Main Characters: The Seven
This report was prepared by Agent P.R. Randal of the ATF at the request of the director of the ATF.
Name: Annabella Gainsbourge Lawson
Aliases: Ella Gains, Ella Petrie.
DOB: March 17, 1956
Ms. Gains was shot at around 19:00 on the evening of August 19, 2012 at her home. I was responsible for the collection of the statements upon the death of Ms. Gainsbourge. The following seven people were interviewed together: Dr. Nathan Jackson M.D; Mr. Ezra Standish; Mr. Josiah Sanchez; Dr. John Daniel Dunne Ph.D.; Assistant Director Buck Wilmington, Mr. Christopher Larabee, and Dr. Vincent Tanner Ph.D. The interview covered the events leading up to the shooting; the events during the shooting, and the events directly following the shooting. All statements were given at Denver Health Medical Center. All of the above listed persons were found to be innocent bystanders with whom no blame for this incident could be found. No charges will be pressed in this matter.
Appendix A: Statements
Agent P.R. Randal
“Gentlemen, I am Agent Randal of the ATF. I understand that this is a difficult time for you, but I must caution you to state everything as clearly as possible.”
Dr. N. Jackson
…………”Heavy Breathing” ……
Agent P.R. Randal
“Dr. Jackson are you all right, why are you taking your blood pressure?”
Dr. N. Jackson
“I’m sorry Agent Randal, but DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA, what my day has been like? I am sure you are aware we used to be one of the best ATF teams in Denver; well we were also the team most likely to get injured. These last few years as a trauma doctor have been restful and relaxing and these boneheads had to get injured. While I was on team seven I had to eat healthy 'cause these morons gave me ulcers and high blood pressure, and I can feel my blood pressure rising and my ulcers returning.”
Agent P.R. Randal
“Now Dr. Jackson, I know it has been a long day and the last thing you want to do is give statements, but I am sure that you realize that your teammates would never put themselves into harm’s way!”
Dr. V. Tanner
“Hehhhh hehhhhh snort, snort, snort, har har haaaahaahah snort”
Agent P.R. Randal
“What do you find so amusing Dr. Tanner?”
Dr. V. Tanner
“Nothing, gasp, choke, snort…”
Note: At this moment Dr. Dunne and Assistant Director Wilmington choose to spit large quantities of ice chips across the room at one another.
Mr. J. Sanchez
“With the wisdom of the ages comes the responsibility to know without a doubt that when we are faced with adversities, to not let the adverse effects of the adverse situation adversely affect the responsibilities presented within the ages of our lives, while understanding the need to use wisdom to deal with the adverse effects.”
Agent P.R. Randal
Mr. E. Standish
“Mil do slurb purr!”
Agent P.R. Randal
“Mr. Standish you don’t have to speak with your broken jaw, try using sign language if you need to communicate.”
Mr. E. Standish
“Rude Gesture”
Mr. C. Larabee
“Agent if you want to know what happened; I very strongly suggest you let me tell you!”
Agent P.R. Randal
“I would like nothing better Mr. Larabee, than to get to the truth!”
Dr. J.D. Dunne
Note: At this point everybody started laughing with the exception of Mr. Standish who couldn’t, and Mr. Larabee who might have smirked, but I can’t be sure. The laughter continued until Mr. Larabee glared; this had the curious effect of silencing the room, and causing me to need to leave for a washroom break. When I returned Mr. Larabee told his story.
Mr. C. Larabee
This mess started three months ago; Vin blames it on a wish I made for a little excitement, but I think that is was a complete coincidence that stuff started happening fifteen years plus two weeks since we first got together. Vin says that the only reason fate waited two weeks, was 'cause Mapiya would have been livid if their wedding and honeymoon was disturbed. The morning it all started Vin was waiting in line at the bank; it was the end of the day and everybody seemed to need to do something, so the line was extremely long. An old lady with a cane walked into the bank, and got into line behind Vin; since Vin is a gentleman he offered the woman his spot. The woman smiled, thanked Vin, shot him with a small pistol, and fled the scene. Vin’s years of special training came into play, as he saw the flash of the gun he moved to the side catching the bullet just past his heart; which saved his life. Unfortunately, he caught it in the lung instead. Vin was in hospital for two weeks before he was recovered enough to leave….”
Dr. N. Jackson
“When he signed himself out, the man was SHOT! Did he have the brains that God gave a flea and stay where he was supposed to NO! I am surrounded by idiots!”
Mr. C. Larabee
“…..the seven of us, all the wives, and the children gathered at my ranch. I sent the children to the den to play, and got the older ones to promise to watch the younger ones, and make sure everybody stayed in the den. I had received a note in the mail that went as follows:
Darling, darling, Christopher,
1/6 that kept us apart is gone; soon you will be free of them. I am your destiny, and I am your soulmate, and we are going to be together. We are going to live forever together.
Your Darling,
P.S. Sarah was an evil witch, and a thief.
