Magnificent Seven ATF Universe

by Jadzia Dawson

Warning: Contains depiction of a violent male-on-female assault.

Part 1: Fallen Angels

She sat in the prison cell, stared at by six pairs of eyes. Welcome to my world, she thought.

"What the hell were you thinking?" pierced her reverie, as she came quickly back to earth.

"What the hell were you thinking?"

"Fuck you Chris! You were on this side once, or did you forget?"

Two hands reached through the bars grabbing her collar pulling violently 'til she was pressed against the bars.

"Don't you ever say anything like that again or..."

"Or what, you'll burn me to death and watch?"

Chris had never in his life struck a woman, he'd be damned to start now, but that woman knew exactly what to say. Hatred flared in his eyes as he pushed her away, the world ran red from his fury he slowly became aware of hands gripping him, pulling him away from the cell.

"Get a hold of yourself, she knows what makes you tick, and she's using it. Chris. Chris! Leave her alone, if you don't let her get to you she'll stop."

"Listen to him for once, maybe I'll leave you alone but their memories won't."

"Shut up! No one was talking to you anyway."

"My mistake."

"Let us get out of here, the Major can watch her tonight. Come on Chris."

She settled back on the cot. This is going to be a lon-n-ng night, why did this have to happen to me? Her eyes drifted closed and the past couple of weeks floated out of hiding back into her mind.

Seven men greeted her as the elevator doors opened. She stepped out slowly a little nervous of the seven who were waiting to meet her. Their kindness had astounded her; she was accepted quite readily. She came to know the seven men very well. The dark garbed leader was respected and rightly so, he weighed everything with a fair hand before making any decision. The ex-bounty hunter was kind although a tad bit shy; he made her feel welcome from the start. The one called Buck, though, frightened her. His overwhelming personality and over-powering manner unnerved her. His sidekick although quite young made her laugh, she felt disarmed by his boyish antics, but his knowledge of computers amazed her. She felt quite comfortable around the medic and his friend who reminded her of her former preacher. The last member of the team stood on the fringes, he was polite answering all her questions but he was also guarded. After the several weeks of working with the 'Magnificent 7' he still remained an enigma.

Together they had worked well, closing three cases in six weeks. She felt their brotherly bond and the love they had for one another. She was starting to feel that same love projected towards her. Then her world came crashing down during a raid.

The ominous thud of the door alerted her to the arrival of Major Gareth. A shudder ran through her as she thought of the long night ahead.

"Relax, I'm not going to hurt you, that comes tomorrow, when you die, Doc."

"Fuck you!"

"I would, but what would be the fun?"

She spit in his face, her target hitting the mark on his cheek. Swiftly he unlocked the cell, grabbing her and threw her against the wall. She slid to the floor as blackness engulfed her.

+ + + + + + +

"Get up! It's almost time for your trial."

She gingerly probed her head where it hit the wall, finding a small bump. She looked into the deep eyes of Buck, seeing only the anger and disappointment instead of their friendly light. He waited for her to haul herself to her feet before escorting her to the washrooms. One of the wardens stood waiting for her with a clean set of clothes. She changed her clothes, washed up, brushed her teeth, combed her hair, then was led out to the waiting van to transport her to the courthouse. As she walked past the men, she saw their anger and resent. She felt the gaping hole that was slowly ripping them a part hour by hour all because of her.

God this is going to be the longest ride I've ever endured with them... No, wait. The second longest. Riding with them to the hospital would be on the top of the list. You were able to cut the silence with a knife.

She could feel their cold eyes scalding like burns across her back, the van felt cold even though it was a warm summer day. Ezra's Jag was still parked in its spot where it had been left almost a week ago.

+ + + + + + +

"Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, the truth and nothing but the truth so help you God?"

"I do."

"Please state your name for the court."

"Jezribelle Mariella Simons."

"Ms. Simons, could please state the events that occurred December 14th?"

"Certainly. We had been tracking the drug cartel of Alejandro Montoya for six months, the team headed by Agent Larabee to be specific. I had joined as a special agent five weeks earlier."

"How did you come to join Agent Larabee's team?"

"I walked into work one day and was told by my supervisor that I was being transferred to the Denver ATF office. I didn't question my being transferred to the Denver ATF."

"Why not?"

"It wasn't my place to. I get an order, I follow it."

"It didn't make you suspicious at all?"

"I'll admit I had my doubts and still do. But what I do know is that I have a job to do."

"Continuing on with the events of December 14th."

