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by Estee Notes: I’d like to say thanks to Phyllis for all her help on this
totally JD-less story, and thanks to Laura who was kind enough to leave the
Ponderosa and once again try to help with my negligent use of sentence
fragments and rampant ellipse abuse. This
story is the result of too much time spent thinking about poor little Vin
losing his mama at such a young age, and his poor mama having to leave her
little boy behind, possibly all alone in the world. Btw,
there’s no such town (that I know of) named Big Tree. As for ‘Putrid Fever’– was it typhus or diphtheria? I was fairly vague with the descriptions and
symptoms, but I was thinking typhus, since diphtheria would have been much
easier to contract and spread. Any
comments can be sent here: estee@mchsi.com Story moved to Blackraptor in October 2009
were times when Chris Larabee just needed to get out of town, to go off on his
own and blow up, or act up, or do whatever it took to restore his peace of
mind, to save his sanity and dignity and friendships. Thankfully, most times he
was able to predict when his mood was about to swing and get out of town before
he ended up doing anything he may later regret. These times usually coincided
with certain dates on the calendar, but there were other times when a simple
word, or scent, or perhaps even the sight of some thing would unexpectedly
trigger a memory from his past, and it was like something inside him would just
snap and suddenly his mind would cease to work rationally. And he’d be
completely unable to control his temper, unwilling to bear the kindness or pity
or sympathetic glances from his friends and the rest of the townsfolk. Some
of the time, he’d head to Purgatorio; some of the time he’d just head to no
where in particular -- anywhere that had a saloon. Lately he’d find himself
heading to a little dustbowl of a town called Big Tree, just across the Texas
border. It had everything he needed, a saloon that served rotgut whiskey, folks
that minded their own business, and a blue-eyed beauty who seemed just as lost
and lonely as he was.
me back a little souvenir this time,” Buck had told him with a wink as he’d
handed him his reins. Good ole Buck -- always there for him, always amazing him
with his patience and loyalty. He’d been the target of Chris’ vicious temper
more times than he could count, but still his old friend remained, strong and
steadfast – like a rock. Like a mountain. A
little souvenir, huh? Chris smiled as he felt the small body slouch, leaning
more heavily into the crook of his arm. He wondered what Buck would think of
this souvenir? It
wasn’t dark yet, so he figured they’d keep going for a few more miles anyway.
With the pace they’d been traveling he needed to get in as much time in the
saddle as he could if he wanted to make it home tomorrow. He
shifted his own weight in the saddle and pulled the small boy into hopefully a more
comfortable position, amused at the ability of children to fall asleep anytime,
anywhere. Except when you wanted them to, of course. His thoughts carried him
back to another time, another child: a small angelic face, a beloved voice
pleading to be allowed to stay up when it was long past his bedtime. “Please,
Pa?” “Mr.
Chris?” A different voice, but the same tone distinguished by a lazy drawl. “You
doin’ okay, pard?” “Yeah,
but I . . .” A different small face, no less angelic looked up at him, cheeks
stained rosy. “I gotta go,” he whispered discreetly, as if there was anyone
within a day’s ride to hear him. “Well,
uh . . ..” He looked around, immediately singling out a place that would suit
them for both camping as well as the more pressing need. “Okay, was thinkin’ we
ought to be stoppin’ for the night anyway.” He dismounted, pulling the child
down with him. “Why don’t you go on over there,” he pointed to a scraggly
looking shrub, “and take care of business. We’ll make camp right by this here
rock.” He watched the boy scurry toward the bush, and shouted – only half
kidding - for him to be sure to check for critters. The boy stopped, turning to
look over his shoulder, his big blue eyes going wide. Chris smiled and nodded
toward the bush. “Go on.” The boy turned back toward his goal, making his way
more cautiously now. Chris
chuckled and loosely tethered the horse’s reins into the bare branches of a
drought stricken sugar pine. The area was dry, but even more so this year. They
hadn’t received the normal amount of rainfall that accompanied the monsoon
season. It looked as if it hadn’t rained a drop in months. Not too far away, a
few feet from the partially sheltering bluff, he found a shallow depression
filled with cold ashes, remnants of another campfire, evidence that the road
was at least occasionally traveled -- most likely by outlaws, banditos and the
lawmen on their trails. This was a dangerous place to travel alone, but Chris
had never given that much thought, until now. Hefting
the saddle from his horse, he set it on the ground and glanced toward the shrub
where the boy was just stepping out, still tucking his shirt in. “You wanna see
if you can find some branches, and we’ll get a fire started.” Shouldn’t be too
hard to find, since pretty much everything was dry as dust, and looked about
ready to go up in flames. The kid’s eyes lit up and he nodded, happy to make
himself useful. Unlike most kids Chris knew, this one seemed eager to work,
eager to please. Whatever family he ended up with would be getting more than
they bargained for. He might look a bit scrawny for his age, be a bit on the
quiet side, could use a haircut -- but the kid was tough, scrappy; he had
heart, courage and spunk. Just like his
mama . . .. ~ ~
* * ~ ~
tell me Sam, what’s a nice girl—“ “--like
me doin’ in a place like this?” she finished, her eyes twinkling with humor.
