In the Spirit

by Oracle

ATF Universe

"Guess we'll do that the same way we do other things, pard," responded Chris. "Whoever feels like it at the minute." The strains of "Unchained Melody" began to drift out over the room and Chris reached out to draw the younger man into his arms. Vin came to him eagerly, looping one hand around his waist to tuck a thumb in the back of his belt and the other rising to drape about his neck. The older man wrapped his arms around his lover and laid his face against his temple. They began to move to the throbbing, aching tempo. It was natural and easy for them to move in synch. Each knowing the next move of the other.

"This is the how I think of you, Vin," Chris murmured in his ear, "Unchained... I like you that way. I won't ever try to put chains on you."

"Wouldn't mind a few ties..." said the long-haired sharpshooter, "feels real nice to belong somewhere."

"Oh, you always belong, Vin... right here in my arms for as long as you want."

"Best plan on havin' them arms full forever then."

"Might just barely be long enough," said Chris.

'I've hungered for your touch a long, long time...'

"We sure both waited long enough, didn't we?" Vin whispered back.

"Much too long," responded Chris.

'I need your love... Oh, I need your love...'

"My turn, Chris," said Vin as he took over the lead. Chris smiled and just eased in closer to the lean body. As the strains of Elvis singing "Love Me Tender" came on, he drew back a bit and looked down at Vin.

"Let me guess... Buck."

"Yep," nodded the younger man. "He said it wouldn't be right without the King."

Vin's eyes lit with mischief.

"Gotcha, cowboy," he said, slyly, pointing up. While they had been talking and swaying to the music the younger man had maneuvered them across the room near the entryway. Chris looked up to find a ribbon-bedecked ball of mistletoe hanging directly over their heads.

"So that's why you wanted to lead," said Chris, chuckling.

"Uh huh," said Vin. He grinned. "Nathan brought it over earlier today and hung it up. Said something about wantin' to be sure there was some up over here since he was bringin' Rain tomorrow. Said he wanted to know just where it was." The young man frowned, looking puzzled. "He said somethin' else too...about there better be some berries left tomorrow." He shrugged. "I didn't get it." Chris laughed.

"The old English tradition was that every time someone claimed a kiss under the mistletoe they plucked one of the berries. When all the berries were more kisses." A crafty look settled over the young sharpshooter's face. Chris knew that look. "Now, Vin, you don't go messing with Nathan's ball." He chuckled suddenly. "I was wondering where he would come in...he was the only one still missing. And it looks like he really spent some time working on that."

"Aw, hell, Chris, I wouldn't do anything to his ball," said the blue-eyed man. "But I was just thinkin'..." He grinned that mischievous look that he always got when he and JD were plotting something. Chris couldn't help but smile. It actually tickled him when the usually reserved sharpshooter played his pranks. It was like seeing a bit of the little boy that Vin could have been, had his childhood not been so harsh. Therefore, he found it impossible to come down on the young man too hard as long as his jokes didn't truly hurt anyone.

Vin stood looking up at the ball. Nathan had obviously made sure there was a good supply of the white waxy berries on his offering. You could barely see the dark fuzzy leaves for the large clusters. The younger man's tongue slipped out and licked his lips hungrily as a greedy look lit his eyes.

Growling softly, Vin reached up and cupping Larabee's face brought his head down. Just before their lips touched he rasped, "Best get busy, cowboy. There's a whole lotta berries on that ball." From the passionate sounds Vin had made, Chris was prepared for a fierce kiss but his lover held steady with his lips only a touch away and blew softly. The man in black groaned as shivers of desire ran through him. Vin proceeded to brush his lips slowly back and forth across the older man's. Chris inhaled sharply, his lips parted.

The young sharpshooter started at one corner and slowly, sensuously worked his way across that enticing lower lip, pausing at the dip in the center to lave it thoroughly. Chris was panting now and he glided both arms around the lean hips of his partner, slipping his hands into the back pockets of the faded jeans. He pulled the slender body even closer. Vin moved slowly, still swaying to the beat of the music, their bodies touching along every possible point. Nibbling his way across that lower lip to the corner he seemed to settle in for a long time, nipping and licking. Chris's heart began to pound and he found it more and more difficult to breathe.

When the longhaired Texan began to finally glide across his upper lip he was just about to the end of his endurance. As Vin, at last, reached the middle of that lip, Chris exhaled a long drawn "Hmmmm..." into the sharpshooter's open mouth. The vibration sent a shudder through the young man and it was his turn to moan. Chris now took back the lead and slipped his tongue into the open cavern. He teased and enticed the other man's tongue to play and twine with his. Chris fought down his rising desire and kept to the spirit of the song that Elvis still plaintively wailed over the speakers.

