The Wrath of Nettie Wells

by Steph


Vin Tanner slouched further down in the chair that now stood on two legs. He pulled the wide-brimmed hat low over his eyes, basking in the early morning peace. People often wondered why the quiet man rose with the sun. When the hell else could he find this kind of quiet in this town? He knew his morning meditations wouldn't last long today: Standish had last patrol and would soon be coming to complain about the hazards of working before noon. Vin figured he had at least fifteen minutes until the gambler came strolling down the boardwalk, those ten-dollar words announcing his presence. So, Tanner sat and waited for the onslaught.

Moments later, heavy footsteps announced the arrival of, most likely, the only other man in town who would appreciate the silence.



And so they sat in peaceful bliss and waited. The tracker had even begun to settle into a relaxing doze when it began.

"Mr .Tanner, would you be so kind as to inform me of the point of these early morning jaunts through our fair backwater. Really, what sensible miscreant would be making mischief at this ungodly hour?"

"Mornin' Ezra." Damn! My timin's off, Vin thought, as he forced his eyes up to meet those of a man who was none too happy to join him.

"Ezra, my friend, why don't you just take a seat and enjoy this beautiful morning with us?" Josiah pointed to the empty chair next to him without opening his eyes.

"As appealing as that sounds, Mr Sanchez, I believe I hear my bed calling." As Ezra began to walk toward the hotel, he spotted a figure leading a horse into the livery. There was something oddly familiar about that figure. Dull brown suit and dark floppy hair that really needed to meet the business end of a pair of sheers. Ah yes, JD Dunne.

"The day is quite new yet for our youngest compatriot to just be riding in, is it not?" Ezra's inquiry caused only a slight stir from the two other men as Vin adjusted his hat again.

"Went fishin' and it's near eight."

"Honestly, Mr. Tanner, I will collapse in utter amazement if there were ever to come a moment in which you allowed more than ten syllables to come from your mouth in one sitting."

"Did young Miss Wells accompany him?" Josiah spoke, ignoring Ezra completely.

"Yep, reckon he's just comin from Nettie's now. That enough syllables for you Ez?" Tanner eyed the man in red with a small smirk gracing his tanned face.

"Yes, Mr. Tanner, that will do," he replied dryly.

"Funny Vin, brother Ezra is still standing. I believe his promise to collapse will go unfulfilled." Josiah let a small ripple of laughter escape his throat before breaking eye contact with the Southerner.

"Sadly," Vin replied, earning a scowl from Standish. "I thought you was goin' to bed anyway."

"Well, I was thinking…"

"Uh-oh." Two worried sighs followed Vin's comment.

"Ezra, now I don't know if that's such a good idea this early in the morning."

"Now Josiah, I was under the impression that a man of your intellect would appreciate my powers of deduction. Now, may I continue?" With nods from both the tracker and the preacher, Ezra began again. "As I was saying, Mr Dunne and the young Miss Wells have enjoyed a number of these excursions within the past month, have they not?" Josiah threw Vin an amused smile as Ezra continued his musings. "Now I cannot recall a time when our dear sheriff amused us with tale of the capture of some scaly creature. Nor has he offered to feed us said creature."

"Spit it out Ezra." Standish shifted slightly under his friend's scrutinizing gaze. He knew Tanner would come to the young man's defense if JD was slandered, even in jest.

"Well, Mr Tanner, it seems our young friend has become a novice Casanova."

"Ezra," Vin warned only to be interrupted by Josiah's deep voice.

"Now brother Vin, I do see some logic in Ezra's speech."

"He don't need you encouragin' him Josiah." Although he somehow understood what Standish was saying, Vin was sure JD would not be happy knowing they were talking about his courting rituals, especially behind his back.

"Come to think of it, I don't think I have ever seen the boy bring a fish home either. They are sweet children, and it is possible that they throw the fish back, but of course they are two young people in love…"

"Josiah you're startin' to sound like Bucklin." The tracker tried to put a warning tone in his voice, but the small smile on his face ended any hopes of that. "Just leave the kid be Ezra. Whatever those two do on their own time is none of our business."

"But I believe there is someone who would disagree with that statement Mr Tanner." As Ezra spoke, Nettie Wells' wagon pulled in front of the sheriff's office.

"Mrs. Wells, you're looking lovely on this fine morning." Putting on his most dazzling smile, Standish attempted to make nice with the woman.

"No need for pleasantries, fancy pants. I'm looking for JD." It was said that the Chris Larabee glare could scare a man out of his wits. Folklore even attributed some deaths to the patented gaze. But it had no affect on Ezra Standish. But one look from this woman had Ezra squirming in his expensive boots.

"If you don't mind my asking Nettie, has the boy done something wrong?" Josiah tried not to laugh at the uneasiness the gambler was displaying because of the woman before them.

