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Conversationsby Tonny |
This story is a bit of an experiment. I was wondering if its possible to tell a whole story in dialogue. Well, after testing it on the BnB list it seems to come across, so I decided to send it out in the webworld. Hope you enjoy!
Shit, Vin, what did you think you were doing?
Covering yer b back.
Walking in front of a bullet aint exactly the smartest way to do it, you know.
Didnt know another idiot w was sitting behind that b boulder. Too many boulders h here! God, it hurts!
Yeah, bullets mostly do. NO, DONT YOU MOVE! Stay down, stupid beast!
I aint g going anywhere! And who ya c calling a stupid b beast anyway! Riding out splash in the the middle of those buffoons.
I got them scattered, didnt I? Anyway, wasnt talking to you, was talking to Pony.
Good horse. At least he st stayed put. Peso ran off? AAH! Guess I sh shouldnt move either. SHIT!
Easy Vin, easy. Here, Ill put my coat under your head, hope it helps. Yep, Peso ran off. Thats a smart horse, smarter then his master. Knows when to take a hike. Pony here had no choice. He had me hanging on his reins. Damn, here they come again.
You g got any of them?
Next time. C Chris?
Aint gonna happen ya kn know. Aint leaving ya when they come af ter ya. N never.
Fuck you, Tanner! I dont want another dead on my conscience! Sarah and Adam well, theyre enough to carry around, dont want your death hanging on me as well!
So its alright fer you ta jump in and w watch my back, but not fer me to do the s same?
Tanner, you can watch my back all you like, as long as you do it from behind sufficient cover! Shit, here we go for another round.
What was that? Chris? Did I hear a y yell?
Yeah, I got that piece of shit! Only three more to go. OH NO, PONY! YOU STAY PUT! STAY DOWN! Now, easy, Im only getting Nates med kit from the saddle bag. Have to bandage that idiot tracker.
Dont think he he is impressed with yer glare, Cowboy. How how many of those bastards we got?
I got one now and we got two in the first round, including the one who shot you.
Knew I g got him!
Yeah well, youre lucky he wasnt a better shot. Its the three thats still alive and laying in waiting that worry me. Lay still!
Ive gotta stop this bleeding pard, you know that.
Hey, arent they c coming?
Shit, Vin, dont even joke about that! Im keeping an eye on them, dont you worry. Alright, Im going to bandage this for . Damn, I guess not. Cant they wait even for a moment?
Vin? Vin, you hit?
Rock sp splinter I think. In my ch cheek. Hey Chris, yer heads bleeding.
Rock splinters as well. That last bullet nicked the top of the boulder.
Chris? That nearly got into yer eye.
I know. Ive had enough. Im going after them. Now, Pony, Im tying your reins around this rock and you better not try and leave.
I mean it! Dont make me shoot you!
Chris? D dont do some thing stupid!
Who? Me? Hell no, would I do that? Here, that bandage should stay put for a while. Ill leave you the rifle as well, with your mares leg. Bullets are here. Shoot at everything that tries to get past these rocks, except me that is. Id like to come and get my horse back later on without getting shot. Its a son of a bitch, but Im used to him.
Youre all all heart, Cowboy.
Yeah, I know.
Jack, I h hurt.
That ll teach ya ta stand up. Why did ya stand up, you idiot?
AAH! I thought you had the b bastard!
Yeah, thought so too. But then he got Pete, so I guess we were wrong.
Wh why are we coming h here?
Thats the boulder we thought we had Larabee pinned behind. His friend must still be there. We havent seen anything of that guy anymore, guess Johnson got him good. Lets just hope hes still alive.
W why?
You always that dense, or did getting shot make you more stupid then usual? When we got his partner, we can make Larabee give himself up.
Larabees one cold b bastard. He aint g gonna give himself up fer someone else!
He did ride right into the open to get his friend out, so I figure he will.
J Jack? Is it still f far? I dont feel so good.
Bob? BOBBY! Fuck you Larabee, YOURE DEAD! First Ill get yer friend and make sure you hear him squeal and then Ill kill you!
Oh shit. I knew Id hit you, I knew it! This time youll stay down, you bastard! This t .
Thats six.
Vin? Im coming in.
Thank God!
Christ, Vin, that grin is gonna split your face in two!
H hello to you too, you asshole. Chris, y yer not shot, are ya?
Do I look shot to you?
Do look like a gh ghost though, all grey instead of black.
