he had on occasion threatened his pack brothers with death mayhem and horrible vengeance for disturbing his sleep, he couldn't even be put out with her; she was too darn cute.

Blossom gave a baby's chuckle and said softly, "Papa" which was all she had said to this point. Ezra worried that her development had been arrested by the need to remain in wolf form.

Deciding to put it to the test, he sat up and pointed upwards and behind him to Chaucer and said, "This, my little magnolia blossom is a horse and his name is Chaucer."

Chaucer knew a cue when he heard it and introduced his head over Ezra's shoulder to regard this new mistress

Blossom smiled at Chaucer and said, quite clearly, "Chawser"

Ezra grinned and his gold tooth evidently distracted Blossom. She put a bold little finger in his mouth and said, again quite clearly, "pwetty".

Ezra was so delighted, he pretended to bite her, and she squealed and chortled.

Meanwhile Bransen had changed into human form and put his clothing on. He leaned against Ezra's side.

And Ezra felt the shy need for affection. He hugged the boy mindful of those bruises he'd seen last night during the bath.

Then he gently rested his chin on the boy's head and said. "How happy I am to have found you both, my dears".

Then, behind them, Chaucer sniffed the air and came to attention. Instantly, the whole little group fell still. Branson and Blossom changed to wolf forms and Ezra held them.

The heard riders talking to each other in the distance and Branson's eyes widened in horror and recognition. They were silent as rabbits and waited a long time. Then Ezra pulled the clothing off Branson, and saddled Chaucer quickly.

"If they catch us, you must escape. Stay in wolf form so you can run faster than the men."

Soon they were traveling on Chaucer, Blossom again in his jacket and Branson sitting in front of him in wolf form, balancing on the saddle. Ezra had one arm wrapped around him. They traveled silently for hours. Then Ezra found another place that seemed to allow for hiding, and the pups and horse rested, while Ezra sat and shuffled cards and watched.

Then, when instinct screamed at him to run, he woke the children, hid signs of their stopping, and they ran again. When possible, he walked Chaucer down stream in many a little creek. Chaucer snorted at him inquisitively at the first creek, but accepted a peppermint in apology for all the trouble.

Finally they left the area where creeks and trees abounded and were in open territory. Fortunately, Ezra was acquainted with many of these trails and had camped along this way with his pack. Now that knowledge would help preserve their lives.

For he sensed that their pursuers were intent on finding them.

+ + + + + + +

Ezra Standish kept checking their back trail over and over. Chaucer and the children were exhausted, and he knew he must make camp soon, but every instinct he had, including that new one that said wolf children were his prime responsibility, screamed, "They're coming". Finally he found an area he had camped in with Vin once. And this particular site had been the scene of a lesson on hiding that Vin had cheerfully given both him and JD.

Vin had been dry gulched and followed when wounded and had hidden so well that none of them could find him. On this particular trip, JD had asked about that kind of subterfuge and Vin had decided to give both of them injun lessons

So now the conman smiled - he remembered a small place that Vin had noted would be good for hiding a cache or even oneself if as small as he and JD

It would do just fine for two small wolf children depending on him for their lives and liberty. He brought Chaucer to a stop and both the little ones stirred. Blossom yawned widely from within his buttoned up jacket.

Bransen looked around them carefully and then looked up at Ezra with trust in his eyes. Long ago, Maude Standish had told him that children were natural conmen. Ezra had believed it to an extent, but now he knew there was far more to it than a mere innocent con.

Responsibility for keeping those brown eyes safe was the most frightening thing he'd ever encountered, including Nettie Well's sharp eyes and Larabee's death glare.

He was ready to kill for these little ones, cheerfully.

Worse yet from a conman's point of view, he was ready to take care of them till they grew up and left him and was already putting the evil eye on any suitor's for Blossom's affection.

He smiled down at Bransen and received a beautiful smile in return.

If he got out of this alive, he was doomed and worse yet, he was happy about it.

Mother had always told him that parenthood was a terrible burden of responsibility - right now, he wanted it so desperately he'd given up his seed money for a saloon without a second thought.

Poor Mother would faint dead away.

He dismounted and pulled Bransen from the saddle.

"We must rest now, but I think the situation calls for you to have a special hiding place," he explained. Vin Tanner, a member of the Four Corners Pack taught me this trick". He showed his two inquisitive nosed charges a tiny cave beneath a group of boulders. It could hold a scrunched up Ezra, but would hold the two little ones in wolf form very easily.

"Now, Vin taught me the art of camouflage, which means a way of hiding in plain site. The Ringmaster ... "Bransen shuddered but didn't interrupt, "will be using his eyes to seek for you. He won't use his nose. Therefore, we will make this look like nothing at all is here."

The children watched as he carefully gathered brush and actually uprooted one large creosote bush and planted it in front of the opening, leaving just enough room for the children. They made a quick supper, the children eating wolf style again while Ezra tended Chaucer.

Then he used a silk handkerchief and washed both their faces and gave each cheek a kiss.

"Tonight you must sleep together in our little hiding place. Chaucer and I are too big to fit in with you, so we will camp on the other side of these rocks. If the bad men come, you must not come out at all. I may have to shoot them. I may be hurt. But you must stay here until they are gone."

He looked at the two little solemn innocents and his heart melted. "Ahm depending on you to do this for me - no matter what happens. Can you both promise me on your sacred honor forever and ever not to make a noise or come out no matter what until I call you?"

