Magnificent Seven Old West
Outrageous Fortune

by Kathy B

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                             THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN

                             "Outrageous Fortune"





An elderly woman, LIDDY, is in her nightgown, sitting up in bed. NETTIE fluffs her

                This is awfully good of you, Nettie, coming all
                the way out here to help me.

                Nonsense. What are friends for? Casey can manage
                on her own for a few days.

                Could you do me a small favor? Could you straighten
                that picture? I just couldn't get well if I have to
                look at that picture all crooked.

Nettie gets on a stool to adjust the picture. The stool rocks ominously...She
reaches up to straighten the picture...

We see the outside of the ranch house and hear a CRASH followed by a GROAN.

                Oh, that stool wobbles, dear.


NATHAN passes CASEY in front of the hotel. She's waiting for the stage.

                Hey, Casey. How's Nettie's back?

                Gonna be staying with Liddy for awhile. She sent
                for my aunt to stay with me.

                That who you're waitin' for?

                I ain't seen her since I was little. She's on my
                ma's side. Nettie wants me to mind her while
                she's here.

The stage pulls up and passengers disembark. AUNT ADELAIDE steps out. She’s a
stern-looking, imperious widow, dressed in black. Her expression clearly shows her
impression of the town and its people, none of it good.

                Aunt Adelaide?

                Casey? Casey! Well!...My! Look at you!...

She studies her like a bug under a magnifying glass.

                Do you always dress like that? Well, never mind
                that now. I have a surprise for you.

A handsome young man, obviously comfortably well-off, gets off the stage. He grins
warmly at Casey. Casey stares back.


                I know you haven't seen each other since you were
                children, but you remember Caleb Barnes?

                Hello, Casey.

                                   END OF TEASER

                                   ACT 1



Casey, Aunt Adelaide and Caleb Barnes are standing in front of the stagecoach. Aunt
Adelaide and Caleb Barnes have just arrived in town.


                When Caleb heard I was coming all this way to see
                you, he simply insisted on coming along. Isn't that



                I wouldn't hear of your aunt travelling all this
                way out here unescorted.

                           (to Caleb)
                Why don't you get settled in at the hotel? You can
                see Casey later when she's at her beautiful best.

                She looks beautiful now.

                Indeed...Come along Casey. I assume you have a
                carriage nearby...


Aunt Adelaide is settling in for a lengthy stay as she puts away her own clothes in the
closet. She begins searching through Casey's wardrobe, as if on a mission.

                           (rummaging through the closet)
                Don't you have any dresses at all?

                Sure. It's right there.


                "It?" That's all?

                What would I do with a bunch of dresses?

                Where's your everyday dress, your traveling
                clothes, your party dress...? All young ladies
                have dresses.

                I guess I ain't much of a lady, then.

                We'll soon fix that. It's a good thing I'm here.
                I can't imagine what Nettie was thinking, letting
                you run around like that.

She studies the dress before handing it to Casey.

                This will have to do until we get others. Get

Off Casey, who has a look of dread at what may be in store for her.


EZRA takes a seat beside BUCK, a flyer in his hand.

                Have you seen this?

                Talent contest. Fifty dollar prize.

                The paper and the Ladies League put up the money.
                They believe that introducing culture to this
                burgeoning metropolis will lure and retain the
                proper element.

                What're you gonna do? Sing? Dance?

                I was thinking of a recitation of Shakespeare. And
                I wasn't thinking of me. I was thinking of you.

                Me? I ain't no actor!

                I am aware of that. That is why I am fully prepared
                to coach you in your prize-winning theatrical debut.

                For a fee.

                Naturally, for a share of the prize money.
                Say, sixty-forty?

Buck glares.
                Oh, all right. Forty-sixty.

                Why me?

                Perhaps you didn't read it carefully.
                "Judged by members of the Ladies'League?"
                All ladies love an actor. And you're in exceptional
                standing with most of the women in this town.

                Except the Bartholomew twins. Ooooh, that was
                unpleasant. You know, you can't tell 'em
                apart lest they're together–

                Be that as it may, do we have a deal?

                An actor, eh? Like John Wilkes Booth...

                I think you mean Edwin Booth.



Casey and her aunt leave the dressmaker's nearby. Both are carrying boxes. Vin and
Nathan are standing outside the hotel. They both straighten as the sight of Casey in a
dress gets their attention.

