A Bad Day - Mary Ann (Vin) |
The Bad Element - Deirdre (Vin, Chris) |
The Bad, the Good and the Ugly - Rowdy Tanner
(Seven, OCs) |
The Bad, the Good and the Ugly Part 2 - Rowdy
Tanner (Vin) |
Bad Influence - Magnolia Belle (Ezra, JD, Maude) |
Bad Luck - Heather F.
(Ezra) |
Bad Mood JD - Linda (JD) |
Bad Moon Rising - Heather F. (Seven) |
Bad Turn of Events - Hombre (Ezra, Vin) |
Back to Normal - skaia7 (Vin, Ezra) |
Baggage - Linda B (Vin) |
Bail Out - KellyA (Ezra) |
The Balance - seagray (Ezra) |
The Ballad of Bad-Ass Beamington - Sarah B
(JD) |
The Barkeep's Simple Request - Kris Mashburn (Seven, OCs) |
Battle Scars - Cmurph (Vin) |
Be Still - JIN (Vin, Chris) |
Be Thankful for Your Friends - Kari (Seven)
Bear Trap - KellyA (Ezra) |
Bear Trap - Lyn (Chris, Vin) |
Bearin' the Load - Kristen (Ezra, JD) |
Bearin' the Load II - Kristen (Ezra, JD) |
Beautiful Dreamer - Aislynn Carmichael (Buck)
Bedside Vigil - River Wolf (JD, Buck) |
Before I Go - Tiffiny (Ezra) |
Before They Were Seven - Sevenstars (Seven)
Being There - mcat (Vin, Chris) |
The Beginning - Cheyenne (Vin) |
The Beginning...? - Jo (Chris, Sarah) |
Below Par - Yolande (Vin, Ezra, Seven) |
Best Christmas, Worst Christmas - Kathy B (Chris) |
Best Friends and Brothers - Jenn (Buck, Chris)
The Best of Intentions - Carrie Byrd (Ezra, Vin, OFC) |
Best Laid Plans - Catseye (Chris, Mary) |
Best Laid Plans II: Mary's Revenge - Catseye (Chris, Mary) |
Best of Times, Worst of Times: Ezra - Sevenstars
(Ezra) |
The Bet - Luna Dey (Ezra, Buck) |
The Bet II - Luna Dey (Ezra, Buck, Chris) |
The Bet III - Luna Dey (JD, Nathan, Ezra) |
The Bet IV - Luna Dey (Buck, Vin, Ezra) |
The Bet V - Baloo (JD, Josiah, Ezra) |
The Bet VI - Scotty Scott (Chris, Vin) |
The Bet VII - Luna Dey (Ezra, Chris, JD) |
The Bet VIII - Luna Dey (Josiah, Chris, Vin)
Betrayal - Just Kris (Seven, OFC, Mary, Ella
Gaines) |
Better the Devil . . . - Wyvern (Chris, Ezra) |
Better Man - Jade (Ezra) |
The Better Man - Tiffiny (Chris, Ezra, Mary) |
Between Heartbeats - Phyllis (Seven, OMC) |
Between the Lines - LaraMee (Chris, Buck) |
Between the Lines - Suzi Starke (JD) |
Beware of Paybacks - Ace (JD, Casey, OFC)
Bicycles - Hombre (Seven) |
Big Iron - Mary Ann (Vin, Chris, Buck) |
Big Iron on His Hip - senorabutterfly (Chris) |
Big Lie, Small World - JIN (Chrs, Vin, Buck,
JD) |
Big Rocks Keep Falling on My Head - Hombre
(Ezra, Vin) |
Billy's Sin - LaraMee (Chris, Billy Travis) |
Billy Travis - Merl (Chris, Billy) |
Birthday - Tonny (Chris, Vin) |
Birthday Blues - Yolande (Ezra) |
A Birthday to Remember - Marian (Chris, Mary)
Birthdays, Lies and Wm. H. Bonney - Heather M.
(JD) |
Bite the Hand - JJJunky (Vin) |
Bitter Silence - JJJunky (Vin, Ezra) |
Bittersweet - Janice (Vin, Ezra) |
Black Water - JIN (Vin, Chris, Ezra) |
Blackfell - Ruby (Vin, Chris) |
Blackmail - Bernadette (Chris, Ezra, OCs) |
Blanket Security - SoDak7 (Chris, Vin, Buck)
Blaze of Glory - Tannertexaslady (Vin) |
The Bleeding Moon - Heather (Vin, Chris) |
Blind - KellyA (Ezra, JD) |
Blind Justice - LaraMee (Chris) |
Blinded - Marian (Casey, JD) Missing Scene "Achilles" |
Blindsided - mcat (Vin, Buck) |
Blink of an Eye - Melissa R. (Vin, Mary) |
Blizzard - KellyA (Ezra) |
Blood on Blood - Deirdre (Chris, Vin) |
Blood Money - BMP (Buck, Chris) |
Blood, Sweat and Fears - Ice Hunter (JD) |
Blood's Not Always Thicker - Freespirit (Ezra,
OCs) |
The Blue and the Grey - Tannersgirl (Vin) |
Bodyguards - Tipper (Ezra) |
Bonded - Gray (Vin) |
Bonds - LaraMee (Vin, Chris) |
Born for Adversity - Julia Verinder (Buck,
OC) |
Bound and Determined - Michele Robbe (Chris,
Mary) |
Bounty Hunters - Heather F. (Vin, Ezra) |
'Bout All A Man Can Ask For -
SBerry (Vin, Chris, Ezra) |
Bourbon Cowboy - Ice Hunter (Chris) |
The Box - KellyA (Ezra, Buck) |
The Boy With No Name - Nancy W (Vin, OCs) |
Boys Will Be Boys - Debra M. (Ezra) |
The Brave - Rowdy Tanner (Vin, Sarah) |
The Brave II - Rowdy Tanner (Vin, Chris,
Sarah, Adam) |
Breaching the Wall - Rhiannon (Chris, Vin)
Breaking the Chain - Karin (JD) |
Breaking a Man - Angie (Vin) |
The Brief But Heroic Saga of Ezra and Elijah Standish
- The Cohorts (Ezra, Vin) |
Bright Christmas - Beth Green (Seven) |
The Broken Road - Laurel (Vin) |
Broken Wires (or Reassurance) - Twig (Ezra) |
Brothers Born - Jade (Chris, Vin) |
Brothers in Arms - Winter (Vin, Chris) |
Brothers in Name Only - KellyA (Ezra) |
Brothers-The True Legacy - SueM (JD, Buck,
Chris, OMC) |
A Brother's Tale - Tracy Palcic (Chris, Vin) |
Brown - Linda B. (Vin, Ezra) |
Brown Eyes - LaraMee (Ezra) |
Brung Ya Spring - Mary Ann (Vin, Chris) |
Bucephalus - Tiffiny (Ezra, Vin) |
Buck and Inez - Marian (Buck, Inez) |
Buck's Apology - Jan (Buck, Vin, OCs) |
Buck's Lady - Gina D (Seven) |
The Bull - Helen Chavez (Buck) |
The Burden of Friendship - LaraMee (Vin, JD) |
Burning Bridges - Sue Salter (Chris) Missing scene: Obsession |
But I Thought... - SoDak7 (Vin, Chris, JD)
Butler's Revenge - Marian (Josiah, OMC) |
By Any Name - Estee (Vin, Chris, Buck) |
By My Side - LaraMee (Vin) |
By Their Words Shall You Know Them - Beth Green
(Seven) |