Old West Universe
Her Spirit Runs Free

by Cheyenne

Warning: Death of non-canon character.

Follows Full Circle

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The funeral had been a sad one . not unlike any other funeral but for the seven men that patrolled four corners and the few woman in town that had known Cheyenne it had been one of the hardest things they had ever had to do yet.

Nona, the half indian girl who had become Cheyenne's one and only female freind had become so overrun with greif she had gone into rage seeking releif from her hurt her anger had taken her to the jail house where 2 of the bank robbers who had been apprihended after the fire fight were still awaiting trial. She was intent on killing them, for it was one of their stray bullets that had taken the life of her freind Cheyenne. It had taken both Vin and JD to over power her taking her gun and knife from her with assistance from Buck as well. Though given the chance or the choice they would have rather let Nona have her vengence.

Sarah Martens had returned to the saloon after the funeral,she had not known Cheyenne all that well,then again no one save for Josiah and Nona realy did. Cheyenne's black demons that had haunted her had kept her from feeling or knowing the freindship of the others there for keeping them all at a distance. Sarah felt the grief though, keeping it to her self as she usualy did until she was alone then and only then letting her feelings come threw. Her saddness now was mostly for the man Cheyenne had left behind. The man that had forever loved her. Cheyenne had been at his side from the day Sarah had met them you sledom saw one with out the other. He was now a broken man his own emotions bottled up so deep with in him his only solice was the whiskie bottle that now was his constant companion.

Bonnie Morgan had returned to the saloon with Sarah. Though today she would not entertain the patrons with her beutiful songs and voice, her heart was not in it. She had so wanted to be Cheyenne's freind and now she would never have that chance. Cheyenne was gone, her happinness all to soon stolen from her as it had been done so many years ago, only now not only her happiness, but her life, swept away with one stray final bullet. A tear crept into the corners of Bonnies eyes as she remebered seeing Cheyenne lieing in the arms of the man she had always loved her life slipping away withevery beat of her heart as she looked into the eyes of her one and only love. Bonnies heart went out to Josiah as she saw him enter the saloon alone, the sparkle in his eyes gone he looked so lost.

Josiah walked up to the bar ordered a bottle and left the saloon not saying so much as a howdy to anyone nor making eye contact with anyone.

Ezra and Jacoba entered threw the doors as Josiah excited both looked at him wanting to say or do somthing to help ease his pain but nither could find the words. They only watched as he continued on his way.

Coby hid her face in Ezras shoulder as tears came crashing threw. She and Cheyenne could once have been freinds had it not been for the dark forces that had covered Cheyenne's spirit making her mistrust so overpowering that she could not feel the wonder and love of frendship from those so close to her. Coby remebered the day Cheyenne had been brought to the clinic cradeled in the arms of the man whom she loved so desperatly. Her life holding on barely by only a thread. She had seemed so weak and helpless as Coby dabbed the feavering sweat from her brow while Nathan tryed desperatly to save her life but faught in vain as her life sliped ferther and ferther away.

Nathan still felt the pangs of failuer every time he walked into the clinic and had yet to be able to face his freind. Though logic told him there had been nothing he could do,the wound had been to seviere and there had been no way to stop the bleeding,but still he felt if he had only been a real doctor maybe there would have been somthing he could have done, God only knew

As Nathan made his way to the saloon he spyed Josiah coming from there, whiskie bottle in hand heading back to the quiet place beneath the huge aspen tree a few yards from the home he had shared with his long time companion, the woman he loved. There he had layed her to rest for all eternity still keeping her close to him. Nathan fallowed from a distance and watched as Josiah sat himself down next to the newly filled in grave and opened the whiskie bottle gulping from it with out hesitaltion. A lump caught in Nathans throat and he turned away going back the way he had started tword the saloon.

