It was four tired dusty men who rode into Four Corners after a week and
a half of chasing cattle rustlers. The rustlers were in jail and the
cattle back where they belonged. All the four wanted to do now was get
cleaned up, eat a decent meal and find out from their three friends how
things had gone in town while they were gone.
As they rode up to the livery Buck was joking about how much trouble JD had no doubt given Josiah and Nathan while the rest of them had been out of town.
"Dang kid needs someone watching over him all the time," Buck said.
"Buck, when ya going to admit ya like looking out for JD. It makes you
feel good to know he looks up to ya," Chris said with a seldom seen
Buck as well as Vin and Ezra laughed at that. They all knew
Buck and JD were the best of friends sometimes more like brothers.
It was the sight of his four friends laughing over something that
greeted JD Dunn as he walked out of Nathan's small clinic. JD wished
he didn't have to be the one to wipe the smiles off their faces but he
was the one elected to inform Chris and the others about what had
happened in their absence. He and Nathan figured Chris wasn't going to
be none too happy with any of them. Might as well get it over with JD
thought as he walked to the livery where the four men were seeing to
the care of their horses.
He waited until Chris had finished talking to
Tiny, the liveryman, then he cleared his throat. Buck was the first to
turn and spot JD standing there.
"Hey kid, see you managed to stay alive while I was gone," Buck joked
as he slapped JD on the back.
"I can take care of myself Buck, I don't
need you watching out for me all the time. "JD snapped.
At this all
four men looked closer at JD.
"Something wrong kid?" Vin asked.
"You could say that, while you fellas was gone we had a little trouble
here, well not the town just Josiah had a little trouble. Nathan said
he'd tell yawl about it at his place. He wants you to come there as
soon as you can," JD told the men.
So it was that five men rushed to
the little room Nathan used as his medical clinic. Once inside they
found Nathan sitting beside a bed watching over their friend Josiah.
"Nathan, ya wanna tell us what the hell happened to Josiah?" Chris
barked out.
"Yea, lets talk outside," Nathan said.
"A day after y'all left three youn'uns rode into town, boys couldn't
been more seventeen or so. One of em, big with dark hair and blue eyes was
asking round bout Josiah. Well most folks told him where he could find
Josiah but the boy never came to the church. That night when me and
Josiah went to the saloon those three youn'uns was they're drinking. This
kid sees Josiah enter the place gets up and starts mouthing off to
Josiah. Kid never touched Josiah just keep callin' em names and talking
bout how Josiah thought since he was a man of God he was better than
everyone else and how Josiah used people then never gave a damn bout
what happened to the people after he was gone. I tell ya Chris I ain't
never heard no one talk like that to Josiah. "Nathan told his friends.
"Hell Chris, this kid, must be 4 or 5 years younger than me and he
used language I ain't heard from any of us before," JD piped in to add
to Nathan's telling of what happened.
"So.'s anyway Josiah he tried to get the kid to calm down but he can
see the kid just ain't gonna stop. So Josiah he leaves the saloon, the
kid then starts telling everyone in the saloon that Josiah Sanchez is
a low down woman user and how we'd all be sorry we let him stay in our
town someday. Finally his friends dragged him out of the saloon. For two
days this kid ran his mouth and every chance he got he would get into
Josiah's face. Why Josiah didn't do somethin' I'll never know. Then two
days ago while Josiah is fixin' the roof of Miz Travis office this kid
shoots him. Hit him in the arm, but Josiah fell off the roof and hit
his head. Creaked it real good. I had to put stitches in, thing is
Josiah hasn't woken up since" Nathan finished with a deep frown on his
"What ya think is wrong with him Nathan?' Vin asked.
"I don't rightly know, I read in that their book Miz Travis gave me
that sometimes a person who cracks their head real hard can stay
Unconscious for days," Nathan explained.
"Why shoot Nathan, then what y'all worried bout, Josiah will sleep
for a few days then he'll wake up and be fine," Buck said.
"Sometimes a person who is unconscious never wakes up, they just sleep
then one night they just die.' Nathan went on to say.
"Is there anythin' we could do Nathan, maybe try and wake him or
Somethin'? Vin asked.
"Won't do no good Vin, JD and I done tried that
today. He just won't wake up," Nathan sadly replied.
"The boy, what happened to him and his friends?" Chris wanted to know.
"Got him in jail Chris, his friends are stayin' outside town. They sent
a telegram that first day and we ain't seen them since," JD told Chris.
"Either of you know why this kid was after Josiah?" Buck asked.
"Kid ain't said a word, but his friends told me and JD that his name is
JJ Park, his family comes from Santa Fe where they own a ranch. Those
boys with him said he asked them to ride along with him while he went
an looked up an old friend of his ma's," Nathan explained.
'This just does not make any sense Mr. Jackson. why a boy would want to
harm Mr. Sanchez," Ezra spoke for the first time since they had arrived back into town.
"I don't know any more than I done told ya Ezra," Nathan said.
"Well boys ain't much we can do until Josiah wakes up. Lets go get
cleaned up and have a meal, then I might go on over to the jail and see
what this boy has to say to me," Chris said in a deadly voice.
"I think I'll stick around here for a spell, if'n that's alright with
Nathan," Vin said.
"Fine with me, I need to go eat, so I'll do that then be back as soon
as I can," Nathan said.
When Vin finally found himself alone with the preacher, he sat down
near the bed and spoke to his friend.
" Josiah, it's me Vin. Never thought I'd find ya like this, ya always manage
to talk yourself out of most things. I know ya can hear me, don't know how I
know that just that I do know. Y'all wake up soon I know, but in the meantime
you're causing all of us to worry,"
Vin got no reply from the man on the bed, but he sat and every now and
then would speak to the preacher hoping that the preacher could some
how hear him talkin'.
An hour passed when Vin heard the sound of someone coming up the stairs. He
watched as Buck entered the room. "Vin, I'll sit with him for awhile, ya might
want to go to the jail and make sure Chris don't kill that kid when he questions
"Alright Buck, guess someone should keep Chris from doing somethin'
He'll regret," Vin said.
"Why I didn't go with em, cause I just might try and do the kid some
hurt myself for doing this to Josiah," Buck growled.
Vin left and went to the jail; he entered to find Chris and JD talkin'
to a big kid with dark hair and bright blue eyes. Kid reminded Vin of
someone, but he couldn't tell who.
"You wanna tell me why the hell you shot the preacher?" Chris screamed
into the kid's face.
The kid said nothing and even when Chris begin to shake him the kid
wouldn't open his mouth.
Chris finally realized he wasn't going to get anything out of the kid
so he tossed him back onto the bunk and slammed the cell shut.
"I'm going to go clean up JD, I'll be back later," Chris said.
"Me too JD, ya need anything let me know," Vin told the younger member
of the seven.
Later in the day.
Chris, Vin and Buck had all gotten cleaned up and were in the hotel
dining room eating when a fancy carriage came up the street and stopped
at the hotel. They watched as a woman climbed out of the carriage and
entered the hotel. She went to the desk and after a few seconds they
saw her turn and look over to them. She walked toward them with a
Confidence that spoke of someone who had been dealing with life on her
own for a long time.
"Gentlemen, I was told you might be of some help to me. My name is
Sammy Jo Park and I believe you have my son JJ in jail," she said to
them when she reached the table.
"Yes ma'am we do have him in jail, and he'll stay there till the man he
shot gets better or dies," Chris said.
"Now Chris that ain't no way to talk to a lady," Buck told his friend.
Sammy Jo Park looked over at the charming young man who had just
spoken, she smiled at him but then said, "Oh don't worry young man, I
have been spoken to far worse. so why did my son shoot someone, did
they deserve It," she said.
"No ma'am I don't reckon Josiah deserved to be shot," Vin spoke.
At the name Josiah, the fellas watched as Sammy Jo Park paled and
stepped back as if she might fall. Buck jumped up and helped her sit at
a chair at the table across from his table.
"Whoa ma'am be careful there. Wouldn't want ya to hurt yourself," he
"Did you say Josiah? As in Josiah Sanchez?" She asked Chris.
"Yes ma'am, that's his name. Why do ya know em?" Vin asked Sammy.
"I did once a long time ago," Sammy Jo said with a far away look on her
"Do ya know why your son would want to kill Josiah?" Buck wanted to
"I have an idea, I had hoped he wouldn't be so foolish," Sammy said.
"You want me to walk ya over to the jail ma'am?" Vin asked.
"Yes, that would be nice," Sammy turned toward Buck and asked. Could
you take my bags and put them in my room here at the hotel?"
"Yes ma'am I'll see to that right away," Buck grabbed his hat and
headed for the carriage outside.
Chris watched his two friends fall under a spell from this woman. and
he thought how they all should hate this woman for havin' a son who
would go round shootin' people.
Chris got up and went to the saloon to have a couple of drinks. he was
surprised that Ezra wasn't at the saloon. He didn't ask Inez where Ezra
was cause he figured she wouldn't know anyway. But as he sat down she
walked over with a bottle and told him Ezra had gone to Nathan's. Chris
shook his head at this news, he didn't think Ezra cared one way or
another about any of them, but the gambler had surprised Chris allot
these past few months.
At the jail.
Sammy Jo Park could be one tough woman to deal with when she got mad.
And right now she was mad, her son could tell when she walked in the
door that this was one time he wished he'd have listened to his friends
Mike and Larry. Sammy asked Vin to allow her to enter the cell and Vin
could tell this was the one thing the kid didn't want him to allow. He
told JD to open the cell and then the two of them walked outside the
door of the jail. It didn't stop them from hearing the sound of a slap
and then the sound of Sammy Jo giving her son hell.
At this her voice dropped so Vin and JD couldn't hear what she said.
The kid didn't seem to want to answer her anymore than he had wanted
to answer Chris that morning. After a few minutes Sammy walked out and
asked Vin to take her to see Josiah.