“Well, a girl’s gotta make a livin’ somehow.” “Yeah,
but . . ..” He let his voice trail off, trying to think of a tactful way to put
the question – and then wondering why he cared to know. “Well,”
she continued, sliding her fingers lightly across his chest, seeming to sense
his unease, “a few years back I tried to open myself a little diner, ya know?”
She tilted her head to one side, her expression thoughtful. “Thought it’d be a
good thing. Figured some good, home cookin’d be ‘preciated by all them cowboys
who been out on the trail for too long.” Chris
nodded, understanding. The dusty little town had one saloon, a dilapidated
hotel, an overpriced mercantile, but no decent restaurant. You could get a meal
at the saloon if you came at the right time of day and were hungry enough to
eat whatever they had on ‘special.’ That was the closest thing the town had to
a restaurant and he’d always been a little curious as to why. “And . . .?” he prompted her to continue. “Well,
ya see, there was one little problem,” here she frowned, looking a bit petulant
if anything, but her delicate fingers kept moving, stroking his skin. “I didn’t
take too kindly when folks complained about my cookin’.” Chris
almost choked on his laughter at the image of this tiny sprite of a girl
pitching a fit, facing down some big burly cowboy who’d complained that his
food wasn’t fixed to his liking. “It
ain’t funny!” she scolded, the delicate, stroking fingers then curled into a
fist and she socked him in the shoulder. Which
only made him laugh harder. “Ow.” He
rubbed the offended area as he tried to get his laughter under control. “That
bad, huh?” The
scowl she cast at him suggested he was in danger of being hit again. How
bad could it have been? “Most cowboys I know ain’t all too picky about what
they eat,” he said, with laughter in his eyes. “Your cookin’ couldn’t have been
that bad…could it?“ “You
wanna know what happened?” she practically shouted. “Or ya just wanna poke fun
at my cookin’!” The
story was too good; he had to hear the rest. He forced himself to look serious,
or tried to anyway. “Tell me what happened.” “Well,”
she frowned and bit at her lower lip, suddenly looking nervous and shy –
appearing even younger than she had just a few minutes ago, “one day, I kinda
left some taters on the stove a mite too long, and well…the next thing I knew
there’s smoke comin’ out of the kitchen, and I tried to go put it out, but
someone just grabbed me up and carried me outside. I tried to fight ‘em, but
dadburnit, they wouldn’t let go! Anyways, the place burnt down and nobody even tried to put out the fire. They said it was prob’ly for the best, since
I wasn’t much of a cook!” She huffed and folded her arms across her
blanket-covered chest. “What do they know?” Chris
knew he probably shouldn’t find the tale funny, especially considering the
tragic events of his own life -- but between the look of righteous indignation
on her face, and the idea of her cooking so bad that folks would be thankful
her restaurant days were over -- he just couldn’t stop himself from bursting
into laughter. And
when she stuck her chin out defiantly, threw back the blankets and started to
get out of the bed, declaring, “I can cook!” Chris pulled her back down,
pressing her warm, bare flesh to his as he rolled her beneath him. With a sultry smile, he looked into her
heated blue eyes and whispered, “You sure can,” then kissed her passionately,
taking her breath away as he stoked an entirely different kind of fire. ~ ~
* * ~ ~ The
boy dropped another load of twigs into the pit then stepped back and brushed
his hands off. The dry wood immediately
caught and a moment later, a warm fire blazed to life. Whereas a couple hours ago they’d been
sweating under the relentless rays of the sun, now with the sun gone down, it
was getting uncomfortably chilly. Chris
turned to ask the boy if he was hungry, but he’d already run off for what Chris
assumed was another load of kindling. It wouldn’t hurt to have some extra to keep the fire going through the
night. A
short time later the boy reappeared, but instead of offering another armload of
sticks, he held out a scrawny jackrabbit, speared clean through. “You caught
that?” he asked with surprise. The
boy nodded, looking a little pleased with himself. “I can skin it too, if’n ya
let me use your knife.” Chris
caught himself before letting out a laugh. The youngster was dead serious, and
the last thing Chris wanted to do was make light of his offer. Well, that’s the
second to the last thing he wanted to do; the last thing would be to hand over
his blade to a five year old. “That’s okay,” he told him with as much
seriousness as he could. “Why don’t I do it?” “I
can do it,” the boy insisted, apparently not liking his ability questioned. “I’m
sure you can,’ Chris assured, a hint of a smile on his lips. “But, since you
caught it, it’s only fair that I clean it.” That
seemed to appease his manly pride and he nodded, handing over his catch. “How
in the world did you manage to find this guy?” He wasn’t only surprised that
the boy had caught the rabbit; he was surprised that there were any rabbits
around to catch. “It
was just there,” he answered with a shrug. “And, when I’s fixin’ to make my
stick sharp, it didn’t move the whole time.” Probably
didn’t have enough energy, Chris thought, looking down at the half-starved
creature. The rabbit was skin and bones – and fur, probably hadn’t eaten in
quite awhile. Probably wasn’t even worth skinning, but the boy looked so
pleased that Chris couldn’t bring himself to let him down by mentioning that.
