ATF Universe
Disclaimer: Usual stuff - Ain't mine... though I'm offerin' to take 'em off their hands. After all, I'm still keepin' 'em occupied. And you know the old saying about 'busy hands' <WG> Course in these two's case...could also substitute busy mouth <BIG WG>
Acknowledgements: This story is loosely based on a couple of incidents that actually happened because...(and I say this with all due respect <G>) these idiot Texans don't know how to drive on ice! Also, I couldn't resist throwing a dispatcher in the mix :-D
And finally... on to the fun and games... 'Ooooo... can I play too?' Down girl... down!!! <G>
Chris Larabee stood and strolled over to the doors the attendant was propping open. He figured at this point, after a week away at a school and over two hours on a plane, Vin would be about ready to bolt. Sure enough, the first figure down the walkway had long brown curls and carried a large duffel bag slung over his shoulder.The sharpshooter raised his head and his eyes met the team leader's. Blue eyes lit with an inner fire and a lop-sided smile spread over the handsome face. Chris felt his own lips tip up in a welcoming smile. The warmth of that look sent flames flooding through his veins. The heat slid down to burn in his groin. Something else seemed determined to welcome the Texan back home too. Silently, the two turned and walked side by side down the concourse.
"Baggage?" asked Chris.
"Nah," said the lanky man, "got it all here. Just wanna get the hell outta here and go home, cowboy." Chris tried to keep the leer out of his grin as he nodded agreement.
They stepped out of the terminal to lowering clouds and drifting snowflakes.
"Bad one comin' in," commented the sharpshooter.
"Yeah," said Larabee, "was afraid they were going to shut the airport down before you got in."
"He woulda landed it here," said Vin Tanner confidently, patting his jacket. "Kept my Sig with me jes' in case I needed to persuade him." He grinned at the blond and a pink tongue slipped out to lick his lips. Chris gave a short bark of laughter trying to cover what the sight of that tongue was doing to him. He considered unzipping his jacket. The heat that curled through his body began to make him feel stifled in the heavy coat. On the other hand, it covered the swelling bulge that made his jeans even tighter.
"Good thing they waited till you got here then to close up shop or I would have been filling out paperwork to get your happy ass out of custody!"
"Least it woulda been happy here at home tonight with you, 'stead of somewhere's else," commented Vin, his eyes narrowing as he dropped back just a little to scan the lean body beside him. The mention of ass had made him think of one of his favorite sights; that of a certain derriere in tight black jeans. He licked his lips again. They reached the black Dodge Ram and climbed in. Chris put the key in the ignition but before he could turn it a slender hand covered his fingers. The team leader looked over to meet blazing blue eyes.
"Missed ya, cowboy," Vin rasped.
"Missed you too, Vin," responded Chris. "Let's get home... so I can show you just how much... all night long."
"Sounds about right ta me," the Texan said, blushing.
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
They pulled out onto the highway. The traffic moved steadily though slower than usual. As they finally got through downtown Denver, heading towards the suburbs and the highway that led to Chris' ranch the flakes grew larger and began to fly faster. The two men weren't concerned about making it home. Chris' Ram could plow through anything but the highest drifts. Nevertheless, the lean blond heard a heavy sigh from the other side of the bench seat. He smiled. Vin wasn't the only one anxious to get home.
Chris had given Vin the option of not going to this school. It hadn't been that long since he'd gotten out of the hospital. The team leader had been especially concerned about Vin pushing himself too hard or overdoing it while out of town, without his presence to rein him in. The Texan had decided to make the effort after long consideration. Though he hated being away from his lover for a week, he had been asked to do some training in weapons at this seminar and felt he couldn't really afford to back out. Chris was flattered for the young man and certainly wouldn't hold him back, even though he hated the separations as well.
After turning onto the highway that led to the ranch, they topped a hill and came upon a long line of red tail lights.
"Aw, hell!" Vin growled and pounded a fist on the dashboard.
"I know Vin," said Larabee, equally frustrated, trying to peer through the swirling snow and see what had caused the snarl. He spied a Colorado Highway Patrol Trooper working his way down the line of cars.
"Here comes a Trooper...we'll find out what the problem is." As the officer approached them, Chris rolled down the window. The team leader noted his name badge read T. Godfrey.
"What's up?" he asked.