Yeah, well, crawling on your belly in all that grime and dust does that to you. Anyway, youre not one to talk bout appearances right now, Tanner. How you feel?
Very tired of waiting. What t took so long?
Theres about a thousand boulders out there. Damn, it was like searching through a maze.
And ya didnt g get lost without me? Hey, k keep that glare to yer self! You got them?
Yes, all of them.
Some thing w wrong?
No. Just some were really young Vin, still kids.
They were t trying to kill ya, Chris. Jist fer yer n name. They got it coming in m my book!
Guess so. Still . Oh hell, lets just get you out of here. We need a place with water and wood, so I can take better care of that wound.
Thought you b bandaged it? So I guess we b better get to Four Corners.
Dont think you can make it for two days with a bullet in your chest.
OH NO! Y aint a doctor! Man, y aint even been a stretcher bearer like Nate! You ever took a bullet out before? Jist git me ta Nate!
I havent even looked at your wound and you start griping already. Yes Pony, you can stand up now. Just stand, idiot beast and stand still! I have to put Vin on you. Oh, damn. Vin, give it a moment, Pony seems to feel a need to stretch his legs.
N never saw a d dancing horse before. You t teach him that?
He aint dancing!
Should ve kn known he didnt get it from y you. You dont know a d dance if ya saw one.
Ill have you know Sarah and I danced a lot! Shit .
Chr Chris? Chris, are you alright? Damn, Im sorry. Didnt m mean anything by that. Didnt mean ta git yall upset.
I know, Vin. Dont worry bout it. Its no big deal. Hard to say what will trigger a memory. Come, lets get you on board.
Right, thats why yer eyes are shimmering.
What? You say something?
Nope, jist h help me up. NO, NOT THAT ARM! O God .
Vin? Vin? Shit, you have to pass out now, while Im trying to get you on Pony, dont you! AAAH! Stand still, Pony, hes heavier than he looks! OOOOH! Thats not gonna work.
Youre right, better not waist any t time. Just give me a minute. OW! Think I better do something about this first. Where are those b bandages? Shit, shit, shit .
Just just give me a a minute. God, I feel sick! Alright, think I can do it now pal, please stand still while I get Vin on you, I aint my best right n now. Thats a good boy .
I know, I know, I dont like it you have to carry double either. Got no choice though, I have to get Vin back to that stream fast. You can rest there.
Ch Chris? W why am I on your bedr roll? OUCH, I HURT! And wh what are ya doing?
You got a bullet inside you, remember? Ive gotta get it out.
Whe wheres Nate?
He aint here, remember. Its just the two of us. Ive gotta use your knife Vin, dont think mine would cut it. Right, sorry, bad joke. Oh shit!
Chris? Why you doubled over? Are you g getting sick? Hey, is th that whiskey? Gimme!
Need it to clean your wound first, Vin. Put this piece of wood between your teeth. Here you go.
Easy Pony, easy! Good thing I hobbled him this time. Tanner, why dont you just pass out? Wait, first Ill put some on the knife. Alright, now you can drink. Just not all, need some for later on.
WOW! N never seen a b burning knife before! Whiskey sure g gives a gr great effect in fire. That flame a almost had ya, Cowboy.
Stop calling me that! Guess its sterile now. Give me that bottle, Im gonna do it.
NO! J jist bring me to Four Corners! Nate ll d do it!
Vin, I dont think youll survive if I took you there with that bullet inside you. I dont like the fact its so low in your chest. It was horrifying enough that I had to move you so much to get you here.
Aw hell, Chris.
Dont want you doing this, Cowboy.
Vin, look at me. LOOK AT ME! Vin, theres no choice.
What if I if I .
Damn, Vin. Youre not gonna die when I take the damn thing out, youre not! And why would that be harder for me then when you die on the way to Four Corners and I havent even tried to save you?
Shit! Didnt th think bout that.
Thought so.
Chris, ya didnt put that bullet in me. And whatever ya do, yall be doing yer best, so ya shouldnt blame yerself fer anything that ll happen.
Those men were there for me, Vin.
There we g go again!
You t taking the world on yer sh shoulders. Cant believe yer still walking straight up!
Shut up, Tanner! Now drink some more of that whiskey while I put this knife back in the fire for a while.
Chris? W why ya staring at yer h hand?
Nothing. You got that piece of wood between your teeth? Here it goes.
