Disclaimer: They don't belong to me, I'm sorry to say. Just borrowing them for a little fun.
Summary: Buck's having some fun with Ezra
"You Sir, have violated me!"Buck Wilmington tried very hard not to laugh as he watched his angry friend. Ezra Standish was standing in front of him, wearing nothing but his underwear, a feather duster clasped tightly in one hand. His face was red and he looked totally fed up. It was so cute.
"Now, now Ezra, we've been over this before. I won that bet fair and square. You agreed to be my personal slave for the day if I won. You're not thinking of welching on me now are ya? I thought you were more of a gentleman than that." He knew his words would have the desired affect. Ezra pulled himself up straighter and stared down at Buck.
"I never go back on my word Sir, but I still believe you cheated. There is no way in...in..." The feather duster waved frantically in the air while Ezra tried to find the right word.
"Thank you. No way in hell that you could have beaten me in a card game."
"Maybe I just got lucky?" The big man interjected.
"Luck has nothing to do with it. It takes skill and practice to become a good card player, and I Sir, am a very good card player."
"Then maybe I was just a little more skilled than you thought."
Ezra huffed, his right foot tapping impatiently on the floor. "I still say you cheated and I will demand satisfaction when this day is finally over."
And I'll make sure you get it, Wilmington thought. "Well, maybe in the meantime you could go back to work? That cabinet still needs cleaning."
"Very well," Standish drawled. He turned and bent over, running his duster lightly over the small cabinet. In doing so, he gave Wilmington a perfect view of his ass. The big man watched fascinated as the soft fabric of Ezra's underwear stretched tautly over his well rounded behind. He sunk lower in his chair and adjusted his pants which had suddenly become very restricting. Suddenly Ezra whirled around, dust flying everywhere.
"And another thing, Mr. Wilmington. I do not understand why I have to be dressed like this," he said, indicating his state of undress. "It is less than dignified to say the least."
Buck chuckled. "Ezra, Ezra, Ezra. I told you that I didn't want those fancy clothes of yours to get dirty. I wouldn't want to listen to you harping about how I ruined your wardrobe for the rest of my life. Besides, you needed to loosen up a bit. And right now, you look very loose to me." He gave the gambler his most winning smile, but it lost its effect as Ezra snorted and bent back to his task. Buck enjoyed the view a few moments, then stretched himself languidly. "Hey Ez, I'm feeling kinda stiff here, I think I could use a good backrub."
Standish responded without turning around.
"I'm sure one of your many lady friends will be more then willing to provide that service for you. Do you wish me to go out and fetch one of them?" He turned then and looked expectantly at his friend. Maybe he could get out of here after all. No such luck.
"I was thinking more like you could do it," Buck said. "After all, you have these agile fingers, what with all those card tricks you do..." He wiggled his eyebrows at the gambler.
"You must be joking? I am not..."
"Are you going back on your word? You did promise you would do all I asked today, didn't you? Well?" Ezra nodded. "Well then, I don't think a backrub between friends is too much to ask for is it?"
"I suppose when you put it that way," Ezra conceded.
"Good!" Buck began to strip, leaving on only his drawers. He jumped on the bed, sprawling in the middle and waited. "Well, come on then!" he called.
"Lord help me." Ezra muttered. He put down the duster and moved slowly towards the bed. He sat down next to Buck's large form, not quite sure how to proceed.
"There's oil in the nightstand." Buck waved a hand in it's general direction and Ezra removed the small vile, sniffing at it cautiously. It wasn't half bad. He cocked an eyebrow at Buck who merely shrugged. "Comes in handy sometimes."
"I'm sure it does," the gambler drawled, pouring some of the liquid into his hands. He gently placed his hands on his friends back, sliding them up and down.
"No, no, not like that. Come over here. You have to get on top of me, that way you can get to all the good spots." He tugged on Ezra's arm until the gambler climbed on top of him.
"Mr. Wilmington, be assured that I have played my last game of poker with you." Buck just grinned as Ezra set to work on his back. Deft fingers sought out all his sore points, kneading them until they were supple again. Buck sighed in contentment.
"You've done this before."
"My mother used to make me massage her feet, but that never required me to sit on her behind." Buck laughed at the image, shaking underneath Ezra. His movements nearly made the other man lose his balance and Ezra clung to Buck's shoulders, laughing himself. When they both settled down again, Ezra resumed his massage. He slid his hands up from Buck's waist to his shoulders, kneading and then worked his way back down. The motion made him slide over the broad back, causing wonderful sensations in his cock. Ezra blushed when he realized he was getting hard. He stopped his actions and cleared his throat nervously
"Uhm, how is that, Mr. Wilmington?" Buck knew exactly why Ezra had stopped. He had felt the delicious slide of the man's cock against his back, had felt him grow hard. He himself was in a similar situation. He turned round underneath the gambler so they were face to face, putting his hands on Ezra's thighs. They both shuddered as their erections met.
