ATF Universe
To celebrate the filing of my taxes for 1999.
Vin, wheres your W-2? We got them back in January. Its very important. Where is it? Chris Larabee spoke very slowly and patiently. Seated at his burnished teak dining room table, Chris leaned back in his chair, tapping a pencil against his teeth. The many items scattered across the table included a calculator and a new box of yellow pencils, a mountain of papers, tax forms, envelopes, a legal pad, check book registers, and a big shoe box overflowing with crumpled pieces of paper in varying sizes. His reading glasses perched on the end of his nose, Chris once again tried to get his companions attention.Vin! he yelled across the room.
A head popped up from behind the couch. Hrmpf? Wrnamrllmar, came out of the mouth belonging to the head.
No, I dont want a mallomar and its not polite to talk with your mouth full. Chris asked himself, not for the first time that day, what had possessed him to do this. This was helping Vin Tanner, ex-Army Ranger, ATF agent, weapons expert, Team 7 sharpshooter, grownup, do his taxes. The answer was pretty simple. The deadline to file was less than 24 hours away.
Chris Larabees taxes were filed back in January. His personal financial papers were in impeccable order. Chris Larabee, agent-in-charge of Team 7 of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, was a precise, orderly man. What was spread out before him on the table represented chaos. Vin Tanners professionalism and attention to detail at work did not extend to his personal life, a sad fact of life which Chris was trying to do his best to come to grips with.
He tried again. W-2, yours, where?
Chris, its gotta be in the box. Everything is in the box.
Chris sighed. The box in question was a big old Timberland hiking boots cardboard box stuffed full of receipts, notes, medical forms, bills, and oh, what was that at the bottom, in an envelope yet to be unopened from the BATF, a W-2 wage and tax statement.
Got it.
Vin grinned and sprawled back on the cushions, his long legs hanging over the edge of the couch. He stretched his lanky frame and wiggled his sock-covered feet. He popped another mallomar in his mouth. TV sucks, Chris, Vin complained as he switched channels for the umpteenth time that Sunday afternoon. Golf, golf, golf, monster trucks on TNT, chick movie, ice skating man. Vin registered his disgust. Chris, when are you gonna get a satellite dish? Make that when are we gonna get a dish, huh?
Vin had moved in with his lover earlier that month taking the biggest step of his adult life. For Chris Larabee was not just Vin Tanners lover but his boss at the ATF.
If Chris heard Vins plea he made no response, concentrating as he was on the pile of paperwork scattered before him.
Vin channelsurfed again, reaching this time for a Drakes funnybone. The coffee table in arms reach of the couch was overflowing with the Vin Tanner version of the staff of life. In addition to the mallomars and funny bones were devil dogs, Oreos, a bag of cheetos and a plate of homemade oatmeal cookies, courtesy of Tracy, an agent from Team 3, with a sweet tooth rival to Vins. Vin took a pull on his longneck.
Beer, Chris, while Im up?
Yeah, thanks. Chris continued to study the contents of Vins box, occasionally jotting some numbers down on the legal pad.
God, Ive never seen so many medical bills in my life. How many times in 1999 did you get hurt in the line of duty, anyway?
Cant keep track, pard, Vin yelled from the kitchen.
Its a wonder we got any work out of you at all last year, Chris murmured to himself while leafing through the hospital and insurance company statements.
Say again. Vin padded across the oak flooring to the table in his gray, once white, sport socks and handed Chris the beer.
Nothing, Vin.
Hey, it aint my fault the bad guys shoot at me all the time.
And dont seem to miss, Chris finished. Lets see, Chris said, sorting through the statements. Seems your penchant for getting injured extends way past normal work hours.
You channeling Ezra now? Vin laughed.
What Im saying is you have to be more careful.
Like its my fault the sushi was bad that time, Vin said in protest. Sides, Im not the only one. JDs always getting hurt somehow or another, too. Nag on him a bit why doncha?
Hes got Buck for that as well you know.
Vin pulled up a chair close to Chris. He didnt attempt to touch any of the papers in front of him.
Vin, just want you around a while. Like forever. Not naggin here, Chris gave a little smile. They clinked their beers in a silent toast.
Vin, Chris sounded worried. These therapists statements, I dont see where you sent in any co-pays. I know your health insurance picked up a lot but theres always some kind of out-of-pocket co-payment required. I can see you paid the hospitals and lab bills but nothing for any of the physical therapists.
Vins eyes lit up. They dont charge me, Chris. Its the damnedest thing. Nancy, Wendy and Kim, nicest ladies, got me up and walkin a bunch of times last year and in record time. Remember them at the hospital?
Yeah, and I seem to remember them coming out here to the ranch way after you were back to normal, too. Free private therapy sessions, Vin?, Chris grinned.
Yup, must be Bucks animal magnetism rubbin off on me, huh? Vins deep blue eyes sparkled.
Uh, huh. Whatever you say. Chris sighed deeply. He pinched the bridge of his nose and readjusted his reading glasses.
Did you sell any stocks last year?
Vin snorted in reply.
Open an IRA, contribute to an existing one or convert to a Roth IRA? Chris, come on, look who youre talkin to. You know me.
