Magnificent Seven Alternate Universeblankspace
Wolf Pups Daze bar

by Pat Merritt

Main Character(s): Buck, Chris, Ezra, Nettie Wells, OFC, OMC

Sequel to Wolf Pups Tails

Chris Larabee lay asleep in bed in his modest ranch near Four Corners. Something woke him up, a stealthy movement to his right and an infinitesimal weight on the bed besides him. He kept his eyes closed and waited. Another, slightly heavier object got on his other side. A slight panting could be heard.

Should be just a few seconds more, he thought quietly.

Then, suddenly the air was split with the sound of wolf pup tails banging away joyously next to him.

He remained still, pretending repose and then, like lightning, or as near as a middle aged one blood could manage to lightning quick, sat up and grabbed the two little scamps.

Yips of enthusiastic pleasure made him wince slightly, and now, his face, especially his nose and chin, were kissed and gnawed upon. He growled deep in his throat and proceeded to wrestle with the youngest members of the Four Corners Pack. He playfully nipped at small noses and ears, and Blossom, the two year old, tried to have his left ear lobe for breakfast.

He couldn't help it; he giggled. It tickled. Wasn't often that Chris Larabee laughed, let along giggled, but life for the feared gun fighter had changed much in the last few years.

He'd gone from being "the bad element", to peacekeeper, then leader and friend of a vastly dissimilar group of men. And then, to his still considerable surprise, he became the alpha wolf of a pack comprising the same group of men, and found out that his long-time friend, Buck Wilmington, was a Two Blood, a man wolf. Buck could turn into a magnificent wolf at will and back again. More than that, Buck needed the sense of pack surrounding him, watching his back, and giving him the affection wolves craved.

And now, finally, Ezra Standish, their resident conman and gambler had rescued a pair of Two Blood pups from a circus sideshow. He had accepted them into the pack and the entire pack, Miz Nettie included, was working on healing their wounds of spirit and body, raising them and generally getting into a hell of a lot of scrapes.

He bounced and covered Bransen, the older boy, with his whole body and gnawed playfully on his nose, while Blossom, who was becoming a true little warrior at heart, began to try to chew on his back side, yipping and bouncing all the way.

He sat up. He was the Alpha and had to preserve appearances.

"Yipe?" asked Blossom.

He turned around and regarded the smallest member of the pack.

"Did you just bite my ass?" he asked threateningly

She panted with a wolf's grin back at him, completely unrepentant.

"WOLF!" he shouted and then chased the little pup around the bedroom. Bransen, not to be let out of the fun, helped and between the two of them, they captured Blossom again on the bed and Chris triumphantly nipped the end of her tail.

"YIPE!" she said and froze. She looked up at him quizzically and he grinned back at her.

"Turnabout's fair play," he explained.

She appeared to consider this, and then rolled on her back exposing her belly for a conciliatory tummy rub.

He chuckled and kissed the top of a furry head, then drew Bransen close and kissed him as well.

And to think that Ezra had been terrified that he'd reject him and the pups and had actually planned on starting his own junior pack if necessary to protect the little ones. The children had been afraid of Larabee at first, but that had changed when he told them they were accepted into the pack. Now, in a life that had lately known much joy, there was new and greater joy.

He smacked both of them lightly on the hind end and said, "Go get dressed and I'll make breakfast."

They scampered away to their room to change. While he had provided them with their own room (damn, but the shack was turning into a ranch house), they normally slept with him and only used the bedroom for storing clothing.

Last night he'd stayed up late doing repairs about the ranch, and the pups had slept in their own beds, exhausted from playing.

Only two days ago, Nettie Wells, their pack's alpha female, had allowed them to come and stay with him. Casey was back from visiting relatives and they all feared the normally good-hearted girl's reaction to children who change into pups at will.

Bransen would be no trouble, but Blossom was two years old. While the sweetest little thing in the whole world (as Buck would say), the little magnolia blossom had spent over a year in wolf pup form and potty training was at issue.

She simply saw no reason to use the outhouse. As far as she was concerned, it was easier to dance out into the woods in pup form, and dance back. Or as she explained to Nathan Jackson, "STINKY!"

Nettie and the others were getting the situation in hand, but Blossom's secret was too important to trust to a two-year old's perceptions of importance. As far as Blossom was concerned, if you were pack, she could turn wolf. If you were bad, she wouldn't have anything to do with you. Casey was pack, but didn't know it yet, and having Blossom fear the young girl wouldn't help matters at all.

Nettie had introduced chamber pots, which were more acceptable than the outhouse, but the entire pack agreed that Blossom was still at risk. They wanted her to trust Casey, but if she did, she might turn and then, they might all be in deadly danger.

So it was decided that Chris and the boys would take care of the pups until such time as Blossom had perfected her potty skills.

Ezra, who was more practical than the others gave him credit for, went into town and consulted with Mrs. Potter at the general store. He returned with two-dozen diapers, wool wrappers and some astonishingly dainty dresses for a rapidly growing baby girl.

Blossom had squealed with delight when she saw the dresses. Ezra immediately had explained that to wear the dress you absolutely by all the laws of the universe, must wear the diaper.

Eager to wear the pretties, she complied. The wool wrappers were also pretty, with bright yarn decorations, so that helped. When he pulled out bright matching hair ribbons, he won the day.

Then a new and terrifying reality hit them all someone was going to have to CHANGE those diapers.

And since they were in charge, they couldn't have Miz Nettie do it.

Chris Larabee thought he had everything in hand when he assigned diaper duty to Buck. After all, he was a Two Blood, he had the extra sensitive nose. Even Nathan had said meaningfully, "you're the one who suffers most if it doesn't get changed."

However, Buck's ideas about diaper care were different. He loved bathing Blossom and putting her in fresh garments. However, Ezra had come to Chris after a few days and said, "Mr. Larabee, someone appears to have absconded with at least twelve diapers."

Ezra had put himself in charge of laundry duty, not doing the actual wash of clothing, but "prepping" the offending garments and rinsing them and then delivering them to town quickly to a local laundress. The loss of half his supply was quickly noticed.

Vin Tanner's services were required, and he and J.D. discovered that many of the lost items were buried in the woods, conveniently off the trail. Buck was confronted and a confession was forthcoming.

"They just stink too damn much," said Buck. "Easier to bury them far away."

The thought of Buck in wolf form digging holes and burying diapers was amusing, but potty training issues were important to Blossom's future survival. Therefore, to the astonishment of all, Nathan Jackson and Ezra Standish teamed together for further training, while Chris, as leader, and the only one besides Miz Nettie with parental experience, took over diaper changing duty.

He should have been annoyed by this, but waking up each morning to two little wiggling pups was too damn much fun. He tried to let the boys think he was suffering, but Buck could smell his glee.

Chris stood up from his ruminations and started some pancakes. He was getting to be a pretty good cook. The youngin's loved everything he gave them and went through all meals faster than locusts through a wheat field. They'd been starved when they found them, and all of the pack had taken great pleasure in fattening both children up.

Bransen rushed in, clothed and in human form and set the table. Blossom danced in, also in human form, and helped.

Soon he had a platter filled with pancakes and sizzling bacon. He sat it on the table, with a jar of syrup and took his place. The children sat too, eyeing him and the food avidly.

"Blossom?" Chris asked, knowing he was setting himself up, but unable to resist the urge, "Could you say grace?"

Blossom rewarded him with a rapturous smile and bowed her head and folded her hands solemnly. Then she said, "GRACE, Amen" as soberly as a judge, looked up at him, smiled and held out her plate for pancakes and bacon.

