DISCLAIMER: Not mine..belong to MGM, Trilogy and I guess that "network" Just playing with em..
WARNING: M/M sex Vin/Chris some naughty language...major comfort
A "first time" story
Vin rode the bay saddle horse Chris had loaned him for the trip. Leading Peso he stood up in the stirrups and arched his back as much as he could to relieve the pain that had collected there. It had been a long six days. Vin had spent most of it in the saddle and now he was eager to get back to Four Corners.Grimacing he reached down and tried rubbing his lower back with out much success. A hot tub and some of Nathan's magic liniment would be a big help, but a back rub would be perfect. This always happened when he was riding for long periods. Born with a slight curvature in his spine, Vin had been bothered all his life by back pain. Some doctor at the orphanage had told him there wasn't anything to do about it. There were special doctors in the big cities who had things that could help, but they didn't take charity cases. So Vin had learned to make accommodations. Sitting instead of standing; leaning especially to the right taking the weight off his back and sleeping on flat hard surfaces, they all gave some relief but the pain was never really gone.
Sometimes it was really bad. That's when he had an extra drink or two. A month ago Peso had taken a fall and Vin had landed hard right on his back. He'd limped around for two days before Nathan finally corralled him and made him tell the whole story. That night laudanum had cured the pain and Nathan often made him Willow Bark tea and just gave it to him to drink. Nathan could tell when he was hurting but never told any of the others. He just showed up with the tea or the occasional laudanum. Vin hadn't even said anything to Chris.
He and Chris had gotten closer over the last few months. It was more than just working together. He could see Chris stealing glances at him; making excuses to ride with him or meet him while on patrol. Last week Chris had even asked Vin to help him take lumber out to the shack he was building. They had worked all afternoon in the hot sun unloading and stacking the lumber. The sun was so hot they had both stripped down to just their pants and boots. Vin couldn't help but notice the well developed muscles on Chris' chest and arms. Vin swore he could see every muscle in Chris' back and shoulders. There was not an ounce of fat on that beautiful body. Vin had been forced to go to the privy just to ease his hard on by using his hand. He knew how he felt about Chris, he just didn't know how Chris felt about him. Shaking his head, Vin settled himself back into the saddle and urged the bay forward with his heels.
Taking the two wagons all the way to White Horse had been a favorite to the Judge. One of the men had been a good friend of Mary and the Judge's son. So when they telegraphed letting Mary know they were going to White Horse by way of Four Corners, she had approached Vin about acting as a guide.
Since Mary had been helping him with his reading and writing lessons, Vin couldn't refuse her. Checking with Chris first, Vin had met the families and seen to resupplying them for the trip. The lead man, James Lewis had been adamant about making the trip as quickly as possible and brought extra stock to make sure they could trade off animals when needed. Vin figured they could make the trip in three days if they traveled from sunup to sunset.
The trip had proven uneventful with the families all settled in before Vin left. Staying only overnight, Vin had begun the trip back, changing between horses to give them time to rest. The only person who wasn't resting was Vin. Eager to get home, Vin stopped only briefly to water and rest the horses. He started early and rode late. While that made good time, it gave his back no rest and he was paying for it now.
Late on his sixth day out, Vin topped the hill above Four Corners and headed for the livery. Dirty and drawn with fatigue, the stable man had taken the horses from Vin and pushed him from the barn. Vin smiled his appreciation and walked slowly toward Mary's shop to let her know her friends had made the trip safely.
Leaving Mary's, Vin paused by his wagon for fresh clothing and slowly walked to the bath house. Having not seen any of the others, Vin figured they were all at the saloon enjoying themselves. Mary would have told him if anything had happened, so Vin planned to enjoy a long soak in hot water before joining his friends.