Blossom's lower lip trembled rebelliously

"Papa" she said softly

He picked her up and kissed her

"Please, darling, please. If you hear shots, stay right there. If I scream, I'm only pretending. If you smell blood, you must remain silent or you will hurt me. Do you understand?" he begged her with his eyes and had a terrible compulsion to cross his fingers for fibbing

Finally she stuck her thumb in her mouth and nodded.

"Good!" he said, delighted, "and to seal our bargain, I shall bestow the last of my peppermints on you both."

Chaucer snorted.

He eyed the horse fiercely and no further equine comments were forthcoming.

He hid the children in the small opening with their clothing, food and a gun. He took Bransen aside and said, "The gun is for if I don't come back. Then you must find Four Corners and Chris Larabee."

Bransen nodded solemnly.

Ezra chided himself for throwing such a terrible responsibility on such young shoulders, but knew that Bransen had protected Blossom far above the call of duty thus far. He would stay firm.

He kissed them both and watched as they transformed into wolf cubs. Then he completed his work in camouflaging the front of the little cave. The extra thorns were an especially good touch, he thought.

"Good night, my loves," he whispered and then went to the other side of the rocks where Chaucer gave him a look that said his theft of Chaucer's chosen treat had been noted and logged for future.

He fussed over the horse, worked on clearing the marks of horse, human and wolf feet, and then settled Chaucer down for the night. He slept next to Chaucer, who had stood guard before and knew the drill. At about 3 am Chaucer nibbled the top of his head. Instantly, Ezra was awake, his loaded gun ready in his hand.

He could hear a strange horse snort in the distance and the sound of a whip lashing.

The horse objected, and Ezra used the covering noise to stand on both feet and survey the situation.

It was three men, on horseback, with guns;the ringmaster and two cronies.

Since the cruelty to the horse seemed more in keeping with the man's personality, Ezra decided that would be his first target. He took aim and shot.

The man shrieked in a high voice that didn't sound like the ringmaster.

Damn, Ezra thought.

Then bullets were flying. He could hear the ringmaster swearing and saying, "don't hit the boy, don't hit the boy.

Ezra's lips curled. He slapped Chaucer on the rear, which was the signal to find safety and come back later. His attention was slightly diverted by this and they took advantage of it.

A bullet took him in the upper back. He shot in the direction that it had come from and was delighted to hear angry oaths and curses.

Then something hit him from behind and he was on the ground with a knife at his throat.

He looked at his oppressor and recognized the oaf who had helped him take the children from the cage. He glared at him and struggled and was rewarded with the brutality he expected.

A whip came out and he closed his eyes as his head and neck were lashed and then hit with the heavy whip handle.

Now another form stood over him, clutching a shoulder. The ringmaster leered down at him.

"I was going to give you a refund," the bastard said angrily, "but now I think I will just bury you out here."

Ezra spat at him.

"Now," said the Ringmaster, "Where are they?"

"Why, whatever do you mean?" said Ezra hoarsely, striving to keep conscious so he could listen.

He heard the threats, felt a knife slicing his arm and hands striking his face. None of that mattered, let them toy with him. Just let the children stay still. His responsibility now was to stay quiet so he wouldn't frighten Blossom into untoward action.

The ringmaster left him with the brute and searched all around. Ezra heard him swearing when he realized Chaucer had escaped.

The man returned to Ezra and stood over him.

"Now that boy isn't smart enough to ride a horse," the Ringmaster observed. You got him hid somewhere. Show us where now."

Ezra didn't even give him the courtesy of an answer. Instead he steeled himself for more questioning.

He was stood up and beaten soundly, and he only smiled because he didn't make a noise. Vin would be proud of him for his stoicism.

The two villains left him in a bloody heap and conferred. A fire was lit and the knife heated.

"Start with his eyes," said the Carney, but the Ringmaster shook his head.

"Burn his hands first. He's a gambler, he needs them soft."

Ezra flinched and then waited.

Soon he was spread-eagled on the ground, tied down and that knife did incredible things to his hands and wrists. He thought about the children and was dreadfully aware of sweat stinging each knife wound, like a betrayal. He prayed and thought about the pack.

"Alright, take off the fingers," said the Ringmaster.

Ezra closed his eyes.

Then Ezra heard the sounds of hell's fury. Growling so fierce that he thought of wild beasts in the ancient roman coliseum, and then human screams, shrieks of pain and utter terror, then silence.

He opened his eyes.

A magnificent silver wolf stood over him, blood dripping from his muzzle. The fury and rage on the beast's face was human, which wasn't surprising. After all, this was Buck.

"Mr. Wilmington," he whispered through bleeding lips, "What impeccable timing."

+ + + + + + +

Buck Wilmington had never actually met a 2-blood pup. He had been one, of course, but he had met very few 2-bloods in his life and most of his encounters had been decidedly on the down side. Now, Ezra was lying there bleeding, shot, and hissing at him. "Find the pups Buck - I made them hide. They need us Buck, they need you."

Buck had just killed 2 one bloods. He had killed them for hurting Ezra, his pack brother. Now he realized they were after the pups too. He observed the cold body of another one blood and decided that Ezra had gotten some licks in.

He checked each body carefully, but no signs of life remained - the danger was over. The wolf in him was happy; the man inside wanted to resurrect them and rip them to pieces much more slowly this time. But Buck knew what was important - he went with the wolf inside.