"He better not have, Josiah. I'm looking for my niece and I have a feeling he knows where she is. Now, I'm not saying I don't trust the boy or nothin', but he's young and impressionable and he spends quite a bit o' time around Mr Wilmington. And you boys are well aware of his reputation with the ahem ladies of this town, and a few others for that matter." Both Vin and Ezra had a difficult time holding in their laughter during Nettie's small rant.

"Nettie, I assure you, the lad hardly listens to Buck's advice when it comes to the fairer gender. He is quite an intelligent young man and would never do injustice your niece. I believe he cares too much for her to do that." Nettie seemed appeased for the moment.

"Well preacher, and this goes for the lot of you boys," holding Vin's eyes, she continued, "if that boy ever does take leave of his senses when it comes to my niece, remind him that I have a fully loaded Carbine that has most likely seen more action than him and I am certainly capable of using it. Good day gentleman." She nodded her goodbye and pulled the wagon further down the street.

As Nettie rode out of earshot, all three men released laughs that caused passer-bys to look questioningly at the trio of peacekeepers.

"Hey guys. What's so funny?" The arrival of Nettie's would-be-target caused the laughter to die down. JD waited while the men recovered.

"Nothing my dear boy. Now, might I inquire as to the outcome of your fishing excursion with the fair Miss Wells?" The smile that fell across the boy's face gave Ezra all the evidence needed to back up his earlier suspicions.

"Fine, thanks Ez." JD replied suspiciously.

"How many fish did you bring us son?" Vin couldn't help but smile at the obvious attempts by the two older men to lure the boy into a trap.

"Aww Josiah, we never keep the fish we catch. It wouldn't be right being as we don't intend to eat `em, so why kill `em. Ain't that right Vin?" Ezra ignored the sharpshooter's nod of approval and decided to try another approach. Either the boy was really sharp and purposely avoiding the topic, or he was completely obtuse.

"If you don't intend to keep the fish, then why, pray tell do you take these trips, Mr Dunne?"

The young man eased into the empty chair by Josiah and explained. "It's quiet, Ez. Gives a man time to think, relax. You should try it sometime."

"I just may do that JD. If, of course, I wouldn't be intruding that is."

"Hell Ez, at least Buck just comes right out and asks what me and Casey do at the waterin' hole." The sheepish look on his friend's face pushed JD to continue. "And he don't make me dizzy talking in circles either. Miss Nettie's made it clear that she wouldn't think twice about putting a few holes in me with that shotgun of hers. `Sides, I know her sight ain't the best, and she'd probably need a few shots to take me down. I ain't stupid. I like breathing." As he finished, JD rose from the chair and disappeared into the jailhouse.

"Like I said, an intelligent young man. He not only managed to render Ezra Standish speechless, but he also completely avoided the question." Josiah laughed as he looked further down the road to see Nettie Wells climb into her wagon.

"Yep, reckon he did just that, Josiah. I could eat. What do you say?" With a nod, the preacher stood and stretched. "JD, Ezra, y'all comin'?"

"Yes, Mr.Tanner. Allow me to make myself presentable and I will join you shortly." He turned to JD, still standing in the doorway to the sheriff's office, "Mr Dunne, a word?"

The young man nodded, and Ezra waited until the others were on their way down the walk.

"That was well done, JD. You just displayed great tact. A gentleman reveals nothing. My dear boy, you know I would never ask you to reveal any details of your time spent with young Casey, but remember, you are both still young and…"

"Now hold on Ezra, I care about Casey and I'm not gonna take advantage of her or make her do something she doesn't want to."

Standish held his hands up in appeasement. "I know that JD. You are a good man. I just don't want to see her take advantage of you." Ezra smiled, not only exposing his gold tooth, but adding to JD's confusion as well.

"You may want to button your collar today, Mr. Dunne." JD's face flushed with embarrassment as he realized the source of Ezra's amusement. He touched his neck in a feeble attempt to cover the visible reminder of his morning with Casey.

"You better hope that Nettie's sight is as poor as you say or you may meet that Carbine yet. And Casey seems so innocent."

"Yeah well, she's tenacious, and a lot stronger than she looks too." JD revealed as he buttoned his shirt until his neck nearly disappeared behind the high collar.

"I imagine so. Come my friend. Let us find the others." Ezra steered the younger man toward the saloon. "Just what does one eat for breakfast anyway?" He wondered out loud.

"Fish," came the quiet reply.

"I beg your pardon?" Standish saw the fear in JD's eyes and followed his companion's gaze until it settled on one Mrs. Nettie Wells who was riding their way.

"Well, I was just thinking that I could start bringing home some of those fish instead of throwing them all back. Hell, if not for breakfast, then for my own safety. " The former easterner swallowed thickly as Nettie's eyes met his.

"Just smile and wave, son," Ezra mumbled out of the corner of his mouth.

They both smile innocently at the elder Wells, who visibly shifted the shotgun in her lap. Thoughts of the woman wielding the weapon that was older than her prey caused both men to shudder slightly.

"Fish, you say? That may be a wise decision, JD. A very wise decision indeed."

The End