Chris saw Vin come around the corner from his wagon and make his way to the bath house. Noticing the slowness and slight limp of Vin's gait, Chris started to stop and question him. But he knew Vin's shyness about his body and personal business, so Chris decided to let it rest. His eyes never left the tracker's body as he watched Vin take off his hat and shake out his long brown curls. Chris could feel a stirring in his groin just from that sight. He remembered the day they had unloaded the lumber in the heat. It was more than just a stirring that day. He had gotten so hard just from looking at Vin's lean muscular body that he'd made an excuse to go into the barn, where he relieved himself in the back of one of the stalls. Thinking about that day, Chris rose and made his way across the street to the bath house.
Vin had selected the tub stall the furthest from the door. Secure against the back wall, Vin had no one behind him. That was the way he liked it. Pouring the hot water into the tub, Vin sat more water on the small stove to heat. He planned on soaking his back for as long as his skin held out. Stripping out of his clothes and hanging his mare's leg near by, Vin moaned out loud as he sank into the hot water. Pouring in some teaberry leaves that Nathan had given him to relieve pain, Vin watched the water swirl as he mixed the leaves and sank lower into the water.
Chris entered the bath house quietly. He didn't have a plan. He just sensed that the time for sneaking around and wondering was over. He had never been with a man before but was so profoundly drawn to this one, it seemed the most natural thing to do. Looking around the room he saw only one set of curtains drawn. The one at the very back of the room.
Chris moved closer making enough noise so that Vin would certainly hear
him. Standing just beyond the curtains, Chris cleared his throat and waited.
Vin heard someone approaching. Half asleep in the water, he didn't catch the jingle of Chris' spurs until he was almost upon him. He heard Chris clear his throat. Surprised, he smiled shyly. He had hoped that Chris would someday approach him. Vin was by no means experienced in relationships. While living with the Indians, sex had been with both men and women as was the way of the tribe. But it was an act for satisfaction of physical needs. Vin had never been in a relationship. He wanted a relationship with Chris. He just didn't know how to start one.
"Vin? Vin, it's Chris. Is this a bad time? I can come back after you've finished. I was just interested in hearing about your trip. Know you're tired...." Chris couldn't think of anything else to say. Anything else that wouldn't make him look like a complete fool.
Vin sank lower in the water watching the curtains. "Ah, yeah, Chris. It was a long trip. Trying to get some of the dust off my body. Huh...there is some more hot water on the stove. Wanta get it for me?" Vin nervously waited but Chris didn't answer. "Damn. " Vin thought. " He's gone."
Just when Vin was convinced that Chris had gone, the curtains parted and Chris stood looking down at him. The was an awkward silence as they looked at each other carefully. "The water? Over there?" Vin managed to get the words out. He was so nervous he could barely speak.
Chris took off his duster and set it on the chair. Taking the bucket of hot water, he went to the foot of the tub and began pouring the water slowly between Vin's feet. "Water smells good. Some sort of herbs?'' Chris kept his eyes off Vin's body as he busied himself with the water.
"Something Nathan put together ta ease my back. Smells funny but it helps some. " Vin studied his hands as they rested on the side of the tub.
"You never said anything about your back? How come?" Chris sat the empty bucket down and sat in the chair pulling it closer to Vin.
"Guess it never came up. Don't usually bother me none, less I've done a lot of riding and stuff. Ain't an injury..something I was born with. " Vin looked up finally to met Chris' face.
"Couldn't the docs fix it? I mean when you were born?" Chris was trying to make conversation and force his mind away from the feelings he was getting in his groin.
"Well, don't think my Ma never knew about it. When I got to the home, they said I was a charity case, being an orphan and all, and there're weren't no money for fixing it. I just learned to deal with it." Vin looked away from Chris's face as he saw a look of sadness appear on his features.
"Don't seem right. Not taking care of everyone the same, especially kids." Chris was afraid of saying the wrong thing and made careful conversation.
"Spine just bends a little crooked is all. Like I said it don't bother me except in times like this. When I been in the saddle a lot. Nathan has this tea for me when it gets so I can't sleep for the pain. Thing that helps the best is a backrub. There was an Indian woman when I stayed with them could make it feel real good just by working the muscles hard. " Vin closed his eyes trying to remember the feelings of those hands on his back; working the muscles.
