This story is based on an Alternate Universe,
Magnificent Quest, by Nettie
Thanks to Nettie for allowing me to borrow her premise.
Chris hated feeling like this. Where in the pits was he? It was cold and pouring rain and he'd gotten used to the half elf taking shelter with him when the weather was foul. As if on cue, Chris heard a knock on the door. Hurrying over, he threw it open. Vin stood there, bedraggled and soaked to the skin. His heavy cloak was now a sodden ruin that couldn't possibly keep him warm.
"Vin, come in and get yourself dry," Chris instructed and putting a hand on the narrow shoulder, he steered his friend towards the warmth of the fire.
Vin gave him a grateful smile and with half frozen fingers tried to unfasten his wet cloak. Eyeing him critically, Chris realized that his friend needed to be out of his soaking clothes and have a hot drink immediately. Brushing aside the fumbling fingers, Chris quickly unfastened the cloak and whisked it away. He hung it on a peg near the fire to dry and handed the half elf a heavy blanket.
"Get those wet things off and wrap up in that blanket, before you catch your death," Chris ordered and turned and took a cup off a shelf. When he turned back around, his breath caught in his throat at the sight of his friend's body. Vin was wrapping the blanket around his nude form, and Chris only caught a glimpse of the slender form, but it was enough. Bysha, but he was beautiful.
The ex-mercenary closed his eyes and swallowed hard, trying to get the picture of that slender form out of his mind. He absently took the mulled wine off of the warming shelf on the fireplace and poured some into the cup he held. Handing it to Vin, he saw the look of gratitude as the tracker sipped at the comforting drink.
Taking his clothes and hanging them beside the cloak, he took a shirt and a pair of his breeches off of another peg and handed them to Vin. They would undoubtably be too big, but there was nothing else for the half elf to put on, once he was warmed up.
Vin hadn't said a word, since he came in and Chris was starting to worry. A soft "Thanks, Chris" from his friend, as he sat the wine on the floor and slipped Chris's shirt over his head, eased Chris's anxiety. He caught another glimpse of pale white skin when Vin let the blanket fall and pulled on the breeches. His breath caught in his throat and he had to force himself to turn around and cut a thick slice of bread off of the loaf on his rough table. He slathered it generously with honey. The half elf had a decided fondness for the stuff.
When he turned around with the bread in hand, Vin had the blanket wrapped around himself again. Chris offered him the food and he took it quickly. Watching the half elf devour the bread, Chris wondered when his friend had eaten last, and he felt a pang at the thought of Vin being hungry. From the little he knew of the tracker's past, he was certain that Vin had been hungry many times.
Vin relished the sweetened bread and the warm blanket and fire. Too often before he met Chris, he'd gone hungry or been cold and wet in poor weather. He'd seen too much cruelty from the whole humans he'd met in his life and so had avoided them. Then he'd met Chris and Nettie and those others he called friends. Friends, the word felt strange, but that's what these people were. Giving Chris a shy smile, Vin stood up and faced Chris and tried to remember the manners Ezra was always reminding him about. "Thank you," he said solemnly.
Chris nearly laughed at loud at the younger man dressed in his too big shirt and breeches, and wrapped in a heavy blanket, standing straight as a board and thanking him like he was the king, for a piece of bread with some honey on it. However, Chris knew that Vin was trying to emulate the few humans he associated with. And so, he merely responded, "you're welcome," as formally as Vin had thanked him.
Chris knew that Vin had experienced a lot in his lifetime, but when it came to humans, Vin was sometimes frighteningly naive. The tracker was shy and had a kind heart, but Chris was sure that he avoided most people for very good reasons. And so, when he saw the way Vin flushed and smiled before sitting back down and drinking some more of his wine, Chris was glad he hadn't laughed.
Vin finished the wine and he stared into the fire and his eyes took on a far away look and his face softened and Chris found himself unable to tear his eyes away from his friend. He wanted him! Chris realized. He wanted this beautiful half man half elf with the courage of ten men and the innocence of a child, desperately.
Turning hastily away, Chris closed his eyes and swallowed hard. His heart was pounding fiercely and he knew that if he decided to act, he'd be risking losing the best friend he'd ever found. He'd have to proceed slowly and carefully, if he didn't want to ruin their friendship.
Taking a deep breath, Chris turned back around and nearly knocked Vin over. The half elf was standing directly behind him, wearing a look of concern. The older man was almost overcome with want. But, he didn't know, the one thing he need to know, before he acted on his desire. Did the tracker want him? Chris searched his eyes and found his answer. Bysha, those eyes gave everything Vin felt away, even if Vin himself wasn't aware of the feelings. It was as if Chris could see into his soul. And what he saw in them, made his heart soar.