Vin and Miz Park entered Nathan's room to find Nathan and Ezra sitting
at Josiah's bedside.
"Any change?" Vin asked.
"Nope," Nathan said.
Vin introduced Sammy Jo Park to them and then told them he'd be at the
saloon if they needed him. Ezra too decided to go on to the saloon as
he felt his presence wasn't needed in this small clinic.
"Mr Jackson, do let us know if there is any change in Mr. Sanchez's
condition," Ezra said in a soft voice.
Nathan soon found himself alone with this woman from Josiah's past. She
seemed to be studying the figure on the bed with interest.
"He hasn't changed much in 17 years, a little gray in his hair and more
lines on his face but otherwise the same big strong handsome man I knew
back then," Sammy said more to herself than to Nathan.
"So you knew Josiah awhile back?" Nathan asked.
"Yes, I've known Josiah Sanchez and his family since I was a small
child. Josiah and I grew up together, he's a few years older than I am,
but him, his sister and I shared a common bond. "
"Both our fathers did missionary work and we saw each other fairly often. You
know it's not easy being the child of a missionary, sometimes their work comes
before their own families,"
Sammy seemed to need to explain to someone. And Nathan figured he might
find out something that would help him to understand why this woman's
son would be so angry with Josiah.
But Sammy must have realized she was talking to a stranger and she said
no more. She went to the chair beside the bed and sat down. Nathan
watched as she reached over and ran her hand through Josiah's hair. The
look on her face as she stared at the man in the bed told Nathan that
at one time she had been very much in love with his friend.
"Ma'am I'll just step outside for a spell while you sit with Josiah," Nathan said.
He knew Chris wouldn't like leaving Josiah alone with
this woman they knew nothing about but Nathan was sure she wouldn't do
any harm to Josiah.
Once alone with Josiah, Sammy Jo Park leaned forward and placed her
lips upon his cheek as she let the tears fall. Sammy Jo hadn't cried
for almost 17 years and she hated the fact that seeing this man after
all that time made her weak enough to cry.
"Good Lord Josiah, what a mess we made of our lives. If we had to meet
again, why did it have to be this way? 17 years I have kept something
from you and now it's all about to blow up in my face". She whispered
to him.
She thought back to the last time she had seen Josiah, he'd
been so pissed off at his father and so outraged at the way his father
had been treating his sister. The two of them had talked for what
seemed like hours then Josiah had told her that he was leaving again. He
said he needed to find himself and then maybe he'd find God again. She
hadn't told him she needed him to stay, that one of the times they had
spent together in each others arms when one of their fathers had done
something to upset one of them. Had given her more than comfort, it had
given her a child.
She hadn't wanted to be a burden to him, he had
enough of that with his father and sister. So she had let him walk out
of her life and never tried to find him again. He wouldn't understand
that she had done it for him, Sammy Jo knew Josiah well enough to know
that when he woke up and found out just who JJ was he was going to be
one very angry preacher.
She kissed him once more then went out to speak with Nathan.
"Mr Jackson, I believe there is something you and your friends should know,
but I'm tired and need to sleep, If you would be so kind as to ask your friends
to join me tomorrow at noon in the hotel I would be happy to explain what I know
about why JJ came looking for Josiah,"
Nathan assured her he and his friends would be there, then promised to
send word if Josiah woke anytime before that.
Chris had decided to find out what he could about Sammy Jo Park and her
son JJ. he sent a couple of telegrams to Santa Fe. Then he joined Ezra,
Buck and Vin at the saloon. Soon JD came in and the five men sat and
talked until Buck and Vin had to go out to patrol the town for the
night. Chris offered to stay at the jail while JD got some sleep that
night. He entered the jail and told Sam the man who watched the jail
while JD was busy with other things, to go on home and get some rest.
They would need him to keep an eye on the jail tomorrow.
The night proved to be sleepless for six men, one woman and one young
JJ Park was laying on the cot in his jail cell wondering just how he
could have been so stupid.
He hadn't meant to hurt Josiah Sanchez, he had only come to this town
to see the man he had heard his mother speak of a few times and who he
had learned only a few short months ago had been more than his mother's
friend. But when Sanchez had come into the saloon and looked at him
then turned away something had snapped inside JJ's chest. Maybe he had
thought Sanchez would recognize him or see something in him that would
strike a cord in his heart. When Sanchez had only looked JJ and his
friends over then went on to order a beer and sit with that dark fella,
JJ had got to his feet and then let his emotions rule his head and his
For 3 days he had picked and pushed Josiah Sanchez until even his
friends Mike and Larry had had enough, they had told him they were
returning home and if he didn't go with them they would wire his ma to
come get him before he got himself killed. So the next day when he saw
Sanchez on that roof he didn't think he just reacted to his anger and
before he even knew what he was doing he had shot the man.
He watched
in horror and shock as Sanchez fell from the roof, then thinking he
might have killed the preacher he had let that young sheriff take him
to jail. Now he might hang and he had never even given Josiah Sanchez a
chance to tell his side of the story of what had happened between him
and JJ's ma.
Chris Larabee sit in the chair at the jail and thought about how he
hated this newfound worry he was dealing with. Since he had met six men
who would gladly give up their lives for someone who needed their help
he had discovered he too wanted to help people. But now he worried each
time he had to send one of those men out on a dangerous job or when he
himself had to leave town and leave one or more of them behind.
day a week and a half ago he hadn't worried that on his return any of
the three men he was leaving in town would be hurt or killed. Things
had been quiet and calm around town for the past few weeks and he knew
Nathan and Josiah were both good at staying out of trouble. And JD
would be watched over by those two men while he and Buck were gone. To
return to this made Chris mad as hell, he hadn't thought he'd even come
back to find the preacher layin' at deaths door. But trouble had a way
of finding him and his friends no matter what. If the preacher died
Chris Larabee would gladly hang the young boy in that cell, he didn't
care how young the boy was ,if he was old enough to shoot and kill a
man then he was old enough to hang.
Morning in the Saloon.
Chris got to the saloon at the same time as Buck did, they found
Vin,Ezra, and JD already inside eating breakfast. Nathan joined them
half an hour later. He explained that Miz Park wanted them all to join
her at noon as she wanted to try and explain what she could of why her
son had done what he did. As they were talking Chris was handed a
message from the telegraph office. he read it then throw it onto the
table. JD picked it up and read it.
"Chris, you sent a telegraph to Santa Fe, why didn't ya tell us," JD
"You boys didn't seem to think Miz Park or her son was worth
investigating so I did what I thought was best" he told them.
"And what did you find out Mr. Larabee, do we have some notorious mother
and son killer gang on our hands?" asked Ezra with a slight smile.
"No, but we had no way of knowing that did we, but y'all seemed to fall
under some spell once ya met this woman and I didn't want anyone else
getting hurt by her son or her," Chris growled.
"Chris, now she seems like a nice woman, and as for the kid, well we
don't know what caused him to go after Josiah and until he talks we can
only wait. No sense in being rude to his ma just cause the kid was an
Ass," Buck said.
"Well Miz Park said she thinks she knows why her son did what he did,
and once we all talk to her we'll know more," Nathan told them all.
They had all finished breakfast and were thinking of going to check on
Josiah when the batwing doors flew open to reveal an angry Sammy Jo
Park. She walked up to Chris Larabee and stood looking at him as if he
was some low down vermin she wanted to step on? Then in a voice that
told everyone listening that she was use to being in charge she spoke.
"Mr Larabee, if you had questions about me or my son you might have come and
asked me. There was no need for you to wire Santa Fe,"
"Well now ma'am as you didn't offer me any information other than your
name and that you once knew Josiah, I didn't know if you would be
willing to tell me anything did I?" Chris snapped back.
"Well since you seem to have this need to know all about me, I'll tell
you. I own a ranch some miles outside Santa Fe, it was left to me by my
mother's brother Joe Wright. I went to live with him when I was 19 .
He's been dead for six years and I have been running the ranch with the
help of his old Forman Jake Ten Bears. The ranch does well and I don't
owe nobody anything. I keep to myself unless someone needs help and I
have tried to raise my son to be a good person.
I have a fairly decent education and a great deal of faith in God. I
attend church as often as the ranch duties allow and so does my son.
My father was a missionary like Josiah's father and we met each other
in our childhood days. When Josiah returned to visit his family at the
age of 25, he and I spent some time together, then he left again and I
never saw him again until yesterday. At 19 I moved away from my father
and stayed with my uncle, been there ever since. And up until 6 months
ago I had no idea where Josiah Sanchez was. My father paid me and my
son a little visit and shared a dime novel with my son about seven men
who were thought of as hero's. What I hadn't knew until 2 weeks ago was
that my father had decided it was time my son learned just how he came
about. Reverend Park thought it was time his grandson learned the awful
truth about his mother and her great sin. He told JJ all he needed to
know about Sammy Jo Park and about the Sanchez family. So my son become
interested in finding out what his father was like and why his father
never came to visit him. Too bad my father didn't bother to tell JJ
that his father had no idea he had a son, then maybe none of this
would have happened. "
"Are you by chance telling us that Mr. Sanchez was shot by his own son?"
Ezra asked.
"Yes, that's what I'm telling you," Sammy said.
"I knew that kid reminded me of someone," Vin said
"And Josiah never even knew he had a son right, ma'am, why did ya never
contact him and tell him this?" Nathan wanted to know.
" Josiah Sanchez was dealing with enough pain and burdens of his own at
the time, I felt it best to let him go and deal with things in his own
way without having to worry bout a wife or child. He was dealing with
so much that I thought adding another might just push him over the
Edge. . My father was all for tracking Josiah down and shooting him or
making him do right by me. I finally talked him out of both those
ideas, but he felt someone should suffer for what he considered a great
sin, he made my life a hell until I finally went to my uncle in Santa
Fe. I hadn't seen my father for almost 17 years when he come for a
visit 6 months ago. Guess he thought it was time to make someone pay
for all his troubles and since I was doing alright and had a nice ranch
he felt it only fair he get something out of me for his silence all
those years. But I wouldn't give him anything and he found a way to
make me suffer, he told my son everything.