He sniffed the air. Two pups - one still practically a baby. He smelled Ezra on them, fear, hunger, joy, love, trust. He smelled Ezra's tears. He followed the scent. Ezra had done a bang-up job of hiding them, digging them a hidey-hole, hiding it and the fresh dirt with brush. Even an experienced tracker would have walked right by. But the wolf knew two terrified pups were hiding. He stood outside their hiding place so the breeze carried his scent to them.

He could almost feel tiny ears perking at attention while tiny noses wrinkled, smelling another two-blood. He whined now, sitting up. Then he gave a yip that said to any two blood, come on - I'm here

A very tiny answering yip, high pitched, made his own ears perk. Pups. Every instinct within him felt protective.

Finally, the brush parted and two sets of eyes regarded him cautiously.

They were huge for wolf pups, since their pup size was oriented to their human size and weight. However, he could also see while their forms were big, they were underfed.

He whined cajolingly at them and yipped in his best friendly manner.

He heard a little tail wag twice and inside he smiled.

"Woof," he said

"Yipe," said the bush

He snorted and rolled on his back and wiggled, not exactly submitting, just asking to play.

The bushes parted and the pups came out cautiously. Then the smaller one, a female, jumped on him and began to whine desperately.

He whined right back and consented to let her lick and chew his muzzle. Poor little thing. The older male pup crouched, observing them both anxiously. Then he crawled to Buck's side and stuck his head under Buck's chin.

Oh Lord, Buck thought. They aren't sure they can trust me.

He sat up, yelped, and began to wash two little pups as tenderly as any wolf would, trying to communicate acceptance and protection.

The male pup finally began to wag his tail and dance about Buck. Then suddenly a naked child, clean but covered with old bruises, stood before him and said, "Ezra?"

The girl pup jumped up and then headed to the camp. Buck chased after them.

There in the clearing, Ezra lay in Josiah's arms while Nathan worked on him.

The female pup stopped and then growled menacingly. She began to prowl toward Nathan Jackson. Buck gave a preemptory bark and she stopped. She turned and she looked back at him, fur still bristling. Buck smiled inside, no one was going to hurt her Ezra, by golly - the little minx.

"Nathan is pack" he said

She turned back, ears up and tilted her head at Nathan


Nathan wasn't paying much attention, which was typical for the healer in his healing mode, but now he looked up. His dark eyes registered the two pups and his face softened. Josiah's whole attention was on Ezra, but now he smiled at the little one, too. Nathan got a tender expression as he realized the little one was protecting Ezra.

"Don't worry," he explained, "He's hurt and I'm helping him, not hurting him worse."

The girl pup tilted her head to one side and appeared to consider this.

Nathan grinned and then picked up Ezra's hand and licked it

She jumped up, tail wagging.

Buck grinned in wolf mode. "Right smart move there, Nate, licking is wolf first aid," he thought, proud of his pack brother.

No longer frightened and protection, the girl pup bounced up to Ezra and licked his nose.

The gambler's eyes fluttered open, "Blossom?"

"Woof," she said.

Ezra smiled weakly, he was already falling asleep now

"Darling little magnolia blossom. We're safe now."

She immediately snuggled next to his side, content

The boy stood next to Buck.

"Thank you." he whispered in a voice not used to much conversation. "I'm Branson, she's Blossom. I don't know where our pack is - the circus man stole us and took us far away."

Buck changed and despite nudity and being covered with his enemy's blood, held the boy in his arms

"If we can't find your pack," he said, "it doesn't matter. We'll care for you.

The boy looked up at him "Ezra said if you didn't want us, that he would take us. Will your alpha want us?"

We'll have to ask him; after all he is alpha," said Buck, and grinned at the boy to let him know not to fear.

+ + + + + + +

Nathan Jackson was of course curious to find out just who Ezra had warned them about. He had expected 2 bloods to be involved because of the coded message, but babies? How on earth had Ezra found them and who had tortured his pack brother? His hand's had twitched nervously when the little female had growled. She might be tiny, but she would have nailed his hand but good if she decided he was hurting Ezra. He looked down at his friend and the little wolf curled protectively at his arm, while Josiah held Ezra still.

He'd cleaned the burns, but now, as usual with the damn southerner, he found a bullet wound. It hadn't bled much, so he hadn't found it right away. Ezra was always neat, even in his injuries.

The healer looked at the little one. He could see Buck holding a boy child out of the corner of his eye, and he heard the little boy say, "Ezra said if you didn't want us, he'd take care of us."

Nathan's busy hands stopped and he stared down at his too frequent patient. "Oh Ezra, don't you know you're part of us now?" he thought and an ache began to spread over his heart area.

The little girl wolf stared at him with dark eyes and Nathan looked at her. He made a decision, deep inside. These children needed care, and so did Ezra. If Chris wouldn't keep them, then damnit - he'd go with them and take care of all of them. Hell - he got most of his most interesting cases from Ezra anyway - man could get wounded on a sunny day and not tell about it for weeks.

Then he looked down at said patient. The bullet was still inside. He was going to have to cut the wound.

"Little Missy," he said to the pup, "He's got a nasty bullet in his arm and I have to take it out with a knife. It will hurt him, but if I don't he could lose his arm or die." The pup sat up and whined at him.

"I'm sorry sweetheart," he explained, "Ezra is my pack brother and he's hurt bad. Don't you worry, now. We've done this with Ezra before," 'yeah - too damn many times before,' thought Nathan sadly.