Love me tender...Love me true...

He gently suckled on the tracker's upper lip only to be rewarded by feeling the heartbeat from the chest pressed so snugly against his own escalate. Vin groaned deep in his throat and Chris knew the man was reaching his own limit. He trailed a line of kisses across the succulent lips, down to the jaw line and over to an ear which he nipped playfully.

"One down," he whispered in the ear, blowing softly at the long hair that hid it. "Wonder just how many berries there are up there?"

"Not enough, cowboy...not ever enough," breathed Vin, eyes wide as he struggled to draw air into starved lungs. Chris nuzzled the soft ear and eased back a touch as the song drew to a wistful close.

The two lovers moved slowly around the room to Patsy Cline's "Crazy", Garth Brooks' "If Tomorrow Never Comes" and...

"My god! Barry Manilow! That's Barry Manilow. Didn't know you even knew who he was..."

"Course I do," retorted Vin. "I'm no kid. I remember... and 'Somewhere in the Night's' a classic." Chris looked down into Vin's eyes, his own smoky green with desire...and love.

Somewhere in the night we will know... everything lovers can know...

"We will, Vin...we'll know...tonight." He bent to place a tender lingering kiss on those beckoning lips.

Elvis returned with "I Can't Help Falling in Love". When Captain and Tenille followed with "Nobody Does it Better," Chris groaned and pulled Vin tighter. The rhythm and words of the song were driving him over the edge. Vin ran his hands in slow circles on the black clad back, listening to the harsh breathing of his lover as he struggled to control his libido.

"God, pard," Chris gasped. "You pick music good!" Vin smiled his slow lop-sided grin and nuzzled the older man's neck.

"So, you're likin' your Christmas present so far?" he asked.

"You can't tell?" growled Chris. Vin chuckled. He figured the blond should be about strangling in those tight black jeans by now. It was going to be a wild night. He could tell already.

Bette Midler oozed out the words to "The Rose."

Some say love it is a hunger... an endless aching need.

Chris could agree with that. He felt an aching need in his groin right now.

It's the one who won't be taken... who cannot seem to love.

'Was that me before Vin came along?' the blond found himself wondering.

When the night has been too lonely
And the road has been too long
They you think that love is only
For the lucky and the strong...

Vin nuzzled with his warm mouth at the base of his boss' neck.

"No more lonely nights, cowboy," he whispered. Chris's arms tightened around him.

"Yeeessss," he agreed.

The next song made him chuckle. It was so appropriate to their situation that it seemed uncanny. Captain and Tenille again. "The Way That I Want to Touch You."

I never wanted to touch a man...
The way that I want to touch you.

The final song began its strains. Vin looked up into Chris's face.

"When I heard this song, I knew it was right," he rasped softly. "I wanted it to be the last song."

Everything you are... everything you'll be
Touches the current of love... so deep in me.

Vin's deep blue eyes locked with his and Chris felt how much the words meant to his lover. He listened closely.

Every sigh in the night... seduces me...

The accompanying guitar throbbed through his body.

All that I am... all that I'll be
Means nothing at all...if you can't be with me.

Vin's eyes and the song were telling him all he needed to know, all the things the young man struggled to say out loud.

Your most innocent kiss...or your sweetest caress
Seduces me...

"Oh, god...yes," Chris whispered.

I don't care about tomorrow
I've given up on yesterday...
Here and now is all that matters
Right here with you... is where I'll stay.
The past is behind us...we may never have tomorrow.

"Please stay, Vin, please stay always," said Chris in a thick voice.

Every little thing of you... shining through in your eyes
All that is you... becomes part of me too
Because all that you do... seduces me...

He could feel it... sense them becoming part of one it happened every time they loved. Vin's lips moved now as he spoke the words along with the sweet voice singing them.

If I should die tomorrow... I'd go down with a smile on my face
I thank God I've ever known you
I fall down on my knees... for the love we've made.

All that you do... seduces me...

The last words faded to a husky 'Seduces me....', reminding the Chris poignantly of his lover's voice. He tunneled his hands in the soft hair and brought his mouth down as Vin leaned into him, bringing lips together in a fierce kiss. Their mouths opened, tongues twining, mingling hot breath. Vin grabbed the blond's ass and pulled him tightly against him. Both men moaned deep in their throats, Chris's sounding more like a growl. The kiss became even more heated as they both nibbled, licked and sucked, grinding hips together. They had stopped in front of the blazing fireplace. When oxygen starved lungs forced it, they broke free for a moment. Vin groaned, panting. Gripping Chris's shirt, he jerked it out of his pants. Struggling with the buttons he became frustrated very quickly. The Texan grabbed the edges of the shirt, a growl rising in his throat. Chris's hands covered his before he could jerk it open.