Chris watched Vin's face as he closed his eyes and savored the memory of the woman's hands working his sore muscles. He felt a stirring in his loins and felt his penis press against the fabric of his clothing. Trying to hide his excitement from Vin, Chris turned his back and started to get the second bucket of hot water Vin had warming on the stove.
"Chris. Don't bother. My skin's had about as much of this water as it can stand. Can you hand me that towel?" Chris turned and caught a glimpse of Vin's body rising out of the water. Reaching for the towel he held it out to Vin.
"Reckon I'll let you finish up. Want to grab a drink in the saloon?" Chris had his back to Vin as he spoke. When he didn't hear an answer, he turned his head to see Vin standing with the towel rubbing his chest and thighs.
"You got a minute, Chris? Nathan gave me some balm to rub on my back. Do you mind?" Vin looked up slowly from underneath his eyelashes and extended the jar to Chris.
Clearing his throat, Chris took the jar from Vin. Averting his eyes as Vin wrapped the towel low around his waist, Chris walked behind Vin.
Warming the balm between his hands he started working the ointment into Vin's shoulders. Moving slowly down Vin's back, he could see the slight crookedness that Vin had mentioned. It made his right hip slightly higher than the left one and was most extreme near the small of his back.
"Huh,Vin you wanna sit in that chair with your back to me? I can get to your back better."
"Sure Chris. " Vin's voice was unusually hoarse; speaking quickly as if he didn't trust himself to speak. Vin moved and straddled the chair placing his arms on the back he laid his head down on his arms as Chris started to work on his back again.
Chris was starting to sweat. The room was steamy from all the hot water, but Chris knew that wasn't his problem. It was the softness of Vin's skin underneath his hands. The feel of the power of the hard muscles he found there. Shifting his weight, he tried to ease the tension of his rising shaft. Chris soon had Vin moaning as his hands worked the pain away from his back. Replacing the pain, Vin felt a stirring of sexual pleasure in his groin. Smiling to himself, he turned his head toward Chris looking over his shoulder.
"Hey, cowboy. " he said softly. "I'd be more comfortable sitting on something softer while you finish this." Holding his breath, he waited for Chris to answer.
Looking into Vin's face, Chris saw Vin lick his lips and drop his eyes to Chris's groin. The bulge Chris' shaft was making was unmistakable. "You sure your back needs more attention? I might be able to help you ease some of your other needs."
Vin looked up into Chris' emerald eyes and grinned. "I've been thinking that for a long time now Chris. How about you?" Vin stood and let his towel drop off his body. Taking his hands he ran them down the front of his chest into the hair surrounding his penis. It was straining outward. Large and engorged.
Running his hand along it, Vin whispered. "Don't think I can make it across the street, less you help me with this pain I'm having." He continued to stroke himself as his eyes held Chris's.
Chris looked in amazement at Vin standing naked in front of him, his shaft sticking out hard and long. Chris would never had imagined the shy tracker would ever be this bold in his approach. Chris had always figured he would have to find a way to be with Vin. Smiling Chris walked up to met Vin and put his hand behind Vin's head. Caressing the silky locks he found there, Chris bent forward and kissed Vin softly on the mouth.
Vin opened his mouth and started to suck on Chris' lips. Chris quickly let his tongue find its way inside Vin's mouth. Sweeping his way around the sweetness he found there, he let his hand move down Vin's body and stroke the hair above the groin. Vin moaned openly into Chris' mouth as Chris' hand slipped lower.
"Yes, Oh Chris, yes. " Vin pulled his head back from Chris' and looked him deep in the eyes. "God, Chris....I've wanted you for so long....do you....ah, am I making a mistake here?" Vin followed Chris' hand found it and guided it to his penis.