He felt that strange energetic pressure in the air that told him Buck was changing.

"WOOF" came a well-loved voice.

The little pup whined again, pathetically, and went to the big wolf's side, where she was groomed industriously along with the boy wolf. Nathan felt all their eyes on him and hoped Josiah would clean his backside if the children took a bite out of him.

He pulled out his scalpel and heated it over the fire.

The boy now whined at him in uncertainty. "Hell," he thought, "those bastards just tortured him with hot knives - he must think I'm doing more of the same."

"Now I'm not planning on hurting Ez with this here knife." Nathan continued solemnly, "I'm heating it so it won't make the wound get sick. Those bas ... er bad men did it to hurt him, but this is just to help me carefully get the bullet out."

Saying a quick prayer, he poured whiskey into the wound and Ezra's eyes shot open.

"Good Lawd," the conman cried.

Nathan felt his friend's tenseness and knew it had hurt like hell. "Sorry Ez, I have to disinfect the wound." Ezra, bless him, nodded at him understandingly.

Ezra now stared over at the little band of wolves that was watching him so intently.

"Its all right, darlings, Nathan is helping me. Don't be frightened."

Josiah had been silent till now. "Children, you mustn't bother Nathan. He has to be very careful with his hands, or he could hurt Ezra more, so stay put with Buck."

Buck gave the slightest of parental growls and the two pups settled against his chest, still watching, but more relaxed

Nathan lost himself in concentration now. The faster he got the bullet out the better."

Ezra lay still but tense at the first touch of the hot blade, but he made no noise.

'After I beat the hell out of him for scaring the crap out of me, I'll have to buy him a drink,' thought Nathan briefly, Ezra usually hollered during surgery, but was gritting his teeth and painfully silent so as not to frighten the little ones.

After the bloody bullet was out, he cleaned the wound and bound it. Ezra gave a bit of a sigh, then his eyes rolled back in his head and he slumped backwards.

Nathan heard a yip and could see Buck had the littler pup held by the scruff of her neck while she struggled, growling in tiny fierce defense.

Nathan could see he was going to end up buying Buck a drink too.

Finally, he and Josiah had Ezra in a bedroll, resting comfortably.

Now Nathan went to the furry portions of his new family and held out his hand for sniffing. He didn't think she could bite a finger right off and Buck was watching her. She growled at him, then whined in confusion. She could smell pack on him obviously, but also Ezra's blood and pain. Finally, after a great deal of consideration, she gave his hand a tentative lick

Nathan smiled and began to gently touch her head

"I know it was scary, sweetheart, but Ezra was hurt bad. We can't lick his wound clean like a wolf can. I had to use human medicine on him."

To his immense and everlasting surprise, a naked girl child now held her arms up to him

"Ezwa!" she sobbed.

Nathan sat down in the dirt and pulled her into his arms

"I'm sorry, sweetheart," he crooned, "I hated having to hurt him too, but I had to save him. Please understand that I love the idiot dearly."

The girl sobbed against him and nodded, lips quivering.

The boy wolf threw his head back and howled, full throated. Buck snuffled at him and the girl child and then howled right along with them.

Nathan calmly contemplated kicking Buck's ass from here to the next county.

He waited patiently until the howling cut down. Then said, "Well, if that don't get the rest of the boys back here, I don't know what will."

+ + + + + + +

Chris, Vin and JD were scouting for more assailants and burying the bodies. They hadn't met the children yet.

JD Dunne was filling in the last hastily dug grave when he heard the multiple howling. He dropped the shovel and immediately looked at Vin and Chris.

Vin had checked the perimeter while Chris had helped JD. Chris nodded and they all mounted up and went to check. JD's heart raced, maybe Ez had died and Buck was in mourning. But who were those other voices. They sounded so thin ... a sick two-blood?

Vin and Chris rode abreast and quickly they were at the camp site where they'd found Ezra - JD flinched at the thought of Buck killing those men so savagely, but part of him was glad - they'd been torturing Ezra - it turned his stomach.

There in the camp, lay Ezra, being cared for by Nate and Josiah. But next to them were three wolves. One wolf form he knew well, but the two others: "Lordy," he muttered, "Pups."

They were big but he realized that pups from 2-bloods had to be bigger to account for their human sizes. And for all their size, they seemed a mite skinny too, like theyhadn't fed well.

The mournful howling stopped and the two little ones hid behind Buck and peered out at the horsemen.

+ + + + + + +

Chris Larabee dismounted slowly and looked at his oldest and dearest friend.

Those wolfish eyes were begging for something and he knew it was *&)*)&) alpha business again. Buck wanted him to accept the pups probably. Hell - he probably wanted Chris to baby-sit too.

The pups were scared and flinched under his glance and he tried to look friendly.

The small one gave a yip of terror and tried to hide underneath Buck.

Larabee sighed - apparently he wasn't good at looking friendly. He squatted down and held out a hand. "Come on," he said, "I ain't gonna bite ya."

The smallest one's head poked out from underneath Buck and he was awed at the sharp intelligence there.

The bigger one gave him a twin look of suspicion then whined and began to crawl to him, absolute and utter submission in every movement.

Lord, he thought, they'd had a rough time of it.

He held out the other hand and said softly, "Please don't be scared. You're safe now."

The bigger pup came up on all fours, no longer crawling, but still submissive and gave a tentative wag of his tail.