"Tractor trailer overturned," Trooper Godfrey replied. "We've got a heavy duty wrecker enroute. We'll try to get things moving again as soon as possible."
There was a screech of straining brakes, a loud boom and the sound of rending metal. Chris saw over the man's shoulder that an SUV ahead of them had been trying to maneuver out of the line and crashed into another car. The Highway Patrol officer turned quickly and shaking his head, groaned.
"Stupid idiots," he muttered. He keyed up on his portable radio. "Thirteen sixteen to Four-seven-seven. I'll be out on a minor here."
"Shit," said Chris, as he spotted the drivers and several passengers of the vehicles piling out and launching themselves at each other. The Trooper looked back around.
"Oh, shit!" he said, "A free-for-all." Godfrey spoke into his radio quickly. "Fifteen sixteen to four seven seven."
"Fifteen sixteen go ahead," responded a female voice.
"We have a disturbance at this location. I'll need a cover."
"Vin!" said Chris.
"With ya, cowboy," said the sharpshooter and leaned down to retrieve Chris' weapon from under the car seat where he knew the blond kept it stashed. He slapped the Koch into his leader's hand.
"You stay here!" ordered the Trooper hurrying across the icy road to confront the combatants.
"We're Federal agents," yelled Chris, exploding out the door of the Ram, automatic in hand. "We'll back you up until your cover arrives."
Vin hopped out the other side of the Ram and hit the ground sliding. Being very agile he kept his balance and skated rapidly down the road. He called out to the nearest group of fighters.
"Federal Agent! Break it up...NOW!" The first group of men he came to backed off and stood glaring at each other. The second, however, weren't so cooperative. Vin warned them again to stop fighting. Trooper Godfrey could be heard also yelling at the men to stop the brawl. One of the men, a tall, husky man in overalls took a swing at Vin. The lithe young man ducked and swinging his leg up in a smooth Tai-Chi move connected with the man's mid-section. All the fight went out of the man with his air. He folded like a collapsing chair, hitting the ice hard. Vin had his Sig out and pointed at the man before he could move to get up.
"You can just stay right there," the lanky agent rasped. The man's eyes widened at the sight of the automatic pointed at him and sank back to the ice.
Chris didn't have Vin's experience with ice hockey or the Trooper's head start. To top it off, he hadn't taken more than a few steps from the truck when his feet flew out from under him. He'd worn a pair of dress boots and a new black silk shirt, wanting to look nice to welcome Vin home. 'Damn fool,' he thought. 'Now don't you look smart sitting on your horny ass on this ice.'
"Fucking icy roads," he growled out loud, climbing carefully back to his feet. Now, not only was his ass was wet... and rapidly getting numb from the biting cold. He'd planned on having a sore ass tomorrow but for a very different reason. Things were not going well and someone was going to pay! He stalked down the road in Vin's wake and arrived at the scene just as the big man took a swing at the Texan. That was the last straw in Chris Larabee's book. Nobody tried to hurt his sharpshooter! Especially not when he had plans for that enticing body tonight... and didn't want any kind of pain or injury interfering.
Several sharp cracks echoed around the surrounding hills. All the men froze.
"Don't move," snarled Chris Larabee, lowering his gun. "Now that I've got your attention," he continued. "You just do whatever the nice Trooper here tells you! Or the next ones aren't going to be aimed at the sky." He kept one eye on the man sitting meekly on the ice in front of Vin. The blond was taking no chances that the rough looking man might decide to finish the fight with his agent.
Two more Troopers, a man and woman, appeared between the cars, weapons drawn, running and sliding on the ice.
"Drop your weapons now!" shouted the female trooper, drawing a bead on Chris. The man had Vin in his sights.
"We're ATF," shouted Vin, his eyes wide with apprehension as he closely watched the Trooper aiming at Larabee. "Stand down, Trooper. That's Senior Agent Larabee you're aiming at!"
"It's OK, Kaly, Jensen!" shouted Godfrey. "They were assisting."
The two Troopers relaxed a little, though still keeping their weapons drawn. Chris strolled over to Godfrey, pulling out his badge to confirm their identity. Kaly, the female Trooper, approached Vin. He flipped out his badge also. She smiled at him sheepishly and shrugged her shoulders.