"Unh unh, pard," he said firmly. "Neither one of us is going to spend time tomorrow sewing on buttons." Vin's fingers began fumbling again.

"Want ya, cowboy," he said huskily. Chris took pity on him, knowing he would quickly run out of patience again and worked his buttons free from the top down as Vin made his way in the opposite direction. The younger man shoved the shirt off his shoulders. Chris made short work of his lover's buttons by undoing the top three and then, grinning wickedly, skinning the shirt off over the sharpshooter's head.

"Smart ass," growled Vin and attacked Chris's torso, laving and nipping his way across it till he latched onto one nipple. Chris moaned now, gasping for air and arching his hips, trying to press deeper into Vin. The younger man pulled back, trying to drag air into his lungs.

"Bedroom," rasped the sharpshooter.

"Unh unh," said Chris, grabbing a couple of the Indian blankets they always kept folded neatly in the corner. "Right here...right now!" He tossed them out on the floor right in front of the fire. Grabbing Vin again, he bore him to the ground. "God, Vin, you're so beautiful," he rasped. The younger man turned red.

"Ain't purty!" he protested.

"I didn't say pretty," replied Chris. "I said some goddamn Greek statue. Shit, Vin, you make me so hot!" He leaned over the young man and circled one oval brown nipple with his tongue. Vin groaned and clutched at him trying to pull him closer. "And you see, pard," he said roughly. "I got you figured out now." Blue eyes widened as Chris's long fingers found first one sensitive nipple then the other. The blond then licked a trail up the center dip of the young man's chest, green eyes glued to blue ones all the way, watching the effect he was having on his lover. He grinned evilly. Vin panted. Chris tapped the chest over Vin's heart.

"You've been hiding a romantic soul underneath that shy exterior all this time."

"Me!" squeaked Vin.

"Yes," said Chris, his eyes half closing as he looked at Vin hungrily. "And now that I've got you pegged, I'm going to take full advantage of it..." He closed his lips over Vin's left nipple. The young man arched his back, his eyes fluttering closed as another groan was wrung from him.

"" Vin gasped out. Larabee raised up a little to grin at him again.

"I'm gonna cherish that about you..." Chris licked his way across to the center of Vin's chest again. "And enjoy it..." He nibbled his way to the right nipple. "And feed it..." He growled and suckled hard on the nub, drawing it sharply into his mouth. Vin cried out, tossing his head back and forth, his hips bucking beneath the older man. Chris skimmed his hands down the sharpshooter's sides, inserting his fingers as far as he could reach inside the waistband of the faded denims. He ground his flaming erection into that of the man beneath him. With a wild incoherent cry, Vin hooked his legs around the team leader, wrapped his arms about his back and reversed their positions, rolling the older man underneath him. A feral look burned in his eyes as he gazed down at the man beneath him. Slowly the Texan licked his lips, grinning wolfishly.

"Ya asked me iffen I wanted to open one of my Chriiss-mas presents tonight," he said huskily. "Well, I do! And I'm openin' it right now!" Chris's eyes widened at the look in his lover's eyes. His breath caught in his chest. The older man loved it when Vin got that wild, passionate look in his eyes. That meant it was going to be one hell of a ride. Vin straddled the team leader, his hands now working on the fastenings to Chris's pants. A frustrated groan broke loose from the young man's lips.

"Shit, Larabee, what is it with you and these damn 501's! Ya do this just to drive me crazy?" Chris drew short sharp breaths, his eyes dark as he avidly watched Vin fight with the fastenings. He got his reward a moment later when the young man's tongue unconsciously peeped out from between his teeth while he concentrated more fiercely. Chris moaned and felt his cock swell even more at that arousing sight.

"Ya ain't helpin' things none," Vin growled, looking up into his lover's half-dazed green eyes.

"Can't... help... it," panted Chris. "If you'd stop... bein'... so fuckin'... sexy."

"Rrrr," said Vin, finally working the last one free. He folded back the edges and Chris's cock burst free.

"Commando," said Vin, chuckling. "Ya were thinkin' of me today too. And lookie here..." he continued, "just what I asked Santa for... I musta been a good boy this year after all!"

"Never... a... good... boy..." gasped Larabee as Vin closed his hand around the twitching organ. "You've got a truly evil mind, Tanner!" Vin leaned down and engulfed the tip of Chris's cock in his mouth, sucking and swirling his tongue over the sensitive head. He nibbled at the slit.

