Magnificent Seven Old West

by Gina

Part I

The gentle wind that blew across the New Mexico desert found its way into Miss Winters' hotel room like a thief in the night. The lace curtains swayed in the breeze as it caressed her face, to gently rob her of her sleep as it beckoned her. She found herself slowly adjusting to the morning sun that streamed through her window and as she did, she stretched and rose up on her elbows and looked around her room and smiled. She glanced out the window and noticed there was some commotion going on in the streets. ///Oh, well, it wouldn't be the first time something interesting has come up in this town/// she thought to herself. Kristinia had been staying at the Four Corners for a month now after that incident with Jason Banks. She was trying to get past that and do what she wanted to do and she was doing it. She was still working with Nathan and trying to get her business running, and unfortunately that took time.

Vin Tanner was sitting down drinking and reading the newspaper. He was getting along wonderfully with the lessons Mary was giving him and doing well on his own. He felt more at ease each time he read and gave him a new sense of exploration. A loud clap of thunder broke his concentration. He looked up and saw a wagon coming into town. A large piece of luggage just fell off and the wagon was coming to a stop.

Ezra closes his eyes


"Now, I do hope that wasn't one of mine. If anything is broken I will reduce it from your fare." Maude yells disapproving to the wagon driver. The wagon driver quickly checks the luggage and assures her it was nothing. It was just an old box filled with books.

"Well, I'm gratified but, your fare is still going to be reduced for making us worry." Maude gets out of the wagon and is greeted by her son.

"Mother, now what a surprise to see you." Ezra tells her half heartedly.

"Ezra, my dear, how are you?" Maude says to Ezra with an inspecting eye over him. Ezra starts to go gather up her luggage.

"Mother, I'm fine. What brings you back?"

"Why can't a mother see her son whenever she wants? It's not a crime."

"I see." Ezra notes predictably as they walk to the hotel.

"Oh, Ezra, I can take care of myself. And don't worry son, I promise not to stay long."

Kristinia comes downstairs and sees that Ezra has a new companion. She tries to divert herself and besides he had his hands full at the minute. She decides to go through the restaurant to get out of the hotel. She opens the door to the outside and bumps right into Buck Wilmington.

"Why, Miss Winters I didn't know guests come out from here. Are you all right precious?" Buck asks very sweetly.

"Buck. I'm sorry for bumping into like that. I tend to not watch where I'm going." Kristinia tells Mr. Wilmington

"May I escort you to where you intend to go?"

Kristinia smiles "That's very sweet of you but maybe next time. Thanks again." She spins around and heads towards the clinic.

"Good morning. Mr. Jackson." Kristinia greets Nathan as he is about to leave the room.

"Good morning to you also." Nathan replies "I'm going to Parkstown would you like to come?"

"No thank you, Nathan. I'll stay here just in case."

"All right. I shouldn't be gone long. I'll see what medicine and tools we can get." Nathan informs her while he departs. He gets on his horse and saddles away with Josiah who was already on his horse waiting for him. Josiah tips his hat to Kristinia as they leave. Kristinia goes into the room and starts to do some paper work.

Chris Larabee comes into the saloon and eyes the tracker reading the newspaper. He leisurely sits down next to him and orders a drink. The tracker puts down his paper and leans against his chair. He knows the limits that the leader has put on their friendship and has fortunately not tried to get any deeper since the last confrontation with him involving one of the seven, meaning Ezra. The tracker does wish he would open up more because they have gone through a lot during the time they started to guard this town. But then again Chris was an enigma who wouldn't let you know too much about him the same way most of the seven wouldn't. Every one of the seven had something in him that ate at their core which no one should try to take out. It may be the only thing that keeps them alive.

"Hey guys, Maude is back in town." JD sways into the saloon eating an apple.

"So I heard." Chris says

"Ezra's probably already planning to send her back." JD quips.

"Well, what are you laughing about?" Buck addresses JD as he strolls in.

"Just the fact of Ezra having to deal with Maude coming back to town." JD replies.

"Oh, she has. I must have missed that this morning." Buck says to them.

Shifting through her bag Maude takes out a cigarette and looks for her lighter.

"Well, son has there been any new money come your way?" Maude audaciously asks her son. "I wouldn't want my son to be flat broke the next time I come by."