Chris grinned. Josiah was going to find out and kill him eventually, but it was too cute to resist. After all, at Nettie's they said a real grace, but this was his house, and by golly, he deserved a bit of fun.

They inhaled their food and as usual, the pups finished before he did. However, they waited till he was finished and put down his coffee cup before jumping up happily and clearing the table. Bransen loved doing dishes and it was Blossom's job to supervise and make sure the clean dishware went into the correct location.

While they were cleaning up the kitchen, Chris went to tend the horses and the newest additions to his ranch, a passel of chickens that Buck had introduced. Josiah had even discussed getting a cow for milk for the children, but Chris was putting it off. He didn't want to get up earlier to feed and milk cows just yet. He was enjoying his morning play with the pups.

Today was an important day. He was going to take the children to town for the first time. Bransen knew how to act and was apprehensive about a town, while Blossom was excited about it and prepared to raise Cain. He was brushing down the horses, when Bransen came into the barn.

"Ezra is coming in a buggy," he announced. The boy's ear's were even better than Buck's.

A few minutes later, Ezra came into sight and waved merrily.

Blossom, who was sweeping the porch (much less dangerous than sweeping inside the house), jumped up and down. She then stood still and Chris yelled, "Blossom!" knowing she was going to change so she could run faster to assault her hero.

To his amazement and pride, she actually stopped, leaned the broom neatly against the wall and waited patiently for her Papa to show up. Now, Ezra had explained carefully from the outset he wasn't lucky enough to be Blossom's Papa, and Blossom had looked at him with big dark eyes and grinned and kept right on calling him Papa.

Ezra now stopped the buggy in front of the ranch house and watered the horses. Ezra always took care of his animals first, especially Chaucer, who was spoiled. He grinned at Chris happily, and Chris realized the sense of contentment and home that had grown when the pups came to them was with their resident gambler as well.

When the horses had been watered and made of, Ezra turned and Blossom launched herself off the porch and ran on human feet to him. Bransen, more shyly, did the same.

"Good girl, Blossom," remarked Chris. Her training was coming along faster than he'd expected. Today would be a first test with those who didn't know the Two Blood world, and her obedience just now made him a bit more confident.

Ezra smiled, "Ah take it my darling Magnolia Blossom restrained herself?" he asked, pleased.

Blossom nodded.

Ezra grinned down on her.

"Thank you my darling, Ah'm very proud of you."

Bransen snuggled up to Ezra's side and looked up, wordlessly.

Ezra grinned down on the boy with great affection. "I helped with breakfast," the child announced.

"Yup," said Chris, "House was never this clean before they came.""You realize, Sir, that we are in danger of becoming domesticated," remarked Ezra, patting Bransen's head and tickling both children.

Chris thought on it a bit, and said, "Nah, Pack is just as wild as we ever was, just having more life."

Ezra's head shot up and he looked at Chris, green eyes gleaming with griping attention, and whispered, "Is that what this is? Real life?"

"Pack has to go on," said Chris quietly, "And Pack needs to protect. That's a Pack's main business."

Ezra nodded thoughtfully.

"Now," he said, dapperly, "My darlings, are you ready for your first trip to town?"

The urchins grinned and smiled, although Bransen was much more solemn.

"And you know the pack rules?" asked Ezra rather sternly to Blossom.

Blossom's smile disappeared and she stood up very straight, "No wolves, makes 'em scared."

Chris grinned, "Not even when you think they can't see ya. One bloods are tricky."

Bransen frowned, "But you both are one bloods!" he exclaimed, aghast.

"Yup," said Chris, "And we're tricky and sneaky as can be." He smirked at Ezra.

"And quick, don't forget quick on the draw," grinned Ezra, smirking right back at Chris.

"So no changing in town, no matter what." Chris leered back at Ezra.

Both the little scalawags nodded solemnly. While Blossom was too young to truly understand, she did understand pack rules, and would obey for that reason alone.

Ezra drove the buggy, and for once Chris rode besides him with Blossom on his lap and Bransen in between. The boy would look up at him from time to time with a trusting expression, then forward, with uncertainty. Finally, the boy slid his small hand into Chris'.

So they entered town with an uncharacteristic smile being seen on Chris Larabee's face. Those who had plans for wrongdoing immediately became nervous. Those who trusted the Seven to protect the town felt strangely uneasy and wondered what the Seven were up to this time. And those who loved the Seven, knew that somehow with the mysterious advent of these children, the Seven had bonded even more closely together.

The buggy was the property of Mrs. Potter, Widowed owner of the Mercantile and General Store, and a particularly devoted friend. Blossom and Bransen had already heard about this lady, who sold candy, and clothing for children, and gave their pack mates credit, advise and made sumptuous meals. Mrs. Potter came to the door of the Mercantile and waved at them.

Ezra jumped down from the buggy and said, "Allow me the pleasure of putting the horses to rights."

Chris looked at the widow woman and smiled. She and Mary Travis always brought food when one of them was hurt and laid up in Nathan's clinic. She had been grateful for their help in bringing her husband's murderer to justice, but she also had been one of their greatest defenders in town. Josh, her son came to the door and called excitedly for Miss Amelia, her daughter.

Chris picked up Blossom, and noticed that Bransen had gone to help Ezra with the horses. The boy had reason to be frightened of one bloods not part of a pack, but still, he'd of felt better if he'd come along to meet Mrs. Potter and her children.

Mrs. Potter took one look at Blossom and fell in love. "Why Mr. Larabee, Ezra told me Blossom was beautiful, but I had no idea she was such a beauty."

Blossom, meanwhile had sized up Mrs. Potter and held out her arms to be held. Mrs. Potter chuckled and picked Blossom up and made of her. Amelia also smiled a welcome and Josh smiled up at him shyly, apparently glad to have another male around.

"Please, Mr. Larabee, come into our living quarters. I've made some pies and cookies."

Blossom immediately latched onto that, "Cookies?" she asked.

Larabee grinned, the little stinker would have them all eating out of her hands in no time.

+ + + + + + +

Ezra put everything away and brushed down the horses. Bransen helped him eagerly.

Ezra waited, he could tell the boy wanted to ask him something.

"Mr. Ezra, Blossom is way cuter than I am and everyone loves her. Do you like me too?"

Ezra stopped frozen in dismay.

Blossom had been the center of everyone's thoughts because she was the most likely to give away their secret, not because she was the best beloved. She had his heart wrapped around her tiny and grubby fingers, but Bransen apparently didn't realize he was just as precious.

"Good Lawd," he muttered and forgot all about taking Bransen to meet Mrs. Potter. He picked the boy up in his arms and carried him to Chris Larabee's favorite rocking chair and sat with him on his lap.

"My dear young friend, you are under a mistaken apprehension. While I love our little Magnolia Blossom with all my heart, that same heart manages the mathematical wonderment of being able to love you with all its strength and being at the same time."

Bransen looked up at him wonderingly.

"You know, Ah didn't even know if Blossom was a Two Blood when we first met. I only saw you and you were the one I was determined to rescue. Little Blossom's transformation was just an additional blessing."

He could see no jealousy in the boy's face. Protecting Blossom from the Ringmaster had been the sole purpose of his small existence while incarcerated in the circus sideshow. No, the boy just wondered about his own value to the pack.

Ezra hugged him to his heart. "We all love you dearly, Bransen, and we're so proud of you we could all bust. You are a hero, young man, for your care of Blossom, and your good sense and discipline are truly awesome to behold."