The former mercenary knew that Vin while appeared to be just a year or two older than JD, he was likely much older. It wouldn't surprise Chris at all if Vin was older than he himself was in years. However, he also suspected that, while Vin was well past the age of majority, the half elf had very little sexual experience. Chris wanted to proceed slowly and be sure that Vin understood him, so he let his hand come to rest on the half elf's shoulder.
"Vin," the older man spoke quietly, "come over here and sit down." Chris's eyes indicated the bed and he guided his friend over to the side and knelt in front of him.
Reaching out Chris stroked the fragile cheek, letting his fingertips brush lightly against the yellow - green bruise. "I've been alone for a very long time," the ex-mercenary began. "And, I've liked it that way. I didn't want to be with anyone, because I didn't want to get close to anyone. I was afraid of losing someone I cared about again."
Vin was confused by what Chris was telling him. He knew all this, so why was Chris saying it? And what was it that he was seeing in those beautiful green eyes? It was something wild, something that made Chris's eyes suddenly darken and sparkle with . . . ? What was it? And, why was his own heart beating so quickly? Vin didn't understand any of this.
"But, somehow, that changed. It changed so gradually, I didn't even realize it was happening. Suddenly, there was someone I cared about. Someone, who I think cares about me, even if they aren't aware of it. And it was all because a half elf tracker wouldn't stand by and watch raiders lynch a healer he'd never met." Chris stopped talking and waited to see if Vin would understand or if he'd have to make it clearer.
The half elf frowned in confusion, as he tried to understand what Chris had just said. Bysha, the man could make his head ache. And why was Chris looking at him like that? What did Chris mean, someone who wasn't aware that they cared about him? How could you care about someone and not know it? Chris's green eyes certainly were beautiful. Vin could understand how someone could care for the handsome man who was smiling at him so sweetly. Sweetly? Why was he thinking of Chris like that? What -?
Chris knew the moment that Vin became aware of what he was saying. The frown on his forehead deepened and the wide blue eyes became impossibly wider. And his mouth dropped open and he was staring at Chris with a mixture of confusion and fear and wonder.
"Chr - is?" was the only word Vin could manage.
"I care about you Vin, and I want you. I want to make love to you. Do you want me?" Chris's voice was gentle, as he finished speaking, "if you say no, I'll understand and hope you'll still want me for a friend."
Vin studied the older man's face, seeing all of the affection and care and for the first time, the want. And he saw something else too. Fear. Chris was afraid of his rejection. Did he want to reject Chris? Was he ready for this kind of relationship? Vin was no fool and he had lived among the forest creatures his whole life. He knew what they did and indeed he had been with a few women that way in his lonely life. He hadn't really known it was possible for men to do that, but if Chris said it was, Vin was sure it was. Swallowing hard, Vin made his decision. His ear tips and cheeks turned pink and his head dropped, when he put a trembling hand on Chris's cheek and caressed it hesitantly.
Chris felt the tightness that had gripped his chest loosen and he wanted to shout his joy. Instead, he lifted the delicately pointed chin and smiled into slightly fearful blue eyes. "Vin, are you sure? This is a big decision," the blond had to be sure this was what Vin wanted. He wouldn't do anything to hurt his friend and he wouldn't push him into something he didn't really want. Vin was too important to him, not to be sure.
"I'm not a boy, Chris. I know I look young, but it's because I'm part elf. I know what I want," Vin said seriously.
"You may not be a boy, but I'll bet you've never been with any man, let alone one who cares for you the way I do. Can you deny that?" Chris responded. "I don't want you to do anything you don't want to do. I'll always be your friend no matter what you decide."
Vin couldn't deny what Chris had said, his sexual experience had been limited to town harlots he had paid for quick mountings. Not, he thought with his ears reddening, that there had been all that many of those. Towns had almost always led to trouble for him, so he had avoided them whenever possible. And there weren't a lot of women in the forest. However, he was experienced enough to know that he wanted Chris. He just didn't think he could say those words straight out. He was pink from head to toe, when he looked into Chris's eyes and found another way to let the older man know what he wanted.
Chris suddenly found himself with an armful of half elf. The imp pressed his lips against Chris's. He really did want this, Chris thought delightedly and hugged his woodland sprite tightly. "Easy," Chris whispered into his ear, "or this will be over before it starts." Larabee meant it. The wriggling young body in his arms had him hard and needy with just that simple kiss. Easing Vin onto his back on the pillows, Chris stroked his cheek and told him, "You have to be patient and I promise it will be worth the wait."
Vin looked at him doubtfully. He hadn't found much in his life, that was worth waiting for. Too often, if he waited for things, they were snatched away from him. It had been a hard lesson and he'd learned it very well. Food, home, people, he'd lost them all and he didn't want to lose Chris. "I don't want to be patient," he said petulantly.