                Will you look at that!

                Casey lookin' like a girl for a change. Wonder
                what JD'll think of that?

                Won't take long to find out.

JD has spotted Casey from across the street and approaches her in his usual, cheery
                Casey, hi! What's with the dress? Run outta

                Aunt Adelaide, this is JD–er, John Dunne.
                This my aunt, Adelaide Caldwell–.

                How do you do, Mr. Dunne.

She looks at him and glances at the boxes in her hands. JD quickly takes them from her.

                JD helps keep the peace in town.

At that moment, THREE ROWDY COWBOYS ride through, hell for leather, whoopin' and
hollerin', and kickin' up dust.

She brightens immediately as she spots Caleb Barnes approaching.

                Good afternoon, Caleb! Why don't you join Casey
                and me for dinner tonight for a nice, home-cooked

                I'd be delighted. That dress really becomes
                you, Casey.

                Wonderful! We'll see you tonight then. Good day,
                Mr. Dunne.
Caleb takes the boxes from JD with a triumphant smirk only JD sees. JD watches them
walk away. Vin and Nathan move to stand beside him.

                C'mon, JD. It ain't so bad. He'll be gone afore
                you know it.


                Sure. You've tasted Casey's cookin'.

They leave JD standing there, alone, as he watches Casey disappear down the street.



Casey sets the table as Aunt Adelaide tries to put on a shine on the silverware.

                Aunt Adelaide, why is Caleb here?

                I told you. He offered to come. In fact, he
                insisted. I welcomed the company, being as I
                am now, a widow travelling alone. And he was
                very anxious to see you again.

                How long is he staying?

                Sit down for a moment, dear. I think we should talk.

Casey joins Aunt Adelaide at the table.

                                AUNT (cont'd)
                Your Aunt Nettie is getting on in years. Now
                with this accident, you must start to consider
                her health.

                She'll be fine.

                But for how long? It's time you started thinking
                about your future. Wouldn't it be a wonderful
                surprise for her to come home and find you're
                provided for?

                I suppose...

                She's done a great deal for you, you know, taking
                you in after your mother passed away. Goodness
                knows, if we'd you were living in the wilds like
                this, we'd have taken you in ourselves. Now with
                your uncle gone, it's too late.

                >Well, me and JD–

                That Mr. Dunne? what kind of work did he say he
                does? No, my dear. Now, what about someone like
                Caleb Barnes?

                I barely know him!

                You can get to know him at dinner tonight and for
                as long as he's here. I barely knew your Uncle
                Frank when I married him.

                You mean you want me to...marry Caleb Barnes?

                Casey, dear, I'm just asking you to consider your
                prospects, not marry Caleb. He hasn't asked



Casey and Caleb are taking a walk after dinner.

                Dinner was wonderful. Thank you.

                Aunt Adelaide did most of the cooking.

                Well, I’m sure your cooking is even better.
                Did I surprise you, coming here?

                >Yeah, you did.

                After you left and came to stay out here for good,
                things were just never the same.

                I only saw you whenever I was staying with Aunt
                Adelaide and Uncle Frank. That was years ago.

He stops and turns to her, getting very close. He touches her hair, tracing her cheek
with his hand.

                It was a lifetime. I've missed you so much, Casey.
                I always knew I'd see you again. I always felt
                we belonged together. You used to say that, don't
                you remember? I want us to be together always.

                           (suddenly embarrassed)
                You probably think I sound foolish–

                Oh, no! No one's ever said things like that to
                me before.

He takes her hands in his.
                Then I'll say more. It's as if I'm dreaming you
                now. I'm so afraid I'll wake up...

                Want me to pinch you to make sure?

                Remember that big old apple tree we used to climb?

                I remember climbing higher than you so I could
                chuck apples at you.

                We carved our initials in it. It's gone now, you
                know. Lightening.

He glances around for a moment.


He leads her by the hand to a large, sturdy tree and takes out a pocketknife.

                Oh, Caleb, don't. That's for children.

He studies her a moment then pulls her to him.

                And this is for grown people.

He puts arms around her and gives her a long, lingering kiss. She stiffens at
first, resisting, then slowly melts against him.



The CLERK is behind the counter. Caleb walks in.

                I'm interested in that music box you have in
                the window.

The clerk retrieves it from the window and makes the sale.