Chris smiled at him, careful not to show teeth.

The tail thumped much louder.

The pup, he could tell it was a boy, came into the circle of his arms, and then showed him his neck and belly.

Gentle, as gentle as he'd be with a frightened pureblooded colt, he began to pet the little wolf boy, crooning softly, he whispered to the child, "What a fine boy you are. I bet you stole old Ez's heart right away. I can see that Buck is begging to have you in the pack already."

The pup tail began to really beat a happy rhythm on the dirt and Chris laughed as the wolf pup licked his hands and face joyously. He sat full down on the ground and gathered the boy in his arms and hugged and petted him.

"You're safe with us boy. I promise." he said.

The boy rewarded this with a loud bark and burrowed against his chest. Chris found himself with the pup in his lap and he tucked the little head under his chin and petted him and hugged him at the same time.

The smaller pup was regarding all this with great interest from the safe vantage point of Buck Wilmington's magnificent wolf form.

Finally it gave a small impatient yip and came dancing to him in that strange energy-wasting skip that all pups have when they feel safe. It was a female, by god, and she jumped right on his lap with the boy and damn near knocked them both over. She didn't give him a chance but began to lick his face and nibble his ears merrily.

Chris could hear Buck snorting but didn't mind - they were so cute and so needy.

"You are under our protection now," he said when he could evade two rasping tongues, "Now meet the rest of the pack."

JD and Vin came forward and held out their hands. The two pups made snuffling noises and began to sniff them with happy interest

JD laughed and hugged them. Vin smiled like sunshine in the morning at them.

Chris hadn't let his attention wander from his wounded pack member

He could see Ezra was half asleep but regarding all of this with a pleased smile.

+ + + + + + +

J.D. Dunne was excited. For once in his life, he was the older brother type. He could take Bransen under his wing and nuture him, just like Buck had nurtured JD when he first came west

Of course, he might have a little trouble peeling the little wolf off of Buck. Right now, the boy pup was in his wolf form and sleeping next to Buck, also in wolf form. They looked cute as hell and JD felt sorry for anyone messing with the boy now.

A small ear twitched and the pup's head came up and eyes of topaz regarded JD. He smiled reassuringly at the child and wondered if he'd like fishing

As though aware of his good intentions, a small tail gave one distinct thump and the pup went back to sleep at Buck's side.

JD grinned to himself. Now they had real kids, not just him and buck to wrestle with. He hoped they could stay. Chris had accepted them and all, but they might have worried kin someplace. He frowned at that thought. He was already feeling like they were part of the pack, but if they had living family somewhere, they must be heartbroken

It would be their duty to find that family.

But, damn, it was already hard to think of losing them. And if he felt this way, how must their pack feel?. He closed his eyes. Lord, it must have driven them all mad.

Josiah and Nathan were still fussing over Ezra and JD went over to see him. He'd really missed Ezra while he was gone and to see him hurt again was frustrating

As he approached, he was greeted with a tiny but extremely heart-felt growl. He looked down. A girl pup was standing guard.

He respectfully crouched down to her level.

"Ezra is my pack brother," he said, "I'm glad you are taking care of him, but you don't have to guard him against me."

The eyes that stared at him were amber in the fading light of evening, but they didn't bother JD at all. They only reminded him of Buck and made the little tyke even dearer to him

He held out a hand and she sniffed him all over then jumped in his lap and began to lick his face.

He smiled and picked her up.

"Let's check Ez. I've missed him."

Blossom wiggled in his arms until he was at Ezra's side.

Josiah and Nathan were making a travois to take their wounded gambler home in.

Ezra was giving the travois a jaundiced look that was not in favor of this means of travel and JD realized why Blossom had gone on guard alert.

He sat next to his friend and touched his arm while Blossom stuck her head in the man's armpit and sighed wearily.

"My dear," said Ezra, giving JD a fond glance, "I had no idea my underarms were so interesting."

The pup looked up at him and licked his face.

"I missed you, Ez," said JD softly.

"I missed all of you too, just terribly," said Ezra, ""I can't tell you how relieved I am to be with everyone again. Would you like to sleep next to me? Blossom can nestle between us and feel safer."

JD smiled and got his bedroll. Having the pack together calmed him almost as much as it did Buck. It had been a hard day for all of them and he fell asleep almost immediately. Vin would waken him when it was time for his watch.

But when his eyes opened in the middle of the night, it was because Blossom was gone.

He sat up. Ezra was sleeping deeply. Vin was standing in the shadows keeping watch.

Vin came out and pointed to where Chris Larabee was bedded down next to Buck.

A small wolf child was curled up on their leader's chest. Apparently she was claiming more territory. JD nodded at Vin and got up ready to do his turn at watch.

The boy wolf woke up and looked at him. He nodded to him and Buck's amber eyes slit open for just a moment before his elder brother went back to sleep, reassured that his pack surrounded him.

+ + + + + + +

Ezra Standish hated traveling by travois. He hated the bumps and jolts. He hated making intimate acquaintance with rocks and potholes. He hated eating the dust of the horse dragging the travois.

Not to mention that Josiah's horse Warrior appeared to have a severe flatulence problem today and the smell would waft right down to Ezra's level. He would try to cover his nose and then remember his hand were hurt and end up smacking himself in the face with a bandaged sore hand

He wanted to sleep, but every time he fell asleep, the damn travois would hit something that would bounce him awake with pain from his various wounds. And he was jealous. Blossom was riding with Buck. He could see her smiling up at the big cowboy with those big brown eyes. He knew, of course, that Buck would be more popular, but it was still difficult

He would never be an important part of the pack - he was definitely not an alpha.

