ATF Universe
Disclaimer: Not mine....damn it!
Comments: Thanks to BC who inspires me to do this and helps me "polish it" up for you all - thanks Pard!! And Tracy, my marlvelous beta reader! Really wanted to use ice too....but I couldnt' work it in fast enough! Hope someone likes their guest role - if not....
Chris Larabee studied his face in the bathroom mirror. Absently, he wiped at the condensation on the glass getting a clearer view of his chiseled features. His blond hair was slicked back and darker from the shower, his sinewy muscles tight under his tanned shoulders and torso. However, it was not vanity that made him study his own body as he looked further down, across the flat abs and lower, to his hips and crotch. He shook his head with a grim smirk at himself."Big Bad Chris Larabee, you're yella," he muttered to himself.
He wasn't sure if he really wanted to do this. It was definitely not his style, not something he would ordinarily consider doing.
Aw Hell, he thought as he headed into the bedroom to finish getting dressed. After all it was Valentine's Day. His mind wandered to Vin's reaction and he could feel his own body reacting to the idea of what would happen after. Curbing his lusty thoughts and willing away the iron-hard erection that thinking about his lover always brought on, he listened for a moment to make sure Vin Tanner was still in the kitchen, then rummaged around in a drawer for the bag he had hidden.
Walking into the kitchen, Chris looked his best friend and lover over approvingly. "Nice," he murmured, watching the charcoal gray fabric pull tight across Vin's ass as he retrieved coffee mugs out of the dishwasher.
Placing the mugs and pot on the counter, Vin chuckled. "Don't get used to it, Cowboy." He sat down at the kitchen table and stuffed a big square of paper towel in his collar to protect his shirt from breakfast. "Can't believe those suits requested another meeting." He grabbed a glazed donut from the box on the table and sipped his coffee.
"Come on, let's go now -- I'll buy you a real breakfast. Might not get lunch with the meeting and all," Chris said. As always, he was amazed at the amount of sugar Vin could take in first thing in the morning. He smiled and nodded at the door. "Gonna be a long day..."
Chris was surprised that Vin hadn't done anything last night for Valentine's Day. This was the second one they would celebrate as lovers. Last year, Vin had shown up on Chris's doorstep at 11:59pm, whipped creme in hand, a box of chocolates, wearing nothing but a big smile. When Chris opened the door, Vin greeted him with a "Happy Valentine's Day" and they spent most of the evening eating whipped creme off each other's bodies in bed. It was almost as memorable as the next morning, watching Vin try to get his clothes out of his jeep wearing nothing but a towel when the lady UPS driver delivered a package.
This year, since they were living together, Chris figured Vin would have some exotic scheme that would lead to a wild, passionate celebration. Sometimes Vin amazed Chris with how sentimental he could be, considering that he was one of the deadliest sharpshooters in the ATF, ex-Army Ranger, survivalist, expert outdoorsman even though he had been raised in the inner city. He never showed it to anyone else, but Chris knew Vin Tanner was softer inside than one of those Hostess Ding Dongs he scarfed down every chance he got.
Chris was almost disappointed that so far, Vin seemed to have forgotten the holiday. Since the day they both took the plunge and admitted their feelings to each other, Vin was the one who always remembered the little things. The anniversary of that day they'd 'fessed up to each other; Valentine's Day; all the special occasions -- Vin seemed to enjoy celebrating the little milestones in their relationship much more than Chris. In fact, at first, Chris had felt awkward about it. He rationalized it away with the fact that they were both men so the rules were different. Truth was, he finally admitted, that he enjoyed everything Vin had sprung on him. It made Chris realize how deep Vin's feelings were. Neither man was one to talk about how they felt, but Chris knew how much Vin cared by the little things he did to show it. It had made Chris realize that maybe Vin, too, needed to know how deep his own feelings ran. That's why he decided that this Valentine's Day, he was going to give 'this' a try.
"You sure we've got time for breakfast, pard?" Vin asked as he stood up. Grabbing his suit jacket from the chair, he turned to Chris. "Wait, almost forgot. I need you to loan me a tie. Ez said you had one that'd go with this blue shirt."
"Ezra remembers my ties? Anal s.o.b.--probably rates them on a scale of one to ten." Shaking his head, he headed back to the bedroom, Vin in tow. "We have plenty of time Vin. The meeting isn't until ten."