Nathan stoped when he caught site of Chris, Buck and Vin walking tword him the four men looked at each other there were no words as instinctivly they all head in the same direction keping step with the other until they reached the saloon doors. Chris led the way into the establishment and all four took a place at the bar. Whiskie glasses were set in front of each man and the bottle was slide down the bar to each as they poured there drink the bottle making several trips back and forth until it was half empty. Finaley picking up thier glasses the men took a seat at a table with Chris bring the bottle with him. They sat in silence as they drank each in his own thoughts.

Kathren Tayler sat at her dressing table untieing the ribbons of the black hat she wore then slowly took it off stairing at her slef in the mirror. But her thoughts were not on her appeirence she could not pull them from the memeorie of Cheyenne's last words to her Promise me you will take care of him

A tear crept threw the corner of her eye as she remebered back on that day watching Josiah hold Cheyenne close to him as her life slipped away, he held on to her so tightly as if he could hold her life force into her body with his strength. A sigh escaped kathrens quivering lips as she thought to herself, How could she help this man who was so devistated now, was she strong enough to hold on and bring him back from the place of darkness where he seemed now to dwell.Did she want to risk her own heart?

One Year Later

Josiah sat alone in his usual dark corner of the saloon,his whiskie bottle and glass in front of him as seemed to be the norm with him now when he did decide to come into the saloon. He spent more time home seldom coming out and spending even less time in the company of others. His mind wondered to the dream he had last night. Cheyenne had come to him,he had felt her near him,felt her skin against his as they loved. He could still feel her tender kiss's,feel her heart beat close to his,feel her gental touch,hear the way her slight french accent eckoed threw her soft voice. He lifted his glass to his lips and threw back his head as he sluged another shot of the whiskie that seemed his only releif from the torment his heart still acked with. God how he missed her she had been his life, one and only true love,his companion,and his best freind. He wanted nothing more than to be with her forever...

Chris enter threw the saloon doors, he looked over at Josiah then walked over to his table and sat down. Josiah said nothing but slide the whiskie bottle tword him. Chris motioned for the bar keep to bring him a glass not having to wait long for the glass. He poured himself a drink and slugged it down.

"Got some trouble out to the Gains ranch, you intrested?" he asked bluntly.

Josiah nodded, taking one last swig from the nearly empty whiskie bottle and stood ready to fallow Chris.

The two walked out of the saloon doors as Sarah and Bonnie watched them and Sarah shook her head sadly.

"Those two are a pair, both drowning thier sarrows in the bottle instead of leaning on the freinds who are right in front of thier faces and willing to help."

Bonnie nodded her agrement.

Outside the Gains Ranch

Josiah leaned back agaist the rock he was using for cover as the bullets flew past him, then without warning he steped around the protection of the huge rock fireing off shot after shot in the direction of the rustlers they had cornered.

" Josiah!" Nathan yelled " Get down!"

Josiah didnt seem to hear him or he just plain didnt care as the bullets hit the ground at his feet and wized by his head.

"DAMN!" Chris barked as he laid down cover fire.

"That idiot trying to get himslef killed?" Vin called out.

Chris shot Vin a knowing look thinking to himself, that's exactly what he's doing

With in minuets Chris was certian Josiah had gotten his wish as he saw Josiah scream in pain then fall to the ground.

"DAMN!" Chris cursed as he tryed to get to his fallen freind but was cut off and forced to duck behind another rock.

" NAthan" he called out "Can you get to Josiah?"

Nathan made the attempt but to no avail he to was cut off by the gun fire of the cattle rustlers.

Vin circled around with Buck as JD laid down cover fire. with in a few more mineuts the rustlers were all either dead or wounded and apprehended.

Nathan waisted no time in running to Josiah.

"Get the hell away from me !" Josiah screamed as he pushed Nathan away Nathan stood back in shock as Chris and Ezra came to his aide. Josiah pushed them aside as well.

"Better let Nathan take a look at that" Chris said calmly as Josiah started to rise clutching his bleeding side.