And if you gentleman don't mind I'd like to be the one who informs
Josiah about JJ. Right now I plan on going to see my son then I plan on
going back to my hotel room until later this afternoon"
And with that Sammy Jo left six stunned and silent peacekeepers sitting
at a table in the saloon.
"Whooeee that woman sure has a temper," Buck said finally.
"Buck, does this mean Josiah has a kid?" JD asked.
"That's what it means, I wonder what old Josiah is a gone to have to
Say bout that," Buck said.
"I don't rightly know, but I for one plan on keeping my mouth shut to
him bout It..Let Miz Park tell him I say," Nathan told the others.
All of them agreed to let Miss Park tell Josiah he was a father. As
they were all getting ready to leave they heard the sound of a wagon
and many horses.
They walked out to see a small company of 20 army men pulled a wagon up
to the bank.
The senior officer rode toward Chris.
"Would you be Larabee?" He asked.
"Yep, I'm Larabee," Chris replied.
"I'm Captain Williams, me and my men are in charge of a gold shipment
on it's way to Denver and we need to leave it here for a couple days.
We spotted Big Al Fisher and his gang in Eagle Bend. The army's been
after him for months now, I figure me and my men can get him if we
hurry back there. Thing is we need you and your boys to keep an eye on
this shipment for us," the captain explained.
"Me and the boys will look after the shipment or we could go after Big
All if'n you want us too" Chris offered.
"Thank you sir, but my men and I would rather you stayed with the
gold," Captain Williams said.
The arrangements were made and the company left Four Corners at a gallop.
Nathan went to his clinic to relieve Mrs. Potter who was sitting with
He entered to find Josiah tossing his head and moaning.
"Josiah, Josiah, come on wake up!" Nathan instructed
Josiah only moaned more.
"Come on now Josiah! Ya been sleeping for almost 4 days now, it's time
ya got awake," Nathan snapped.
"Danm Nathan, what was I a drinking last nigh, whatever it was don't
let me have anymore of it," Josiah said without opening his eyes.
"It weren't nothing you drank, you split your head open when you fell
off the roof four days ago," Nathan explained.
At this Josiah's eyes popped open and he let out a roar.
"Damn kid shot me!"
"Yep, but he just winged your shoulder you'll be fine with that. It was
your head that put the scare in all us," Nathan said with a grin.
"Well my head hurts like the devil, and I'm a mite hungry too," Josiah
Mrs Potter offered to go tell the others Josiah was awake and to have
someone bring him some food.
Nathan checked him out real well when Mrs. Potter left.
"Any dizziness or blurred vision? Do ya feel sick or anything?" he
asked with concern.
"Other than my head hurtin' I feel fine, how long you gonna keep me in
bed Doctor Jackson?" Josiah joked.
"Well considerin' how stubborn you are a day most likely," Nathan
teased back.
Josiah and Nathan heard the sound of many feet coming toward the door.
They smiled at each other then Nathan moved back as Chris and the
others entered the room.
"Hey Josiah, don't ya know better than to walk off a building," Buck
said as he entered the room.
"Boy Josiah I'm glad ya woke up," JD said with a smile.
"Mr Sanchez, I suggest next time you use a ladder to ascend from the
roof," Ezra threw in.
Chris only nodded his head at the preacher.
"I'm glad to see you boys to, but could you keep it down my head feels
a might tender and all your talkin' ain't helping my headache none," Josiah joked to his friends.
Once assured Josiah would be alright the rest of the men left Chris and
Josiah alone.
"Where's Vin, didn't he want to make sure I was alive and kicking?"
Josiah asked Chris.
Chris explained about the gold shipment and that Vin was at the bank
keeping an eye on things there. He'd be in to visit Josiah soon as one
of the others relieved him.
"Well preacher, what you want us to do with the boy that got the drop
on ya," Chris said.
For a second Josiah thought Chris was being rude but then he noticed
the seldom seen smile on Chris face and realized Chris was joking.
Josiah was surprised it was so seldom Chris joked or smiled. But if it
took Josiah letting some brat of a kid takes pot shots at him and his
hitting his head to make Chris smile Josiah figured it was worth the
"Got him in jail. do ya?" Josiah asked.
"Yep, JD put him in there the day this all happened. We been doing our
best to scare the crap outta him the past two days. We been talking
hangins, prison, and such around him, figured if'n we spooked him
real good he'd think twice about shooting at someone else," Chris said.
"Keep him there Chris, I have a few things I'd like to say to the young
fella myself," Josiah replied.
Nathan returned with a tray of food and Chris told Josiah he thought
he'd go on over and maybe let the kid stew awhile for he told him
Josiah was alive and going to be just fine.
Nathan had just checked Josiah shoulder and head when he heard a knock
on the door.
He opened it to find Miz Park standing to the side so as to not allow
Josiah to see her. Asked Nathan if he thought Josiah was up to hearing
what she had to say and Nathan figured. Now would be the best time. With
his head hurting him and his shoulder so sore it was unlikely Josiah
could throw too big a fit once he heard this news.
He went inside and informed Josiah that he had a visitor and was he
willing to see someone.
Josiah thinking that maybe it was Mary Travis told Nathan he'd be glad to
have some company who wasn't a poking and prodding on him every 5
Nathan escorted Sammy Jo Park into the room and watched Josiah as he
realized who his visitor was.
"Sam! Sammy Jo Park! is that you?" Josiah said with surprise.
"It sure is me Joe, been a long time hasn't it?" Sammy Jo answered
"Only you ever called me Joe and you know I hate it," Josiah
"Well I always had to be different and since no one else would give you
any trouble I felt it my duty to find someway to bring you down a notch
or two". Sammy teased back.
Josiah remembered his manners and introduced Sammy and Nathan, They
explained that they knew each other and Nathan said he'd wait outside
while the two old friends talked.
The two friends exchanged news of their life's and what they each had
been doing for the past 17 years. Sammy had been there for about an
hour when Josiah asked.
"So what brings you to town? Where you looking for me or just passing
"I got a telegram 4 days ago from some friends of my son's telling me I
better get here to Four Corners right quick since my son was in danger
of getting in deep trouble with a gunslinging preacher," Sammy Jo said.
"That was your boy! Now that is a find howdy do to a friend of his
Ma's," Josiah said.
"Josiah I'm so sorry, if I had known he was even headed this way I
would have stopped him," she whispered.
"Why was your boy so angry with me anyways, or is it just that he
didn't like my looks or something?" Josiah asked.
" There is no way to say this but to say it straight out. My son is
called JJ but his full name is Josiah Joe Park. He's almost 17 and he
found out a few months ago that you are his father," Sammy watched
Josiah as she said this.
For a long time Josiah just looked at her, then he must have seen the
truth in her face cause he give a big sigh and rubbed his head.
At each word Sammy Jo flinched and drew back in her seat.
FIND OUT I HAVE A SON! Josiah yelled.
Nathan opened to the door thinking he better stop Josiah before Josiah
let his anger get the best of him. Chris too had heard the shouting and
arrived to hear Josiah shout.
"Fine, just remember that's a lady yawl yelling at," Nathan said.
"Not likely to forget seeing as how she just informed me she had my
child," Josiah snapped.
Nathan and Chris left the two alone but didn't go far. Chris walked to
sit on the steps of the building and Nathan joined him there. The two
said nothing for a few minutes until Nathan finally turned to Chris and
"Ya suppose Miz Park will be alright in there with Josiah? "
"I think Miz Park can handle Josiah just fine, she seems the type woman
who always comes out on top," Chris answered.
"What ya got against Miz Park, Chris ya been rough on her since we
first met her yesterday," Nathan had to ask.
"Seen her type before, she'll bleed Josiah dry with this cock and bull
story of hers about that boy being his son," Chris replied.
"Ya don't think the kid might be Josiah's then Chris?" Nathan asked.
"Can't say, just seems to me that a girl who found herself in that
position would have informed her fella as soon as she could. And she sure
wouldn't let him go off and never return. Nathan you know as well as I
do what folk say and how they treat young ladies who find themselves in
the family way and without a man to marry. You truly believe some girl
is going to deal with that all on her own when all she has to do it
tell the fella?" was Chris's only reply.
"She loved em Chris, I could see that the day she first came in to see
em. Maybe she told us the truth bout not wantin' Josiah to have any
more burdens than he already had," Nathan tried to reason out for
"Yea maybe, but if she was telling the truth she'd be the first woman I
ever heard of to make that sort of sacrifice for some man," Chris said.
Josiah meanwhile was still giving Sammy Jo an earful. "I TRUELY CAN'T BELIEVE
"Maybe it was wrong of me not to tell you, but if you think back you would
realize I did what I thought was the right thing, maybe not for me but for you.
Damn you Josiah I couldn't tell you then and after you were gone it was too
late. Once JJ was born I figured I would never see you again. For all I knew you
might have been dead, you've been to so many foreign lands and all over America
I had no way of knowing you hadn't been shot or killed somehow. Wasn't till pa
come for a visit six months ago I even knew you were still alive. And do you
think my decision was easy! Do you think my life has been easy? You know how
folks treat unwed mothers. Well I have been dealing with that all alone for 17
years, while you been going your merry way. So don't you dare try and make me
feel any worst than I do already,"
Josiah was shocked at Sammy Jo. When he had knew her she never shouted
at anyone and she always backed down when her pa or anyone else give
her a hard time. He could see that she had changed a great deal. And he
knew why, she was right he was as much at fault as she was. He had
taken his pleasure with her and never once did he think of the
consequences. He left her and never once went back to make sure she
didn't need him. He guessed in some way this was the Lords way of
showing him that he had been just as careless as any other young man had.
At this point Sammy Jo had once again felt the tears build and roll
down her cheeks.
