Wagon Ho!!!! Whoa Boys!!

by Kathy Teresa

Disclaimer: The boys belong to MGM, TRILOGY etc.. wished I owned them but I don't

Chris Larabee stood on the steps of his enclose patio and took in the view. The ranch he shared with Vin Tanner, fellow ATF agent and member of the team nicknamed the Magnificent 7, was currently overrun with dozens of screaming happy children. The day at the Ranch was an idea that Vin and Josiah Sanchez, another team member, had dreamed up last year. Vin had been volunteering at the St Catherine's Children Home as a mentor for over a year and Josiah worked with the same kids through his friendship with Sister Sandra, the school's director.

When Vin and Josiah had approached him about bringing the forty or so children out to the Ranch for a day of games and chances to ride and pet the animals, Chris didn't have the heart to say no. Vin had been so happy telling Chris about his first trip to a farm when he was in the orphanage. Chris listened with open joy as he pictured a six year old Vin chasing after ponies and geese and ending up covered with mud and cotton candy.

Vin had been terribly nervous about their first committee meeting. Josiah was to have chaired the meeting, but a last minute case development had kept him at the office. Since both men had been working together Vin was familiar with all the arrangements, but he was scared of speaking before strangers. Chris had made sure he sat next to Vin, asking leading questions to help Vin through the process of explaining everything to the board of directors of St Catherine's.

Sister Sandra had been delighted, even suggesting that Vin let her kitchen staff help with the food and soda. By the time they walked back to the Ram, a smiling sweat soaked Vin was so excited he couldn't keep from grabbing a lifting Chris by the waist swinging him around in a circle in the air.

"Dang,Vin!! Put me down!! Stop!!" Chris shouted trying hard not to laugh at Vin's overt show of happiness.

"I did it Chris!! I mean you helped out a lot. But I didn't make a fool of myself, did I? They seemed to believe me and everything." Vin slowed his circle and dropped Chris to his feet.

"Vin. You did great. Everything was presented well, and organized. The kids will have a great time. Now we have to hope for good weather." Chris caressed Vin's cheek lightly and unlocked the truck.

Vin stared after him and suddenly ran around to the passenger side of the truck. "Oh, man I didn't...I mean we need to make plans in case the weather's bad. Oh, geez I knew I would forget something. So we'll just have to....well, maybe between Josiah and Sister Sandra they can put in a good word." Chris reached over and put his arm on Vin's arm.

"Easy, pard. You're planning for June, Vin. Weather's usually pretty dry that time of year. Let's go home and get you in a dry shirt. You're gonna catch a chill. It's November. Where is your jacket? " Chris continued to hold Vin's arm as he felt Vin shiver slightly.

"Hmm, jacket? Must have left it at the office. Had too much to carry. I'm fine." Vin said as he reached forward and turned the heat up to full.

Chris thoughts turned back to the present when he heard the squeal of laughter and applause coming from the Magic tent that Ezra was running.

Chris shook his head when he remembered Ezra's first reaction to being asked to help out. After his usual protesting, he had come forward with a complete Magic show complete with white tent, stage, props, costumes and some magicians to delight the children. Ezra was the master of ceremonies and the favorite of the children; delighting them with tricks and stories. What amused Chris the most was that Ezra seemed to be enjoying the day as much as the kids, course he'd deny it. But all the same, Chris had been busy with his video and digital camera all day recording the events. Never knew when he might need a little extra blackmail photo to use with Ez.

Chris let his eye wander over to the corral where Buck was in the middle of displaying his roping skills. Watching Buck dance the lariat around, Chris remembered all the cursing and cussing that had gone along with learning those tricks. Smiling, he snapped a picture as Buck lined up the kids to take a hand at roping the straw cow.

"Having a great time, aren't they?" Chris jumped as Josiah's voice came up behind him from the kitchen door.

"Dang, Josiah. You're spending too much time with Vin." Chris laughed as Josiah stepped out on the steps to join him. "Yeah. Just look at JD." Chris said as he pointed to JD helping one of the children line up a shot with an air rifle. "How'd he talk his friend at the gun shop out of all those guns?"

