Old West Universe
Mystery Guest

by Michele

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The day was calm and clear in Four Corners when the fancy horse drawn carriage rolled down the main street. The streets are busy with the normal hustle of the day. As the stagecoach pulls to a stop in front of the Ritz Hotel all eyes turn to see who would step out. The driver steps down and opens the door. Josiah and J.D. watch from the doorway of one of the nearby buildings as a beautiful young woman steps out of the coach.

Josiah smiles as J.D. utters a little gasp. The girl looks no more than 25 and she has long brown hair swept up in an elegant weave on the top of her head. Her dress is long and layered. It looks expensive with lace ruffles and satin layers. It is a light blue and with the rings, necklaces, and little pearls covering her she seemed to be of extreme wealth.

The girl walks into the hotel and the coach dives away. Everyone goes back to their activities and forgets the newcomer for now.

"Who was that?" J.D. finally says.

"Don't know but I am sure we will soon find out." Josiah says pointing. Buck is walking toward the hotel, obviously aware of the newcomer. J.D. smiles and runs to catch up.

Buck walks into the hotel followed closely by J.D. There is no sign of the woman.

"Maybe we should ask someone." J.D. offers.

"Never chase women, J.D. Let them come to you." Buck says with a sly grin on his face.

"But Buck. You were just....." J.D. doesn't finish his sentence as Buck walks out of the hotel.

The next day finds the seven heroes of Four Corners all seated around a table in the bar. Ezra sits shuffling a brand new deck of cards while the others watch his skill enviously. The morning crowd is just beginning to come into the bar when Buck looks out the window next to the table. He stands up suddenly and runs out the door.

"I wonder what has gotten Mr. Wilmington so riled." Ezra says in his luscious accent. The rest of the men watch as Buck walks by the window.

Outside Buck walks to the middle of the street and stands there looking puzzled. "Where in tarnation did she go this time?"

A few hours after the incident with the bar, J.D. is sitting on the church steps when he sees the beautiful newcomer standing across the street looking puzzled. J.D. takes a deep breath, straightens his collar, and starts across the street. The woman now is wearing a long black dress and a hat that covers most of her face. Her body language says that she is extremely nervous and the look on her face supports this.

"Excuse me ma'am. You look lost and I was wondering if I could help you in some way." J.D. says with some difficulty.

The woman gives a start and looks at him for a moment before she speaks. "I am afraid I am quite lost." She has a lovely mid-southern accept and J.D. thinks her voice is like silk.

"My name is J.D. I might be able to help you. Where you headed?"

"My name is Michelle Carpenter and I am looking for the tavern."

Momentarily shocked J.D. motions for Michelle to follow. As they reach the tavern Ezra walks out with his head bowed over the large stack of money he had just won.

J.D. hears Michelle gasp next to him and as he turns to look she lets out a yelp.

"EZRA!!" she screams.

Ezra looks up and turns a surprised face towards the voice. J.D. sees recognition cross Ezra's face and then a huge smile. Michelle runs the rest of the way to the tavern and throws her arms around Ezra's neck.

"I have been looking all over this town for you for the last 2 days!" Michelle says when she finally releases Ezra.

"Well my dear, I am certainly glad you have found me." Ezra replies with a smile. "I had heard a beautiful young woman had arrived this week and had I known it was you I would have come and gotten you. Now tell me my dear what brings you to this little town. From the looks of things you have prospered since I left Virginia."

"Oh Ezra I have so much to tell you! So much has happened since you left!"

They walk into the tavern with a confused J.D. behind them. Buck looks up from his drink and his jaw drops. Michelle smiles up at the much taller Ezra as he leads her over to an empty poker table in the corner.

Now tell me my dear what brings you to Four Corners?" Ezra asks.

"Oh Ezra, I just don't know where to begin." Michelle looks near to tears. "everything has gone down hill since you left. First we had to sell the farm house and all the land, then father died, and then......"