Bransen's eyes moistened. "The people in the circus said I was a freak and an idiot and I'd be a burden to my family. I don't want to be a burden to the Pack."

Ezra's eyes filled with a stinging sensation.

"Those miserable miscreants wouldn't know a true treasure if it bit them in the nose," he said firmly. "You, young man, are just such a treasure." He hugged the boy to his heart and rejoiced to feel the youngster relax against him, trustingly.

Then, a crude voice from the street began to mock, "Looks like the fancy man has got himself a fancy boy." Someone jeered. "Betcha you'll make him into a cheater too."

Suddenly two gunshots rang out on the street. From across town, Buck Wilmington and Vin Tanner instantly recognized the sound of Ezra's derringer, and immediately dove into the streets, following the noise.

Two obnoxious cowboys stood, mouths open in the street, while Ezra Standish, still seated, returned his derringer to his sleeve and glared at them. His Remington was out and pointed in their direction. Both men were now without their hats, which lay on the ground behind them, with tiny holes through the crowns.

"You may insult me, Gentlemen," growled the conman, "But if I ever catch you so much as looking unkindly at this young man, I shall part your hair with much less caution."

The men blinked. They had lost at cards to Ezra before and were aware he was considered part of the Seven, but had made the mistake of thinking his fine clothing covered up a less deadly adversary.

One of them touched his head in a hesitant fashion, eyes now glued on Ezra Standish. When the hand revealed no bleeding he sighed. He'd felt the heat of that bullet.

Chris Larabee came out of the Mercantile and General Store, duster riding behind him like the wings of death and glared at the two fools.

Ezra stood up, gun still aimed on the cowboys and made sure Bransen was unalarmed. The boy's eyes were wide, but he appeared unafraid.

"Now gentlemen," the Gambler said softly, in his most dangerous tones, "You shall apologize to this young man, at once."

"I'm right sorry, I spoke out of turn," the taller one said immediately. He didn't see Vin Tanner and Buck Wilmington striding up behind him like the wrath of God but his partner did and gulped.

Ezra glared at him and the man blurted, "I'm sorry too. Had no call to be mean to the boy. I was being right ornery and I reckon I regret it."

"Confession is good for the soul," said Josiah Sanchez in tones that could be recognized as the beginning of potential Old Testament behavior.

Ezra Standish grinned. J.D. Dunne and Nathan Jackson had just appeared like avenging angels and were glaring at the two men.

"What did they say to ya, Ez?" asked Chris

"Whatever insult they laid on me is nothing, but they insulted Bransen," growled the Gambler.

The two cowboys thought they were going to die. The Seven men surrounding them looked like a wolf pack surrounding prey for the kill.

"Well," said the large very dangerous looking black man, "Looks like we got bullies." He slid a very large knife out from out of nowhere.

The larger cowboy looked at the knife and then Chris Larabee's glare, and dropped to the ground in a dead faint. His friend didn't look much better.

"Ah think they will reconsider their stand on picking on our young friend, don't you?" asked Ezra.

Immediately Bransen was surrounded by Pack, touching him, making of him, checking him for potential injury. Buck Wilmington picked him up and buried his face in the boy's neck, sniffing for sign of upset.

Chris Larabee took him from Buck into his own arms and stared into his eyes.

"You okay, Son?" he asked gently.

Bransen gave him a shattering smile.

Ezra leaned to Bransen's ear. "You were thinking perhaps you were unnecessary to the pack or a burden?" he asked smiling. "Does this set your mind at rest."

Bransen threw his arms around Larabee's neck and gave him a huge hug.

Leaving the two unnerved cowboys, the entire group went to Mrs. Potter, where the good lady was anxiously awaiting them with an even more agitated Blossom on her lap.

"What a good child she is," said the Widow. "She was very frightened, but didn't even cry, just listened and waited to see what happened."

Now Blossom could see that everyone was safe and grinned and hugged Mrs. Potter.

Then she scrambled down and hugged Bransen. There was no question as to who Blossom's favorite was. She kissed him and then turned to Mrs. Potter, smiling beguilingly.

"Cookies?" she asked.

+ + + + + + +

Seven very formidable men, one widowed shopkeeper, two little girls and two little boys sat crowded around Mrs. Potter's kitchen table stuffing themselves on pies and cookies. Chris and Vin were hesitatingly drinking raspberry tea.

Josh smiled at Bransen. Ezra, who was already his friend and hero, had told him that they believed Bransen to be a distant relation to Buck Wilmington. Ezra had said that he had found Bransen in a very bad spot. Josh could tell Ezra wanted them to be friends. He looked the smaller boy over and liked what he saw. He reached across the table to shake and smiled when Bransen tentatively took his hand.

"Any friend of Ezra and the Seven is a friend of mine," said Josh genially, "I'm really pleased to meet you."

Bransen smiled back shyly, "Pleased to meet you too. Ezra told me that you take good care of your mother and sister."

Josh smiled proudly and glanced up the table. He got a start; all the Seven were watching him. They were smiling so it was okay, but he wasn't used to being noticed by so many adults all at the same time.

He looked back at Bransen, "Ezra says you heroically took care of your little sister. She's a nice sister too."

Buck snorted at this, but Bransen was obviously pleased.

"Want to see my rock collection?" asked Josh, "Vin and Ezra helped me start it."

Evidently the Seven were just as popular with Bransen as they were with Josh. Both boys stuffed the rest of their cookies in their faces and rushed upstairs to Josh' room.

Ezra watched this longingly. Chris nudged him.

"Josh is a good kid. They'll get along."

Ezra sniffed, "Joshua is a perfect gentleman, but he does seem to enjoy Bransen's company thus far. Would that such civilized behavior had spread through our fair community."

Buck smiled at Mrs. Potter, who was glowing at both the kind words for her son and at Blossom, who had managed to ingratiate herself and was getting the lion's share of the cookies.

"Well, the people who matter most like them. That's a good start."

Amelia smiled at Blossom and her mother.

They could hear laughter and good-natured giggles coming from upstairs and all the men now truly seemed at ease.

Amelia tugged at her mother's sleeve, "Mama may I look and see if any of my old clothes could fit Blossom. Remember the pink and brown Sunday frock you made me years ago that we put away. I think it would fit and it would be really pretty!"

Blossom, who could have listed chasing chickens as a hobby looked up at Mrs. Potter with interest. She might like to chase chickens, but she also liked pretty.

Mrs. Potter nodded, "If you like, you may run with Amelia and look at the clothing to see if you like it," she suggested. Blossom danced after Amelia. The men sat quietly and listened to little feet on the stairs, a door closing, a long silence and then squeals and giggles. Ezra stood up, strode around the table, and kissed Mrs. Potter's hands. "Ah don't know what I would have done without your wisdom and guidance, Ma'am. You have helped us with a very difficult transition." Mrs. Potter tisked at him, "My home would have been lost long ago without your friendship, gentlemen. I consider you part of the family. And anytime you feel those children need a vacation from men folk, you can always send them to me," she said firmly and Chris knew that the pack had found another ally. "Now," said Mrs. Potter, "I can watch over both children if you like, while you do business in town. They are both sweet and I'll take very good care of them." She said this protectively. Ezra had told her that he was certain that the children were distant cousins of Buck's family. It was, of course, true as far as it went. Ezra was spreading this rumor to keep people from considering the children true orphans or illegitimate, which had a horrible stigma for children even out West. Whether the woman believed him or not, she had willingly followed his lead and opened her arms to their family. There was a knock at the door.

Mrs. Potter excused herself and went to answer. Yosemite was standing there, hat in hand, "A load of freight just came, Ma'am, and there's a whole passel of stuff for Ezra too."