Josiah chuckled. "Don't know. Think he made JD promise to teach some gun safety classes for him. Whatever it was, it was worth it just to see Vin knocking down all those ducks this morning while "testing" the guns. And JD running around yelling 'That's enough testing, Vin!! You're wearing the ducks out!!" Yes, sir. There is some really fine things going on today. Not to mention the beautiful weather. Sister Sandra was just laughing about Vin's constant calls asking her to pray for good weather. Where is Vin by the way?"

"Out on another trip in the covered wagon. The kids keep coming back for second and third rides." Chris let his eye wander over the far pasture as he watched the three-quarters size wagon pulled by a team of four sandy colored ponies work its way back toward the barn. "Vin's been out there all day. Came in twice to get water and ran back out." Chris said with a small amount of concern in his voice.

"Yeah, he's been rotating between resting the ponies and teaching the kids to brush and pet Peso and Pony. He still gonna give that reining demonstration on Peso?" Josiah asked.

"Think so. Nathan's gonna do his knife throwing demo; Buck has more roping stuff planned with JD and Ezra promised a 'grand illusion' ...I believe those were his words. Think it's a great idea to have them eat supper while the mini-circus takes place. These kids are gonna be tired puppies tonight." Chris smiled as he captured Nathan being pelted with water balloons by a bunch of kids on video tape.

"Tired but very, very happy. Those t-shirts with the picture from the Magnificent 7 movie on them were a great idea Chris. Why didn't you tell Vin or me you were getting them?" Josiah said quietly.

Chris just gave Josiah one of his smiles and shrugged his shoulders. "Don't know. Guy I know is in the business. He owed me a favor and was happy to do it. Figured the western movie thing would work. It was worth it just to see the look on Vin's face when they arrived this morning. Well, worth it." Chris slapped Josiah on the shoulder. "Come on let's get these kids lined up for food." Josiah and Chris crossed the lawn to help hand out the hot dogs and chips with Miss Nettie, Mary and Casey.

Half way through the line of children, Chris noticed Vin still out with the ponies unhitching the Conestoga wagon and turning them out to roll in the pasture. "I'm gonna take Vin something to eat and help him saddle Peso, ok?" Chris said to Josiah.

"Sure, no problem." Josiah said hanging another hungry child a second hotdog. Nathan walked up behind the two men and slapped Chris on the shoulder.

"Kids sure are having a great time. Chris, you make sure Vin gets something to eat. He's been out in that sun all day, and I don't think he stopped for lunch. Anyone seen JD? He promised to be my human target for one of my knife tricks." Nathan looked up and down the line.

"Got Vin's food here, Nate....as for JD I saw him heading around the back of the barn about a minute ago. Think he's having a change of heart?" Chris and Josiah laughed as Chris set out for the barn with Vin's food.

Entering the cool cover of the barn, Chris saw Vin brushing Peso's coat to an extra luster. "Would have thought those kids had already brushed the hide off that pal of yours."

Vin turned and smiled at he sight of his friend and lover. "Hey, well I want him to be extra special for our demonstration. Yeah, have you seen my red shirt? I hung it here this morning. Oh, food thanks." Vin chatted on taking the food Chris thrust at him.

"It's going fine Vin. The kids are all excited and happy. Looks like the mini wagon and ponies Jack loaned us were a great hit." Chris said as he handed Vin a coke and sat beside him.

"Sure was nice of him to bring them down. They're a hand full. But settled down nicely once we got going. Think they knew the special cargo they were carrying." Vin said though a mouthful of hotdog.

"Maybe it was the gentle handling they had at your hands. And as for cargo...yeah, I'd say the cargo was special." Chris leaned over and nibbled on Vin's ear.

Vin smiled and pulled away. " Hey get your own hot dog if you're hungry."