Ezra cuts her off gently. "Slow down Michelle. Start from the beginning."

"When you left Virginia things started to deteriorate at home. Father got sick and couldn't take care of the farm. The farm started to lose money and we had to sell it. We moved into a little house in the city owned by the Conners. They helped us while father was ill. A few months later father passed on. In his will he stated that he had some money saved up that he hadn't told us about. He wanted me and mama to have the good life. He said he wanted us to have the life he knew we deserved. He left me $800,000 and he left mama $200,000."

"That is quite a generous amount of money. And where may I ask did he accumulate such a fortune?" Ezra asks quite interested.

"He didn't say. Unfortunately Mama wasn't incredibly trilled with the idea of me getting more money than her. It became evident that she wanted to get her hands on my share of the money. That aided me in my decision to leave Virginia. All of this has happened since you left 4 years ago. I have been lost and so utterly alone without you around Ezra."

"Well now, that brings me to my next question. How on earth did you find me?"

"Dearest Ezra, that is an easy one to answer. Everyone this side of the Mississippi knows about you 7 gun slingers. The Magnificent Seven they call you. When I read about a Mr. Ezra Standish I knew just where to find you. And I am so happy I did Ezra!"

"I must say that this reunion is one I have been hoping for. It is very good to see you Michelle." Ezra says with a smile. All the while Buck and J.D. watch and listen to the conversation by the bar.

"Well don't that just beat all. They were friends." Buck finally says in amazement.

"I don't know Buck. From the way it sounds, they may have been more than just friends." J.D. says in bewilderment.

Ezra and Michelle walk out of the bar and head down to the hotel. Ezra escorts her up to her room and then leaves the hotel.

At dusk Michelle emerges from her room and heads down to the church. She enters the church. She kneels and doesn't notice Josiah enter from the side door. When Michelle looks up she is started by Josiah and pulls a small derringer out of her sleeve.

"Easy there young lady!" Josiah says backing away. "I happen to be the preacher of this town."

Michele looks in disbelief. "You are the reverend?"

"Not quite. But I am as close as this town has to one. I have seen a trick like the one you pulled out of your sleeve before. Who taught you to use one of those things?"

"Now I think I know you. I read about you. You are one of the 7 men that protect this town just like Ezra."

"My question has been answered." Josiah says with a smile. "My I be of some assistance?"

"Possibly. Do you know of some land that I may purchase?"

"Not offhand. But I could find out."

"Splendid." Michelle flashes Josiah a large smile. "I am much obliged."

"It is my pleasure ma'am. Tell me, how do you know Ezra?"

"We met about 6 years ago. I was 18 and poor as dirt. It was kind of chance meeting. I was passing by the town hall when Ezra walked out of the building and right into me. I was carrying some things I had bought at market and they spilled all over the ground. He helped me gather my things and for some reason he walked me home. He stopped by every day after that. He would lay on the hay in the barn and watch me clean stalls, groom horses, and feed the animals. I never knew why he stuck around. It couldn't have been much fun."

"Something tells me he liked being in your presence." Josiah offered.

Michelle gave a little laugh. "I suppose you are right. Ezra seemed the sort of man that would go for a lady though. Not a petty farm girl. But when he proposed to me on my 19th birthday he showed me how wrong I was."

Josiah was silent a moment, with a stunned look on his face. "Proposed? You mean Ezra actually asked for your hand in marriage?"

"I was just as shocked."

"You said no?"

"I said no." Michelle gave out a large sigh. "We stayed friends though. I told him I wasn't ready to settle. I had my whole life yet to live. There were more horses to ride, places to go, and people to meet. Ezra was great but I just wasn't ready." She stopped for a moment and looked up at Josiah apologetically. "I guess the Etiquette School mother sent me too wasn't able to stop my jabbering. Here I am talking your ear off when you probably have important things to do. I hope you forgive me for my rudeness."

"Young lady you are far from rude. I had a delightful time talking to you." Michelle gets up to leave. "Do stop by my humble church again soon."