Ezra looked puzzled, "Oh my, in all the excitement, I'd forgotten," he exclaimed, a smile covering his face.

Josiah stood up. "Since, Mrs. Potter is looking after the youngin's, I think we should help unload the wagon."

Chris Larabee smirked and said, "Yup, that way we can see what Ezra got, too."

Mrs. Potter smiled and shook her head in fond exasperation. "I declare, you are worse than the children."

While the men were unloading the freight wagon, she went upstairs and checked on the children. Amelia's old lace covered Sunday best was beautiful on Blossom. "Oh my darlings," she cried, to the two little girls gazing into the big hall mirror. "You look just like a true little magnolia blossom."

Blossom's face lit up. Amelia preened with pleasure.

Joshua's door opened and the two boys came out to investigate.

"Girl stuff," said Josh, apologetically, already uninterested in matters of apparel.

Bransen looked at Blossom and said, "My Blossom is sure pretty." He smiled approvingly, "Ezra says Mrs. Potter is one of the finest ladies he's ever known. You sure are lucky, Josh, to have such a nice mother and sister."

Josh appeared thoughtful for a moment. "Yep," he decided, and the two boys went back to discuss manly things.

Mrs. Potter was blushing and smiling. Blossom held up her arms to be picked up and kissed the woman and patted her cheek with tiny fingers. "Pwetty," she said.

+ + + + + + +

The freight wagon was pretty full today and the lion's share of it appeared to be for Ezra instead of the Mercantile. "Let's move it into Chris' room," suggested the Gambler. "Less going up stairs that way."

"You didn't buy dynamite, did ya?" asked Vin, immediately suspicious.

Buck froze and sniffed the crate he was carrying. "Nope," he announced, and glared at Vin.

The others smiled and continued carrying Ezra's loot into Chris' rooms, which were conveniently closest.

They all looked at the stuff that Ezra had sent from out of town. The crates gave no clue as to contents.

"Looks like you are going into business, Ezra," said Nathan.

J.D. took out a crowbar he'd brought with him and handed it to the Gambler.

Chris and Josiah sat down on Chris' bed. Buck took the other side. J.D. crouched Indian style in front of the crate that Ezra was opening. Vin sat in the rocking chair, where he surreptitiously checked out the street, while Nathan leaned against the wall and watched with interest.

The first crate proved to have a great deal of padding, as though it held something breakable. Ezra smiled and pulled out several bottles of what the group could now recognize as fine aged scotch.

"For your private stock?" asked Chris.

Ezra smiled and tossed the bottle to Larabee who immediately caught it and then glared. Ezra then tossed one to Josiah.

"This lovely nectar seemed too lovely to let go to waste, Gentlemen, so I decided it should go to our Pack."

"Damn!" said Chris. He started to open the bottle, then thought better of it. "Better not go back to Mrs. Potter's with scotch on my breath. Have to save this for later."

Ezra handed out bottles to all. Nathan hugged his to his chest and said, "Feels like Christmas, Ez. Much obliged."

Next out of the crate, came two boxes of Havana cigars, which Ezra handed to Chris with a flourish.

"Nothing but the best for our Alpha," he drawled.

"Hell," said Buck, "I reckon it is Christmas."

Chris looked really pleased and opened one box and smelled the cigars. He handed one to Josiah. "Come on Preacher, I know you love a good cigar."

"That is why I got Josiah a box as well," muttered Ezra as he searched through the box. "Ah, here it is," he said and handed another box to their oldest member.

Josiah looked very pleased.

Ezra opened the next crate and smiled at the contents. "This, we'll have to take to Miz Nettie." He said secretively.

They all grinned. Buck sat up and sniffed the air. "I smell perfume," he said wickedly.

Ezra shook his finger at him. "Now, now, none of that." He chided and Buck grinned.

The next crate seemed to have a lot of books in it. Josiah sat up, always interested in reading material.

Ezra handed several fine bounded leather tomes to J.D. "These, Mr. Dunne, are books of adventure that would make Jock Steel faint in envy, if he was literate enough to appreciate them."

J.D. looked at the expensive items, and started to read the titles, "The Three Musketeers," he muttered, "Hey these guys use swords!"

Nathan perked up, "Hey, can I read it when you finish?" he asked, interested.

J.D. tore his eyes away from the first pages and nodded enthusiastically.

"Wow, these are great, Ezra, thank you."

Then several books in fine leather came out and Ezra handed them to Josiah. "The ancient writings of Zoroaster and other philosophers of ages past," said Ezra, "along with a book on comparative religions that may tickle your fancy."

Josiah nearly swallowed his cigar.

Chris was watching all this with narrowed eyes, "Ez, looks like you spent an awful lot of money on this.

Ezra looked up and straightened. The joy on his face started to fade. "Ah hope I am not being offensive," he said quietly.

Chris jumped up and clasped the gambler's arms.

"I don't mean that at all, Ez, " he said, "Just pointing out you're spending an awful lot of your hard won money on us."

Ezra's green eyes seemed to lighten.

"Well," he drawled, "Ah have observed that wolves share their kill in the wild." He pointed to the crates, "This, gentlemen, is my kill and I want to share it with you."

Buck jumped up and gave the Gambler a bear hug.

"Please, Mr. Wilmington, don't crush the velvet," the blushing gambler fussed. Buck was grinning at him when they heard a Joshua Potter's voice screaming for Ezra.

All seven men jumped up and ran for the door. Joshua threw the door open and ran into Ezra's arms.

"A man, a circus man," he cried.

Immediately the genteel gathering of brothers changed into a frightening pack of death. Joshua, who knew he was loved and protected, stiffened for an instant, but then recognized that the fierce anger wasn't directed at him. They all ran together, Buck swooping Josh up in his arms. "A man came to the door to ask to put up a circus poster. Bransen and I came down to see and the man grabbed Bransen. Mama chased them."

Buck, carrying Josh was in the lead. The boy wondered why his nostrils flared so.

"Blossom?" asked several voices simultaneously.

"Still at the house." Joshua gasped out, still trying to breath. At the end of town they saw a horse disappearing up the trail and Mrs. Potter lying in the road.

Joshua screamed, and the whole group converged on his mother. She was lying, one hand reaching out in the direction of the trail. Nathan Jackson reached her first and gently turned her over. "Bastard dared lay hands on her," he said, grimly and Joshua could see a bruise on his Mama's face.

Her eyes fluttered open. "Bransen," she gasped, "That man stole him. I tried to stop him."

Joshua struggled from Buck's arms.

"I'm alright," she said, "Go catch them before he hurts him."

Larabee growled, "Nathan, you take care of the Potters and Blossom."

Nathan seemed to growl back, but helped Mama like she was made out of china.

Joshua helped Nathan and stood on Mama's other side, brushing the dust from her dress and angrily wiping tears from his eyes.

By this time, a few people had come out to see why everyone was yelling. Joshua sneered at them. The seven would find Bransen and he hoped they'd hang that man who snatched up Bransen and hit his Mama.

The house was silent when they came in. Mary Travis had run from her offices and was helping. Nathan finally picked up Mama and put her on the settee and covered her with an afghan.

He looked up and said, "Find Miss Amelia and Blossom,"

Joshua ran out of the sitting room and hollered up the stairs. "Amelia!"

After a moment he heard her tremulous voice calling but his sister didn't come.