"Sorry, sir," said Trooper Godfrey to the younger agent who was still scowling at Kaly as they approached the others. "She's just a rookie. Gets a little eager at times." The young Trooper trailed behind Vin, enjoying the view.
'Nice ass,' she thought, then what Godfrey had said registered. She rolled her eyes.
"Rookie!" she scoffed, "compared to who, old man?" Godfrey laughed and stroked his hand over grey sprinkled curls. "Six years and he's still calling me a rookie," she complained.
"Yep!" said Jensen, "and you will be until we get one newer than you! Be glad. I was 'The Rookie' for fifteen years."
"Vin?" said Chris.
"Nah," said the Texan. He grinned. "He never even touched me. I'm too fast." Larabee chuckled.
"You still gonna say that next time we're hauling your ass into the hospital with holes in you."
"Aw, hell," drawled Vin. "I duck just as good as you! They just seem like tryin' to pick off the sharpshooters best." The Texan gave a sharp shiver. Chris looked at him closely and saw his lips had turned blue.
"Tanner, get your ass back in the truck," ordered Larabee.
"I'm fine," said Vin, then went into a paroxysm of coughing.
"You start running a temp again and I'm taking you back to the hospital... and this time I'm tying your scrawny ass to the bed. You KNOW what that means!" The sharpshooter paled, knowing just how he intended to tie him to the hospital bed. He hated those catheters.
"You wouldn't dare!" he challenged.
"Try me," said Chris, glaring at him.
"Damn smart ass boss," muttered Tanner and thrusting his stiff fingers in his pockets stalked back to the Ram. As Vin reached the truck, the team leader's cell phone rang.
"Larabee," Chris growled into it.
"Who do you think's got me aggravated?"
"Yeah, Buck, I picked him up."
"Yeah, he's fine... for now... and he's gonna stay that way..."
"No, I haven't shot him... yet."
"We're stuck in a traffic jam behind a wreck on 285."
"Take off tomorrow? Let me guess, you've got a hot date tonight..."
"Of course I know it's snowing! I'm standing in it!!"
"I decided to go for a walk while I was waiting... What's your point, Wilmington?"
"And what makes you think you should get the day off just because of a little snow? I've got news for you Buck! This is Colorado. It snows in the winter!"
"Oh? Really..." Chris chuckled.
"J.D. is right. You're full of crap."
"Yeah..." Chris' eyes flicked to the truck and grew thoughtful.
"He looks tired... and he was coughing again a minute ago."
"You've got a point. And Ezra wouldn't come slithering in till at least noon if there's snow anyways."
"OK... we'll take a snow day tomorrow. Call everyone else and let them know. I'll leave a message for Travis in the morning."
"Nah... I can handle him." His eyes narrowed, glittering as he thought of just how he would "handle" him.
"We'll see you all Sunday afternoon then." He closed the phone and tucked it back on his belt.
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
"Appreciate the help, fellas," said Trooper Godfrey with a wave."Anytime," said Chris. Kaly had been watching the lean blond as he talked, her eyes scanning over the tight black jeans, an appreciative smile on her face. She watched his mouth with interest as he talked. Seeing the changing expressions on his face she couldn't help chuckling as several rather obvious thoughts apparently crossed his mind. Now her radio squawked and she listened intently to the female voice for a moment.
"Sorry, sir," she said to the blond, "but it looks like it may still be a while. The wrecker is stuck in the snow." Her eyes twinkled in amusement. "They've got a snow plow on the way but it's going to take it a while to get here."
"Figures," said Chris grimly. "Good thing I filled up the tank, I suppose."
"Hell, at least you'll be warm then," chuckled Trooper Jensen. Chris grinned and turning headed back to the truck. The three Troopers watched as he reached the Ram and opened the door.
"Shit, Tanner, turn the damn heater up all the way!"
"- you, Larabee," wafted out of the open door. It slammed shut, rocking the whole truck.
"You know who that was, don't you," said Godfrey.
"Who?" asked the Rookie.
"The leader of Team Seven...Chris Larabee. And the other one... that was his second, Vin Tanner. Best record of arrests in the ATF. They call them the Magnificent Seven."
"I heard of them," said Trooper Kaly. "God, he's got his hands full."
"Yeah," said Jensen, "I heard they're all a bunch of loose cannons. But, I think if any man could make them toe the line, that one could."
"Don't think Tanner's too afraid of him," commented Kaly, grinning.