Besides, it would be worth the effort if he could get the kid to eat a little something,
even if it was just a bit of sinewy old rabbit hide. “Why
don’t you see if you can grab us a little more firewood?” Chris suggested, as
he set to preparing their meal. “Don’t wander off though, stay close to the
fire.” When the boy nodded, Chris went back to his task. He thought back to
their first meeting, which is what had inspired his caution for the boy to stay
close. ~ ~
* * ~ ~ Chris
woke to an empty bed, vaguely wondering when his companion had excused herself.
He hadn’t even heard her leave. Well, he reminded himself, it wasn’t like he
had any sort of proprietorship on her. He usually saw her in the evenings, and
didn’t even know how she spent her days. Maybe sleeping? He sat up and
stretched then made his way over to the basin. Definitely need a shave, he
thought, as he splashed cool water over his face. He
cleaned and dressed with more care than usual for reasons that he wasn’t quite
willing to admit. He kept reminding himself all the while that this girl was in
fact a saloon girl, not exactly the type of woman you take home for your family
to meet. Shaking his head, he wondered why he was even thinking these things? As
he descended the stairs, he heard her familiar voice outside, only it wasn’t
the sweet, teasing drawl he was used to. Her voice was raised, frantic sounding
as she called out a man’s name. The desk clerk was standing at the hotel’s
entrance, holding the door wide open. When Chris looked out into the sunlight
and spotted her, he was surprised at her unkempt appearance. She looked half
put together, shoeless and it was obvious that her long, golden hair had yet to
see a comb this morning. He wondered
who she was calling for, and felt a twinge of jealousy that another man could
be the focus of her intensity. When
he stepped out onto the boardwalk he noticed there were others gathered along
both sides of the street, watching her but not offering to help. He saw a few
turn away, shaking their heads and going back to their business. When she
realized he was standing there, she immediately came to him and clutched his
arm. He noticed her face was wet with tears, and he couldn’t help be concerned,
no matter that she was seeking out some other man. “Please, Mr. Larabee,” she
pleaded. “Please help me find him.” Mentally,
he kicked himself, but nodded in agreement. He couldn’t find the strength of
will to deny her. ”What’s he look like?” he asked, looking up and down the
street and still wondering why nobody else was coming to her aid. “He
has blond hair, it’s a little long,” she gestured to her shoulders, “and blue
eyes. I don’t know where he could be,” she said, eyes searching every
possibility. “He’s about this tall,” she added, almost as an afterthought, and
held her hand waist high, causing Chris to almost stumble backwards. “He’s just
turned five!” With
his mind going in several directions at once, he set out to help her search for
the missing boy, now understanding her frantic efforts. What he saw next had him
reaching for his gun, and most likely he’d have shot first and asked questions
later, if the boy hadn’t looked completely at ease. Three Indians had halted at
the edge of town and the older one hoisted a tiny blond-haired boy down to the
ground. The child came running toward them with open arms, shouting,
“Mama!” Chris scratched his head and
watched her sweep him into a hug. Mama? Samantha
picked the boy up and turned around in haste, only to run into Chris who was
still trying to piece together everything that had happened in the last few
minutes. “It’s his . . ..”she frowned, looking momentarily uncertain, then
resolved, “It’s his grandfather,” she said to Chris in a tone that was half
apology-half defiant. He nodded and looked down at the ground, not sure what to
say or if he should say anything at all. When he looked up she was gone,
hurrying down the street with the boy in her arms, and the Indians were gone as
well, nowhere to be seen. Chris
decided that it might be a good idea for him to be moseying along, too. ~ ~
* * ~ ~ They
ate their supper in silence, Chris making sure the boy had the biggest share of
his catch. It was tough, but warm and possibly better for a growing boy than
the jerky he would have had. Most importantly, the boy ate it all without any
coercing and for that Chris was grateful. After they’d finished and cleaned up
their mess, Chris laid out his bedroll. He was glad he’d brought an extra
blanket. The boy may be small, but he took up more than his share of space
during the night, and he always managed to kick his blanket completely away by
the time he woke in the morning. After
he had the bedding arranged, he sat down, leaning back against his saddle. The
boy looked a little apprehensive, like he wasn’t sure he was welcome. Chris
wondered at this – after seven nights on the trail, with the same routine every
night, you’d think he’d know by now. With a smile, he patted the spot beside him then held out his arm.