"As I was saying, I was hired in five weeks earlier. AD Travis had scheduled for us to pull a raid on Montoya's ranch. Special Agent Standish was working under cover in Montoya's cartel, we were given explicit instructions to wait for signal before moving in."

"Did you?"


"Did you wait for the signal?"

"Absolutely. Agent Matheson from Team 3 was assigned to me as a partner."

"Up until this point, how many raids had you participated in?"

"With the FBI, two. With the ATF that would be my third."

"So basically, your experience was minimal."

"Yes that's why they..."

"What was you role in the raid?"

"I was to provide cover for Agents Matheson and Standish, and if the opportunity arose, to apprehend Alejandro Montoya."

"So you went into only your fifth raid with minimal experience and were to provide cover, correct?"

"That's correct."

"Please continue with your recollection of events."

"When the signal came, Agent Matheson and I entered the building. We took cover in an alcove. We had a large view of everything. From my position, I could see Agent Standish. Matheson gave me an order to remain hidden so he could join Ezra, I mean Agent Standish, and help him. From the right, I noticed Montoya crawling towards them from behind. He rose up to fire, and that's when I started shooting at him."

"How many shots did you fire?"

"Out of a clip of 12, I fired 11."


"My first three shots came near him, but not close enough. Montoya, then turned and fired at me, I shot off three more. My last five were directly at him."

"It took five shots?"

"Yes, sir. The first three didn't stop him, the last two did."

"You said, quote, My last five were directly at him, unquote. Were you aiming at him?"

"I was aiming directly at him, sir."

"Well, your statement implies that you weren't."

"I was sir."

"Moving on, what happened after you shot Montoya?"

"Agent Larabee had secured his section; all the other sectors were at that point secure. I went to check on Standish and Matheson because I couldn't see them. When I reached them, they were down. Matheson received a head, and chest wound. He was dead. Agent Standish, received a wound to the right shoulder, left arm, thigh, and one directly to the spine."

"Was he alive?"

"Yes! Larabee called for the medics, I got pushed out of the way."

"Where did these shots come from?"

"From behind them, sir."

"Was there anyone else in your vicinity?"

"No, sir."

"Then where could these shots have come from?"

"Montoya or me."

"Montoya fired five times, facing your direction as you yourself said. So let me repeat, where could these other shots have come from?"

"From me, sir, from me."

Part 2: Eternity

She jumped when the judge's gavel hit dropped with a bang! She felt it rip through her like a bullet to her soul. She could not help but think of Ezra and when she found him dying... The words of her former friends cut through her thoughts bringing her back to reality.

"I want her to see what she did to Ezra...going to pay...make her feel remorse...find out why she did it..."

She sighed, and stood up, her head bowed. Her voice was soft and quiet but they heard her. "Well, gentlemen shall we go?" Chris glowered at her with his patented hell-freezing stare. She returned fire with her always handy go-to-hell gaze.

"No," he said, "she's going to see Ezra. I want her to see what we look at everyday."

He grabbed her, his fingers touching the bruises on her arms. She whimpered in pain, shying away from his touch.

"I didn't grab you that hard!" he said reaching for her again.

Once more he made contact with her bruises. She tensed but did not shy away, allowing herself to be pulled to the van and forcefully thrown in.

+ + + + + + +

The elevator doors opened with all of them spilling out onto the ICU floor, she walked slowly behind. When they got to Ezra's room, she was pushed in. Nervously she made her way over to Ezra's bed and sat in the chair beside it. She reached out brushing her hand against his face in a gentle, angel wing caress. She started singing to herself and Ezra.

When the dark wood fell before me
And all the paths were overgrown
When the priests of pride say there is no other way
I tilled the sorrow of stone
I did not believe because I could not see
Though you came to me in the night
When the dawn seemed forever lost, you showed me your love in the light of the stars
Cast your eyes on the ocean
Cast your soul to the sea
When the dark night seems endless
Please remember me...
When the mountain rose before me
By the deep well of desire
From the fountain of forgiveness
Beyond the ice and the fire
Cast your eyes on the ocean
Cast your soul to the sea
When the dark night seems endless
Please remember me...
Though we share this humble path alone,
How fragile is the heart
Give these clay feet wings to fly to touch the face of the stars
Breath life into this feeble heart
Lift this mortal veil of fear
Take these crumbled etched with tears
We'll rise above these earthly cares
Cast your eyes on the ocean
Cast your soul to the sea
When the dark night seems endless
Please remember me...
Please remember me...
Please remember me...