At the sight of her crying Josiah eased himself off the bed and took
her hands in his.
Sammy looked up into his face and saw that he had gotten pass his
initial anger and was now thinking with his head instead of his heart.
The two of them had lots to talk about and lots to work out, but for
now she would let him comfort her, the way he should have that long ago
night seventeen years ago.
"Sammy Jo, I am sorry. I was old enough to know we might have created
a child, but in my anger with my father and with finding my sister the
way she was I just wasn't thinking right. That's no excuse for my
actions and I know it, but I don't know what to say right now," Josiah
"There isn't any need for you to explain anything to me Josiah. We both
were old enough to know what we did was wrong and it didn't really help
either of us. You still remained angry with your father for his
treatment of your sister and his bitterness with you because you wanted
to learn about more than just his god. He was so hateful after you got
back from spending those two years with the Cheyenne. He treated you so
bad, I wanted to shake him and tell him to open his eyes and see what a
good person you truly were. But I couldn't, so I give you what comfort
I could. And me, I knew if my father ever found out what I was doing
with you he's whip the skin right off my back, but I didn't care cause
I sometimes hated him so much all I wanted was to get away from him," Sammy explained.
"It still ain't right Sammy. what we did will end up hurting someone
else alot worst than if every hurt you or I. What am I suppose to say
to a son I never knew I had," Josiah wondered aloud.
Josiah and Sammy sat and talked for a long time, then Sammy insisted
Josiah rest. She promised to visit later that evening.
Chris was going to take over at the bank so Vin could get somethin' to
eat when he heard someone riding into town fast and yelling at the top
of his lungs. By the time the rider got to Chris, the other had joined
him in the street.
"It's one of them boys that was with that kid JJ," JD said.
Chris helped the boy get his horse under control and then asked.
"What's the matter kid?"
Instead of answering Chris the kid jumped off his horse and ran to JD,
"Sheriff Dunn, Jake Ten Bears sent me to tell ya, a group of army
fellas were ambushed outside of town. Jake and Larry were heading back
to the ambush site and sent me to tell ya what was happening," the kid
"What do we do Chris? " JD asked the grim faced leader of the seven.
"I'll take Buck and Ezra and we'll go see if any one survived. You,
Nathan and Vin keep the shipment safe," Chris answered as he started to
the livery.
"Sir, Jake said I was to tell ya that him and Larry will bring back any
survivors and that he would need to talk with ya once he gets into
town," the kid said.
"I'll still ride out that way JD, so lets tell Vin and then I'll get
Buck and Ezra to ride with me," Chris said.
As they started toward the bank the saw Sammy Park walking toward them.
"Mike! what are you doing in town, I told you to stay with Jake until I
sent for you," Sammy questioned the kid.
"Jake sent me Miss Park," Mike explained about what he was in town for
and at the news that Jake and Larry had gone to the site of the ambush
Sammy Jo got angry.
"Damn that Jake, he knows better than to go any where near army men.
He'll end up getting himself shot for sure. " She said.
Chris and two of his men were mounting up when they saw several riders
coming into town. At the rear of the riders rode a tall full blooded
Apache Indian with long coal black hair wearing buckskin pants and vest
and a tan cowboy hat.
He was a sight to behold as he rode toward the
center of town. tall with broad shoulders and will developed muscles in
his arms and chest, since the vest was only buttoned half way down
everyone could see those muscles ripple as he rode. He rode straight to
where Sammy and the kid Mike were standing. Sammy Jo Park placed her
hand on his leg and spoke sharply to him.
"What's the matter with you Jake, those army fellas could have shot you on
sight. This isn't Santa Fe you know. These people don't know you for all they
know you could be some renegade Apache planning on killing them,"
"Sammy, those men needed help, I figured they'd take it from anyone as
long as it was offered," As Jake spoke he got off his horse and turned
to help a young solder down off his horse. The young man looked bad, he
was shot at least twice that Sammy could see and blood covered him
every where.
"Jake, carry him and I'll take you to someone who might be able to help
him" Sammy said as she started walking toward Nathan's room.
All told Jake and Larry had found only 8 men alive when they got to the
site of the ambush..
Nathan had seen them coming and told Josiah he would have company while
he was healing from his head wound. Once Chris and the boys along with
Sammy and Jake come in with the 8 wounded men Josiah knew Nathan was
going to need all the bed space he could find. He managed to get up and
dressed after Sammy stepped outside. Then he found a seat and began to
roll bandages for Nathan.
Sammy came back in and helped Nathan with the wounded. Chris and the
others joined Jake at the livery.
"What the hell happened out there?" demanded Chris.
"No sure, I had left the boys and was hunting when I head gunfire, by
the time I got there all the army fellas was down. The ambushers were
riding away. I rode back and got Larry, sent Mike into town and Larry
and I went to save the men we could. Whoever planned this attack knew what he was doing, he hit the army
fellas from a hill top and they probably never knew what hit them" Jake
told Chris.
"Captain William's, was he dead when you got there?" Chris asked.
"Yes he was. Jake paused as if he didn't want to say anymore but he
figured Chris should know what had happened to the captain.
"He was shot almost 20 times, most of them at close range. Someone wanted him
dead real bad from the looks of it,"
"Good lord, who would shoot a man that many times?" Buck asked
"Someone who was full of hate," Vin answered.
As Chris went to speak again he heard Josiah calling for him.
Chris rushed to Nathan's to find Nathan and Miss Park trying to hold
down young solder. He walked over and took hold of the boy and helped
Nathan got the boy laid back down.
"Mr. Larabee! I heard em; it was Al Fisher and his men, bout thirty of em.
Fisher keep shooting the captain and saying the gold would be his
before the day was over.
When one of his men asked him why he hated the captain so much, he told
em it was cause the captain had been after him for years and he wanted
to make sure the devil was dead fore he went after the gold shipment," the boy was crying as he spoke.
"It's alright boy, Fisher won't get the gold and I'll make damn sure he
pays for killing the captain and so many of his men. You let Nathan
take care of ya," Chris told the boy.
Chris along with Josiah joined his men outside the room.
"Boys we got trouble headed this way, JD, you Buck and Ezra warn the
town folks.
Vin you have the bank closed and locked up tight. See if any of the men folk
can help us. 30 men against us 6 ain't good odds,"
"It's 7, Chris. " Josiah stated.
"Josiah I know you want to help but your head wound might cause ya to
Blacks out at any time, we both know that. Ya can stay here with Nathan
and keep those boys safe," Chris told his friend.
Josiah seemed to realize Chris was right so he agreed to stay at
From below them they hear Jake Ten bears speak.
"Let JJ out of jail, him and his friends and I will help you protect the
"And I can help too," Sammy Jo said from the doorway.
"No! I won't put my men in danger by letting a women handle a gun. "
Chris snapped.
"Mr. Larabee, you have no idea how well I handle a gun or a bow and
arrow for that matter. Perhaps before you go making snap judgements you
should find out," Sammy snapped back at Chris.
Josiah raised his eyebrows and waited for Larabee to explode. But
before he could Jake entered the conversation.
"Miss Park can shot the eye out of an eagle if she had to, I taught her and
all three boys myself. We are offering our help Mr. Larabee, you should take
Chris hated to take help from those people but he didn't like the odds
"Alright, but she stays out of sight," Chris finally said.
Find by me, I don't plan on standing in the street while outlaws come
riding down the middle of it," Sammy said.
"JD go get the kid out of jail. Chris looked down at Jake and said. Ya best
go with him and tell the kid what we have planned,"
Things moved quickly after that, Chris and the boys had every thing
ready and they had each found a place to take cover.
Vin was atop the bank, Ezra at the saloon watching from a window. JD
and Buck had settled near the bank, one in each ally beside the bank.
Josiah and Nathan placed themselves one on each side of the door to
Nathan's room.
The three boys and Jake had placed themselves one on each roof of the
buildings surrounding the bank. Sammy Jo was in the building across
from the bank. Chris Larabee as always was standing in the middle of the street near
the bank.
Josiah poked his head out to look across at the boy he had just found
out was his son, the kid felt someone staring at him but refused to
meet Josiah's eyes.
"I should have spoken to him Brother Nate, none of us knows what might
happen doing this fight," Josiah told his friend.
"You'll have time to talk with him after the fight, I don't think God
would let either of ya die just when ya'll found each other," Nathan
They didn't have long to wait, about an hour after everyone was in
place they heard the sound of horses coming fast into town.
Each of the seven waited until the gang got into the center of town.
Chris stepped out into the street and with a deadly glare spoke to the
"There ain't nothing here for ya boys, it would be best if'n yawl just left
"One man! one man thinks he'll stop us boys," Al Fisher laughed. "ya best go
hide little man, or me and the boys will fill ya full of holds,"
"It's your funeral Fisher," Chris said as he stepped back and his gun
cleared leather.
Fisher and his men hadn't expected to have to deal with so many guns,
And Chris and his men learned just how good Sammy and her little band
were. Jake and each of the boys were firing and taking Fisher's men out
so fast Chris was surprised. His shock allowed Fisher time to head for
him. Chris fired at Fisher but the man kept coming.
Sammy Jo stepped
out of the building and shot Fisher right between the eyes. Then turned
her gun on the remaining outlaws. When the gang realized Fisher was
dead and most of their companions as well they give up without much
fight. Chris and the boys rounded them up and marched them to the jail.
"Buck, did ya see them kids shoot, I know that JJ must have shot 2 or
more and that fella Jake, my gosh he was shooting faster than I ever
saw Chris shoot," JD said in awe.
"They was something, weren't they?" Buck replied.
"I do believe gentlemen our Mr. Larabee owes his life to the fair Miss
Park," Ezra pointed out with a smirk.
"I wouldn't go telling Chris that if'n I was you Ezra," Vin said in his
soft way.