"Mother. If you needed money I would have mailed it to you." Ezra tells his mother as he takes a match and lights her cigarette.

"So, there has. Well then I should get myself more acquainted with this town." Maude leaves the hotel room and heads outside. "So where are your colleagues? I hope you didn't send them running to find new jobs."

"Mother now why are you so interesting in them? They are not as gullible to let you procure their money like the last time you robbed them."

"Ezra, you act like you care for them more than me."

"It's not that hard." Ezra mutters.

Gazing out the window Kristinia gets up from her chair and puts down her pen. ///I wish there was a better way to do this. Oh, there's Casey let me see how she's doing.///

"Hi Casey. How are you?" Kristinia asks once she was in distance.

"Kristinia! Look at what the a man brought over to the shop." Casey brings her inside the store and shows her a box filled with books. "See. He said he didn't need them and thought the town could have better use for them."

"Oh, wow. There sure is a lot of them." Kristinia starts looking through them. "It has all kinds of books in here."

"Yeah. I thought you might find some medical books in there."

"That's right. I wonder if there are." Kristinia starts rummaging through the box. "Well, I don't see any. But, there are some good books in here. I don't feel like going through all of it at this moment anyway." Kristinia gets up and faces Casey.

"Yeah, it is a lot." Casey affirms.

"Are you busy?" Kristinia asks

"Well, I do have a lot of work to do."

"Then I better get out of your way. Wish Nettie hello for me." Kristinia nods and heads out of the store. Mrs. Travis is interviewing several of the citizens of Four Corners for an article in her paper when she sees Kristinia.

"Hello Kristinia. How are you?" Mary says

"Hi Mary. Nice to see you." Kristinia says smiling. "How's the newspaper coming along?"

"Oh just fine. How are you doing with your clinic?" Mary asks

"It's still in its early stages. I haven't gotten the response I wanted from the other institutions. Like I expected them to open their hands to me. I just don't know." Kristinia consoles to Mary.

"Don't give up. It would only mean that they have won. Believe me I know how hard it is to do something that you believe in." Mary urges Kristinia.

"I would never give up. That is the last thing I want. I just want people to notice what it could do for women especially. We don't exactly have full rights as our counterparts." Kristinia is happy that Mary understands her troubles and flashes Mary a smile showing her appreciation.

"Maybe you could get the people to notice it by putting it in my newspaper. I'm sure someone will see it."

"I'll think about it. I don't want to tell too much and I still don't know exactly how to approach it." she says as they approach the Clarion shop.

"That's okay. I'll help you out." Mary says stopping to open the door. She opens the door and they both go inside. Mary takes out a piece of paper and hands it to Kristinia.

"Here you can start on it and then give it to me to print it up. Then we can see if it needs any touches on it." Kristinia takes it and hugs Mrs. Travis.

"I appreciate this Mary. I'll come by here later."

Looking at Chris smoking his cheroot Vin puts down his glass and gets up. Not saying a word but just nodding at Chris, Vin strolls across the street and opens the door.

"Vin, you're right on time."

"Well, good afternoon Mrs. Travis. I don't like to have people wait anyhow."

"Shall we get started?"

"I reckon so."

Mary set herself down behind her desk and takes out a book. She then takes out a piece of paper and gives it to Mr. Tanner. "Here write your name and then we can start on your lessons."

Chris was watching and then heard someone coming towards him. It was Nathan. He came off his horse and tied it down.

"How was Parkstown?" Chris asked

"Hectic. People seem to be in hurry around there. Probably some crazy rumor."

"Where's Joisah?"

"He said that he would follow me after he went to see the priest over there. There he is." Josiah was coming into view and galloping slowly through.

"Anything wrong?" Chris asks.

"Just some old spirits."

"Did find out why people were in such a hurry?" Nathan asks Josiah.

"Ghosts from the past."

"Ghosts, huh. Just when you think you've heard of everything." Nathan says

"We all have ghosts. We just hide them." Josiah remarks.

Part II

Ezra is escorting his mother after a night of gambling which of course Maude cleaned out the gentlemen she was playing. They come upon Nathan's clinic and hear a loud thud. They notice that the light is still on and Ezra decides to check on the healer. He knocks at the door and someone replies. Ezra and Maude go inside and see Miss Winters cleaning and gathering some papers. Realizing that it's Mr. Standish, Kristinia smiles, stands up, and walks to him.