"Four-seven-seven, checking status," came a feminine voice from the hand held radio.
"We're ten-four and clear from the disturbance," responded Jensen. He looked at the other two and grinned. "Think we ought to tell her who we met?"
"Nah," said Godfrey, "she'd just be mad because she wasn't here to see them herself... and you know what happens when she gets PO'd."
"Yeah," said the Rookie, shuddering, "All the 'dead squirrel in roadway' calls for a solid frickin' month." The two men laughed and clapped her on the back.
"First lesson you learn out of the Academy, kid," said Jensen. "Never get the dispatcher ticked off at you." The three Troopers turned back to clear up the scene behind them, spreading out to interview the subjects and take the necessary reports.
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
"Vin," said Chris. "You're half frozen... damn." The sharpshooter was huddled into his coat and shivering spasmodically. The blond had the heater running full blast now. "You shouldn't have stayed out there so long."
"I'm f..."
"Don't you dare tell me you're fine," said Larabee, angrily. He slid across the bench seat of the truck to where Vin sat looking miserable. Brushing back the damp curls from the blue eyes, he tilted the face up to look at him closely. "I just don't want you sick again," he said seriously. "I've missed you too much. I don't want us to be separated again... and I really wanted to celebrate your homecoming tonight." Vin grinned.
"So did I, cowboy," he said, "just wish we could hurry and get there. Need ya to warm me up." Chris' eyes took on a lustful quality.
"I can do that fine, right here," he said, cupping the young man's face and leaning forward to breath hot air over the trembling lips.
"Mmmm," said Vin. "What ya thinkin' of doin', cowboy?"
"Thought we might try taking the edge off a little bit," said Chris. He captured the younger man's mouth, parting it and seeking out the sweet depths inside. The Texan's lips warmed under the assault. Vin gasped as a shaft of desire went straight to his groin. He shifted in his seat as an already semi-erect organ swelled against the crotch of his pants. The blond slid open the younger man's coat and proceeded to use the heels of his hands to rub the fabric of Vin's clothing over his nipples.
"Ya takin' the edge off, cowboy?" asked Vin. "Or puttin' it on?"
In response to Chris' arousing moves, the sharpshooter thrust his tongue into his partner's mouth, swirling and licking at his palate. He moaned at the taste that was Chris Larabee. An acquired taste he'd found himself craving often the last week. When he sucked the blond's lower lip sharply between his teeth, it was Chris' turn to groan. The younger man knew him too well. Vin could bring him to the edge of his control with just a few well-calculated moves and touches. His cock throbbed against his tight black jeans, a seductive counterpoint to the heart he felt pounding under his hands.
"God, Chris, I missed ya..." said Vin with a soft moan. "I dreamed about ya every night... about your hands on me... and your mouth." He arched against the team leader, trying to get closer to the man whose touch he ached for.
"I dreamed about you too, Vin," Chris murmured into the sharpshooter's ear. "I dreamed about all the things I wanted to do to you... how I wanted to make you feel..." He ran the tip of his tongue around the rim of the younger man's ear. The Texan bucked against him, crying out. The team leader slid one hand down to cup the straining swell at Vin's crotch.
"You seem to have a little problem there," Chris teased. "Think you could use some help with that?"
"Fuck you, Larabee," growled Vin, lunging against the hand that seared heat all through his body.
"No, pard," said the blond, leering. "That's for later..."
"Yer a damn tease..." rasped the sharpshooter, blushing brightly. "We're sittin' here... for God knows how much longer... stuck in this fucking traffic jam, surrounded by cars full of assholes who don't know how the hell to drive on ice... and yer talkin' about fuckin'... You've got me so hard already just lookin' at ya and listenin' to ya that I can't think straight!"
"Mmmmm," said Chris, leaning in to nibble across the square jaw to a pink-tinged ear. "But the windows are tinted..." He nipped at the lobe. "And it's almost dark..." Chris breathed heatedly into that ear. "And..." He began to nibble his way down his agent's throat, talking between bites. " are... all... steamed... up... already..." Vin looked around them and saw that every one of the Ram's windows were heavily frosted. His eyes lit and a crooked grin appeared. One slender hand snaked out and hit the automatic lock button.
