Old West Universe

by Katrina Sanders

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Chris slowly walked toward the Sheriff's office. His head hurt worse with each step he took. He had been up most the night drinking, celebrating another day without his family. He saw JD firmly planted in the seat in front of the office. Chris looked around for the others, but saw no one.

"JD." H e almost winced as his head throbbed from the sound of his own voice.

"Good morning Chris." JD frowned. "You look awful." Chris felt a smile tugging at his lips. The kid was getting braver, he'd give him that.

"Thanks. Where are the others?"

"Uh, Nathan is looking over Mrs. Potter's son, seems he has a cold or something. And Vin is with Josiah at the church, and Buck and Ezra are at the bath house." JD watched Chris as he leaned against a post, looking up and down the street.

"Can I ask you something Chris?" JD went to stand by him. Chris looked down at the shorter man and nodded. JD wasn't sure if he could ask it, but he tried. "When are you gonna let go of it? Of what happened to your family?"

Chris felt his face harden, and his body tense. What the hell brought this on, he thought to himself.

"When I catch the bastard that did it." H e could hear the coldness in his voice. "Anything else?" he didn't even wait for JD to reply, he just started to walk away.

"No." JD whispered behind Chris.

The Church

Josiah watched Vin light another candle. He had been surprised when Vin had come to the church with him. He hadn't wanted to pry, so he didn't ask why. But surprisingly, once they arrived in the church, the younger man opened up to him. He told Josiah about how every year, on the anniversary of his mother's death, he lights a candle for her. But this year he was also lighting several other candles. One for Mary Travis, Nettie and Casey Wells, and one for each of his friends. Josiah smiled at the sentiment. He hadn't known Vin for long, but he was grateful to know him.

Josiah went over and sat in a pew behind Vin. Vin blew out his match and joined Josiah. The two sat in silence for a moment.

Vin had never told anyone about this, but for some reason being around Josiah made it easier to tell.

"You're a good man Vin." Josiah said.

Vin cast a side ways glance at the former preacher. "No, I ain't."

Josiah seemed surprised by that statement. "Why do you say that?"

Vin thought for a moment. "Cause that's what I was raised to believe." H e stood up and walked toward the door. "You gonna stay awhile?"

Josiah shook his head. "I think I'll come along with you."

The two walked out of the church and saw Chris stalking away from JD Chris had a look that could kill in his eyes, and the two wondered what had happened. Josiah started to head over to Chris and Vin went to JD Out of the corner of his eye, Vin saw Ezra and Buck emerge from the bath house. He was almost on top of JD before the kid seemed to noticed him.

"Hey Vin." H e sounded nervous.

"What's wrong?" Vin asked, leaning against the post.

JD sighed, and relayed the story back to Vin, who laughed. "Hell boy, you're lucky he didn't shoot you."

"Vin..." JD started, but stopped suddenly. Vin turned to look at what had caught JD's attention. To his amazement, he saw a woman riding into town alone.

The woman had long black, wavy hair which was hanging loose about her shoulders. She was wearing a pale blue dress, and wore a tan coat over it. As she approached, Vin could see that her eyes were a deep blue.

She stopped her horse in front of the two men, and dismounted, wincing a little as she landed on the ground.

"Ma'am, are you all right?" JD asked, running down the steps to her.

"Fine, I just hurt my ankle outside of town." H er voice was soft.

Vin had joined the two at the bottom of the stairs. The woman looked up at him. "Don't suppose there's anywhere I can sit down?" she asked.

Vin smiled and nodded. He and JD led her up the stairs to the chair that sat on the porch. She reached down and gently touched her ankle.

"How'd you do that Ma'am?" JD asked.

"Star," she said.

"Pardon me?"

"That's my name. Star O'Brian." S he extended a hand to JD

"Um, I'm JD Dunne and this is Vin Tanner." the two men both excepted her hand.

"Now about that ankle?" Vin asked, hooking his thumbs in his gun belt. He glanced over his shoulder and saw Buck and Ezra heading toward them.