"Good evening, Mr. Standish. How are you?"

"I could be better. Let me introduce you to my mother." Maude, already studying Miss Winters, moves closer and greets her saying

"Maude Standish, please to meet you."

"Kristinia Winters. Pleasure."

"May I ask why you're up at this ungodly hour?"

"I'm just finishing some business."

"What kind of business?"

"I'm trying to get my degree and start my own business." Kristinia replies

"Well, my dear. Aren't you a little too young to be doing all of this?"

"It never crossed my mind."

"What you need is someone who can take charge and enlighten people with your work."

"And you would know a person like this?" Kristinia asks incredulously.

"My dear you're looking at her." Maude places her arm around Kristinia and leads her out of Nathan's clinic.

Josiah is in his church and hears someone come inside. He goes to see who it is expecting one of the seven. He is surprised that the priest from Parkstown is there.

"Good afternoon Father Redding. Is everything all right in Parkstown?"

"Good afternoon, my brother. Everything is back to normal in Parkstown. I want to thank you for coming when you did."

"A fellow brother is always near. Will you be staying long?"

"Just for a few days. Since you came to my town I thought I'd visit yours."

"I'm sure you'll find this place very much like yours."

"Thank you."

"Would you like for me to show you around?" Josiah asks Father Redding. JD suddenly comes inside and tells Josiah they need him. Josiah turns back to the priest. The priest answers

"Don't let me get in the way. I'll be fine." Josiah leaves and the priest follows behind him. He watches Josiah go to a group of six men and start to converse to each other. He eyes the man in the black suit and observes his position among the men. He then proceeds to walk around town.

Part III

"Mary, this is not what I wanted printed."

"It's not. Well, Maude came by and told me that you wanted it changed. She said that you didn't like the first one." Kristinia is shocked that Maude would do such a thing. She only mentioned the newspaper article to Mrs. Standish while they were walking back to the hotel that night she met her. Kristinia leaves Mary's office and goes to see Maude.

"This is not what I wanted printed. Who gave you permission to change everything?"

"It was in the best interest. You couldn't possible think people would have noticed it the way you had it."

"It had absolutely nothing in there that I wanted. I am not some mail order bride here for the taking."

"Now, dear, I would never feign up such."

"You're right. I don't want your help anymore."

"Dear, don't be foolish..." Maude continues but, Kristinia leaves disgusted.

Ezra comes into his room and his mother is waiting for him. Ezra is not surprised.

"Hello mother. I hope everything went well."

"As a matter of fact it didn't. It seems Miss Winters wasn't exactly pleased with the new revisions of her article."

"I can imagine how she feels."

"Now, Ezra, how come you didn't charm your way into the girl's heart? She does have considerable wealth for a plain lady."

"Mother, what is it that you want?" Ezra is clearly annoyed.

"Ezra, I am your mother and you could treat me with more respect. I am not asking for a lot."

"I know what you're asking and I will not be conned into one of your schemes."

"Well then." Maude stands up and leaves.

JD was coming into the church to see Josiah hoping he could give him some advice. He had this weird dream and didn't know what it meant but, he figured that Josiah would know. He goes inside and is just at the opening when Father Redding greets him.

"Hello. You must be sheriff JD. I've heard so much about you."

"Thank you. You're the priest from Parkstown right?"

"Yes. Father Redding. Were you hoping to see brother Josiah?"

"Yes. Where is he, do you know?"

"He told me he had to meet a lady, I believe. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"I don't know." JD is a little uncertain about telling him about his dream.

"Believe me there is nothing to be afraid about. Why don't you come inside." Father Redding tells him.

"Well, I've been having this dream. It's always the same though." JD starts to tell him. Father Redding goes to the back and gets a cup of water. He also puts a drop of some kind of potion in it.

"Here drink some of this. It's just water."

"Thank you." JD takes a sip.

"Young man, what sort of dream is this?" Father Redding asks.