Chris nearly laughed out loud at his soon to be lover. If the half elf didn't look so damned enchanting, with his big blue eyes and his lower lip protruding in a tempting pout, he might have. Instead, he cupped the elfin face and turned it up so that their eyes met and said firmly, "Vin, this is not something that can be rushed. If you try, it will be painful and unpleasant. If you wait for me to make you feel the way I want you to, it will be like nothing you've ever experienced before. And," the older man added, and this time he did laugh, "you have no choice. Either you're willing to be patient and wait, or I'll leave."
Vin looked at him with narrowed eyes. Chris really didn't play fair. However, this was something he knew almost nothing about and Chris seemed so sure. And, as Chris had pointed out, he had no choice. So, Vin smiled his sweet smile and nodded his head.
Now, that he had Vin agreeing to be patient, Chris hoped he could. Admitting to his desire for his best friend had unleashed a deep raging need inside of him and it was all Chris could do, to keep it in check. Chris sat on the edge of the bed near Vin and stroked his cheek, reveling in the feel of the soft skin. Vin had no whiskers, courtesy of his elf father and his skin was as soft as silk. Vin's eyes were closed and his lips were parted slightly and Chris could see the tip of his pink tongue peeking out. His face rubbed against the hand stroking it and Chris wanted badly, to kiss him. However, he needed to find out how Vin wanted to proceed with this. "Vin, do you want me to tell you what I'm going to do before I do it, or do you just want me to do it?" the older man inquired solicitously.
Vin's blue eyes flew open and he regarded Chris solemnly, while he pondered his answer. Neither one of them were big talkers and Vin didn't think he'd be able to answer anything Chris said anyway. Finally, the young half elf spoke softly, "I trust you Chris and I know you'd never do anything to hurt me. I don't want to talk anymore, OK?"
Chris nodded. He didn't want to talk anymore either. "I'll never hurt you, you've got my word on that," he said and leaning over, he kissed his new lover gently. He felt the tip of the pink tongue against his lips and opened his mouth and let his own tongue meet the other one. Chris leaned back and saw the surprise and the pleasure on Vin's face. "Those are the kinds of things you have to wait for," he told the tracker.
Vin blushed and smiled shyly at him and told him seriously, "The women I was with, didn't want to kiss me. I asked why and one told me, it was too personal. I didn't understand what she meant until now. It's special. I guess I could wait for more things like that" Blushing even more deeply he added, "Can we do it again?"
Chris's response was to stretch out against Vin and gather him into his arms and kiss him again. He traced Vin's soft lips with his tongue, and felt them open offering access to the sweetness inside. Vin's tongue met his at the entrance and Chris heard the little gasp of surprise and enjoyment that escaped his lover, when he thrust his tongue deep inside the half elf's mouth.
Chris wanted to touch Vin's body and he wanted to feel the slender tracker wriggling against him again. So, he unfastened the ties at Vin's neck and put a hand on the flesh that was revealed when the too big shirt fell open. Bysha, the skin was soft. Chris wanted to touch him everywhere. He settled for slipping his hand under the material and finding a small nub.
Vin gasped out loud and his eyes flew open and he looked up into emerald eyes, when he felt that hand touch him. "Bysha! Chris," he whispered in awe. "Maybe you should tell me what you're going to do." This was all so new. When he'd been with those harlots, they hadn't wanted to touch him at all. He was certain they found the idea of being with a half elf revolting, but that they would do it for his money. They had simply laid on the bed and lifted their skirts enough to give him access. That had been it. No kissing and no touching. It had only been a little better than when he used his own hand. There certainly hadn't been anything special enough about being with them, to make the half elf travel to a town in search of it. The few times he'd been in a town, if he had extra money he'd lay with one. If not, he'd purchase what he needed and move on. This, he thought amazed, was different. Chris hadn't hardly touched him and he could feel the strangely wonderful feelings racing through his body. His shaft was hard and he wanted to touch himself, like he did when he was alone. No, he realized, he wanted Chris to do that.
Chris smiled down at the young tracker. It was clear that Vin had never experienced anything like this and it was just as clear, that he was loving every minute of it. He was confused by his feelings that was also clear, but Chris didn't care how confused he was, as long as he liked the things Chris did. "Maybe, I should," he said tenderly. "I'm going to touch you everywhere, including here," he said, never breaking eye contact with the half elf, as he stroked his hardness through the thin material.
Vin's eyes widened, as his body instinctively arched into the touch. "Bysha!" he breathed again, not able to think coherently. His body was on fire. He DID want Chris to touch him everywhere.
