Chris Larabee's mind was not on the trail, his horse, or the other two of the three men riding with him. Riding back from Willow Bend with Josiah Sanchez, and Nathan Jackson, Chris's thoughts were roving ahead to the evening and the rider at his side, Vin Tanner.The four men were returning from escorting a wanted outlaw back to Willow Bend after he had robbed the bank there, and the whole Territory had been looking for him. Ironically Fate had intervened and he had been recognized while in the Four Corners saloon by one of the bank customers from whom he had stolen a watch during the robbery. The outlaw had been playing cards with Ezra Standish at the time, and along with Buck Wilmington, the two men had captured him. In the ensuing fight, both had been slightly injured, and so they had stayed behind, along with JD Dunne, to watch the town. Transporting the prisoner had fallen to the other four.
For once, everyone had been content with the arrangements: Buck and Ezra got to stay behind and complain to each other about their minor wounds; JD got to be in charge of keeping an eye on the town; Nathan and Josiah got some peace and quiet conversation while they were on the trail. And Chris and Vin -- both of them were just happy to get the hell out of town together for a couple of days.
And, on the way back, Chris and Vin were going to spend the night at Chris's shack and that's where the gunman's lusty thoughts were. More precisely, on what he planned to do to the quiet man riding on his right.
Suddenly Vin stopped and stared off into the distance, well off the road in the direction of a small creek running nearby.
"See something?" Josiah asked, his hand moving toward his gun.
Snapping back to the here and now, Chris strained to see what had caught the tracker's eye. "What is it, Vin?"
His eyes never leaving whatever it was only he could see, Vin said, "Somethin' there. Looks like a wagon." He took out his brass telescope. "Horse is unhitched and nobody's around."
The healer in Nathan immediately replied, "Could be hurt folks. Better go see."
Chris nodded to the men to proceed but he warned them, "Let's be smart and careful. Just in case."
Vin and Chris spread out and took point, with Nathan and Josiah riding behind. As they approached, they could all make out that it was a brightly painted peddler's wagon, sitting tilted to one side. With one front wheel damaged by a large rock.
"I've got a gun." A nervous voiced shouted. "Don't come any closer!"
The four men came to stop, Chris answering, "We're the law from Four Corners. Don't mean you any harm. You okay in there?"
The clearly frightened voice shouted back, "How do I know you're telling the truth?"
Vin chuckled and replied in his soft drawl, "Cause we wouldn't be this polite if we was looking to rob you."
It seemed to make sense to the man, so he poked his head out of the canvas flap at the front of the wagon. Taking in the four gunmen, he apparently realized that if they wanted to kill him, he didn't stand a chance. He was a small, balding man with a big purple bruise on his forehead. His plaid suit was mud-stained suit and the knee of one pantsleg was torn. When he moved to climb down, he clutched his arm to his side as if in pain.
Nathan quickly dismounted and moved to help the little man down from the high wagon box. "Where abouts you hurtin? What happened? You take a fall?"
"Wagon wheel broke, I tumbled out. Hit my head, hurt my arm," the man said giving Nathan a slight smile as Nathan sat him down on an outcropping of rock. The man offered Nathan a hand. "My name's Sam Tally."
Flashing one of his trademark smiles, Nathan accepted the hand. "Nathan Jackson. Let me see your arm."
Sam Tally looked surprised. "Are you a doctor?"
"Closest thing you're gonna find around here, friend," Josiah said.
Sam smiled and nodded. "Appreciate the help, Mister Jackson." He let Nathan help him to a fallen log nearby to sit down.
The other men dismounted to check out the damage to the wheel. Josiah shook his head, "No way we can fix it. Needs a blacksmith."
Chris and Vin nodded their agreement. Chris glanced up at the sun, "We can take him back to town with us. Come back out tomorrow."
Vin noticed the horse tied to a bit of scrub nearby and went to check it for injuries. With a bucket from the back of the wagon, he dipped some water from the barrel strapped to the side, he let the animal drink.
Just then Nathan stepped around the wagon. "Well, Mr. Tally will be all right. His arm's broken and he has a nasty gash on his head. I'd like to get him to town."
Chris turned to the healer, "Nothing we can do with this wheel now. We can send Yosemite out here tomorrow to fix the wagon."
Scuffing the ground, Nathan's face turned serious. "Slight problem. Mr. Tally refuses to leave his wagon unguarded. Seems it's all he has in the world and he's afraid someone will run off with his goods."
Vin had returned just in time to hear Nathan.
Studying the wagon wheel, Josiah shook his head, "There's no way we can get this wagon moving. It has to stay here."