Chris reestablished his contact with Vin's ear and let his hand fall to Vin's crotch. Running his finger up and down the bulge he found there, he leaned back and looked into Vin's face. "Well, I want a hot dog but it ain't the kind they're handing out to the kids."

Vin blushed deeply and leaned his head into Chris' lips. Letting his hand join Chris', he increased the pressure of Chris' stroking and moaned softly. "God...that feels so good! Wish I could take you right here. Oh...man, Chris we gotta stop.." Vin stood up suddenly and moved away. " Sorry, cowboy...It was getting too intense...and I gotta ride in a few minutes...but you wait till later...revenge is sweet...they say..." Vin walked around slightly bent over breathing deeply. "Dang, Chris!"

Chris sat back and enjoyed the feeling of his own erection as he watched Vin trying to walk his off. Standing up, he went into the tack room and came back with a package. "Here, try this for distraction."

Vin eased up slowly and walked to Chris. Taking the box from him, Vin opened it slowly savoring the moment. Inside he found a soft pseudo-suede denim western cut shirt with dark blue pipping. Smiling, he found Chris' eyes. "You saw me looking at this last week in the tack shop didn't you?"

"Thought it would go well with your dark blue chaps. 'Sides, your wardrobe can use any help it can get." Chris smiled secretly happy Vin was surprised and delighted by the shirt.

"It can, can it? Thought you preferred me without any wardrobe." Vin leaned his body against Chris and kissed him fully on the lips, thankful that the barn doors were closed.

Chris broke off the kiss. "Well, that will have to hold us both until later. I can hear Ezra starting his opening ring-master speech. Good luck, you and Peso will do fine." Waving his hand good-bye, Chris headed out to join the others.

Vin smiled and nodded his thanks while he slipped on the soft blue denim shirt. Feeling the fabric caress his skin, he remembered Chris touch on him earlier and felt his groin start to respond. Looking down, he grinned and shook his head. "Stop that! Sitting Peso's trot is tough enough!" Mounting up, he adjusted his black cowboy hat before making his way toward the corral.

The time passed quickly. Ezra ran the mini-circus efficiently; keeping the acts moving and announcing with much flare and flourish. JD subjected himself to the rope and knife tricks of Buck and Nathan and came out unscathed. Vin and Peso put on a flawless reining display ending with a dust flying roll-back that had everyone standing and applauding. Not to be outdone, Ezra and his friends made Sister Catherine disappear from a chained box and reappear in a ribbon tied one on the opposite side of the corral. Once the applause and laughter ended, Chris thanked everyone for helping and invited the children back for another visit the next year.

All too soon, the orphanage buses had arrived, and each child was sent on board with a magic kit courtesy of Ezra, t-shirts reading "The Magnificent 7 Ranch" on them, and stuffed buffalo toys from the entire team. The sudden quiet after the children's departure, was a welcome but sad end to a beautiful day.

All the guys along with Nettie, Casey and Mary bent to the task of stacking tables, chairs and packaging the tent. The trucks to pick them up would be arriving the next morning. It was late and dark as the last of the team members climbed wearily into their cars. Chris waved his last goodbye and turned back for he house looking for Vin.

Entering their house, Chris called out expecting to find Vin in the shower or Jacuzzi. Instead he got no answer and checking the rest of the house....no Vin. Puzzled, Chris wandered out to the back porch and looked at the barn. The four ponies in the corral were freshly bathed as was Peso and Pony. Each was munching hay and swatting an occasional fly. Vin was still in the barn. Chris shook his head, knowing Vin wouldn't have left the animals until they were clean, feed and bedded for the night.

Crossing the lawn to the barn, Chris walked down the aisle expecting to see Vin at anytime. When he had climbed into the hay loft and checked out the office and the tack room without finding him, Chris started to become concerned. Rounding the corner to the indoor riding arena, Chris was about to check inside when he saw the mini-Conestoga wagon parked next to it. Pulling aside the canvas covering the back end, Chris smiled as he saw the sleeping form of his sharpshooter snuggled on one of the wagon seats.