“C’mere.” That
was all the invitation needed. The boy scooted beside him, settling against his
side then he tilted his head back, looking up at Chris with intelligent, but
sleepy blue eyes. He seemed too content for someone so young that had just lost
his mama. But Chris knew it was just a moment of respite, the calm before the
storm. He was pretty sure that all too soon the nightmares would return -- like
they had every night. And the child would wake up, face wet with tears, crying
for his mama – just like he had every other night. So, he pulled the boy
closer, thankful that he was able to offer whatever security the boy might
need, and willing to do so for as long as he possibly could -- well, at least
until they got back to town. It
wasn’t too much longer and he heard the soft snoring that indicated the boy had
fallen asleep. Head still tilted back, eyes closed, mouth open – adorable as
hell. Chris smiled and maneuvered them lower to the ground, resting the boy
against his shoulder and gently closing his mouth. Damn, but it felt good to
have a small body snuggled up in his arms again. It had been too long, too long that his arms had ached to hold
his son – ached to even remember what it felt like to hold him. No memory could
compare to this – to the real thing -- and he realized that he was beginning to
like this too much; he was allowing himself to get too attached. He knew that
he needed to take a step back, but the thought of doing so made his chest feel
uncomfortably tight, like he couldn’t get a decent breath. He
forced his lungs to expand then relax -- and then did so again. Once they got
back to Four Corners, Josiah would know what to do. The preacher would be able
to help him figure out what was best for the boy. There had to be some family,
or some mission that would be willing to help the kid find a family. Of course,
he wouldn’t just hand the boy over to them though, not unless he was assured
that a proper home would be found. And even that unsettled him, because how
would he know for sure? When
the time came, would he be able to just hand the boy over on some stranger’s
word that a suitable home would be found? Chris wasn’t so sure he could do
that. But, maybe they’d let him meet this family first, just so he could be
sure they were fitting, that they’d treat the boy well. Poor kid had been
through enough in his young life; the last thing he needed was to end up with
some nightmare of a pa or ma. The
thought occurred to him that appearances were sometimes deceiving, that even if
he did get to meet this family, and even if he thought they looked suitable, it
wouldn’t necessarily mean they were. He’d seen that plenty of times in his
life. A family that seemed happy – but in truth, the father was a drunk or
maybe beat the kids, or both -- or worse. Jesus,
he needed to clear his head. Closing his eyes, he hoped that with a halfway
good night’s sleep things would make more sense in the morning. Because if he
kept thinking like this…. To
his surprise he fell right asleep, only to find his dreams filled with
disturbing visions of angry drunken fathers beating tiny faceless children.
Chris woke with a start, his body trembling. He wiped a hand over his face and
looked down at the boy beside him, glad to find him sleeping peacefully. By the
position of the moon, he calculated that it was close to midnight. He struggled
to sit up a bit, and the boy held on tight, not willing to relinquish his
warmth or security. He couldn’t believe
he’d fallen asleep deeply enough to dream at all. Usually when he was on the
trail he only allowed himself to doze. But then, it had been an emotional
couple of weeks. Closing
his eyes, he let his thoughts flow freely and was taken back to the small town
he’d left several days ago, and to the woman they’d buried there. Samantha, who had once been a mystery to
him, was still a mystery in some ways – but not as much as before. During his
last stay in Big Tree, Chris had learned everything he needed to know about the
girl, and then some. ~ ~
* * ~ ~ He’d
come into town, hoping to see her, talk to her, feeling as if he might have become
addicted to her somehow. When he couldn’t find her, he’d asked where she was,
only to find out that she’d taken ill. Nobody was able to say what was ailing her though, so he’d gone to the
boarding house where she lived, hoping to find out, or better yet, find her on
the mend. Her
door was opened by the same small boy he’d caught a glimpse of during his last
visit. “My mama’s sick,” he’d told Chris, and when Chris looked inside the room
he spotted her lying on the bed, looking frail and feverish…and alone. “Do
you think I could come in?” Chris asked, thinking it would be best to leave,
but finding himself unable to. “I
don’t know you,” the boy answered, looking up at him with suspicion. “Sure
ya do,” Chris replied easily, “I’m Chris, I helped your mama look for you the
last time I was in town.” “Oh
yeah,” he nodded, seeming to study Chris for another moment. “Y’ain’t from
here, are ya? Mama said you’s from a long ways away.” “Yep,
a place called Four Corners, about a six or seven day ride from here.” “Well,”
he slowly opened the door wider, “Mama’s sleepin’. She ain’t up to havin’ company.” “Maybe
I could just see if there’s anything she needs,” he offered, “or anything you
need.” The
boy allowed him into the room, and Chris looked around, it was small, with a
bed, a dresser, a small table and two chairs. “How long has your ma been
sleeping?” “A
long time. Mrs. Grayson brung us some soup,” the boy pointed to a tray on the
table, “but Mama didn’t want none.” “What
about you?” Chris asked, noticing that both bowls appeared untouched. “Looks
like there’s some good soup going to waste.” “I’m
not hungry.” The child glanced worriedly at his mother then back at Chris.
