It had been 10 years since she had suddenly come into his life and just as
suddenly jumped out of it. It was a chance meeting, one that you hope for
all your life. Love at first sight. But when her family took her away they
knew they would never see each other again. Or so they thought....
Ezra had been sitting outside the tavern when the coach had brought her back
into his life. He watched as she stepped out of the coach and walked
towards the hotel. She had paused at the door and looked around her sensing
familiar eyes on her. Ezra recognized her immediately. It was the same long
silky brown hair that she always kept free and long down her back. The same
clear white complexion that made her seem almost like an angel. Her clear
brown eyes and bright red lips stuck out beautifully on her soft kind looking
face. As she had continued into the hotel he felt the same feeling he had 10
years ago. His heart ached with the still fresh feeling of sadness over
losing her and the passion that overtook him every time he thought of her.
But Ezra just couldn't approach her. He had loved her for so long and it was
almost too much of a shock to see her again....,
It had been a week since Suzette had arrived in Four Corners and Ezra still
hadn't made his presence known to her. He knew he had to confront
Suzette....and his emotions. His heart swelled with conflicting emotions
every time he thought of her and that had been quite a bit lately. Ezra sits
down on his bed and places his head on his hands. He had missed her for
years after she had left and he still felt his heart nearly burst with love
when he saw her in the street below.
Ezra gets off his bed and walks out the door of his room. He had made up his
mind. He needed to talk to Suzette. As he exits the room, Ezra nearly rams
into someone walking past the door. He puts his arms out to steady himself
and places his hands on the arms of the person he almost hit. Ezra lifts his
eye to the face of the person and meets the beautiful light brown eyes that
he had so lovingly looked in so many years before....Suzette's. Her
expression is one of astonishment as she looks at the man that had been her
entire life.
Suzette's mouth drops open. Ezra straightens himself but continues to hold
her arms.
"Ezra....." Suzette starts to say, almost breathlessly.
"Shhhh....." Ezra says placing a finger on her lips.
He lifts her chin with the same hand and slowly lowers his face to hers.
Ezra lets his heart take over, forgetting everything he had wanted to say to
her. He gently places his lips on Suzette's. He cups her head in his hands
and kisses her a little harder. She responds by pressing her body and her
lips against his. His tongue slips into her mouth. It explores the very
depths of her soul and she is filled with a warmth that she had longed for,
for 10 years. The kiss lasts several minutes before Suzette unwillingly
pulls away. She has a shy smile on her lips.
Suzette's lips are swollen and sore from the passion of Ezra's kiss but she
doesn't notice the pain. Her eyes are on Ezra's as they look at each other
for a few minutes without speaking. Finally Suzette decides to break the
"It's good to see you Ezra." Suzette says with a braver smile.
"My dear it has been too long." Ezra says, his head still reeling from the
knowledge of what he had just done.
Before he can say anymore Suzette puts her arms around his neck and kisses
him again. The kiss is gentle and swift. IT was as if a dove's wing had
fluttered against Ezra's lips. When she pulls away Ezra takes Suzette's hand
and leads her into his room.......
The End