"Just want to get it over with. Can't believe Ez talked me into a suit for this one. If Agents Brennan and Rowan weren't bringing that damn specialist big-wig, I might have got away with jeans," Tanner replied following into the bedroom. Vin and Ezra, working as a team, had been instrumental in a recent case that was shared jurisdiction with the FBI, a militant white supremacist group the FBI had targeted. Team 7 had gotten involved after the bad guys discovered a new hobby -- torching farm properties owned by "non-whites". After the second fire, Vin had interviewed an elderly Native American man, whose son had died trying to release their horses in the burning barn. He had been sickened by the sights of the charred bodies of both the son and the horses, and something about it had touched Vin deep inside. This was one sick, sociopathic bunch of outlaws that Vin really enjoyed helping bring down. After two weeks of joint team meetings, now he and Ezra were reviewing final details with the Feds as the prosecution prepared their case.
Chris turned to Vin with a gray tie with flecks of blue and purple. "No wonder Ezra knew I had a tie to match. This is one of those museum ones he bought me last Christmas."
Vin laughed as Chris looped it around his neck. "Thanks, Cowboy. Hate tying those damn things almost as much as wearing them."
"Well, I hate to tell you Vin, you look great in a suit. Almost wish we had more time," Chris said as he finished knotting the tie, a mischievous grin on his face. He let his hands drift slowly down the front of Vin's freshly pressed shirt to rest on his narrow hips. He knew his own pants were peaked in the front -- just touching Vin had done that --again -- this morning.
Vin heaved a long-suffering sigh and ended in a groan, ignoring the swell of his own crotch. He pulled away reluctantly. "Come on Larabee, can't have the boss show up late when we're gonna have "guests," Vin said sarcastically as he headed out of the room.
Chris followed, wondering what, if anything, Vin had planned for Valentine's Day.
+ + + + + + +
Chris and Vin were greeted by Josiah rolling his eyes at Buck's antics. "JD, I'm telling you, women love sexy lingerie!" Buck clapped JD on the back, "You should give Casey a gift that tells her you desire her on St. Valentine's Day." Buck turned to Nathan, "Nate, tell the boy what you got Rain this year...remember last year that nightie..."
"Shut up, Buck," Nathan grumbled, embarrassment written all over his face as he glanced around to see who all had heard Buck bellowing.
"Josiah, you're a man of the world, help the kid," Buck beseeched his other team-mate.
Josiah laughed, "I have feeling Chris doesn't want us wasting tax dollars on love lessons."
"Hey! Chris, Vin," JD greeted the new arrivals, obviously relieved that maybe now Buck would leave him alone and get back to work since Chris had walked in.
"Whooee, look at you Junior! You got a date tonight?" Buck teased Vin as he walked by.
Both Vin and Chris shot Buck a glare. The team knew of the relationship between their team leader and sharpshooter. Thankfully, it wasn't a problem, in fact, the team was happy that the two had gotten together. But that never stopped Buck from trying to stir things up.
"Buck, you need more work?" Chris said mildly. "We've got those surveillance tapes from last week that need to be cataloged. Maybe you want to volunteer?" Chris kept walking toward his office, knowing the answer. Larabee knew Vin didn't need any help in deflecting Buck, but since he had planned a Valentine's Day dinner for them, he wanted to change the subject.
Chuckling, Buck shook his head, "No thanks, Pard. I'll just sit down here and review these folders on my desk. Vin's plans for tonight aren't my business."
The other men all laughed and headed to their desks, all but Vin.
Damn it, Valentine's Day.
He had debated on whether or not to do something for weeks. Finally, he decided that since celebrating the silly holidays and occasions seemed to make Chris uncomfortable, and that Chris never fussed over any of them, he'd reluctantly let it go. Fact was, he hadn't even realized it was Valentine's Day since he had been so damned busy. He knew it was sometime this week, but had lost track. Now he was doubting his decision. He enjoyed surprising Chris.
Vin was rescued from his musings by Ezra's arrival. Their dapper undercover man was walking in with a huge heart shaped box of candy in incongruous contrast to his usual impeccable 'cool'. "Good morning gentlemen. Before you start in -- allow me to share my Valentine's Day bounty with you." However, it did not stop the whistles and cat-calls from the rest of them.