"Yep, he won't be too pleased about that. " Buck said with a cocky
Jake and the boys joined Sammy near Nathan's room. Sammy looked at JJ
and said.
"I think you owe someone an apology, you best be getting to it,"
Josiah was waiting at the bottom of the stairs, so Jake took Mike and
Larry and headed for the livery. Sammy waited to see if JJ or Josiah
needed her.
The two of them just stared at each other for a long time, then Josiah
"I didn't know about you son, if I had I'd have been there for you and your
Ma. I swear that to ya,"
"Would ya? Why should I believe you, I don't know you. How could you?
leave my ma alone and in the family way. Do you have any idea what she
went through. Hell if'n it weren't for Uncle Joe and Jake, me and ma
would most likely be dead now," Jake spoke heatedly.
"I know son. And I wish I could thank your uncle but he's dead and I
can't say nothing to him, but I will thank Jake for looking out for ya
and your ma," Josiah said.
"Why! why didn't ya know me. Grandpa said I look so much like ya did at
my age he would have knew who my pa was without anyone telling him," JJ
cried out.
"I reckon ya do at that," Josiah said as he looked closely at the young
man standing in front of him. Same eyes, same hair, same build, Josiah
saw it so plain now, he only wished he'd have seen it that first day.
Then maybe the kid would have let them talk together and work things
"Son I wish I could say something to make ya feel better, hell something that
would make me feel better but there just ain't nothing I can say. I'd like to
get to know ya now, and maybe your ma will let ya come visit me sometime. That
is if'n ya want to,"
JJ looked at Josiah then at his ma. it seemed like he wasn't going to
answer then Jake's voice was heard.
"A fair man always give another person a chance to make amends, and a boy
should know his father,"
JJ turned toward Jake and saw the man who for all his life had been
there for him and he knew there was no way he would ever do anything
that would make Jake angry with him.
"OK, maybe we could spend some time together and find out if'n we like
each other," JJ finally told Josiah.
"Thank you son" Josiah said as he placed his hand on the boy's shoulder.
"But not right now, Josiah you need to go rest and JJ and the boys need
to go to the hotel and get cleaned up. Jake you can walk with Josiah
to his place then come back and join me at the hotel," Sammy Jo told
the men standing with her.
Jake and Josiah walked to the church and as Josiah went inside Jake
made as if to head toward the hotel.
"Jake, would ya mind letting me speak to ya for a spell?" Josiah asked.
Jake entered the church and watched as Josiah sit down and leaned his
head back with eyes closed.
"Sammy is right, you must rest before any of us speak. You are not well
and none of us wish to see you suffer," Jake said.
"Not even you Jake? Josiah asked as he looked at the man before him. I got
the feeling you don't like me much and maybe you and Sammy Jo are closer than
just boss and Forman. None of my business I know, but Sammy Jo and I were
friends for a long time and I would hate to see her put herself into a situation
that might cause her more trouble and pain than she had already had to deal
"Sammy won't thank you for telling her that, I already tried to tell
her what would happen if she keeps letting people see what we are to
each other. But Sammy Jo Park is one tough woman and she says all those
people can kiss where the sun don't shine, she ain't going to act like
she is ashamed of what we have," Jake said.
"Sounds like Sammy has grown stronger in the last 17 years," Josiah
"That she has. JJ is a good boy too, his ma and I taught him to respect folks
and to care about his fellow man. I'm sorry he shot you, it's so unlike JJ to do
something like that,"
Jake wanted Josiah to know that JJ wasn't a bad person.
"Well maybe tomorrow him and I can try and make things better between
us," Josiah told Jake.
"I do not think the two of you will ever be as close as you should be.
Too much time and angry has been built up to allow that. but maybe you
can learn to be friends," Jake said.
Josiah could tell Jake himself was angry and wanted to say more, but
Perhaps Jake felt it wasn't his place to speak and Josiah for some
Strange reason wanted Jake to say what was on his mind. Maybe Josiah
felt he deserved some sort of punishment for his sin, what ever it was
he figured he might as well let Jake give it to him.
"Jake, if'n you got something to say, come right out and say it. I know
I did Sammy and JJ wrong and what ever you say I deserve," Josiah said.
Jake was silent for a long time, then he stood up and walked to the
front of the church. Josiah watched as he paced back and forth in front
of the alter. He figured Jake was thinking about what he wanted to say,
and Josiah wouldn't be surprised if Jake didn't punch him in the jaw
for his past sins.
Finally Jake turned and spoke. "In my head I know you planted the seed from
which JJ grew, but it was my arms that held the new born child on the day of his
birth. It was I who helped his mother care for him. I who worried and fussed
over him for seventeen years. and I who taught him the things he needed to know
to grow into a strong brave caring man. It was I who felt a father's pain for 17
years, but now he looks for another to call father. and it hurts me. You only
knew the pleasure in making him, and in those 17 years have never felt a
father's pain, why now should you be allow to take him from me,"
"I don't want to take him from you, I just want to know him and let him
know me. I don't got any right to expect him to treat me like a father
and he probable never will. I can see he cares for you a great deal and
I won't interfere in that. Just let me get to know him and maybe spend
a little time with him. That's all I ask of you," Josiah assured Jake.
Neither man had noticed that JJ was standing just inside the door of
the church, so both were shocked to hear him speak.
"Jake I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I just wanted to find out
what the man who fathered me was like. I could never forget that you
been a father to me all my life.
And Mr. Sanchez, I'm sorry for shooting at you like I did, ma says I got
a temper and she is right, I guess I let it rule me. Something Jake has
always warned me not to let happen.
All this trouble just because Grandpa Park wanted to hurt my ma. I
should have seen that and not come running here to find you. I know I
done hurt all three of you and there is nothing I can do to make
everything right". . JJ looked so sad, Josiah wished there was some way
he could make everything better for him. But he knew nothing he said
would make the boy feel any better.
The three stood in silence for a long time, each thinking their own
private thoughts.
Then JJ finally realized he had come here for a reason.
"Jake, ma sent me to tell ya, she got you a room at the hotel and a
bath is waitin' for ya," JJ said.
"One wonders how she performed this feat. I'm sure the hotel clerk will
not be happy to have an Indian stayin' in his fine hotel," Jake said
with a smile.
"Ya know ma, she told him if'n he didn't give you a room she might just
get mad and shoot him. He saw how good she is with a gun and he give
her what she wanted," JJ explained.
Jake and JJ left the church and Josiah was alone with his thoughts.
"Lord, show me how to make things right," he prayed
He went into the small room and lay down on the bed. But he could not
sleep. He just kept seeing Sammy as she had been that night 17 years
ago. Why hadn't he noticed Sammy needed him to stay? He had cared so
much about her for all those years and when he had returned from the
Cheyenne village and his father was so awful to him and to his sister
he had gone to Sammy for comfort. He had never meant it to go as far as
it had, and it seemed like once they had made love, neither one of them
saw any reason not to do it again. But then he had decided to leave and
hadn't even given it a thought that she might need him for any reason.
Years had passed before he had returned to find his father dead and his
sister in with the nuns. Even then he had not thought to ask anyone
where Sammy Jo Park was. Josiah Sanchez realized he had committed more
sins than he had ever thought he had. He could only pray that Sammy was
the only lady he had left with a child. The thought that there might
be other children of his out there was a real blow to his heart. But
there really hadn't been that many ladies he had slept with who hadn't
know how to prevent a child.
He heard someone enter the church and then heard Nathan call out.
"Josiah, ya sleeping in there?"
"If I had been, I'd be awake now brother Nate," Josiah replied.
He walked out to find Nathan sitting supper out on the small table.
"I brung ya some supper and I'd like to check your head while I'm
here," Nathan told him.
"It's fine Nathan, no need to fuss over me. How are those soldier boys?
Doin'? Josiah asked.
"Couple of them loss a lot of blood, and a few have pretty bad wounds
but I think they'll make it," Nathan answered. He then took the time to
check the wound on Josiah's shoulder and his head wound. Nathan
Pronounced them both as healing well, then sit down to share supper
with Josiah. They ate in silence until Nathan got tired of watching
Josiah pushed his food around on the plate.
"Are ya off your food cause of your wounds or is it your heart that is
achin'?" Nathan asked his friend.
"Oh God Nathan, how could I do somethin' like that to someone I cared
about. I just used her then walked away as if nothing happened," Josiah
said with bitterness in his voice.
"Now Josiah, it ain't like ya planned it to happen that way. I know ya Josiah
and there ain't no way you'd have left if'n ya had any ideas that Miz Park was a
carrion' your child,"
Nathan said hoping to ease some of the pain eating away at his friend.
"But I don't think about it Nathan and now I got to make up for it some
how, not just to Sammy but to a boy I didn't know I had," Josiah said.
"Way I see it my friend, is that ya couldn't do nothin' bout what ya
didn't know. Now ya got the chance to make things right if'n that's
what ya want to do," Nathan said.
"How Nathan, I can't change things for the boy and his ma sure don't
need me now," Josiah answered.
"Well maybe ya ought to let your god guide ya in what to do. Just let
things ride for while," Nathan said.
He finished eating then patted his friend on the shoulder and told him to
get some rest.
"I'll stop by in the morning to check your head. Don't ya be fretting,
about the boy and his mama all night," Nathan said as he walked out the
Vin Tanner rode out to greet the dawn like he always did every morning.
He went to the hilltop east of town. He was surprised to find someone
else already there His surprised faded when he realized it was Jake
Ten Bears. Jake being apache it was likely he greeted each day the same
as Vin did. He slowly made his way to where Jake was sitting and sat
himself a few feet away to watch the sun rise. Neither spoke until the
sun had rose well. above the horizon. Then it was Jake who spoke
"It is good to greet the dawn this way. I have done so for all my 40
years and JJ since he was 4, but this morning he did not join me and I
found myself alone until I heard you arrive,"
Vin had no words of comfort to offer to the tall man beside him. So he
only nodded his head.