He wished he was healed up enough to ride Chaucer, who was rather coyly bearing Bransen on his back.

The ringmaster had been dead wrong - the boy could ride very well. Dead wrong - heh - he felt no tears for the bastard. The unwashed villain would probably have collected all of Ezra fingers if Buck hadn't shown up to save the day.

So he shouldn't be jealous that Bransen was riding next to Buck and that Blossom was snuggled in front of their Two Blood brother.

He couldn't even shuffle a deck, his main way of keeping occupied in boring situations, and Nathan had absconded with his silver flask of scotch

It was probably for the best that the children flocked to Buck and the others. He wasn't a good role model.

He closed his eyes, but began to feel a little odd at the sensations of traveling without seeing his surroundings and opened his eyes again.

Nathan Jackson had come back and was eyeing him. Probably contemplating another odious dose of some fetid swamp scum tea.

Ezra's stomach lurched and he scowled.

Nathan rode on ahead, and Ezra hoped the good healer hadn't thought of something else to do to him. He was fully pummeled and bruised thank you.

He heard Larabee call a halt and decided he was going to be drinking what Vin so accurately referred to as horse piss now.

Odd, the horse had stopped, but his stomach was still lurching a bit.

Morosely, he closed his eyes and tried to nap until they could torture him more.

Then he heard something like a puppy panting. His eyes flashed open and Blossom, in pup form, was observing him with highest interest. She lifted one paw tentatively, obviously asking permission to get near him.

He smiled, touched at her solicitude.

"Little magnolia blossom, come up," he cajoled and soon was being kissed enthusiastically wolf style. Blossom apparently felt his ears needed attention as well and she nibbled them tenderly with sharp little teeth. Now another larger pup bounced up and lay his head on Ezra's shoulder very tentatively

"Bransen, hello," Ezra whispered

Bransen whined and proceeded to lick his face and the other ear.

Buck came up and grinned down at him. "Had an awful time keeping them from jumping all over you, pard. They was right worried. I think they like ya, Ez."

Ezra looked up at his rescuer and smiled, his black mood gone.

"Did I remember to render thanks for saving my miserable life?" he asked

Buck sat down next to the travois and pulled Blossom onto his lap.

"You gave me quite a scare, Ez. When I saw them holding that knife to your hands, I damn near turned inside out."

"I too was filled with apprehension," replied the gambler, "Ah have never been so happy to see you as a wolf before. You were magnificent."

"Well, looked to me like you softened em up some." Replied Buck, and he smiled at Ezra. "Ya done a bang up job of hiding the pups too. I was proud."

Ezra's pack didn't dispense with praise lightly. He grinned with pleasure. Even though he ached all over from the pummeling, he suddenly was back in complete good humor.

Then Buck put a hand over his, gently. "Bransen told me you gave that man a thousand dollars. I thought that was your seed money for the saloon."

"Saloon's are a dime a dozen," said Ezra, just as Blossom evidently decided that Buck needed a good washing and began to chew on his mustache.

"Hey," said Buck, and Blossom began to chew his nose quite happily. Bransen snuggled next to Ezra and grinned, in true wolf pup furry style, which included exposed belly, laughing eyes, wagging tail, and a tremendous amount of wiggling. Ezra kissed the furry little miscreant and Buck's laughter seemed to light up the sky.

+ + + + + + +

They camped that night in a place familiar to all. The pups ran about in wolf form merrily exploring, and then rushing back to check on their new family, especially Ezra who acted like he was alright, but fell asleep as soon as he was fed. The six other members of the Four Corners Pack sat around the fire, drinking coffee, listening to yips and tussling going on in the underbrush. Buck was looking longingly out and Chris Larabee lay his hand on Buck's arm.

"Not just yet, pard. We gotta figure where they're going to stay."

Buck turned to his alpha. Vin Tanner said, "Miz Nettie."

Chris glared at him, "Miz Nettie is 80 years old. She already has to put up with us. I'd like to keep her around, iffin you know what I mean."

Vin glared back. "Miz Nettie is tougher than rawhide' she'll want em."

Chris nodded, "Maybe, but I ain't gonna count on it. They can stay with me. My shacks damn near a house now. I've got the new room they can have for a bedroom. They'd be far away enough from town that they'd be safe, but close enough to go to school later."

Josiah said, "Chris, you can't raise them by yourself."

JD interrupted, "We'll all be raising them. They're pack," he said firmly.

Buck grinned at him and hugged the young sheriff.

"They could stay with me, too," said Nathan, "Ceptin, some folks might not like a man of color with white children. But while they're little, it won't be a problem."

"And being as you live across the way from an old ex-preacher, who also will care for them, I think no one will have anything to say." Said Josiah laconically.

"Sides," said Chris, "Casey is coming back and I don't think she's ready to know about pack ways."

Thereupon all of them fell silent. One frantic word from Casey about shape changing and wolves and they might find themselves dead at the hands of a crazed mob. She was just too young not to blurt something out. Nettie had agreed with this and told them that it wasn't time yet for Casey to find out.

J.D. looked peeved. "You trust me, don't you?" he asked getting ready to argue on Casey's behalf.