                Yes, sir. An expensive model, but it's made by
                skilled craftsmen way over in Europe. Do you
                collect fine music boxes?

                It's a gift. For Miss Wells. Can you wrap it?

                Certainly. "Miss Wells?" That'd be
                Casey Wells? Ah, she's a sweet girl but a bit
                of a hellion, eh? Almost like a boy at times.

In a flash of rage, Caleb reaches over the counter, grabbing the clerk with both hands.

                Miss Wells is soon to be my fiancee. And as such,
                she's a <u>lady</u>. I expect you to show her
                some respect.

                Yes, sir! I didn't mean anything by it! Like I said,
                Casey-er-Miss Wells is a sweet g–lady!

Barely satisfied by this, Caleb releases the clerk. His whole body is stiff with rage
as he picks up his package and leaves. The clerk watches him go, adjusting his collar
and glad to still be alive.


Caleb bumps into JD, of all people.

                Excuse me.

                Ah, Mr. Dobbs, isn't it? I'm glad I bumped into you.
                I wanted to ask you a question.

                Dunne. JD Dunne. What do you want?

                           (showing him the music box)
                What do you think of this?

JD looks at it, knowing it's something he couldn't afford on a dollar a day. As much
as he doesn't like Caleb, he tries to be cordial.

                Looks expensive.

                It is.
                It's nice, I guess.

                Glad you like it. I hope Casey does. I think she
                will, don't you?

JD looks almost as if he's been slapped.

                           (with a triumphant smile)
                Good day.

Caleb walks away. JD watches him go, then heads for the jail.



BUCK and CHRIS are out front. JD walks up, looking very unhappy and perhaps a bit

                Now, Chris, have you ever seen a fella look so
                low? You look like your best girl ran off and took
                your best horse with her.



                I mean that Caleb Barnes. Casey's been seein' him
                since he got here. Now he's bought her this real
                expensive present.

                What do you aim to do about it?

                What can I do? Even her aunt likes him. And she
                sure doesn't like me.


                Well, stake your claim! Casey's <u>your</u> girl,
                ain't she? You seen her first.

                Not quite. He's known her since-

                You can't let another man jump your claim. You
                gott fight for what's yours. It ain't right–

                Buck, will you shut up?

                           (to Chris)
                Now just hold on. This is about romance. My domain.

                           (to JD)
                You gotta be a man about this. You can't let
                him just sashay on in here and steal your girl.


                No sir! It''s downright un-American is
                what it is!

                           (his ire rising)
                You know, you're right. And I'm gonna do somethin'
                about it–

JD starts down the street with determined strides. Buck smiles. He's rallied the troops.

                There ya go. Whoops! Gotta go. Rehearsal, y'know.

Chris looks at Buck in surprise as Buck leaves.




JD is just coming out of the door. He spots Josiah coming down the boardwalk.

                 Josiah! Am I glad to see you. Would you come in
                 here for a minute?

Josiah nods and quickens his step a little.


                 Look, I hate to ask, but can you loan me some
                 money? I wanna buy Casey that bracelet there.

                 For Casey? JD, does this have anything to do
                 with Mr. Barnes?

                 Can't a guy buy his girl a present if he wants to?

                 JD, you can't buy the affections of a girl like

                 I'm not tryin' to!

                 Then what are you doin'?

                 I told you. I'm just buyin' her a present.

                 Uh-huh. To show up that Barnes fella. JD, you
                 know Casey better than that.

                           (giving him a pat on the shoulder)
                 She'll make the right choice.

Josiah leaves.

                           (to himself)
                 That's what I'm afraid of.



Casey is walking down the street. Just as she passes an alley, we see an arm
suddenly reach out and pull her into the alley, out of sight.

She starts to fight but immediately stops when she sees who it is.

                 JD! What are you doin', grabbin' a person like

                 I wanted to talk to you.

                 Well, why didn't you just say so?

                 I didn't want anyone to see us.

                 You mean my aunt.

                 She doesn't like me, Casey, and you know it. She
                 likes Caleb Barnes...How do you feel about him?

Casey studies him. We can see she knows this is a rare opportunity to make
JD jealous.

                 Actually, I think he's kinda sweet.

                 You do?

                 Mm-hmm. Kinda handsome, too. And he pays a lot
                 of attention to me. Not always hangin' around
                 with Buck...

                 Now, Casey, that ain't fair.

                 He's charming, too, and polite.