“Mama didn’t say I had to eat my supper.” “Ah,
I see.” Chris assumed that whoever Mrs. Grayson was, she’d been taking care of
them. “Where did Mrs. Grayson go?” The
boy shrugged and sat down at the table, but didn’t move to eat the soup. “Is
she going to be back soon?” He was wondering if he should leave, not wanting
the woman to be frightened to find a stranger in the room. The
boy just shook his head, looking puzzled. “No?
Won’t she be checking on you and your mama?” “No,
she just brung us the soup is all. Was bein’ nice, I reckon.” Chris
frowned, trying to figure things out. “Is anyone checking up on you, being that
your ma’s sick?” “No!
I can take care o’ us.” “Of
course you can, but how about a doctor, or someone like that? Has there been
anyone to look in on your ma?” The
boy’s shoulders slumped. “Ain’t no doctor round here, and ain’t nobody lookin’
in on her. I get what she asks for, but she….” He hesitated, glancing again at
his mother, lying so still and pale. “She said I ain’t s’posed to get too close. She said I might get sick
if’n I go past this line,” he pointed to a wooden floorboard a couple feet from
the foot of the bed, “or this line,” he pointed to a floorboard that ran
perpendicular to the other. The two ‘lines’ were obviously created with the
intent of keeping the boy a safe distance from the bed. “You best not get too
close, neither.” Chris
nodded, barely hearing the warning because his mind was too busy trying to
figure out what was going on. If she were contagious, why would they leave the
boy in the same room, and if she wasn’t…well, he still wondered why nobody had
be looking in on them. “Was your mama sick yesterday?” “Yeah.
She’s been sick for,” he looked down at his hand and began counting the days on
his fingers then held them up to show Chris. “This many.” “Seven?”
he asked in disbelief. “She’s been sick for seven days?” “Uh-huh.” “Shit.”
A muffled giggle reminded him of the tender ears nearby. He hadn’t meant to
curse, and when he looked at the giggling boy -- hand over his mouth, blue eyes
dancing -- Chris tried to give him a disapproving look, but it was damn hard. “Chris?” He
turned at the sound of the weak voice, and went to her side. “Hey, I was
wondering how long you were planning to sleep.” He smiled and touched his palm
to her forehead. Warm, but not too hot. “What
are you doin’ here?” “You’re
not happy to see me?” He smiled, raising a brow. “Just
. . .didn’t think you’d be comin’ back again.” He wondered
why she thought that – was it because she had a kid, or because the kid’s
father was Indian? “Well, guess you were wrong.” She
smiled at him, and he could tell she was finding it hard to keep her eyes open. “Guess so. Don’t happen too much.” He wasn’t
sure what she had meant. Was she saying that most men didn’t come back, or
maybe just him? Or maybe she was just confused and had meant to say that she
hadn’t been expecting him. She
shook her head and looked at him with the tiniest spark of mischief. “That I’m
wrong.” “Ah.”
Chris snorted. “Is that a fact?” She
nodded, and he could tell she was growing weaker, just from the short time
she’d spent talking to him. “Why don’t you close your eyes and we’ll debate
that later?” “You’ll
be here?” “Yeah,
I’ll be here.” “You
shouldn’t,” her brow creased, blue eyes looking worried. “You could get sick
too.” “I’ll
wash good,” he assured her and winked. “Beside, too late now, I’m already
here.” “Mama?” Chris turned toward the small voice; the boy looked hesitant, standing with his
toes just outside the imaginary boundary line. “Hey,
squirrel,” she said, smiling at him with her eyes full of love. Even sick as
she was, Chris thought she looked like an angel. “Be good . . .for . . .Chris.” The
boy nodded, managing a tremulous smile for his mother. But, she was already
asleep. ~ ~ Chris
had managed to get the boy to eat a few spoonfuls of the soup and drink a
little water, before settling him in his lap for a story that served its
purpose and put the boy to sleep. Although he hadn’t known it at the time, it
was the only first of many stories he’d tell this particular boy. He tucked his coat around the child and
carefully laid him in the corner where he’d apparently been sleeping. When
he stood, he realized Sam was awake again. “Hey there,” he said quietly,
pulling a little wooden stool close to the bed to sit beside her. “How are you
feeling?” “Tired,” she admitted with a weak smile, her eyes flitting around the room, searching. “He’s
sawin’ logs in the corner over there,” Chris told her, answering the unspoken
question. She
nodded and swallowed hard, wincing at the pain it caused. He got her to take a
small sip of water, but that’s all she could manage. “We
was young, didn’t know nothin’,” she told him, her voice a harsh whisper. It
took Chris a moment to realize who and what she was speaking about, but then he
nodded in understanding. “Didn’t care what our parents said, only cared that
we’s in love.” Her pale cheeks tinged with color at the admission, and Chris
smiled gently, reassuringly. Yes, he knew that feeling – had known it at least
once before, remembering a time when just the thought of Sarah was enough to
drive him to distraction. “You
don’t have to explain anything to me,” he said kindly, patting her arm and
hoping that she could see in his eyes that he wasn’t about to judge her. She
never mentioned how they’d met, and Chris was hesitant to ask the question, not
wanting to cause her more pain than she was already in. He did ask her what had
become of the man, almost immediately regretting that he had asked. The flash
of pain in her eyes nearly broke his heart. She looked away for a moment,
struggling for detachment in her weakness. “My pa killed him,” her voice choked
with emotion, a tear slid down her temple and he brushed it away with his
thumb. He
wanted to tell her that he knew what it felt like to lose someone you loved,
but he didn’t know if such things were possible to say without sounding hollow.