"Yes, we do, Brother Dunne," said Josiah softly, "You may be Casey's age, but she does not yet have your maturity or wisdom."

J.D. stared, astonished and pleased.

A soft southern voice interrupted, "Gentlemen, Ah have already purchased a small home in town that we could use to shelter the children."

"Why on earth did you do that, Ez?" asked Buck since they hadn't known about the youngin's till the trip.

"I wanted to make a home for Miz Nettie, if her health failed or if we had another hard winter. It seemed wise to set down community roots for our little family as well." Ezra fell silent and appeared to fall back asleep.

"Damn," whispered Vin respectfully, "Ezra turned into a mother hen."

Nathan Jackson snorted, "God, you just have to love the damn fool. Brave as hell and generous, and scared to death anyone will find out he has a heart."

Chris Larabee laughed. "That's our Ez." He turned and said, "Go on and play with the other kids," to Buck who obligingly turned and pranced into the bushes, big tail a wagging.

The remaining pack members started to chuckle. "Hell, Chris, I just realized you have all the qualifications in the world to handle two baby wolves, you keep Buck in line."

Laughter filled the air. A small wolf erupted out of the brush, followed by an even smaller specimen and a large magnificent adult wolf. The wolf dived into another bush and the two following him dived right in.

They headed for Nettie's first. It was on the way to town and they'd all gotten in the habit of checking on the older woman who had become their alpha female. Nettie came to the door, spencer in hand.

She got one look at Ezra in the travois and lit out to his side. She touched his forehead and gasped over the bandages and cut marks. Nathan had dosed him with laudanum so he was out like a light.

"Who did this?" she asked and Chris smiled. She sounded like she was ready to go and track the bastards down herself.

"Dead," he replied.

"Good," she shot back. "Let's get him in the house. He's starting a fever."

Nathan Jackson nodded and dismounted, ready to start nursing his pack brother in the comfort of Nettie's home.

Then Nettie saw the two wolf pups. Blossom was tucked in Josiah's shirt and Branson was sitting perched in front of Buck.

"Good Lord in heaven," she said, "Where did they come from?"

"Ez found em in a circus side show and purchased them. Then the circus ringmaster tried to take them back. He's the one that cut up Ezra."

"A side show?" Miz Nettie's voice raised and they could hear her outrage and anger. She went to Buck's side and held out her hand to Branson. "Come here, child. You're both safe with us."

Branson jumped down and rolled on his back submissively. Nettie smiled and rubbed his belly, stroking his fur. "Landsake, child, you've been down the river and back, but its alright now."

She stood up and started giving orders, "Alright, move the children into Casey's room and put Ezra in my bed. He'll appreciate the feather mattress when he's better."

"But Ma'am," said Chris, "I can take care of the youngin's. You already have your hands full."

She looked him in the eye. "Am I part of this pack, Chris Larabee, or was what you boys told me a bunch of hooey?"

"No Ma'am," said Chris taking off his hat.

"Then they're my responsibility, too," replied Nettie tartly, "And since Ezra rescued them, they'll want to be with him while he gets well. Casey won't be back for a few more weeks, and that will give us time to get acquainted. I still don't think we can trust Casey not to blather at the wrong moment, no matter how good hearted the girl is, but they need to be with Ezra and he's staying here till he's better." She eyed the dark clad peacekeeper with narrowed eyes. "You think I'm too old to be useful?"

"No Ma'am" said Chris respectfully.

"Good," she snapped, "Now get to work. We'll need hot water for the bath tub for Ezra first." She looked them over, "Then you'll probably want baths later. Ezra sent me a fancy full sized bathtub from Saint Louis and its in a room of its own for privacy."

She turned and pointed to Blossom and Branson, "Come on youngins, I got peach pie in the pantry and cookies in the jar."

Both the pups immediately followed her in the house. Josiah carried Ezra into the house, while Buck helped the children change and dress into their clothing.

Vin grinned at Larabee, and the gunfighter glared at him, "Dammit, don't say I told you so."

"Don't need to. You just did it for me." Was the laconic reply.

J.D. took care of their horses, and Josiah drew water and set it to boil. Soon the little bathing room had a lovely bath set up for Ezra, who was starting to wake up.

Nettie sat out two plates of peach pie and cookies with glasses of milk for the children.

She sat down across from them, letting Ezra have his privacy, and smiled at the two little ones who literally inhaled the food. She frowned. They didn't look well fed at all. Two sets of dark eyes gazed upon her and little tongues licked every crumb from their lips.

"My name is Nettie," she said. The boy smiled at her and said in very respectful low tones, "I know. Buck told us about you. I'm Branson and this is Blossom. Ezra rescued us from the circus."

"So they said," replied Nettie, "Do you remember your pack?"

Buck came and stood in the door of the bathing room and then closed it behind him to give Ezra privacy. He could hear Ezra groaning with pleasure at the hot water and then making disgusted snorts when Nathan began to scrub him down.

"Dammit, Nathan Jackson, I don't need to be scrubbed behind my ears. I am perfectly capable of attending to that function for myself."

A loud splash and a muttered expletive came next and Buck grinned. Ez was feeling better.

Branson looked thoughtful, "We were called the Two Rivers Pack, but I don't remember where it is, only that there were lots more trees and more rabbits, but littler."

Nettie nodded, "That sounds like someplace back east. Do you remember mountains?"

Branson shook his head, "I remember a lot of climbing up and down though."