                           (getting angry)
                 Really! Is he now! Well, maybe he's a better man
                 for you than I am!

This is not the reaction she'd hoped to get.


                 Maybe you oughta hang on to this one! Another one
                 like him make not come along!

                           (getting angry herself)
                 Are you sayin' he's my only chance? That I couldn't
                 get another good man if I wanted?

                 I'm sayin' I think you oughta marry this one!

                 Maybe I will!

She turns back toward the street.

STREET - Aunt's POV.

We see Casey storm out of the alley and continue down the street. JD
emerges moments later, angry and looking even more miserable than before,
if that's possible.

                                   END ACT 1

                                   ACT 2



Buck is greeted by Ezra as he enters the sanctuary.

                 Mr. Wilmington. At last. I have carefully selected
                 your recitation for you. Right here.

                 'But soft, what light through yonder window breaks?
                 It is the East, and Juliet is the sun.
                 Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,
                 who is already sick and pale with grief–'

                 You call this romance?

                 I assure you it is one of the most romantic and
                 famous speeches in the history of theatre.

                 'Kill the moon? Sick and pale with grief?'
                 This'll make 'em stampede for the door.

                 Mr. Wilmington...Buck...Romeo here is comparing
                 the love of his life, Juliet, to the heavens.

                 Just tell me this. He doesn't get the girl, does he.

                 He does. Then he dies.

                           (snorting derisively)
                 Figgers. With words like that. She kill 'im?

                           (fighting for control)
                 No! She kills herself.


                 Would you please just study the speech for now?
                 We'll work on it again later. And I can see we
                 have a <u>lot</u> of work ahead of us.



Chris is cleaning his Colt as Aunt Adelaide enters.

                 Are you Mr. Larabee? I'm Adelaide Caldwell,
                 Casey Wells's aunt.


                 I understand that Mr. Dunne works for you.

                 No, ma'am. He doesn't. He works for the town.

                 I'll come straight to the point. I've heard you
                 have some influence on him. I'm asking you to
                 discourage him from trying to court Casey.

                 Seems to me that should be up to Casey.

                 Casey is too young and impressionable to know
                 what's best for her. I found her here practically
                 living like a savage.

She finally notices he's cleaning a gun.

                                AUNT (cont'd)
                 If it isn't too personal, Mr. Larabee, do you
                 have a family?

                 Yes, ma'am, it is. And no, I don't... They're dead.

                 I'm sorry...Then you understand my position on
                 this matter. A man who makes his living by a gun
                 is better off unmarried.

                 We may agree on that, but it seems to me this is
                 between Casey and JD.

                 Casey is seeing Mr. Barnes now, a proper young
                 man for her, and I expect to formally announce
                 their engagement very soon. So you can see that
                 Mr. Dunne's persistence is at least...inappropriate.

                 I'll tell him.

                 Do I have your word you'll discourage him then?

                 You have my word I'll tell him.



Casey and Caleb have taken a buggy to a remote spot in the hills for a picnic
together. Caleb helps her out of the carriage.

                 I have a little surprise for you.

He presents her with the music box, unwrapping it for her.

                 Like it?

                           (looking slightly puzzled)
                 A music box?

                 What's wrong?

                 Nothing. It's beautiful, but...what would I do with it?

There is a pause. Suddenly, Caleb turns and hurls the music box against some rocks,
smashing it to pieces. Casey stands there in stunned silence.

                 Nothing now.

His temper is gone as abruptly as it came. He sees her reaction and takes a step
closer to smooth things over.

                 Casey... I love you so much. I only want the
                 best for you, don't you know that? If you don't
                 like something the least little bit, then as far
                 as I'm concerned, it's not worthy of you. And
                 it'll always be that way, my love.

He takes her hands in his to kiss them. Afraid to meet his eyes, Casey stares
past him at the broken music box on the ground.



EZRA is dealing cards to JD, NATHAN, BUCK, and VIN as CHRIS walks past them to
the bar. Moments later he returns with a bottle of whiskey, sits next to JD, pours
a drink and pushes it in front of JD.

                 Here. You may want that.

                 Must be real bad news.

                           (to JD)
                 Just saw Casey's aunt. Told me I should keep
                 you away from Casey.

                 What'd you tell her?

                 There's more. She told me Casey's marryin'
                 Caleb Barnes.

This gets the attention of everyone.