Nathan nodded in agreement. "And I need to get that man to town. Set his arm."
His frustration growing over the predicament, Chris walked a few steps away.
Trying to ease the situation, Vin spoke up. "Well, Nathan and one of us takes Tally back to town and other two stay here till tomorrow."
Nathan and Josiah nodded in agreement with Vin's plan.
Chris turned. It was obvious from his expression that he wasn't happy at the change of plans. "Vin and I will stay. You two can take him town." Pulling out a cheroot and lighting it, he added, "and get back here first thing with Yosemite."
Josiah glanced at Nathan, struggling to hide his smile at Chris's choice of the pairings. Let's see if Mr. Tally can ride his horse."
Sensing Chris temperament over the change in plans, Vin clapped a hand on his shoulder, "I'll go tend the horses and set up a camp." As he walked away, he casually patted Chris's butt.
Nathan, who had missed Vin's gesture, thought of something to help. "Chris, I've got a bottle of whiskey in my saddle bags and some biscuits. I'll leave them for you. We'll be to town in two, three hours at most. Won't be needing them."
Nodding his thanks, Chris stalked over to the shade offered by a large tree to enjoy his smoke.
Vin solved the problem of Mister Tally's wagon horse not having a saddle by loaning his. Josiah would bring it back in the morning when they came to repair the wagon and drive it in. Besides, if Vin needed to ride anyplace tonight, he could go bareback -- it bothered him least of all of them.
"Help yourself to food in the wagon if you want," Mister Tally said.
Nathan chuckled. "You got any sweets in there, Mister Tally, you best say goodbye to 'em. Vin, there, he's got a mean sweet tooth."
Mister Tally dismissed it with a wave of his good hand. "It's the least I can offer for your help, gentlemen."
Chris nodded his thanks and Vin glanced toward the wagon with a grin of anticipation.
Josiah laughed. "Whiskey and candy. Think it makes up for another night sleeping on the ground?"
Chris restrained a smile. "It'll do."
Vin waved good bye to Josiah, Nathan, and Mr. Tally and watched them ride away. Then he walked over to where Chris sat smoking. "Sorry, Cowboy, about our plans." He squatted down and traced a finger over the full lips holding the cheroot in place, "But I've always found watching the stars could work up a man's appetite." Vin licked his lips, "And it is just you and me here."
Chris gazed at Vin like a starving man eyeing man a steak. "I'm already hungry, pard."
Standing, Vin shrugged, "Well, I'll go see if I can scare us up some game. You're gonna need all your strength to satisfy that appetite."
Watching Vin walk away -- the easy stride, the way his tan pants pulled against his tight ass, Chris had to adjust himself as the front of his own pants swelled in reaction. Figuring Vin would be gone a while, Chris decided to explore the wagon. He was curious to see what was so important...why he had to change his plans for a soft bed, whiskey and Vin.
Climbing into the back, Chris began his exploration. There were some knives, some cooking utensils, some crockery jugs, and a whole assortment of other goods from guns and harness repair tools to sewing notions and supplies. Chris understood why Mr. Tally didn't want to leave all this out here for scavengers.
He picked up a bolt of blue material. As his fingers fondled the soft fabric, his mind again drifted to what he wanted to do the tracker. A craving for something sweet, probably brought on by thoughts of Vin and his love of sugar, suddenly hit the gunslinger. Checking in the wooden cabinet that held spices and baking supplies, he chose a small crockery jug, uncorked and sniffed at the contents hoping to find some molasses or sorghum. The first had almost no odor, and felt and tasted like some kind of slightly sweet oil. A smile tugged at him, at the thought of the variety of uses it could have. Putting it aside to take with him, he tested another one. On the third attempt, he found one that smelled inviting. Pouring a little on his finger, he tasted it. Chocolate. It was a thick chocolate syrup. Smiling, he found a second jug that also contained the brown liquid.
And the peddler did tell them to help themselves... Chris thought.
He climbed down from the wagon and carried the three little jugs over to where Vin had set up their bed rolls. An idea had come to mind and just the thought of it made him hard. Off in the distance, he could see Vin walking back. He nestled two of the little crockery jugs safely beside his saddle bags beside his bedroll and stored the other one inside with a pair of clean socks to protect it from breaking. He'd have to be careful in the morning when he packed the oil. As he finished, he looked up to see the lanky tracker striding back, his rifle resting on his shoulder, his stride loose and easy.
When he realized Chris was watching him, Vin held up the rabbits he had shot. Vin was happy to have some quiet time with Chris. Out of town, outside, where they could enjoy the stars and each other. Vin picked up his pace, anxious to get back to Chris.
