
by Emsworth

1867: Dublin, Ireland

"So you want to be startin' over in America, eh?"

"Aye, sir."

"And you'll be needin' passage fer yerself and the boy?"


"Now, ye understand that this means ye have to work for this family for ten years? Once you sign this contract that's it."

"Aye, I understand."

"Very well, just sign this paper right where I've marked it. The boat leaves in half an hour, be sure you and the boy are on it."

"Thank you, sir."

"Ah, don't be thankin' me, missy, thank your new boss when you see him."

The woman then bent over and gathered up her six year old son.

"Come on now, JD. We're goin' to America."

Ten years later: The town of Four Corners

"I'm telling you it will be fun. A nice little vacation from this town."

"Buck, it's a good idea and all, but not now, okay? We just finished with that whole Lucas James deal."

"That's exactly why we need this break. It's perfect; we'll all just go down there for a day or two. Have a few drinks, meet a few ladies, play some cards. Look, you've seen the bickering, Chris. If we don't take a break from this soon I don't think it's gonna last. Hell, Nathan and Ezra are liable to kill each other first!"

Chris sighed and leaned back further in his chair. He had to admit, if just to himself, that Buck was right on at least one count. Their little group was falling apart.

"You think this will really help?"

Buck tried to smother the smile he could feel about to take over his face.

"Yep, I think a nice vacation is just what the six of us need."

Chris glanced at Buck from the corner of his eye. "Wipe that grin off your face Buck and go tell the others that we're taking a trip to Wickestown."

Buck let out a loud war whoop and jumped off the jail's porch to go let the others in on the good news.

They were guided to a table near the rear of the tent. "Have a round on me boys, and if you see anything that pleases the eye," here Wick winked slyly at the men, "I'm sure a liaison can be arranged."

Once the six men were all seated Wick turned to the bar "Boy," he called and a young dark-haired boy came towards them carrying a tray.

"Take these men's order, the first rounds on the house."

And with that Wick was off. His eyes glued to the floor, the young man asked the men for their orders.

"A bottle of whiskey and six glasses will be fine kid," Buck responded.

With those words the boy quietly disappeared into the crowd.

"Well, I don't know about you boys, but I'm damn glad to be out of that town for awhile. Man needs a vacation every once in awhile."

"Amen, brother," Josiah responded.

It was then the wraith reappeared with their drinks. He quietly placed a glass in front of each of man until he reached Vin. As he stretched towards the table from behind Vin his sleeve rode up to reveal a circle of bruised and raw skin. Vin reached out and grabbed the boy's forearm as he pulled his hand back from the table. Surprised, the young man glanced up from the floor and met Vin's eyes. A long moment passed while the two looked into each other's eyes and the rest of the table fell silent at the confrontation. Then the boy blinked and came back to himself, he calmly pulled his arm from Vin's grasp and walked away.

"What the hell was that all about Vin?" Chris asked while watching their waiter walk back to the bar.

"Somethin's not right here," Vin stated.

"Look, Vin, it's probably nothing. We're here on vacation, leave it alone. So the kid's underage, he's just a bartender," Buck pleaded.

"How many bartender's you know that gotta be tied up?" Vin replied.

"Perhaps you were mistaken Mr. Tanner, this establishment is quite reputable from what I've heard," Ezra said, trying to quell the rising argument.

"I know what I saw, that kid had rope rash and bruises the like I ain't ever seen," Vin growled as he banged his fist on the table in frustration.

"Cool it cowboy," Chris hissed from across the table. "We believe you. Look we'll finish our drinks and then take a look around and see if we can't ask that kid some questions."

"Brothers, I believe the questioning will be unnecessary," Josiah said as he motioned for the others to turn around.

The scene that greeted them was an unpleasant one. The topic of their discussion was struggling in the grasp of a man whose size rivaled that of Josiah's and one of Wick's girls had a hold of his arm and was arguing with the behemoth.

"I'm sure I could show you a better time," the girl pleaded.

"That's alright darlin, I got what I need right here. Wick!" the man shouted as the owner came striding towards the scene. "Seems your boy here doesn't want my company."

Wick turned to the struggling boy. "You'd best go with him, son, unless you want me to add another six months to your contract," he hissed.

"Please no, he hurts me!" the boy pleaded in desperation.

"You'll do as I say boy! Now go!" Wick responded as he shoved the young man towards the exit.

The men watched as all the hope drained from the boy as he was dragged out of the tent.

"Boys," Chris said as he stood from the table. "Let's go."

The five remaining men all stood as one and strode angrily towards the exit. As they emerged from the bar Vin unstrapped his mare's leg and cocked it as the others all pulled their weapons in preparation of the oncoming confrontation.

"I believe the kid said no," Chris shouted as he raised his gun towards the would-be rapist. The man turned and gazed coolly at the gunfighter.

"Well, I believe that this is none of your damn business," he replied.

"We're making it our business," Buck growled as he too leveled his weapon at the man. The man's smirk disappeared as he noticed the multitude of weapons aimed in his direction.

"Let the boy go," Chris demanded.

"What's the problem? If you boys want him, you can have him when I'm finished."

"The problem is your refusal to take no for an answer," a Southern drawl informed the man from behind as the barrel of a gun was jabbed into his back. The man raised his hands in surrender.

"C'mere kid. We ain't gonna hurt you," Buck said as he gestured for the boy to walk towards him. The young man nearly tripped over himself in his haste to reach his saviors.

"Look out!" the kid shouted as he ran towards the men. The men turned as one and realized Wick and his men had gathered behind them. The young man barreled into Buck just as the first shot was fired. In the flurry of gunfire that followed none of the six realized that the boy hadn't gotten up again.

"I believe we have overstayed our welcome gentlemen," Ezra shouted over the noise.

"I think what our resident conman is trying to say is that it's time we got the hell out of here!" Josiah translated.

"Hey kid, it's time to go," Buck said as he nudged the prone body. "Kid, you alright?" Buck asked as he rolled the young man over. "Shit! I need some help over here boys, the kid's down!" Buck shouted as the blood staining the young man's shirt was revealed. Josiah ran over and scooped up the unmoving figure as the group ran towards their horses. It wasn't until they were a good ways from the camp that Nathan was able to check their injured guest.

"Bullet hit him high in the shoulder, but he should be alright," the healer predicted. As he prodded the wound a low groan emitted from his patient.

"He's waking up," Nathan announced. Buck came jogging over at the announcement and glanced down as brown eyes fluttered open.

"Who're you?" the young man slurred.

"Name's Buck kid, you saved my life."

"You've given me back mine," the kid responded as a brilliant smile broke over his face.

"What's your name, son?" Chris asked as he knelt beside the kid.

"Name's JD Dunne, sir."

"Well, JD Dunne, welcome to our little group," Chris said as he shook their newest members hand.

The End