"It starts out with me just riding and then I hear a noise like a gunshot. I look and a girl is down and then I look at my hand. I'm not on my horse anymore but, standing on top looking down at her with my gun. It gets all confusing and the next thing I know people are blaming me for killing the girl. I don't know what happens next because I usually wake up after that." JD is getting weak and sleepy. He doesn't realize that Father Redding has put something in his drink and he takes another sip hoping to get over this drowsiness. Father Redding sees the potion is working and tells JD

"You don't look well. Why don't you go back and get some rest? Come back tomorrow and I can help you out with your dream. Try to get some sleep okay son." Father Redding gets up and escorts JD to the door. JD is awfully sorry for not telling him the whole story but, can't really do anything since he doesn't feel well to tell him more. JD leaves in a half-daze but finds his way back to his room. As he walks through the doorway he staggers towards the bed and crashes upon the handmade quilt.

"No, no, no. I didn't kill her. No, no." JD is standing over the girl. "No, where are you taking me?" The sharp grab startled him and then more until hands grabbed JD that he soon found himself on his back looking up at the sky while the people are carrying him off. They start shouting and screaming.

"Put him away. You killed her. You shall die...."

"It wasn't my fault." JD is looking for some of the seven but, they are not there. He can't find them. A man in black grabs hold of him. "Stay here." he says. He wraps a rope around his neck.

"Say your prayers boy." ///This is not happening. What?! I can't die, not now.///

"Kill him. Hang him." The people cry.

"On the count of three. One. Two." No please don't. Please. "T H R E.."

"NOOO." JD shot right out of bed. Sweat is coming off his face and his covers are in shambles. He takes a deep breath to calm his nerves. It was just a dream.

Part IV

Mary has come out of the general store when she sees Kristinia walking around town. She strolls over to her and gently taps her on her shoulder.

"Kristinia, this telegraph came for you this morning." Mary hands over the telegram to Kristinia. "Hope it's not from some gentleman who wants to marry you?"

"It's not. I'm glad for that. It says here that I still have some land that's up for grab. Up where my family used to live. Well, it looks like it may go up in an auction if I don't claim it." Kristinia tells Mary.

"Are you going to claim it?"

"Oh no. I don't want it. It's not even a big piece of land. I shall reply to them when I'm finished with my work at the clinic."

"I have to go finish my article for my paper. I'll see you Kristinia." Mary tells her.

"See you."

"Hey kid. Heard you couldn't get any sleep last night." Buck says to the kid. JD doesn't look very well either and he had an even harder time even getting up.

"It was nothing." JD tells his friend, Buck.

"You don't look good. Maybe you shouldn't come along with us." Chris tells JD noticing how pale he has turned in just a day.

"No. I'm all right. I can take care of myself." JD affirms to Chris. He still is shaky and his eyesight isn't clear. He doesn't want to admit it to the others that he hardly got any sleep after his dream. Chris decides to let him be and goes into the saloon.

"JD maybe I should check you out at my clinic." Nathan proposes sensing something bad might happen if he doesn't get help. JD is fully frustrated that they won't take him seriously and yells.

"I told you. I'm..." JD's head starts to ache and he motions back and forth about to fall. Buck quickly grabs him and Nathan checks his forehead.

"Let's go bring him to the clinic." Buck carries him to the room and Nathan starts to soak some towels.

"What's wrong with him?" Buck asks anxiously.

"He's got a slight fever that's growing fast. That's all I can tell you right."

Meanwhile, the saloon has its own problem to deal with. A man has begun shooting but, luckily not at anyone. Chris, Vin, and Ezra are in the saloon trying to figure out how to get the guy to calm down.

"Well, what do you suppose our means of tactic shall be?" Ezra asks Mr. Larabee from underneath the table. The place has been evacuated and they are the only ones in the saloon.

"He seems suicidal." Chris tells them. "Any way you can shoot at his gun?" Chris asks the tracker. Vin looks at the man and aims at the man's hand. The man is delirious and takes a drink from the bar. Vin shoots and the man's gun is flung from his hand while the man was drinking. Chris grabs the man and carries him outside but, all the while the man is still carrying on. Kristinia goes up to them and takes a look at the man.

"I think we should bring him to the clinic."