Once Vin skinned the rabbits, Chris rubbed them with some whiskey, and spitted them on some green sticks, then put them to cook over the fire. Both men sat down, the bottle between them, and watched the flames as it licked at the carcasses. Neither man much for words, the silence was easy.
Their lovemaking, like their relationship, was on an equal basis. Sometimes Chris initiated contact, sometimes Vin. They both loved to give as much as they liked to take. So it was no surprise to Chris when Vin reached over and stroked his full lips with a finger.
"Figure it's just you and me out here, Cowboy. Reckon we could enjoy the quiet." Vin's voice was painted raspy with desire.
Pulling the finger into his mouth, Chris sucked it, then released it. "I was hoping you weren't in the mood for cards." Sliding closer, Chris reached up and using Vin's hair for leverage, pulled him into a kiss. Chris let his tongue flick across the lips, then pushed his way into the warm mouth. He savored the tastes that were Vin.
Vin allowed his tongue to probe the depths of Chris's mouth while his hands sought the hard body he craved. Letting his mouth travel freely across the chiseled face, to lick and kiss at the soft flesh of Chris's neck, Vin let his hands slip under the black duster.
As soon as Vin's hands touched him, Chris felt the blood start to rush to his member. Fighting the urge to tear off the tracker's clothes, Chris broke the contact. "Gotta take a break, Cowboy. Let's eat, share some of this whiskey." Tracing a finger along Vin's jaw line, he murmured, "Better we wait for the sun to start going down some."
Between ragged breaths, Vin managed to speak, "Yeah....won't do for us to be out here broad daylight." He captured Chris's finger with his mouth, sucked it, and with a parting lick, released it. "Not with what we've got in mind to do."
Vin pulled himself up, took off his hide coat and placed it next to the bed rolls. He walked over to check on the rabbits.
Chris's eyes were glued to Vin's ass as he walked to the fire. It had been a while since the two men had shared any quality time alone together. A trail herd on it's way home hit the town about a week ago and every night since had been filled with peace-keeping of some sort.
Turning back to Chris and smiling at the intense look on his face, Vin announced that the rabbit was ready. He cut some meat off for both them while Chris got out the biscuits. They ate quietly, watching as the late afternoon was rolling into dusk.
As the colors of the sky started to change from blue to orange and pink, Vin watched mother nature's show as if he'd never seen it before. In turn, Chris watched his friend, a slight smile on his face, enjoying the pure joy Vin was experiencing watching the sunset.
Once the sky was dark enough, Chris broke the silence. "Is that smile all about the sunset or is some of that because..."
Vin's eyes locked on Chris. The passion within them as clear as the beautiful spectacle they had just witnessed. "Oh yeah," Vin drawled as he moved closer to Chris. "Having time to sit and enjoy that sunset...." Vin noded his heads to the sky, "With you, wanting you to.."
Chris didn't need anymore encouragement. He thrust a hand into Vin's hair and pulled him in to claim his mouth. The kiss was intense and hard, an example of how deep both men's needs were.
Vin broke it, "How about getting you out of that coat?"
Chris immediately complied and copied Vin's earlier actions with his coat, tossing his black duster to lay across Vin's hide jacket beside them. He resumed his position and began to unbutton Vin's shirt. Once he had all the buttons undone, he slipped the suspenders off his shoulders.
Vin reached out to unbutton Chris's shirt. He had great success with the first few, then he started to struggle. Finally he bit out, "You finish it, before I rip it off. I'll put more wood on the fire." With that, he made his way to the fire and the small pile of wood.
Chris easily undid the last few buttons, while his erection strained at his pants. Watching Vin struggle with his shirt always excited him. He loved to watch it. In his concentration, Vin either bit his lower lip or the tip of his tongue would peek out of his mouth. Chris stood and pulled off his pants and watched as Vin returned and did the same.
They sat back down on their bed rolls and resumed the kiss. Chris savored the lush lips and with his tongue probed deep into Vin's mouth. Vin's returned the passion while his hands tugged at Chris's long underwear.
Chris paused, and gave the area around them one last look around to be sure they were indeed alone and quickly slipped off his underwear. He gave Vin a look that left no room for argument for Vin to do the same. Naked, they fondled each other, seeking all the places they knew touch would please the other.
Looking deeply into Vin's eyes, Chris broke the silence. "Vin. I want to try something."
"You wanna tell me what?" Vin asked, raking Chris's naked body with his eyes.