"Jes' in case," he growled and arched his neck to Larabee's lips and teeth, eyes drifting shut as he gave himself up to the hands of his partner. The Texan's lithe fingers then worked their way into the team leader's coat, clawing their way up his muscular back. Vin rocked his erection against his lover's hand and flashes of pleasure shot through him.
"Unnhhh," gasped the sharpshooter. His hips thrust harder and harder as the sensations intensified.
"Feeling warmer there pard?" growled Chris into Vin's neck.
"Oh, God, Chris..." moaned Vin. "Hot... sooooo hot!"
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
"Hey guys," said Trooper Kaly as they wound up taking their reports. "Is that Ram rockin'?"
"Nah," said Jensen, turning to look intently at the sleek black truck. "Must have been your imagination." Godfrey just chuckled. The three Troopers slowly began to make their way back down the slippery ice covered tarmack towards their waiting squad cars and warmth.
Kaly glanced back at the powerful vehicle one more time. It really seemed to suit the black-clad man who drove it. Very intense. Her eyes narrowed as she took in the motion of the cab. She grinned to herself thinking of the two gorgeous men she knew were inside. Speculations about the activity in there ran through her mind.
'Now what would really be fun would be a threesome with those two hunks. A nice little Trooper sandwich with me in the middle! Whoooo,' she thought, 'what a nice way to melt my frozen toes!' She shook her head, attempting to get her mind back on the job they had yet to complete but her feet were definitely warmer... as were a few other places.
"The really interesting ones always seem to already have someone..." she muttered to herself. "How aggravating." Her thoughts turned to the dispatcher and Godfrey's comment about her being PO'd. Since her early days at this assignment when she'd been given all the "dead squirrel" calls (a subtle reminder of how squirrelly the dispatcher felt she had been), she had gotten to know the woman well and they actually enjoyed each other's company now. Kaly smiled, knowing just how perverse her sense of humour was, and that she would really get a chuckle from this little incident. 'Boy, hon,' she thought, 'have I got a tale for you!' She laughed out loud at her own pundit. 'Tale... tail... whatever...' she thought.
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
Chris continued to suckle at the junction of Vin's neck and shoulder, alternately nipping at the tender flesh and laving it with his tongue. He nuzzled aside Vin's shirt to work his way along the prominent collarbone and dip into the hollow at the base of his throat. The sharpshooter had settled into a rhythmic thrusting against his lover's hand as the blond's lips played his senses, sending him into an erotic haze.
The team leader lifted one of Vin's legs over his thighs. Angling the Texan in the corner between the seat and the door he kept all the enticing parts of Vin's body close at hand, while making room to spread his legs. Slowly... inch by inch... he opened the zipper of the soft faded jeans, allowing the erection straining within them to break free. Vin's cock was already leaking and engorged. Chris used one finger to massage the pre-cum into the sensitive glans. Blue eyes flickered for a second as his lover inhaled sharply, hips surging up. The blond dipped into the gapping jeans to draw out Vin's ballsac. With a delicate touch, he stroked and fondled the swollen orbs, rolling them gently between his fingers, then tugging firmly on the sac.
"Chrisssss," hissed Vin.
Using both hands, one after the other, Chris began to stroke the silky, hot shaft in a rhythmic dance. Following the downward motion of one hand immediately with the other. Every few strokes he would squeeze the now jerking organ in his fist.
"Oh... God," moaned Vin, "What... are ya doin'? It feels like... it feels..." He growled deep in his throat.
"I've been reading a book I found this week," said Chris softly as he nipped at his ear. "A book on acupressure."
"Ya ain't puttin' no needles in me, Chris," protested Vin, though his breath was now coming in harsh gasps.
"Not acupuncture, pard, acupressure," chuckled the blond. "And this one was for lovers. It's all about pressure points that stimulate..."
"Ahhhh," groaned Vin, "So... we gonna be doin' some bedtime readin'?"
"Thought we'd take turns," replied Chris. He grinned ferally. "There's lots of illustrations."
"OH SHIT," cried Vin, as his body began to buck uncontrollably. "What you're doin' sure is causin' pressure... Chris! Chris!" he moaned. "Need...need..." He panted heavily, his head rolling back and forth on the seat.
"You like this?" asked Chris with a triumphant grin. He reveled in the responses he was pulling from the usually laconic sharpshooter. The blond loved bringing out the wild uncontrolled side of his lover.