"Mr. Tanner, while I waited for mother sun, something keep bothering me
it was not till you joined me I figured out what it was. Yesterday we
killed only 9 men the rest were taken and placed in jail. How many in
jail?" Jake said
"Five men in jail. so what's been bothering ya?" Vin asked.
"I saw more than fourteen men attack the army and the boy told Larabee there
were thirty men. So I wonder where are the others," Jake said.
Vin realized that Jake was right. Al Fisher had more than 30 men in his
gang .Why would he only bring 14 with him to rob the gold shipment.
"I don't know, maybe we best go talk with Chris," Vin said.
The two of them rode into town together. As they reached the hotel they
found young JJ sitting on the porch. he stepped down into the street as
Jake and Vin rode up.
"Jake, ya didn't wait for me this morning. didn't ya want me to go with
ya?" JJ said in a hurt voice.
Vin thinking the two might need some private time told Jake he'd find
Chris then he'd meet Jake in the hotel for coffee along with Chris.
Once Vin had rode on Jake turned to JJ. "I did not know if you wanted
to greet the morning with me," Jake said.
"We been doing it together for 14 year, why would I not want to keep
sharing our morning routine with ya," JJ spoke softly.
Jake realizing he had made a mistake that morning did the only thing he
could think to do. He reached for the boy he had always thought of as
his own and hugged him tight.
This was the sight that greeted Josiah as he made his way to the hotel
for breakfast.
The sight of the two together made Josiah realize that JJ would never
truely think of any other man as his father. JJ was lucky to have found
a father in Jake and Josiah realized that left no place in the boy's
life for him. He was sad about that and for a few second dammed the
fates for it. Then once again he realized that maybe it was for the
best. He had no place for a child in his life .No home or wife and with
what he and his friends did for a living could cause him to be shot and
killed at any time. Jake had a home and from what Josiah saw the love
of JJ's mother. He worked a ranch and was less likely to be killed
while working at his job.
God did work in mysterious ways Josiah
thought as he joined JJ and Jake in front of the hotel.
Josiah greeted them both and then walked on into the hotel to find
Sammy standing at the window watching Jake and her son.
"Jake Ten Bears seems a good man. "Josiah said.
"Yes, he is. Uncle Joe saw that, years ago. Guess that's why he took
Jake in when he found him at the mission school. Uncle Joe must have
told me the story of his and Jake's meeting a dozen times that first
year I went to live with him. Joe had stopped at the mission school
on the way home from delivering a head of cattle to a fort in New
Mexico. He got there just in time to catch a small Indian boy of ten
from running away from the good fathers there. They told him the boy
was wild and would never be able to control or teach. . Well Uncle Joe
being the man he was offered to take the boy off their hands. He said
Jake didn't like being at the ranch any better than he did the mission
school the first six months, but then Jake must have realized Joe Wright
wouldn't force him to do anything he didn't want to do. Jake soon took
to following Joe around learning everything he could about the ranch
and how to take care of it. When he was twelve Uncle Joe hired a retired
teacher and Jake learned to read and write. Uncle Joe used to laugh at
how Jake had soon out learned his teacher. He said Jake was like a
sponge and soaked up every drop of information he could from everywhere
and everyone. And Jake learned other things too, how to use a gun, and
how to fight with his fist. How to survive in a white mans world while
being a red man. Joe said before Jake was 15 he could out shoot, out
ride, out track and out run men twice his age. Uncle was right, Jake
can do all those things plus he seemed to know what to do with a baby
when I had JJ," Sammy explained to Josiah.
"When did you realize you loved him Sammy?" Josiah asked.
"Oh it took me a long time to figure that out. I knew I liked him and
he treated me better than any one else every did, but it wasn't till ten
years ago I realized if I didn't tell Jake how I felt the two of us
would spend the rest of our lives as friends and nothing more," Sammy
"I'm glad ya found him Sammy. " Josiah stated.
"Me too Joe," Sammy said.
Josiah laughed at the use of his childhood name. He knew Sammy called
him that because no one else had and she always had to be different.
Jake and JJ entered the hotel and joined Josiah and Sammy for
breakfast. While eating Jake explained to Josiah and the others what he
and Vin had talked about that morning.
Soon Chris, Buck, JD and Vin joined them. Once Vin explained to them
his and Jake's thoughts, the others too begin to wonder where the other
gang members were.
"Vn, ya think we could track em down?" Chris asked.
"Don't see why not, we'll go to the ambush spot and follow their trail
from there," Vin said.
"JD, you go get Ezra and Nathan. The six of us will try and find those
other outlaws while Josiah, Jake and the three boys protect the gold
and the town". Chris ordered.
"Miz Park, I'm going to have to ask ya to watch over them wounded boys
for Nathan until we get back. I'll ask Mary Travis to help with that," Sammy agreed and soon Chris and the others rode out of town,
Jake took a position on top of the bank while Josiah and JJ both took
on the side of the bank, but they soon found themselves sitting in front
of the bank talking.
Mike was stationed on the East Side of town and Larry was on the west
end of town. Sammy Jo and Mary were at Nathan's watching out the
window and door.
They had given the solders who were in fit shape their guns, just in
case the outlaws tried to finish the job they started that day before.
Josiah and JJ talked and Josiah could tell JJ had allot of respect and
love for both his ma and for Jake. He told Josiah all about how good
Jake was with horses and how folks from miles away would bring horses
to the ranch for Jake to break. As the boy talked Josiah realized that
JJ didn't need a father...he already had one of the best in Jake Ten
Bears. And Josiah reckoned JJ would find that out on his own. JJ then
asked Josiah why he was here and why he helped protect this little
Josiah took the time to tell him of the Indian village and then of
Judge Travis and his deal with the seven. Josiah paused for a few
seconds then said
"Them boys are like family to me now, and I think they need me not just for
my gun but for spiritual guidance. and sometimes for just someone to talk to
when the demons haunt them,"
JJ was quite for a spell then he asked," If'n you had known bout me,
would ya have married my ma?"
"I would like to think I would have son, but we will never know for
sure now. But if'n you or your ma ever need me for anything I'll be
there for ya," Josiah said as he placed his hand on the young man's
The two of them sit in silence for awhile then JJ asked Josiah if he
it was wrong or his ma to be in love with Jake. He told Josiah that
most white folks were against seeing a white woman with an Indian. JJ
also talked about how even the men who would travel for miles to hire
Jake to break there horses and would spend sometimes days with Jake
while he worked with the horses, would then go behind his back and talk
about him and his being an Indian who thought he was good enough to
have a white woman for a wife.
JJ told Josiah that he and Larry and Mike has been in allot of fights
cause of things others had said about Jake and Sammy.
Josiah thought that maybe JJ just needed to talk to someone cause deep down
he was just scared that maybe he was wrong for having the feeling he
did for Jake, mainly because Jake was Indian. Once again Josiah wished
folks could learn that skin color wasn't something anyone should be
judged by. But he had seen it too many times to think he could change
So he let the boy talk and hoped that JJ would figure out for himself
that Jake being Indian had noting to do with what kind of man he was.
But from what he had seen and heard from JJ so far made him think JJ
already knew all that. When JJ finally stopped talking Josiah asked him
one question in his deep calm voice.
"JJ, when ya think about Jake or look at him what do ya see?"
JJ looked at Josiah like he was a little crazy then he said," I see a man, I see
someone who's been like a pa to me since I was born. I see a man who protects my
ma and her home and who loves ma, Larry, Mike and me,"
Josiah smiled and told JJ "Well then the way I see if ya don't need to worry
bout what others think. cause you see all the important things while others see
only an Indian. Then he added "Ya see a pa and that's what Jake has been to ya
and those other two boys for a long time,"
"I reckon your right, but don't it bother ya that an Indian done raised
your son all those years and that he is loving the woman you use to
care about?"
JJ asked.
"From what I seen so far Jake done a hell of a job raising ya and shaped
ya into a man to be proud of, he taught ya to respect others and to
give everyone a fair chance. And he has made your ma happy, he takes
good care of her, something I didn't do too well when her and I were
friends," Josiah said.
JJ had to agree with that one. His ma was happy and Jake would die
before he let anything happen to her. It hit JJ then, why he never
cared before about the fact that he didn't have a real pa. He saw Jake
and himself in his mine. all the things they had done together and all
that Jake had taught him and later his two adopted brothers about
ranching, handling guns and bows, and about being men. Jake had shown
them so many things in the seventeen years of JJ life. Josiah let JJ work
thing out in his own mine while they sit and waited for whatever the
day would bring.
After awhile Josiah said," Way I see it ya don't need me for your pa,
ya got a real fine pa in Jake. So why do ya think you came here looking
for me?"
"I don't rightly know. guess I figured I should see the man who
fathered me and maybe see if'n he was a better man than the pa I
already had. No offence Josiah but if'n it's all the same to ya. I
think I'll keep Jake as my pa. And ya and me can maybe learn to be
friends," JJ said.
As Josiah went to answer him Larry came running up the street.
Mr. Sanchez, someone coming! he yelled.
As he slid to a stop near JJ and Josiah a rider came into town.
He stopped in the center of town and yelled out. "I'm looking for the
preacher fella!"
Josiah stepped off the sidewalk and strolled over to the fella.
"I'm the preacher. what can I do for ya?"
"My boss Harry Fisher sent me. He wants ya to know that we got your friends
and if'n ya want to see them alive y'all sit the gold out at the edge of town
and let us ride out with it. We'll leave word out there where ya can find your
friends. Fisher ain't none too happy with them boys for killing his cousin and
he done already beat the shit out of that fella who wears the fancy coat. so I
think ya should agree and then no one has to die,"
Josiah was shocked that Fisher could have taken Vin, Chris and the
others so easy like. He had to think fast, what to do. He couldn't
leave Chris and the others to the mercy of Fisher and his men. So he
did the only thing he could he agreed to the terms Fisher had set.
