Questions and Answers
by Storm Alternate Universe (Star Trek) |
Alright you people quit giving me ideas in chat!!!!!
{Webmaster Note: You don't absolutely need to read the genfic One Day in Sector Seven and Death or Desire to enjoy this story, but it might make it even more fun.]
"Captains log star date 7078.6. The USS Maverick is headed for Starbase 37 to pick up new crewmembers and to drop the Regula 7 science crew. The Maverick will be in dock for minor repairs. "
Captain Larabee hit the button to save the log and looked around the bridge. Lt. Standish was behind at tactical. His first officer Commander Wilmington was off duty. If he knew Buck he was on some date with a female member of the crew. His counselor, Josiah Sanchez was also off. He was probably meditating. Dr. Jackson was in sick bay doing research.His gaze switched to the two youngest members of his crew. Ensign Dunne sat to the right at Ops. He was an eager young man who thought he was invincible. To the left sat Lt. Tanner at navigation. The Captain watched as his slender hands flew across the console making minor adjustments. Tanner was an enigma. At first glance you would guess he was human. He had long light brown hair and blue eyes. Most people were surprised when they found out he was a Vulcan. Tanner wore his hair long to hide his ears. Tanner didn't act like a Vulcan . He showed emotions and had an incredibly curious mind that would get him into trouble. His usual partner in crime was Ensign Dunne. The Captain shook his head and sighed. Just the other day he got a call from Dr. Jackson saying Dunne had been hurt on the holodeck. Nothing serious but he had a slight concussion. Apparently he and Tanner were jousting as Knights and Vin forgot how strong he was. Vin had been very upset that he had hurt JD and had disappeared for 12 hours.
Larabee had learned very early that Vin wasn't always comfortable with others. He preferred his own company. He knew they quiet Vulcan didn't have many friends. He had thought Vin considered him a friend but he had been avoiding him ever since the Captain had helped him survive Pon Far. The only time Vin talked to him was when he was on duty.
The turbo lift opened and the next shift appeared on deck.
"Captain, Lt. Conners here to relieve Lt. Tanner."
Chris nodded and Vin got up and headed for the turbo lift. He didn't get on but waited.
"Captain, Ensign Richards here to relieve Ensign Dunne."
Again Chris nodded and JD walked over to Vin and they got on the turbo lift. Vin left JD with Casey at Ten Forward and headed for the holodeck. Once inside he locked the door with a code only he knew. He didn't want anyone to find out what he was doing. Ever since he had gone through Pon Far Vin had been curious about sex. He never gave it much thought before that but since it happened he decided he liked it. He had researched Vulcan sexually techniques and realized there weren't that many. He also found out that the ritual of Pon Far only happened every seven years. Vin didn't think he could wait that long to have that experience again. He also didn't know what to do about it.The Captain had been the first but he knew he couldn't ask him again. Chris was too busy running the ship and besides, he would be too embarrassed. So he figured the next best thing was the holodeck. He accessed some of Buck's programs and found one that was set in the old west at a bordello. Vin had looked up the word and found out it was a place where women sold themselves for pleasure. He punched the code for the program and an old west town appeared. His clothes were changed to fit the setting. He was in tan pants, checkered shirt with cowboy boots. Over this he wore a fringed leather jacket and strapped to his leg was a percussion weapon called a Mare's leg. Vin still couldn't figure out why it was called that since it didn't look like either of those things.
He walked through the town and headed for the house of ill repute. He walked through the doors and was greeted by a female in what he guessed was a seductive outfit. He tipped his hat to her and smiled.
"My what a handsome gentleman you are," she smiled. "What can Madeline do for you?"
"Um well," he blushed. "I would like to have sex."
"Well, sugar, you just come right to the point don't you?" she laughed. "I like that. Come on up stairs and Madie will show you a good time."
She took his hand and pulled him up the stairs to her room. For the next hour the hologram Madie used every trick in her vast computer library to please Vin. When he realized the hologram just wasn't doing anything for him, he ended the program and sat on the floor. He was incredibly frustrated. It felt like he was going through Pon Far again. His body was demanding to be satisfied but he didn't know what to do about it. He just couldn't ask the others, they wouldn't understand.He decided to work out his frustrations against the giants on Tantrus Prime. He called up the program and two giants with swords waited patiently to begin. Vin hit a series of codes and turned off the safety protocol. He walked to the center of the holodeck and held out his hand.
"Sword, Scottish Claymore."
The sword he asked for appeared in his hand and he began the exercise.
+ + + + + + +
Captain Larabee and Lt. Standish had gotten off duty and walked into Ten Forward. Ezra had asked if he wanted to play a round of poker. Ezra had found the game in an old file and had become fascinated with it. He taught it to the rest of the gang and they usually played on Friday nights. When they walked in they saw Josiah, Nathan, Buck and JD sitting at a table in the corner. They walked over and had a seat. Inez came over shortly after and took their order.