"Well it's a long story, but I'll give you a shortened version. Some men tried to attack me outside of town, my horse got spooked and bucked me off. I landed on my ankle, and I must have sprained it."

Buck and Ezra got there just in time to hear her say that last sentence.

"What happened?" Buck asked, moving past JD to stand by Star.

"Oh Miss O'Brian," JD started.

"Star please."

"Star O'Brian this is Buck Wilmington and Ezra Standish."

Ezra tipped his hat and Buck said "At your service Ma'am."

"JD why don't you go get Nathan, have him take a look at her ankle," Vin suggested. JD nodded and took off in search of the healer.

"What's this about an injured ankle?" Buck flashed her a smile that would make most women swoon. Most.

"With all do respect Mr. Wilmington," Buck interrupted her.

"Buck please. After all if we are to call you by your first name, you should be able to do the same." H e knelt down beside her.

Vin looked at Ezra who rolled his eyes. What the man won't do for some attention, Vin thought.

"With all do respect Buck, I have had a very bad week. I came here in search of some men that I was told protect this town. A friend told me they might be able to help me." S he bit her lower lip.

Buck glanced up at the other two. "Well you're in luck, we're them," Buck grinned.

Star rolled her eyes. Ezra cleared his throat, "What is it you need assistance with my dear Lady."

Star smiled at the man. "As I mentioned to Vin," she looked at him to see if it was alright to call him by his first name. When he nodded she continued, "and JD it is a long story."

Buck started to say something, but Vin beat him to it. "I bet you would like to rest for a bit, seeing how you've had a rough ride."

"Thank you, that would be wonderful." S he started to stand up, and Vin and Buck reached out to help her.

"Maybe you had best wait for Nathan," Buck suggested.

"I'm sure it's nothing, just a little sore. If one of you gentlemen could show me to the hotel," she smiled.

"Ezra, why don't you show her. Buck and I'll get the others." H e turned to face Star. "We can meet later and talk." S he nodded and again repeated her thanks before Ezra led her off to the hotel.

Buck watched the two walk away, and would have continued to enjoy the view if Vin hadn't hit his arm.

"What was that for?" Buck sounded hurt.

"Come on." Vin started to head in the direction he last saw Chris and Josiah going.

"I'm telling you Vin," Buck said, "That is one fine looking woman." Vin just smiled.

"Trust me, you're not the only one who noticed," he whispered.


The six men had gathered at their usual table in the saloon. Ezra had gone to get Star O'Brian, and Buck was busy regaling Chris, Nathan, and Josiah with a story about how beautiful the woman was.

JD shook his head. "You make it sound like you've never seen a beautiful woman before Buck."

The others, except for Chris smiled at JD's comment.

"Boy, I'm warning you."

"Oh, you can dish it out but you can't take it when someone else does." JD shrugged.

"That's it." Buck stood up and started to walk over to JD's side of the table. The younger man stood up and ran behind Josiah.

"Um Buck, it was just a joke." JD was starting to get a scared look on his face.

"Well you may have been fooling, but I wasn't." Buck tried to lunge at the boy, but he moved to quickly. The others at the table started to laugh as they watched Buck chase JD around the saloon.

Nathan finally stood up and grabbed Buck as he ran by. "This won't give the lady a very good impression if she sees you two playing."

"You call that playing?" JD asked.

The others smiled as Buck and JD sat back down. "Next time I give you a warning, I suggest you take it," was all Buck said. JD started to retaliate but stopped when Ezra walked in with Star.

She was the one who had suggested they meet in the saloon, which had surprised all of the men. She still wore her blue dress, but she had removed her tan coat. Her eyes seemed to shine against her raven black hair.

"Gentlemen, this is Star O'Brian." Ezra went on to introduce her to the others.

"Gentlemen, it's a pleasure." S he nodded politely as she sat down.

"Now what sort of trouble is it your having?" Nathan asked.

"Where to begin." S he was silent for a moment. She had noticed the man that Ezra called Chris Larabee this morning. He had been walking away from JD at the Sheriff's office, and she noticed then that he had a cold look in his eye. When she looked at him across the table, she saw that same coldness.