Chris crushed Vin to him and kissed him hard. He felt the half elf's tongue enter his mouth and start some explorations of it's own. And he put his hand on Vin's bottom and pulled their groins together, letting Vin feel his hardness for the first time. He knew without bothering to look, that Vin's eyes were wide and he slipped his hand inside the shirt again, to touch the satiny skin.
Vin's surprise was overtaken by the sensations Chris's callused but skilled hand was evoking. Bysha, it felt good. He wondered what it would feel like to touch Chris in the same way. And, he discovered that he really wanted to touch Chris. So, he stretched his hand out tentatively and put it on Chris's shoulder. He stroked through the cloth, but that wasn't what he wanted. He wanted to feel Chris. To touch Chris's skin. Chris had untied his shirt, he could do the same. Couldn't he? He wanted to, but somehow, when he got to the lacings, his fingers brushed over the top, without untying them. Why couldn't he make himself do this? Vin was so frustrated with himself, that he wanted to scream, but Chris was kissing him and touching him and it felt so good. Oh Bysha! What was happening?
Chris felt Vin's hand moving over his shirt and knew that his lover wanted to touch him. Vin's inexperience was keeping him from taking the next step and Chris resolved to make it as easy as possible for the half elf to touch him. He wanted to feel those slender fingers on his body as badly as Vin wanted to touch him. So, Chris sat up and gave the half elf a quick kiss, before he spoke. "I think it's time to get these clothes off," he suggested.
Vin nodded, unable to speak. Chris stood up and hastily stripped his own clothes off, until he was totally nude. Vin watched every move the older man made and when Chris stood nude before him, he stared in fascination at the beautiful body. Chris was long and lean and hard everywhere. And Vin's eyes got as wide as Chris had ever seen them, when he got a look at Chris's manhood. It was hard and standing straight up and it was much bigger than Vin's own shaft. And, Chris meant to put that inside of him, he was sure. Vin's eyes were troubled when they met Chris's again.
Chris cupped the smaller man's face. He saw the way Vin's eyes had gotten wider and he saw the fear the half elf tried to hide, when his lover saw Chris's engorged shaft. He knew that Vin would only grow more afraid, unless he said the right words now. "Easy Vin, I know you're frightened, but I promise, that your body will be ready, before I take you," Chris spoke soothingly and then held his breath and waited for the young tracker's reaction.
Vin's reaction when it came, was so unexpected, that Chris gasped out loud himself. The delicately pointed face pulled away from Chris's hand and stared at his rock hard shaft curiously. The slender hand stretched out from Vin's body, and hesitantly touched Chris. He could see the fascination on the tracker's face and he stood very still not wanting to startle his lover. His shaft was quivering with need and he watched Vin's face as his hand stroked and then squeezed and then went back to stroking Chris.
The half elf was fascinated with the way Chris's body was reacting to his touch. He'd never seen a naked body so close up and his natural curiosity, another of those traits he'd inherited from his father, was overwhelming. Stroking and squeezing and just plain touching, all made Chris's shaft twitch and Vin decided to see what effect his hand would have on the swollen sacs behind the hard length.
Chris moaned out loud and pulled away from Vin's hand, when he felt those slender fingers cup his balls. "Bysha! I'll never last, if you keep doing that," he groaned and stretched out on the bed again beside his lover. Vin was looking immensely pleased with himself and Chris couldn't resist a quick kiss to the soft lips.
Vin wasn't quite sure what Chris meant, but the way he'd said it made the half elf blush and tingle all over. He looked absolutely bewitching, and Chris rolled to his back and pulled his lover on top of him. "Kiss me. Touch me," he encouraged Vin in a seductive voice.
And Vin did. He lifted his head enough so that he could reach Chris's mouth with his and he kissed the older man passionately. Chris tasted so good and his kisses made Vin's head swim. Chris's skin was so soft, stretched over his hard muscles and Vin had never touched anything that felt so good. He could feel his shaft straining against the loose breeches and he wanted nothing more than to have his clothes off and to know what it felt like to have that hard body with the so soft skin touch his.
As if Chris could read his mind, Vin felt his lover tugging at his shirt. He leaned back and lifted his hands over his head, so that Chris could slide the billowy shirt off of him. Vin cried out in pleasure, when their bodies met. He looked at Chris and the wonder and pleasure Chris saw on his face was breathtaking. "Chris, it feels so good," the half elf breathed.
"I know," Chris told him with a smile and then undid his breeches. The hard shaft sprang out of the loose fitting pants, the minute the buttons were undone. Vin's shaft was larger than Chris expected. He must have inherited that part from his human side, the blond surmised. Sitting up, Chris eased the pants down off of his lover, their too big size making them slip easily off of the narrow hips.