The man who worked for Fisher laughed and told Josiah he was making the
best choice for the town and the men his boss held captive. Then he
rode out of town.
Jake had watched as the man gave Josiah his bosses plan, he turned and
motioned to Larry over to him and whispered something to him. Larry
slipped off while Josiah talked to the man on the horse.
As soon as the man was gone Mary rushed to Josiah. "You can't believe Fisher
will just let Chris and the other go. once they have the gold Chris and the
other are dead,"
"I know that Mary, but I had to do something. We got this evening and
tonight to make plans. To figure out a way to get the boys back and
still keep the gold safe," Josiah said.
"But we don't got no idea where Chris is, them outlaws could be
anywhere," JJ said.
"We well know before we go after them. I sent Larry to fellow the
outlaw," Jake told them all.
Mary was shocked that someone would send a young man like Larry out after an
outlaw like the one who just left town. "How could you send him out there, what
if that man sees him following him. He could kill him,"
"No, Larry can track and follow any man or animal without them even
Knowing it. He is very good at it. many times he has followed me and I
never even knew it," Jake said with a grin.
They all went to the hotel to wait for Larry and to make what plans
they could.
It was decided that the gold would be taken to Nathan's room with the
While Mary and the other town folks would be told to lock everything in
town us and to stay in their homes were hopefully they would be safe.
Sammy would stay with he solders in case Fisher sent any men after the
Jake, Josiah and the boys would go after Chris once they knew where to
find them.
Larry had been gone for a couple of hours and Josiah was beginning to
think he might have got caught when he heard the sound of a horse
coming into town.
Larry ran to Jake and told him what he knew.
"Them outlaws are about 10 miles outside of town in a box canyon. they got
your friends tied to a large rock, that fancy fella is pretty beat up and it
looked like maybe the doc and that fella Vin might have gotten hit when Fisher
and his men jumped them,"
"This canyon, what's it look like?" Josiah wanted to know.
"It's got steep red walls and only one way in or out. No way for them to put
guards on top cause the walls are too steep to climb. The only guards are at the
entrance of the canyon,"
Josiah and Mary both spoke at the same time.
"Haunted canyon!"
Sammy Jo looked at them and said. "What is haunted canyon. do you know
where it's at and how to get there?"
Mary explained to Sammy and the other," "Ten years ago when the army was
gathering up the Indians to take them to the reservation, one young brave and
his white wife got away. The army chased them to that canyon, knowing they were
trapped the brave and his wife climbed as far as they could up the wall and then
they began to sing. The men in the army unit didn't know it at the time but they
were singing an Indian death song. While the army watched and their captain
pleaded with the brave and his wife to come down, those two jumped to their
deaths. Since then no one has been able to stay in that canyon after dark. Folks
claim they hear the brave and his wife singing,"
Jake and Sammy Jo looked at each other than both of them smiled.
Mary and Josiah seeing the smile wondered what the two were thinking.
The three young boys, knowing Sammy and Jake as well as they did knew
That the two were already making a plan for how to rescue Chris and the
Finally Sammy turned to Josiah and Mary and asked. "Would any of the
guys know of this tale, Chris or Vin maybe?"
"I know for a fact that JD knows this story. He came to the office one
day and asked me about it. I told him what I knew and he also asked for
some names of people who might have been in the canyon and heard the
sounds," Mary told them.
"And do either of you think JD would tell this tale while they are in
the canyon?" Jake asked.
At this Mary and Josiah both laughed. JD was the type young fella who
would talk a person's leg off if'n someone didn't gag him. Josiah told
Jake this.
"I know that there are many Mexicans and Indians with this gang...They
are very superstitious people. So if JD has told this tale. We may be
able to use it to get the others out," Jake said.
Josiah figured he might as well listen to Jake's plan since he wasn't
sure that with just him and Jake they could get the others out.
Mary and Josiah listened as Jake outlined a plan that sounded crazy
enough to work.
An hour later found Mary and most of the woman and children of Four Corners
inside the church with the gold and the able bodied solders, while the men of
the town were stationed at varies places around town. Sammy, Jake, Josiah and
the three boys were ready to go and rescue Chris and the others. Mary walked to
Josiah and spoke softly "Be careful and bring them home alive,"
Josiah patted her hand and told her not to worry. "God tends to watch out for
fools and children and I guess we got a bit of both riding here,"
The six of them rode toward what Mary hoped would be a small fight.
Vin had no trouble finding the spot where Fisher and his men had
ambushed the army.
"Well Vin, what way did they go? Chris asked the tracker.
"Toward the south, and they left a trail any fool could follow. I don't
like it. Ya'd think a man like Fisher would be a bit more careful so he
couldn't be tracked," Vin said
Him and the others follow the tracks for about three miles when Vin
once again stopped and got off his horse.
he looked around then told the others.
"This is where they split up. Half when toward town the other half went
"Well then I reckon west is where we go," Buck said.
"Yep I reckon," Chris replied.
They had been riding for about an hour when Vin got that feeling. The
one that warned him somethin' wasn't right.
He had turned to say somethin' to Chris when all hell broke out. From
what seem like out of the ground men came up with guns at the ready.
"Well now I reckon ya boys would be right smart if'n ya just drop those
guns of your," A dark haired tall man said.
Chris seeing he and the others were surrounded did as the man said. But
he wanted nothing more than to blow this fella away.
"Who the hell are ya, what do ya want with us?" Chris snarled.
"I'm Harry Fisher and I plan on using you six to get me a shipment of
army gold. then I plan on killing every one of you sons of bitches for
killing my cousin Al.," the man said.
Ezra laughed and Harry Fisher decided that the fancy dressed man would
be the first to feel his wrath.
"What the hell ya laughing out, ya think I'm joking bout killing ya?"
Harry shouted as he pulled Ezra off his horse.
"Why sir I believe you. It's just that we won't be of any value to you
in exchange for the gold. The army has no reason to bargain with you.
And we are nothing to them. So your plan has a fatal flaw in it," Ezra
said calmly.
Harry hated being laughed at and worst he hated being told his plans
were stupid and to Harry that is what Ezra meant. He had one of his men
hold Ezra as he beat the gambler with his fist and his rife. Chris and
the others watched then tried to go to Ezra's aid. Fighting broke out
between Chris and his men and the Fisher gang.
Chris and the boys were outnumbered and the men with Harry weren't
afraid to kill. A shot rang out and Nathan cried out. He saw that one
of the men had hit him in the fleshy part of his arm. The bullet had
went right through and so he knew he'd be alright. The gunshot had put
a stop to the fighting. Fisher and his men roped Chris and the others
together and forced them to walk ahead of them toward the canyon some
miles away.
Vin had a pretty good idea where they were headed and he told the
JD right away begin to tell them all he knew of the canyon and it's
tales. The outlaws riding near him heard his talking and one of them
asked him why the canyon was called haunted canyon. JD eagerly
explained about the Indian brave and his white wife. Then he told them
he himself had talked to one of the ranchers who had heard the singing
of the brave and his wife one night when he had gone into the canyon
looking for some of his cattle that had strayed off his ranch.
By mid afternoon they had reached the canyon and JD entered hoping all
the while that this singing tale was just a story folks made up to
scare little children.
Once inside he could see that the canyon had high steep walls of dark
red and the only thing inside was rocks and a few sagebrush bushes. It
sure didn't look like a place one would think of as haunted but then he
hadn't ever seen any haunted places so he couldn't be sure what one
would look like.
Ezra had made it on his own power to the canyon but once there he
seemed to collapse. Nathan reached him in time to catch him before he
hit the ground.
"Ezra, can ya hear me?" Nathan asked.
"My hearing is just fine Mr Jackson. It's the rest of my senses that
seem to not be operating well," Ezra said.
"How bad ya hurt. anythin' broken?" Nathan asked.
"No I seem to be all in one piece just a little rough around the edges
it feels like. Ezra tried to joke.
But Nathan and the others knew he was in a lot of pain.
He would have been usin' them fancy words none of them understood if'n
he wasn't feeling too bad.
"No need to be brave Ezra, if'n somethin' is broken maybe I can fix it
up So.'s it don't hurt so much," Nathan said.
"I assure you Mr. Jackson. I would not have made it this far if I had
any broken bones. I walked all this way and did not once fall flat on
my face. so I'll be just fine," Ezra said with a smile.
Nathan and the others knew that Ezra could be stubborn so they let him
sit down and said no more.
Fisher soon come over and had them move over to a large rock off to the
side of the canyon. One of his men made them sit against the rock side
by side. then he used a rope to rope them to the rock and each other.
All the while JD keep talking about the haunting of the canyon. Chris
and the others let the kid talk, hoping he would not realize they were
in deep trouble here. With just Josiah left to come to their rescue it
was unlikely any of them would get out of this canyon alive. Oh they
knew Josiah would try to save them but what could one man do against fourteen
Chris didn't care about his death, but he felt JD, Vin Ezra Nathan and
Buck should have been allowed to live a lot longer than this. He wished
now they had never taken on the peacekeeping job for Judge Travis.
Those men with him didn't deserve to die like this and he sure as hell
couldn't do a thing to save them.
"Chris, ya think Josiah can somehow save us?" Buck asked.
"One man against all fourteen of those men. No, Josiah is good but he'd have
to be God himself to get us out of here alive," Chris said.
"But Chris, Josiah ain't alone. he has 4 of the best shots I ever seen
with him. Maybe they will help him save us," Vin said.
"Now why would they want to help save us, put their own lives in danger
and the live of their son for strangers, not likely my friend," Buck
"I don't know Buck, that Miz Park seems like a women who'd help
stranger if'n they needed help. and Jake he won't just sit in town and
let us be killed. He just don't have it in him to let decent folk die
that way," Nathan softly spoke.
"You gentleman have forgotten one thing," Ezra said.
"What's that Ezra?' Asked JD.