Her voice though soft and gentle reached the ears of the men waiting outside bringing tears to their eyes. Tears crept down her cheeks falling on Ezra's face cascading across his temple into his hair. One by one, the seven made their way into the room watching the two. Ezra's life-support monitor shrieked, breaking the silence. Doctors and nurses rushed in pushing them out of the way. She slipped out of the room, running down the hallway to the elevator. Chris noticed her leave, and went after her, the elevator doors closing before he could stop her. He glanced at the floor number the elevator was heading to, and took off down the stairs.

When the doors opened, she stumbled blindly into the hospital chapel. Falling into a pew, she wept never hearing Chris come up behind her.

"What the hell are you doing? Can't take the sight of the man who is dying because of you?"

All his pent up frustration reached its boiling and he let it loose on her. He threw her against the wall, watching her slide to the floor before picking her up. He swung blindly at her; landing blows everywhere not listening to her cries.

Oh God! How could you let this happen to him, to me? she thought. I am the cause, let me be the relief!

She took every blow he gave, never once fighting back. She closed her eyes to the pain and to him, letting him continue until he stopped. When she opened her eyes again, Chris was being pulled back by Josiah and Vin, no one was paying attention to her.

+ + + + + + +

"My God Chris, what were you thinking? How could you do that? She's half your size!"

"She should feel some of the pain too. She's the cause after all or did you forget?"

She curled up in a ball, trying to block out the agony that wrenched her body, quietly sobbing.

"You could have killed her!"

"Good, it would only begin to make up for Ezra."

"Chris you don't mean that."

"Yes I do! She deserves it!"

Nathan looked up angrily, "That's right, Chris, she does deserve it."

Everyone looked in shock at him, never had they thought to hear words like that come from Nathan.

"She did deserve it Chris. That is why she did not fight back as you were beating the shit out of her! That is why she never fought back at us when we arrested her, imprisoned her, and beat her. She deserved it so much, that she is cowering in a corner from us all!"

Everyone's eyes followed Nathan as he walked over to her, laying a hand on her shoulder. They all watched as she flinched away from it, trying desperately to crawl into the little space left. Josiah hung his head in shame, at what he and his brothers had done to her.

Nathan continued, "She came here to be a part of our team, she helped in every way possible! She always put us ahead of her needs, and this! This is how we repay her?! By beating her, making her fear us? How do you think she must feel knowing that she is the cause of Ezra's situation? My guess is that she feels damn terrible, and we aren't helping it any."

He held out his hand to her, she tentatively reached to him. Her grabbed her hand, helping her to her feet. Immediately upon standing up she fell down, the pain in her knee overwhelming causing her to sob.

"JD, give me a hand she's probably got a bruised patella. We're going to have to have them x-ray it to be sure."

JD walked over to where Nathan was; he put his arms underneath her back lifting her up. She moaned when he touched her ribs, tears streaming down her face. She kept her hung, her hair falling in front of her face.

"Lift your head up, Jezri. I want to take a look at it."

Willingly she complied; they all could see the bruises and cuts that marred her face. Chris refused to look at her, turning away not to see the face of the one he hated.

"Look at her Chris, see what you've done to her. Can't you see the hurt and pain in her eyes? Look upon the face of the woman you wanted to kill. Does this look the same as it did a half hour ago?"

Chris remained his back towards them.

"I don't want to see the face of the person who is responsible for Ezra. She is the one who put him there, why should I care if she is taking some of the pain that Ezra is experiencing. As far as I'm concerned, she's off the team and out of the bureau!"

"Worry about that later, right now she needs help and Ezra does too."

Part 3: Redemption

Nathan, JD, Vin, and Josiah sat around the waiting room looking at each other nervously.

"Do you think Chris is going to be all right?" asked JD.

"Brother JD, it's not Chris we should be worrying about right now, it's Jezri. We have no idea how much damage he did to her. Let Chris deal with it on his own. Right now, he feels that he is partially responsible because he brought her on the team, and he was not watching Ezra's back. He left him alone, and now Ezra is paying for his neglect. I just hope he doesn't go drowning himself in a bottle of whiskey..."

Chris nervously cleared his throat. Everyone looked up seeing their leader standing in the doorway.

"I don't think it's a good idea for you to be here right now Chris."

"Nathan one of my men is laying in an ICU dying, I happen to think it's a very good idea to be here!"

"Excuse me, Mr. Larabee?"

Everyone turned towards the new voice that entered the room.

"Which one of you is Chris Larabee?"

"I am. What can I do for you?"

"I am Dr. Aumais, Mr. Standish's physician. Mr. Larabee, I am not going to sugarcoat this, but your friend is dying. We were originally hoping that that bullet in his spine would not become infected, and we would be able to remove after he was stronger. That option is no longer possible, as of this moment the bullet has to be removed in order to save his life. But there is a problem..."

