Magnificent Seven Old West

by Mog

Notes: A homage-paying continuation of Red and Black by Linda B.

"Where is he now?"

"Jus' comin' down off the roof of the barber shop." Nathan peered over the batwing doors and called back an answer to Josiah and the four other peacekeepers reclining at one of the saloon's round, wooden tables.

Chris swallowed the bite of sandwich he had in his mouth, "I don't know which is more cruel, Buck. Makin' everyone in town think Vin abused Peso so bad that the poor creature's hair fell out or makin' everyone in town think JD is crazier than a hungry dog by sendin' him all over Four Corners chasin' that trail of little white pieces of paper."

Vin uncrossed his arms from the pouting position they held just long enough to take a drink of beer. "If'n it was your horse that looked like a cow elk in the middle of moltin' season, I don't think there'd be any question."

A huge, proud grin spread across Wilmington's face. "I figure the punishment should last as long as the crime."

"And that horse a' yours is definitely still orange." Nathan reminded. Then, catching the fierce look in Buck's eye, he added. "Uh, but it's faded...a lot."

"Roof of the barber shop," repeated Ezra, shaking his head with a slight smile. He laid out another hand of Solitaire for himself as he continued, "and what might JD's next destination be?"

Buck's brow furrowed in thought as he mumbled to himself, "Let's see, telegraph office was before that. Telegraph, barbershop, feed store, hatband..."

Vin couldn't prevent the laugh that escaped his lips, "You put one in the band of his own hat? Now, that's cruel."

Ezra offered a small shrug and pursed his lips, "If one's actions are potentially goin' to raise agitation then one should be sure they are executed so as to be unattributable."

Standish caught the sideways glance Vin shot in his direction, "I.E.: if you're goin' to steal from the cookie jar make sure you brush the crumbs from your mouth."

"Weren't no crumbs, Ezra," replied the bounty hunter, "Jus' JD needin' to learn how to act innocent."

Buck barked a laugh, "C'mon Vin, the kid spends more time at bein' innocent than he does at breathin'."

"I believe Brother Vin meant 'innocent' in the form of 'non-guilt', not 'being naïve'."

"Uh-oh," blurted Nathan, scrambling back to his empty seat and full beer at the table.

Suddenly, JD punched aside the swinging doors and held them open as he stood in the entryway. The boy had stripped off the jacket and vest of his usual attire and the bangs of his dark hair actually stayed swept up away from his eyes, thanks to the perspiration acquired from that afternoon's hunt.

"Dang it, Buck! I swear, if I have to climb to the top of the feed store I'm gonna make you eat every one of these stupid notes." Then, as he turned to leave, "What's next, somethin' tucked in my hat?!"

The six other regulators were barely able to contain themselves for more than a few seconds before their laughter filled the large room gaining them more odd looks from the surrounding patrons.

Josiah absentmindedly fingered the string of Chris's hat, which rested on the table. "To think that poor boy spent all that time guarding his horse and never once thought to mind his tack."

"Is Mr. Dunne's saddle still stored in your room?"

Chris looked at his old friend with disbelief, "That was the first place you sent him."

Buck wiped a tear from his eye, "Yeah, but the note was on the bed, the saddle's in the closet." His smile dropped away and was replaced by an expression of confusion directed toward Ezra. "How did you know I..."

But the gambler cut him off, "Buck, my livelihood and...occasionally my life, has depended upon my ability to read and anticipate the patterns and behaviors of others. Let me guess, your first thought was to store it in the hay loft." The latter comment phrased as more of a statement than a question.

Buck's eyes widened, "How did you kn..."

"Dang it, Buck! This ain't funny." JD appeared again in the opening of the barroom, clutching a small piece of paper in one hand and his bowler in the other. "How many more of these things are there? I've already got fifteen!"

"You're real close, kid." His friend replied with a poor attempt at a straight face. "Almost there."

JD stormed away again only to have Buck and Vin follow him to the door to observe more of the young man's torture.

Ezra's low chuckle faded as he spoke, "Our Mr. Dunne does have an infectious enthusiasm which, I must admit, I find quite endearin' at times. And I certainly couldn't imagine this group without him but...I swear, slower than a sack of wet mice, that one is sometimes."

Josiah's own deep laugh echoed in the glass confines of his mug as he took a sip of beer. "Now, Ezra, you remember what it was like being that age."

For a fraction of a second the gambler's hand froze mid-turn of a card but he smoothly continued with the move, unaware that Chris had noticed his hesitation. Standish didn't look up but answered Josiah quietly, the tip of his tongue wetting his lower lip. "Mr. Sanchez, I'm not sure I was ever that age."

Larabee reached across the table and tapped a move Ezra wasn't seeing. The gambler's eyes flitted upward as if he were surprised that someone would presume that he couldn't manage on his own. Chris held the other man's gaze and Ezra thought he read an almost reassuring look on the usually serious face.

"Don't worry, Ezra. Keep hangin' around Vin, Buck and JD and you'll get your chance."

The End