"Has anyone seen Vin?" Chris asked.
"He said he was going down to the holodeck," JD answered.
"He went down when he went off duty?"
"Yup," JD answered. "I mean yes Sir!"
"It's alright, son, we're all off duty," Buck laughed.
"Pray tell what could be holding Lt. Tanner's attention for the past three hours?" Ezra asked.
"You know Vin," Josiah said. "Little things catch his attention and he can spend hours learning how they work."
"Yeah right now he's hooked on Chivalry and knights," Nathan smiled. "Maybe I better go check on him."
"No need," Josiah commented. "There he is."
Vin had walked through the doors and took his usual spot in the far corner away from everyone. Chris watched as he sat and he knew something was wrong. The two of them had this odd connection and every so often Chris could practically read his mind. The feelings had gotten stronger since Vin had use the Vulcan mind-meld on him during Pon Far. He knew something was bothering Vin but Chris wouldn't press him. He watched as Vin sat down at the table. He could see he was favoring his right side. Chris excused himself and walked over to Vin.
"Mind if I sit down?" Chris asked.
"No," Vin said ducking his head.
He was sure Chris knew he had hurt himself. If he looked into his eyes he was lost. Chris could see Vin was avoiding eye contact and knew instinctively that something was wrong. Without warning Chris darted his hand out and hit Vin on the right ribs. Vin gasped as he pulled away. Chris grabbed his chin and made him look in his eyes.
"Been playing with the safety protocols off again?" Chris demanded.
"Yes, Sir," Vin answered and lowered his head.
"What the hell am I going to do with you?" Chris said angrily. "Those were put up for a reason!"
"Yes sir," he said not looking at Chris.
"What were you thinking? No, never mind. You weren't thinking. What's wrong Vin?"
"Nothing," Vin answered.
Chris knew he was lying but he wasn't going to push it.
"Come on, let's get you over to Nathan so he can have a look."
They stood and Vin reluctantly followed Chris over to the table.
"Nathan," Chris called. "I think Vin might have broken some ribs."
"You turn the safety protocols off again?" Nathan asked.
"Yes!" Vin shouted causing everyone in the bar to look at him.
"Sit!" Nathan commanded. Vin sat in the chair with a sigh.
"So what were you fighting this time?" Buck asked.
"The giants of Tantrus Prime."
"You mean the ten foot tall ones that like to use swords?" JD asked, incredulous.
"They had clubs."
"So what happened?" Josiah asked.
"I ducked when I should have rolled."
Nathan had pushed his shirt up and they could see the bruise that was forming already. It was incredible shade of green. Nathan touched it and Vin tried not to flinch.
"Come on Vin, let's get you down to sick bay," Nathan said. "I can't tell if they're broken or not. We'll be back in a few minutes."
"Sometimes I just don't know what gets into that boy's head," Buck commented as they watched them walk out.
"JD, do you think you can rig the holodeck so he can't do that anymore?" Chris asked.
"I can try."
"Good, get on it as soon as you can."
"Our inquisitive Vulcan will ascertain a way to bypass your tampering," Ezra said.
"Eventually," Chris agreed. "At least it will take him awhile."
+ + + + + + +
Nathan ran the tricorder over Vin to see if his ribs were broken. Vulcan physiology fascinated Nathan. Vin's heart was on the opposite side as humans and a little lower. He also had a couple of organs that humans didn't. Nathan read the results and nothing was broken. He picked up another instrument and passed it back and forth over the bruise. Slowly it began to fade.
"Nathan, have you ever been in love?" Vin asked.
"What?" Nathan asked surprised.
"You know," Vin said. "Have you ever had sex?"
"Well sure, but being in love doesn't mean that you have sex with that person."
"Why?" Vin asked innocently.
"Hmm this is going to be hard to explain," Nathan answered. He never expected to have to give Vin a lesson on the birds and bees.
"But aren't sex and love the same?"
"No they aren't. You love your mother right?"
"I'm not sure," Vin answered with a puzzled look.
"Do you want to see her safe, protected, cared for?"
"That's love. Now you wouldn't want to have sex with your mother, would you?"
"Well, no," Vin answered. "So I see. There can be love without sex."
"Why do humans like to have sex so much?"
"Well," Nathan said. "it's done for pleasure or if you want to have offspring."
"I see."
"Why do you want to know, Vin?"
"I was just curious. How do you know when your in love?"
"Let's see, you always want to be with them. You want to make them happy, give them pleasure."
"Do you have a mate?"