They always sounded that way to him. He touched her hand, unnerved at how cool
her skin felt. There was a quilt folded at the foot of the bed and he reached
for it, pulling it up to cover her. She
managed a weak smile of gratitude then closed her eyes. “When you get better,”
he said, his thumb smoothing over her eyebrows, “What d’ya say me, you and half
pint over there just head on out of here and never look back?” It was so spur of the moment, just slipping
out of his mouth and he wasn’t sure where it had come from, but it felt right.
He waited for her to deny him or make a joke of his offer, prepared to argue
either now or later. She
was quiet so long that he thought maybe she’d fallen asleep, but finally she
turned to him, opened her eyes and looked at him with amazement. “For real?” He
almost laughed. “Of course, for real.” With
a smile, she closed her eyes again. “I lied…before,” she whispered, still
smiling. “I can’t cook.” “Good
thing I can.” There
was silence for several long minutes and he thought for sure this time she was
sleeping, but she turned her head towards him again, a peaceful look on her
face and said, “You’re somethin’ else, cowboy.” Chris
choked out a laugh, glancing down at his spurs then back up to her peaceful
features, and whispered. “So are you.” He
stayed the rest of the night at her bedside, with the boy sleeping in the
corner. His mind was too busy to rest, making plans for the morning; plans for
the future. Part of the time he spent questioning himself, his feelings, his
motives…and whether he ever deserved to be happy again. Were the emotions he
was feeling for her really love? Surely
it couldn’t be this easy to love again. He certainly didn’t deserve it; he
didn’t deserve to find happiness in this lifetime -- but maybe she did? He hadn’t been there to save his own family,
but maybe this was some sort of chance to redeem himself, if only in his own
eyes. And he did care about her, couldn’t stand it that nobody else did, and
couldn’t stand that nobody saw the things that he saw when he looked in her
eyes. She was beautiful, inside and
out. And if nobody here could see all
that she was and all that she had to offer, well, he’d take her far away from
this place. First
thing he needed to do was get this room aired out, get some fresh bedding;
maybe he’d pay someone to get a bath up here – that always felt good after
being sick. There was a familiar
emotion threatening to burst inside him; he tried to control it, shove it back
– instinct and fear that anything making him feel like this would surely be
ripped away. It
had been a long time since he’d had anyone to take care of, probably been even
longer since anyone had taken care of her, but he was pretty sure that between
the two of them they’d be able to work it all out. As far as he knew there was
nothing and nobody to keep her here. And lately he’d been spending half his
life making the trip back and forth. Leaning against the wall, he let his
eyelids slide shut, thankful that the regret and second-guessing he’d been
expecting all night had never come. He finally dozed off, visions of the future
lulling him to sleep -- never suspecting that when he woke up in the morning
she’d be gone. ~ ~ There
had been only a handful of people at her funeral and he wondered if there would
have even been a funeral if he hadn’t happened to show up when he did. They stood dry-eyed as he read a passage
from the Bible then left in a hurry to get back to their tasks. In the
distance, hidden from public view, Chris had seen the three Indians watching
them curiously. He wondered what tribe
they were from, what relationship they had with the woman, and more importantly
what, if any, intentions they had for the boy. Chris
was well acquainted with the way some folks tended to cling to their ignorant
beliefs, allowing their irrational hatred to fester and infect everyone around
them; he had witnessed the effects of it more than once in his life. But what
he witnessed over the next few days from the citizens in the tiny town of Big
Tree would always stand out in his mind. “Nobody
wants his type around here.” His
type? The helpless, innocent, orphaned type? What else could they mean? The
boy had blond hair and the bluest eyes Chris had ever seen. He was a beautiful
child and he was all alone, had just lost his mother – how the hell could they
turn their backs on him? Chris wanted to cry damn near every time he looked at
the boy --how could they not feel any compassion? He
was angry at the unfairness of her life, and the untimely-ness of her death. He
was angry that she’d been taken away before he could show her a better life,
but glancing at the boy, he knew that his anger and his grief would have to
wait this time; his emotions would have to be put on the back burner, because
the child needed him, and Chris needed, more than anything, to be there for the
child and do everything in his power to save him. As
the days went by, his emotions steadied, and he accepted that there was nothing
he could say to change any minds. There was no concern for the boy’s welfare
and no one blinked an eye when Chris informed them that he was taking the boy
with him. After
putting a handful of wildflowers on his mama’s grave and saying his last
goodbyes, the boy turned to Chris with solemn eyes and slumped shoulders. “Is
my mama an angel now?” Chris
lifted him into his arms. “Yeah, she is. She’s an angel.” The
little boy laid his head on Chris’ shoulder. “Reckon she ain’t in the ground then,”
he said softly, assuring himself. “Reckon she’s up in heaven with the other
angels.” Chris
nodded, rubbing the little one’s back as the boy fought a losing battle to hold
back his tears. “It’s okay, just let it go, pard, I got ya,” he whispered the
words over and over, feeling utterly helpless but aching to offer some sort of
comfort. He held on for a long time while the boy cried his heart out and when
the worst of it was over, Chris settled him in the saddle and the two of them
rode away without looking back. “Let’s
go home.” ~ ~
* * ~ ~ Chris
yawned and opened his eyes. Beside him, the small body began to stir,
struggling to escape the confines of the blanket tangled around him. At least
there been no more nightmares, for either one of them. As his thoughts and mind
cleared and focused, he realized that this had been the first night since his
mother had passed away that the boy had slept peacefully through the night.