"Fine with me." Chris really isn't worried about him but, wants to check JD. They go the clinic and place the man on the floor. They don't have any free space and JD is in the room. Kristinia feels the man's head and it already is burning. She quickly gets a wet towel and places it on his forehead. Nathan comes in.

"Not another one." Nathan comments. Kristinia looks at him not knowing about JD.

"Do you mean there's more?" Kristinia asks Nathan.

"JD's upstairs now. Don't know what happened." Nathan tells Kristinia. Buck yells

"Nathan, he's become delirious. Help." Nathan runs upstairs and checks JD's temperature.

"What's wrong with him, Nathan? Is there something we can do?" Buck asks. "Can you fix it?"

"I'll try, Buck." Nathan doesn't know what to tell Buck but, this is the best he can say.

Kristinia is finishing up with the man Chris and Vin brought to her the best that she can. She goes to Chris hoping that she could find out more. Chris is standing outside with Vin both not saying a word.

"Do you know what happened to cause this man to act that way?"

"No, ma'am." Chris answers.

"You heard any news about JD?" Vin asks Kristinia. Kristinia looks at Vin and notices the concern in his eyes about the boy.

"No. I'm sorry." Kristinia tells him tenderly. Nathan comes out and faces them.

"His fever isn't letting loose. Same thing with the guy you brought over. Same symptoms but, different in reactions." Nathan tells them with amazement.

"How could something like this just appear? Do you think this is just the beginning?" Kristinia asks Nathan and confronting the other peacekeepers with the questions.

"Let's hope not." Vin utters.

Part V

Alone and self absorbed, Chris Larabee in his dark attire and rough, stoic face tries to comprehend the events that unfolded. His thoughts are for JD and the bastard who did this to him. ///Why JD? He's just an innocent, carefree kid./// Father Redding comes into the saloon. He sees that Chris is still there and goes towards him.

"Mr. Larabee." Father Redding looks down at him. "I heard what has happened to the young boy. I am praying for him."

"Thank you."

"Would you like a drink?" Father Redding asks.

"No. I have one."

"I shall buy you another one on me."

"Suit yourself." Chris tells him. Father Redding goes and comes back with a glass for Chris.

"Would you like to talk?" he asks

"No, thank you."

"Very well then. I shall go. God bless you." He leaves but not before he watches Chris take a drink from the glass.

Chris can not believe it. Is it true? He is standing in front of his house. His house. The same one where he and Sarah lived along with Adam. It is still standing. Buck suddenly appears.

"Come on Chris. We got to go." Chris looks at him on his horse and then looks back at the house. He hears a voice inside.


It's calling his name.

"Chris." It's a woman's voice.

"Sarah!! Sarah!! Adam!! Where are you?"

"We're right here Chris." Chris sees them standing right in front of him. He is now inside his house. Sarah looks so beautiful and alive. They motion him to come closer. He walks towards them and watches his son start to play with his toy gun. He is in arms length of them when a great ball of fire flashes between them. Chris turns his head and puts his arms up to cover the sudden flames of fire. He looks but can't see them. He calls out to them but, they are not there. He hears their calls.

"Chris!! Help us! Chris!!" Chris is frantic and searches but, the smoke and flames are covering everything.

"Daddy!" At last, he sees them but, everytime he moves closer they move farther away. Chris runs but, isn't going anywhere. ///No. No. Sarah I'm coming.///


"Chris. Chris. Chris..."

"Chris." Vin calls to him. Chris stands up and is bewildered. He's all sweaty and shaky. He takes out his gun and aims it at Vin. Vin is shocked and doesn't have time to grab his gun.

"Chris, it's me. Vin." Buck comes in the saloon and sees Chris aiming it at Vin. Chris then takes aim at Buck.

"Hey, partner. Chris, it's your buddy, Buck. Put the gun down and talk."

"I don't want to talk. You're the reason they're gone."

"Now, now Chris. You don't know what you're talking about." Buck tries to assure Chris.

"Shut up. If it wasn't for you they would still be alive." Chris is swaying and his eyes are trying to take aim. Ezra is at the back and sees the events unfold. He is slowly coming in on Chris. Vin has his gun ready but, still doesn't know what to do. He doesn't want to shot his friend. But, then Buck has a bigger problem to solve.

"Chris, you know that really wouldn't have made a difference. They would have gone after you even more."

