Magnificent Seven ATF Universe
'Twas the Night Before Christmas

by Cindy Brewer

ATF agent JD Dunne paused on the front porch of Chris Larabee's ranch to catch his breath. The young brown haired man glanced at his watch, just under an hour before midnight. JD smiled as he turned to the object behind him. He still had plenty of time to get things ready for tomorrow.

JD picked up the six foot plus Colorado Blue Spruce tree and turned it on an angle so he could fit it through the front door. At the same time he was trying his best not to make a sound because Chris and Buck were asleep. The youth winced as one of the tree branches scraped loudly against the door frame. JD froze as he strained his ears for any sound that would indicate that the others had woken. Several seconds went by and JD breathed a sigh of relief. Gently setting down the tree, JD picked up a nearby chair and used it to prop the door open.

Once he was sure the door was secure JD carefully dragged the tree the rest of the way into the living room and leaned it against the sofa.

The youth retraced his steps and removed the chair and closed the door.

As JD took off his jacket and picked up a large box he had placed by the front door earlier he couldn't help but think of the events of the past week.

Everyone had been so busy with the Doyle case that no one had time to think about Christmas let alone do any decorating or Christmas shopping. Plus with Vin injured during the bust the paperwork and remaining open cases for everyone else had doubled.

JD picked up the tree and carefully placed it in the corner between the window and the fireplace. The top of the tree leaned a few inches to the left but otherwise seemed to have survived the ordeal in one piece.

After doing one more check to make sure the others were still asleep, JD picked up a bundle of lights from the box and began to decorate.

+ + + + + + +


Buck Wilmington jerked awake instantly tossing aside the bed covers. It was only then that he remembered that they were staying at Chris's for the holiday weekend.

Having ruled out the possibility of a robbery in progress Buck crept out into the hallway and peaked into the living room.

Buck's blue eyes widened at the site before him.

JD was standing in the corner of the living room covered head to toe in evergreen needles struggling to hold up a Christmas tree.

Ornaments were scattered everywhere intermixed with broken Christmas lights and strands of tinsel. Instantly Buck moved forward to help but he stopped himself as he got to the corner of the hallway. By helping he'd ruin the kid's surprise. Ruining the kid's Christmas was the last thing Buck wanted.

He had felt bad all week that the Doyle bust had tied up everyone's time. Hell there hadn't even been time for the team to go to the Clarion's annual Christmas bash.

With Chris inviting everyone to the ranch Buck had planned on making it up to JD this weekend but from the looks of things it seemed the kid was a step ahead of him.

The dark haired agent watched for a few more minutes making sure JD had everything under control. Once Buck was sure JD could handle the situation, Buck turned and retreated to the bedroom hoping to catch a few more hours of sleep.

+ + + + + + +

Somewhere a clock chimed waking JD. With a start the youth struggled to a sitting position on the sofa. Dunne squinted at his watch trying to make out the time in the dim light of the Christmas tree lights.


He had to get back to his room before somebody woke up.

With a yawn JD stood and crossed the living room to turn off the Christmas tree lights. As he clicked off the switch JD smiled with satisfaction. Despite the near disaster of the tree falling and loosing half the ornaments....there would be Christmas after all.

Presents he had bought online and paid ten years worth of salary on overnight shipping were stacked neatly under the tree.

Seven stockings hung from the fireplace mantel secured in place by Santa candleholders.

JD turned and headed for his room when something caught his eye out the window. He turned and studied the view for a moment trying to figure out what exactly had caught his attention.

Then he saw it.


It was only a few flakes blowing in a light wind but it was Christmas snow all the same.

The youth smiled before turning around and walking to his room.

+ + + + + + +

With his right arm in a sling Vin Tanner struggled to balance his load of packages as he stepped up the snow covered steps to Chris's house.

It was just after seven when Vin raised his hand to knock but the door swung open before his hand made contact.

"Merry Christmas, cowboy," the sharpshooter said quietly.

Chris smiled as he took the packages from his friend and stepped aside allowing the tracker to step inside. "Same to you, cowboy."

The duo moved into the living room where Chris set Vin's packages among the others.

"When did you find time to shop, anyway?" Larabee asked as he walked around the corner of the sofa. "You just got out of the hospital three days ago."

Vin smiled as he leaned against the window frame. "I had it done before Thanksgiving."

Chris shook his head as he moved into the kitchen to make coffee. "JD's still asleep. Buck ran to get breakfast."

Vin nodded as he looked at the tree. "Let me guess, the kid was up all night putting the tree up?"

Chris placed a blue mug in front of Vin as he nodded. "From what Buck told me this morning the kid had some trouble but looks like he worked it out."

By nine JD had awakened and the others had arrived one by one. With the others engrossed in the task of unwrapping gifts Chris pulled JD aside.

"Thanks for gettin' the tree, JD," Chris said quietly as he leaned against the wall near the kitchen. "There hasn't been one in this house since....well.....a long time. I had forgotten how nice Christmas was."

JD smiled as he looked at the group before him. "Merry Christmas, Chris."

"Same to you, kid," Chris replied quietly. "Same to you."

The End