Now, hardly anything frightens me, but that note did. I knew that Ella wouldn’t stop until the six people I cared about the most were dead or she was stopped. I’m the only one out of the team that isn’t married, but I knew the other guys were thinking about their wives and kids being unsafe. I told them to stay away from me and maybe Ella would leave them alone. Agent Randal, I happen to be surrounded by the most loyal friends, no I’m wrong they aren’t my friends; they’re my brothers.
Dr. J.D. Dunne
Mr. C. Larabee
Anyways, these six incredible men vowed to stand by me. All of the women wanted to help; my guys picked a feisty bunch, but Josiah’s wife Maude, she is scary smart sometimes…”
Mr. E. Standish
Nod, nod, nod
Mr. J. Sanchez
“What a woman!”
Mr. B. Wilmington
“Guys, Chris looks ready to boil!”
Dr. V. Tanner
“Can it guys, and let Chris finish!”
Mr. C. Larabee
“Maude convinced the women to come with her, and take all the children to a house she had in Georgia. The women agreed we needed to take care of the problem ourselves, but if it took longer than two months they reserved the right to help, and hang our stupid male pride. All of us agreed to take the two months off from work, and all the guys would stay at the ranch for those two months. We realized that Ella thought Vin was dead so we put a death announcement in the paper, had a funeral, and used Vin’s death as an excuse to send the women away. The first month we followed many leads, but were unable to located Ella until a chance remark of Buck’s gave us our first real lead. Buck mentioned that Ella was a manipulative liar, and I realized I had taken things she had told me when we were together in college as the truth. Using J.D.’s excellent computer skills we had never been able to find out much on Ella, so we checked back at the University of Colorado for her records, and found out an Ella Gains hadn’t attended any of the years I had. We had met at the school coffee shop, I was majoring in Criminal Justice, and she had said she was taking Political Science. The boys and I headed to Boulder to check to see if we could find anyone who had known Ella, we knew the chances were slim since many years had passed, but we had to try. Two weeks in we caught a break, Josiah had been checking at churches, and a priest at a catholic church thought he remembered Ella. He said Ella reminded him Annabella Gainsbourge. The Gainsbourge’s were a wealthy family and influential family, but their daughter had always come across as weird. The general consensus was that she had some kind of mental disturbance.”
Dr. J.D. Dunne
Mr. B. Wilmington
Dr. V. Tanner
“Ella’s was a nut!”
Mr. C. Larabee
“The priest, Father Joseph, told me all he knew about the family. He knew that the daughter had spent some time in the hospital for some sort of psychiatric disturbance after her boyfriend left her during her early twenties, but she had gotten better when she got married. A guy named George Lawson, and they had a son in 1991, George Jr. She had been fine until, her husband died in 1996. One week after the death of her husband she had Sarah and Adam murdered. Josiah thinks that the death of her husband was the stressor that sent her off the deep end. J.D found that George Jr. had moved away from his mother three days before Ella shot Vin. He gave us the address of the Gainsbourge family home, and we drove out there. When Ella saw us there, she was livid. She said if she couldn’t have me; nobody else could. The house was a big two-story house with a flat roof. Ella barricaded herself up there on the second floor at the top of the stairs with an automatic weapon. When she heard us coming; she killed herself. We called the authorities, and they brought us to the hospital.”
Agent P.R. Randal
“But, how did you men get injured?”
Mr. J. Sanchez
“There was a large oak tree next to the house, an oak such a noble tree, a strong tree, what is in the heart of an oak, what does an oak feel….”
Dr. N. Jackson
“I will tell you what happened!” J.D. and Buck climbed up the tree so they could climb in a window on the second floor. J.D fell out of the tree at the top and Buck caught him with both arms. J.D. has put on more weight than Buck allowed for, so when Buck caught him he sprained both wrists and dropped J.D.”
Dr. J.D. Dunne
“Are you calling me fat?”
Mr. B. Wilmington
“Is a hippopotamus obese?”
Dr. J.D. Dunne
“Shut-up Buck”
Mr. B. Wilmington
“Is the Pope catholic? is….”
Dr. J.D. Dunne
“SHUT UP!! You have grey hair, so I would shut up if I were you, I am NOT fat, I just weigh more than I used to!”
Dr. N. Jackson
“J.D landed on Ezra; which broke Ezra’s jaw, knocked out a few of his teeth, and popped out his shoulder. To be fair J.D. was carrying most of his equipment so he weighed a lot. J.D broke all his toes and both ankles. Diving to save J.D. dislodged Buck from the tree and he fell. Josiah and Vin ran to try and catch him. Vin caught his foot in a hole and broke it, and Josiah tripped over Vin and smacked his head resulting in the concussion he has. Buck landed on Chris and broke four of Chris’ ribs. The branches that Buck and J.D. fell from recoiled and broke a window on the second floor, Ella thinking that we had gained access shot herself. NOW DO YOU SEE WHY I HAVE HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE?”
Agent P.R. Randal
Mr. C. Larabee
“That expression on your face reminds me of Judge Travis. He died of an aneurysm you know.”
Note: I am not sure if Mr. Larabee’s last comment is true. This is due to the smirk on his face when he said it.
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