"I will. Oh yes, and my name is Michelle Carpenter." Michelle holds out her hand to Josiah.

"Josiah Sanchez ma'am." Josiah kisses her hand like a gentleman.

Michelle smiles and adds, "Mr. Sanchez, would you mind escorting me to the hotel?"

"I would be delighted." Josiah takes Michelle's arm and leads her out onto the street.


The next day Michelle walks into the tavern in search of Ezra. Buck sees her and sits back in his chair. As she approaches he says, "Good morning ma'am. What is such an exquisite flower like yourself doing in a bar like this?"

"I am looking for a friend of mine. Perhaps you can assist me."

"I will do my best. I believe I know who you are looking for though."

"You do?"

"Of course. You are looking for a man that is tall, dark, charming, and handsome."

"Yes, I suppose I am. Can you help me find him?"

"Look no further for I am here" Buck says throwing his arms wide and smiling widely.

Michelle looks momentarily confused and then just as she is about to speak Ezra walks into the bar.

"There you are." Ezra says and then sees Buck. "I see you have met Mr. Wilmington."

"Actually we haven't been formally introduced." Michelle extends her hand to Buck, "Michelle Carpenter" she says.

"Buck Wilmington, but you can call me Buck." He says with the same flirtatious smile.

"If you would excuse me Mr. Wilmington but I must be going. I was expecting a delivery this morning and I believe it has arrived." Just as Michelle says these words a stagecoach drives down the road with an unusual looking animal being ponied from it. Michelle, Ezra and Buck walk out of the bar in time to hear Nathan and Chris talking about the animal.

"Did you see that thing?" Nathan asks.

"I sure did." Chris says quietly

"That gentlemen was my package. Excuse me while I go retrieve it." Michelle walks quickly down the street to the stagecoach that is now parked in the middle of the street.

Michelle walks back leading the animal in question. "Gentlemen, I would like you to meet Carlton. He is my newly acquired purebred paint horse." Michelle says with a smile.

"Well Michelle that is one startling looking creature. Priding myself on my knowledge of horse flesh I must say that he is a fine looking creature even if he does look like someone spilled while paint all over him." Ezra says with a smile.

"He is beautiful isn't he?" Michelle smiled looking over the horse with pride. Before anyone could answer shots are fired.

Everyone scatters and hides while the Magnificent Seven draw their guns. Michelle jumps on Carlton and gallops down the street. Ezra hides behind a barrel with Nathan. Ezra says, "Where in the world did those shots come from?"

"Don't know. But I am sure we will find out." Nathan replies.

More shots are fired before Chris Larabee sees the assailants. "Up in the window! There are two of them."

"That's not all Chris," shouts Buck. "Over behind that wagon there are a couple too!"

The gun fire continues. The seven men know where to shoot and they fire relentlessly at the men who started the fight. Suddenly, crouched and pistol in hand, Michelle finds her way over to where Vin is hiding.

"Ma'am get out of here!" Vin tries to get Michelle to leave but she is determined to stay.

"I want to help! The name is Michelle Carpenter and I know how to shoot. Believe me I can hold my own."

Michelle suddenly sees the men that are shooting at her and something crosses her face. Vin sees this look but continues to fire at the men. Michelle fires her pistol once and hits one of the men in the window on the arm.

"Nice shot. My name is Vin Tanner."

"Thank you Mr. Tanner."

After a few minutes the men that stated the fight retreat. They run to their horses and gallop out of town. After they are sure the coast is clear Vin and Michelle stand up and walk back to the group.

"Who were those men and why were they shooting at us?" JD asks.

"Don't know but I think we should find out" Vin says.

"I think we should keep watch on anyone new arriving in town today." Chris says. "We will break into groups and keep an eye on various places. Buck and Ezra you watch the bar, Nathan, Josiah and JD watch the street around the church. Vin and I will ride out of town and see if we can find their tracks."

Before Chris can continue Michelle bursts out, "I want to help!"