"Three years ago, my father ran a ranch a few miles out of Eagle Bend. One day I received word that the ranch had been burned, and everyone had been killed. Even the cattle my father owned had been slaughtered." S he paused for a moment. "I'm sorry, it's still very difficult."

"That's alright ma'am," JD said.

"Take your time," Josiah whispered.

She gave them both a grateful look. "A week ago, one of the ranch hands who worked for my father came to see me. He had been in town when the others were... Well anyway, he came to me and gave me two name's that he had collected over the years. Name's of the men who were somehow involved with what happened."

The other men seemed very interested in what she was saying, but she noticed that Mr. Larabee had a distant look on his face. She suddenly felt angry at the man who just seemed to be ignoring her. "Am I boring you Mr. Larabee?" she asked.

Chris seemed shocked by this question. "No Ma'am," he replied, the coolness in his eyes reflected in his voice.

"On my way here, I was attacked by two men, who were trying to keep me from getting to Four Corners. That is how I injured my ankle."

"What happened to the men?" Vin asked.

"I put them out of their misery." Star could hear the anger in her voice. "I found out that one of the men responsible for my father's death was killed a few months ago in Eagle Bend."

Buck had been keeping an eye on Chris, who seemed to be in his own world. "What was this man's name?"

"Cleatis Fowler."

At the mention of that name, Chris' head snapped up. "What?" he asked.

"Now Chris." Buck laid his hand on Chris' shoulder, which was quickly slapped away.

"Cleatis Fowler!" Chris snapped.

Star recoiled from Chris, his eyes were filled with a white hot rage.

She found that she couldn't speak, so she nodded.

Chris stood up and kicked his chair across the room. When Buck tried to approach him, he just held up his hand and stormed out of the saloon.

Buck started to go after him, but he decided not to. It was best to leave him be for awhile. He turned back to the table and saw that Star's face had gone completely white.

"Are you alright Star?" the concern was plain on his face.

The others also stared at her with concern evident on their face's. It took her a moment to regain her voice.

"What the hell was that about?" her voice cracked in mid sentence. He had really shook her up but it was more than that. That look in his eye, that is the same look I've carried for three years, she thought to herself.

The others looked at Buck to explain. He let out a sigh and related the story of Chris' wife and son to Star. He also told her about the incident a few months ago with Cleatis Fowler.

Star was stunned. She hadn't realized that someone else was suffering the same burden of not knowing who had killed his family or why.

She suddenly felt bad about the remark she had made earlier, when she thought he hadn't been paying attention.

She stood up. "If you gentlemen will excuse me, perhaps I should go speak with Mr. Larabee."

JD and Ezra shot a concerned look at Buck. "Uh, Ma'am, maybe you shouldn't go alone," he suggested.

Star placed her hands on her hips, and stared down Buck. "Thank you for your concern Buck, but I am sure I will be fine." she began to walk toward the door. "Oh, I almost forgot. Will you please help me?" she asked, looking over the six faces that sat before her.

Vin nodded, and Nathan spoke up, "Yeah, we will."

Star smiled, the first sincere smile she had since her arrival. "Thank you all so very much."

"We can leave for Eagle Bend in the morning," Vin replied.

Star again thanked the men before leaving to find Chris Larabee.

"Do you honestly believe the young lady will not be chastised anymore by Mr. Larabee?" Ezra asked, taking out his deck of cards.

JD looked at Josiah, who proceeded to translate. "Are we sure Star will be alright with Chris?"

The confused look left JD's face instantly. Vin let out a small laugh from where he sat. The others looked at him. "What's so funny?" Nathan asked.

"Chris is the one we should be worried about."

"Huh?" JD asked.

"Vin, what are you talking about?" Buck wondered.

Vin smiled and stood up to leave. "Trust me, you'll find out."