Ezra reached over to help Josiah stand and was rewarded with a shove.

"I said leave me alone, I dont need your help" Josiah barked out "I dont need anyones help" He made his way to his horse and climbed up into the saddle.

The others looked at one another in shock.

" Leave him be" Chris told them as he went to retreive his own mount.

Nathan stood a few more mineuts watching his long time freind reach into his saddle bag and bring out a flask taking a long swig from it then returning it to it's place. He looked over at Ezra who still stood with him. Worrie clouded both their faces.

Within a few hours the seven men were riding back into four corners with the rustles in tow. While JD,Buck and Ezra took the men to jail Chris ,Vin and Nathan fallowed Josiah as he made his way to the saloon. He was weakening from the loss of blood. He stumbled and Vin reached out to catch him but Josiah waved him away and continued up onto the walk and into the saloon. The three fallowed closely.

Bonnie was singing as they entered, she abruptly stoped seeing Josiah stumble his way to the bar.

"Whisky" he ordered with a raspey voice.

Sarah staired at him "Josiah" she spoke gently " Your hurt, you should be at the clinic" She looked over at Chris and the others for an explination.

"I said I want a bottle" Josiah demanded.

Chris looked at Sarah and nodded tword the shelf that held the whiskie bottles.

Sarah looked confused but did as Josiah requested.

Before she could turn and hand Josiah the bottle he had demanded his wound took it's tol and he slumped to the floor.

Katie sat impatiently with the other six men outside the room at the clinic where they had brought the unconcious Josiah. Bonnie sat next to her holding her hand in an attempt to help give her comfort. Nona and Sarah stood nearby. Katie's mind wondered threw the past year. It had been a rough year, she had tried desperately yet in vain to help comfort and ease Josiah's pain but he had shown her less than appreciation. He was cold and distant and had hurt her scarred emotions more than once. But Katie hadnt' given up,not yet. She remebered the first time she had taken Josiah dinner at his home. He sat at the fire place with his ever constant whiskey bottle in hand; he was well past the inibriated stage. The house held in it everything that was Cheyenne's, from the trinkets of her Native heritage to her tan duster and hat that hung neatly on a hook near the door.

Josiah had been less than pleased to see her when he ansrewed the door but had let her enter anyway. However, he had made no attempt at conversation; he simply sat in his chair in front of the fire place and stared into the flames as he drank from his whiskey bottle. Katie had left the food on the table and walked out.

In the months to come Katie made several visits to Josiah's home and every one had been met with flagrant hostility. Josiah hated company, prefering to spend his time remembering the past...alone. She had tried everything to help him overcome his agony and loss. Inviting him to outtings, taking him meals, and offering to clean his home. Each time, he declined her offers with a definite note of annoyance.

Only a few weeks ago, while Josiah was drinking at the saloon, Katie had gone over one afternoon to rid the house of everthing that belonged to Cheyenne, believing in her well-meaning heart that it would help Josiah to finally let Cheyenne's spirit go, therefore helping to heal him as well. She knew this task would be much too hard for Josiah himself to do so she took it upon herself to do this for him. Though she had meant well, her efforts were not well received. When Josiah had come home, once again inibriated to the extent of stumbling in the door, he stopped and looked about the rooms. Everything was gone...everything that was his Ani's, and his anger raged. As he stepped inside the door of Cheyenne's old room he saw Katie putting the last of Cheyenne's things into a trunk...Cheyenne's beloved music box. Josiah had grabbed Katie roughly and jerked her to her feet.

" What have you done!?" he screamed.

"I was only trying to help you," Katie stammered. "I knew this would be too hard on you, so I..."

Josiah shoved Katie through the door as he continued yelling "Those are her things!! Dont EVER! touch her things again. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?! NEVER!"