Nathan Jackson had a bowl and clean cloth and he and Mary Travis were fussing over Mama. Josh had never seen Nathan so angry. "Steal a little boy right in front of her and then smack her when she tries to stop him. Mrs. Travis, can you watch our Mrs. Potter? I want to check on Amelia and Blossom."

The big dark man got up and walked up the stairs now, taking Joshua's hand comfortingly. A noise in the bedroom drew them. Amelia was trying to crawl out from under the bed and gently cajoling, "Blossom, its safe now, come out."

Nathan called out, "Blossom, I'm here."

Immediately the tyke shot out from under the bed and drug the flustered Amelia with her. "Bwansen," she cried, lips trembling. She ran to Nathan.

Amelia stood up shakily and Joshua went to assist as Ezra had taught him.

"Where are Mama and Bransen?" she asked, trembling.

Joshua felt as cold and mean and Chris Larabee in a full temper.

"That man still has Bransen and he hit our Mama."

Amelia gasped and flew down the stairs, Joshua following. Nathan came last, with a trembling Blossom in his arms.

Amelia had already flown to her mother's side and was weeping against her shoulder.

Blossom saw the bruises on Mrs. Potter's face and sobbed against Nathan's chest.

"There, there," he whispered, and Joshua watched his usually handsome and kindly face. There was a cold angry look in his eyes that Joshua knew was in his own eyes. They had hurt his Mama and stolen his new friend away.

Impulsively, he patted Blossom's shoulder, "Don't you worry, Miss Blossom, Mr. Ezra will find those men and shoot them if they don't give Bransen back."

While perfectly correct, this may have not been the most politic answer. Blossom began to howl and Nathan ended up sitting on the settee with Mama on one side, and Mary Travis on the other while they all comforted Blossom.

"I still don't understand why someone from a circus would steal a child."

Nathan spoke carefully, like he didn't want to give out too much information. "When Ezra found the children, they were being used in a sideshow as exhibits," he said.

Mrs. Potter and Mary Travis both gasped and seemed to cling to Blossom even more.

"Ezra spent all his saloon savings to buy them from the Ringmaster and hustled them back here, but the Ringmaster chased down Ezra and tried to get the little ones back. They were torturing Ez to find out where he'd hidden them when we got there. Figured since they all died in the fight that the problem was over."

Joshua could see his Mama getting mad. "They exhibited these little angels?" she said and Joshua figured Mama was getting as mad as Mr. Larabee and Mr. Ezra.

Suddenly Josh decided he was never going to any old circus, not if they did stuff like that.

Mrs. Travis looked curious. "But what as?" she muttered.

Nathan gave her a very stern look and nodded at Amelia and Blossom. Mrs. Travis paled and nodded. Josh immediately put it in the "grownup" category.

Josh didn't want to know what it was. He just wanted Bransen back.

+ + + + + + +

The circus carnie, Jim Dodgers, had thought it a true stroke of luck when he spotted their little wolf boy exhibit. He'd not mourned losing their Ringmaster, but was upset at the loss of the money the boy child with the magic eyes presented.

Funny, he'd always thought he was an idiot, but they had him dressed up like real people. The boy struggled against him and he slapped him till the little runt got the idea. Since no one had the money from the sale, he figured it was right to return the child to the side show. Hadn't figured on that woman chasing after him like that. Stupid old cow. He'd showed her.

But just to be on the safe side, he was going to suggest they head out to Eagle Ridge instead of Four Corners. Didn't need any trouble with outsiders making a fuss over the boy. He wondered what they'd done with the little bitch pup. She was always useful for keeping the boy in line.

He kept up a good pace and had almost reached their encampment when a sound like a cavalry charge came up over the hill.

Damn, he thought. The cow had gotten a posse after him.

Suddenly he was surrounded and it wasn't good.

He'd seen some mean sons of bitches in his life, but the group that held guns on him was the scariest looking bunch of bastards he'd ever seen. They could be a show on their own. The one in black sent chills down his spine.

They all looked like they were going to skin him and eat his heart.

He held up his hands and the boy jumped to the ground and scrambled up into the arms of the fancy dressed one with the green hate-filled eyes. That terrible gaze softened as the man checked the boy. Then he looked up and Jim's heart leapt up in fear. Lord, the man looked insane.

"Was violence necessary against a child? Asked the man in the most chilling southern drawl he'd ever heard.

The big cowboy with the mustache actually growled at him.

"Ain't you a big strong man." Said the Cowboy, "Maybe we ought to show this ole boy what we do to bullies out west."

By this time, the other members of the small side show were coming out. Joe was relieved to see everyone was armed, but still nervous, since the bastards had him circled, like wolves do a deer they're about to take down.

Summers, who had taken ownership of the circus, came up.

"What the hell is going on Dodgers?" he asked.

"Found that boy that got stolen." He said, glaring at the troublesome child, who wasn't worth all this shit.

Mr. Summers looked at the boy, "Damn, wouldn't have recognized him."

The wolf boy paled and snuggled into the red coated man's jacket like he wanted to hide.

"Ah believe you are struggling under a misapprehension. The boy is a relative of my friend here, and no one's property."

Almost everyone in the circus was out now and starting to surround the cowboys. Joe was feeling much better about that, but a guy in a buffalo coat casually let off a shot at their feet.

"Stay right where you are and you won't get shot," advised the man in a rough voice.

Summers leered at the man, "Brat's an idiot. Never heard a word out of him. You using him in a scam, you owe us for him."

The man dressed in black smiled at them and that smile just dried the spit in Joe's mouth.

"Only idiots I see are you guys," sneered the man in black.

"Bransen," said the guy in the red coat in a very gentle voice, "Perhaps it would be wise if you would say something at this point."

The boy looked up at him and then turned back toward Summers and Joe.

He raised his hand and pointed at Joe, "He hit Mrs. Potter on the face and knocked her down. He stole me. He should be in jail."

Joe damn near fainted. He'd never heard a peep out of the brat all this time.

"Enslaving children is a criminal offence out here," said a younger man with a derby hat, "We're the law in Four Corners. If you give us any trouble, we may just have to arrest the whole lot of you. They got lots of room in Yuma for child stealers."

While young, the man's face was filled with rage, and Joe could see he was itching to use those fancy pistols he was toting.

"Maybe I done made a mistake," he said.

Mr. Summers stared at the boy, "He sure looks like our wolf boy."

"Ah but you told us your wolf child is an idiot. Bransen here is most certainly not an idiot."

The man in the red coat had a dreadful glee on his face. Joe figured he was about to go berserker on them he'd seen that wild rebel look on men before.

"Mr. Summers, maybe I was wrong." He said.

"You were dead wrong," said the man in black.

"You assaulted one of our leading citizens, struck her down right in the street. That's worth some time in jail on its own." This was proclaimed by the oldest looking of the bunch, a big mountain of a fellow

Summers winced, "Joe, you damn fool."

Joe started to wonder how much time they'd have him in jail.

Mr. Summers walked a little closer to the circle surrounding Joe. "There's a certain way to prove the boy is ours. He has funny eyes. If they glow green or yellow like a dog's then he's our boy, idiot or not."

The man in the red coat hopped off his horse and strode up to Mr. Summers and stuck his Remington in the man's gut.

"Why don't ya'll look in my eyes instead and see what kind of animal is there?" he asked in an incredibly lethal voice.

And all the other men seemed to get even scarier. Joe glanced at them and once more at the one with the big mustache. Then he looked again at the man's gleaming eyes. Gleaming, glowing yellow eyes filled with fury.

"Oh shit," he said.

"Mr. Summers," he gasped, "I was wrong. I apologize profusely about the lady. You just leave us alone and we'll forget all about the boy and everything."