"Mr Sanchez is a very resourceful man and he can talk a person into
helping him out with out to much trouble. Hell I wouldn't be surprised
to see Mr. Sanchez and the whole town ride into this canyon sometime
tonight," Ezra drawled in his most soft southern tone.
If nothing else he made JD and the others laugh. They soon became
quite, each thinking that this might be the way it would end for them
Josiah couldn't believe he let Jake and Sammy Jo talk him into going
along with their crazy plan. Hell Fisher and his gang were grown men.
No way would this "haunting" stuff work on them. No matter if Jake did
think the Mexicans and Indians in the group would believe the canyon was
But then he didn't have any plans so this one was the best thing as far
as saving his friends was concerned. He just prayed it would work.
It had grown dark on the ride. darker than normal for this time of
year. No stars and the moon kept slipping behind clouds. At times
Josiah could hardly see in front of his horse. But Jake and the three
boys seemed able to see in the dark. Sammy rode beside Josiah and she
had been looking over at him allot since they left town. Finally she
"Josiah, we'll get you friends out alive. Please don't worry,"
"I just don't see how you and Jake think this will work is all. Hell
grown men ain't afraid of ghost and the two of you think those men will
be so distracted as to let us slip into the canyon and get the boys
without getting ourselves killed. I got to be crazy just going along
with this," Josiah said.
"Listen Josiah I been around Indian and Mexicans a long time and let me
tell ya, they are very superstitious about things. If young JD told the
tale about Haunted Canyon, You can believe most of them are already
making the sign of the cross or asking the sprites to guard them from
this Indian worrier and his woman," Sammy told him.
Maybe but Fisher ain't going to be worried bout that. Hell he is likely
on close terms with the devil so some ghost ain't going to bother him
now," Josiah replied.
Sammy only patted Josiah hand and they rode onward.
They reached the canyon around midnight; it was so dark even Jake was
having a hard time seeing. The wind had picked up too and the area
around the canyon seemed to shimmer with fog.
Inside Chris had noticed that the later it got and the more the men
drank, the more the keep coming over and asking JD to tell them about
the warrior and his woman.
Chris was a little surprised that JD knew so much about the canyon, For
Chris didn't think JD had ever been here before.
One of the Indians walked over and spoke to Vin.
"You bounty hunter! What you know of this place?
he slurred.
"I know not to stay here at night I reckon". Vin said.
Fisher hearing his men, became angry and begin cussing his men out and
telling JD to shut his mouth.
"I can't believe grown men are letting some green kid scare them about
ghost and spirits. hell can't ya'll see he and his friends are just
trying to spook us, So.'s they can escape. Now stop your whinin' and
keep a look out for trouble. And you boy you'd best shut the hell up
for I do it for ya," Harry shouted.
Then Harry and his men walked over to the small fire they had started.
The six men were silent for a short while then Nathan began to speak.
More to him self it seemed than to the others.
"On the last plantation I was on, the Master had whipped one of the
slaves to death the day daddy and I arrived.
It was the first thing we saw when we got there...Him whipping that
poor fella and no one able to help him. Once he was dead the Master
left him hang for three days as an example to us all not to try and escape.
A week later some of the slaves swore they saw him at night up to the big
house. for years even new slaves who never even knew what the man looked like
would swear they saw him. The Master and his men got so spooked they would shoot
at anything at night. Some of em were so scared they'd hide in buildin' when
they was suppose to be watching the slaves at night. It's how I got away. they
was so scared they wasn't watching and I ran off and got clean away,"
"Did ya ever see him Nathan?" JD wanted to know
"Nope, but then I wasn't lookin' to see em either. I know enough bout
evil that I don't go looking for it," Nathan replied.
As Nathan finished speaking, fog begin to roll into the canyon opening
and rise. The fog made everything inside the canyon shimmer and wave.
Wind begin to blow lightly and the moon once again when behind a cloud.
The six were shocked when they heard off toward the back of the canyon
the sound of singing.
"Death song of the apache Indians," Vin explained to his friends.
tried to slid closer to Buck.
"It's just the wind JD. Buck said. Right Chris?"
"I don't know Buck, I ain't never heard the wind sound like that," Chris replied.
As the fog become thicker and the wind blow harder the outlaws begin to
panic and several ran to their horses and rode out. All the while Harry
Fisher cussed and screamed at them to be quite and to settle down.
The singing became louder and louder and the fog thicker and thicker
until it was almost impossible to see anything.
Chris jumped when he felt someone cut the rope holding him and the
others in place. And when he saw the blue eyes of young JJ Park twinkle
at him he knew that Josiah had somehow found a way to get them out. He
and the other soon found themselves free but still inside the canyon with
the outlaws, who were so busy trying to find the source of the
"singing" they never even noticed that two young boys and a large man had
slipped inside to the peacekeepers and released them.
Chris told Nathan to take Ezra and head on out while he and the others
took care of the outlaws.
Josiah thought they would make it since so far this whole idea of Jake's
seemed to be working. But the fog and wind and the loud singing made
even Chris a little jumpy and JD had somehow ended up walking right
over beside Harry Fisher. When he realized his prisoners were free he
grabbed JD and placed a knife to his throat.
"I'll kill this kid if'n y'all don't let me ride outta here". He
"Give it up Fisher. Even if we wanted to let ya ride out. I think the
spirits have other ideas," Josiah said.
Fisher looked around wildly for help from one of his men. Most were
captured or had ran out on him. The few that were free were down on
their knees praying and watching the back of the canyon. Fisher kicked
one to get his attention and shouted.
The Mexican only shook his head and pointed toward the back of the
Fisher turned with JD still tight in his grip. The fog was thick and at
first he saw nothing but as it shimmered and waved he spotted what had
so frightened his men. Near the back of the canyon, weaving to and fro,
was an Indian with long black hair wearing only a breechcloth, beside
him walked a white woman with long brown hair in an Indian dress.
Fisher tightened his grip and pressed the knife harder to JD throat.
"GO AWAY DAMN YA.LEAVE ME ALONE! "Fisher screamed.
He turned back to the peacekeepers and shouted. "HE'S DEAD IF'N YA'LL DON'T
Chris afraid any move he or his men made would push Fisher over the
edge stayed back.
Josiah walked forward and spoke to Fisher trying to calm him down. he
was thinking maybe Jake and Sammy has gone a little overboard on the
"haunting" thing.
"Fisher. let the boy go. ya don't want to hurt him. It would only makes
things worse for ya,"
Fisher stepped back and Josiah watched as blood begin to drip down the
blade of the knife held to JD's throat.
Buck seeing the pain in JD's eyes rushed forward.
Fisher only laughed and pressed a little more with the knife.
Chris and the others watched and felt helpless, then the sound of an
arrow slicing throughout the air was heard.
Fisher let out a scream then let JD go he reached behind him but could
not pull out the arrow in his back.
The peacekeepers watched as he fell to his knees and then to his face,
as he died.
JD rushed to Buck. shaking and scared but otherwise alright.
"Ya alright kid?" Chris asked.
JD nodded his head then asked. "Who the hell was that back there?" Josiah
hugged JD and answered. "Sammy and Jake did a fine job of scarin' the bad guys
didn't they,"
The men laughed but then stopped as Larry spoke from behind them. "That
wasn't Jake and Sammy, they been right here with us keeping these men from
running off,"
"Then who the hell was that?" Chris asked.
"Perhaps the warrior and his women do haunt this place," Jake replied.
Even Chris couldn't debate that. Because if it hadn't been Jake and
Sammy back there then it had to have been something none of them could
Chris and the other gathered up the prisoners and headed toward Four
Dawn found them entering town and meeting the army men who had arrived
after dark last night.
The army took the prisoners and the gold and left town right away so
they could have the gold save before someone else tried to steal it.
Chris and the others decided to get some sleep and then meet later at
the saloon.
Josiah had slept only a few hours when he heard someone calling for him.
He woke to see JJ sitting across from him in the church.
"How I envy the young, that they need less sleep than we older
people. "Josiah joked.
"Sorry, just that ma and Jake are planning to leave this evening and I
wanted to let ya know I'm going with them?" JJ said.
Josiah wasn't surprised he had knew JJ would return to the home and
family he loved. It hurt just a little to knew his son would be far
away. But he also knew his son would be alright, JJ was able to take
care of himself and Josiah had Jake Ten Bears to thank for that.
"I'll write and come visit ya, and maybe ya can come see us at the
ranch," JJ said.
"I'd like that, when things settle down here a bit maybe I see ya and
find out all about ranching. I'll write ya too," Josiah said with a
The two spend the afternoon talking. and when Sammy came looking to say
goodbye she found that Father and son had made plans for their next
visit together.
"Well Jo's been fun," Sammy teased Josiah.
"Yep, fun. Next time y'all come to visit I'll try and be ready for ya," Josiah laughed.
He and Sammy hugged and then walked outside to find Jake and all three
boys waiting for them.
As they walked through town the six peacekeepers joined them. Good-byes
were exchanged and thanks given.
Jake went to Josiah last to say goodbye.
"I was wrong," Jake said to Josiah.
"Bout what?" Josiah asked.
"You have felt a father's pain," Jake replied.
Josiah shook his head as if to say no but Jake went on. "Each time those men
are in trouble or hurt it is you who feels as a Father would,"
"Ya might be right, I never saw it that way, just saw it that my
friends were in trouble and hurtin'" Josiah answered.
"But your heart feels it like a father would for his childern. So a
Father's pain is something you understand," Jake said.
Josiah only smiled and Jake let the matter drop. But he knew he was
The seven watched as Sammy Jo Park and her family rode out of town.
"Well Josiah, what say you let us buy you a drink," Chris said as he
slapped Josiah on the back.
"Yes Mr. Sanchez, we owe you a couple of drinks. One for saving us and
another for becoming a father," Ezra joked.
"Well boys, sound like a good idea to me," Josiah said.
The seven headed toward the saloon and some peace and quite for a few
The End