ATF Universe
Chris could feel Vin's hardened cock pressing against him and as he stroked the body that he found so irresistible, the young man began to rock against him and moan, seeking some relief. The team leader lifted the head on his chest with a hand and began to nibble at the swollen lips. Slowly he rolled the man over, switching their positions. He arched over the lean body rubbing his belly over the hardened cock. Vin's hands tried to slip between them, reaching for his needy organ. Chris captured both of them and drew them over his head, holding them with one strong-fingered hand as he used the other to stroke and arouse his lover's body."God, Chris, do me," begged Vin.
"I'll get around to it," said Chris, working his way down the arched neck to the tempting brown ovals that were already peaked into hard nubs. "I may not be as good as you, pard," he said, swirling his tongue in the hollow at the base of Vin's throat. "But I aim to please...."
"Ya... please... me, Chris," gasped Vin, his eyes wide and his body thrashing against the weight that held it pinned to the floor. Chris slipped a hand between his ass cheeks and stroked his cleft deeply. "Oh...god, please me some more!" The older man worked his way over to one nipple giving it all the attention he felt it deserved. Both hands squeezed and kneaded the firm ass now. Vin clutched at his shoulders, trying to push him lower. A continuous moan came from the young man's lips, rising and falling in cadence with the stroking his body received. Chris slowly, torturously moved down the slender sculpted body, stopping often to pay homage along the way.
"Chrrriiiis..." Vin began to wail and the blond knew that the young man was at the end of what he could bear and getting close to being in pain. He grabbed the tube Vin had used earlier and slicked his fingers. When he took the young man's cock in one hand, sliding his tightened lips over the head and pushed a long finger slowly up Vin's ass, the young man began to gasp and buck wildly. Hands fisted in the blankets at his sides, eyes tightly closed, the Texan's head was thrown back in an attitude of ecstasy.
"More...more," he shouted hoarsely. "Oh god, Chris...I need ya!" The blond began to pump the engorged cock, sucking on the head and stroking Vin's insides all at once. He started slowly, but gradually let the younger man set his own pace. Vin thrashed wildly now, his body out of control as he rode the fingers, hand and mouth sending him into an explosive climax."Yes...oh, yes...faster...faster..." he howled. Chris gave him what he desperately sought and felt the body beneath him begin the wild trembling that presaged Vin's orgasms.
"Ohgodohgodohgod... soooo close," he sobbed, body arching in a final spasm as his cock jetted heavily into his partner's mouth. Chris slowed his strokes but continued to pump the cock and stroke his fingers in Vin's ass as the man drifted slowly down from the heights of pleasure. The sharpshooter moaned softly again and again, feeling sweet twinges through his entire body as his best friend and lover slowly brought him back to earthbound feelings once again. Chris moved up to gather the younger man in his arms, run his fingers through the silken curls, press gentle kisses all over the strong face and jaw, and slide warm hands down the muscled back to softly squeeze the firm ass.
"Mmmmm..." responded Vin, snuggling deeper into the arms that held him so close. "You make me feel so good, Chris," he muttered drowsily, totally relaxed for the moment. Chris had discovered when they had first become lovers that the gentle blue-eyed man craved touching. He supposed it was because he'd had so little of it all his life. But Vin had conditioned himself not to seek it out after many harsh experiences. The blond found that after love-making, with Vin's barriers down was a good time to give his love what he so desperately ached for. He tried to always make sure he stroked, touched and held his reticent lover afterwards. Chris could feel the sharpshooter luxuriating in the joy of being touched at these times. The soft whimpers and moans he always heard from the Texan when he did this, told him what he needed to know. His stroking of his lover's body reached deep into his lover's heart when his walls were weakest, thus not only meeting his needs but drawing them closer at the same time.
As he felt Vin sink deeper into his arms, his breathing deepening, Chris took a moment to look again at the tree the younger man had worked so hard on. It lit the corner of the room brightly, much as his long-haired Texan had lit the dark corners of his soul. He'd struggled against it for a long time...then slowly given in to the temptation Vin presented to have something miraculous in his life again. How many men had two chances to find such love as he had?