Summers stared at Joe and Joe tried to telegraph that they were in a load of trouble.

+ + + + + + +

Summers knew that Joe was a damn idiot, but the kid really did look like the wolf brat. But now Joe Dodgers looked like he was going to piss himself, and was actually shaking in terror.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

Then Joe did the stupidest thing he'd ever seen. He pulled his boot knife and threw it at the big cowboy with the mustache.

"God damn!" Summers yelled, sure they were all going to get massacred now because of the fool.

Guns roared, five of them and Summers watched Joe's body twitching on the ground, great spurts of blood coming from one ugly wound in the neck.

And the big cowboy, he'd held up his hand lightning swift, and deflected the knife, cutting up his hand, but saving his life.

The guy in the red coat turned back from shooting Joe and shoved his gun right back into Summer's gut.

Summer's yelled out, "Stand down, boys, Joe must have been crazy," and raised his hands in surrender.

The child that he wasn't so certain was their wolf boy screamed and jumped off the horse and ran to the big cowboy. The boy threw his arms around the seated cowboy's legs and sobbed, "No, Buck, no!"

The cowboy, his hand bleeding, dismounted and then put his good arm around the boy, "Its okay, Bransen. I've gotten worse fixing fence lines."

Now the man in black strode forward and seemed to leer down into Summer's face.

"Bury your man and then leave. Next time I see any of you, I'll shoot on sight."

Summer's blinked and then nodded, not interested in dying for a fool.

"I'd suggest heading out for San Francisco," said the man in the red jacket. "You may find a better class of fool there."

Summer's wiped his forehead, which was covered with sweat and agreed. What a hell of a day.

+ + + + + + +

Nathan Jackson finally tucked Blossom in next to Mrs. Potter and watched as the little darling curled up against the drowsy woman. He'd given her a draught that should calm Mrs. Potter right now, and also help her sleep some to recover from the ordeal. Even Blossom had drunk the tea, although she made a face over the taste and gave Nathan a thoughtful look that didn't bode well for the next time he gave her medicinal tea.

He walked out with Mrs. Travis and prepared to wait with Amelia and Josh for the boys to get back. Damn, but he wished he was with them. He was so angry and worried about Bransen, he took out one of his throwing knives and started to polish it reflectively.

Amelia stared at the big knife and gulped.

Josh looked interested.

Mrs. Travis chided him, "Nathan, little pitchers.... " she hissed.

Nathan looked at Amelia's big eyes and came to himself.

"I'm right sorry," he nodded to Mrs. Travis, "Didn't mean to scare you, Miss Amelia."

"That's okay, Mr. Jackson," she responded politely, but her eyes didn't leave the knife till he put it back in its holder.

He stood up, "Why don't you come with me to the clinic Josh, and I'll show you some rocks I found last time I was looking for herbs."

Josh smiled politely and nodded. Nathan knew he didn't really care right now about rocks that much, but that it would take his mind off their mutual worry.

They left the private entrance of the mercantile and automatically scanned the horizon for the dust of oncoming horses but saw nothing.

Nathan smiled down at Josh, "It's hard to get left behind, but I try to use the waiting time for good things." Companionably they made their way to the clinic and Nathan pulled out the rock samples he'd saved for Josh. Then he began to check bandages and supplies and clean up the area so he'd be ready for anything. He pulled out chamomile tea to hopefully calm down Bransen when he was returned home. He clenched a fist, when, not if he came home. The boys would bring their pup home safe, they had to.

How had he gotten so tied up with these people anyway? First he falls in with a group of peacemakers, then he became pack brother to a man who changed to a wolf at will and now there were two little ones he wanted desperately to keep safe. He'd had to steel himself to leave Blossom at the Potter home, but was afraid she'd pick up his worries so he'd left with Josh.

A young hand patted his shoulder consolingly.

"It is hard to wait," said Josh, "but its good to have you with us Nathan. This is scary."

Nathan nodded wearily. Then some instinct made him go to the door. There in the distance was that cloud he'd looked for earlier. Josh immediately flew to his side.

"Big enough dust cloud?" asked the boy, peering into the distance.

"It's either them or the army," said Nathan. He turned back and set the water to boil. Then they both raced down the stairs and ran all the way to the end of town and waited.

Nathan spied a smaller rider in front of the red coat belonging to Ezra.

"Bransen is with them," he yelled, and he and Josh proceeded to dance like two fools, waving and hopping about in sheer glee. Bransen was sitting up so he couldn't be too badly hurt and all the men were with them, so the Pack was together.

He stopped hopping and looked again, peering into the distance. He could see Buck's hat Damn, Buck had his hand in a sling. He frowned and mentally listed all the best things for pain and for staving off infections.

Part of him wanted to rush to the clinic and repair and the other half wanted to run up and check each man over for himself.

He could see Chris riding in front, leading, and Vin riding toward the back, watching the back trail for enemies. Buck was riding between J.D. and Ezra, and Josiah was on the other side of Ezra, watching his flank.

Now he could see their faces. Bransen seemed to perk up and now waved at them. He and Josh waved back. Lordy, his hands itched to check them all over. Then he realized the first thing they'd want to do would be to check on Blossom and Mrs. Potter. "I'm running back to the clinic and I'll meet ya'll over at your house." He said to Josh, who nodded and waited.

Nathan ran and snatched up everything he needed, took the kettle off to boil, nearly spilled it on himself, grabbed more tea makings and bandages and finally the old leather bad that was his medicine bag for visiting and high-tailed it out and down the stairs.

He made it back to Josh at the same time that the boys got there.

"Mrs. Potter and Blossom are okay," he said, "They're both sleeping, but they'll want to know you got Bransen back safe."

There seemed an electric tingle in the air. It reminded Nathan of when Buck would change, but it was subtlety different. It seemed to involve each man there. Nathan looked at each face and realized someone had died back there, and that someone else would if anyone touched the child that Ezra Standish held so triumphantly in his arms.

"Bransen was hit some, and Buck took a knife in his hand," said Larabee tersely.

Josh started taking everyone's horse reins, "I'll get Yosemite to help me," said the boy, "You'll want to go inside and see Blossom and Mama."

Nathan followed Buck into the house, trying to snatch at the wounded hand without hurting it.

"Please, Buck ....." he started, but Buck shook his head. "It can wait. I want Blossom to know Bransen is back safe."

And Nathan realized that Buck needed that medicine more than he needed carbolic and bandages right now.

+ + + + + + +

Mrs. Travis gave a cry of despair when she saw the bloody bandage on Buck, but then gasped with relief when Ezra Standish walked in with Bransen.

The newspaper woman smoothed back her hair and went to Mrs. Potter's room. They could all hear her voice gently telling Mrs. Potter that everyone was back. In just a few moments, a sleepy eyed Amelia came to the door, followed by Mrs. Potter with Blossom in her arms.

"Thank God," said the good woman.

"Blossom held out her arms and Buck took her and covered her tiny head with kisses while she hugged him back fiercely. Then Ezra brought Bransen, still carrying him in his arms.

Blossom stopped and stared at the bruises on his face. She reached out a tiny hand and touched Bransen's cheek gently, and then made a tiny growling noise.

"Don't worry, little Magnolia Blossom," said Ezra, "The bad men who did this won't hurt anyone again."

Mrs. Potter's face tightened with that knowledge. "You'll probably never trust me with these little darlings again, after I let that awful man steal Bransen right from beneath my nose."

Chris Larabee shook his head and walked up to her, "You did really well, Ma'am. You fought him as fierce as you would for your own and I won't forget that."