"No. No, they wouldn't. You're the difference." Chris pulls the trigger.

Buck falls to the floor and Vin and Ezra grab hold of Chris. Josiah comes in and gets Buck out of there. Vin gets Chris' gun and Ezra gets Chris to stand but, he is unconscious. They bring him and Buck to Nathan's clinic.

"What happened?" Nathan asks.

"Chris shot me." Buck answers.


"Chris went crazy and shot Buck." Josiah confirms to Nathan. Kristinia goes and helps Chris when Vin and Ezra bring him inside. They already know what it is without even asking. Kristinia tells them to place him on the table. She quickly places a wet towel on his head.

"He's burning up."

"Buck, it looks like it grazed your shoulder." Nathan tells him. "You'll be all right."

"How's Chris?" Buck asks.

"I can't tell you much. But, it could be just like JD's condition." Kristinia tells Buck. Buck can only lie down and hope for the best for his long time companion and the kid.

Part VI

It's dark and the people have either gone to bed or burning the night candle. Kristinia goes out of the clinic after checking on the two peacekeepers and Mr. Hugh, the man who almost took his own life that morning. Buck is staying with the kid in the room with Josiah and Nathan and Mary are watching Chris. JD had managed to awake but, to a point. He still had delirious moments the same with the leader, Chris. It was hard on the others Kristinia could tell. They seemed much more than just a bunch of men hired to protect this town. They may have different paths and style but, she could tell that if something wasn't right with just one of them then they all felt the effects. ///It was more like a family but, I may be stretching it a little./// Kristinia happened to notice that Vin was outside watching but, not at her. He was watching one of the windows toward the clinic probably Chris'.

"I should go tell him how they are doing." Kristinia says to herself and walks up to Vin. She softly nods her head and smiles. Vin asks

"How are they doing?"

"They are doing fine. We managed to get Chris and JD's fever down a bit. Buck's shoulder is going to be all right also."

"Do you know how this could have occurred?"

"Not to my knowledge, no. I don't understand it either."

"It couldn't have just appear. Something must have triggered it."

"You know Nathan told me after he had gone to Parkstown that the people there were unstable. He said that they were running around or carrying on about ghosts and all. It may not mean much but, maybe they carried a disease or something and Nathan brought it over."

"I don't know about that, Miss Winters. Wouldn't Nathan have gotten sick from it too?"

"Yeah, you're right. Listen it's getting late so I'm going to bed. Good night."

"Good night, Miss Winters."

The next morning Josiah brings along Father Redding to the clinic. The peacekeepers greet him with respect as he comes in. Vin remembers what Kristinia says about Parkstown and since Father Redding is from Parkstown he decides to ask a few questions.

"Father Redding, how is Parkstown?"

"It's a marvelous place. Maybe you all can come next time."

"I heard that it was sort of hectic with people running around."

"Oh, yes. It was but, now it's calmed down."

"Do you know why people started acted that way?"

"I thought Josiah told you. Oh well, it was just some old myths and legends. Ghosts actually.

Really nothing. You all should see it."

"Maybe we will."

Father Redding stayed there for a hour or two. Kristinia had come by late that day but, managed to greet Father Redding as he left. He looked at her strangely. Well at least that's what Miss Winters thought when she greeted him. It was sort of cryptic. After that, it was back to the usual checking and doing paper work. The peacekeepers stayed there but, not all at one time. A few would drop by and then others. Finally, Vin spoke up.

"Guys, I don't want to keep doing this if we don't know what the hell is wrong with them. Now, I don't know how you feel but, I'm heading to Parkstown to see if there's any link to what happened there is happening here."

"Why do you think Parkstown has anything to do with it?" Nathan asks

"Because I don't see why not." Vin answers. Buck gets up and starts to gather his things.

"Buck you're not well enough to go out now go back to bed." Nathan is trying to stop Buck.

"Nathan, there is nothing I wouldn't do but to stay in bed. But, in there are two of my best friends and I am not going to wait for something to happen." Nathan sees no way out of this and faces Josiah. Josiah just heads out with the rest of them. Nathan follows.

Kristinia is going to the telegraph office when she sees Ezra at the saloon. ///I think I should talk things over with Ezra first before making my decision.///

"Mr. Standish. May I have a word with you?"