He brushed his lips over the soft curls on the top of Vin's head inhaling deeply of the intoxicating scent. The Texan's hair smelled of wood smoke, pine and fresh mountain air. It was an intoxicating scent to Larabee. Far be it from him to turn away from such a gift as his brown haired angel had presented. And he knew he had made a difference in the young man's life too. Given him something he'd never had before. A place to belong, a home to come to. Someone to hold him, give him the affection he'd always craved and never received. Someone to always watch his back.
As he stroked his hands over the now familiar body he held, Chris felt his own begin to respond again. He could never get enough of the powerful emotions that swept through him when he made love to Vin. Gently, he began to shift, rubbing his body against the lean one beside him. He elicited a moan and couldn't help but smile. His sharpshooter would soon be ready again, too.
"Come on, Vin," he whispered. "I'm ready to find a softer place." The younger man raised his head, blue eyes smiling.
"This ole hard floor makin' your bones ache old man," he teased. Chris leaned forward and nipped at the upper lip, suckling on it.
"Nope," he grinned, wolfishly, "just thought it might be better if the Boys don't come in tomorrow and find us like this." Vin chuckled.
"Ok," he agreed, "since ya put it that way..." He rose from the floor and as Chris went to check that the front door was locked, gathered up the blankets. The older man noticed a suspiciously familiar glow from the front windows and peeked through the drapes.
"Vin! Vin!" he called. "Come here and look at this." The younger man hurried over, eyes wide at the tone in his lover's voice. Chris drew him into the circle of his arms, and resting his chin on Vin's shoulder, pulled back the drapes again. "Look," he said to his partner, "it's snowing!" The blue eyes grew impossibly wide, the enticing mouth dropped open in awe at the sight of the huge flakes filling the air.
"Ohhhhh, Chris," he breathed. "It's beautiful. I never seen anything so purty." He suddenly chuckled. "'Cept maybe you." Chris growled and tightened his arms around the lean body.
"Better be prepared to back that up with your body," the blond said in a husky voice.
"Anytime, cowboy," said Vin, continuing to stare at the swiftly drifting snow. "Snow..." he said, in an awestruck tone, "on Christmas Eve. I never had no snow on Christmas Eve before." Chris saw the blue eyes fill. "Did ya order this up just fer me?" the raspy voice enquired.
"Think you're giving me more credit than I deserve, love," said Chris softly. "But if there had been any way I could have influenced it...I would." Vin turned in his arms, burying his face in the older man's neck. Chris felt the suppressed sobs and stroked the Texan's back soothingly.
Vin raised his head to look into brilliant green eyes. "Thank you, Chris," he said thickly. "Thank you for the best Chriss-mas I can ever remember." The young man pressed his lips gently to the mouth that always enticed him, moving his own in a seductive rhythm over it. When he ended the sweet kiss, his eyes twinkled merrily. "Chriiisss-mas," he drew the word out. "I have my own Chriiisss-mas," he joked. Chris chuckled. It was the way they endured the deep soul-rending moments. A quiet dance they stepped out together. When the intensity became too much to bear, one of them would lighten the mood with a joke or a teasing word. It gave them both the breathing space they needed to keep building this relationship they had entered with such apprehension. Vin shivered in his arms.
"Come on, cowboy," said Chris, "Let's get you warmed up..." He grinned greedily.
"Is that a promise?" asked Vin, rubbing against the body that already responded to his.
"Bedroom, pard," said the blond, pulling him snugger against his hips, "And I'll show ya..."
They quickly gathered their scattered clothes. Chris took Vin's hand and led him up the stairs, the younger man's eyes glowing in anticipation. Vin persuaded him halt his attack on him long enough to allow the younger man to light all the candles he had placed around the room. It made the bedroom a place of dancing, flickering light and Chris found himself watching the muscles of his partner move seductively in the glow.
He had barely lit the last one when the team leader grabbed him, shoving him down on the bed and landing atop him where he proceeded to ravish his mouth. Vin responded by nipping and suckling on the older man's mouth in return. Their passion quickly escalated and soon both groaned in unison, rubbing their crotches together. Chris kissed the face that he loved to gaze at. Highlighted by the warm candlelight, he worked his way across the cheekbones and down to the strong jaw. That sweet column of neck enticed him next. He nibbled and licked his way down it. As he began to enjoy the firm chest and watching the nipples peak in anticipation, Vin found his own pleasures. Stroking strong fingers through the blond's soft hair he massaged the head, neck and shoulders of the man above him. The younger man reached out to stroke and caress Chris's cock that bobbed just above his taut belly.