Again Nathan was taken by surprise. He knew Vin wasn't being nosy. Ever since Pon Far Nathan knew Vin had been confused about all of this. He was flattered that Vin was comfortable enough to ask him but this was really tough.
"Well, humans refer to them as either a girlfriend or boyfriend not mate."
"That makes no sense," Vin argued. "You're a boy and my friend. Doesn't that make you my boyfriend?"
"You got me there," Nathan laughed. "Let's stick to mate. Yes I guess I do have one."
"Really? Who?"
"Her name's Rain. She's an anthropologist."
"Really. My parents were anthropologists. It was a pretty remote planet. I used to get into all sorts of trouble. When I was old enough the others told my parents it might be best if I went to Starfleet Academy. I think they were trying to get rid of me."
"I doubt that," Nathan laughed. "I think they just realized you weren't meant to be anthropologist. So do you understand now?"
"Not really," he sighed.
"I'm not surprised. Most males of the species don't understand this concept. Just be thankful that the females do."
Nathan finished with the bruise and it was completely healed. They headed back for Ten Forward but Vin was even more confused than before. According to what Nathan said, only males and females should be together. Then why did he have these odd feelings for Chris? He wanted to be with him and give him pleasure, but that was wrong.They entered the bar and headed over to the table. Vin sat far from Chris between Ezra and Buck. He wouldn't look at Chris. They played a few hands of cards and everyone began to relax. Vin's mind just wasn't on the game and he lost every hand. Ezra watched, as Vin would steal glances towards Chris. The others didn't notice but that was his job. He also knew something was bothering Vin. He was pretty sure what it was and decided to talk to Vin later that night. They played for three hours and then decided to call it quits. It was late and everyone drifted off to their quarters. It was too early for Ezra to take a sleep cycle. Vin had stayed also because Vulcan's didn't sleep like humans. They just meditated.
"Mr. Tanner would you like to accompany me to the astrological dome?" Ezra asked. "I find looking at the stars to be most relaxing."
"All right," he said and they walked out.
Ezra opened the door and the entered the dome. He hit a button and it opened to reveal the stars. Vin walked over and sat on one of the reclining chairs and looked up. Ezra joined him but remained sitting.
"Vin can I ask you a question?"
"I see the way you look at the Captain. Why don't you go to him again?"
"Because it wouldn't be right."
"Why, pray tell?"
"According to Nathan only males and females should be together."
"Are you sure you understood the esteemed doctor?"
"No, not really. He tried to explain what love was, but it doesn't make sense."
"No, I'm afraid it doesn't," Ezra laughed. "Let me ask you this, do you care for the Captain?"
"Sure, I just don't understand what I'm feeling. According to everything I read, Vulcans only mate every seven years. So why am I having these strange feelings towards Chris?"
"I can't answer that. Why don't you just go to Chris and tell him"
"I can't."
Ezra smiled when he saw Vin blush. It was odd to see his tanned skin get darken with a greenish cast.
"And why not?"
"Aw Hell!" Vin cursed. "I want to but I just can't."
"Because he's the Captain?"
"No it's not that. I'm just... well what if he doesn't want me?"
"All you had to do was ask," Chris said from the doorway.
Ezra and Vin were both taken by surprise. Vin wished he could hide under the chair he was so embarrassed. Ezra stood up, saluted the Captain, and left.Chris took the seat Ezra had vacated and sat down. Vin wouldn't look at him and Chris could see he was blushing. He had his head turned away from him and Chris grabbed his chin and turned his head. Chris gazed into his blue eyes and smiled. He leaned down and kissed him. He ran his tongue along the Vulcan's lips and Vin hesitantly opened his mouth. Chris plunged his tongue inside and explored. Vin pulled Chris into his arms and hugged him. Chris grunted from the hold Vin had on him.
"I'm sorry" Vin said and quickly let go.
"I'm not," Chris smiled. "Let's go back to my cabin. I don't feel like making love on this uncomfortable chair."
Chris got up and pulled Vin to his feet. They walked out the door and headed for his cabin. Vin was sure everyone that they passed knew. He could feel his face getting hot and knew he was blushing. He figured he must be the only Vulcan in the universe that blushed.When they got to the cabin, Chris entered and Vin followed him inside. Chris locked the door and pulled Vin into the next room. He hit a switch as he went by and the transparent canopy over the bed opened to reveal the stars. Chris sat Vin on the bed and went into the bathroom. He came back a few minutes later carrying a towel and some lotion. He placed them on the nightstand then turned to Vin. He pulled him to his feet and unzipped the one piece uniform.
Chris pulled him closer and kissed him. Vin returned the kiss as Chris ran his hands across his shoulders and pushed the uniform down off his arms. Vin wasn't sure what to do with his hands and kept them at his side. Vin's uniform was now tangled around his feet. Chris ran his hands up under the black tank top and caressed Vin's nipples. Chris felt him shudder in pleasure. Vin was still afraid to touch Chris and kept his hands at his side. Chris backed out of the kiss and looked at Vin.