Katie's heart broke, tears came rushing from her fear-filled eyes as she abruptly turned and ran from the house. Tears still clouded her eyes as she remembered that day; her emotions were wearing thin, but her heart would not let her give up. One day, she vowed, she would break threw that wall of hurt that clouded Josiah's heart with a vengeance, and bring him back to the loving kind gental man she and the rest of the town knew and cared about.

Nathan emerged from the closed door finally, and all eyes turned to him in hopes of good news. "How is he?" Katie asked, the first to break the silence. Nathan shook his head "He isn't fighting; he's lost a lot of blood and the wound is infected 'cause he wouldn't let me tend to it....I dont know..he just don't want to live..if he would just fight." Chris hung his head; he knew all too well the turmoil Josiah had been going through the past year. There was a part of him that understood and knew why Josiah would not fight to live.

"May I see him?" Katie asked quietly.

Nathan nodded and led her into the room. Jacoba was putting away Nathan's medical tools and gave Katie a hug before she exited, telling her in a quiet voice, "You can help him, Katie; I know you can bring him back. Have faith." Katie sighed, silently praying her friend was right. She moved a nearby chair close to the bedside and took Josiah's hand in hers. She watched him as he slept, gently stroking the top of his hand.

Josiah's mind drifted; memories from the past swam by him as he stood in a haze of clouds--the first day he met Cheyenne at her father's cabin, their picnic in the clearing,sitting in front of the fire place at the cabin as he taught her to read and write, eating at the table, Cheyenne's bright smile as he told stores that always seemed to amuse her... The day he found her beaten in the cabin, the waiting as she healed from her attack, watching as she learned to shoot and fight...

The day he gave her Black Wind, watching her ride like the wind as she raced with Buck and JD... The day he found her at Lancer's bunk house and she clung to him... The first night they finally told each other how they felt at the cabin and loved for the first time, the day they wed. The horrid day she was shot...

The memories flowed quickly, showing scene after scene of their life together. Josiah could still feel her body next to him when he held her as her life slipped away from her.

Through the foggy clouds, he saw a figure emerging in a white Native wedding dress a white feather tied in the side of long flowing dark hair. He heard a soft, familiar voice as the figure came closer and finally into view.

"You must live Josiah; it is not yet your time,you must go back." Tear drops fell from Cheyenne's sad eye's.

"No...I want to be with you, Ani." Josiah held out his arms, and Cheyenne ran to him clinging to him, as he embraced her with just as much warmth and longing. Then, slowly, she pulled away, looking deep into the pain-filled eyes that fell upon her.

"It is time to let me go Josiah. Set Black Wind free; let my spirit run free with him; let me ride him as he runs into the setting sun. I shall take your love with me as mine shall forever be with you. But for now, it is time to let go--let your love for me ride upon the wind as Black Wind runs...and when the time does come for you to join the spirit world...I will be here....waiting for you."

Cheyenne backed away slowly into the clouds until she was gone.

"NO!!!! Ani!! Don'tleave me !! ANI!!!!!!" Josiah cried out as he tried to run after her and was pulled back by an unseen force.

+ + + + + + +

"You must fight Josiah; you have so many people who care about you, who love you...." Katie's voice cracked as tears fell down her cheeks like rain drops. "Let us help you Jos,iah; let me help you...fight. Damn it...fight to live, not for me, not for your friends, but for your self...you have so much to give...so much to..." Josiah stirred and moved his hand, squeezing Katie's weakly, and he spoke barley audible still in a haze..." Ani...Ani..."

Katie felt her hand move from Josiah's, letting it drop slowly to the bed; her tears fell freely as her heart broke a little more. She stood looking on as Josiah stirred more, tossing in his bed as he called out for his Ani.. Katie could take no more and ran from the room. She didn't know where she was running to and soon found herself in the church kneeling at the alter crying and yelling out into the silent church.

"DAMN IT, Cheyenne, you ask me to take care of him, to help him, and still you fight me from your grave!" Katie's sobbed uncontrollably..as her voice became softer.."Help me, Cheyenne..help him.."