"Problem? What kind of problem?"

"This type of operation is so risky that only two doctors in the world perform it. The odds of him living through it are 20/80."

"So get one of the docs up here and perform it!"

"I am afraid, Mr. Larabee, it's not that simple. One of the doctors is on sabbatical in Africa, and the other one is..."

"The other one is... what?"

"How can I put this nicely? Currently she is indisposed, right now she is lying on an exam table being x-rayed for possible injuries received in a one sided dispute."

"Wait a minute! You mean to tell me that Jezribelle Simons, is the only other doctor that can perform this operation? I'll be damned if that woman operates on Ezra!"

"Maybe I did not make myself clear Mr. Larabee. Ezra Standish is DYING! Leaving that bullet in there is the same as signing his death warrant. As his doctor, I will not allow it. You have a choice Mr. Larabee, let her operate or let him die! What will it be?"

"Would you step outside please doctor, so we can talk it over?"

"Certainly, Mr. Jackson."

"Chris, you have to let Jezri operate. I know she caused it, but how about letting her fix it..."

"It's the very least you can let me do." All eyes turned towards Jezri, standing on crutches in the doorway.

"I know you don't think much of me, and I can't say I blame you but let me do this. One time you said 'trust me', now I am saying the same to you. Don't let Ezra die because of something so petty."

"Fine. But understand this, if he dies it's all on your hands!"

"I understand Chris, thank you. I'd better go get ready."

Part 4: The Return

"It's been eight hours, what is taking them so long?"

"Brother JD, making miracles takes time. Patience is a virtue..."

"So is silence!" For once, they all really laughed since the raid. The ice that had built up around them started shattering, drawing off the numbness they felt. Vin looked up to see Dr. Aumais striding towards them.

"Good news gentlemen. The procedure was a success; the bullet came out easily. I think he'll pull through just fine, provided he wakes up soon."

"Where's Jezri?"

"Dr. Simons is scrubbing down right now. She will then be occupying room 490 for the night."

"Is there something wrong with her?"

"Yes, there is Mr. Sanchez. Aside from a lack of sleep, she has several bruised ribs, a minor fracture on her patella and various contusions all over her body. You can go see Mr. Standish now, he should be back in his room now."

"Thank you doctor." "I am not the one you should be thanking, gentlemen. I did not do a thing, she did. Remember that." They all went to go see Ezra but Josiah stopped.

"Go on ahead of me, I want to check on Jezri first. I'll catch in a minute."

Josiah knocked on the door to room 490 before walking in. The curtain was drawn around the single bed. He pushed it aside, instead of finding Jezri lying there all he found me was a note addressed to Chris and Co. Laying the flowers upon the bed he turned and walked out, heading towards his friends. As he walked into Ezra's room, it seemed as though a great weight rested upon his shoulders.

"How's Jezri, Josiah?"

"She's gone. But left a note, it's addressed to Chris and Co." Chris looked up from his chair by the bed.

"Read it Josiah."

Dear Chris and Co.,

I am grateful to work with such wonderful friends. Not only have you extended friendship to me but also endeared yourselves in my heart. I cannot bear the fact that Ezra was dying because of me, nor knowing that I have lost your faith in me. So on this Christmas Eve night I give you a precious gift, worth more than silver or gold. I am leaving; I wish you all the best. You are all kind and wonderful, I could not have hoped for better friends. I want you to know that I have no hard feelings and I forgive you, yes you, Chris. Trust me, you once said. I have whole-heartedly.

So on this Christmas night, remember what you have, seven brothers willing to die for one another, seven brothers sharing the greatest love of all, seven brothers together.

Fare thee well my friends. You have the greatest gift of all, love. Fondest wishes and the most love,

Jezribelle Mariella Simons.

They all stared at each other. Each one thinking and remembering. They did not know what to say.

"Why are you all looking like someone died?" croaked Ezra.

Josiah shook his head, and smiled. The weight that pressed on them all had lifted. They were a family again. Outside it started to snow, blanketing the city in white. The bright lights mingling and dancing upon the magical white stuff.

Josiah thought to himself, "Thank you Lord for Ezra's return. And thank you for the woman who gave him back to us. Amen"

"Christmas is the season of miracles indeed, brothers."

"Amen to that Josiah!" Once more a miracle had occurred, keeping the seven brothers whole.

High above them in the celestial night a woman stared out a window.

"Goodbye my friends," she whispered, a single tear falling down her cheek.

She watched the snow flying past, wondering what would happen next...

The End