Chris was trembling, he was so excited. His erection was so painful he was dying to slip it out of his pants. But when Vin's hand touched his he forgot his desire and leaned into Vin's body. "You want me to rub some ointment in that area, Cowboy?" Chris' voice was teasing as he started to rub his hand on top of Vin's. Feeling the moisture coming from Vin's penis, he laughed and whispered into his ear. "Don't think it needs any help from Nathan's ointment."
Continuing to stroke, he pushed Vin's hand off the organ and started working it with his own hand.
Vin felt his hand fall to his side, and he lowered his head to Chris shoulder as the gunfighter continued to work his shaft freely. "Uh, Chris...I don't think... do you think ..you could? ....Ah Chris can you put your mouth on me? Please.. . Ahh...I need you ....geez.."
Chris could feel Vin starting to thrust into his hand and he moved his head away and started to kiss his way down Vin's chest and stomach. Vin was shaking and moaning, trying not to cry out in the public place but finding it difficult.Chris' mouth and hand felt so good, just like he had imagined it for many months.
Nuzzling his face into the soft hair of Vin's groin, Chris started licking and sucking the soft skin around Vin's shaft. Moving his hand down the shaft he ran his fingernail over the slit he found there and felt Vin jump and fall forward against him. He knew Vin was close and he knew he needed relief so he slid his mouth across Vin and gently took the head of Vin's shaft in his mouth.
The tip fit between his lips with little room to spare, and he took a breath and widened his mouth as much as he could. When he had taken as much as he could he started swirling his tongue around the hardened shaft, feeling it push up against the roof of his mouth.
Vin body was a mass of feelings. Chris' tongue on him had him thrusting into his mouth forcefully. He was trying to control himself, but he had wanted this for so long, he couldn't help himself. Feeling Chris' hands move around behind him to grab his buttocks, Vin gave in and started pushing hard into the gunfighter's throat.
Chris felt Vin move deeper in his mouth and opened his throat as much as he could for the eruption he knew was coming. He pulled and kneaded the tight butt in his hands; sucking harder. He wanted this as much as Vin. This felt so right and so good. Just a beginning. Hearing Vin groan deeply and feeling the shaft in his mouth start to shake, Chris moved his hands between Vin's legs and grabbed his balls. Squeezing gently, he rolled them in his hands.
Vin felt Chris fondling his balls, and gave in to his body. Pressing once more against Chris' moist mouth, he felt his balls draw up and start to pump his sperm deep in the back of his new lover's mouth. "Ah...oh, Chris ...here it comes...don't stop..don't stop sucking please...ah...oh man...here..here ..CHRIS!" Vin cried out and grabbed Chris' head with both hands and thrust uncontrollably into him. "Yes, yes, yes..." he chanted as his organ pulsed out its liquid against Chris' throat.
Chris' eyes widened at the feel of the powerful spurting of Vin's semen down his throat. Gulping and swallowing quickly, he still was unable to contain all the foamy liquid oozing from the penis in his mouth.
Chris felt Vin's organ begin to soften but kept sucking and licking with his tongue. Pulling tight against Vin's buttock, he ran his tongue underneath the ridge of the shaft causing Vin to moan once more.
Vin smiled and pulled his penis from Chris' mouth, immediately pulling Chris up and claiming him with his mouth. Sucking his own sperm from his lover's mouth, Vin grabbed Chris' bulge and stroked it. "Chris I knew it would be wonderful with you. Can you wait? Can we go to your room? " The big beautiful blue eyes looked longingly at him.
"I've wanted you too Vin. For a long time. Let's get to my room so I can show you just how much I love you." Chris started gathering Vin's shirt and pants. Vin quickly threw on his pants and boots, but left his chest bare and put on his coat. Grabbing his hat and Chris' hand, he pulled him to the back door.