"Who gave it to you, Ez?" JD asked, curious about the giver.
"Mr. Dunne, a gentleman never discusses the details of an intimate relationship," Ezra said as he placed the box on Vin's desk with a wink and headed to his own, leaving Vin staring in shock. Something made him glance toward Chris's office and the open door where he could see Chris watching him, one eyebrow raised and a smirk on his lips.
"So, what's stopping you Ez?" Buck asked, his smile taking the bite out of his words.
Ezra sighed dramatically. "So predictable. Actually Mr. Wilmington, the candy was a gift from my elderly neighbor. Mr. Tanner and I rescued her cat a few weeks ago and she wanted to thank"
Vin laughed, "Damn Ez, you better hope that's all there is to it. She's old enough to be Maude's mother!"
Their laughter was interrupted by the arrival of the federal agents. After all the men exchanged pleasantries and Chris came out to greet them, Ezra lead the visitors to the conference room he arranged.
As Vin passed Chris at the door, Chris touched Vin's arm to get his attention, whispering, "Should have mentioned it earlier, but I made reservations for us for dinner. 'Rojo Caliente' at six." He had wanted to wait until they were headed out to tell Vin his plans, but something made him decide to let Vin know he had made dinner reservations. This day had the look of one that could change at any given minute.
"Okay...sounds good, Cowboy," Vin managed with a slight smile, before heading to the conference room.
Chris noticed Vin's unease and hope it stemmed from being cooped up with the Feds and not their dinner plans.
+ + + + + + +
Vin's head hurt; it was getting hard to concentrate. The special agent-- Lowry was his name -- nit-picked every detail. Even Ezra was starting to show wear as they went over the same reports, time and time again. And it didn't help that Vin's mind kept wandering back to Chris, who seemed to have made plans for them for Valentine's Day, after all.
What could he get his lover for Valentine's Day while trapped here at work? The damn answer always came back to nothing.
He knew he should have bought that antique knife. When Rick at the gun store had showed it to him, he had known that Chris would love it. Still, since there was no real reason to get it, he had declined because Chris always seemed uncomfortable when he did impulsive things like that. Vin suspected Rick had showed it to him since Valentine's Day was close at hand.
Vin had become friendly with Rick as soon the owner hired him. Rick was an expert with guns, both historic and modern, and the two men hit it off immediately, both sharing a love for antique western weapons. However, Vin soon figured out that Rick was interested in him, romantically. Vin was a little surprised by it all, since Rick was a very attractive man -- but then Vin had never figured out why Chris was interested in him, either. By bringing Chris along a few times, Rick had picked up on the relationship between the two and he and Vin had fallen into a comfortable friendship, since Rick liked and admired Chris, too. He knew that Rick would help him --
Too bad he couldn't sneak out.
He looked up at the clock that only felt like it had stopped. Hell, at least worryin' was keeping him awake.
+ + + + + + +
Chris stared at the clock on the wall, his hand gripping the telephone tighter, it was almost four o'clock already. "Orrin, do you really need me at this one? Yeah...yeah, I know. Okay. I'll be right up. Wait, any idea how long this might last? Two to three hours? And we have to do it now? I'll be there as soon as I tell Josiah where I'll be. Yes, sir."
"Damn it," Chris slammed the phone down. Of all days for AD Travis to call him to an emergency meeting. "Shit!" he exclaimed as he walked out of his office.
"Josiah, Travis just called me. Apparently some female agent filed a lawsuit against her male team leader. I have to go to an emergency meeting, they want to review her charges and see what we can pick apart," Chris said, running his hands through his short blonde hair. "He expects it to last two to three hours. Will you watch my phone and tell Vin where I am when he gets out?"
Josiah could tell from Chris's expression and tone, it was Vin and what ever plans they had that he was concerned about, not the phones. "I'm sure Vin won't mind waiting Chris. Phones won't be a problem and I'll make sure Buck leaves JD and Nathan alone, too!
Chris managed a small smile, "Thanks Josiah. You have plans for tonight?"
Josiah just gave him a huge grin then winked. Chris headed to the elevators shaking his head. He was always amazed at what a team he had drawn.
