DISCLAIMER: All the characters from the "Magnificent Seven" TV series are property of Trilogy Entertainment, The Mirisch Group, MGM Worldwide.
They should not be drinking but it was cold and wet outside the shack and they were all soaked to the bone. Chris Larabee, Vin Tanner and Alexandra Styles had just returned from the Indian reservation where the lady doctor had been called onto treat a small outbreak of measles among the children, when the storm broke and halted their progress back to Four Corners. The two days before had been trying on the beautiful doctor and she was eager to leave the village when the last case was finally strong enough to do without her, despite the possibility of bad weather.The rain had come down hard once it arrived, battering the roof with loudly as they huddled inside the shack for shelter since it was decided that it would be best for them wait out the storm. Chris had lit up the stove in an effort to warm the place but it was not helping since they were all soaked to the skin. Even Vin’s buckskin jacket was heavy with moisture and the tracker was forced to remove it, revealing the clothes that was plastered to his skin. As the afternoon progressed, the rain showed no signs of abating. In fact the howling wind outside seemed to indicate that it would only get worse.
To warm them up faster, Chris produced a bottle of whiskey and was surprised when Alex asked for some. He had never seen her drink before and was cautious about letting her do so now, especially when she trapped in a cabin in the middle of nowhere with two men who found her extremely attractive. Still, he could not say no as he saw her shivering in her clothes and knew that modesty was the only reason why she had not divested herself of the wet clothing so they could be dried out.
It was not quite late evening when the bottle was drained completely and the tense mood inside the shack had disintegrated into something that bordered on flirtatious. They were still at the table but by now Chris had eased back into his chair to amuse himself with the by play between Vin and Alex. There was always an attraction there. Since Alex and Ezra had gone their separate ways, it seemed to have become stronger. Chris could almost see what was coming as they regarded each other with barely concealed lust in both their faces.
"God you’re beautiful," Vin finally declared, for the alcohol had loosened his tongue long enough to make that revelation.
Alexandra Styles smiled at him, blushing involuntarily but still holding enough poise to return smoothly. "Why Mr Tanner, I do believe you’re drunk."
"So are you," he pointed out.
"No I’m not." She replied firmly and then descended into a fit of girlish giggles that seemed very unusual coming from her and proved his point utterly.
Vin and Chris exchanged glances, finding this side of the doctor very amusing before they laughed themselves. "Sure you ain’t," Vin retorted. "Its this the first time for you?"
"First time?" She asked, not really listening to the question. "Certainly not. The first time was in a hotel somewhere in London, hardly memorable. It was over in two minutes." She giggled again, the whole story pouring out of her mouth without pause.
"I think he meant drinking," Chris chuckled, knowing that in her sober mind she would be mortified to know that she had blurted out something so personal. She was really going to hate herself in the morning.
"Oh drinking!" She exclaimed. "No," she shook her head wildly. "I don’t drink often."
"We would never have guessed," Chris drawled, his penetrating gaze studying her as if she was something of a mystery becoming exposed to all.
She had yet to notice his observations but Chris’ eyes had not moved from her for some time now. Just as Vin’s were firmly focused on hers with equal intensity. Both Chris and Vin watched how her shirt was plastered to her dusky skin, how the cold had made her nipples erect until they could see the tips protruding through the vest she was wearing.
She was beautiful, Chris agreed with Vin silently. Seeing her like this with her hair wild and tousled in the wake of it drying in the heat of the room, made him wonder what it would be like to run his fingers through the soft strands of that dark mane. She was always so cool and reserved, what did she look like when a man took her? Did she cry out or take it silently as she endured most things. Chris found himself wanting to know. It would be quite something to reduce this woman from her mercurial demeanour to a wanting, gasping mound of flesh ready for the taking.
His erection came upon him before Chris was even aware of it.
Chris moved closer to the table hoping Alex would not notice his cock straining against his tight pants but was almost curious to know what would she have done had she known. As she and Vin were engaged in some heavy eye contact, he could tell that the alcohol was stripping away their inhibitions one by one. He could almost predict what would follow, the moment they finally surrendered to their intense passion for one another.
"Two minutes?" Vin looked at her, his eyes dark with purpose now.
"Yes." She nodded not at all embarrassed thanks to the alcohol. "Two whole minutes," Alex giggled. "I thought it was very overrated."
"It’s meant to take longer than that," Vin said huskily. "It should be slow."
"Really?" She whispered back at him, watching his lips as he said the words that were sending tingles through her skin.
It wasn’t long now, Chris thought. It was starting.
"Yeah," Vin nodded slowly. "If you were mine, I’d be make you feel so good…"
Oh yeah, Chris smiled, Vin had her now.
Alex swallowed thickly, aware that something was happening and finding that she did not care if she regretted it later, as long as she enjoyed it right this moment.