"Miss I don't think that is good idea." Chris replies.

"I know how to work a gun and I can take care of myself."

"She is good with a gun Chris. She shot the man in the window" Vin says in her aid. "We can use an extra pair of eyes in order to find these men."

"Alright. JD, you and Miss Carpenter circle the perimeter of the town on horseback." Chris says

Victory shows in Michelle's face. Ezra looked shocked and J.D. starts turning a deep red. The eight people leave and go to their posts. J.D. and Michelle start to walk to where JD has his horse tied.

As Chris and Vin are walking away Vin turns around to make sure no one is within earshot. When he is sure they are far enough away he pulls Chris to a stop.

"She knew those men" Vin says simply.

"How do you know?" Chris asks.

"Before she shot that man I saw it in her face. I am not sure if she knows exactly who they are but she recognized them."

"Looks like we have to keep an eye on Miss Carpenter now too". With that they mount their horses and ride out of town.

"Where did you tie your horse?" JD asks

"When the shots were fired I rode him to safety. He is down the street at the livery."

"Ok, lets go get him."

JD and Michelle walk towards the livery. JD seems to be struggling with something he wants to ask.

"Where did you learn to shoot?" He finally managers to say.

"Ezra taught me. He said that I needed to learn to protect myself. He taught me everything about every type of gun. He told me you never know what type of situation you could get yourself into."

They reach the livery and find Carlton tied just within the building. They mount and ride towards the perimeter of town.

JD and Michelle are just finishing their search of the town when Michelle spots one of the men. He is dressed in overalls with a straw hat on his head. The man spots the two riders and aims his rifle. Just as JD is pulling out his pistol he hears a shot next to him and sees the man go down. JD looks at Michelle and sees that she is holding a small derringer.

"He isn't dead. I figured you would want to question him so I shot him in the arm" Michelle says dismounting. JD dismounts and helps Michelle tie the man's hands.

Ezra is the first to see Michelle and JD coming. "Mr. Dunne and Miss Carpenter have apprehended one of our assailants."

Buck and Ezra walk out and meet Michele and JD. The four of them take the man to the church. Just as they reach the church Vin and Chris arrive back in the town.

Once in the church the seven men and one woman stand facing the man tied to the chair.

"Would you mind enlightening us on the reasons you unloaded your artillery upon us?" Ezra asked.

The man looking confused stays silent.

"He asked why did you shoot at us?" Chris clarifies.

"I was shooting at her and you fellas got in the way."

"Why were you shooting at Miss Carpenter?" JD bursts in.

"She killed my best friend" the man said angrily.

All the men look at Michelle confused. Michelle looks shocked and then she starts to turn pale. Her face is turning as white as a sheet.

"Why would she kill your friend?" Chris asks

"Do you fellas want to hear my story or what?" the man asks grumpily.

The men are all silent. Michelle gratefully sits down on a chair that Josiah offers her. The man begins his speech.

"We were sitting in the tavern back in Virginia when that woman walks in. The other men and I were playing a game of poker when she walks over to the table. She asks if she could play. Thinking it was easy money we said sure. Well we were right. We won a lot of her money and she got mad. She drew her gun and shot my friend in the head."

Ezra makes a funny noise almost like a laugh. Michelle suddenly turns red upon hearing the story.

"You liar! That's not what happened!" Michelle screams. She gets up and runs over to the man seated in the chair. She looks extremely mad and tries to attack him.

Josiah and Nathan catch her before she reaches him. They hold her while she struggles. They escort her back to her chair and hold her down. Ezra looks shocked at her outburst. When it seems she is calm Ezra, who is leisurely seated in a chair across the room, speaks to the man.

"Sir I do believe you are lying to us. Miss Carpenter and I are old acquaintances and I am aware of her skill at cards. She never loses. If you value your life I think you should start telling the truth."

As Ezra finishes Chris draws his gun and holds it at the man's head. "Better tell us why you were really shooting at her now."