+ + + + + + +
It was nearly 4:30 when Vin and Ezra escorted the Feds to the elevators and both men headed wearily to their desks. Josiah walked over, as soon as they were seated.
"Did everything go alright?" The big man asked.
"If they had asked to review one more document, one more report, that we had already picked over with a fine tooth comb several times...I would have had great difficulty restraining my desire to commit mayhem," Ezra said while he massaged his temples.
"All hell, Ez. You would have had to get behind me first, " Vin remarked leaning back in his chair. "Where's Chris?"
"Travis called Chris to an emergency meeting, he won't be back till close to six. He wanted me to tell you, Vin." Josiah sat on the edge of Vin's desk. "But they left satisfied?"
"Yes, indeed they did," Ezra said, standing and stretching, and rotating his neck like a gambler who had been at the tables all night. "Well, since Mr. Larabee is otherwise engaged, I am heading home to a glass of wine and some well deserved rest." Ezra retrieved his overcoat from the coat rack by the door, shaking out the wrinkles before slipping into it.
"Yeah, come on JD, Nate....let's sneak on out of here so we can get ready for tonight!" Buck exclaimed, is face a glow with anticipation of what he considered the Buck Wilmington National Holiday.
Josiah chuckled, "Go ahead -- I told Chris there'd be no trouble from you while he was out. This way, I can keep that promise."
As soon as the others left, Vin grabbed his phone and speed dialed the Rocky Mountain Big Horn Gun Shop. "Rick, it's Vin Tanner. Hi. Yeah, same to you. Hey listen, you still have that antique knife you showed me. Great. Ok, I need it -- and a big favor."
Of course, Rick had guessed immediately that it was for Chris as a gift, and the desperation in Vin's voice had given him away. "In fact, Rick, do you think you could run it over here? Thanks!" Vin smiled, it was going to work out. "What, yeah, it is for Chris," Vin's face flushed slightly. "Yeah for today," and his color deepened. "Thanks Rick. Just call up to me when you get here." Hanging up the phone, Vin exhaled deeply in a long sigh of relief.
Vin had to chuckle at Rick's chiding him about it being so late on Valentine's Day. He'd let his friend have his fun at his expense, knowing that it was all in good nature. Besides, he deserved it for waffling on doing what he knew in his gut he ought to have done.
Josiah had heard bits and pieces, but politely ignored it as he always did personal things happening around him. When Vin's phone rang a half-hour later, and it was the security station in the lobby, Josiah just grinned at him and told him to go ahead and take care of whatever it was, and he gave whatever it was a silent blessing that it would keep things running smoothly for them all.
+ + + + + + +
Rick had done more than bring the knife, he had stopped at a Hallmark store on the way for Vin, too. He bought some wrapping paper - white with red hearts - and had wrapped the gift with a tastefully sized and simple red curly bow. He also found a Valentine's card, the cover was a picture of the back of a lean, long haired man with a cowboy hat and jeans - and nothing else.
"Thanks, Rick. You saved me, " Vin said as Rick filled him in as to what was in the bag.
"My pleasure Vin. I was surprised you didn't take the knife when I showed it to you," Rick said smiling.
"Long story, let's just say, you never know when someone will surprise you," Vin said returning the smile as he took his bag.
Rick laughed, "Anytime you get surprised, call me. Happy to help you, Vin." Rick waved as he exited the federal building.
Vin headed to the elevators, wishing he knew someone nice for Rick.
+ + + + + + +
Chris exited the elevators, luckily no one was there to receive the glare he had on his face. It was almost seven o'clock. All his plans for a nice dinner had been ruined because some idiot that Chris never felt was ready to be a team leader in the first place rubbed up against the breasts of one of his female agents. Too bad they were past the era when she could have shot his dick off for getting too familiar -- but at least she was following the rules and going through proper channels.
Rounding the corner, Chris saw Vin sitting at his desk, reading something on his computer screen and couldn't help smiling that at least Vin had waited for him. Chris approached quietly.
"Hey, Cowboy," Vin said without looking over his shoulder as he heard Chris's steps. "Figured I'd make myself useful and went through those surveillance tapes, cataloged the lot of them." Vin had taken off the jacket and tie, his sleeves were rolled up. "Just looking at the case notes for the three new cases on our plate." Vin stopped, taking in how exhausted Chris looked. "Let's go home, okay?"