"Nice candlestick, cowboy," he rasped, devilment in his eyes.
"Yep," said Chris, "plannin' on usin' it to light a fire." Green eyes were heavy-lidded and dark with passion.
"Best get to it then," teased Vin.
The two lovers knew well by now exactly what pleasured the other most. They indulged their passion, touching, stroking, kissing, slowly stoking the fires between them.
"Warmer, pard?" said Chris, huskily.
"Ohhhh, yeah," panted Vin. "Sooo hot... so damn good." The younger man was writhing in his arms and arching against him, trying to feel the long body against his everywhere at once. "Shit, Larabee, ya make me so crazy!" he moaned. "Chris....Chris. Pleeeaasse... want ya inside a me..." The team leader was more than willing. Grabbing the bottle of oil from the nightstand he applied it to his fingers. Kneeling between Vin's drawn up legs he fondled the balls that grew harder by the moment, running a finger around the red flushed hole already contracting in the pulse of desire. The Texan groaned loudly and squirmed, trying to press the teasing finger into that aching emptiness.
"Yer a fuckin' tease," he growled, trying to reach for the man driving him wild with his slow hands. Chris was breathing heavily too but taking his rebellious body under control, he continued with the slow seduction of the young man before him. When he finally gave in to the sharpshooter's pleading demands and slipped a finger inside, Vin lunged, trying to press it all the way home.
"Unh uh," said Chris, backing off. "Take it easy, Vin. Don't wanna hurt you."
"Oh god, Chris," growled Vin. "What's hurtin' is you takin' your own damn sweet time." The blond grinned evilly and bent over to lick lips that parted before his onslaught. Distracting the long-haired man a bit this way, he pressed a finger in slowly, taking time to be sure there was no pain. He rotated the digit slowly and Vin's hands came up to claw at his shoulders. Again slowly, he introduced a second finger, waiting to feel the tight muscle give before the intrusion. Vin's head tossed as a rising moan fell from his lips.
"More...more," he cried, his hips rocking on the invading fingers. Chris slipped in a third finger and scissored them, wanting to be very sure his lover was well prepared. He knew that once he actually pressed his throbbing cock into that hot tight channel they would both be out of control, riding to the heights of pleasure they found together. Curving his finger just right he sought and found Vin's inner pleasure point.
"AAAAHHHHH," cried the Texan. "Now, Chris...oh, now! Fuck me, cowboy!!" Chris removed his fingers and Vin sobbed at the desertion. But the blond wouldn't leave him so for long. He quickly covered his own pounding cock with oil and placed the purple swollen head at the entrance he sought.
"Ready for your Chrisss-mas present?" he ground out, chest heaving from his struggle to control himself.
"YEEEES...ahhhh, Chris. NOW... put it in me now!" Chris pressed tenderly at the straining opening and it gave before him. The swollen head slipped past the entrance and felt Vin's body pull him in. He gave free rein to the rampaging flood of desire, allowing it to draw his throbbing cock into the hot tight channel all the way to the hilt. Chris gave a long low moan as his lover's welcoming body engulfed him. On shaking arms, he held himself up over the lean body and looked into the huge blue eyes below. Letting the wild waves of passion that poured over him communicate themselves to this needy man he loved so much the blond sought to express his heart. Vin took it all in, letting love from the green eyes boring into his, salve his once lonely soul.
Slowly, the man above him began to slide out. The older man pulled back until only the head remained inside before plunging in to the greatest depths he could reach. Vin's hips bucked convulsively, his head arched back in pleasure. Chris couldn't resist that beautiful neck and leaned forward to nip down the exposed length. He continued to slowly withdraw then lunge back in. Vin cried out wildly, thrashing, his hips grinding against the cock that impaled him so sweetly. The lean blond approached his limit now. The hot tightness embracing his organ fed the fire in the pit of his belly.
"Vinnn," he yelled, and let his body take over finding the rhythm it screamed for with the form mirroring his. He reached a long-fingered hand down to enclose Vin's engorged organ between them. Wrapping it in his fist, he stroked an arousing counter-stroke to the one he pounded into the young man.