Slipping up the back steps to the boarding house, they quickly let themselves into Chris' room. Locking the door behind him, Chris turned to find Vin already with his coat off sitting on the bed taking off his boots and pants. Again surprised at the tracker's aggressive desire, Chris started taking his shirt off and crossed to the bed.
Coming to the foot of the bed, he had his shirt off and gun belt on a chair near by. Feeling hands at his waist he looked to see Vin naked, kneeling on the bed facing him. Vin was concentrating on working the buttons of Chris' pants loose.
"Dang, Larabee. Why do you have so many buttons here? " Laughing, Chris covered his hands with Vin's and pushed them away.
"Here, let me. It'll go faster." Chris spoke and watched Vin sit back on his heels.
Watching Chris strip himself of his pants and boots, Vin slowly started rubbing the area around his groin, stimulating the flesh around his penis.
Finally free of his clothes, Chris crawled up on the bed pushing Vin on his back.
"Hey, there. Don't you get ahead of me there youngster. I may have to punish you for that. " Chris leaned his entire body on top of Vin's as he heard Vin's shy laughter.
"Yeah, well old man, you look in pretty good shape considering. " Vin stared at Chris' pulsing erection as it was bent up against his strong abdominal muscles.
Chris pressed his body against the tracker trapping his shaft between them. Rubbing it slowly up and down, Chris started to lick Vin's face and earlobes as he held Vin's arms down to his sides.
"Vin, you taste so good! " Chris moaned as he suckled the skin on the side of Vin's neck, feeling his heartbeat throb against his lips.
"Chris let me up so I can taste you. Let me do you, Chris please?" Vin pleaded as he felt his own penis stiffening and starting to slap up against Chris' balls.
Chris had other ideas and continued to lick and suck each of Vin's nipples. He knew Vin's mouth on his shaft wouldn't be enough. He'd been with men before on cattle drives and such before meeting Sarah and he wanted that glorious feeling again. What he didn't know is if Vin wanted it to? Hearing Vin moaning and tossing his head, Chris raised up and moved up to Vin's head.
"Vin. I don't want to come in your mouth. Maybe later. I want you differently. I want to be inside you. Do you know what that means?" Chris whispered as he explained his needs. He felt Vin stiffen and turn his face to look in Chris' eyes.
"Chris? I...uh..that..it ain't no good that way." Tears filling his eyes, he looked away from Chris toward the bedroom wall. Laying quietly beneath Chris, he tried not to feel disappointment, but felt the lump in his chest grow. All he wanted was this beautiful man to love him and he had turned out to be like all the others. Chris just wanted to use him for relief just like all the others.
"Vin." Chris took his hand and moved Vin's face back to face him. "How do you know. Have you had men before, not that it matters to me, but ...."
"They just wanted to use me just like you do. Don't have nothing to do about love. They just stick it in you and pump themselves dry. Don't care if it makes you hurt or bleed or nothing. I thought you was different Chris. Them looks you was giving me. They weren't about love was they?"
He watched as Vin fought with great effort not to cry. How could he have judged this eager young man's experience so badly.
"Vin. Come here. Stop. Don't. Those people don't know what love is. I'm not here for just one night. We're gonna have many beautiful nights together and if you're never ready for me that way, then we'll express our love for each other in other ways." Chris pressed his lips against Vin mouth and tongued him passionately. Chris kept at it until he could feel Vin start to respond and push back with his tongue. Pulling his mouth from Vin he slid off him and rolled to Vin's side.
"Here. Roll over on your side. Let me finish that backrub I started earlier."
Vin looked at him with a puzzled look on his face, but turned offering his back up to Chris' administrations. Warming the ointment in his hands, Chris started at Vin's shoulders and slowly worked his way down Vin's spine.
Half an hour later, Chris was at Vin's lower back, digging and caressing the tight muscles underneath his hands. Slipping his hands lower, his eyes saw Vin's balls trapped between his thighs. Licking his lips, he leaned over and saw that Vin had his eyes closed but was working his own shaft with his hand.