"Thanks. I appreciate you doing that. Saves me making someone do it later this week." Chris looked over to his office, "Any important messages?"
"Nope, not a call while you were gone. Josiah stayed till a little after five. Told him to head out since he had plans. And I was staying." Vin got up and picked up his jacket, slinging it over his shoulder and holding it with his trigger finger.
"Let me just lock my office and we can get the hell out of here."
Vin patiently stood, watching Chris walk away. He was glad he had the knife even if Chris's plan for dinner was shot. Vin was puzzled when Chris picked up the phone. He could see Chris become angry, so he headed over.
"Come on, Carlos -- we're regulars, can't you squeeze us in? What? No, ten-thirty is too late. What? Nothing else?" Chris glanced up as Vin walked in, shaking his head to forget it. Chris paused, shrugged and said, "Never mind, Carlos. Yeah, maybe we'll try for Saturday. I'll call. What? Oh, yeah. Thanks, same to you."
Chris turned to Vin, "I'm sorry Vin. Carlos said the place was packed. Couldn't squeeze us in."
"Come on, Chris. We'll order a pizza once we get home, crack some beers and relax with a fire." Vin walked over and brushed up against Chris, grabbing his arm to pull him out of the office. "We can have a good Valentine's Day, even without going to a restaurant. Besides, any squeezin' in we do, I want to do at home." Vin grinned that lop-sided grin that he knew got to Chris every time.
Chris let Vin lead him out, trying not to look like he was as hungry as he felt -- and not for the pizza Vin had suggested. Vin took the keys, "I'll drive, you look like you had a rough day."
Chris smiled and headed to the elevator, "Not that rough, Tanner. Might have some 'squeezin' in' left in me."
+ + + + + + +
Once in the house, Vin casually threw his suit jacket and tie on their king-size bed and headed into the bathroom.
Seizing the opportunity, Chris took the Valentine's Day bag with presents for Vin out of its hiding place in the closet and put it on the bed. He removed his jacket and headed to the closet with his and Vin's jackets, the tie that Vin had borrowed, plus his own. Vin's jacket pocket felt heavy, but he knew Vin was always stuffing his pockets with junk, and didn't think about it. He sat down on the edge of the bed, took off his shoes and socks and unbuttoned his collar while he waited for Vin. Vin stepped out of the bathroom, "Hey Cowboy, something up?" Vin asked sitting down next to Chris.
"Sorry Valentine's Day got so screwed up, Vin," Chris said as he reached behind him for the bag. "Dinner plans got screwed, but there's still candy." Chris managed a smile as he handed Vin the bag. It contained a box of Hershey's Pot of Gold chocolates and lubricant that was chocolate scented. Vin wasn't into designer or fancy candy, as long as it tasted good, he wasn't fussy.
"Candy for Valentines?" Vin said as he looked at Chris as he pulled out the box of chocolate. "Damn, Chris. Getting soft on me?" His blue eyes twinkled, his smile bright as he realized that Chris had really made an effort.
Suddenly, he looked around wildly, thrust the sack back into Chris's hands, then bounded for the closet door. Vin disappeared for a moment into the walk-in closet into the dark. Then as suddenly reappeared, launched himself in a flying roll across the bed to come up sitting beside Chris with a grin. He held out the small wrapped present and card.
"So you think I'm goin' soft?" Chris grunted, "Soft...not quite what I thought you wanted pard." Reaching into the bag, Chris pulled out the tube of chocolate scented lube, "Soft won't do for this one."
Vin laughed as eyed the tube of lube. "Nope ain't what I want at all. Happy Valentine's Day, Cowboy." As Chris took the package, Vin unscrewed the top of the tube and sniffed it. "Mmmmmmm....smells like a main course dinner to me!"
Chris took Vin's package, noticing the white and red Valentine's paper. He slowly unwrapped it and opened the small box to reveal the horn-handled folding Barlow knife. His face gave away his pleasure before he could voice it. "Vin, thanks. It's the perfect addition to my collection." Chris leaned in and kissed his partner. "Thanks, really..."