The Livery

Chris sat on a bale of hay in the loft of the livery. He felt so many emotions running through him. He felt so angry at the thought that even from the grave, Cleatis Fowler was still playing with him. He was also mad at himself for his reaction in the saloon. He didn't understand why he had reacted that way. He just felt all the anger that had been pent up inside him for the past three years screaming to be released. He also felt relieved. He didn't know why but knowing that someone else had suffered at the hands of Fowler somehow eased his pain. But there was one feeling he had that scared him. He hadn't felt like this since, since he had met Sarah.

"Star O'Brian," he whispered to himself. He had noticed right away how beautiful she was. She had a musical voice, and a smile that would melt any man's heart. And Chris could feel his slowly melting. He looked up when he heard someone approaching. He had expected to see Buck but was surprised to see Star.

"May I?" she said, pointing to a bale of hay across from Chris. He nodded. The two sat in silence for a moment, before Star broke the silence. "Your friends told me about what happened. I didn't realize that the same thing had happened to you," she paused, waiting for him to reply.

"The same thing?" he tried to keep his voice calm. "What happened to me was very different from what happened to you."

Star's face turned red. She stood up and tried to control her voice, "You may feel that you lost more than I did Mr. Larabee, but I still lost enough." S he felt the tears swelling up, but she refused to cry in front of this man. She started to walk away from him when she felt his hands on her arms. "Wait," he whispered.

Star looked up at his face. Some of the hardness had disappeared, but she could feel how tense he was. She noticed that his eyes had lost the anger in them. She found herself staring intently into his eyes, and it was almost like staring into the man's soul.

He led her back to the hay bale's and the two sat down. Chris didn't know where to begin. "I... I didn't mean to react that way. I know you've been hurt like me." Chris stopped. He wasn't sure what he was saying, and he didn't know if she understood or not.

"When I saw what was left of the house, the first thing I thought was how it got started." Chris went to stand by Star and continued his story. "I didn't even think that they might have been in the house." H e clenched his jaw, the tears forming in his eyes. "Then I realized they were... they were in the house and I ran to them."

Star took hold of his hand and said, "I never even cried." H e looked down at her. The pain he saw in her face was a reflection of his own.

"It's not because I didn't care, it's just... I felt like if I did, then I... would be admitting defeat." S he closed her eyes. "Like the man that did this, would have won. God that must sound so stupid."

"No," Chris said, kneeling down before her. The two looked at each other for a long time, the world around them seemed to disappear for awhile. "I think we'll help each other." S he could barely hear his voice.

Star nodded, reaching out for him. He wrapped his arms around her and the two sat there, holding one another for a long time.

The town of Eagle Bend

The group had started out early the next morning, and ridden hard most of the day. Now as the sun was beginning to slip behind the mountains, they arrived in Eagle Bend. Their first stop was the hotel. After they all had a room for the night, they headed over to the restaurant to get something to eat. And to discuss what to do next.

"Last time we came looking for answers, we almost got killed," JD reminded everyone.

Buck smiled. "And thank you so much for bringing it up again."

"Maybe we best ask around for this Daniel McFlurby that was on Star's list. See if anyone knows where he is?" Josiah suggested.

Chris nodded. "I think we should ride out to your father's spread too, see if we can find any clues."

Star nodded, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. The others noticed this and Nathan asked if she was alright.

She gave a weak smile. "I haven't been home since the funeral. I just... Can you all excuse me please." S he stood and left.

"What's wrong with her?" JD asked.

"Bad memories," Chris replied, walking out after her.

"Come on Josiah," Vin stood up, "Let's go find this McFlurby feller." Josiah followed Vin out of the restaurant.

JD, Nathan and Buck looked at Ezra. "Might as well deal us in," Buck suggested. Ezra flashed his gold tooth and began dealing the cards.

+ + + + + + +

It didn't take long for Chris to find Star. She was standing near the hitching post out in front of the restaurant. Chris approached her, and laid his hand on hers. He glanced over his shoulder when he heard the door open and saw Vin and Josiah leaving. "We'll be back," Josiah had said. Chris nodded and returned his attention to Star.