Just thought Id ask, Vin. Hell, you have to get more organized. Chris was beginning to lose patience at Vins lackadaisical attitude towards the IRS. Pretend its like the office. Keep your papers in separate files: medical bills, bank statements, receipts, your ..
I get it, I get it. Ill try, kay? You can be my role model, you being so much older an all, Vin grinned. Wish we could file a joint return, make life a whole lot easier.
Now it was Chriss turn to grin. Dream on, Vin, this is Colorado.
Chris threw his pencil down, stretched in the hardbacked chair and drank some beer. He rubbed his temples feeling a headache building.
Vin got up and stood behind Chris massaging his tight shoulders. Thanks for doing this for me, Chris. He leaned down to nuzzle Chriss neck. Vin kissed him there and then nibbled on Chriss earlobe, tugging gently at it with his teeth.
Chris leaned back into the deep massage. He loved the feel of Vins hands on his body. Vins fingers, so finely tapered, almost delicate-looking, belied an iron strength.
Take a break? Youve been at this all afternoon, he murmured into Chriss ear. Vin brought his right hand up and reached down inside Chriss black polo shirt to fondle his nipples, still massaging the base of his neck with his other hand. Vin stroked and tweaked the nipples into hardened nubs.
Bedroom, Chris moaned in response.
Bathroom, Vin replied, racing off, tossing over his shoulder as he went, beer goes right through me.
Moments later Vin entered the bedroom nude and erect. Chris was waiting for him, his shirt already off. Chris admired the jut of his lovers behind. Vins ass was high, firm and round and at that moment all Chris wanted to do was sink his cock into it. Chris began to undo his jeans. Vins hands stopped him. Let me, he whispered huskily. Vin fumbled at the top button of Chriss black jeans and pulled down the zipper releasing Chriss erection. He struggled to peal the pants off his lover but gave up, laughing.
Hey, Larabee, wear your jeans any tighter and Ill be able to tell what religion you are.
Chris raised his eyebrows in surprise. A joke, Vin. You made a joke. Nah, heard it on the radio the other day. Stowed it away in the steel trap, he said tapping his head.
Chris shed his jeans quickly. Eyes half closed, Chris reached for Vin taking him in his arms. Chris put his hands gently on either side of Vins face and licked his full, sensual lips. Chris explored Vins lucious mouth and Vin responded. Their tongues intertwined in the hot caverns of their mouths. Vin tasted like mint toothpaste.
They pulled apart then and moved to the bed. Chris tossed the down comforter to the floor. Vin sat on the edge of the bed while Chris stood over him, his sex in full arousal. Come here and give me that, Vin said, taking Chriss throbbing cock in both hands and putting it into his mouth. Chris pushed his fingers through Vins soft hair and tugged gently.
Vin licked and sucked Chris into a frenzy, Chris aching with the need to come. Vin released his sex with a little smack of his lilps and lay back on the bed. Chris sat on the bed and leaned over to take Vin in his mouth. Vin groaned in pleasure. Chriss skilled tongue had Vin moaning and writhing in no time. Chris, Im gonna .......
Vin came, spurting jizz into Chriss mouth. Chris sat up a moment and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
Damn, Vin said simply.
Gotta catch my breath, Vin. You were so full I almost drowned, he grinned down at the handsome young face.
Vin rolled over on his stomach to await Chriss love-making.
Chris was still hard, painfully so, from Vins mouth on him. He reached for the lotion on the bedstand and liberally coated his cock. He ran his hands down Vins long, muscled back and smooth, supple thighs. He inserted a finger into his lovers entry, priming him. Then two fingers, then three, all the while probing deeper. Vin began breathing harder. He shifted his hips up to press against Chriss fingers. Vin was stretched out and ready.
Chris, he pleaded.
Chris straddled Vin, stroked his cock and rubbed it up and down Vins cleft then slowly pushed into him. The head pressed against Vins rim. Vin bucked his hips up to meet Chriss hard member. Chris began to pump Vin, slowly at first, the momentum building.
Faster, Chris, faster. Chris got a firmer grip on Vins narrow hips and furiously pounded into him.
Fuck me hard, Vin screamed.
Chris was almost there as was Vin. A few more powerful thrusts and Chris reached his release and screamed out Vins name.
Vin felt Chris explode inside him and he climaxed a second later, hoarsely screaming his lovers name.
Chris collapsed on Vins back, kissed him on the neck, then rolled off him, exhausted, to lay face up on the bed. Vin turned over slowly and the two men lay side by side, sweat and cum drying on their cooling bodies.
They were comfortable in their silence, heavy breathing the only sound in the room.
That was......, Chris began.
Yeah, Vin finished.
Love you.
Vin smiled. And Im nuts about being fucked by you. Vin ran his fingers lightly over Chriss glistening chest.
Chriss green eyes gleamed.
His breathing back to normal, Chris said, Im never going to get your taxes finished at this rate, Vin. Id much rather be here in the bedroom making you nuts than face that nightmare of a box of yours in the dining room. Chris brushed back a strand of hair off Vins forehead and leaned over and kissed him on the lips. He sighed.
Vin, Ill just have to file an extension for you tomorrow.
Chris, Vins eyes were all innocence, I though you already filed your extension.
The two men grinned at one another. Vin leaned over and softly kissed Chriss extension.
File away, cowboy, file away.
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