He smiled at her and took her trembling hand, "You've got sand, Ma'am. I'm right proud to know you."

She looked at his smiling eyes and tremulously smiled back. She could see that all the others were smiling at her warmly too.

Blossom turned in Buck's arms and gifted her with a wonderful smile. "Pwetty lady, cookie lady."

They all laughed. "I reckon Blossom sets a lot of store in you too," said Vin Tanner, and his blue eyes sparkled.

Nathan Jackson smiled but then turned to the group, "I reckon we ought to let Mrs. Potter get some rest from all this. They've all been through quite a lot."

Mrs. Travis evidentially agreed, because she hustled Mrs. Potter and Amelia back to bed. Then she came out and followed them into the street.

"Is this something I'm not going to mention in the paper?" she asked.

"We'd sure appreciate it if you wouldn't," piped up Buck, holding Blossom possessively.

She gave him a dour look and said, "I assume we won't have a visit from any circus either."

Then Bransen started to tremble and mothering instincts shoved reporter instincts rudely out of the way. She went to Bransen, who was still in Ezra's arms and kissed his little forehead tenderly. "You're safe now with the bravest men I know, Bransen. We all love you and will keep those bad men away by any means we can."

Her usual curiosity was absent. She knew that Bransen had been abused by those men, and that was enough.

The entire pack, sans Miz Nettie, of course, escorted her home and then went to Chris' room in the boarding house.

Josiah said in his deep voice, "I don't think Mrs. Travis has ever been so easy to convince."

"Kids will do that," said J.D. thoughtfully.

Buck kissed Blossom's head and nodded, "She's a hell of a woman."

Chris Larabee nodded silently as they walked up on the porch and in the door.

Upon entering, small noses wiggled and sniffed the air. There were rooms here for Buck, Vin and J.D. as well as Chris Larabee. "Is this where you stay when you aren't at Miz Nettie's or Chris's houses?" asked Bransen.

"Yup," said Vin, "though mostly I stay in my wagon. Don't like being penned in."

Ezra sat Bransen on Chris' bed and Bransen looked up into his eyes, "But where is home?" he asked, confused at all these places.

Ezra grinned, and his gold tooth gleamed, "You, young man, you and the pack, that is our home. Where the pack is, that is home."

Buck sat Blossom down next to Bransen and smiled, "Damn, Ez, you think like a wolf."

Ezra smiled at the compliment and Bransen said in a very offended tired little boy's voice, "Of course, Ezra is pack."

"Yeah, Buck, " said Larabee, grinning, "Ezra is pack."

Bransen rubbed his eyes and then said, "We're pack, we're all pack."

"Yes, little darlings, you are all pack," said Buck.

"Can we change now?" asked Bransen.

Buck looked confused, "Why?"

"Because you're hurt. We should clean your hand."

Buck's mustache trembled. He wasn't really used to pack ways with real two-bloods.

"Aw, shucks," he exclaimed and hugged the child. "Okay, we got the whole pack here watching us."

Buck quickly shed his britches and changed. Bransen changed next but Blossom didn't change till given direct permission by their alpha, Chris.

Soon Buck lay on Chris' bed with two little pups kissing and licking his muzzle and hurt paw tenderly. His head was up and he panted joyfully at the attention. J.D. got on the bed next to him and hugged the great wolf's head.

"Kind of nice being family, ain't it?" asked their young sheriff.

The wolf yelped once in agreement and kissed J.D. wolf style. Vin started to chuckle and bounced on the bed and began to playfully pretend to gnaw on Bransen who returned the favor with happy wolf kisses. Soon the bed was covered with wolf pups dancing and playing and men wrestling and Buck getting his belly rubbed by a grinning Ezra.

Chris Larabee lit up a cigar and opened his bottle of scotch. Josiah lit one of his cigars, handed it to Nathan, lit one for himself and toasted the room, laconically, "To Family in all its forms."

Vin Tanner, who was being chewed on, actually started to giggle, as did J.D. Dunne, who was not being chewed on.

Buck sat up and rather loudly slurped Ezra's face and Nathan Jackson started to laugh at Ezra's shocked and yet pleased expression. Ezra suddenly threw himself over the wolf and J.D. piled on top.

"Don't break the bed," admonished Larabee.

Ezra suddenly sat up, "Oh Lawd, its time for my patrol." He jumped off the bed and began to straighten and brush his clothing. Then he looked at the forgotten crates.

He leaned over the one that held books and took some more leather bound editions out of its depths.

He turned and handed one to the giggling Vin Tanner. None of them had ever seen Vin giggle. It made him seem so young.

"This, Mr. Tanner, is for you. It is the complete works of Shakespeare and all his sonnets."

Vin stopped giggling and grasped the book reverently in work worn hands. "Sonnets are poems, ain't they?" he asked interested, and clutched the book to his chest.

"Yup," said Josiah.

"And here are some rather good translations of the Iliad and the Odyssey, some ancient classic poems that you may find enjoyable," Ezra said, handing the book to Chris, who looked it over carefully and then handed it to the bemused tracker.

Vin's eyes shone, "I don't believe I've ever had such a fine gift in all my life," he said, "It really is Christmas."

"Never having celebrated the holiday in that fashion, I wouldn't know," said Ezra abstractedly as he continued to rummage in the crate, "However I certain appreciate the sentiment."

Nathan Jackson straightened and gave Ezra a sharp and almost worried glance. He opened his mouth as though to comment and then went silent. He looked over at Chris and Josiah and saw that they had noted the comment too.

Now Ezra took more books out of the crate. These were larger, thicker and even more ornately tooled than the other ones.

Ezra brushed them carefully and then looked up at Nathan. "Mr. Jackson, I believe you may find these medical books beneficial."

Nathan Jackson was across the room faster than a coyote on a rabbit.

"Medical books?" he asked breathlessly.

Ezra smiled at him and placed the heavy volumes in his hands. The healer plopped down on the floor and opened the first book. "Anatomy!" he exclaimed.

"Looks like we've lost Brother Nathan for the week. He'll read all night now." Remarked Josiah.

"Hope those books don't have damn tea recipes in em," said Vin, who also had his head stuck in a book, but not so much that he wasn't fully aware of his surroundings.

Blossom stopped playing and sneezed.

Ezra turned from his rapid perusal of the crates and grinned. "Mr. Jackson," he said slyly, "I believe Blossom has just expressed an opinion of your medicinal teas."

"Taste like horse pee," muttered their tracker.

Chris Larabee grinned and shook his head.

"I really must go on my patrol," said Ezra. He drug a very large bundle out of the crate, dusted excelsior off it and then smiled, "Perhaps later I shall have the pleasure of seeing Mr. Wilmington in these. I noted that he is sadly in need of new boots and had some made for him during my trip."

"Woof," said Buck, still in wolf form.

"Ah assume you are alluding to the fact that your old boot disappeared," said Ezra, in conversational tones. "I took them along so the cobbler could fit the boots exactly. I hope you like these. The old ones are in the bottom of the crate, and have been repaired."

He placed the package on the bedside table and then took another package out and placed it next to Nathan Jackson, who was still reading the book in his hands, avidly.

Ezra smiled down at his friend. "If anyone gets his attention later, please have him open the package. I believe he will find it useful."

Then Ezra walked over to the bed and kissed the two wiggling pups, smacked Buck on the backside, saluted the others and left.

Josiah puffed on his cigar and smiled at Larabee. "Lordy, Ezra must have been homesick."