                 You sure about that? Maybe you heard wrong.

                 What does Casey want?

                 Does it matter? We've all seen Aunt Adelaide.
                 Trust me, gentlemen, that matronly widow will
                 have her way.

JD bypasses the glass, takes the bottle and tosses back a big swig.



We see JD approaching the house, trying to keep from making any noise...
too late. The door opens and Casey steps out onto the porch.

                 JD! What're you doin' here? If my aunt sees you

                 I don't care! I had to come here. Is it true?
                 You're gonna marry that Barnes fella?

Casey hesitates. It's enough.

                                JD (cont'd)
                 It's true, isn't it! Casey, you can't. It's not
                 right. It's un-American, is what it is!

                 What? What are you talking about?

                 Never mind. We have an understanding, you and me.
                 Don't we?

                 Do we?

                 Well, of course we do!

                 But, well, my aunt...Caleb...they're making all
                 these plans. And Caleb loves me... It's for the
                 best... For Nettie.

                 Nettie? Look, I don't know the best way to put
                 it into words, but Casey, I...I don't wanna lose

                 You don't?

                 Marry me instead...I mean...Marry me. Right now.


                            (swallowing hard)
                 Yeah...Casey, would you marry me?

                 Oh, JD-!

She puts her arms around him and they kiss. It's a long, lingering kiss as if
they could stay that way all night, perhaps forever.



Vin is outside the hotel leaning against a post as JD and Casey approach.

                 Vin, have you seen Josiah? We went over to the
                 church and he wasn't there.

                 He left out at first light. He's gonna try to
                 borrow a costume from a fella he knows in Vista
                 City for Buck to use in the talent contest.

                 Great. That's just great. Do you know when he's
                 comin' back?

                 A day or two, maybe. Somethin' important?


                            (to Casey)
                 We'll just have to wait till he gets back. A couple
                 of days all right with you?

                 But Caleb–

                 Well, without a preacher here, he can't marry you
                 any sooner than I can. And Judge Travis ain't due
                 through here for weeks.


                 Don't say nothin' to anyone yet, please, Vin?
                 Casey, promise me, as soon as Josiah gets back–

                All right.

                C'mon. We'd better get you home before your aunt
                notices you've gone.



Through the curtains inside Nettie's, we see JD and Casey walking towards the
house, hand in hand. They share one last kiss before JD leaves. Casey walks slowly
toward the house. We see a curtain drop into place and Aunt Adelaide turning away
from the window. She does not look pleased.

                                   END ACT 2

                                   ACT 3



Buck, Vin, Ezra, and Nathan are outside the saloon. JD walks up to them with a huge grin on
his face.

                Guys, next round's on me!

                Now why's that?

                Well, Buck, I'm finally gonna do something you
                never have.

                Now, kid, that ain't possible.

                Wanna bet?

                Easy, Buckley.

                Mr. Tanner is right. First rule of gambling,
                Mr. Wilmington: Never make a bet until you've seen
                your cards first.
                            (with a long look at Vin)
                You know something, Mr. Tanner.

                            (to JD)
                 Tell 'em.

                I'm gettin' married.

                Gettin'–You?..Casey? Oh, this definitely calls
                for a round. This one's on me, kid.

The guys go into the saloon. Chris enters a few moments later.

                Chris! JD's marryin' Casey!

Chris doesn't react.

                            (to JD)
                 You plannin' on hangin' up your guns, too?

                            (with a laugh)
                Of course not!

He moves closer to Chris, still within earshot of the other guys.

                                JD (cont'd)
                 I'd...I'd like it if you'd be my best man. I-that is-
                 we'd be honored.

                 No, thanks.

Chris turns to leave.


                 Forget it, JD!

Chris strides out of the saloon. Buck follows Chris, and JD follows Buck.

JD, afraid he may have insulted Buck by choosing Chris, tries to smooth things
over with him.

                 Buck, you understand. I didn't mean that you–

                 It's all right, kid, I know how you feel. If it was
                 me, he'd have been my first choice, too. If you want,
                 I'll be your best man until Chris changes his mind.

                 Thanks, Buck.

Buck leaves to catch up to Chris.


                 Chris! Wait up! What's wrong with you back there?
                 Casey's a nice girl.

                 It's because she's a nice girl.

                 I don't follow.

                 This line of work - it makes widows, not wives.