"No. I just want you to lay back and enjoy this." Chris picked up the little jug and licked his lips, "I know I'm gonna."
Vin held Chris's eyes with his own, "Ya at least gonna tell me what's in that jug?"
Pouring a little on Vin's nipple, Chris said "Not yet, soon..." He bent to lick it off, sucking the hardened nub. He poured more on Vin's chest, covering both nipples. He sucked and bit at the tender flesh until Vin squirmed and moaned beneath him. Chris then poured some of the thick syrup on Vin's throat and using a finger, spread a little on his ear.
By the time Chris cleaned his throat and ear, Vin was hard and ready. "Ah shit, Chris. You had enough fun yet?"
Chris looked hard at Vin, like a predator stalking its prey. "Nope," was all Chris said before he picked up the jug and made a trail from Vin's navel to his pubic hair. He tongued the sticky goo from his navel and proceeded to lick and bite his way down to Vin's erection.
Vin clutched at the blankets, soft moans escaping his lips. When Chris applied the chocolate syrup to his thigh and let it drip, it took all Vin's strength not to grab the blond gunman and force him to end his torture.
Slowly, with deliberate sweeps of his tongue, Chris cleaned the syrup off Vin's thigh. Smiling at the effect he was having on the usually quiet tracker, Chris coated Vin's cock.
After just one lick, Vin's body arched up and he growled in pleasurable pain. "Chris, please." He shifted his body begging for release.
Applying another coat of chocolate syrup to Vin's swollen member, he liberally coated his balls. Licking his lips, Chris eyed his dessert. He lapped at the sticky syrup on the tracker's sensitive balls. He took one into his mouth and sucked it, causing Vin to cry out. Then he slowly ran his tongue along the length of Vin's hardness. Teasing his lover with slow deliberate strokes, he cleaned off all the syrup.
Vin's eyes were glazed, his head rolled from side to side, "Oh, Chris, please..."
Chris applied a tiny bit more of the syrup to Vin's erection, then took it into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around it and began to suck as he let it slide in and out. He used a hand to fondle Vin's balls and when he squeezed, Vin thrust his hips to Chris.
"I'm gonna...." was all Vin got out before his seed exploded into Chris's mouth. He lay there, eyes closed, gasping for air. When he could open his eyes, he saw Chris's pick up the jug.
Chris poured a thin line of chocolate from his pubic hair to his left nipple. Then he added a connecting line to the other nipple. Using his tongue, Chris slowly made his way back up Vin's body. He bit at the tender flesh of his belly then kissed his way to the brown oval. Biting the hard nub, he could feel Vin shift beneath him.
"Hey, Cowboy. What about you?" Vin asked, his voice husky with desire. Chris looked directly into Vin's eyes, he leaned over and brushed his mouth up against Vin's ear. "You're mine. All mine." He moved back and resumed lapping at the syrup.
Vin shivered, he wasn't sure if it was the warm breath on his ear, or the words Chris spoke.
Chris was enjoying himself but he knew what he wanted; Vin hard again. After Vin's body was cleaned of any syrup, he applied more to his throat and ear. Chris nipped and sucked along Vin's throat, not caring if his actions would leave marks. He used his tongue to remove the stickiness from Vin's ear.
Vin's body arched into the touches and the tonguing. He moaned when Chris sucked on his throat. The blood was surging to his member once more and he shifted his body to rub against Chris.
Chris felt Vin rub against him, and knew it was time. He sat back over Vin's legs and using his finger, put a small amount of syrup on his own nipple. Then he helped pull Vin up to where his mouth could reach him. Vin's mouth went to the chocolate syrup on Chris's chest. He tongued it and sucked the hard nub. "Mmmmm...." Vin said as he cleaned off all traces of the liquid. "Not sure which tastes better, this syrup or you."
Chris grabbed Vin's head by his hair. They kissed, nibbling at each's others lips. Finally, Chris pulled back, "I want you, Vin," he said. "Get on your knees."
Vin complied after a brief kiss and Chris picked up the jug of the sweet smelling oil. He coated his fingers and shaft and slipped one finger into Vin. He moved it around and loosened up the tight oval. Then he slipped in a second finger and searched for the magic spot. He knew he'd hit when Vin's head snapped back and his body pressed down onto Chris's hand. Chris then slipped out this fingers and pressed his swollen manhood up against Vin's opening. Whispering into his lover's ear, "You best be ready."
Vin could only manage to nod, his body ready and on fire.