Both men were totally nude and Chris's breath caught in his throat at the beauty of the young half elf. Vin's slender body was perfect. He had very little body hair, except for his pubic hair. His shaft was disproportionally bigger than his body, but not so large as to be grotesque. His arms and legs were thin, but the muscles under the velvety skin were strong and well defined. Bysha! Chris couldn't remember when he'd ever seen a more beautiful man.
Vin saw the effect he was having on Chris and the elf in him couldn't help a faux yawn, accompanied by a languorous stretch. Chris somehow tore his eyes away from the beautiful body, to meet wide blue eyes that were full of mischief.
"You imp," Chris accused laughingly, "you're not the least bit tired."
Vin didn't answer him. Instead, the half elf put his arms around Chris's neck and pulled the blond head down into a kiss. Chris was delighted with his lover. Vin's inexperience was matched only by his eagerness. The sweet tongue was pushing against his lips demanding entrance and Chris gave up analyzing Vin's actions and kissed him back. His hands roamed over the lithe form, savoring the silken texture. He could hear mewing sounds, as soft as a kitten's coming from Vin.
Vin was in a frenzy of feelings. His hands were touching Chris's body and Chris felt so good under his fingers. He wanted to touch Chris everywhere, but Chris was kissing him and he just couldn't think straight. And Chris was touching him and oh Bysha, it felt good. Every place that Chris touched nerve endings he didn't know he had came to life. His shaft was so hard it was starting to hurt.
Chris broke off the kiss and began to kiss the soft skin of Vin's neck. He sucked gently and nipped lightly and made a fiery trail down to a hard brown nipple. He took it into his mouth and suckled and nibbled and swirled his tongue over the rough surface, feasting on the sensitive nub. Vin's body arched up into his mouth and the mewing sounds gave way to loud moans.
Chris's hands moved down to the hard shaft and the full balls and alternately stroked and squeezed, until his lover was writhing in earnest. Chris knew Vin was ready for him and he kissed him hard, and climbed off of the bed reluctantly.
"What're you doing, Chris?" his lover demanded hoarsely.
"Hang on, need to find something to ease the way," Chris informed him, as he searched drawers and shelves. Finding a small jar filled with a fragrant cream in a drawer, Chris carried it to the bed.
Climbing back onto the bed, Chris knelt on all fours over his fetching young lover and leaned in and kissed him. Opening the cream, Chris scooped a generous amount into his hand and closed the jar and dropped it. "I'm going to prepare you now," Chris whispered into Vin's ear, as he eased down beside the half elf.
Vin watched his hands stroking the puckered opening and the heavy balls, curiously. "Oh!" he said in surprise, when Chris's finger slipped into his body. He wasn't quite sure how to react, it didn't hurt, but it didn't really feel good either. He couldn't understand why Chris was doing it.
His confusion showed on his face, and Chris leaned in and gave him a reassuring kiss. "I've got to make sure you're body is open enough to take me inside, without hurting you, ok?" Chris was relieved when his lover nodded and went back to watching his preparations. He slid another finger inside of Vin and began scissoring them slowly, and searching for that special place inside of Vin.
Chris had three fingers inside of him, when suddenly Vin felt an intense wave of pleasure as something inside of his body exploded with rapture when Chris touched it. "Oh oh oh, Bysha! Chris! What's that? Vin gasped out.
Chris laughed triumphantly at his lover's cries. Bysha! He couldn't wait to be inside this man. And, Vin's body was as open as Chris could get it with his fingers, so he gently eased them out, laughing at the "Noooo," that Vin practically howled when he removed them. His lover was very eager, but not very understanding of the mechanics involved in lovemaking.
He rolled until he was on top of Vin and he looked down into those wide blue eyes, innocent and all knowing all at once. Using his whole hand, Chris stroked the silken strands of hair away from Vin's face. He bent and kissed the half elf gently, before pulling back to meet those incredible eyes again.
Vin saw the want in Chris's eyes and he knew his own eyes must be showing the same thing. Only, he was sure that his eyes showed some fear too. It wasn't that he was afraid Chris would hurt him exactly, Chris would never do that. But, what if he didn't like it? What if Chris didn't like it? He touched Chris's cheek with the tip of his finger, his attention caught by the softness just under the scratchy surface.
Chris watched his lover become entranced with touching his cheek and marveled at how simple things would catch Vin's attention so completely. It didn't matter what he was doing, if something appealed to him, he would immediately become captivated, only to lose interest completely, if something more intriguing presented itself.
As much as Chris liked Vin touching him, his shaft was demanding attention and he caught the slender hand in his own much larger hand and brought it to his mouth and kissed the palm. Vin smiled that sweet smile at him and Chris's body demanded his attention. He kissed his lover's palm again and then laid the smaller hand down on it's owner's chest. "I want to make love to you now. Do you want me to?" the older man asked softly.
Vin nodded his head, suddenly unable to speak. He could feel his eartips burning and he knew his cheeks were pink.