Moving down lower so he could reach Vin's balls, Chris began kissing and pressing his tongue into the crack in Vin's buttocks. He felt Vin stiffen but not pull away, so he let his hands move up and lightly stroke Vin's swollen sack. He felt the balls draw up and move as he heard Vin moan out loud.
"Chris?" Chris heard Vin call his name softly and resting his chin on Vin's hip he kept rubbing him as he answered.
"Yeah, Vin. What ? " As Chris spoke, Vin opened his eyes and turned his face to look at the man who was creating such powerful feelings inside him.
"Does it really feel that good? I want to please you, but...I'm just scared. Can't believe doing that can feel good. Can you make it good for me?"
Vin's voice was so child-like, Chris moved his body against Vin's and said, "Vin, it can be the most wonderful feeling in the world, if you're with the right person. And I'm the right person for you. We were made to be together in every way. I won't hurt you. If I do we'll stop. Trust me, I love you and I want to make you mine." Chris pulled on Vin's body so that he was on top of the tracker again. Seeing Vin nod, he smiled and kissed the beautiful face deeply.
Sliding down he picked up the jar of ointment and began to work it into Vin's groin. Slicking it over Vin's penis, he started stroking the organ with one hand and slipped the other hand down to oil Vin's balls.
Vin lay still. His head thrown back, he waited for the thrusting and hurting to begin. He didn't want to loose Chris so he had decided to give in. But he knew it would hurt and he steeled himself for the pain.
Chris could see a frown on Vin's face, and figured that the young tracker had decided to let himself be taken in order to please Chris. Shaking his head, he doubled his efforts to create pleasure inside Vin's body. Vin was gonna find out just how wonderful this could be.
Taking Vin's penis in his mouth, Chris started the swirling motion that had excited Vin before. At the same time, he worked his hand underneath Vin's balls and searched for the fragile opening located there. Running his fingernail on the outside of Vin's rim, he felt the tracker tense and draw in a deep surprised breath.
Working more oil onto his fingers, he sucked hard on Vin's shaft until he felt Vin relax and start to move his hips. Pushing his finger against Vin's hole, Chris felt it start to open and close with the thrusting of his hips. Pressing harder while he lapped at Vin's shaft, Chris felt his finger slide inside Vin and heard the tracker cry out.
Vin felt the finger slide inside. So fixed had he been on Chris working his shaft, he had not noticed the hand on his buttocks. Feeling himself pulsing around the finger, Vin couldn't believe there was no pain. The feelings that were pulsing through his body were definitely not pain. Relaxing his hips, Vin felt Chris' hand move and a second finger move inside him.
"Ah, Chris..can you..wait...go slowly..." Throwing his head back he waited for the pain to pass and felt the second finger slide deep inside him. The fingers moved stretching him and searching. A few seconds later he felt Chris's finger press up against his balls from the inside. An electric jolt surged through his body up his spine and came out as a groan from his lips.
"CHRIS...ah....what? Oh, yes, more!"
Chris smiled inwardly at Vin's reaction to his manipulation. He didn't stop either his hand or his mouth. His own erection was so hard he thought it would break.
He needed desperately to be hard inside Vin; to push himself deep inside this beautiful body in his hands. Twisting his hand, he started to work a third finger inside Vin's ass hole. Chris knew he wasn't small, and that Vin would need to be as open as Chris could make him in order not to hurt him.
When his third finger had settled deep inside Vin, and Vin had reacted to Chris's rubbing of his prostate gland with a lifting of his hips and pushing into Chris's hand, Chris licked Vin's shaft once more and moved off him.
"Huh?" Vin was reacting so forcefully to Chris' stretching of his hole, that he had almost forgotten Chris' mouth on him. He felt Chris pull his hips up on his thighs and looked down to see Chris stroking his shaft with ointment.
"Vin, I'm gonna enter you now. It's not gonna hurt and then I'm gonna make love to you until you forget all those other times. You're mine and I want to claim you for myself. Relax darlin', and let me in."