The man looks across at Michelle. She is ashen, shaking, and looks near tears. Finally the man speaks.

"The first part of my story is true. She did come over for a game of poker. The problem was she won. She got all our money. My friend was upset. He had just gotten paid. He is known to hardly ever lose in our town and she came in and had wiped him out. A measly woman. Well she got up and left the bar and my friend was right behind her. By the time I got out there he was dead and she was standing over him gun in hand. She ran off before anyone could get a hold of her."

The men all turn to Michelle who sat silent in the chair. She is looking at the floor.

Chris walks over to Michelle and kneels in front of her. Josiah and Nathan stand on either side of her. Ezra is standing now, looking shocked and Buck stands guard over the man. Vin and JD stand a little behind him.

"Michelle" Chris begins slowly, "what happened to make you shoot him."

Michelle looks up at Chris and then looks around the room at the other men. She looks back at Chris and speaks, "I walked out of the bar and started heading to the hotel. Before I could get too far I heard someone coming up behind me. Before I could trigger the gun Ezra had told me always to carry I was grabbed from behind. He mumbled in my ear that he wanted his money back but first he was going to....he wanted to....he tried to....." Michelle lets loose a little sob. Ezra immediately comes to her side. He drops down next to her and takes her in his arms. She is now crying openly.

He whispers soothing words into her ear and she slowly begins to relax again. Ezra helps her up and takes her into an adjoining room to lie down. When Ezra comes back the rest of the men are standing around the prisoner.

"She still shot him. I have to avenge my friend." The man says in his defense.

"You friend tried to take advantage of a young woman." Vin says disgusted.

"May the lord have vengeance upon his soul." Josiah says moving away.

"Gentlemen, it is an extremely traumatic experience for a woman to be forced to do something against her will. The reminder of that awful ordeal is enough to send a normally strong willed individual to tears. She killed in her own self-defense. We must not take anything out on Michelle for killing that man and nor should you sir." Giving the man in the chair one final glance of disgust, Ezra heads for the door of the church.

Under his breath so that none of the men can hear him he says, "I will avenge my friend. Whether they like it or not."

Later that day Michelle walks slowly into the saloon. Her head throbs and all she wants to do was go where it was safe. She pushes the door open and steps slowly inside. She waits while her eyes adjust to the dark. She sees someone coming straight at her and she shrinks quickly back against the wall and slides to the floor. She sat curled in a little ball as Ezra reaches her.

"My god. What did that dreadful scoundrel do to you in Virginia? Come my dear you know I won't hurt you."

At the sound of Ezra's voice Michelle looks up and after a moment of looking into his eyes she smiles. He helps her up and escorts her to a table. When they are seated Ezra looks straight at Michelle and then says what is on his mind.

"Michelle, why are you here? Why come to this small town of all places to run to?"

After a few seconds Michelle slowly answers, "When you were around I felt safe back home. When you left I thought I would be fine but all I did was get in trouble. I came here because I wanted to feel safe again. You always said that whenever I was in trouble or felt threatened that you would come back. I did the next best thing and came to you."

"Have you reconsidered my proposal of marriage?"

"I have thought about it a lot Ezra, but I don't think I am ready yet. I just want to settle someplace quiet and safe. Maybe own a farm like I did back home."

Ezra looks a little disappointed. Michelle gets up and starts for the door. "I have to go lay down Ezra. After the reminder of that incident I just don't feel up to doing much. I was so scared that night Ezra. All I could think about was how much I missed you."

With that Michelle walks out of the saloon and towards the hotel. Ezra goes up to the bar and grabs a drink. Buck sits there sipping a beer as Ezra drinks.

"Tell me Ezra. How serious is the relationship between you and that delicious woman Michelle Carpenter and would I ever have a chance with her?" Buck finishes looking at Ezra with a huge smile.

"Mr. Wilmington, let me assure you that anything that existed between me and Miss Carpenter is over. But with your second question I can assure you that you will never get anywhere with her." With that Ezra starts to walk away but Buck grabs his arm.