Katie whirled around as she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder. There, in front of her, stood Cheyenne. She looked at Katie with a gentle small smile.

"I do not fight you, Katie. Give him time. Do not give up; give him your love...your strength. Josiah needs you;do not give up on him."

Slowly Cheyenne moved away and seemed to disapear into the bright light of the sun that glared through the church windows.

Two Weeks Later

Josiah sat holding Cheyenne's music box in his hands, running his thumbs over the top of it, tracing the features of the Indian maiden that was engraved upon it. A tear came to his eye as he finally set the gift into the trunk and closed the lid, locking it with the key. He turned for one last look around him as he stepped just out of the room and locked the door behind him.

He did the same as he made his way to the door of the house he had shared with Cheyenne, gazing into it one last time before he shut and locked it. He boarded up the windows and door before picking up his belongings and going to the barn and putting the lead halter on Black Wind. The horse had not been the same since Cheyenne's death; he had become docile and weak. But as Josiah put on his halter, the horse seemed to sense something and began to whinny and stomp anxiously. Josiah mounted his own steed and led Black Wind from the barn.

Nona stood out side the saloon with Sarah, Bonnie, Vin, Chris, and JD; they watched as Josiah rode out of town. Nathan walked up to them, along with Ezra and Jacoba, as they all to watched Josiah ride off.

"What is he doing?" Buck, asked as he to came out of the saloon to see what was holding up his friends.

"He is letting her go," Nona ansrewed solemnly.

"Her?" Chris asked warily.

Nona nodded. "Cheyenne...he lets her sprit run free."

The others looked at Nona questionly; only Vin understood what Nona had said, and he helped her explain it to the others after they had found a table in the saloon.

Josiah led Black Wind to the clearing that had been Cheyenne's favorite place--it had been their place. The grass was green, and a small stream ran nearby. The trees grew straight and tall, and you could see the hillside with the green foiliage clearly. Josiah dismounted and stood petting Black Wind, speaking in French to him as Cheyenne had always done. Tears clouded his eyes as he began to slip the halter from the horse's muzzle.

"Time to go Black Wind...time to run...run free, old boy. Run, carry her sprit free."

With those words Josiah slapped the horse on his hind quarters and, with one last look at Josiah, Black Wind reared and whinnied as if he understood what Josiah had said, then turned and ran like lighting across the green grass and through the nearby stream, Stopping again, he reared once more then turned and ran in the direction of the hillside. Josiah strained his eyes against the sun as he watched the horse run like the wind he was named after. For a brief second, Josiah thought he could see a rider on the back of Black Wind...a rider in a white native wedding dress, the white feather in her long dark hair blowing with the wind as they rode away...

"Good bye, my love. Like the wind, your sprit runs free. Carry my love with you...Forever."

+ + + + + + +

Katie sat in her rocker in front of her fire place, darning one of Evan's socks, when a knock stirred her from her thoughts. She stood and answered the door. But the sight she was greeted with shocked her. She opened her mouth to speak, but Josiah held up his hand.

"Let me have my say first," he told her in a gentle voice. "I know you may not understand this...but, what Ani and I had was not mere love; it was a bond. I can never feel that way again. When she died, a part of me died with her, a part I will never get back...a part I will never forget. It will be a long time before I am ready,if I ever am,to love again." Josiah took in a deep breath and let it out in a sigh.

"Now...knowing this, Mrs.Tayler," he held out his arm, "would you care to take a walk with me?"

Katie's eyes watered a little as she tried to hold back the tears, and she simply nodded a yes as she took Josiah's arm.

As they walked silently, Katie looked up to the stars and smiled as she said to herself You can rest now, Cheyenne; he will heal, and I make you this promise...I will take care of him and I will never challenge his love for you...or yours for him. Your memory will be in both our hearts.

The End