"Larabee..." panted Vin. "Pleeeease... can't stop... don't... stop..."
Chris bit into the top of the younger man's shoulder, leaving his mark. "This was from the chapter on massage," he murmured. "I really enjoyed that chapter. Lots of different ways to stimulate your erotic senses... increase the sensations of pleasure."
"I-I think... it's... workin'," gasped Vin. "Chris... please," he begged, trying to remember to breath so he wouldn't pass out from the pleasure coursing through his veins.
"It's supposed to feel like you're endlessly thrusting," breathed Chris in the sharpshooter's ear.
"Ohhh... God!" moaned Vin. "Yesssss..." His head rolled back and forth as his hips slowly arched off the seat. Wild cries broke from his lips, though he struggled to stifle the sounds, a little discretion somehow remaining in his passion-fogged mind. He struggled to suck in air as his body tensed incredibly, seeking for release. Chris snaked a finger around to press it deep into the sweet spot just behind Vin's balls as one of his hands reached the base of his cock.
"Unnhhh," cried out Vin, his head snapping back to hit the window as a fiery jolt of pleasure shot through him. One long-fingered hand rose to caress the back of his head. Vin's breath became labored, his body beginning to tremble. "Shit, cowboy," he moaned, "don't need a concussion here. Wanna remember everything you're doin' to me..."
"Then try to remember to lay still..." admonished Chris, renewing the movements of his hands.
"Ya gonna teach me this, Chris?" asked Tanner, sinking back into the depths of feeling that surrounded him only moments before."Thought I was..." said Chris, grinning.
"Harder, cowboy," gasped the Texan, losing track of what he had been talking about.
Chris picked up the rhythm a little bit. He was breathing heavily now too. The tight black jeans he wore felt like they were suffocating him. He wanted to rip the clothes off his lover and plunge into his waiting body, but he held himself strictly in check. This was all for Vin. A special gift for the gentle heart who had rescued his scarred soul from its isolation and pain. A commemoration of this special day with all the meaning implied in the tradition.
After the week away, he desperately needed to reconnect with the young man, confirm in his mind and heart that their bond remained intact and whole. Chris knew the best way to accomplish that...through touch. The Texan was tactilely oriented and his lover's hands on his body plunged straight into his hungry soul. Whimpers and cries of desire rewarded his efforts.
Vin was totally lost in the sensations rampaging through his body now. His growls and moans escalated. Larabee freed one hand long enough to reach out and press the play button on the CD. The strains of "Desperado" floated from the speakers. Now, the young man could be free to express his pleasure at the knowing strokes of his lover. The Texan's body began to tremble all over and Chris smiled, knowing his orgasm was close. He stopped stroking Vin's cock and leaned back a little watching the ecstatic expression on the sharpshooter's face avidly.
"Shit, Chris," cried Vin, his eyes snapping open. "What the hell are ya doin'?" His chest heaved, body straining for completion. "Finish me, Larabee..." he growled.
"Shhhh, Vin," crooned the older man. "I will... Don't worry. I'm gonna take real good care of you. Just wasn't ready for you to go over the edge yet." He smiled and leaned in to lick the corner of the sharpshooter's mouth.
"God, cowboy," moaned Vin, "please... I'm hurtin' here." Chris looked deep into the young man's pleading eyes. He captured the flushed swollen lips with his own mouth, nipping at them with his teeth, savouring the taste of outdoors and mint that was always his sharpshooter. Thrusting his tongue into the hot depths in imitation of what he wanted to do to the lean body, his hands stroked the shoulders, neck and head of the young man. Vin growled and grabbing at Chris tried to pull him closer to rub his aching shaft against the older man's belly.
The team leader broke off the teasing kiss and sliding back on the leather seat swiftly lowered his head, closing taut lips around the throbbing purple cock that jerked at the onslaught. Vin screamed as Chris swallowed him all the way to his balls.
"FUCK!" said the young man, trying to get some air back into his starving lungs.
"Mmmhmmm," rumbled Larabee in agreement.
Chris sucked hard on Vin's cock, slowly withdrawing until only the head remained in his mouth. He swirled his tongue around the head, tonguing the sweet spot at the base of the glans and the sensitive slit. Keeping one hand on the sharpshooter's hips to restrain their unconscious movement, he used his other to run a light finger over Vin's balls, tracing circles and designs on the skin. The blond nipped his way down the hard shaft and flicked his tongue over the ballsac. He could feel the orbs swelling between his fingers... the skin tightening.