"Now why do you say such a thing as that Ezra? Am I not good enough for your old women?" Buck says looking insulted.

"That isn't it at all. It is just that Miss Carpenter is a very reserved, quiet, and pure woman."

"You mean you never......?"

"No. Her chastity will only be broken by a husband. That is why the incident brought into question earlier this morning scarred her so badly."

"But he didn't do anything before she shot him." Buck says confused.

"Mr. Wilmington, the whole idea of what he was going to do has scared her. Her one wish is to be pure for the man that becomes her husband. That is why I trust that you won't be able to have any chance with her. She can see right through you." With that Ezra walks out of the tavern and heads down the street.

Michelle walks up the stairs and into the church. J.D. had taken the man out of the church a few hours before and now it was quiet. Michelle walks up to the front and kneels. When Michele looks up she sees Josiah standing over her with a smile on his face.

"I have some news that will sooth the soul." Josiah says slyly.

Michelle stands up "Good news for a change? How extraordinary." she says with a smile.

"I have found a house for sale on a large piece of land just outside of town. I believe you will find it is beautiful and inexpensive."

"Thank you so much Josiah!" She says forgetting her formalities. She runs up and throws her arms around his neck.

"Would you like to see it?" Josiah asks.

"I would love to see it, please take me to it." Michelle says with a smile, feeling better than she has all day.

As Josiah and Michelle walk out of the church shots are fired. Michelle screams as a bullet grazes her arm. She ducks behind a barrel as Ezra, JD and Buck run out of the bar down the street. Josiah ducks back into the church. Nathan who was on his way to the church reaches it and sees Michelle hiding.

"You ok?" Nathan asks.

"A bullet grazed my arm but it will be fine." Michelle answers shakily.

Chris has showed up on the side of the church. "We are being attacked from all sides! Take cover."

The eight individuals are all firing at the source of the shots. Men are visible on all sides of the church. The Magnificent Seven start to shoot at the men. Both sides continue fighting without giving in. It seems an even battle. Each side reloads many times before the side of good begins to win.

Michelle aims and shoots a man that is just in front of her. Nathan gets one that is attacking from his side. Vin and Chris have their hands full as more men attack them at the west side of the church. Ezra, JD and Buck shoot at the men across the street. Josiah shoots out of the church window.

They continue to fight but it seems as though the seven heroes are winning. After a few more minutes of intense fighting it becomes quiet. Michelle leans against the barrel she was hiding against exhausted. Just then Nathan sees the bright red spot on the sleeve of Michelle's white dress.

"Come on, lets wrap up that wound." he says. Michelle follows him into the church and he takes care of her wound.

As dusk fills the sky Michelle practically runs through the door of the tavern. A smile is spread cross her face as she enters.

Ezra is at the bar serving drinks when Michelle walks in. She comes up to the bar just as Ezra is coming around to see her.

"I am pleased to see that you are in higher spirits than this morning." Ezra says with a smile.

"I have fantastic news Ezra! I just bought a house! It looks as though I am staying in Four Corners."

Ezra gives her a huge hug. "Congratulations and welcome."

Michelle pulls away and looks into Ezra's eyes and speaks in a serious tone. "I want us to be nothing more than friends for right now Ezra. Is that alright?"

"Perfectly alright my dear. We were nothing more than friends before I left Virginia." Ezra said with a smile.

"Before we become just friends there is something I have wanted to do since my arrival."

"What is th....." Before Ezra can finish Michelle wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him hard on the lips. As they embrace the rest of the seven protectors of Four Corners walk into the tavern. The room fills with their cheers and laughter as Michelle lets go of Ezra and walks past the men and out of the tavern with a sly smile on her face and her head held high while Ezra looks after her with a shocked expression on his face.

"That gentlemen, is a woman like no other." he says out of breath before setting himself down uneasily on a bar stool. The rest of the men just laugh.

The End