Vin toyed with the lube, squeezing some onto a finger as if testing it's slickness, then smelled it again. Then his smile faded to one that was almost sad. "Gotta tell you Chris," he admitted. "I almost blew this one. Figured you weren't much for these silly 'displays of affection' as Ez would say." Vin touched the box of candy appreciatively. "Didn't want to push you where you didn't want to go."
Chris stood up and turned, looking down at him where Vin sprawled on the bed. "Have to be honest with you too, pard. Celebrating this stuff, anniversaries, the such...I was never any good at it." He slowly unbuttoned his shirt and slipped it off. Starting on his pants, he moved a step back. "Figured with you, it wasn't as important." His eyes never leaving Vin's, Chris slowly dropped his pants and stepped out of them, revealing the tight skimpy bikinis of shiny white satin with red hearts that he had put on in honor of Valentine's Day. It barely covered what was on Chris's mind.
Vin's eyes dropped to take in the sculpted plains of Chris's chest, his rock hard abs, and the those long lean legs. Slowly he dragged his eyes back to the heart covered bulge. "Damn, had those on all day?"
"Yep, planned to tell you over dinner about your other present." Chris started to move closer, to bridge the gap between them. "Made sittin' through that sexual harassment meeting mighty uncomfortable." They both grinned at the thought as Chris towered over Vin, who looked up the length of his body again, his face mere inches from the heart-covered bulge tantalizing him.
"Not so fast, Cowboy. Turn around, I want to appreciate the view," Vin said as he lustfully eyed Chris's body.
Chris complied, his discomfort at his attire evident on his face.
Vin levered himself up off the bed, stepping close to Chris from behind. Starting at the hard, smooth cheeks of his ass, exposed by the narrow strip of satin cutting between them, he slid his hands up Chris's body, ran a hand into Chris's hair, and with the other turned him around with a gentle pull on his shoulder. "You did all this for me?" Vin asked as he encircled Chris's body with his arms.
"Yeah, I just wanted..."
Vin shook his head and cut of Chris's words with a deep kiss. Breaking it, Vin licked his lips and eyed Chris's with a feral grin of his own. "I want one more thing cowboy..." Vin kissed Chris's throat, nibbling the soft flesh. "I want you, want to have you." Vin continued to bite and nibble along Chris's throat down to his collarbone.
"Figured these hearts should be a clue I'm yours for the taking."
Vin stepped back and eyed his present in its skimpy wrapping. "Get on the bed, cowboy -- need ya bad"
Chris obeyed, climbing onto the bed. He positioned himself dead center and leaned back, bracing himself on his elbows, a hungry look on his face as he watched Vin slowly strip off his respectable office clothes down to the long-haired, lean wild man he needed to feel inside him so bad.
Finally naked, Vin joined him on the bed, slowly straddling Chris's legs, walking his way on his knees up until their groins touched. He lowered his upper body down onto Chris's and began to kiss and lick at Chris's nipples. He pulled on one with his teeth, making Chris moan softly. Slowly he traveled down the length of Chris's body, until he encountered the heart covered bikinis.
"I love these, pard, but they're in the way now," Vin said as he eased the tight material down Chris's hips.
Chris's arched his back and raised his ass so Vin could slip them off. "You could go faster, Tanner ..." Chris said through gritted teeth.
Vin smiled, then playfully paused and nipped at Chris's hip. "Watch it there, cupid, I might go even slower." Despite his words, Vin eased the underwear off his partner and Chris's cock sprang free of its confines. Vin licked at the tip, then the entire length, slowly savoring the musky scent and taste of his lover.
Chris moaned and wiggled beneath him, "Now, Vin. Fuck me now."
Vin licked the length of Chris's shaft one last time, then ordered, "Roll over."
Chris got up on his knees with his head resting on the bed. He could feel his balls, swinging free between his legs as he spread them. He looked back over his shoulder and watched Vin remove the top from the lube. He watched, mesmerized as Vin coated his cock and this applied more to his fingers. He put his head back down on the bed as Vin slipped a finger into his opening. Pushing back against the intrusion, he demanded more.
Vin complied, by inserting a second then third finger. He scissored the opening wanting to make sure his partner was ready. When he felt Chris push back against his hand, he leaned down and kissed Chris's back. With a quick bite to Chris's cheek -- one for each side -- he moved into position.
