Magnificent Seven ATF Universe
The Bar

by Amy

Team seven had had a long two weeks. They just finished up a tough case, with all of them undercover in some capacity. Being the first ones back, Vin, Josiah and Nathan were putting the final touches on their reports to turn in to Chris the next morning.

Sitting back in his chair, Vin looked at the other two and said, "If neither of you have to be home right away, how about a drink? I'll buy."

"Sounds good to me," Nathan told him.

"I could use a drink," Josiah said, smiling

They headed down together and went to a bar the team generally frequented, across the street from their office.

Walking in, they headed to a table where they usually sat. The server came over and all three ordered Coors. Staying away from the finished case, they laughed and joked about whatever came to mind, hoping the rest of the team would get back soon to join them.

As they started on their second beer, two men walked in. Even though there was nothing outwardly suspicious about the newcomers, all three tensed, instantly on alert.

"You two feel it too?" Vin muttered so that only his teammates could hear, already knowing the answer before Josiah nodded, and Nathan added a softly spoken "Yes."

One of the newcomers suddenly pulled a gun, and shouted to the bartender "Empty the register." The other newcomer turned to the patrons, showing his own gun, and said "Everyone, empty your pockets and put it on the table in front of you."

Since they were sitting in a darkened corner, Vin was able to easily rise and blend in with the shadows behind him, before it was noticed he got up.

Stealthily going around the bar, Vin maneuvered to where he could see Josiah and Nathan, and made a small gesture so they knew where he was. At Vin's slight nod, Josiah and Nathan got up from their table. 'What the hell are these guys doing? There isn't much of a crowd in here so how much do they think their going to get, especially doing this across the street from a federal building. I was hoping we would just be able to relax, have a couple of beers, and then go home and crash. At least Josiah and Nathan shouldn't have a problem with that one, he looks shaky. This one looks like he may be the leader of the two. He may be the problem one and I ain't in the mood for it tonight.'

The newcomer that faced the crowd saw them, and yelled "Sit back down and put your valuables on the table." The one at the bar turned hearing his friend yell, giving Vin an opening.

In an instant, Vin was behind him with his own gun out. Putting the barrel into the man's back, Vin said in a quiet tone of voice "Drop it and you won't get hurt."

Feeling the gun and hearing Vin's low order, the man yelped, causing his friend to turn to see what happened.

The man turning was the opening Josiah and Nathan needed. Josiah grabbed the gun as Nathan moved in to secure the man's hands. Looking at the bartender, Josiah said "Would you mind calling Denver PD, George? We'll keep a hold of these two until they arrive."

The bartender nodded and called it in. Within ten minutes two patrol cars, from Denver PD were there. As two of the officers handcuffed, read Miranda rights, collected the guns and took the men in, the other officers took a report from Vin, Josiah and Nathan, along with the bartender and patrons of the bar.

The three were kept for thirty minutes before they were let go and told they might have to testify. As they walked out the door, ready to head to Vin's, they passed the rest of their team, and boss, coming in.

Seeing them leaving, Chris asked "You three heading out so soon?"

The three started laughing, and after calming a bit, Vin said "We're done here for tonight. We were just heading to my place if y'all want to join us, and then we can tell you what happened."

The only female in the group asked, "All y'all alright to drive?"

Laughing more, Vin said "Yeah Nic, we're fine to get to my place. If necessary, everyone can crash on my floor for the night."

Vin, Josiah and Nathan looked at each other with self-satisfied grins and walked away, leaving the rest wondering what had just happened.

The End