"If I were yours," she replied, licking her lips in anticipation, unknowingly making both men so hard that it was almost painful to be so confined inside their clothes. Vin’s eyes shifted to meet Chris’ gaze for a second and saw the same hungry look in his best friend’s face. There was no jealousy at the realisation, perhaps because he understood all too well what it was to crave for Alexandra Styles. Vin nodded slightly at Chris who understood immediately what the tracker intended. It was the same unspoken language they had developed the day they chose to save Nathan Jackson.
Vin stepped forward and pulled Alex to him as he stood up. She did not protest because he could see the arousal in her eyes. His words had unlocked something insider her, a hungry yearning that could not go away until she felt his mouth on hers, until he made good on the promise to make her feel so wonderful that she would lose all coherence of where she was. Alex wanted that release, she was tired of being the respectable and the glacial Dr Styles. For once in her life she wanted to be treated as nothing more than a woman by someone who thought of her as more already.
Vin kissed her with fierce intensity, sliding the wet heat of his tongue past her lips as he savoured the softness of her lips. He could smell the faint tinge of alcohol on her breath and paused long enough to question if this was the right thing to do, if he should take advantage of her like this. However, when he felt her hands run through his long hair, her chest heaving against his own with each second that passed, Vin knew he did not care. He wanted her. He had wanted her ever since he had first seen her and Vin wanted so much to hear his name from her lips when he pushed inside her body for the first time.
Alex was not resisting when he started pulling at her clothes for her arms had dropped to her sides as he forced the dress past her bronzed shoulders. The wet material almost peeled off her skin as Vin manipulated the fabric in its descent. It dropped to the floor with a wet thud and she stood before Vin and Chris wearing only her wet underthings. She was strangely submissive as she let Vin’s mouth ran up and down her neck as he started tugging at the lace and cotton undergarments.
Petticoats, corsets, chemise and pantalets fell at her feet as Vin worked them free while he continued kissing her. Very soon, she stood before them both completely naked. The sight of her bare completely was enough to pull Chris from his chair and advance upon them both. Vin took his arrival without a hint of surprise. Chris was after all human, and Vin could appreciate the yearning he was enduring all too well.
As Vin tortured Alex’s mouth mercilessly with warm, seductive kisses while at the same time caressing the swollen breasts before him. He groaned softly as he felt the pointed nipples under his palm, hardening each time he moved his callused skin over the sensitive tips. Alex released a pleasured sigh that only forced Vin to kiss her with greater passion. Meanwhile, Chris had reached for her hair and brushed it aside while he searched for that one place in her neck he knew would make the most effect. His touch made her stiffen as Alex realised for the first time that she was not just having a dalliance with one man but two. Vin saw her eyes cloud over in confusion as Chris lowered his mouth to her neck. When Chris’ lips made contact with her soft skin, whatever reservation she had disappeared as his sensuous mouth slid over her neck, trailing kisses on her shoulders. She felt Vin’s hand on her breast and then felt a flush of moisture through her legs when she realised that the other hand fondling her nipple was not his.
She was flat on her back before she even knew she had been lowered onto the narrow bed in Chris’ shack. Vin had slipped away from her mouth, sliding further down body, until his mouth found her nipples and took one into her mouth. He started sucking it insistently, sending exquisite waves of pleasure rippling through her body each time he chose to swirl his hot tongue over the erect tip. Alex had started to groan incoherently, feeling that pleasure while at the same time aware that Chris’ hands were sliding down her thigh.
Chris had taken Vin’s place at her mouth and he turned her face to him so that he could kiss her. His kisses were harder and more intense where Vin’s were warm and gentle. Where there had been some desire on Vin’s part to explore her mouth, Chris was invasive and brutal. His tongue plundered hers with passion, until the ferocity of it took her breath away and she was left gasping for air. They were like two kinds of passion as they lavished their attention on her body that left her so completely lost, she would have done anything. It was terrifying to know the power that raw, sexual heat could have over her.
Chris’ fingers penetrated her first. She felt thick fingers slip past her throbbing folds, prying them apart as he buried one finger deep into her warm recess. The muscles within gripped the finger with such hard suction that Chris felt all the blood rush to his cock in a single gush of desire at the anticipation of what those muscles would do to his throbbing manhood.
"She’s so tight Vin," Chris whispered softly, forcing another finger inside her until she arched on into Vin’s awaiting mouth from the sheer of pleasure of it. "Jesus, she’s so fucking tight," Chris groaned again, as the throbbing in his cock became a pounding sound in his ears that almost drowned out everything else.