                 Maybe you oughta put a little more faith in the

                 What if she gets hurt or killed because of him?
                 Because of what he does?

                 Now you're talkin' about you and Sarah.

                 I'm talkin' about buryin' someone you love. Neither
                 of them should have to go through that.

                 That ain't up to you. He just wants you to be happy
                 for them. It matters to him.

                 Well, I can't.

Buck watches as Chris walks away, then turns and continues in the opposite



Ezra is walking around impatiently. He appears to be alone.

                 Come along, Mr. Wilmington!

                                BUCK (O.S.)
                 No! I'm not wearin' this. Josiah can just take it
                 back to whoever he got it from.

                 Let us at least take a look at it.

Buck emerges from Josiah's room dressed in a long-sleeve shirt covered by a tunic
that reaches past his hips. He's wearing a scabbard for a dagger and...slightly
baggy tights. Overall, it's not a pretty picture.

                 Aw, can I romance the ladies when
                 I'm dressed like one of 'em?

                 Never mind that. Let's just hear the lines.

                 &quot;Hark! What's that light in yonder window
                 there? Why, it is Juliet, looking like the

Ezra is nearly aploplectic. For a moment, his mouth moves but no words come out.

                 Wh-what was that? You re-wrote the lines of one
                 of the greatest English writers of all time?

Enough is enough. Buck is out of patience.

                            (almost shouting)
                 Don't talk to me about English. I <u>know</u>
                 English. I <u>speak</u> English! <u>That</u>
                 ain't English! How're all these ladies supposed
                 to understand what I’m sayin'?

                 All right, all right! We'll compromise. Do the
                 lines as written and I'll do something about

                 And the tights.



Chris is sitting outside. Vin joins him, characteristically leaning against a post.

                Buck says he'll be JD's best man...lest you
                change yer mind.

                 Not likely.

                He looks up to you. In some ways, he's like you.
                Stubborn. I seem to recall you tellin' me-or maybe
                it was Buck-how Hank was opposed to you marryin'

                Yeah...he was. But we were young and in love
                and you couldn't tell us nothin'.

                Any regrets?

                No. I'd do it all over again. We knew right, even
                if Hank didn't.

Chris knows what Vin is getting at. Vin gets up to leave.
                                CHRIS (cont'd)
                Vin?...I'll think about it.

Vin nods and leaves.



JD, Ezra, Vin, and Nathan are at a table in the saloon when Buck pops his head in.

                JD! You know Josiah's back? You ready?

                I'll find Casey and meet you at the church.

                            (looking at the others)
                You comin'?

They all get up to follow. Buck grins at them as they begin to file past him,
out the door.
                 Might as well come along. Maybe you all can
                 be bridesmaids.

                 I won't settle for anything less than maid of



We see Casey leaving the barn, leading a horse, a small travelling bag attached. Aunt
Adelaide sees her from inside and starts out the door, but stops when she sees...

Casey mount up, ride a short distance from the barn, and join JD, already on horseback.
He leans over and they kiss before riding off.

Aunt Adelaide disappears inside the house, and returns immediately, putting on her
shawl as she heads for the carriage.



Aunt Adelaide stops her carriage at the hotel, frantically looking for Caleb. He comes
out the door just as she's rushing in, breathing hard. Caleb takes her by the shoulders.

                What's wrong? Are you all right? Where's Casey?
                Is Casey all right?

                Caleb, I'm afraid Casey may be on her way to do
                something foolish!

                            (shaking her, his panic rising)
                What's happened? For God's sake, tell me!

                I think she's running off to marry that JD fellow!
                All our plans–

Caleb releases her shoulders abruptly and she sinks into a chair. As he bolts out of the
hotel, he pulls out a gun and checks it.

                                   END ACT 3

                                   ACT 4



Buck, Vin, Nathan, and Ezra are already there, as JD and Casey join them. Both are
trying unsuccessfully to hide their nervousness.

                The boys tell me you've decided to get married.
                You sure you're ready to do this? &quot;Married in
                haste, we may repent at leisure.&quot;

                Josiah, we know all that. We're ready.

                Please, Josiah...

                All right. But I couldn't let you get married
                without at least trying to counsel you first, but
                if you're sure this is what you want...

                We're sure.

                Boys, you want to step up here?

Ezra stands next to Casey, Vin next to Ezra. Buck stands next to JD. Nathan stands
next to Buck.