Nathan Jackson looked up at the word sick, "Huh?" he asked, looking around the room.

Chris smiled and said, "Nathan, Ezra left you another package."

"Another!" exclaimed the healer, "Lordy, he must have spent a mint on these books. I've tried to get some of them before and this one alone is almost fifty whole dollars."

J.D. bounced off the bed and went to Nathan's side. The two pups also hopped down and sat next to Nathan, obviously interested.

Nathan opened the package carefully, glancing longingly at the books once or twice, but when he finally had the cardboard box opened he gaped in surprise at the contents.

"Lord have mercy, he done got me a doctor's bag." Nathan started to actually shake and tears appeared in his large dark eyes.

The pups immediately began to lick his cheeks and Blossom growled at the offending bag balefully.

"No, sweetheart," said Nathan and took Blossom onto his lap, "These ain't sad tears, these are happy tears. These books and this bag, well, they are things I've been wanting for a long time. They are things that real doctors have."

Blossom yipped at the bag anyway, and licked Nathan's cheeks and then his ears until the overcome healer started to chuckle. Bransen, who understood better that the bag hadn't hurt Nathan, leaned into the healer's other side, wagging his tail.

"Well, Brother, open it," suggested Josiah, and the others nodded.

The bag proved to be full of vials of drugs and tinctures that Nathan had longed for in his little pharmacy. There was a stethoscope, several wonderful scalpels, forceps and retractors, scissors and other items that any doctor would use.

He held them in trembling hands and started shaking again.

Blossom began to whine.

Bransen reached over and licked Blossom consolingly and then snuggled peacefully at Nathan's side.

The air filled with an electric tingle, and a large naked man in a mustache rapidly dressed and sat on the floor next to Nathan and the pups. Josiah came over and hugged Nathan, who remained silent, staring at the items as though they were the greatest treasure in the world.

Vin came over and touched Nathan's back, "Hey pard, you're starting to scare us here."

Nathan looked up at them, strangely transfixed.

"I never thought I'd ever be much of anything. Helping people, healing them, that was my dream. But all of this, these are things a real doctor would have. And I understand how to use them. I can use, and help people. Ez has done told me here that I'm a real doctor....." He fell silent again.

Buck started to sniffle and put his arms around Nathan, "Ez is right, Nate. You are a doctor. A damn fine one."

Chris Larabee stood up suddenly and the entire cluster of men and small children froze, watching their alpha for whatever pronouncement he'd made.

"Yup, Ez done good on this one, real good." He said and then hunched down in front of the still quivering healer. "You're special Nathan Jackson, so don't you forget it. You deserve good things like this and I'm proud you are part of us."

He stared into Nathan's face, and then said, sternly, "And if you ever forget again, I'm kicking your ass."

Nathan grinned through his tears and started to chuckle.

"I'm glad Ezra ain't here. He'd worry I didn't like his gift."

Then Nathan proceeded to hug Buck, and Josiah and the pups rather happily.

"Want to hear your heart beat?" he asked Blossom and put the stethoscope in little pup ears and let her hear her own heart beating. She yipped in surprise and then wagged her tail.

"Now hear my heart. It's slower than yours," said Nathan and let her listen again. Bransen wiggled and was given his turn.

Nathan seemed recovered by now and he looked over at Buck.

"Now I'd be proud if you let me tend to that hand of yours," he said.

Buck grinned at him, cornered, and gave him his hand.

Nathan gently held it in his own and then looked down. And the healer froze in shock.

The red and ugly wound was almost completely healed over.

"Buck," he exclaimed, "I know you heal fast, but this is amazing. Its healed fast and from the inside."

They all clustered to look and could see that his hand only had a fine red scar where the wound had been.

Bransen now ran to where his clothing was, changed to human boy and then put on his clothing. He walked over and looked at the Pack, still bemused and wondering about the rapid healing.

He tugged on Nathan's jacket.

Nathan looked down at him, and smiled, "What is it, Bransen?" he asked.

"Puppy kisses are magic for wounds," said Bransen, "especially for wounds taken protecting pups. It doesn't work on One-bloods, or we would have done it for Ezra when those men hurt him."

Nathan Jackson stared as did all the others.

"I've heard that Two Blood pups were real special, but I thought it was because they were so cute, not because of anything like this," said Vin Tanner.

Buck stared at his hand and wiggled his fingers thoughtfully.

"I'll be damned," he said and then chuckled, "I should have known, Bransen and Blossom are so special, of course their kisses are magic."

Blossom growled and demanded to be picked up. Buck reached down and she leapt into his arms. Then Nathan touched her fur and muzzle gently, with an expression of wonder.

"Heck," he proclaimed suddenly, "Should have known. Well, now I got competition in healing and I couldn't be happier. Buck always whines when I pull bullets out of him."

Bransen laughed and Blossom wagged her tail and gave a wolf's grin.

"Next time I have to yank bullet's out of old Buck's behind, I'll have to make you both my special assistants," said Nathan, smiling, "That'll cut down on his whining and fussing something considerable."

Blossom wiggled and then gave an enormous yawn.

J.D. laughed, "I think someone is ready to go to bed."

Larabee agreed, "Come on Blossom, let's get you changed," he said, smiling at the thought of just how much changing' meant in this case.

Soon a demurely dressed little cherub was running around his room laughing as Vin Tanner tried to catch her.

Chris watched this a moment and said, "If she can't fall asleep, I'm having her sleep with you," which slowed Vin down a bit, but not much.

Nathan looked at Buck, "I was going to sleep with Buck and J.D. so I could watch over Buck's hand, but I reckon I don't need to," he didn't look especially pleased.

Buck frowned, "I still been hurt, and I like having Pack around me," he complained woefully.

Nathan grinned.

"That's true," said J.D., "Buck will sleep better being near to Pack,"

Chris Larabee looked thoughtful, "No one will be surprised if we all stay in one place. We nearly lost Bransen today, and people will expect us to be protective." He looked at their preacher, "Siah, you can bunk with me, I've got this other bed here.

It ended up that they pulled a few beds into Buck and JD's rooms and slept either with Buck or in Chris' room. There was great competition for sleeping near the children as well as stern admonitions not to change to pups because people might walk into the rooms to report danger.

Bransen was easy to convince, Blossom pouted dangerously.

Finally, her alpha laid down the law sternly, and she sighed dramatically and agreed.

"Damn, is that one of Ezra's sighs or is it a Buck sigh?" asked Vin, resulting in chuckles all around.

"She's definitely picking stuff up from us," said J.D. "She's got Buck's soulful expressions down."

"I don't know about that, I thought she got it from Nathan," said Josiah thoughtfully.

"Yeah, Nathan can really pout," said Vin playfully. Thereupon Nathan proved the point by pouting.

Chris grinned and said, "Yup, she definitely takes after Nathan in the pout department."

Blossom and Nathan stared at one another for a moment and then burst out laughing.

Chris shook his head and then said, definitely, "Time for shuteye, and that means you too little lady." He glared at Blossom.

She crossed her arms and glared back. It just wasn't as effective as Chris' glare, but it certainly was cute.

"I reckon she's picking up stuff from all of us," said Nate.

The Four Corners pack went to bed. Lights were blown out, giggles suppressed, and no one changed into a wolf. One member of the pack patrolled in the night while the rest slept. They had fought to protect the Pack and had triumphed. They were safe and united.

Far off on the trail, a circus sideshow hastily left the area under the light of the full moon. They didn't take the gambler's advice, but instead headed out for St. Louis. It would have been wiser if they had headed west, because Death was waiting for them far off in Missouri.

The End