She was looking up at the darkening sky. She had such beautiful eyes, so much so that Chris swore he could get lost in them.

She could feel his eyes on her and she slowly turned to face him. What she said was not what Chris was expecting.

"You have wonderful eyes." Chris gave her a puzzled look. Star smiled. "My father always told me that the eyes were windows to the soul. I never believed it until I met you." Chris wore an unreadable look on his face. Star continued, "In the saloon back in Four Corners, your eyes revealed what hell must be like. But then in the hay loft, the fire died and I saw a different light."

Star seemed to become aware of the fact that Chris was actually listening to her. "I'm sorry, that must sound so crazy."

"Actually, yes." H e smiled. Star laughed and quickly put her hand over her mouth. "I can't believe I'm laughing at myself."

Chris' smile widened. Star was amazed at how well this man hid his emotions. But she was seeing a special side to Chris Larabee. One she suspected only his closest friends ever saw.

"I guess I will turn in for the night. It has been a long day." S he slowly moved her hand away from Chris'.

"We'll get an early start in the morning," he told her. She nodded and Chris watched her go over to the hotel. He closed his eyes, and saw the image of her laughing. Yes, his heart was definitely melting.

The O'Brian Ranch (or what's left of it)

The O'Brian spread was extensive. Chris hadn't even realized that his own home was about four miles away, on the other side of the creek bed.

That was where he, Nathan and Vin were. Vin and Nathan had said they were going to fill the canteens and Chris decided to go with them. He had wanted to stay with Star, but he was beginning to feel uneasy around her. The two had barely spoken since last night in front of the restaurant, and Chris didn't understand why.

His friends apparently did though. They had all noticed a change in Chris since Star O'Brian's arrival. None of them could explain, and no one was sure how to approach the subject. So they decided to wait and see.

+ + + + + + +

She stood in what had been her father's room. She looked around at the remains of the house. It had once been a beautiful house, and her father had always been expanding, making room for the people he hired.

Now all she saw was blackened ruins. She felt the tears forming in her eyes, but she still refused to cry. Star suddenly felt ashamed for not letting her emotions out. She clenched her jaw together, and moved toward what had once been the front porch.

There waiting for her were four men. She hadn't known them for very long, but she was grateful for them. She considered them her friends, all of them.

Josiah held his hand out for her, and she gladly accepted it. "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked.

Star nodded, trying to give them a smile, but she did not succeed. "Have you found anything?"

The men all looked at the ground. JD was shuffling his feet and she knew the answer was no.

"It's alright," she whispered. "What about McFlurby?" Buck lifted his head to meet her eyes. "We found him. He lives on a ranch a few miles from here."

"We shall go there this afternoon and interview the man," Ezra drawled, walking toward his horse.

"Thank you," she said.

The others turned to look at her. "For what Star?" JD asked.

"For being here," she replied. Josiah patted her hand and they all walked to their horses.

McFlurby's house

The seven had agreed that Star should not go out to McFlurby's. Ezra had volunteered to take her back to town, forcefully if necessary, for she was not to thrilled with the idea. As the six remaining men rode nearer to Daniel McFlurby's house, Buck settled in beside Chris. The other's were far enough back that Buck knew they wouldn't be able to hear. "So what do you think?"

"Bout what?" Chris glared at Buck. He was pretty sure he knew what he was going to ask.

"About Miss O'Brian. She's a lovely woman."

Chris wasn't sure what to say, so he just nodded. But Buck saw something in Chris' eyes. It was something he hadn't seen in three years.

"Yes, mighty fine lady," Buck repeated before galloping ahead. Chris shook his head.

"Like I need you to remind me," he whispered under his breath. It was when he heard Vin laugh that he realized the younger man had heard that last comment.

Chris shook his head and started to explain, but Vin just smiled.

"What?" Chris asked angrily.

"Nothing. That just reminds me of something Star said about you."

Chris stopped his horse, and JD, who was not paying attention, almost ran into him. Chris looked back at the others, then said to Vin, "Tell me later." He then rode his horse up ahead to Buck's.