                                JOSIAH (cont'd)
                Friends, we are gathered here in the sight of God
                to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony.
                JD, do you take Casey to have and to hold from this
                day forward, for better or worse, in sickness and
                health, to love, cherish, and to obey, till death
                us do part?

                Yes, I do.

                Casey, do you take JD to have and to hold from
                this day forward, for better or worse, in sickness
                and health, to love, cherish, and to obey, till
                death us do part?

There is a pause. Ezra nudges Casey gently.

                            (stage whisper)
                You're supposed to say 'yes.'

Vin elbows Ezra. There is a long, heavy silence.

                            (suddenly fighting back tears)
                JD, I can't.

                Casey, what–?

                I think we need to leave them alone for awhile.

Everyone but Casey and JD quietly leave so the two can talk.

                Casey? What's wrong? I thought we'd decided.

                JD, it's not you.

She sits in a pew. JD sits beside her, watching her anxiously.

                I want to JD, I really do, but not like this.
                Nto to get away from Caleb and not to spite my
                aunt. This is forever, JD. And I want it to be
                right. I want it to be the right thing for the
                right reasons.

                            (touching his face)
                Can you understand?

                            (squeezing her hand gently)
                Yeah...yeah, I understand. Casey, will you promise
                me one thing?

                            (a pause)
                When it is right, and it's for the right reasons,
                we'll try this again, you and me?

                Oh, JD...

They hold each other for a long time, comfortable with a new understanding between

As JD and Casey come out of the church, Caleb appears. He stops in front of Casey and
JD, looking at them in a cold fury. Chris also appears to witness this exchange from
across the street.

                You've done it, haven't you? You've married him!

He suddenly slaps Casey and, as JD attempts to intervene, he punches JD, knocking
him to the ground.

The Seven, including Chris and Josiah, start towards them, but Caleb grabs Casey, his arm around her
upper body. Caleb holds her tightly against him, her back pressed against his chest.
He pulls out a gun and points the barrel against her temple.

The guys have slowly fanned out in a wide semi-circle around Caleb and Casey.

                            (to the guys)
                Just stop right there!!

Everyone freezes.

                Caleb, please!

                            (in a low, threatening voice)
                Do you have any idea how long I waited for you?
                Years! We belong together, you and me! Isn't that
                what you said? Isn't it?!

                Caleb, we were children!

                I don't care! I never forgot! You said we belonged
                together! You promised!

Josiah takes a step toward them.

                Son, if you really love her–

                Get back! Don't you understand? She's mine!
                She always was mine! She promised! And she's
                gonna keep that promise!

Aunt Adelaide arrives just in time to watch helplessly from across the street.

                                CALEB (cont'd)
                I'll kill her before I let anyone else have her.
                Everybody just stay where you are. We're gonna
                leave now...

                Can't let you do that.

Caleb fires at Buck. Buck grabs at his thigh and falls.

                Anyone else?

Casey sinks her teeth into Caleb's arm. He angrily shoves her to the ground and turns
the gun on her, his arm outstretched. He pauses only an instant, preparing to shoot the
only woman he's ever loved when...

JD lunges at him and he and Caleb struggle. The gun goes off, winging JD. JD drops to
his knees. Caleb points the gun at him when...

Chris shoots Caleb, mortally wounding him.


He dies. Casey runs to JD. They hold each other tightly as if they were the only two
people in the world. There is an obvious bond there everyone can see, especially Chris
and Aunt Adelaide.



Buck is on a cot. Nathan is propping up Buck's bandaged leg.

                That's a nasty wound. You lost a lotta blood.
                You're gonna have to rest up a few days.

                But the contest is tomorrow!

                Guess you're just gonna have to miss it. You gotta
                give your body time to heal, Buck.

Buck starts to get up, but Nathan grabs his shoulders and pushes him back down.

                But the ladies'll be disappointed! And they've all
                been lookin' forward to it. I can't let 'em down.
                Somebody'll have to go on in my place. How about
                you go?

                Me! I can't get up in front of a bunch of people.
                Look, I'll try to find you someone, all right?

                            (settling back against the pillow)
                Long as it ain't Ezra. I swear, that man has no
                sense of romance. You shoulda seen what he wanted
                me to say...

Buck closes his eyes to drift off to sleep.



We see a meeting hall crammed with people, slightly more females than males. Every seat
is filled. Even the standing room is filled. There is a low buzz of voices. A Ladies
League MATRON is on the small stage.