Chris could feel Vin's body heat, and his moist flesh, then the hard, slick shaft as Vin slowly entered him. Staying stock-still until his body adjusted to the intrusion, Chris let out the deep breath he was holding.
Vin waited for Chris to relax, and ran his hands up and down the hard muscles of his partner's strong arms. Feeling Chris move restlessly under him, Vin kissed the ball of his shoulder and continued down his upper arm.
"You know how I feel about chocolate," Vin murmured, his mouth against the smooth round curve of Chris's arm. "You smell like one ..." He nipped again at his shoulder. "...big ... " Another kiss "...hunk..." A nibble. "...Of my kind of..." Another bite. "....Candy." And Vin slid into him in a long, hard thrust.
"Ahhhh," Chris moaned as Vin filled him. "Fuck me, Vin. Hard."
Vin caressed his back and shoulders, letting his hands slide down his arms again, "You got it, Cowboy." Vin began to pull out, only to thrust back in faster and deeper. He continued slowly sliding out, then slamming back in. When he hit Chris's prostate, he could feel Chris buck beneath him.
Vin held onto his hips. "Easy, Cowboy, don't wanna buck me off!" and shoved himself home again.
Chris wanted to beg, but he couldn't get enough words out, all he managed was "H-harder... Vin."
Urged on by his lover's plea, Vin resumed his merciless thrusts, but this time he reached around and wrapped his hand around Chris's penis in a tight, almost painful grip that brought a gasp of pleasure from Chris. The only sounds were of bodies slapping and soft grunts of pleasure.
As his hand ran up an down the length of Chris's cock, Vin could smell the chocolate scent of the lube. The sweet ordor mixing with Chris's musky scent drove Vin wild. He pushed in deeper and deeper, trying again to hit that one spot. He hit it and Chris's moaned out loud. Vin continued to hit the delicate gland again and again, right on target -- he was the team sharpshooter after all.
Vin concentrated, holding himself in check and using his cock to drive Chris to the edge, savoring the shuddering and desperate panting of the sweaty, hard body beneath him letting his senses fill with the feel and the scent and the sound of their passion.
Chris could feel his own release building, his heart beating wildly, uncontrollable moans escaping him. He closed his eyes and lost himself in the rising crest of ecstasy as Vin held him tight and rode him hard.
Vin worked Chris's cock almost savagely, stroking him harder and harder until could feel Chris tensing under him. Crying out Vin's name, Chris erupted in a molten fountain that covered Vin's hand and sprayed the bed under them.
The sound of Chris calling his name seemed to set Vin off in a sudden, blinding orgasm, exploding into Chris's depths. As Chris's body quivered and shook with the intensity, Vin continued to thrust until both men were completely spent. Chris collapsed onto the bed, taking Vin, still impaling him, along with him. They both lay exhausted and satiated, panting in unison, a sticky, sweaty heap of tangled limbs.
After a moment, Vin managed to push himself up and pulled out. He sat back on his heels, catching his breath and running a hand through his damp, tangled hair to pull it back from his face. He looked down at Chris's sweet ass and impulsively kissed one cheek, then nipped at it with his teeth. Chris squirmed weakly on the bed at the renewed sensation, groaning into the quilt.
Vin slapped his ass lightly and chuckled as he got up to get a damp wash cloth. When he came back, he paused at the sight of the sprawled form of Chris on the rumpled, damp quilt that covered their bed. Crawling back up onto the bed, Vin leaned down and kissed the back of his neck. "Roll over." Chris complied, his limbs flopping loosely. His hair was tousled, and his lips were curved slightly into a smile.
"I could get to like chocolate," Chris murmured and pulled Vin down into a kiss.
Vin wiped off Chris's stickier parts, then after cleaning himself, he tossed the cloth into the bathroom and crawled beside Chris and pulled the covers up over them both.
Chris wrapped his arms around him and pulled him close. "Happy Valentine's Day, Vin," Chris said as he nuzzled Vin's neck.
"Hey, Cowboy, thanks. This was my best Valentine's Day ever," Vin said as he snuggled against Chris's warm body. "Love the chocolate -- all of it."
"Good," Chris murmured with a sleepy yawn. "Just wait till Easter."
The End
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