A "Magnificent Seven" tale set in the universe of Dungeons & Dragons
Supplement to Magnificent Quest: Book Four
Vin could feel Chris's presence behind him as he led the way into the small barn. As he crossed the threshold, a tiny shiver lifted the hairs on the back of his neck and the thrill of anticipation quickened the beat of his heart.
A single oil lamp hung from the rafters illuminating the narrow passage between the stalls while throwing the rest of the interior into dark shadows. The tracker passed under the lamp, making his way to a stall near the back of the building. He watched the shadows dance and shift in front of him as Chris lifted down the lantern then continued to follow silently.
Curious horses poked their heads over wooden gates and snuffled inquiringly. As he neared his goal, Vin absently ran his hand over the velvety softness of one warm, black nose. The stall he chose was empty except for a pile of clean straw, newly harvested from a field just outside of town. He had noticed it earlier when they had first arrived from the cave prison that had seemed destined to become his tomb.
His thoughts suddenly tumbled unbidden down that dark hole of memory and the temperature seemed to drop sharply. Standing in front of the open stall, the young man wrapped his arms tightly about his chest and stared unseeing at the pile of waiting hay.
"Vin?" Chris's voice was low and soft as a caress but at that moment it was so much more. It was a lifeline, a candle flame, a warm blanket, a shield and a weapon. The cold and the darkness were driven back. The memory of Hurough's cruelty was just that, a weightless, powerless memory that fled like a phantom before the light of his partner's concern.
"Here, Chris. Right here."
The mercenary knew Vin was talking about more than his physical location. Reaching out a hand, he placed it on his partner's shoulder and gave it a firm, reassuring squeeze. "That's good. Right here is where you need to be."
Vin turned his head so that Chris could see his smile, then looked back to their waiting bed. "You sure you wouldn't rather do this in a real room, on a mattress with sheets and all?"
"I'm sure. It's the 'and all' that I'd rather avoid." Chris hung the lantern so that its light filled the narrow stall. "I wouldn't put it past Buck to find an excuse to be out in the hallway at just the right moment."
"And if he was there then Jaydee probably wouldn't be far behind." Vin agreed and his smile turned into a mischievous grin. "Still, could give them something to think about "
Chris smiled as well but his grin held a feral sort of hunger that heated the blood in Vin's veins. "They don't need thoughts like that keeping them up at night."
The two men stood facing each other in the narrow confines of their chosen suite. They had spent the last several days in each other's company but seldom alone. Since making their feelings known for each other they had fought off the temptation of consummating their pairing, each believing the 'quest' had to come first. But too many close calls had finally shown them the truth of their situation. While the fate of the kingdom may rest on their shoulders, their spirits needed one moment together to make the burden worth the effort.
In a formal pairing ceremony there would have been promises made while a priest of Bysha imparted the goddess' blessing before an audience of friends and relatives. In the privacy of the barn, in the stillness of the night with a few drowsy but curious mares looking on, blue eyes locked with green and silent vows were exchanged.
Vin lifted his hand and his fingers tugged gently at the ring in Chris's ear. Chris returned the favor and let his own fingers move up to trace the pointed tip of his partner's ear. He was rewarded with a small gasp of pleasure and curiosity led him to explore further. Leaning forward, he breathed in the familiar, slightly exotic scent that he had come to recognize as being uniquely Vin's. Breathing out, he let his warm breath herald the approach of his lips. While one hand brushed back the thick locks of silken hair, he used the other to pull the young tracker closer to his body.
A soft moan encouraged him to continue and Chris took his first taste of the cool flesh. He worked his way up from the small earlobe, past the gold ring, to the daintily pointed and apparently sensitive tip. Another moan and he could feel Vin pushing himself into the embrace. He also felt the half-elf's arousal rub against his hip.
Vin wrapped his arms tightly around his partner's waist and gasped in pleasure as the man suckled gently at the point of his ear. As he pressed his body closer, he could feel Chris's hardened member and unconsciously tightened his embrace. Turning his head, he hungrily sought the mercenary's lips with his own and felt as well as heard Chris's answering moan of pleasure.
Time and place lost all meaning as the two men, still locked in their embrace, slowly lowered their bodies onto the waiting bed of hay. Clothing was discarded; the chill of the night air ignored or forgotten as hearts raced and flesh was heated by the fires of passion. Lips explored the exposed skin while tongues caressed and fingers stroked. Their first coupling was understandably short. A few firm pulls were all it took to send both men soaring over the edge.