Vin looked down at the gunslinger who was struggling to keep control as he started teasing the pearl of flesh that lay hidden inside her moist folds. Alex was running her hands through Vin’s hair, while moaning into Chris’ mouth as he probed deep inside her with his fingers. Her cries were almost incoherent now as she was treated to the ministrations of Vin’s sensuous mouth as he nibbled gently on her nipple while his hand kneaded her other breast. Vin’s lips was everywhere at once after awhile because he delighted in her reaction. The way her body shuddered in sighs of delight each time he ran his hands over her skin or laved its silky texture with his tongue in long, hot strokes, made him so aroused he could hardly believe it. Vin wanted her to feel pleasured and loved because she deserved it. This was a woman who gave much herself for others and for once, they were going to return the favour.
Suddenly, Chris withdrew his fingers and started sliding downward, moving past Vin who was lying on the other side of the narrow bed. Chris had to lower himself onto the floor to get into the position he wanted. However when he was there, he parted her legs slightly and lowered himself into the mound of dark hair. If she felt so good around his fingers, Chris wanted to know if she tasted just as delicious. As he nuzzled into the cleft between her legs, both Chris and Vin were rewarded with a groan of utter ecstasy.
"Oh god!" She cried out. Her eyes were closed but her jaw was slack with pleasure. "Oh god, Vin, Chris…" She no longer knew whose name she wanted to call. All she could stand was that wet tongue burrowing deeper into her, finding out that place that would bring down the walls of her control in one resounding crash.
"Enjoy it darlin," Vin whispered huskily in her ear as he saw her face contort into visions of ecstasy. "Just enjoy it."
She opened her eyes long enough to pull his mouth to hers and the kiss that Alex returned while feeling the exquisite pleasure Chris was forcing her to endure was enough to be the most searing kiss Vin had ever experienced. Her tongue darted into his mouth, moving to the rhythm that only Chris was perfectly aware. She swirled inside Vin’s mouth, around his tongue, until Vin was so hard, his hand started to drift down to his throbbing manhood to relieve his own aching need.
Alex’s hand stopped him before he could reach it but her ability to control herself was fast escaping her reach. Chris Larabee was driving her insane with his wonderful tongue, until her legs were wrapped around his back as his hands pulled her thighs around her face. Needing to do something, Alex reached in between Vin’s legs and enclosed her hand around the shaft of his massive erection. The heat of her palm around the sensitive skin made Vin gasp out loud.
"Oh Christ!" he panted.
Chris looked up long enough to see Alex’s hand pumping Vin to ecstasy even though it was moving on instinct more than any directed power. He could see her head swaying from side to side as the heat of his tongue on her most sensitive of places drove her out of her mind with pleasure. She was crying out his name and Vin’s, alternating between the two. Vin’s voice had joined hers as she continued to pump his shaft furiously, until Chris could see the glazed expression in his eyes signal the coming of his own climax.
His tongue started to tingle as he felt Alex reaching the peak of her climax. He loved the sensation against the tip of his tongue when a woman was about to come in his mouth. Chris loved doing this, he enjoyed turning someone so composed and in control into this mass of nerve endings screaming for release. He swirled around the pearl of flesh, sucking it hard between his teeth before laving its tiny tip with his hot tongue. Alex groaned loudly and Chris knew that he had just snapped the last vestiges of resistance when the full flow of her orgasm came rushing at him. She filled him with her warm taste, allowing Chris to lap her up with relish while he noted that she tasted sweeter than anything he had ever had in his mouth before, with one exception
"Vin," Chris looked up and saw his friend in similar throes of pleasure as Alex continued to run her hand up and down his throbbing cock. At the sound of his name, Vin opened his eyes but he was struggling to maintain his composure. Just by the hungered expression on his face, Chris could tell Vin was close and would come if Alex did not stop now. "Take her Vin," he said huskily, moving aside so that the young man would understand.
It was Vin who loved her and so it should be Vin who made love to her first. Chris wanted to plunge into her depths more than anything at this moment, he wanted to feel those powerful muscles grab his cock and crush it helplessly in a surge of beatific pleasure but it was not right. It should be Vin. Vin looked at Alex whose expression was almost dreamy in the wake of her shattering climax. She met his gaze and smiled. "I need you inside me, Vin." She said running her tongue over her lower lip as she spoke. "Take me please."
He needed no more encouragement than that as Chris stepped away and took up Vin’s position on the bed next to her. The gunslinger lowered his mouth to hers again and Alex felt the strange sensation of tasting herself on his lips. She wondered at the saltiness of it before allowing herself to became aroused again. It was impossible not to when she felt his fierce lips kissing her with as much power as he had done when he had brought her to such dizzying heights of pleasure only minutes before. She paused long enough to smile at him as she brought her hand to Chris’ face and felt the rough stubble of skin and noted how unlike Vin’s it was. Not unpleasant, just different.