Chris smiled and kissed the half elf tenderly as he moved his body into position. "It will probably burn a little until you're body gets used to me, but I'll go very slow and wait for you to be ready," the older man whispered into Vin's ear. His cream covered shaft pressed against the small opening trying to nudge inside.
Vin felt the rigid member pressing against him, and grabbed onto Chris's shoulders. He was just a little afraid and he needed to hold onto the older man. Chris seemed to understand his fear and Vin could hear him whispering softly against his ear. He couldn't understand anything Chris was saying, but the comforting voice wrapped around him like a blanket. It made him feel safe and eased the fear he felt.
Chris pushed against the opening again and then pulled back. He repeated this over and over, pushing and pulling back, until he felt the opening give a little and the head of his shaft slip inside. Vin gave a startled little cry and tensed and Chris stopped moving and kissed him gently, and waited for his lover's body to relax. When he felt the tension ebb and Vin's body loosen, Chris began softly caressing Vin's shaft. At the same time, he pressed himself more deeply into the tight hot channel. Bysha! He wasn't going to last more than a few minutes. His shaft was already throbbing wildly and he wasn't even inside Vin all the way.
Vin felt a sharp burning pain, when Chris entered him. But Chris stopped moving and started kissing him and the pain faded quickly. All that was left was Chris inside of him and Vin was pretty sure he liked the way that felt. And as Chris eased himself further in, Vin was completely sure. He really liked the way it felt to have his lover inside of him.
And then Chris, touched his hard length and it felt so good, that Vin could hardly stand it. "Chris. Please," Vin cried out, not sure of what it was that he wanted.
"Easy, easy, I promise, we'll get there, just be patient," Chris whispered and rained hot quick kisses on his lover's face. One hand supported his weight and the other hand he wrapped tightly around the half elf's shaft and began alternately squeezing and stroking. He found Vin's mouth with his and his tongue plundered the sweetness he found inside. Bysha! He couldn't remember it ever feeling any better than this, he thought as his shaft was finally all of the way inside of Vin. He began stroking slowly in and out of his lover, trying to find that special place again.
"Ooh - ooh - ooh," Vin couldn't think coherently, much less speak. All he could do was moan with pleasure. He'd never felt anything like this in all of his thirty four turns. His whole body was tingling and throbbing with pleasure. His shaft was ready to burst, but it felt so good, that the half elf was holding back as long as he could. He didn't want Chris to ever take his hand away. He wanted Chris inside of him forever. "Oooh - ooh - ohh."
Chris heard the moans coming from his lover and started thrusting faster. He didn't even bother trying to hold back a few moans of his own. His shaft was so hard and he could feel his balls swelling with his impending release. Sweet Bysha, it was good.
"Chrrrrrrrrrriiiiiissssssss!" Vin screamed out, as Chris hit his secret place and his release spilled over Chris's hand. "Ooooooohhhhhhhhhh!" the half elf moaned and clutched Chris's shoulders, pulling as close to Chris as he could.
Chris found his mouth again and kissed him passionately, as the spasms from Vin's body drove him over the edge. Thrusting deeply, one last time, Chris's seed shot deep into the receptive body. He kept thrusting, until his spent shaft rebelled and softened too much to push inside the tight passage. Collapsing beside his lover, Chris managed to use one hand to pull the smaller man close to him.
They lay panting side by side, while they tried to breathe normally again. Chris was the first to recover and he turned on his side so that he could see his lover. Vin's eyes were closed and his thick lashes made dark crescents under his eyes. His pale skin was flushed and his mouth was swollen from Chris's kisses. His lips were parted and Chris caught a glimpse of white teeth and that pink tongue hiding inside. His lover looked so enticing, that if he wasn't half dead from the first time, Chris would ravish him on the spot.
Vin's eyes opened and looked up into Chris's smiling face. He reached a tired hand up and stroked Chris's cheek. "It was so -" he whispered, not quite sure how to finish. Good didn't seem adequate.
"I know," Chris said gently and kissed him softly. His tongue traced the outside of Vin's lips and then slipped inside, to stroke and tease the inside of the sweet mouth. Reluctantly, Chris pulled away from his lover and grabbed the first piece of material his hand could reach. It turned out to be a soft flannel shirt and Chris used it to wipe the evidence of lovemaking away from Vin's body. He cleaned his belly and his chest and then wiped the puckered opening gently. He watched Vin's face carefully and was relieved not to see any sign of discomfort. Finally he used the shirt to wipe his own hand and stomach and shaft clean.