Oh God . Dont look at me like that Tanner, I know what Im doing. Seen Nathan do it plenty of times. Just have to feel . Shit, I feel it, thats gotta be it!
Vin? What?
H hurtssss .
I know, I know, but I got it. Its out, Vin, its out.
What what now?
Im sorry but I have to cauterize the wound.
OOOH! St Stop!!
Vin? Vin? Thank God, youre out. P Pony, come, come here boy. H help me up and away a bit. Need to have some d distance. Oooh .
Chris? Chris, what ? Whadda ya doing? Was I sl sleeping?
Sssh, Im gonna p put a bandage on.
You were p . puking Chris. Saw ya.
Sssh, sleep.
No, no, Saraaah! Aaadam! NOOOO!
C Chris?
Sarah, please, Sarah....
Chris, wake up! Please!
God, wh what?
N nightmare. You h hurt? Ya screamed somewhat fierce when I t touched yer side.
Chris, s say some thing.
Sick . Sorry, need a m moment.
Yer h hurt.
Im alright Vin. Just the nightmare. Oh Hell, fires ou out.
Ssss Shaking. Yer s shaking.
Just the c cold. You hungry?
Only f fer water.
Where are we?
You dont remember? I got the bullet out and let you rest a while. Then we got on Pony and rode till dark. When we stopped you were unconscious. Gonna get Pony.
Chris? I eh I gotta you know .
Damn. Youre not gonna pass out on me again, are you?
Whadda ya mean?
Oh, eh , nothing. Come on, I got ya, get up.
AAHG! W wait a m moment, are you spinning me round or s something? WOW! Alright, I c can walk, I think. And wadda ya mean a about passing out?
Well, last night you needed to get rid of some whiskey, but when I got you up and out of the camp you started snoring again. There I stood with you, youd just opened your fly and yep, snoring.
Yer lying! I would never do that!
You calling me a liar? Hey, you can turn a nice shade of red.
Drop dead, Larbee!
You about done? We better get going, back to Four Corners.
Yeah. And next time I f find all them blankets on me, Ill shoot ya!
No, you wont. You need me to get you home. Alright, lets turn back to camp.
Yeah Aaah!
Vin? Vin, whats wrong?
That awful sun just shone in my eyes. Owowowow! My head! I aint shot in the head as well, am I?
Nope, thats called a hangover. Vin? God, Vin, you suddenly see real white, pard.
D dont feel to good . Oooooh .
HELL! You almost threw that up over my boots. Vin, dont keep hanging like that, I cant hold you! I cant . Damn, told you!
Mmmmm. Hey Chris, why we on the ground?
Just resting, pard, just resting.
Hey, is that blood? You dripping blood, Chris?
Nobodys dripping anything. Can you get up? Oh, dont bother. Just wait here, Ill bring Pony over. Gotta break up the camp first though. You alright here for a moment?
Im o kay. Ill wait here fer ya. Wont g go anywhere.
Smartass. Pony, come, lets get your tack on.
Hey, stop nudging, Im moving again, Im moving. God Hold still for a moment longer, Pony. Have to c catch my breath. Alright, I can do it now. Vin? Vin, wake up!
Nnnhg, lemme be.
Sorry, no can do, pard. We gotta go, try and get to Four Corners.
To N Nate?
Dont wanna. Dont want his t teas.
Get up Tanner, before I throw you over Pony belly down!
Grousy, grousy. Ya should l laugh more, Larbee.
Just get your foot in that stirrup!
Aiaiai BOSS! Damn, did I m miss?
That why were on the gr ground again? Hey Chris, you look p pissed.
Get up and lets try again. SHIT!
Hey, I was jist grabbing on sos I wont fall again. Yikes! Yer shirts all sticky! Whats that?
Tanner, get up!
Im c coming, Im coming. Chris, is that bl blood? Are ya bleeding? Damn, why didnt ya t tell me?
Tanner, there aint nothing to tell! Now, dont miss again. Here, Ill guide yer foot this time. Feel the stirrup? Yeah? Right, up you go!
Dont t talk to me like that!
Like what?
Like Im Billy! Ouch, shit! Chris? I I dont think I can hang on .
Wait, Ill be right up. Hold on just a bit longer! Got ya. Vin?
D dont feel so good, Chris.
Just hang back, I got ya pard.
Th thirsty.
Heres the canteen. Take it easy though, dont drink too fast.
You you take some too.
Aint thirsty right now.
Alright, alright. There, happy now?
