This follows Satisfaction Brought It Back in the M7-SoA crossover A/U.
Day six 9 p.m.:
"That was good," Chris said, pulling on his jeans, but not fastening them. "Stick around for round two," he said. He was going to tell Buck to put the green light on tomorrow and he wanted to make the most of Vin's complete availability tonight.
Vin found his own jeans and put them on.
"Grab us a beer," Chris instructed. He lit a joint. Vin got two beers out of the refrigerator and held one out to Chris.
"Thanks," Chris said and took the beer. Vin dropped down onto the other end of the sofa and Chris passed him the joint.
Vin took two hits of the joint, and then passed it back. "Damn good shit," he said.
"It should be," Chris said. "We sell this shit for $350 an ounce down in Vegas. He took a hit and passed it back. "How'd you end up hooking?" he asked.
"What?" Vin asked. "Do you got a secret ambition to be a social worker? That's the second time you asked me that." He offered the joint to Chris.
Chris waved it off. He grinned and took a drink of his beer. "Nah, just nosy," he said. "Gonna be a while, before I'm ready for round two."
"Alright," Vin said. He drank some of his own beer. "Got no use for social workers, but nosy I can handle. Long as it goes both ways." He took a few more hits of the joint then pinched the end off and handed it back.
"Goes both ways?" Chris asked and dropped the roach into the drawer.
"Yeah, you know, you show me yours, I'll show you mine," Vin said. "I answer one of your questions, you answer one of mine."
"What do you want to know?" Chris asked.
Vin took another drink while he thought about it. "How'd you hook up with the Sons?" he asked.
"Domestic bliss was boring as hell," Chris said. "I was looking for some excitement. Buck introduced me to Josiah and Nathan. We had a small club, nothing big, not like SAMCRO, but you know Josiah and Clay are cousins, right?"
Vin nodded.
"Clay was looking to expand Sons territory. They patched us over. We've been growing ever since," Chris said. "Alright," he said. "Show me yours."
Vin took another drink of his beer. "I grew up north of here. My ma died when I was five; never knew my pa. I lived with her pa 'til he died when I was 12. It was just him and me living in a shack in the mountains. He taught me how to hunt, fish, track, and shoot. When he died, I bounced around in foster homes for a couple years. The last one, I went wild in.
"How come?" Chris asked. "Did you get abused?"
Vin grinned. "Nah, probably woulda been better off if I had. They just didn't give a shit. They didn't care if I did my homework or what time I came in. I'd take off for two, three days at a time and never even get bitched at. As long as they were gettin' the check every month they didn't care what I did."
"I can see how you might have gone a little wild," Chris said.
Vin shook his head again. "Not a little," he said. "A lot. Old man up the road a ways paid me to keep his yard clean. He'd let me drink a beer or smoke a joint when I was done. One day he offered me ten bucks if I'd let him jerk me off. Then it was ten bucks if I'd jerk him off. One day he gave me a blow job. Offered me twenty bucks if I'd blow him. Took a little getting' used to, but it was a lot easier than rakin' leaves."
"Wasn't long after that he fucked me." He grinned."That didn't take no getting' used to at all. I liked it right away. I hated school, so he'd let me hang around his house all day." He finished the beer and put the bottle on the floor at his feet.
"And, all you had to do was put out," Chris said. "Oldest story in the book. Old pervert takes a young kid under his wing."
Vin shrugged. "Guess so, but shit, I was getting' high, drunk, and laid. I wasn't goin' to school. What did you want to do when you were fourteen?" he challenged.
"Get high, drunk, laid and not go to school," Chris laughed.
"It was great while it lasted, but when my foster parents got my report card and found out I hadn't been in school for a month they went off the deep end. If the social worker found out I wasn't going to school, she'd have yanked me out of there and no more check. We got in this huge fight. I split. Figured I'd go stay with him. But, he turned me down flat. Told me I had to go back. I got into a fight with him, too. Turned out, he'd been busted for fuckin' kids before. If he got caught letting me stay there, he'd a got busted again. He gave me some money and I hopped on a bus. Pop was from Texas. He talked about it all the time. So, I headed there. I got off the bus in Dallas and found my first pimp. I drifted around Texas until I hooked up with Eddie six months ago."