"Certainly, Miss. Winters. How can I be of service?"

"I have a piece of land that is going to be auctioned if I don't claim it. I don't like to partake vicariously in these such matters and I was hoping to get your opinion. "

"Well, my lady, you have come to the right man."

"Miss Winters I see you're finally out of your habitat." Maude Standish pretentiously comes out of the saloon carrying her umbrella .

"Why is it when I'm around you she just magically appears." Kristinia whispers to Ezra. "It's nice to see you too, Mrs. Standish."

"I hear you've come into a fortune that you don't know what to do with." Maude tells her.

"My how I love a good intrigue."

"My dear, I hear you've got land that needs to be claimed."

"And how do you know this?"

"So it is true. My dear this place isn't exactly soundproof."

"I assure you that this land isn't for the taking."

"Then you are going to claim it?"

"I didn't say that either."

"This land must mean something. Is there a house attached to this land?" Maude asks Kristinia.

"No, it's just a -" Maude cuts in on Kristinia.

"You know how many people would love to have a place for themselves and this should be a very good investment."

"But, the house really isn't-" Maude cuts in her again.

"In good condition? Nonsense. Don't worry about a thing. A house is a house even if it's not in the best condition. Believe me we'll have that place fixed in no time."

"Mrs. Standish. Please. It's not even a house and it's not fit for anyone to live in it either."

"Honey, relax. The land will make up for the deficit. I'm sure of it."

"I'd really like to talk this over with Ezra."

"Honey, who do you think Ezra learned his craft from? Me. That's who. So, why don't you and I go to your office and have a little talk. Ezra darling, please tell the boys that I won't be playing tonight. Business." Maude tells Ezra while she leads Miss Winters to her office.

"Will do." Ezra replies to his mother tipping his hat. Kristinia turns to him and declares

"I'll talk to you later."

"Looking forward to it."

Part VII

"Where is everybody?" Nathan asks as they ride up to Parkstown. Everything looks deserted and there seems to be no one around. "Father Redding said that everything was back to normal around here."

"No girls or anything." Buck replies disappointedly.

"Suppose they ran off." Vin says

"Doesn't make any sense." Nathan replies. They all get off their horses and start to look around. Vin goes into one of the houses. He is greeted by a vivacious brown dog.

"Well, how are you? Are you alone, huh, boy?" The house doesn't look like the people left in a hurry because everything is still tidy and clean. He sees a glass of water on a table and a little bottle next to it. Vin walks over to the other rooms and calls out to see if anyone is home. The dog is suddenly heard. Vin goes back to the where he first saw the dog. "What's wrong boy?" The dog is going crazy. The dog starts to run around and then growl for no purpose. Vin sees that the glass of water and the little bottle fell off the table suspects the dog must have drank some of it. He looks for the dog who has gone into another room. He walks to the sound of some rustling and is led to a room. Vin sees the dog is passed out on the floor. He goes to the dog and sees the helpless look on its face. He eyes the room and sees a tiny bottle on a little table. It's similar to the one next to the glass of water that fell down. He hears Nathan's calls and replies.

"In here Nathan." Nathan comes in.

"Vin, you all right? I heard some barking from the dog and thought ma-" Vin interrupts him.

"Nathan take a look at that bottle." Vin points to the table and Nathan looks at it. "Do you think it's what we're looking for?"

"Looks like some sort of mixture." Nathan takes a whiff of it. "Sure, isn't any medicine I know. What do you think?"

"You see this dog. He drank some of it and went crazy. Now he's half dead." Vin caresses the dog's head. The dog breathes heavily and doesn't react to Vin's touch.

"Poisoned. But, who-" The window opens and the light shines on the cross on top of the bed. Vin and Nathan instantly look at each other and run right out of the house.

"Buck, Josiah, it's the priest." Vin calls out. "We got to head back."

"Kristinia are you going to be okay?" Mary asks as she is leaving the clinic.

"Of course. I'll do fine. You go take care of your son."

"Call me if you need help. I'm not that far."

"Yes. But it's not necessary. Go check on Billy." Mary leaves and Kristinia goes back upstairs to check on the peacekeepers. She puts her hand on JD's forehead and puts a wet towel on his head. It would seem that the fever is going away but, not as quickly as they had hoped. JD is breathing heavily. Kristinia tries calling his name to see if he'll respond.

