Better Late Than Never

Laura H.

ATF Universe

Disclaimer: The characters and their origins belong to Trilogy and MGM. No copyright infringement is intended. The ATF/AU universe was created by MOG, whom we will be forever thankful to!

Notes: Well, here it is. My first ever, bonafide Chris/Vin story. (I know, I've had them together before in other fics, but this is the first story with them as the sole pairing. :) Judy asked me to write this one, so here it is, Judy! When I asked her what she wanted she said 'steamy, kinky, subtle(romance)'. So, after much thought, this is what came out. Don't worry, the 'steamy & kinky' come at the end. <g> I make no pretense to have knowledge about whether or not the ATF would have an awards function like this, but we'll just call it poetic license and go from there. Kathy, some of the Chris-hurt you wanted comes in here, as well as some Vinjuries. The other guys aren't really that prominent, but maybe next time. :) Any and all comments, good or bad, are more than welcome! Enjoy!

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