"Ride me, cowboy," rasped out Vin. "Ohh...yes... faster... deeper..." Chris managed to retain just enough conscious control to shift his angle just the bit needed to...
"Chriiiiisssss" screamed Vin, as his pleasure spot was stroked. He grabbed Chris's hips, bucking wildly as the team leader rubbed it on each stroke.
Lungs gasped for air, sweat poured off straining bodies, mouths sought and found. The two beautiful figures struggled and strained together, caught by the wild passion of their lovemaking. Incoherent cries, screams and moans filled the room. Hearts pounded one rhythm, souls blending into one as their bodies did.
Chris felt the tingling at the base of his spine, the tightening of his scrotum and fought to stave it off just a few more seconds. He never wanted it to end...wanted to go on and on making love to his beautiful long-haired sharpshooter.
"Vin," he gasped out, knowing he was almost to the edge of the precipice and not wanting to take the plunge without his partner. "Almost.... Are... you..." Just at that moment Vin's body began to shake and tremble. The younger man shrieked in ecstasy as his cock poured forth long streams of creamy fluid while his ass convulsed and tightened around Larabee's organ. Chris let himself fall into the sweet pleasure, jetting his own release deep into the body he needed. He slowed his strokes on Vin's cock, milking every last drop of sweetness from it, moaning deep in his throat as his own pulsed into the sharpshooter's depths.
He saw Vin's eyes roll back in his head and felt the young man sink deeper into the bed as the intensity of his orgasm pushed him over the border into oblivion. Chris bent over the lanky body, stroking and touching, holding him close as the throbbing slowly eased in his body. When he was totally soft, he withdrew from his lover's now limp body and taking a soft towel, cleaned the flat belly before him of the sticky results of the man's powerful release. Moving up beside Vin he gathered him close in his arms, rolling the body he adored to rest partially over him. He twitched the comforter over them both, knowing his Texan to be susceptible to the cooler air.
Chris ran gentle hands over arms, chest and hips of the body he held. He took the slender hands in his own, tracing and stroking the fingers. Vin stirred slowly, snuggling closer to the heated warmth he instinctively knew belonged to the other half of his soul.
"Mmmmm," he said. "Don't 'member just how I got here, but I like it." Chris bent to kiss the curls just beneath his chin.
"You passed out," he whispered.
"No shit, Larabee. Tell me who says ya ain't good, cowboy," growled Vin, trying to still his heavily beating heart, "and I'll shoot 'em for a liar!" He tilted his head to one side, a frown creasing the brow. "On second thought... better not be anybody out there who knows whether you're good or not!" Chris chuckled.
"I'm not planning on getting a second opinion," he promised the sharpshooter. "Guess I'll just have to rely on your biased one."
"Guess ya will," said Vin, raising his head to run lips over the handsome face so near his own.
The older man stroked the face now above him, tunneling long fingers through the curls that hung like a curtain about them.
"So, did you like your present?" he asked wickedly, eyes gleaming in the flickering light.
"Best goddamn present I ever got..." the Texan chuckled. "Finest part is it's the gift that keeps on givin'." He reached down to fondle Chris's limp cock. "Aw hell, looks like I done wore out my Chriss-mas present. Might need a bit of rest there 'fore it's ready again." He grinned lustily.
Chris just smiled that knowing grin and let his eyes roam over the enticing form before him, lingering on the strong jawed face with the riot of curls brushing the broad shoulders. Next, his eyes traveled down the muscular chest, taking in the oval nipples, firmly sculpted muscles and light dusting of golden brown hair. Green eyes came to rest on the lean hips and softened organ in its nest of brown curls. As he raked narrowed, greedy eyes over the figure before him, Vin felt the cock under his hand twitch and begin to harden.
"That all it takes, cowboy?" he grinned.
"Yep," growled Chris, "you and that damn beautiful body." Vin gave a little wiggle and the team leader leaned forward to snag the lips he couldn't resist. Vin responded by nibbling on the sensuous lower lip of his lover paying special attention to the beckoning dip in the center. He then laved the mouth thoroughly before drawing back to look into the smoldering green eyes.