Chris was the first to stir after their mutual release. Rising to his knees, he twisted a handful of straw and used it to clean most of the creamy, white traces of their coupling from his belly. Standing, he moved to a corner of the stall where a bucket of water sat along with a few old rags that had been used to wipe down the horses. As he bent over to rinse and wring the cleanest looking of the squares of cloth, he stole a glance back to the pile of straw and was rewarded by an appreciative and hungry stare.
Turning as he straightened, the mercenary began to slowly rub the rag across his smooth, hard stomach. With each pass his hand dropped a little lower and he watched a pair of blue eyes track the motion of the cloth as if mesmerized by the damp fabric. Lips parted slightly and the tip of a pink tongue darted out to moisten skin dried by small, panting breaths.
Turning back to the bucket and rags, Chris quickly finished his bathing and selected a second cloth, which he rinsed and wrung almost dry. Moving with deliberate slowness, he paced back to the pile of straw and eased down to his knees next to the impatiently waiting tracker. Fending off a groping hand, he held the rag just out of reach while pushing against one pale shoulder. Vin finally caught on and with a contented smile, stretched out on his back with his arms tucked behind his head.
With a smile more devilish than content, Chris unfolded the rag and aimed its fall so that it landed flat against his partner's semi-erect member.
"Ai-yi! DamnitallChristhat'scold!!" Vin snatched the rag off his body and held it out at arm's length as he hissed out a few more select curses.
"Looked like you could use a little cooling off." Chris was anything but repentant as he grabbed the cloth back and quickly put it to use despite the half-hearted slaps and threats of bodily violence. Giving the chilled flesh one last swipe, he tossed the rag across the stall and bent once more over his partner. "Now, what say I warm up those parts of you that are cold?"
"I've got a better idea."
The predatory gleam in the flashing blue eyes should have put him on the alert. If nothing else, the ripple of tensing muscles should have warned him to prepare a defense. But the mercenary's mind was bent on a different kind of conquest and it came as a great shock to suddenly find himself flat on his back with his hands pinned above his head.
"What say I warm myself up?"
Dry straw should have felt prickly and rough to bare skin. Cool night air should have chilled exposed flesh. An uneven surface should have made a very uncomfortable bed. A lot of things that should have been true were proven false as the evening progressed and the two men found both comfort and pleasure in each other's arms.
For Chris, it was a rare chance to let someone else do the work and take charge. He used the time to satisfy his curiosity and discover secrets that he had never allowed himself to even think of let alone explore. His rough, callused hands stroked, kneaded, teased and caressed the smoothly muscled body of his partner. He listened for the soft gasps of approval; the moans of desire and the sharp hisses of small pains turned to pleasure. His green eyes feasted on pale flesh and soft hair that appeared almost golden in the flickering of the lamp. He couldn't help but wonder what great deed had he accomplished in his pitiful life that he should suddenly be so blessed?
For Vin, it was the answer to a long held dream. For so many turns he had been the one sought out, cajoled and enticed into couplings. Though always pleasurable, the brief encounters had never been completely fulfilling. His body had been a willing though often, passive participant; with his heart a distant observer. Now now he wanted this. He needed this. His body moved almost of its own accord, demanding what would have been freely given. And while pleasuring himself, he was very aware of the pleasure he was giving in return. For the first time he felt truly connected with another person and gave silent thanks to his goddess.
The night stretched to infinity. Nimble fingers teased hardened nipples. Strong hands grasped slender hips. Muscles bunched and strained. Chests heaved, lips parted, eyes locked and
In the neighboring stalls, the horses snorted at the sudden increase in noise and tossed their heads in confusion. The curious mare with the dark nose looked across the dividing boards and her nostrils flared at the strange scents she found. Her ears flicked back and forth as she listened to the deep gasps that quickly gentled and slowed to steady breathing. She watched as bodies shifted in a pile of sweet hay and were soon obscured by a dark covering pulled across by the larger of the two beings. There was more rustling and stirring and a few soft mumbles but within moments the occupants of the stall were silent and still. Pulling her head back across the wall, the mare gave an almost satisfied kind of snuffle before closing her eyes and returning to her own interrupted slumber.
Who needs words to sing?
When two hearts set the rhythm,
Spirits dance in time.