Missing Scene From Sins of the Past
Disclaimer: Not mine. etc etc and so on and so forth.
"Can't clear my name if I'm dead." He'd spoken those words to Chris Larabee as he watched Eli Joe's body being taken away. Taking his best chance at clearing his name along with it. Vin knew the gunslinger felt bad about being responsible for that. He wished there was some way he could reassure his friend. He didn't blame Chris for shootin' the bastard. He would've done the same thing to anyone threatenin' harm to Chris. Hell, he was so far gone, he'd probably shoot a man just for lookin' cross eyed at the gunslinger.The tracker would gladly live with twice the bounty on his head if it meant being able to stay close to Chris Larabee. The tall, blond, green eyed man, graceful as a panther, was fast becoming his whole damn world. But the gunslinger was gonna eventually get married, move on, make a new life for himself. There'd be no place in that new life for an ex bounty hunter with a price on his head. The kind of man who wasn't good for much except attracting trouble. Clearing his name would've meant that he could still play a part in Chris Larabee's future. Even if it wasn't exactly the part he wanted. But Eli Joe had taken his best shot at that to the grave with him. Along with Chris's bullet. Vin could've laughed at the irony. Or maybe cried. But it wasn't the gunslinger's fault. Might've been easier for Vin if it *was*.
The only thing Chris should be blaming himself for right now was having a smile that lit Vin up like a firecracker on the Fourth of July. Or maybe for having that sleek, firm, muscled body that was just a shade taller than his own. Just the right height for Vin to reach up and run his tongue over the gunslinger's lips. See if they tasted as good as they looked. He laughed bitterly at the thought. Yep. He could see himself doin' that, alright. Then the next thing he'd be seein' would be the stars when Chris punched his lights out.
"Didn't think I'd find you in a laughing mood." The soft, low voice behind him caused the tracker to nearly jump out of his skin.
"Aint really. I was just thinkin'." Vin turned to watch as Chris walked up and sat down on the ground next to him, just a handspan away.
/Might as well be a mile for all the good it'll do me./ Vin thought, gloomily. His body was already tightening in response to the gunslinger's nearness.
"Here." Chris held out a bottle of whiskey in one hand.
"Thanks." Vin took the bottle and lifted it to his lips, feeling the whiskey burn its way down his throat like fire.
"Thought maybe you could use something stronger than the stuff you usually carry in that thing." Chris smiled slightly as he indicated the tracker's canteen, lying rather forlornly on the ground near his feet.
"Yeah. I reckon maybe I could." Vin kept his eyes focused on the dirt. He didn't want the gunslinger reading anything in his face. He could smell the faint scent of whiskey and smoke emanating from the still, black clad figure. He inhaled deeply, almost reflexively, as if he were trying to breathe in Chris's very essence. Then he blew his breath out in a long sigh. What a damn fool he was.
"I'm sorry, Vin." Chris's quiet apology made the tracker feel like bursting into tears. Shit. Why couldn't life be simple for once?
"Aint your fault." Vin knew he sounded curt, but he couldn't help it. How could he reassure the gunslinger without dragging his own damned stupid feelings towards the gunslinger into it? He couldn't. And he just couldn't see Chris pattin' him on the shoulder and telling him it was ok to feel that way. So here they were. Damn it all to hell, anyway.
"I keep thinking that if I'd just winged him... I'm a good shot. Why didn't I at least try?" Chris's voice was heavy with guilt and something else Vin couldn't quite put a name to.
"Cowboy..." Vin didn't know what he could say, but he couldn't stand to see Chris take on any more guilt. The man had more than his share, already.
"It's just... when I saw him with that knife and saw how near he was to maybe killing you... I went crazy. Couldn't think of anything except shooting him full of lead." The gunslinger spoke as if he were in a trance. As if he were reliving the scene as he spoke.
Vin turned to the other man, finally looking him in the eye. "I would've done the same."
"Why?" The question was abrupt.
"Why?" Confusion colored the tracker's tone. "Cause you're my friend, that's why." He dropped his eyes as he said the last part. Friendship only half explained things.
"Friend?" Chris repeated softly. "And that's it?" He reached out and ran one slender finger along the bruise on Vin's jaw.
"Best friend I ever had." Vin had to stop and clear the sudden lump from his throat as he said the words.
Chris made no reply. Just trailed his fingers across the tracker's cheek, hesitating slightly before beginning to trace the corners of Vin's lips.
The gunslinger's fingers felt like heaven on the tracker's suddenly heated skin. Cool and gentle and about to drive him loco. He couldn't even bring himself to wonder what the hell Chris thought he was doing. Didn't care. He closed his eyes as the delicate touch continued down the side of his neck now. A shudder wracked his body as Chris placed the other hand on his chest and began rubbing it, palms skimmimg over the nipples hidden beneath the rough fabric of his shirt.
"Vin?" The sound of his name brought him back to reality with an unwelcome jolt.
There was a long pause as Vin tried to collect his scattered wits. "Yeah?" It was the best he could do. He was surprised he'd managed to say anything at all.
"Do you let all your best friends do that?" Chris's lips were curved slightly in amusement.
"Do what?" Vin's own lips curved upwards in the beginnings of a smile. He was suddenly feeling like Eli Joe was nothing more than a distant memory. One that didn't matter a whole lot in the scheme of things.
"This." Chris leaned over and kissed the tracker until they were both gasping for air.
"Oh. That. Nope can't say that any other of my so called friends ever tried anything like that." The words came out slightly breathless still.
"That's good." Chris growled playfully. Mostly playfully.
"I wonder if Ez would want to give it a try..."
The words were cut off by another growl from Chris. Vin could get to like that sound. Almost as much as he liked what followed it.
Comments to: mismiz@alltel.net