"Damn," Chris said softly. "That why you put that little girl on that bus? So, she didn't end up like you?"
Vin shook his head. "Not the same thing," he said. "She had a family to go back to. I didn't have nothin' to go back to. I wouldn't have taken it if somebody had offered me a ticket back. I slept all day, fucked half the night and partied the other half. I didn't have to go to school. I didn't have anybody tellin' me what time to come in or go to bed."
"Except your pimp," Chris pointed out.
"Yeah," Vin said. "Except for him. Another beer?"
Chris shook his head. "I'm good," he said. "Get yourself one."
"Thanks," Vin said. He got the beer and took his seat again. "You ready for round two yet?" he asked.
"Drink your beer," Chris answered. "So, how'd you -"
Vin cut him off. "Nah ah," he said. "I showed you mine."
Chris laughed. "I guess you did," he said. "OK, what do you want to know?"
Vin thought about it. "Tell me about that domestic bliss you mentioned. You got an old lady? Kids?"
The smile on Chris's face disappeared. His eyes got cold and his mouth was hard. "Get out!" he ordered. He jumped up and stalked to the bar. He grabbed the bottle of Jack Daniels, poured himself a drink, and tossed it back. He turned around, picked Vin's shirt up off the chair and his boots, and threw them to him. "Get the fuck out!" he demanded.
Vin was shocked at the abrupt change in Chris. He pulled his boots on and hastily pulled the shirt on over his head. "Chris-" he started.
"Are you deaf or fucking stupid?" Chris raged. "I said, get the fuck out."
"Yeah, OK," Vin said and left the office.
"Looks like trouble in paradise," Raphael said, when Vin came out of the office, his face still registering the shock.
"Maybe Chris just told him, the red light's off," Eli Joe said hopefully. "I can't wait to bang that piece of ass. I'm tired of him walking around here, thinking he's too good to fuck the rest of us."
"That's not really fair," Yosemite said. "He's a nice enough fellow. Quiet. Doesn't cause any trouble. He pitches right in, when the deliveries come or the bar gets busy."
"He isn't supposed to be pitching in," Eli Joe complained. "He's supposed to be sucking my dick. He looked at Vin. "Must be good if Chris is keeping it to himself."
"Maybe," Josiah said. "You'll get your chance to find out, soon enough."
"Maybe tonight," Eli Joe speculated. "
"Not me," Chanu said. "At least not tonight. I have to get home. See you boys, tomorrow." He left the bar.
"Hey, Vin," Buck said. "Hey, what's wrong?" he asked when he saw the expression on Vin's face.
Vin shook his head. "I got no idea," he said. "One minute me and Chris were talkin', the next he's throwin' my clothes at me and tellin' me to get the fuck out."
Buck frowned and looked at Chris's office door. He grabbed two beers out of the cooler and handed one to Vin. "What were you talking about?" he asked Vin.
"Just talking," Vin said. "He said somethin' about domestic bliss and I asked him if he had a family. He got pissed. End of story."
"Aw, hell," Buck said. "It wasn't your fault," he told Vin. "I should have warned you not to bring up family to Chris."
"His old lady leave him, take their kids?" Vin asked.
Buck's face was grim. "Tell me you didn't ask him that."
Vin shook his head, alarm replacing the shock. "I just asked him if he had an old lady or kids. He told me to get the fuck out."
A relieved expression crossed Buck's face, and then settled into sadness. "Chris's wife and boy were killed in a fire. Arson. Nobody knows who did it."
"Fuck," Vin breathed. "No wonder I pissed him off, what with what we were doin' and all."
Buck put a hand on his shoulder. "I should have warned you," he said. "Why don't you go on up to bed? Might not be a good idea for you to be out here, if Chris comes out. He's got a tendency to take shit out on the nearest target. He usually regrets it."
Vin nodded."I'm tired, anyway. See you in the morning."
NEXT: Red Light