Easing himself inside, he sat on the opposite seat and stared at Vin sleeping quietly. Vin had removed his shirt and jeans and put on cutoffs to bath and feed the horses. Cleaning sponges and cleaner sat on the floor next to the seat. Vin had obviously intended to clean the dirt from the wagon before coming inside. Chris couldn't help but stare at the slight reddish bronze color of Vin's tanned chest and face. The summer sun had streaked golden highlights into his brownish auburn hair and it fells softly over Vin's face as he slept.

Knowing Vin was tired, but unable to resist the sight of his beautiful body and the stirring in his groin, Chris began to undress. Keeping his eyes running up and down Vin's body as he finally shed his briefs, Chris knelt down next to Vin with his hand on is own hardening penis.

Vin stirred and turned over on his back, flinging his arm over his eyes. Chris smiled at his good fortune, and leaned over taking one of Vin's nipple in his lips. Gentle sucking and licking, Chris continued to stroke himself and watch Vin's face for any reaction. It didn't take long for Vin to sigh deeply and open his eyes sleepily.

Seeing Chris' head bent over his chest, Vin smiled and lazily brought down his hand and stroked the back of his lover's head. Chris stopped licking and turned his face toward Vin. "Sorry, wake ya?" Chris smiled at Vin's sly grin and started working his mouth lower on Vin's body. His tongue flicked and skimmed as it found the recesses and bulges of Vin's stomach muscles. Feeling Vin begin to quiver underneath his touch, Chris let his hand begin to run up and down Vin's thigh to the bottom of his cutoffs.

Vin sighed deeply and felt his cock begin to rise inside his shorts. Lifting his hips off the wagon seat, he reached to undo the buttons and found his wrists trapped by Chris' fingers. "Chris, let me..." Vin moaned. He tried to sit up feeling his organ pressing painfully upward inside the tight denim shorts. "Ah...Chris....help me out of these."

Chris could here the painful edge to Vin's plea and made quick work of the buttons and zipper. Delightfully he reached inside the soft cotton pants inside and eased out Vin's engorging cock. Feeling Vin lift his hips, Chris quickly pulled the shorts off and discarded them. Feeling Vin's hand begin to stroke his back, Chris bend down and slipped the tip of Vin's cock inside his mouth.

Vin felt Chris' mouth take him and arched his head back on the seat. Reaching up he grabbed the metal bar that braced the wooden seat, and concentrated on what Chris was doing to him. Chris' hand slipped down and began to tug and stroke his balls. When Chris let his tongue slide over his piss slit, Vin cried out bucking his hips and gasping for breath. Chris opened his mouth further and took Vin all the way inside. Sucking Vin deep inside his throat, Chris let his hand slip even further until he found the private hole he was seeking. When he pressed his finger against it, he felt Vin's cock shake and the balls draw up.

Vin tried to hold on....tried to make the exquisite feeling of Chris' mouth on him last. But when Chris pressed a finger against him, he felt his body convulse. "Chris..Ah, I'm gonna shoot!! Oh, man....NOW!!" Vin came so forcefully that his hips lifted off the seat and he thrust hard repeatedly inside Chris' mouth.

Chris held on; sucking as fast as he could to swallow the hot liquid that was spurting out of his lover. Vin was groaning and crying out; grasping at Chris' head to steady himself. His body was encompassed with a warm flowing heat that spread along his spine and made his skin tingle all over.

Chris dropped Vin's softening organ and let the last of his cum fall between the sharpshooter's legs. Taking it in his hand, Chris coated Vin's bottom and his own hardened organ as he moved up on the wagon seat. Easing Vin's legs up over his own thighs, Chris leaned over and kissed Vin on the stomach. "Vin? You ok? Can I....I'm so hard...wanted you all day....are you able?" Chris watched as Vin nodded his head slowly still recovering from his own orgasm.

"Vin, you're so hot!!! I can still see your balls pulsing. You want to come again, don't you? You need it, don't you?" As he spoke softly to Vin, Chris began working his finger inside Vin's contracting hole. Feeling Vin tense slightly at the first invasion of his finger, Chris eased up and let Vin get used to the fullness.