"If I didn't know you better Vin," Nathan started, "I'd say you were playing matchmaker."

The others smiled at they rode ahead to McFlurby's house. The house was two stories, and there was a barn about 50 yards from the house. Off to the left was a corral and even further past it was a bunkhouse. Chris saw four men gathered around a table on the porch, and one other grooming a horse in front of the house. He looked around, but saw no other signs of life.

"Think he knew we were coming?" he asked Buck, dismounting his horse.

"Maybe." Buck nodded toward Vin who also dismounted. The others stayed on their horses, their hands never leaving their guns. The man who had been grooming his horse walked out to meet them.

"Howdy pards, what can I do for you?" Chris noticed the man wasn't wearing a gun.

"We're here to talk to Daniel McFlurby," Chris said.

One of the men at the table stood up and walked toward the stairs.

"That'd be me." He was about Chris' height, with black hair. The one thing that stood out about him was his eyes. To Chris they seemed so cold. Chris almost laughed out loud. He wondered if that was what his eyes looked like sometimes. "What can I do for ya?" McFlurby asked.

"We understand you were hired a few years ago to run some people off their land." Chris smiled. Ezra would have been so pleased with his tactfulness.

McFlurby, and the other three men reached for their guns, but Chris and the others already had theirs out.

"I wouldn't," Buck stated.

Chris looked at Buck who nodded. Chris holstered his gun and went to grab McFlurby. The man didn't even protest, even after Chris had thrown him up against the wall. Chris held him by his throat. "Who hired you to run those people off their land?" Chris tried to keep his voice calm.

The others watched Chris carefully, especially Buck and Vin. The two of them were worried he might snap the man's neck in two. McFlurby just smiled. Chris slammed his head against the wall, causing the man to wince.

"I want to know who and why, dammit!" he shouted.

McFlurby continued to smile, trying to cover up the fact that his head was throbbing. Chris leaned close to him, so that only he could hear.

"Mister, if you don't start talking, then we're going to find out how many different ways I can hurt you before I get you to talk." H e could even feel the coldness in his voice.

Chris felt McFlurby shaking within his grasp. The man wore a petrified look on his face, and he nodded his head. "I'll tell you anything, but please." Chris saw that the man's face was turning red, and he let go of his throat. "Start talking," he said as he knelt before him.

McFlurby let out a few loud coughs before looking at Chris. "Robert Williams." When he saw that Chris didn't recognize the name, he continued, "He found out some how, I ain't sure, but he found out that the little creek that flowed down the Larabee's property and the O'Brian's property had gold in it." Chris' eyes widened at this point.

"What?" he breathed.

"He figured it would be cheaper to run the folks off their land rather than pay them for the land. So he hired me and another man,"

"Cleatis Fowler," Chris answered for him.

McFlurby nodded. "I was just gonna scare the folks, but Fowler, he was nothing but hate. He wanted them all dead, so he, we killed them." the man swallowed hard. "Since no one is on the property now, Robert has been digging the gold, without worrying about getting caught."

Chris felt his voice caught in his throat. He couldn't believe it, he had lost Sarah and Adam all so a rich man could become richer. He felt the anger rising in him, and he grabbed McFlurby and threw him against the wall again, and again. He felt someone's arms around him, pulling him away, but no, he wouldn't be pulled away.

"Vin, help me!" Buck shouted over Chris' screams to let him go.

"Chris, let him go, save it for Williams," Vin tried to calm his friend down.

Chris closed his eyes and saw the image of Sarah and Adam waving good-bye to him. But then he saw another image. Star. The way she looked last night when she had laughed, the look in her eyes. Chris suddenly let go of McFlurby and stalked over to his horse. He took one last look at the man who now lay crumbled on his porch.

"Let's ride." H e could still feel the anger within him. But it would wait, for Robert Williams.

Saloon in Eagle Bend

Star had been watching Ezra play with his cards all day. The two had played a game or two of poker, but she wasn't very good company right now. She was tired of waiting for the others to get back. She wanted to know if they had found out anything.