Next time I w wont drink until you d drank enough. God, Chris, think Im gonna pass out.
Its alright Vin, you can let go, Ive got you. Pony ll get us home, wont you pard? Sorry, guess youve gotta carry us both again.
Yeah, couldnt agree more.
V Vin? You awake?
Nope, s sleeping with my eyes open.
Funny, very funny. In case you dont remember and you probably dont, youve had your eyes open quite a bit this day without really being awake.
Are you alright? Yer not only talking nonsense, ya look like ya can hardly move.
Just stiff. And whadda you mean, I talk nonsense?
Bout me having m my eyes open and not being a awake. And whats this on my head? Is that a piece of yer shirt? L looks dark e... nough. Yikes, its wet! Damn, I feel w weak as a newborn kitten.
Guess thats because you are. You had a fever, Vin. All day. You remember the times we stopped and I tried to cool you down? God, I think I mustve seen every brook, creek and waterhole in these parts.
N nope, dont remember anything. Only that I h hurt.
I bet you do. Here, take some water, you need it, a lot. Seems the fever is down, but that dont mean a thing. Could come back again. Youre not exactly in tip top shape.
G guess not. But I think youre not either.
Nope. Baby sitting will do that to you.
B baby sitting? BABY SITTING? Oh, youll pay fer that one, Larbee!
Am paying already. Have to listen to you, dont I. You finally going to drink that water?
Im dr drinking, Im drinking. Aw hell, yer in one bad mood.
Yeah. Come on, you go back to sleep. We still got a long ride tomorrow.
First you t take a blanket!
Vin, sleep!
Here, take it. I ai aint arguing bout this!
Vin .
Mean it!
Alright, thanks. Now sleep.
Vin? Vin, you gotta wake up. We gotta go.
You alright?
T thirsty.
Here. You ready to eat something?
O God, dont s say any thing bout eating. Now you did it!
No, not on the blankets! Wait, I got you.
Dont know how you can p puke so much when you havent eaten all day yesterday.
Dont t talk bout food! Oh, here I go a again!
Ssssh, think it passed? Here, Ill wipe yer face. Try and drink some water.
Damn, it IS part of one of yer b black shirts. Dont think Ive ever been n nursed with black cloths be before.
Was one of my best too. You alright for a sec, pard?
Yeah, guess s so. Chris? You look really wh white, Cowboy. What ya gon gonna do?
Call of nature.
Vin? What ya doing?
Was coming f fer you. Thought ya mightve passed out behind those bushes.
Come on, lay back down. I was fine, just have to break up camp.
But Chris, ya havent eaten anything yet! J jist because Im too sick dont mean you cant have something.
Aint hungry either. Here, lets get you on Pony.
Right, I wont m make us fall this time. ARGH!
You alright?
Y yeah.
Chris? Why aint ya coming?
Chris? Chris, please, yer sc scaring me! Dont jist st .stand there holding onto the saddle, say something!
Im c coming up. God .
Yer h hurt, aint ya?
Im good, Tanner. Lets just go.
P Pony? Why m I on the ground? Wheres C Chris? Oh, yer standing over him. Chris?
OUCH! Stop wh whining Pony, Im t trying ta get there. Chris? Hey pard, w wake up. Please? Wh whats wrong? O God, is that b blood? Thats a l lot of blood. Chris, please wake up!
Mmmmm .
Hey Cowboy, t thats right. Open those eyes. Come on!
V Vin?
What h happened .
Think you passed out as well. Were on the ground.
Chris, yer bleeding an awful lot. C can ya git Pony ta kneel, cause I dont think I can stand up fer them saddlebags.
Saddlebags? W why?
Fer them bandages, idiot! H have ta bandage ya!
Aint any l left. Used the l last one for you last night.
Spare sh shirt.
Already used. Why yer opening my sh shirt?
To have a look. Christ, thats really bad. You bleed a lot, C Cowboy. Why didnt ya t tell me?
No point. Nothing ya c could ve done.
Yer burning up too. No, dont pass out on me now. I need ta know, bullet still in there?
Y yeah.
You sure? C cant roll ya over to check.
No, d dont roll me over. D dont! Its in there, I f feel it move sometimes.
O fuck.
Vin? Wh what ya doing with th that knife? Cant just c cut it out. Need fire and and .
I know. Havent got the str strength ta git wood fer a fire and theres n nothing left ta treat yer wound with anyway, is there? Ya used it a all on me. I hate ya!