"Maybe you were in the mountains," remarked Nettie. Now she smiled and patted her lap.

Blossom hopped up and skipped around the table. Buck held his breath. Blossom had knocked him down once or twice already, and he didn't want her bruising Miz. Nettie. But to his astonishment, the little cherub carefully got in Miz Nettie's lap and smiled up into the older woman's wrinkled face with trust and affection. Nettie reached down and kissed Blossom and hugged her.

Buck didn't know why that made him start sniffling like an idiot, but it did.

Now Nettie gestured to Bransen who lit to her side and put his head trustingly under her chin. He too received kisses and hugs.

Buck sniffled more.

"Come here, you scalawag." Said Nettie.

Buck went to her other side and hugged all three of them in the chair, still sniffling. Miz Nettie touched the side of his face gently, but said nothing. Her old sharp eyes said everything that need be said, that they were loved and not a burden or a complication in her life.

Finally Blossom began to wiggle and Buck stood up.

"Now," said Nettie, "Have you ever had chicken and dumplings?"

The two wolf pups shook their heads in the negative.

"Would you like to help me make some? We've got a whole hungry pack to feed."

Little faces lit up and enthusiastic nods and smiles showed they were up to cooking. Soon Nettie was quite capably inducting them into the mysteries of cooking chicken and dumplings.

As the men went back and forth from tending Ezra, who had developed a fever, much to Nathan's chagrin, they would watch as the two little rapscallions followed Nettie like chicks following a hen. There was something calming about it, something special, because this scene actually belonged to them, not someone else they were protecting.

When supper time came, with the middle leaf put in the table to accommodate the whole lot of them. Blossom sat on Vin's lap and Branson sat between Chris and Nettie. Buck carried a fancy tray into Ezra with his share of the cooking. He looked at the tray and decided he'd seen it before in Potter's window and he'd bet dollars to donuts that either Ezra or Vin had purchased it for Nettie as a gift.

Ezra didn't appear to notice the tray, but he did smile at the food. His cheeks were too pink and his eyes still feverish, but he was in good hands now and in a place where he could rest properly.

He ate slowly but with good appetite, and Buck went to his seat pleased.

Chris Larabee and the others had waited. Chris nodded to Josiah and said, "Siah, I'd be honored if you'd say a blessing."

Josiah coughed and his eyes widened and then he smiled, "For what we are about to receive, Lord, make us truly thankful." He intoned, grinning through it all.

Miz Nettie looked pleased. The food was better than good, it was memorable.

"These are really good, Miz Nettie." Said Chris.

Nettie smiled and said, "The children helped too. Branson is a quick study." The children smiled.

Branson carefully watched everyone eat and then copied table manners. Vin fed Blossom, trading forkfuls between her and his own mouth. She giggled. When she was full, she shook her head and then rested against Vin's chest while he ate. After a few minutes, her head began to nod and Vin picked her up.

"Bring her into the back room," said Nettie, following him. "She'll sleep with me and the boy tonight. They need to have people who love them nearby."

Vin nodded, "Yes, Ma'am," and companionably helped Nettie dress blossom in a cute little night dress.

"Used to be my oldest boy's when he was her size," said Nettie fondly, tucking the girl in, "Good to see it being used."

That night, two pups slept with Miz Nettie, while the rest of the rest of the clean and refreshed pack bunked on the floor, surrounding Ezra Standish, although Buck insisted on sleeping in the kitchen, where he could watch over both groups.

+ + + + + + +

Not only did Miz Nettie insist on keeping the children until Casey's return, but she also insisted on keeping Ezra, who had after all been shot and tortured and was running a low fever that might indicate infection. Any doubts that she was alpha material disappeared. She could make the little scalawags obey her without question and the big scalawag obeyed her as well. Nathan Jackson was almost jealous. Ezra drank whatever dose she presented without complaint and didn't try to escape. He was also unfailingly polite, at least to the older woman.

"Damn," the big healer muttered crossly, "Maybe I'll buy me a Spencer, too."

"Only if you learn to cook as good as Miz Nettie, Nate," grinned Vin, who also knew that Miz Nettie's doses were laced with sweetenings.

The heart of the Four Corners Pack centered on Miz Nettie's place for the next few weeks. Chris Larabee began to expand his ranch to make room for the children, but rode over to check on them every day. Buck hauled out and caught a deer in wolf form and presented it triumphantly to the alpha female. Miz Nettie caught him by the ear and made him stay and learn to make venison sausage while she smoked the rest of the deer for winter.

Ezra got better and taught Miz Nettie to play poker. After she won five games in a row, he declared her the best poker player in the west and promised dire retribution to Buck for suggesting teaching her in the first place.


Miz Nettie came to the door, hollering "Bransen, you keep out of them chickens, ya hear, or they'll stop laying."

Two little wolves were dancing around the yard. A chicken was on the roof of the house fussing very dramatically. The two pups stopped their antics and looked to the older woman. Today was the day that Nathan Jackson and Miz Nettie had declared was Ezra's last day in sick bed. They would be allowed to play with him now.

The old woman looked back into the house, and smiled, "Blossom, Bransen, Ezra is awake now."

They scampered into the house and romped into the bedroom where Ezra had been sleeping on Nettie's bed. He sat up and held his arms wide and was immediately assaulted and kissed, wolf fashion. Faintly, on the roof, they could hear the hen still scolding.

The End

Continues in Wolf Pups Daze