                Now, everyone, for our last contestant. We had
                a last-minute entry when one of our contestants
                became...indisposed yesterday. Introducing...
                Mr. Nathan Jackson.

Nathan quietly steps onto the stage. He produces a small paper from his pocket

                Mr. Wilmington told me you might like to hear some
                Shakespeare, so I picked out this poem. I didn't
                have time to memorize it, but I hope y'all like it.

                'As an unperfect actor on the stage,
                 Who with his fear is put besides his part,
                 Or some fierce thing replete with too much rage,
                 Whose strength's abundance weakens his own heart;
                 So I, for fear of trust, forget to say
                 The perfect ceremony of love's rite,
                 And in my own love's strength seems to decay,
                 O'ercharged with burden of mine own love's might.
                 Oh, let my books be then the eloquence
                 And dumb presagers of my speaking breast,
                 Who plead for love and look for recompense,
                 More than that tongue that more hath more expressed.
                      Oh, learn to read what silent love hath writ:
                      To hear with eyes belongs to love's fine wit.'

The room is dead silent, spellbound by his very moving reading. Suddenly there
is thunderous applause. Nathan smiles.



Aunt Adelaide and Casey are standing in front of the hotel just as the stage
arrives. Aunt Adelaide is dressed for travel, her luggage by her side.

                Well, Casey, I'm glad Nettie is coming home,
                though I must say that was fast.

                I got the wire here if you want to see it again.

                No, dear. Are you going to be all right alone for
                a few days?

                Yes ma'am. I've got JD to look out for me. And
                his friends.

                Yes, you do. I'm sure you'll be in good hands.
                At least until you're married...

There is a long pause. We can see Aunt Adelaide has something on her mind.

                Casey, I'm...sorry about Caleb Barnes...I just want
                the best for my niece.

                I know.

Casey suddenly gives her aunt a quick hug, the first time since Aunt
Adelaide's arrival.

                Is that Mr. Dunne a prospect?

                            (smiling, with a shrug)
                Could be.

Aunt Adelaide is the last one to board the stage. It's time to go. She looks out the window.

                That will be nice.

                             (calling, as the stage pulls away)
                Be sure to invite me to the wedding! Good-by, Casey!

                Good-bye, Aunt Adelaide!
Casey waves, watching the stagecoach until it's out of the sight. The moment it
is, she turns and waves to the TELEGRAPH OFFICE CLERK. He waves back, then
disappears inside.

Casey turns into the nearest alley and rips off her dress. Underneath we see
she's wearing the familiar jeans and shirt. She shoves the torn dress into a
barrel and walks away, smiling.



Chris, Vin, and Ezra are sitting or standing outside. Buck is sitting, his
leg propped up. JD approaches, a huge grin across his face.

                That smile can only mean one thing. Dear Aunt
                Adelaide left town?

                Sure has! Stagecoach just left.

Josiah and Nathan join them, also grinning.

                Gentlemen. Where's my money?

               <u>Your</u> money?

                My share of the prize money, of course. I arranged
                and recruited for that performance slot.

                Now, Ezra, you said that was a coaching fee.

                And you didn't give Nathan no coaching.

                Nathan did fine on his own.

                Thank you, Josiah. Buck, ain't you supposed
                to be resting?

                I am. Right here.

Buck grins. Nathan just shakes his head.

                Now look here. I had plans for that money.

                So do I. Half of it goes toward a new clinic. And
                since Josiah here did the coaching, helping me
                pick out this poem, the other half goes to him.

                And that half is going toward the church. How about
                a drink, Brother Jackson?

                I'd like that, Brother Sanchez. Nice try, Ezra.

Nathan and Josiah go into the saloon, followed by Ezra.

                Could you at least name the clinic after me?

Chris, Buck and JD lag behind.

       asked me somethin' awhile back...

                Before ya say anythin'–Kid, I'm surrenderin' my
                title as best man. Heck, we all know I am, so it
                ain't necessary to advertise.

Buck grins and limps into the saloon.

                If you still want to do this thing with you and Casey,
                I'd be willin'. That is, if you still want me to.

JD wears a grin that takes over his whole face.

                Thanks, Chris. And someday I'd really like that.
                Not now. But definitely someday.

Chris smiles as the two of them join the others in the saloon


                                THE END