"So, pard," he drawled, "what ya want for Chriss-mas?" The team leader didn't hesitate.
"You," he said with a wolfish grin.
"All ya gotta do is ask," said Vin. He reached out and stroked a slow hand down the older man's chest. "Tell me what ya want, Chris," he said, tilting his head. The blond leaned over till his lips were only a breath away from Vin's.
"Take me, Vin, please," he said softly, his eyes half closed. The words of the song echoed hauntingly in his mind. No, he wasn't afraid to love any more. Not since his eyes locked with an incredible pair of soulful blue ones across a warehouse and a fire blackened soul began to stir once again... and heal. A moan was wrung from the younger man. Chris blew across the parted lips. "Are ya up for it, cowboy?" he asked teasingly. Vin's breath caught in his throat.
"For you...anytime," he rasped. The older man looked down and saw that, in truth, Vin's cock had begun responding. "But I wouldn't mind a little help here..."
"All ya gotta do is ask," responded Chris. He closed the last breath of space and captured the already kiss swollen lips. The long-fingered hand stroked over the lanky muscled body, knowing well just where to touch, how to stroke to arouse the long-haired Texan. Vin's breathing became harsh, his eyes hazy with passion. His hands began to stroke the blond's body as well.
"God, Vin, I just can't get enough of you," growled Chris as he nipped and kissed his way down the length of the sharpshooter's body.
"Same here," said Vin, huskily and moaned deep in his throat. He began to twist and shift beneath the team leader. Raising up, the younger man rolled his lover over and reached for the bottle of oil. Lubricating his hand well, he stroked it first over the scrotum, rolling the balls gently between slender fingers. Working his way back behind the sac he rubbed and pressed the sensitive spot there, sending his partner into a passion-filled haze. Chris groaned as the bolts of pleasure shot through him. His hips bucked uncontrollably.
"Shit, Vin," he rasped. "Stop fucking around and get on with it. I'm beginning to hurt."
"I'm gettin' there, pard," said Vin, with an evil grin. "Just like ta take time ta enjoy the view along the way, 'specially since it's such a nice one." Chris groaned and gyrated his hips trying to persuade the sharpshooter to move a little faster. The Texan smiled his lop-sided grin. "Wanted to make sure ya like your present as well as I did mine..." The oiled fingers stroked the full length of the blond's cleft before pressing in. Chris brought his legs up offering better access and Vin used one finger to slowly rim the puckering hole. The older man was gasping now, his hips rocking constantly.
"Pleeaaasse, Vin," he moaned and was rewarded as the finger pressed into his opening. Shifting, he tried to impale himself more swiftly but the sharpshooter had been prepared for his move and backed off.
"Unh uh," he admonished, "don't be in such an all-fired hurry."
"I need ya, Vin...need ya right now...." The finger slowly pressed home as Chris let out a long low gutteral moan. Vin slid it slowly in and out a few times till he felt the tight ring of muscle relax. Carefully, he added the second finger, then the third as he felt Chris open before his onslaught. The team leader had his eyes closed now, groaning constantly, hands twisted in the sheets, hips pumping. Vin felt the throbbing in his cock as anticipation of plunging into the hot tight ass of the gorgeous man before him swept through his body. He heard himself moan and moved to kneel between Chris's legs. Quickly, he slicked his cock with the oil and with one last scissoring motion of his fingers, slid them out. Chris almost came up off the bed.
"Don't leave me!" he cried out.
"Shhh," said Vin, putting a hand on his chest, "I'm right here... easy..." Chris eased back but kept his eyes open now watching in aroused fascination as the younger man placed his engorged cock at the opening of his body. Vin looked up and met green eyes. He held the gaze of his lover as he pressed into his body. Chris felt those sapphire blue eyes reach into his soul as their bodies joined and took a deep gasping breath, his heart thundering in his chest.
Vin looked so incredible, the flickering candlelight playing across his cleanly muscled body, wild curls framing the almost too beautiful face. Wide blue eyes revealed the tender soul. Blue eyes held the gaze of the other half of his soul and communed with it now, drawing the two broken parts together even as the two bodies joined into one. He pressed in until his own balls were tight against Chris's ass and held there, both men breathing harshly, reveling in the pure magic that happened between them when they loved. Finally, bodies would be denied no longer. The pressure to move swept over them both, fierce in a need for completion.