Chris used his hand to move his hardened shaft down to Vin's rim. With his other hand he took a hold of Vin's hip to keep him from moving away. This first entrance had to be done right or he would loose Vin forever.
Shifting his hips forward, Chris pressed himself into Vin's hole. Feeling the hole he had worked on open up to him almost made Chris come. Steeling himself, he eased slowly inside his tracker moving his free hand to take Vin's shaft again.
Vin was lost. His body was one shivering bundle of excitement. His legs were spread wide around Chris' groin and he could feel Chris' large shaft sliding inside him. His mind suddenly centered on the fact that there was no pain here. Only this most excruciatingly tight tense feeling that was working its way up his spine. Nothing in his life had ever felt this good. Not a woman or any of those men who had taken him. This was so incredibly impossibly wonderful he had to force himself to breathe.
"God, Chris..please. Oh..my...I can't think...can't breath...can you? Can you?" He stopped not knowing how to tell Chris what he needed.
"Vin, you are so moist...so tight...can you feel me inside you?..Can you feel my love pressing in you? What is it you want, little tracker? You want more of this? " Chris bent forward putting more of his body weight behind his penis and moved quickly thudding deep inside Vin..hitting that special place he had found before.
Vin was screaming and thrusting wildly as his penis began to shoot foamy sperm all over Chris chest and down between where they were joined. Feeling Vin's climax, Chris started to pump and thrust deep inside Vin. Not wanting to cause damage, Chris tried to control his thrusting and the depth he went inside Vin.
Vin stopped screaming and was trying to catch his breath after coming when he felt Chris start to move up and down inside his ass hole. His eyes widened at the new intense feelings this created and he looked down to see himself becoming hard again. He started pushing to get Chris deeper but felt Chris backing off. That wasn't what Vin wanted. Moving his legs up behind Chris he pressed his calves against Chris and pushed forcing that wonderful shaft deeper.
"No Vin. Don't. I'll hurt you! " Chris said as he felt Vin's legs move up and push against his buttocks.
"Doesn't hurt, cowboy! Gotta have you deeper...need to come again...and again. Help me Chris....PLEASE...PUSH..MAKE LOVE TO ME, NOW!!"
Vin strained upward with his hips and Chris pushed..pushed deep inside his lover and felt himself begin to empty his load.
Feeling Chris move deeper and the warm fluid start to spray his insides, made Vin's penis jerk and he found himself thrusting and spurting for the third time.
Pulling at the bedcovers with his hands, Vin twisted and push harder as Chris continued to pulse and spray inside his body. He felt Chris' hand on his softening penis and couldn't belief it when it started to harden so soon. Vin had no energy left. He felt his legs drop behind Chris and his hips relax totally..going limp in Chris' lap. He felt Chris lean forward and slide even further inside him.
"Hold on."
Vin heard Chris speak as if from a distance as he lay unable to move. He felt Chris bring his right leg over in front of him and Chris fall and
lay behind him, staying inside him. Snuggling up behind Vin, Chris pulled the tracker against him and took him in his arms. Spooned together they lay quietly trying to capture this moment in their minds.
Chris felt so warm and full inside him that Vin hoped he wouldn't move out of him soon. He had never felt so completely satisfied and happy in his life.
"Chris? " Vin's voice floated up as Chris was closing his eyes.
"Yeah, cowboy?" Chris pulled Vin closer and reached for the blanket laying lose on the bed.
"Never felt anything like that. Is that love? Is it Chris? Cause if it is I want to be in love every night" Vin felt Chris pull the blanket over their joined bodies.
"It's one of the parts Vin. One of the best parts." Starting to fall asleep again Chris heard Vin's sleepy voice again.
"Then can we do that part again later?" Chris smiled at Vin's remark and nestled his face against the tracker's back. Feeling himself drifting to sleep, Chris just smiled and kissed his lover's back as his eyes closed.