Chris thrust forward, careful not to hurt Vin. Once he had sunk himself until he felt the roughness of his own pubic hair against the tense, round cheeks of Vin's ass, he began a steady rhythm of in and out. At first his motions were gentle, but as his passion intensified, so did his movements. Soon he was pounding away, his balls hitting Vin's cheeks. He tried to hit the magic spot again and was rewarded by Vin crying out his name. He could feel his own climax starting to build, but he wasn't ready to end it yet. So he pulled out and picked up the crockery jug.
"Chris, what's wrong?" Vin asked between gasp for air. He seemed bewildered by Chris's sudden withdrawal.
Chris grinned. "Nothing...I'm just enjoying myself." Chris answered as he allowed some of the syrup to drip down Vin ass cheek and then he poured some onto his shoulder. He licked at the syrup on Vin's ass and was rewarded when Vin moaned again. He coated his own erection with more oil and pressed it back up to the dark oval. Pushing inside, he resumed his forceful thrusts to Vin's relief and pleasure from the sounds he was making. He reached around to take Vin's hardness in hand and pumped him in time.
Vin could feel his climax building, he pushed back into Chris's thrusts to allow the blond man to go deeper and deeper. Suddenly he felt Chris licking and biting his shoulder as he rammed into his ass. Chris hit that spot again and Vin cried out Chris's name as he sprayed his hand with his juices.
Chris continued to pump Vin with his hand until his orgasm was complete. Feeling the shakiness to Vin's body, he pulled out.
Vin was surprised that Chris stopped. "What's wrong...why did..."
"Roll over," Chris commanded with an evil grin.
Vin nodded his understanding and thanks and complied. He wrapped his legs around the hard muscles of Chris‘s back.
Chris started slowly this time, watching Vin's breathing return to normal. He slipped in and began a slow and gently pattern. He grabbed the jug and stuck his finger in it. He offered the chocolate finger to Vin who took it greedily. Once the finger was clean, Chris poured a few drops onto Vin's belly and licked it off. Then he dipped his finger again and offered it to Vin.
Vin was amazed at Chris's passion as he licked and sucked the finger in his mouth. "I'm glad I'm yours."
Chris smiled at his lover and drove in deeper to hit the mark. Vin writhed on the bed roll, while Chris began to fondle his balls. Soon Chris could feel the stirring in Vin's groin as the once flaccid member became hard.
"You trying to kill me?" Vin asked, his voice raspier than usual.
Chris just smiled and increased the speed and intensity of his thrusts. He started to hammer the body beneath him. He could feel his balls hitting Vin's ass. Wrapping his hand around Vin's hardness, he pumped at it, in time with his thrusting.
Soon both men were sweaty and moaning. Vin's head tossed from side to side as he cried out to Chris, who once again had found that magic spot.
Chris was losing his control and found himself almost ready to climax. He squeezed Vin's balls, firmly causing Vin to gasp.
Once more Chris's hit that spot and Vin again erupted into's Chris's hand. Feeling the warm sticky juices flowing over his hand onto his body, Chris's own seed fired deep into Vin and a ragged moan escaped his lips. In reaction to the noise, both horses whinnied. Chris continued to pump Vin while he thrust until his body was spent. He pulled out and collapsed on the bed roll next to Vin.
Vin's eyes were closed, his breathing ragged gasps. He had no strength left to move.
They lay like dead men for several minutes. Then Chris fumbled for the rag he had placed nearby before and wiped his flaccid shaft and hands. He rolled onto his side and gently wiped Vin's stomach and soft member, then he reached to wipe between Vin's legs and his ass.
Vin lay still, letting him, a satisfied amile playing on his lips. Vin finally opened his eyes to thank Chris, but all he could manage was a lazy look at his lover.
Chris laughed and pulled Vin into his arms and brought the blanket up to cover them. He felt Vin shift to his side. So Chris rolled over next to him, his cock tucked up against Vin's cheeks then he draped his arm around Vin and pulled him in close.
Vin placed his hand on Chris's arm, savoring the heat from Chris's body.
"You're all mine, Vin." Chris said as he kissed the tracker's neck.
"Fine with me.." Vin said as he wiggled back even tighter against Chris. "And ya know, you're all mine too."
"You gonna prove it to me when we get back?" To emphasize it, Chris thrust against Vin's ass with his hips.
"Josiah better remember my saddle, there is no way I'm gonna be able to ride bareback any where." Vin said with a hint of amusement in this voice. "Too bad you used all the chocolate syrup. Would a been nice to have some for tomorrow."
Chuckling, Chris said, "Just so happens Mr. Tally has another jug. Which I already packed in my saddle bag."
Vin laughed, "Glad to hear it pard. Damn glad to hear it."
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