As he used every thing he knew to draw his lover slowly to the precipice, Chris allowed his soul to open up and reach out, seeking the other half of its being. He needed to feel that heart deep connection they always experienced when making love. The one that fed his soul, that had brought him back from the black scorched pit he'd existed in since the death of his family.
The young Texan felt his control slipping. He struggled to hold on, then realized he needed to let go in order to reach his soul mate. He'd closed himself off this last week among all the strangers at the conference. Distanced himself from his emotions to endure the long days and even longer nights. He had to let the walls down to allow Chris in. His back arched as he consciously gave himself up to the rising waves of passion and throbbing pulse his lover's touch was evoking in his body. It seeped from his limbs and cock up into his heart. From there, it flooded his soul.
"Chrrrriiissssss," he cried out as he felt the presence of his partner... his lover... his friend. It met his seeking heart and wrapped around it, blending and mixing with his own soul till neither could tell beginnings or endings... and neither cared. It was this bond that drew them to one another again and again... seeking the physical expression of what linked them so closely that neither could conceive of life without the other any longer. His hands came down to tunnel into the soft blond strands, trying to pull himself deeper into the hot, wet mouth that enveloped the head of his shaft.
Larabee moved one long-fingered hand to stroke Vin's cock while his mouth still nipped, licked and suckled, feeding the sensory overload he pushed the younger man towards. Using the other hand to cup and roll his balls, he eased further back to press the sweet spot between the Texan's scrotum and his entrance. Vin moaned.
"Pump it, Chris," he growled. "Ohhhh... God! FASTER..." His head whipped back and forth in the throes of the sexual tension that gripped him.
Chris felt Vin give up the last bit of control and the slender body began to thrash in the grips of the ecstasy that pounded through him. Green eyes rose to watch the well-loved face above him register the exhilaration of desire firing his blood as well as the completion of his soul's longing to join with Chris' spirit. The blond felt it wash over him as well. The twining, dancing meeting they each rushed towards.
Pushing deeper, Chris felt the pulse of Vin's opening against his finger tip. He pressed slowly inexorably into his lover's body. His slender finger crooked to find the nub he sought and stroked once... A shriek broke from the blue-eyed man and tremors began to build in his body. Chris stroked the spot again and it was enough to send the Texan crashing over the edge. Light and heat flashed through the lean blond as their souls met in a blinding moment of time. A long drawn out moan rumbled from deep in his chest as Vin's cock streamed heavy spurts down his throat. Chris milked the throbbing shaft and balls, letting the sweetness of their union wash over him as his lover's seed did over his tongue. Drifting slowly back down to the real world, their hearts beating in unison, the lean blond allowed Vin's softening organ to slowly glide through his lips. He licked the last remnants of creamy fluid from the head and raised his eyes to meet still passion glazed blue ones.
"I love you, Vin," he said intently.
"Love you, Chris," responded the younger man, tugging on the hair he still gripped to lift him up nearer his face. A long pink tongue flicked out to taste the essence that still lingered on Larabee's lips. The smell and taste of hot-just slaked passion was all around them. Vin's eyes flashed with emotion. Drawing the lanky man's legs over his thighs, Chris laid his head on the sharpshooter's chest, listening to the steady beat there.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Vin," said Chris softly, lifting a hand to stroke through Vin's tangled curls.
"Ya knew?" said Vin, his eyes widening, startled. "Ya knew why I had to be home with ya tonight?" The older man lifted his head, smiled into deep blue eyes and shifted up to gently place a kiss on the Texan's forehead.
"I know you, Vin," he said. "I could see it in your face when you were deciding whether to go or not. The only time you struggle with your work responsibilities is when your heart's involved. Otherwise, there's no second thought with you."
"I was kinda afraid ya might think I was bein' dumb," said Vin, softly blushing and looking away. "After all Valentine's Day is for..." A long finger covered his lips.
"Lovers..." said Chris. Blue eyes came up to meet green and held.
"Lovers..." whispered Vin, his mouth widening into that smile that stopped Larabee's heart every time it was directed at him. A smile full of hope, trust... and love. Their lips and tongues met as their souls had just before in a slow sweet mingling. Vin could taste himself on the blond's mouth. Slowly, they surfaced from the extended kiss. Chris wrapped his arm around the slender Texan pulling him over to rest the young man's head on his shoulder.