"JD." He doesn't move. "Can you hear me?" No answer. "We're all waiting for you when you wake up." Kristinia goes over to Chris and feels his forehead. He's all sweaty and pale. He doesn't seem to be recuperating like JD but, JD had been struck earlier so Chris still may be in the early stages. Kristinia also puts a wet towel on his forehead and wipes his head.

"God help these men." she murmurs. "Chris, can you hear me? It's Kristinia." Chris also doesn't move. "Just say 'Yes'." /// I guess I'll let you be ///she thinks to herself. She heads down the stairs. Once she is down the stairs she gets this tingling feeling in her stomach. She looks around but there is no one there. She hastily heads to the office and closes the door. Out of the blue Father Redding comes at her and knocks her down. She is on her back and meets him eye to eye. He has this deranged countenance and is murmuring something as he looks at her.

"You all must die."

Every step she takes seems to last an eternity as she tries to keep her distance from him. Her heart is raging so hard that she can't breathe. Father Redding takes out a little bottle and quickly grabs her arm. Kristinia screams and kicks herself free from his hard grasp. He pursues her taking out taking out a knife. His heavy footing seems to echo through as she quickly tries to escape. A sharp grip holds her and tosses her to the side. She heads back away from him but, he clutches her. He gets a strong hold of her with the knife at her throat and lifts a small bottle to her mouth.

"Please" Kristinia pleads.

"You all must die." She moves ahead trying to break free but it seems hopeless. "Death. I can see it in your eyes. That is the way to your redemption." The bottle touches her lips and she gives one more push and is drawn to the floor. She hears a gun go off and falls to the floor. She opens her eyes and turns around. Smoke is still coming from his gun as Chris stands at the door.



"Here you go." Inez brings JD his breakfast. JD is awake yet not fully recovered from his fever. Buck gets up and takes the plate from Inez and places it on JD.

"Here you go kid. Eat up."

"Stop calling me kid Buck." JD says to Buck.

"Only if you stop wearing that hat." Buck tells him as he knocks his hat off.

"Senor Buck this is no time for games." Inez tells him. "JD needs his food and rest." "Yes ma'am." Buck and JD look at each other and laugh.

"Chris how are you feeling?" Vin Tanner asks his friend grateful that he was able to stop Father Redding from killing Kristinia. He was ready to pump her with twice as much poison then the minuscule Chris and JD had due to the fact that some of the poison wore off from mixing it with another liquid. Chris looks up at his friend and answers

"I'm fine."

"I don't want you getting out of that bed for the next couple of days, Chris." Nathan tells him.

"You're lucky you're still alive."

"I'm fine." Chris states. Mary comes in with Billy and Billy runs over to Chris.

"Hi Chris." Billy greets him.

"Hey bud. Come on up." Chris says with a smile and glee in his eyes. Billy climbs next to Chris on the bed. Mary smiles watching them two start to talk.

"Hey Chris you know what? I made this for you. It's a frog." Billy shows him the frog he carved from a piece of wood. Chris smiles as he rubs Billy's head.

"It's magnificent. You did this all by yourself."

"Of course. You like it?"

"Yeah I love it."

"It was wonderful seeing you again Mrs. Standish. Don't take too long next time." Josiah tells Maude.

"Thank you Mr. Sanchez. I hope not also."

"Goodbye Mother. Please write before coming."

"Ezra I would never dream of it." She turns to Miss Winters and says. "It was a pleasure doing business with you Miss Winters. Don't worry about a thing, darling."

Maude's wagon starts to go and she waves goodbye to them.

"Miss Winters I do hope that you did not invest all of your money and land with my mother." Ezra tells her with concern.

"I just hope she doesn't take it personally."

"I was hoping that you wouldn't take it personally. My mother always seems to get her way."

"Maybe not this time."

"But she already has your money and left." Ezra tells her. Kristinia looks back at him.

"That's what she thinks." Ezra looks at her confused. She replies while a smile comes upon her face. "I just wish I could be there to see her reaction when she sees I just sold her a claim of land that is nothing but an old, burned down, deserted treehouse."

The End