After a few seconds, Chris heard Vin say. "It's ok, Chris. Do it....fill me....I want you so bad...fuck me...aww...just do it, now.." As if to emphasize his words Vin lifted up his hips and forced himself forward, pushing Vin's finger all the way inside. Chris felt and found the bulge that he knew would send Vin over the edge again and teased it slightly.

"Ah, Chris....oh....please!!!!!..." Vin's plea was a moan and Chris decided not to wait any longer. Vin was more than open and wet around his finger and the sharpshooter's legs were moving and trying to push Chris closer. Placing his large hard cock against Vin's hole, he leaned forward and eased himself slightly inside.

"Vin, I'm ready....so hard....relax...let me inside....you're so hot and moist. You want this, don't you....tell me you want me..." Chris watched Vin's face as the flow of emotion crashed over the handsome features.

"Yes..good...so...good...FUCK me in the ass, Chris....take me hard...I'm so hot...can't lay still.....GOD!!! DO ME!!!!" Vin thrust himself up and forward taking Chris' dick deep inside his body.

The sudden impalement and moist hot surroundings was enough to set Chris off. Pulling back one more time, he thrust forcefully deep again in Vin feeling his hot liquid cum slam against the insides of his lover.

Vin felt Chris let go inside him and felt his own climax slam up his spine and spurt out his rock hard penis. Foamy hot liquid flew across Chris' stomach and hit the canvas covering the wagon. Ignoring it, Chris continued to pump and push seeking to gather Vin closer...deeper inside him....

Vin body was beyond his control. Raising his hips he began thrusting and pumping himself around Chris' deeply embedded organ. Chris could feel the pulsing contractions surrounding his semi-soft penis but knew it wouldn't be soft for long if Vin kept up his movement.

"Vin...give me a minute...let's rest....oh...man, don't ....do ..that.." Chris felt Vin tighten his cheeks and a heel pressing him deeper inside his lover. His cock began to harden inside Vin again and he reached down and took Vin's rising penis in his hand. Slowly stroking it, Chris concentrated on the feelings surrounding his organ and the lustful look on Vin' s face.

Vin felt ravished. He loved the feeling of being in control of Chris when they both wanted it. He watched Chris' face closely looking for the moment when those green lust -filled eyes would cloud over. He knew Chris was close then and it was the signal for Vin to increase his efforts. Hearing Chris moan, Vin saw the green grow cloudy and he reached up and began stroking and rubbing Chris' nipples.

Chris knew what Vin was doing and he let himself enjoy it. His penis was quickly becoming engorged again and he began thrusting in and out, trying to take control of the situation. Vin began contracting his buttocks in time with Chris' thrusts and soon felt his balls swell and harden underneath him.

Chris grabbed for Vin's arms and Vin lifted upward into his lover's grasp. The angle of their bodies put the extra pressure they both needed to come again so soon. Vin let his head fall back as he moan and felt his penis jerk and spurt upward along his stomach and chest. Chris kept thrusting even as he came again ...washing his seed deep inside his lover. Grabbing on to each other, Chris fell forward and lay onto of Vin. Still deep inside Vin, Chris rested his head felt himself soften and Vin contracting softly around him.

After a few minutes, Vin moved his head and whispered "Love you, Chris Larabee." Chris turned his head and found Vin's mouth and kissed him fully.

"Back at ya, Vin Tanner." Letting his head rest again against Vin's chest, Chris noticed the effects of their lovemaking still present on the wagon seat and walls. Smiling, Chris reckoned they had some work ahead before they made it to their bed that night. Feeling the hard unyielding seat underneath him, Chris wondered how those pioneers managed on those long wagon trains. Glad for his soft king size bed, he laughed and kissed Vin's puzzled face one more time. Easing himself out of Vin slowly, Chris knelt above him and pronounced. "Come on Tanner let's return this Conestoga to its previous condition."


Comments to: KROWL66233@aol.com