He combed one hand through the long soft curls, letting his other roam all over the body of his partner. Stroking, caressing, remembering every muscle...every curve and angle. As always, touching Vin brought forth deep moans and whimpers as the young sharpshooter soaked up the caresses he needed from his soulmate. Chris felt the younger man turn his face into the curve of his neck. Warm lips and tongue began a slow dance on his skin.
"Your turn now," murmured Vin, inhaling... deeply drawing in the scent of the team leader. He could pick out Chris blindfolded in a roomful of other men. The musky scent of him never failed to stir the sharpshooter.
There was the sound of revving engines around them. Larabee reached out to wipe a small circle on the front windshield.
"Fraid not, pard," he said. "Looks like we're gonna be moving." He looked down into troubled blue eyes. Swiftly, he bent and claimed the kiss-swollen lips of his lover in an intense brief caress. "That's all right," he assured him. "I have lots of plans for later and something special waiting for you at home." He grinned at the flash of joy in Vin's eyes. "This was just for you anyway..." He wrapped his arms around the younger man drawing him tightly against him. "I wasn't looking for any return. Just wanted to welcome you home... show you how much I missed you... and needed you here with me." Chris rubbed his cheek against Vin's hair and heat spiraled through him once again. The sharpshooter's eyes grew misty with unshed tears. Looking down and seeing the feelings expressed in those sapphire eyes tugged Larabee's heart with a lurch.
"You did, cowboy... so good that I won't ever want to leave..." Vin said in a husky voice.
"Then I did just what I wanted to..." said Chris. He moved his mouth near his sharpshooter's ear and whispered. "Just consider this the preview for the rest of the night..." Vin moaned and a tremble ran through his lanky frame.
"Oh God, Chris," he said, his mind already winging ahead, thinking of what he could do to show his appreciation for the love and affection this man constantly showered on him. Never let anyone say that Vin Tanner didn't show his gratitude. He would quite happily spend the rest of his life at that task with the other half of his soul - the man in black who completed and fulfilled him... who played his body and soul like a fine-tuned instrument with masterful hands and lips.
'All that and mind-blowing fucking hot sex too...' he thought with a wicked grin. He lifted his head to look into crystal green eyes. Chris inhaled sharply. Vin's gaze bored deep into him... holding his heart in a gentle grasp while shooting sparks of desire all the way to his toes.
"B-better get goin'..." the blond managed to gasp out, "Sooner we leave...the sooner we can get home..." Vin's mouth quirked into his familiar lop-sided smile. Larabee's heart began to hammer in his chest. He cleared his throat and moving reluctantly, slid back behind the wheel of the Ram. Glancing back at Vin, he watched, blood rushing in his ears as the young Texan with graceful moves of his slender hands tucked his already swelling cock back into his pants and struggled to close the zipper. Green eyes rose to meet blue.
"Kinda tight for some reason," drawled the younger man, eyes alight with mischief. His tongue snaked out to lick his lips. Chris tore his gaze from that sight, chest heaving. Cars behind them were honking. He reached for the gearshift with a shaking hand.
They passed the Troopers who were waving traffic around the wreckage now moved to the side of the roadway. Chris lifted a hand in acknowledgement and Kaly grinned, nodding back at them. Vin waved also, leaning over to peer out the driver's window at the scene. Larabee felt a warm hand slide onto his thigh and begin to move up.
"VIN!" he hissed. "I'm driving here...or trying to..." He moaned as the sharpshooter's slender hand found a home and nestled tightly.
"Relax, cowboy," said Vin in a breathy erotic whisper. "Jes' wanted to show ya a little bit how much I been missin' ya. I ain't gonna do ya... least not while you're drivin'..." He slid over closer to the lean man, pressing his warm thigh against his lover's. "You know that sayin'..." The Texan breathed in his boss' ear. "Don't fuck and drive..." Chris groaned... then gasped as the sharpshooter's skilled fingers stroked him deeply through his jeans.
"Fuck you..." growled the blond.
"I'm plannin' on it..." rasped Vin and nipped at the ear he was whispering in, while his hand began to work the blue-eyed sharpshooter's own particular brand of sensual assault.
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