"Ahhh.... Ahhh....ahhh," Chris wailed. "No! Oh, god..." he cried as Vin then nibbled his way down the length of the raised vein on the underside. "I take it back! You're good... Oh, shit!" His hips bucked and Vin took advantage of the movement to peel the tight black jeans down his legs. "Oh, god, you're so good," groaned the older man as Vin took the opportunity now presented to fondle the heavy sac behind the engorged and weeping cock of his lover. Chris's head tossed from side to side as Vin rolled his balls gently in one hand and sucked with steadily increasing strength on his cock at the same time. He used his free hand to hold down Chris's hips, which were beginning to buck more and more wildly. Just as he could see that the blond was almost to the edge, he backed off, chuckling.

"God, Vin, don't stop!" begged Chris. "I'm hurtin'."

"I'm gonna take care of ya, cowboy," promised the blue-eyed angel above him. Chris's hand began to creep towards his cock as he strained against the body straddling his legs. Vin batted the hand away. "Nuh unh," he said. "that's mine... keep your damn hands off."

"Then finish me, Vin," gasped Chris.

"Gotta get these clothes offa ya first." The younger man made quick work of the boots and socks but slid the jeans slowly down Chris's legs, drawing out the tension. The blond watched him with heavy-lidded hazy green eyes, breathing harshly. Vin toed off his own boots, stood and unbuttoning his jeans, slowly pushed them down. He moaned in relief as his own engorged cock sprang free, the head glistening with moisture telling the blond how much he wanted him. His boss grinned ferally.

"Commando, too," he commented. "Seems somebody else was plannin' ahead today too..." He chuckled.

"Always plannin', cowboy," rasped Vin. He reached down and stroked his bobbing cock.

"Uh uh!" said Chris, grinning. "Hands off, pard! If I can' can't." Vin smiled a slow seductive smile and dropping back to his knees, straddled the older man's legs again. Holding his partner's gaze with passion filled blue eyes he bent over and engulfed his lover's cock in his hot wet mouth all the way to his balls. Chris's eyes rolled back in his head.

"Yes, yes..." he gasped. "Feels so good..." Vin slipped a hand behind the heavy sac and finding the sweet spot there pressed in with his thumb. Chris arched against him and shouted hoarsely. The younger man reached down to his cock gathering what moisture he could. Sliding his finger gently into his lover's cleft, he rimmed his hole. The blond moaned and struggled against his weight, trying to press himself down onto the teasing finger.

"Tube..." gasped Chris. "pants... pocket..." Vin leaned over and snagging the pants, dug in the pockets. "Shit, Vin," moaned Larabee, "you're gonna kill me if you keep stopping!"

"Geez, cowboy," said Vin, "How'd ya ever get this tube in those tight jeans." He worked it loose with a curse. Quickly applying some of the lubricant to his hand, he returned to working on both his lover's cock with his mouth and his puckered hole with a probing finger.

"Ahhhh," moaned Chris pressing himself down on the invading digit. Vin was prepared for his eagerness and eased back a little, keeping him from pushing too far, too fast. He carefully slipped his finger in a little deeper with each thrust, gently stretching his lover. The sharpshooter swirled his tongue around the weeping head of Chris's cock, then nipped and laved up and down the length of it as he slowly inserted a second finger.

"Pump it, Vin," cried Chris, bucking his hips, out of control. "Now...can't hold on... any more!" Vin hooked his two fingers and as he brushed them over the nub of the blond's gland, he tightened his mouth around the head of the organ. He sucked on it strongly, his other hand pumping the base.

"Viiiiinnnnn," screamed Chris as his cock released a stream of milky fluid into his lover's mouth. He felt the connection between them strongly as he always did at this point. Almost as if he could hear Vin's heartbeat thumping in time to his own. Chris sensed the warm presence that was his beloved blue-eyed sharpshooter all about him, sending shafts of pleasure through his heart as well as his body. The young man continued to milk his cock and press into his ass until the flood died to erratic spurts.

Vin licked the softening organ clean and let it slip from his mouth. He moved up long body and captured the open panting mouth with his lips. Stroking the heaving chest with gentle hands he savoured the boneless warmth that Chris sank into when he brought him to such a strong orgasm. It was as though he could feel the waves of love rolling off the body of the man beneath him and he soaked them up, letting it feed his own soul, so he could give it all back to the man he loved.

"Mmmm, Vin," said Chris, "I still can't believe it when you do that to me. You are one hell of a lover, pard." Chris managed to lift his arms and pull the smaller man down onto his chest wrapping his arms around him as he tried to regain his breath and energy. Vin snuggled into his body, pressing his face to the underside of Larabee's chin and beginning to nip and nibble there. The team leader ran one hand through the tangled curls, stroking his head. He slid the hand down the sharpshooter's back and began to make slow circles on the firmly muscled back.


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