"Fuck me, Vin," begged Chris. "Fuck me hard and fast!"
"Ya want hard and fast, Cowboy?" asked Vin, slipping all the way out. "Then roll over." Chris complied, getting up on his knees, he pressed his shoulders to the mattress and offered himself to the man he trusted above all else. The young Texan plunged into the hot depths catching the older man by surprise.
"Viiiinnnn," howled Larabee as hot molten desire flashed through him, erupting in his belly. Vin set an almost punishing pace but the blond was right with him every lunge. He pressed back onto the impaling cock, arching his back to take in as much as possible and rolling his hips to add to the already explosive pleasure both of them were experiencing. The sharpshooter altered his angle bit by bit until Chris screamed as he found the inner pleasure spot and stroked it repeatedly with his organ. Wild half-incoherent cries came from the team leader.
"Aaaahhhh.... Yeeeessss... soooo goood... sooo harrrd... Mooooorrrre...." Sweat dripped down the lean sides of the blond and down the chest of the brown-haired man behind him while they fought their way to the heights once more this night. Vin cried out now too as the incredible hot, tight channel caressed him, giving him pleasure he had only dreamed of before he had become Chris Larabee's lover. Holding Chris's hips tightly with one hand he wrapped his fist around the older man's cock and stroked it savagely as he plunged again and again into the wet throbbing cavern.
"Love... you... forever..." gasped Chris as he felt his heart expand with the strength of the love he felt for the young man joined to him.
"Always..." responded Vin, "love... ya... too."
Their spirits rose together, each feeding the other's pleasure until it became so intense that overload was reached. Both men screamed the other's name as their bodies convulsed in sweet ecstasy. It seemed to them to go on forever as both cocks pulsed long streams of seed, one into the receptive body of his soul-mate...the other into an equally caressing hand of the other mate. They slowed their frantic strokes but continued to move until both were totally drained of energy and juices. Moaning and gasping they collapsed on the bed, still connected. Vin's hand stroked down the beautiful chest, his face buried in the neck of the man he loved above all else. Chris caught the hand, squeezing and holding it tightly over his heart.
Their heartbeats slowed, though still beat in unison, as breathing eased. Vin slipped from the older man's body with a moan of sweet pain at having to part from him. A shuddering sob broke from Chris at the empty feeling that pierced him. Vin quickly pulled him around and wrapping his arms around him tightly, rocked him gently. He sensed that he had pierced some new holes in the high walls Larabee had built since the traumatic death of his family.
"I'm here..." he whispered softly in the ear. "I won't ever leave you. Promise..." The older man clung to him.
"Just couldn't go through that again..." he gasped still shaking, "but I can't help loving you so much it hurts either." He raised his head to look into blue eyes. "It's worth it, Vin... feels like my heart is soaring... flying when I'm with you. No matter what happens, it's worth it..."
"Yep..." said the Texan, "feel the same way... like I'm flyin'... never felt so good. It's worth it..." Their lips met in a tender kiss. Mouths moved gently over one another until Chris's shudders eased, then ceased altogether. Vin eased the older man back down on the bed, sensing the exhaustion claiming him both from the emotional and physical release he'd experienced. He slipped out of the bed and retrieved a warm wet cloth from the bathroom. Gently, he cleaned up his lover and himself. Chris reached for him then, quickly sinking towards sleep as his relaxed body sought rest. The sharpshooter curled up with the blond wrapping his longer body about him, a gentle hand laid over the slowly thudding heart of the younger man. The team leader buried his face in the curls of his partner and inhaled deeply, enjoying the clean scent that was Vin.
"Mmmm...." He exhaled, relaxing even further into the warm darkness that beckoned.
"Cowboy," murmured the drowsy sharpshooter from within the safe loving circle of his arms.
"Mmmmm," said Chris again.
"'S after midnight..."
"So, I can say it official now."
"What's that?"
A huge smile lit the blue-eyed Texan's face.
"Meeerrrry Chrrrriiiissss-mas!" Chris chuckled.
"I love you, too, Vin," he responded and pulled the warm body even closer, feeling his lover snuggle in for the long winter's night.
Merry Christmas to all...and to all a good night!
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