He’d also kept covered up, which was equally good, since it had gotten downright
frosty during the overnight hours. Chris sat up, then helped the boy untangle
himself so he could sit up as well. He
set some water to boil while he and the boy each went their own direction to
take care of nature’s call. “Watch out for critters,” the kid called over his
shoulder, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. Chris grinned at the unexpected
humor, another trait he must have picked up from his ma. The boy responded with a grin of his own,
then disappeared around the rocks. As
the sun climbed higher in the sky, the temperature climbed along with it. Right
now the warmth felt good, the sun’s rays chasing away the chill of the night,
but all too soon that heat would grow uncomfortable, practically unbearable.
Chris just kept reminding himself: One more day’s ride and they’d be home. When
they’d finished, they returned to the campfire and began rolling up the bedding
and gathering the few items they’d unpacked. Chris saddled his horse and poured
the rest of his coffee over the dwindling fire, making sure it was entirely out
before they left. When he hefted the boy into the saddle Chris noticed a small
leather pouch, an Indian’s medicine bag he thought, hanging from a cord around
his neck; he hadn’t noticed it before. Climbing up behind him, Chris offered
the reins. “You want to drive for a while?” Chris took the enthusiastic nod as
an affirmative and handed them over, not too surprised when the boy seemed to
know what he was doing and prompted the horse forward and back onto the trail.
“Where’d you get this?” he asked, reaching around and tapping the pouch with
two fingers. The
boy looked down for several seconds then shrugged. “I . . .don’t know?” He
sounded mystified, distressed, so Chris patted his shoulder. He was curious,
but they had a long ride ahead of them, time enough for Chris to coax any
information the boy might be puzzling together in his head. There’d been so
much going on that he couldn’t fault the kid for having a memory lapse. He had
no intention of pushing the boy, but before very much time had passed, Chris
again heard the boy’s soft drawl. “In
my dream last night, I saw my grandfather…and he gave me one like this, but . .
..” There was a long pause. “It was a dream.” Another pause then, “Was it a
dream?” Chris
took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Where was Josiah when ya needed
him? ~ ~
* * ~ ~ He’d
purposely taken his time skirting the Indian territory, uncertain what they
would do, but willing to give them the opportunity – even though it had scared
him more than a little to be so vulnerable. He’d felt pretty sure they wouldn’t
harm the boy, and was hopeful they would leave him alone as long as they didn’t
perceive him as a threat. There
had been three of them watching Chris and the boy as they traveled -- always the
same three, keeping an eye on them, yet keeping their distance. They never
approached, nor had they given any indication of wishing to speak with him. And
although Chris was sure the boy had noticed them, he’d never once acknowledged
their presence. Maybe
they were related by blood, but apparently the three weren’t any more willing
to accept this boy than the townsfolk had been. And when he thought about it,
he could understand their reluctance, in a way. They all lived in a world of
preconceived notions, inequality and narrow-mindedness. The boundaries and
limitations had been set long ago, and anyone daring to challenge them put
themselves at risk of being scorned, cast out, or worse. Maybe they were
protecting him, not denying him. A man could hope. After
a while Chris had lost sight of the three and the further they rode, the more
certain he’d felt that they were no longer being followed. That had given him a
huge, unexpected sense of relief – of freedom -- like a weight had been lifted
from his chest, allowing him to breathe deeply. He’d done what he’d felt was
the right thing to do and he was pretty sure they’d known what it was that he’d
been offering. He’d given them the chance to stake their claim on the boy, and
they had declined. ~ ~
* * ~ ~ The
thought that there’d been intruders of any kind in their camp while they’d been
asleep made him feel a little sick to his stomach. He was so sure he hadn’t
slept deeply enough for anyone to sneak up on them. Especially after the
nightmares he’d had. There hadn’t been any obvious signs that they’d had
company during the night, not that they would have actually left any. Yet,
perhaps they had left one. Chris
waited a long while before finally he asked, “Can you tell me about your dream?