Vin? Yer c cutting yer shirt.
No blood un the u underside. Have ta stop your bl bleeding with something!
God, hurtsss.
Can ya sit sos I can bandage this in place? I dont think I c can keep pressure on it much longer.
Y yeah. That was yer new shirt, Vin.
You c crying?
Crying? Me? You want me ta hit ya, Larbee? Shoot, crying! Jist the dust in my eyes. Chris? Chris? DAMN YOU, CHRIS! God, yer sooo dead fer this when we make it, so dead! Chris, please!
Sarah? Sarah, dont go, dont!
Hey pard, wake up. Come on, wake up!
V Vin? Shes gone Vin, shes gone.
I know. Chris, were running out of water and you got a fever.
M me? Noooo, you g got a feeee ver.
Chris, dont fall asleep again. LARABEE! WAKE UP!
OUCH! Dont yell in my ea ear like that!
Shit! I sc scared Pony. Call him back Chris, hurry! Well, that wasnt yer b best whistle ever, but here he c comes. Thank God! Here boy, here. Easy, s all right, everthing s alright. Cowboy, Im sorry, we gotta git up.
Am n noooo Cowb
Please stand up, Chris. I c cant help ya much.
Stand, I can d do that. See? OUCH! Vin, dont you have to stand up as well? Here, gimme yer hand, I p pull ya up.
Aw hell! Chris, yer down again.
Skys getting d dark. How? C cant be .
Chris, please! Git up!
Up . Im up.
Yeah, s better. No, I aint giving ya a hand again. Ya keel over fer sure.
No, w wont. Look, Im holding t to the saddle. Will be alright.
Guess I got no choice ifn I w wanna git up. Here, grab on, ya can pull now.
Good, foot in the st stirrup.
You put yer god damn foot in the stirrup! Get on yer horse, Larbee!
You f first. Need ya ta p pull me up there.
Pull ya up? Guess that can work.
You alright there?
Yep, gimme yer h hand. Whadda ya doing?
R rope. Here. Vin, do it around yer waist, have to latch ya to the s saddlehorn.
Makes sense. Good thinking Larbee. Alright, Im hooked good to that saddlehorn. Can pull ya up now.
NOOO! Pony, stop! Noooooo! CHRIS!
Alright JD, I got him. You can cut the rope.
He looks really bad, Buck. Really bad. And Chris? Wheres Chris?
I know, I know kid. Dont look good.
B Buck? Buck, that y you?
Vin, yer awake! What happened? And wheres Chris?
CHRIS! Oh God, Chris! Buck ya gotta f find him. I think its b bad. Real bad.
Oh no! Where is he?
Road t to Boulder P pass. Am bush. Didnt wanna leave m Buck, didnt wanna! He sl slapped Pony and y yelled a command I think. Couldnt stop that st stupid horse! Tried, but couldnt.
Vin? Vin?
Buck, whats wrong with Vin?
He passed out JD, hes been shot. Get Nathan and Josiah and Ezra. We gotta ride, gotta ride fast!
Vin? How are you feeling, brother? Here, Nathan wants you to drink this. No, dont turn your head away, its good for you.
They are on the trail, dont you worry. They left directly after Nathan had examined you. They can return any time now. Here, drink.
Dont wanna .
Listen, theres someone coming. Maybe its our friends.
N Nate? Josiah, its Nate, hes back! Chris? Did ya find Chris?
We found him Vin and hes still alive. Dont know why though, he bled a lot. I got the bullet out and managed ta stop the bleeding. Here he comes.
V Vin? Good, knew I could trust P Pony.
Yeah, well, Im really pissed that ya did that, you ornery, idiotic, stupid, hard headed fool! Why ya do it?
C couldnt get on Pony and I knew I c couldnt ride. Figured youd make it to Four Corners with th that rope securing you.
I did make it here and I got help for ya. I know, I know, it worked! Yer plan worked! But dont ya ever do that to me again! Ever!
Vin .
Ever! Promise!
When you promise never to jump before bullets again to guard my back!
Damn ya, Chris!
Hey Josiah, how come its suddenly so quiet in here? They fallen asleep?
No, brother Nathan, theyre talking.
Really? I dont hear them.
Nope, but you can see. There they are, see for yourself.
Damn, theyre talking through their eyes again! You ever wondering what it is theyre saying when they do that?
Oh yes, all the time!
The End