Tossing the shirt aside, Chris turned onto his back and pulled his lover into his arms. Vin lay with his head cradled where Chris's arm met his body. His smaller frame stretched out alongside of Chris's down to his ankles. One arm reached across Chris's chest and an elfin hand stroked Chris's neck. Chris had one arm wrapped around Vin's shoulder and the other he used to make light circles on Vin's back. They lay in silence, Vin trying to make sense of his feelings and Chris letting him sort them all out at his own pace.
Finally Vin spoke. "Is it always like that?" he asked seriously.
"Not always," Chris admitted. "But it should be. If you do it with someone you care about, who cares about you, for the right reasons, it always feels good."
"What are the right reasons?" Vin asked puzzled.
"Well, it should be something you both want to do," Chris said thoughtfully, "and it should always be with someone special."
Vin looked up so that he could see Chris's face. "Have you always done it with someone special?" the half elf asked.
Looking down into Vin's blue eyes, Chris was compelled into truthfulness. "No," he answered honestly. "But, it never felt like this when it wasn't with someone special. It made my body feel good, but inside it left me feeling empty."
"Inside feels good," Vin told Chris shyly and lowered his eyes. "It feels like it felt when my mother was still alive."
Chris had to smile a little at his lover comparing his feelings now, to the way his mother had made him feel, but he understood what Vin was trying to say. The only time in his life the half elf had been safe and loved - Loved? Bysha! Was that what he felt? Chris was stunned. He couldn't think about that right now. He wouldn't think about that right now. Looking down at Vin, Chris saw the exhaustion on his face. He was glad for the excuse to push the unwelcome thoughts out of his mind. "Go to sleep, you need your rest," he said tenderly, and kissed the top of the half elf's head. Sleep quickly claimed both men.+ + + + + + +
The Sun peaking through the curtains awakened Vin. He yawned and tried to stretch, but he felt himself trapped. He began to panic, but then he remembered where he was and who was holding him. Vin saw that his lover was deeply asleep and his elfin curiosity was piqued. Using his natural abilities, Vin easily slipped out of Chris's arms without waking the older man.
Sitting up, Vin examined Chris's nude body from head to toe. Chris's legs were long and lean and much hairier than Vin's own legs. He wondered if the hair was soft like the hair on Chris's head, or scratchy like whiskers. Taking care to move easily, so as not to disturb Chris, the half elf used his fingers, to touch the curling hairs. They were soft and so was the skin underneath, he realized. Running his fingers over Chris's thigh, Vin's attention was captured by a different texture. Moving the hairs aside, he found a scar, roughly two inches long. Vin carefully examined the rest of Chris's leg and found five more scars of various sizes.
The half elf ignored Chris's flaccid staff for the time being and studied his stomach and chest. Bysha! Chris had a lot of scars. There were three more on his torso and Vin hadn't even seen his back. How many scars did Chris have in all, he wondered? Chris had a lot of the same soft curling hairs on his chest as he did on his legs. And his arms were hairy too Vin realized, but only the half below his elbow was really hairy. He wondered if all whole humans had so much hair on their bodies. He didn't think Nettie did, he knew her arms didn't.
Tracing his hands over Chris's chest, Vin found a soft brown nipple and touched it and was fascinated at the way it hardened. He saw that the other one was almost flat, until he touch that one. Both nipples stood hard and straining, with just a few strokes of his hand and Vin smiled smugly.
Chris felt the tracker's movements and woke. Long turns of war had trained him to awaken without moving. He woke, and opened his eyes, just enough to see Vin's brown head bent over his chest. He felt the hands tweaking one nipple and then the other and then move away to part the hairs on his arm. Chris smiled as he realized what Vin was doing. Closing his eyes, he decided to let the half elf explore to his heart's delight. It was certainly delightful for the ex mercenary to have those nimble fingers touching him.
Vin finally decided to finish the examination of Chris's shaft and balls that Chris had stopped during their lovemaking. He couldn't help it if he'd never seen a man's shaft other than his own, Chris could have let him finish looking, he thought peevishly. He was almost immediately distracted from his thoughts. Picking up the limp shaft, Vin noted all the loose skin. He thought it was a lot bigger than his own shaft when it wasn't hard, but he wasn't sure. He remembered the size of it when it was hard, and he knew that it was bigger then. Holding it in one hand, Vin squeezed and happily watched the shaft swell slightly. He stroked it with his other hand and was immediately rewarded by the shaft swelling even more. Putting it down, Vin moved his hand to the balls behind it. They were loose and moved freely when he touched them. He was very careful to be gentle, because he remembered how much it had hurt, when he'd fallen once and hit himself there. He hadn't even been able to get up off of the ground for a good candlemark after he fell.
Chris was thoroughly enjoying the half elf's explorations. He could feel himself getting harder every second, when Vin was stroking and squeezing his shaft. Bysha! Having a lover as curious as this one, was certainly arousing. He was disappointed, when Vin put his shaft down, but then the tracker started stroking his balls and Chris felt himself get even harder. When the small hand squeezed his shaft again, Chris had had enough.