About your grandfather?” He
didn’t have to wait long for a response, and he figured the boy must have still
been thinking about the dream too. “He talked to me, my grandfather did…in my
dream,” he offered, glancing over his shoulder and up at Chris, with eyes completely
guileless. “I don’t ‘member all of it, but I ‘member he said I’s fixin’ to go
on a journey, and I might not see him for a long, long time. He said I
shouldn’t be sad cause he’s always with me, right here, “he tapped his chest.
“And that I’s gonna be just fine,” the boy nodded resolutely. “That
everything’s gonna be just fine now.” “It
sure is.” Chris wasn’t sure what to think or what else there was to say.
Something must have happened, something he didn’t understand, or couldn’t
figure out. This was Josiah’s specialty, and hopefully the preacher would be
able to give him some sort of insight. The
kid nodded his head. “He said this,” he looked down at the pouch on his chest,
then back at Chris, “is to protect me on my journey.” “Never
can have too much protection.” Which was always true, anyway you looked at it.
Whatever the hell had happened, the important thing was that the boy seemed
content, happy, proud that his grandfather had spoken to him. Whether it was
real or not didn’t really matter much to Chris. All that mattered was that the
boy was happier than he’d been for days, and in Chris’ mind that’s how kids
were supposed to be -- happy. They
rode the rest of the morning in a comfortable silence, stopping for a few hours
when the sun was at its peak then continuing on toward their goal. Chris had
purposely taken his time going home, for several reasons. The heat – especially in the afternoon --was
a big factor, and the lack of water along the way made it downright dangerous
to push very hard. Thankfully so far he had always managed to come across some
source of water before the canteens went dry or the horse dropped over. But
once again, they were getting low on water and all the usual places he’d come
across today had been completely dried up. Then there was the boy; Chris could
tell he was in pain, although he tried his best to hide it. Maybe it was just
too much time in the saddle, but he planned to have Nathan take a look at his
back as soon as they got home. Mostly Chris wanted to take his time to make
sure that they weren’t going to pass on whatever illness had taken Samantha’s
life. A precaution he couldn’t avoid taking. It was going on two weeks since they’d buried her – eight days since
they’d ridden out of Big Tree, and Chris hoped that was time enough. “So,”
Chris said, trying to keep things light, “your grandfather happen to mention if
we’d get home in time for supper?” It was supposed to be a joke, but his
stomach growled at him, apparently not finding the humor. It
made the boy giggle though, and that’s what he’d hoped for. “Nope.” “Nope?
You sure?” “Yep,
all he said was . . ..” “Was
what?” Chris gently prompted him to finish. “Well,
I think he said I’s already home.” Already
home? Chris shook his head, his smile growing as understanding set in. He
didn’t need Josiah to explain this one to him. The meaning came through loud
and clear as a bell. He didn’t usually believe in fate or visions or Indian
medicine, but he had the strange feeling that someone bigger than all of them
must have a hand in at least this particular circumstance. And he was a little
amazed to realize that he didn’t really seem to mind too much – in fact he
might even be grateful. His stomach
growled again. “You sure he didn’t say anything about supper? I’m awful
hungry.” The
boy tilted his head back, grinning as he looked upside down at Chris. “I could
maybe get us another rabbit, or maybe a snake if’n you’re that hungry.” That
wasn’t quite what he’d had in mind. “I think I can wait,” Chris laughed, and in
a playful tone told him to keep his eyes on the road. ~ ~ The
moment he recognized the distant outline of buildings against the familiar
landscape, he pointed them out to the boy. “That’s it. We’re almost there.” And
a little later, as they rode down the dusty main street of Four Corners, he
recognized the outline of a tall, dark haired man standing against the
familiar…well, standing outside the saloon. Chris pointed this out also, and
said, “That there’s Buck.” The boy had already heard an earful of Buck tales –
at least the ones that were suitable for his ears – because there just weren’t
too many tales to tell that didn’t include his best friend. He slid off the horse, trying to hide how
stiff he was feeling and how much pain his backside was causing him. Once he
had his legs under him, he pulled the boy down to stand beside him. Buck
was leaning out, one hand gripping a post, a huge smile on his face. “Hey
Chris, where you been?” His voice was loud, cheerful, and comforting to Chris’
ears. Home. “We’s just about to send the cavalry out after ya.” Chris
shook his head, “Buck,” he greeted, his grin matching that of his oldest
friend. He put a steadying hand on the boy’s shoulder and pulled him a little
closer, knowing that meeting Buck Wilmington could be a little overwhelming no
matter how big you were. “I
see you brought back a little somethin’, this time,” he said, amusement
battling with curiosity. Well,
you did ask for a souvenir, he thought about saying. Although he was pretty
sure this wasn’t what Buck had in mind at the time, besides, he was pretty sure
he was gonna keep this one for himself – at least for now. “Buck, I’d like ya to meet Vin Tanner. He’s
gonna be stayin’ on with us a while.” And
just like Chris knew he would, Buck crouched low to the ground, smiled broadly
and held out a welcoming hand. “Hello there, Vin. It’s good to meet ya.”A Little Souvenir