"I'm not going to break," he smiled.
Vin reached for the zipper on his uniform and began to lower it. When it got stuck half way Vin got frustrated and ripped the uniform off him. Vin turned away completely embarrassed.
"That's one way to do it," Chris laughed.
He turned Vin around and tripped over his uniform and they both tumbled into the bed. Vin landed on top of Chris and he grunted.
"Aw hell!" Vin yelled and jumped up.
Chris grabbed his arm before he could bolt for the door. He pulled Vin back into the bed and he landed on his back. Chris pulled off his boots and the uniform. He threw them in the corner and looked down at Vin and smiled. He straddled the Vulcan and grabbed the T-shirt and pulled it over his head. Chris could feel Vin's cock getting hard already. He caressed it through the fabric and Vin moaned.
"Someone's happy to see me," Chris teased and watched as Vin's whole body blushed.
He laughed and leaned over and captured his mouth. Chris plunged his tongue deep into his mouth and raked the roof of his mouth. Vin pushed his tongue inside his mouth and explored. Chris ran his hands along Vin's chest and caressed his nipples. Vin arched his back in pleasure. Chris released his mouth and looked down at Vin. His eyes were a deep blue and Chris felt like he was drowning when he looked at them. Chris pulled his T-shirt off and threw it. He pulled off his briefs and Vin smiled when he saw his stiffened member. Chris growled and pulled off Vin's briefs and was rewarded by the same sight.Chris pushed his hair back so he could get at those pointy ears. He started at the tip and worked his way down to the lobe. Once there he bit it lightly and trailed kisses along Vin's neck to his shoulder. Chris ran his tongue along where the shoulder meets the neck and Vin groaned. Chris laughed huskily and moved down to suck on his right nipple. Vin had his hands on Chris shoulders and he dug his fingers in hard.
"Easy Vin," Chris grunted.
"Shit!" he cursed and loosened his grip.
Chris laughed at the language Vin was picking up. He continued to suck on Vin's right nipple as he caressed the left with his hand. He moved to the left one and Vin shuddered. Vin carefully started to caress Chris's shoulders and arms. Chris continued down Vin's stomach to his navel and began swirl his tongue around it. He continued down and kissed the inside of his thighs. Vin wasn't expecting what Chris did next. He took his cock into his mouth and began to suck on it. Vin bucked and Chris pushed his hips down with his hands. Chris took his cock deep inside his mouth and ran his tongue all around it. Chris sucked hard and Vin bucked again releasing his seed. Chris swallowed it and kissed the tip of Vin's cock. Chris leaned over and captured his mouth and kissed him. He ended the kiss and he looked into his eyes and he smiled. Vin smiled back and pulled Chris back for another kiss.Vin ran his hands along his chest and back. Chris moved the kisses to his ears again and started over. He could feel that his member was rock hard and needed a release. He ended the kiss and sat up. Vin watched every move he made. He reached for the lotion and poured some into his hand, then spread it on his cock. Chris could see Vin's was hard again and he smiled. He leaned back over the navigator and kissed him. At the same time he guided his cock to the opening it desired. He slowly pushed inside while continuing to kiss him. Suddenly Vin pushed hard against him and Chris gasped at the sensation. He looked down to see Vin smiling.
Chris brutally crushed his mouth as he slowly pulled back out. He started a slow rhythm and he increased it ever so slowly. He leaned back as his thrusts got faster. Vin moaned and arched his back. Chris could see his cock pulsing and Chris grabbed the lotion and poured it directly on. He grabbed it and began to stroke it in time to his thrusts. Chris could feel Vin pushing back against him and he thrust harder and faster until finally he climaxed and he could feel his seed being released. He gave a few more practiced strokes to Vin's cock and his orgasm released his seed to spray both of them.
Chris collapsed on top of Vin and he could feel him trying to catch his breath. He pulled his flaccid cock out of Vin and lay along side him. Chris could see he had his eyes closed and reached for the towel. He wiped himself off then reached over and did Vin. When he wiped down his cock Chris could feel it getting hard from that quick touch.
"Damn Vin," Chris laughed.
Chris finished wiping him down then pulled him into an embrace. He stroked his hair and ran his fingers along the outside of his ears. Chris pulled Vin across his chest and he lay listening to Chris's heart. Chris continued to stroke his hair as Vin made lazy designs on his chest.
"Chris can I ask you something?"
"MMhhm," was the lazy reply.
"What's an elf?"
Chris burst out laughing and pulled Vin into a hug.
"Captain Larabee" and "Lieutenant Tanner" JPGs courtesy of Maria