"What's this?" Chris demanded cheerfully, as he sat up and twisted his body, until he faced his lover. Taking hold of his arms, Chris carefully lowered him to the pillows, and then eased himself over the startled half elf. Vin started to defend himself, but Chris cut off anything he would've said, with a gentle kiss. Their tongues met and twirled over each other and Chris broke off the kiss and looked down into the blue eyes and smiled. "Did you have enough time to look?" he asked playfully.
"Almost," Vin responded seriously and Chris laughed out loud. He'd forgotten that as curious and mischievous as elves were, they also took everything literally. Vin was looking at him crossly and Chris decided that he'd rather make love to him, then pacify him and he bent and kissed the tracker again. His hands were moving expertly over the lithe body and in minutes, Vin was wriggling and moaning earnestly.
Vin couldn't believe how easily Chris had annoyed him and then how quickly, Chris made him forget all about his annoyance. Bysha! The way Chris was touching him felt good. He wanted to make Chris feel that way and he remembered how the older man's body had hardened when he'd touched him earlier. So, Vin used his own hands to touch Chris's nipples and his shaft. It delighted him, when Chris moaned out loud when he squeezed the blond's shaft.
Chris wanted more. He hadn't gotten nearly enough of his sweet lover their first time. Vin was still too new at lovemaking, for Chris to do everything he wanted to do, but he didn't see any reason why he couldn't enjoy some explorations of his own. And the first thing he wanted to explore was that tempting neck. Chris broke off the kiss and trailed his lips over Vin's jaw, to just under his ear. His mouth opened and he tasted the skin, with wide sweeping motions of his tongue and quick gentle nips. Bysha, his lover was sweet. His skin was so damn soft and the taste was more intoxicating than the strongest ale. And those small hands were about to drive the ex mercenary out of his head.
Vin moaned and arched his head back, wanting Chris to use his hot tongue on every inch of his skin. This was even better than the night before. He was practically writhing with pleasure. Sweet Bysha, wouldn't Chris hurry.
Chris couldn't take it anymore. His need was pounding in his brain and throbbing in his cock. He searched until he found the jar of cream and opened it as quickly as his fumbling fingers would allow. He dipped his fingers into it and hurriedly lathered the entrance to the hot passageway he was desperate for. Carefully, he eased first one finger inside and then another. As hot as he was, Chris wouldn't rush this. Vin's body was so much smaller than his, it would be easy to hurt his lover, if he wasn't careful. And there was no way, Chris would ever hurt his enchanting young lover.
Vin was as needy as Chris, when the older man finally decided that his body had been stretched enough and pressed a rigid shaft against the opening. The half elf pushed back, knowing how good it would feel, once Chris was inside of him. Chris smiled at his impatience. And then his cock slipped inside and all thought went out of both men's heads. Chris rode him hard, jerking the tracker's shaft at the same time. He knew he hit the spot inside of Vin, when the half elf went deathly still, except for a howl of pleasure that tore out of him. His seed shot onto Chris's hand and the waves of pleasure that rippled through Vin's body, set off Chris's own orgasm. His release was as intense as any he'd ever felt and he cried out Vin's name.
Panting, both men lay spent and exhausted. When he'd recovered his breath, Chris hugged his sweet lover to him and brushed gentle kisses over his hair and forehead. God, he - - Bysha! There was no escaping it. He truly loved the half elf. The mercenary couldn't believe he was feeling these things again. He'd never thought to care about anyone like this again.
Vin snuggled against Chris's warm body and felt those strong arms enfolding him and wanted to stay like this forever. No one had made him feel this safe, this loved. Bysha! Did he love Chris? He looked up shyly and saw that Chris was staring at him with a strange look on his face. "Chris?" he whispered in awe.
"I know," Chris told him soberly. "It's like a miracle. I never thought I'd feel this way, ever again."
"I never felt this way," Vin breathed. "Not ever in my whole life. I - - I love you, Chris."
"And, I love you," Chris smiled down and bent his head to seal their love with a tender kiss.
At that moment, Vin yawned hugely. He smiled apologetically at Chris and to his surprise, the ex mercenary burst out laughing. Vin wasn't quite sure what it was that Chris found so funny, but his laugh was infectious and soon they were both laughing heartily.
Panting for breath, they lay side by side and Vin remembered something he'd wondered about. Chris didn't seem to mind his questions and he had laughed when Vin yawned, so the half elf decided he could ask freely.
"Chris?" Vin called softly. "Can I ask you something?"
"Anything," Chris answered dreamily, as he made lazy circles on Vin's arm.
"How many scars do you have?"THE END