Vin was so hot and ready that he could barely stand to wait another second, as he remained poised over her. He moved her to the edge of the bed because the size of the bed would not permit him to remain on it. Vin spread her legs apart and without hesitation or warning, rammed his cock deep into her throbbing folds, as far it would go. Her back arched on the bed as she cried out but Chris was there to capture her mouth again, stifling the sound before it could escape her lips. Vin watched his best friend kiss her savagely as his big hands fondled her breasts, teasing the nipples until they were so erect, Vin could do nothing but wrap his own hands around her thighs so that he could impale her with even more force. Alex started to moan into Chris’ mouth the faster Vin pumped into her hot, warm passage. Chris broke the kiss long enough to let his gaze move over Vin’s strained expression before letting a hungry smile cross his lips.
He watched Vin’s gyrating hips pushing into Alex, unable to deny how hard his own cock was getting seeing the lady doctor being penetrated so hard and furiously. Her head was tossing side to side as she shuddered with delight, her tongue running over her lips as waves of savage pleasure rippled through her body. Chris was mesmerised by the movement of those soft lips and suddenly found himself leaning over her, his cock brushing her face as he neared her.
Coherence returned to her then, albeit briefly as she focused long enough to open her eyes at the feel of his swollen tip against her cheek. She sat up enough so that he could reach her mouth before her brown eyes met his playfully, parting her lips ever so slightly in an invitation for him enter. Her tongue slipped past her teeth, seductively, beckoning him with tantalising movements across her upper lip. Chris felt his cock spasm at the thought of burying himself in that warm, moist mouth. Suddenly she whispered softly. "I want to take you in my mouth Mr Larabee since I am otherwise engaged elsewhere."
Without any doubt, Chris slipped his heavy engorged cock down her throat and felt her lips close around it with hot wet pressure.
"Oh god," he whispered.
The enthusiasm in which she swallowed his throbbing cock deep into her mouth was more than Chris could endure. He was so hot and inflamed as she ran her tongue over his shaft that he could not help but groan loudly. With a start, he realised that he and Vin were making the same sounds as they thrusted their hips forward. The tracker’s eyes were closed now, his body utterly subservient to the immense pleasure of fucking Alexandra Styles like there was no tomorrow. Chris shared his sentiments at the time as the two men fell into a strange sort of rhythm as Vin pumped into her inner passage while Chris did the same to her hot, wet mouth.
Neither were aware of it when their groans became one voice.
Alex could not have offered testimony to that either because she was too busy savouring Chris’ stiff cock down her throat while trying not to bite down from the intense pleasure of Vin’s member pounding into an entirely different orifice in her body. No doubt she would regret this in the morning, if she could even walk but at the moment, she could not care less about anything except this tidal wave of pleasure carrying her to parts unknown. Another orgasm made its timely arrival and Alex stopped sucking for the moment, allowing the wave to sweep her away and knowing that it would likely take Vin too.
Vin felt himself explode inside of her when the pressure of those incredibly tight muscles gripped him with such intensity that it forced all sense from his world as he came crashing down, in the wake of his own release. The final shudder of their bodies and their hot fluids melded in an erotic mix of heat that warmed them both. "God! Alex!" he groaned as he continued pumping into her, forcing every ounce of his pleasure to fill every corner of her wonderful body to complete the ecstasy of this perfect triumvirate.
Chris was hardly aware when Vin had reached his peak and descended. His own mind was filled with the thoughts at how her virgin mouth was capable of producing such mind numbing pleasure that no working girl had ever managed to do. He hands were resting on her shoulders as he pulled her gently forward while thrusting into the ring of her lips. She increased the pressure even more until all he could feel was that surge of crushing weight as her lips slid over her shaft. Chris could feel the sudden tightening in his groin when his cock hardened beyond the point of endurance and the back of his stamina shattered. All that was left to do was come into her mouth with delicious satisfaction.
"Sweet Jesus!" he gasped out loud as the surge within escaped him, oozing pure contentment with each gush of fluid that slipped down her throat. He was breathing hard and his hips were still thrusting unconsciously in her direction as he emptied his seed into her hungry mouth. She lapped him up as he had done for her, savouring each drop that she cleaned off his softening member. When he withdrew, he saw Vin lying on the lower half of her abdomen, equally spent. The tracker looked up to see that he was done before Vin crawled up and lay next to Alex. She pulled herself further up the bed before turning over and allowing him to cradle her. Chris nestled on the other side, sliding his arm around her waist. It was a snug fit in the narrow bed, but none of them seemed to care. The moment would disappear soon enough; it was best to enjoy what left of it before tomorrow came.
As Chris watched Alex and Vin together, he knew that he was allowed to share in something special and though they would never speak of this again, Chris understood that the memory was never held in abhorrence but in warm affection.
For those who have know the character Alexandra Styles from the stories in my web page, please take note that this is nowhere in the continuity of those stories. This is pure smut, girls, for my gratification and purely for the entertainment. If you want to see how Vin and Alex really do get together, go to the C & M Page run by Catseye.
Comments to: Scribe51@optusnet.com.au