"Don't stop now," he whispered, "there are still parts of me that need relaxing." He stared into Ezra's green eyes, noticing the hesitation there. Slowly the gambler placed his hands on Buck's stomach, making it tighten. He slid his hands upward in a gentle caress, gliding over hard pecs and coming to rest on his shoulders. He repeated the motion, this time lingering over the inviting little nubs, grazing them lightly with his nails.
Buck sighed deeply and closed his eyes, savoring the sensation. When he opened them again, he saw Standish looking down on him, face flushed and eyes dilated. He reached out his hands and began unbuttoning his underwear top, sliding it off his shoulders. His hands glided over Ezra's chest, stroking softly, causing the other man to arch into the sensation.
Ezra reached over for the small vile and poured some more oil onto his hands. He continued to stare into Buck's eyes as he unfastened the other man's drawers and took hold of his hard, leaking cock.
Buck hissed at the contact, pushing himself more firmly into that talented hand. He snaked his hand around Ezra's head and pulled him down for a long, lingering kiss. The feel of Ezra's tongue in his mouth was incredible and he sucked on the sweet invader to his hearts content.
Ezra broke the kiss, moving his lips across Buck's jaw, down to his neck where he licked and sucked until Buck was shuddering in his arms. He moved further down, swiping his tongue over an inviting nipple, suckling the tight little nub, all the while fisting the hard length in his hand.
Buck growled low in his throat, straining hard against the hand that stroked him. He guided Ezra's head to his other nipple where the gambler happily repeated his previous actions. His other hand sneaked inside Ezra's drawers, fondling that perfect ass that had tempted him earlier. Ezra moaned and looked up into Buck's eyes, licking his lips. Buck pulled him close and kissed those incredible lips again, delighting in the way Ezra's tongue sought his instantly. The gambler began stroking him harder, faster and Buck knew he was fighting a loosing battle. The feeling of those soft talented hands working his cock and the taste and smell of Ezra was just too much. He wrenched his mouth away from Ezra's and bucked furiously into Ezra's fist. When the gambler bit him on the shoulder, he let loose with a wail and came hard, spurting his seed all over their chests. They lay panting together for several moments until Ezra straightened up, looking down on him once again.
"Are you all relaxed now, Mr. Wilmington?" he asked in a decidingly unsteady voice. Buck smiled up at him and winked.
"If I were any more relaxed, I'd be dead." He ran his thumb over Ezra's lips, letting his hand slide down the man's smooth chest until it rested against the hard bulge inside Standish' drawers. The gambler gulped and closed his eyes. 'It seems you could use a little relaxation yourself." He took the gambler by the hips and turned them both over, so that Ezra was the one lying down. Buck removed the gambler's drawers, sliding his hands up the well muscled legs. He lay down beside him, kissing those luscious lips again. Ezra moaned into Buck's mouth as talented hands mapped out his body. Buck trailed tiny kisses all over Ezra' face and chest, paying special attention to the hard nubs awaiting him there.
Ezra squirmed underneath him, making nonsensical little noises. Buck made his way further down, nipping and sucking every bit of tempting flesh on his way. Ezra was bucking his hips, trying to make contact with any part of Buck. Wilmington smiled and bend down, licking the inside of Ezra's thigh. The gambler stilled immediately, his fingers holding the bedsheets tightly as he waited for Buck's next move. He didn't have to wait long. Buck took hold of the hard cock and gave it a gentle squeeze. Ezra held his breath. When Buck slowly licked his way across the leaking head, Ezra moaned loud enough to wake the dead.
Buck chuckled against the straining flesh, causing Ezra to moan even louder. Deciding not to torment the gambler any longer, he slowly engulfed the organ, sucking hard and sliding his tongue all over the quivering flesh in his mouth. Ezra went wild, thrashing underneath him, trying to get Buck to take him deeper. Buck held the man down with his superior strength, enjoying the essence of Ezra on his tongue. Finally he relaxed his throat, taking Ezra all the way in and swallowed. When the head of Ezra's cock bumped against the back of Buck's throat, he couldn't hold back any longer. With a shout he released his seed in Buck's mouth. When he at last opened his eyes again, Buck was lying beside him, looking rather smugly.
"Ugh," Ezra said, surprising them both with his eloquence. Buck grinned and kissed him slowly, their tongues gliding together slowly.
"You can say that again, pard." He drew Ezra close to him and covered them both with a blanket. Ezra rested his head against Buck's shoulder, one leg thrown over Buck's. Buck was almost asleep when Ezra's soft Southern drawl floated up to him.
"I have this eerie feeling that you set me up."
"Now would I do a thing like that? You have a suspicious mind Ezra."
The gambler looked up then. "I still believe you cheated me, sir and I demand satisfaction."
"In that case, I'll just have to do whatever it takes to satisfy your honor and whatever other needs you may have," Buck quipped, giving Ezra's nose a tiny kiss. The gambler laid his head back down.
"I guess I can live with that."
Buck tightened his arms around his new lover, kissed the top of his head and whispered, "Me too," before the both fell fast asleep.
The End
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