"I've been waiting three years, I guess I can wait awhile longer." S he smiled at the gambler.

Ezra patted her hand. "Care to learn the fine art of solitaire?"

"No thank you. I just wish they would get back soon." she picked up one of the cards, and turned it over in her hands.

The two sat in silence, Ezra attempting to play solitaire with one card missing, while Star stared out the window. They both looked at the door when they heard it open. To both of their relief it was their friends.

Star stood up and ran to Chris. "What did you find out?" she asked. It was then she saw the pain in his eyes, and she felt her hopes fade away. "Nothing, you found out nothing," she whispered, turning away from them.

"Star." Chris met her eyes and he felt his anger burning inside him.

"We know who did it and why."

Star gasped, and held her hand to her mouth. She looked at the others, her eyes brimming with tears. She couldn't even speak so she mouthed the word Who?

Chris led her back to the table where Ezra was sitting, while the others took their seats. Chris then preceded to explain what McFlurby had told them.

Chris watched Star's reactions, knowing that they were a mirror image of his own. Ezra shook his head in disgust when he found out why Williams had wanted them run off the land.

Star circled the table with her eyes. All of the men were looking at the table, none of them daring to look at her.

"So what now? What will happen to Williams?" she asked. Chris was trying to think of what to tell her, but he didn't know what to say. He turned away from her, looking at Vin. Vin reached across the table and took hold of Star's hand.

"Star, Williams got caught cheating in a poker game about a month ago, and he was shot twice." Vin swallowed hard.

Star felt the tears coming on. "He's dead, isn't he?" Vin nodded, never letting go of her hand. Star felt like she was going to be sick. She quickly stood up, excusing herself from the table, and ran to her room at the hotel. She slammed the door behind her and collapsed on the bed, and did something she hadn't done in three years. She cried.

Four Corners

It had been a week since the seven found out who had killed Chris Larabee and Star O'Brian's families, and why. The two were still healing from the experience though, and everyone knew it would take time. Star had decided to stay in Four Corners. She knew that she could never return to her father's ranch, and there was no where else for her to go. Besides, she had become close friends with the seven men, and they had asked her to stay. She had even asked Mrs. Potter for a job in the general store, which the woman was only to happy to give her. Mrs. Potter was good to Star, she even let her stay in the room above the store.

Star also enjoyed working in Josiah's church, or just watching him. The man had a calming effect on everyone, and he reminded her of her father. Nathan would ask her to help him with some of his patients.

She was amazed at how gentle he was with everyone. And she enjoyed making him laugh, she loved to hear his musical laughter.

Ezra had been teaching her how to play poker better. He had once remarked that she "Did not have a very good poker face," so he decided to take her under his wing.

Then there was JD Star thought of him as her brother, he would tell her jokes continuously, and she did her best to laugh at them, though none of them were funny. She would often sit with him out on the porch of the Sheriff's office, and they would talk about one another's family. As for Buck, well he was still Buck. Star was beginning to think that he was looking after her like a brother to a sister, though she would never say anything. She enjoyed the nice compliments he always paid her, and she wasn't going to mess that up.

As for Vin, she would go out on early morning rides with him, and he had shown her a little about tracking. Star enjoyed his company, though he mostly kept to himself. She knew very little about this man, but it didn't bother her. He had been there for her, and now she would be there for him.

She closed her eyes as she thought about the last man. He was walking toward her as she waited in front of the saloon. How she enjoyed watching him walk. There was just something about the way he moved. But there was something else about him to. Star had never been in love, so she wasn't sure if that was what she was feeling. All she knew was that she cared deeply for him, and she would do everything she could to make him happy. She remembered their conversation from the night before. He told her that he had said good-bye to Sarah and Adam Larabee, but he still needed some time. Star told him not to worry, she'd be here for him when he was ready.

"Shall we?" he asked, holding his arm out for her.

Star smiled. "Yes," she replied. And for the first time in years, she knew where she belonged, and with whom she belonged.

The End